FULL VIDEO: Jodi Hildebrandt pleads guilty to four child abuse charges

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all4 Forton County session the hon John J walson presiding May seated good morning ladies and gentlemen welcome to District Court we are here this morning in the matter of state of Utah versus jod hilderbrandt case 23150 1763 Mr Clark and Mr sha are here representing the state of Utah and Mr Terry is here with Miss Hilder br we are scheduled for a waiver of preliminary hearing Mr Terry appears you uh have just handed the court a signed plea agreement that is correct your honor uh with respect to the waiver Miss Hilder Brandt we have had discussions she fully understands the purpose of a preliminary hearing what the burden of proof would be um and that she has the right to a preliminary hearing but in conjunction with the entry of her plea today we wave the preliminary hearing and in fact there is a provision in the written plea agreement that uh operates as a waiver of theary hearing all right Miss hild debrand I've been handed a written document a plea agreement with your signature on it did you sign that document yes and you did that to represent to the court that you have read the document carefully that you understand what you've read that you agree to all of the terms that are set forth in that written document yes sir you've had sufficient time to ask Mr Terry any questions that you have about the agreement or its potential effect yes is anyone pressuring you to enter into this agreement or is anyone promising you anything that I haven't been told about or that is not in the written document no are you under the influence of alcohol or drugs today no is there anything today that could interfere in any way with your ability to understand the the agreement it's or its potential consequences no no physical condition mental health or emotional condition nothing that could interfere with your present ability to evaluate the agreement and decide if it's what you're prepared to do today no you don't need more time you're ready to go yes any further record Council your the agreement contains a factual basis um there are a few details in the factual basis that we are not in full agreement with however this is a guilty plea it is not an Alfred plea the factual basis set Force sets forth facts that uh we agree with uh that Miss hilderbrand agrees with that are sufficient for the court to accept her plea with respect to the Fort counts uh to which she is pleading guilty and so we ask the court to accept her plea agreement and apart from what is in the written factual base in the plea agreement you have I'm assuming reviewed voluminous Discovery you you don't dispute whether there is an actual or an adequate factual basis we do not all right then anything else before the court receives M hild de Brand's please no your honor nothing for the state your honor then miss H Hilder Brandt how do you plead to count one aggravated child abuse a second degree felony guilty and two count three aggravated child abuse a second degree felony guilty to count five aggravated child abuse a second degree felony guilty and to count six also aggravated child abuse a second degree felony guilty the court finds that there is a sufficient factual basis the court in addition finds that Ms hilderbrand's pleas are made knowingly involuntarily the court therefore accepts and enters those pleas dismisses the remaining two counts we are anticipating a PSI although part of the plea agreement appears to be that Miss hilderbrandt will not contest a prison sentence corre is that right cor that is correct but we we are we are asking for a PSI all right then the court orders the preparation of a pre-sentence investigation report and set sentencing at 10:30 a.m. on February 20th anything else for today Council nothing nothing from us nothing from us all right thank you we'll be in recess thank you
Channel: KUTV 2 News Salt Lake City
Views: 26,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: KUTV, Utah, News, Channel 2, CBS, Salt Lake City, 8 passengers, ruby franke, jodi hildebrant, child abuse charges, st george utah, ivins utah, connexions, connexions classroom, 8 passengers youtubers, 8 passengers family vloggers
Id: yh8Bbbr_E5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 45sec (285 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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