How to Surf Like a Pro in 25 Minutes

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[Music] surfing has to be one of the best sports in the world it's endlessly creative and mesmerizing [Music] it's also a sport that anyone can do no matter what age or gender it's a sport you fall in love with [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and we're gonna show you how Jenny nine [Music] Mario's contract reentry you name it happens almost extinct since [Music] [Music] g'day guys and welcome to how to rip my name is Cal Rock this is Ryan BAM and together now together with about 25 years of surfing experience which are really excited to pass on to you what we've done is we've got an easy-to-follow step-by-step guide stack your time on each step and you'll be ripping in no time but before we get into the water it's a couple of basics that we need to go over so let's get the first thing we're going to talk about is getting a board that's right for you we want you to have a board that's great to learn on but also good enough for you to surf well on when you improve the best board for this is a fish alrighty now basically a fish is a mix between a long board and the short these boards a little bit and that's more buoyant meaning they make you float better the reason would stick away from the short boards because they're a little bit hard to pedal and hard to catch wise the reason we're staying away the long boards is although they're easy to catch waves on their hearts and paddle and negotiate the waves with so we go to something in the middle we put together this table for you guys to see the best size board for you to get depending on your weight to be honest by your brand new board isn't necessary a secondhand fish in reasonable condition is perfect for our purpose [Music] then I'm going to run through the basics of sir talk to me here this is called a deck this is what we're gonna stand on so right here we have rails the surfboard on the bottom of the book we have these three things is it the fins at the top we have our nose at the end we have that zone all right already got a surfboard that doesn't quite fit in with our recommendations that's fine all that means is that as we go along to adjustments now once you've got your surfboard there pretty much only couple more things first one if the board is called is a wetsuit now if the water is warm you can jump in your board shorts that's fine with these you pretty much get what you pay for so it's up to you how much one spit next thing that you need this thing here for the leg grow and they grow keeps you attached to your surfboard so that if you fall up you won't lose it you'll be attached to it put your leg rope on your back foot how do you know which way is back foot front foot depends on what feels comfortable when I'm putting this leg rope on my back leg nice and tight string pointing backwards the length of the leg rope should be about the same length as myself now once you've done that the last thing you need is a piece of wax and this pretty much makes the depth of the board sticky enough so that feet can get the good grip and you just rub it off like that now for more info on prepping your board jump onto our bonus section but for now we're going to get in [Music] you [Music] one of the biggest challenges that most beginners face in surfing is how to negotiate the moving and somewhat unpredictable ocean not being able to do this often results in a very slow learning time now we want to overcome this obstacle right at the beginning of the how to rip program the best way to feel comfortable in the water isn't just a jump we think the more effective way is to take your board out into flat water like this spend some time just moving around the more time you spend in there the more comfortable you'll get before you hit the waves so let's go in there are certain movements and techniques in the water that are really important for you to become comfortable with so that you can be in control in the ocean and ready to catch the best ways let's go through them alrighty now the first thing we're going to look at is positioning on the board and it's super important okay we want to make sure that we're not too far forward when we're paddling because otherwise we're gonna nosedive like that we also want to make sure that we're not too far backwards because otherwise catching waves and paddling is gonna be an absolute nightmare we want to be somewhere in the middle we also want to make sure that we're centered so they'll end up tipping off to one side now there are pretty much two things to look for okay once there's a line in the center of the board and that's called the stringer align that with the middle of your chest that way you know you're in the center of the board another thing is you want a paddle just so the nose just sticks out of the water like that that way it's a nice efficient movement a quick little exercise to get this skill right is to hop off your board and practice jumping back on and getting yourself into that perfect position with as little adjustment as possible just like this do this until you feel comfortable with it you should take no longer than 30 minutes the next integral part of surfing is paddling this is where a lot of people get it wrong because they don't spend time to get it right so then it affects them down the track it's now we're gonna show how to properly so you don't have those issues towel is going to demonstrate for us when you're paddling you want to have your hands cupped you want to use big long strokes and so you have the down faster story it's going just below his elbow that's how deep he's going chest is slightly raised his feet are together and it's nice and tight through his core from here you can paddle away a good way to practice this skill is to set up a paddling course pick two markers on the beach and paddle between them once you feel comfortable doing this we want you to weave the positioning skill into the exercise at the beginning of each paddle start off the board then jump on adjust to that perfect position and then paddle to your marker do this for at least thirty minutes allowing the rest time the last piece of wood negotiation that we're going to look at is duck diving duck diving is when we're paddling now we duck under a wave and keep paddling it's a lot faster and less tiring and having to battle against a waves we don't get pushed back a couple ways to do this so they can look the premise of an effective duck dive is to go as deep as possible so that the waves power rolls over you the first step is to press down on the board with both arms you do this by grabbing on to the rails on either side you then raise up your knee and foot place it on the tail and press down your body should follow and you've successfully duck dive underneath a wave [Music] you're having troubles like driving chances are that your boards too buoyant or you have using a longboard and that's fine you can ask you my role instead duck diving is a lot more effective and you find that you'll be less tired and you'll get out the back faster the best way to practice duck diving is repetition try and focus on submerging your whole body as you do it and getting that downward upward motion happening okay now there's an exercise that we can do that weaves in all the water negotiation skills that we've learned so but first off we're going to start off the board like we did before jump on and get that positioning right and then we're going to paddle focusing on our technique and then we're gonna implement the skill of duck diving into the exercise and we're going to do it over and over again until we feel really confident and comfortable now we going to type all that with mud and practice so far into the surf so find somewhere with some life away how do we know where to begin our surf training well one easy way is to ask around in your local area for the best beginner beaches there are some things to look out for when deciding where to surf though the best ways for beginners are generally small gentle breaking waves like this this however is not a good Beach for learning because the waves break powerfully over a shallow bottom ok guys so now it's time to progress in flat water to a beach with some ways where the real fun begins we're going to take our surfboards down to the waves just took that way step we're looking to catch the whitewater whitewater it's much broken I'm gonna catch the phone mister I'm going to catch it on our bellies paddle hard paddle hard once you feel the waves pushing you you can start paddling and then just enjoy the ride into Shore now we're going to do this for about five to ten waves or until you feel comfortable then we can move on [Music] please don't doubt the day we say goodbye tell me batching mastered to find itself and leave this you telling me go our separate ways remember all the fun now we have said and [Music] so if I was following me [Music] you never met that must man [Music] contrary to popular belief the takeoff here are the quick demonstrate pretend that you sing the way that he wants pushing him get up I see hands oddly right and spring up dragons comfy bullet he's out he's going to stay low looking straight ahead pointing straight ahead about shoulder-width apart you practice this slowly eventually good night of the session we actually get comfortable don't whine possession possession for that's why they baby day will get [Music] when you reach a point that you feel comfortable with taking off most of the time feel free to move on to our next focus point wave selection [Music] selecting the right waves and being able to read or predict how those ways will break is a fundamental part of surfing the right waves will allow you to maximize your length or quality of right enhancing your surfing experience in the beginning stages of surfing you will simply enjoy the feeling of cutting whitewater or broken waves and writing those but the next step is to catch waves before they are broken so that you can ride along the clean face of the way [Music] so how do you know which waves to choose well basically most waves break either right or left that is on a right hander the face of the wave moves to the right on a left-hander the face of the wave moves to the left with a little bit of whitewater behind it which way you will you prefer but it's actually up to you and your personal preference but we are surfers what a catch the waves head of the whitewater so that we can ride the face picture waves as a kind of mountain with its force concentrated and its center peak here this part here is called the shoulder and to begin with that's where we want to take off it'll take a few tries but the key to taking off on the face is you'll need to paddle harder and be slightly quicker getting to your feet riding down the wave in your belly before getting up is a common mistake and will result in a loss of speed and momentum don't worry too much about turning your board yet for now just focus on get into your feet smoothly we strongly recommend you focus on these skills for at least three to four sessions before moving on to the next lesson [Music] [Music] next we're going to focus on is weight transfer weight transfer forms the basis of every single surf and maneuver that there is Ariel's cutbacks reentry's you name it they all start with subtle weight transfer and what is weight transfer stability to transfer the weight we close on to your heels from your front foot on to your back foot and vice versa but now you should be confident in your ability to take off in the face of the wave now we want to turn the board so that we can surf a longer wave rather than just going straight this and all the other turning and surfing is determined by weight transfer on your feet legs and also by where you are looking the process of turning stays the same for all turns with varying degrees of intensity [Music] the first thing about this white transfer is that it happens almost instinctively and we can help ourselves by focusing on the principle of where you look is where you go see here Ryan is catching a wave that is breaking to the left so as he stands up he looks to the left now this is very important his front arm also points to the direction he wants to go and naturally his whole body follows for instance he will be transferring most of his weight onto his heels helping the board turn if he was surfing the wave to the right he would look to the right point to the right and now he would naturally transfer most of his weight to the toes the opposite applies to those who serve with their right foot form it can sound a little bit technical but our main focus here should be to look where you want to go a good example of this skill in another sport the skateboarding see here how the hills and toes are used on to natively to gather momentum and direct the board this is the same on a surfboard except a little more subtle [Music] the first turn to do will be small and slow but as always with practice and as you gain a better feel for the movements required they'll gradually get bigger and faster [Music] gaining speed is essential for advanced surfing we talked previously about transferring weight from your heel to your toe this applies to speed generation in a big way the part of the wave that will give you the most speed and power is at the top to generate speed you will need to access that power throughout your ride this begins after you stand up your initial movement should aim to take you to the top of the wave like this you harness the speed and power from the wave and then you release it on the way back down as you go along the way of doing this you build up speed watch these examples now you should be making a note of looking to the part of the wave you intend to go look to the top look to the bottom to the top to the bottom and so on [Music] you can work on this skill until you feel confident and gain speed your movement on the wave should feel smooth and have a nice flow so what do we do with all this speed that's what we start to look at the more advanced parts of surfing all maneuvers start with the bottom turn which is like a setup turn this term will be slightly bigger and more drawn-out than a speed generating term you spoke of earlier picture yourself like a coiled spring the spring when it is compressed holds a lot of tension misses ours during the bottom or set up too we then release that tension to get to the top of the wave putting the release tension or power of the spring into our maneuver during this turn we should pick a spot at the top of the wave look at it and point your front arm at the spot and your board should follow [Music] there are many different types or styles of maneuver that the bottom turn can allow us to do the basic premise of all maneuvers at the top of the wave is the transfer of weight back down the wave picture yourself sort of rebounding or carving off the top of the wave to go back down to do this we need to focus on two main things one you need to turn your head back down the wave and point your arm in the same direction two you need to transfer your weight back onto your heels or toes if you are riding with your back to the way [Music] [Music] why's this marks the end of powder it but it does mark the beginning of north surfing journey surfing is taking us around the world and give I ever have and we hope that you love it as much as we do stay safe and keep ripping thanks for watching [Music] [Music] [Music] our house just up the street so easy to forget ah [Music] explosion is always a surprise [Music]
Channel: How to Rip
Views: 2,919,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: surfing, how to surf, learn to surf, surf, surf lesson, learn surfing, surfing tips, how to catch waves, how to paddle, surfing balance, duckdiving, how to duckdive
Id: dBmHlpliXfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 27sec (1527 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 27 2014
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