YouTube Mom Ruby Franke Pleads Guilty to Felony Child Abuse Charges

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please seated cour is now back in session good morning welcome to District Court we're here in the matter of state of Utah versus Frankie case number 23151 764 Mr Winward is here representing Miss Frankie let's bring her out and Mr Clark and Mr sham are here representing the state of Utah [Applause] [Music] Miss Frankie is now here Mr Winward we are scheduled for a waiver hearing is there going to be a waiver today there will plus a ple agreement your honor all right I'll ask the bay to hand you it has been executed all right Mr Winward you have discussed with M Frankie a preliminary hearing what's in involved in a preliminary hearing she understands she has a right to a preliminary hearing on all of the charges in the case she understands what the charges are and she's prepared to wave a preliminary hearing in the case on all charges she is and that is contained in this agreement on page seven as well very good all right I've been handed a plea agreement and it appears to be signed by Miss Frankie Miss Frankie did you sign this agreement yes and you did that today when did you sign it on the 18th okay you've read it carefully every word your signature represents to the court that you've read it carefully that you understand what you've read and that you agree to all of the terms is that all accurate yes you've had sufficient time to ask questions of your councel to go over any questions you have you're ready to go forward yes you don't need any more time I'm ready Miss Frankie is anyone pressuring you to enter into this agreement no anyone promising you anything I haven't been told about no anything that's not in the written ple agreement no are you under the influence of alcohol or drugs today no is there anything today that could in any way interfere with your ability to understand the agreement its consequences anything no no physical condition no medication nothing [Music] no any further record Council no your honor Mr wward we ready to proceed we are ready to proceed all right then miss Frankie how do you plead to to count one aggravated child abuse a second degree felony guilty to count three aggravated child abuse a second degree felony guilty to count five aggravated child abuse a second degree felony guilty and to count six aggravated child abuse a second degree felony with my deepest regret and sorrow for my family and my children guilty there is a factual basis set forth in the agreement that is a stipulated factual basis Council that's correct your honor that is correct judge Walton the court finds that the factual basis is sufficient all of the terms of the agreement are stipulated including that the court obtained a prenten investigation report correct correct there won't be any argument about whether prison is the appropriate sentence and there's an agreement about uh the four counts running consecutive that is correct all right the court finds then that M Frankie's pleas are made knowingly and voluntarily the court therefore accepts and enters those pleas the court orders the preparation of a pre-sentence investigation report to be prepared by apnp and the Department of Corrections Council what about sentencing on February 20th I think uh do you do you and your client agree to wave time Council we do agree to wave time your honor February 20th I believe is a Tuesday is that right 10: a.m. that works for us your honor all right anything else for today [Applause] maybe I've heard the court say this several times in a different fashion we are not binding the court to any specific sentence and the court retains its right to sentence as it sees fit um I just mentioned that that this is not a rule 11 plea it's but although it's a stipulated uh statement of defendant Council approach [Music] please all right anything else for today no judge nothing to theate thank you honor thank you we are in recess thanks joh [Music] [Music] good morning welcome to District Court we're here in the matter of state of Utah versus Frankie case number 23151 764 Mr wward is here representing out and Mr clar and Mr sham are here representing the state Utah Miss Frankie is now here Mr w we are scheduled for a waiver hearing is there going to be a waiver today there will all right Mr wward you have discussed with Miss Frankie a preliminary hearing what's involved in a preliminary hearing she understands she has a right to a preliminary hearing on all of the charges in the case she understands what the charges are and she's prepared to wave a prelimary he in the case on all charges she is and that is contained in this agreement on page S as well very good all right I've been handed a plea agreement and it appears to be signed by Miss Frankie Miss Frankie did you sign this agreement yes and you did that today when did you sign it the 18th okay you've read it carefully every word your signature represents to the court that you've read it carefully that you understand what you've read and that you agree to all of the terms is that all accurate yes you have time to ask questions of your councel to go over any questions you have you're ready to go forward yes you don't need any more time I'm ready Miss Frankie is anyone pressuring you to enter into this agreement no anyone promising you anything I haven't been told about no anything that's not in the written play agreement no are you under the influence of Al or drugs today no is there anything today that could in any way interfere with your ability to understand the agreement its consequences anything no no physical condition no medication nothing no any further record councel we ready to proceed we are ready to proceed all right then miss Frankie how do you plee to count one aggravated child abuse a second degree F guil to count three aggravated child abuse a second degree feling guil to count five aggravated child abuse a second degree felony and to count six aggravated child abuse a second degree fail with my deepest regret and sorrow for my family and my children guilty there is a factual basis set forth in the agreement that is a stipulated factual basis Council that's that is corre the court claims theual bis is sufficient all of the terms of the agreement are stipulated including that the court obtain a pres investigation report correct correct there won't be any argument about whether a prison is the appropriate sentence and there's an agreement about uh four counts consecutive that is correct all right the CLS them that Miss Frankie's pleas are be knowingly and voluntarily the court therefore accepts and ENT those pleas the court ordered the preparation of a pre sentence investigation report to be prepared by apmp of the Department of Corrections Council what about sentencing on February 20th I think uh do you you and your client agree to wave time councel agre to wave time 20th I believe is it Tuesday is that right 10 a.m. that all right anything else for today maybe I've heard say it several times in a different fashion we are not finding the court to a specific sentence and the court retains its right to sent F I just mentioned that that this is not a rule 11 but all it's stipulated councel approach please all right anything else for today no nothing thank you thank you we are in recess
Channel: Law&Crime Network
Views: 599,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: law and crime, law and crime network
Id: encsNQIlmCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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