Full Unlock Guide for Secret T3 Crafting! - Patch 10.1.5

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how we doing that boys and girls Mathis here welcome back to another video so 10.1.5 is officially out and we spent most of yesterday working our way through the mini Attunement to be able to unlock all of the goodies that this patch has there's many reasons why you might want to do this whether you're looking to up your transmog collection whether you're looking to get access to some rare and ancient revitalized patterns to maybe craft to get more transmog or maybe even sell to make some gold or of course there's the rumors that are floating around that were true we are going to be able to craft some tier 3 trans mug that is the very very sought after very very rare up until this point uh only available through the black market auction house we're going to be able to have access to crafting again this isn't going to be a video particularly so much talking about each of those different features but what I am going to do is I'm going to walk you through the Attunement process in this much detail as I can so you guys can follow along and get access to this some of you may remember from when they launched the or revitalized should I say it's all grub uh we had to do a similar thing we had to do a few things we had to unlock a couple achievements before we could go much further before we'd start finding new things dropping new NPCs turning up that sort of thing the process is the same this time but it's a little bit more lengthy I will hopefully uh take some of my stream footage from yesterday to Overlay certain points in this video to help the explanation be a little bit more clearer but I did collate all of this information into a little document I will leave a link to this document down below so you can feel free to use this as your step-by-step if you wish going forward by all means please make sure hit that follow button hit that like button if you peace out at this point and just take the written version um the YouTube algorithm loves all of your engagement and of course so do I so thank you for that but let's take a little bit of a look so we understand what we're going to be doing this for uh there's two achievements that we're going to be hunting for we're going to be hunting for or the memory of scholar mans which will unlock the memory of scholomance surprise surprise this is actually the old school version of scholar months that we get access to again some of you real old school players may know that in Mr Pandaria they Revitalize this they change the layout of the dungeon somewhat the memory of skolomance is the old sort of vanilla version of scholar mounts that we get to run through and play with again it's been a long time but we have to do unlock that first so that's going to be one of the first things we're going to be doing and then finally we need to get the achievement Wards of the dread Citadel this is to or the process of this is empowering your Argent Dawn commission this is what will unlock the secrets within naxaramus this process will give you access to the new ancient recipes a couple of new NPCs that are going to sell some crucial components and more importantly than anything else it's going to give you access to do some of the playing around with the new tier 3 crafting and presumably an awful lot of farming there is going to be quite some effort involved in this as well as a huge pile of gold if you want those tier three appearances um but like I said let's take a look at the detail process so starting then the very first thing you're going to need and this is actually going to be the biggest barrier to entry for a lot of people and was of great frustration to many people yesterday when this patch launched you need an item in fact the UI to the item you need as a toy uh krasnikov's bag of Horrors now this toy is a rare drop from a rare mob in the heroic version of scholar mans that's been on live for many years now this ultimately means that not many people have it uh I came across huge amounts of people yesterday that were desperately trying to get their hands on this the process of getting your hands on this is simple run scholomance on heroic on as many characters as you as you have and keep your fingers crossed the the doctor theolin krasnikov spawns and you can kill him to get his toy I was not lucky enough to have the toy yesterday but you uh you will have found out maybe that there's a get out of jail free card here you only need one person in a party to have the toy uh this means that if you can find somebody a friend or a guild member that has that toy already or even maybe check the group finder if you're doing this relatively soon uh you might be lucky enough to find somebody else that's got the toy that can run you through scholomance and you use the toy at a certain point in the process that we'll talk about in a second and that triggers an NPC to spawn this is the reason we need this toy um so if you don't have it find a group with people that do have it or you're going to need to run the heroic version of scholar mounts a few times to get it but let's not dwell on this too much as there's lots to go through um so once you have acquired the toy you run through heroic scholomance uh and you kill dark master gradling he's the final boss once he's dead once the dungeon is cleared you go up the stairs to the room behind where the boss spawns and there should be a little pile of bones and you should see an NPC called Eva you can speak to Eva well you use the toy to spawn either secondly from there you can remove the buff that this toy gives you and you then you'll be able to speak to Eva herself and she gives you a spectral Essence this is a trinket uh there's two versions of the trinket if you had the toy yourself you will get the spectral Essence trinket directly if you did not have the toy if you joined into a group with somebody that had the toy you and get the inert spectral Essence for this to be turned into the trinket we are going to need to combine it with five essence of undeath and three dark runes running through Scotland there's a good chance you've got these in your bags already alternatively you can pick these up off the auction house for you know a few gold they're not going to be too difficult to come by the trinket is important to us though this spectral Essence trinket is going to allow us to interact with new NPCs in and around scholar mans uh and this is going to be important in the next few stages before you leave scholar mounts though after you've spoken to Ava there will be one last thing you'll need to pick up from the dungeon you want to head back into the viewing room and behind one of the bookcases this is relatively well hidden so Zoom your camera in and do some shimmying around the back of the bookcase you'll find an item called Eva's Journal uh there's a the item is a bind on pickup item and it has nothing more than use performer ritual this ritual is something we're going to be working on in the next few stages in the very bottom left-hand corner of the viewing room is is the location of this book it's easy to miss but have a dig around you should find it the next thing we're going to need to do is perform this ritual now the tool tips and game don't give as much information but we were able to dig through some of the spells in the game to find out what the spell is and what the reagents are needed for said spell and we need to go get them this is going to be the next stage Eva's femur we should be able to get from the bone pile when we first originally spoke to Eva uh there's a there's a small pile of bones and one of the bones stands out is a slightly different color you can click on that pick up Eva's femur maybe do that before you leave the scholar man's dungeon from here on we're going to need five different candles to get these candles we need to First grab an item we need to loot an item from the outer world and then we need to hand that item into a different NPC each time and they exchange it for a candle so the first one to get we're hunting down the stinky candle you can get this by looting the item the care Darrow fountain water directly outside of scholomance you may notice a little bit further down the hill there's this Fountain and on that Fountain is a little bucket of water click your bucket of water loot your item and then you want to take that over to Joseph dirt who is outside a small little Hut just on the second layer of uh The Scholar mans you can hand that item in for your first candle the coordinates for these I should probably point out the fountain is got the coordinates of 68.78 and the turn in NPC is located at 68.75 moving on the next one we need to get is the tobacco-filled candle this requires you to loot an item actually within the Strath home dungeon so we're going to be navigating to another dungeon here at this point uh the like the item is the undelivered shipment of smokes this is uh found in the king's Square within stratholme and it's on a little broken cart once again another small little item that's quite easy to miss but grab your undelivered shipment of smokes then take that back to the docks outside scholomance and you hand it in to a guy an NPC by the name of Rory his coordinates are 63.75 he will give you your second candle he will give you your your tobacco-filled candle moving on we need the ghost warding candle this can be found by looting a trampled doll this is located over in the Eastern play glands this time in darrowshire with the coordinates 3583 the trample doll is next to a meat wagon on the floor behind one of the wheels pick this up and then head back to scholomance once again and you hand this into an NPC called Sammy who is located just by the fountain that we got our bucket of water from earlier and the NPC there will will trade your trample doll for the ghost warding candle next on our list is the authentic andoran candle this is located within uh the Inn over in andoral uh the coordinates for this are 43.69 uh it's a small little note on the wall it's actually quite easy to miss but have a little dig around it's in the main big room of the Inn once you've got this item you can turn it into magistrate Marduk who is once again back near the entrance to scalamance with the coordinates 70 74. he will hand over to you the uh the authentic and all candle the final candle we're going to want to get our hands on is the imported candle so there to get this you have to loot a pitcher which is also in The Inn at corin's crossing over in eastern plague lands with the coordinates 5564. the item name is called the road ahead uh loot this and then head back once again to scholomance to hand this into artist renfrey 65 75 is the coordinates for this dude he's on the out there she's on the outer edges of the zone now at any point if you cannot spot one of these NPCs remember this is why we got the spectral Essence trinket make sure you have that trinket equipped as without it you will not be able to see these NPCs and of course just a reminder again the final one we're going to need is Eva's femur which can be found within uh within the scholar mounts dungeon near Eva with all of the components in hand we can now finally complete the ritual and we can get access to the memory of scholomance this time you want to head in towards scholomance dungeon entrance but instead of turning left to go to the dungeon entrance you want to take a right and go into the little room at the back down some stairs and it's here where you'll be able to do the the ritual itself uh and after a few moments you'll get the achievement pop up on your screen for the memory of scholomance this actually gives a little platform in the middle now you can repeatedly use this going forward to play the old version of scholar mans if you wish there's some farming opportunities in here I'm sure for the smart goblins out there so uh you know pay attention to where this is we are going to go into the memory of scholomance in one moment but there's a couple of things we need to do next um this is where the Argent dornis of faction comes into play to this if you are already exalted with the Argent Dawn faction which I understand many of you probably will not be because the Argent Dawn was an old-school vanilla faction if you've um if you've if you've been a bit of a rep grinder in the past you might have access to this either way it doesn't matter but if you were exalted with the Argent Dawn you want to get your hands on an Argent Dawn Commission if you do not have one of these um considering you may have been giving it all the way back in vanilla and may have lost it over time you can always head back to the quartermaster for the Argent Dawn over in the Eastern plague lands 8368 coordinates on that and tell him you need another one and he will give you another one there is a get out of jail free card here though if you are not exalted with the Argent Dawn do not worry what you will need to do though if you are not exalted is by yourself or of course Farm up a righteous orb a single righteous orb and four true silver bars this will give us access to a cracked Argent Dawn commission that is available to us within the memory of scholomance but like the trinket earlier if you don't have the required items beforehand you have to use some materials to fix something first this is not too much of a problem now feel free to head into the memory of scholomance this is the old school version have a little poke about kill a few things kill a few bosses loot a few items there's some fancy uh that you may come across some new items in the memory of scholomance that have seemingly been lost in time uh the life stealing enchant I think was one that dropped for me that has not been in the game for a long long time at this point so some some other little secrets are hidden in there as well but as you're navigating through it and you eventually get to the rattle Gore boss this is where you'll be able to pick up your cracked Argent Dawn commission if you do not have your regular Arjun Dawn commission I should go down the stairs it's in a little bone pile to the left I was not able to get video footage for this for the fact that I already had my Argent Dawn commission so I wasn't able to loot it but you may need to know where this is get your cracked Argent Dawn commission repair it this will become important in a minute continue through the dungeon from here though once you've killed all of the main bosses in the dungeon you will spawn the final boss dark master grandling before you kill this boss really really important stage here before you kill this boss make sure you equip your Argent Dawn commission uh if you do not have it equipped you will not get the items that you need going forward pew pew the boss get him killed get him down and you should pick up an item called The Dark Masters Scourge Stone this instantly starts a quest uh this is a quest to go hand it back into a guy named Duke Nicholas zevrenhoff probably butchered that name but he's located all the way back at lights Hope Chapel over in eastern play glands the coordinates that is 60 70 sorry 76 53 are the coordinates for him um hand this in and this is one of the first steps in the process of being able to get access to some of the new stuff realistically this guy becomes an NPC who will sell you a few bits and pieces and we can look at this in a little bit more detail but maybe check to see what he sells you for now continuing on though with the unlock process we now want to head over to the stratholome dungeon we've already been here once for the Tobacco Box so hopefully you're aware to where it is now uh you're gonna need to do a couple of interesting things that are quite time sensitive in Strath home so at this point make sure you're not going to have any distractions for like at least 10 minutes I would suggest uh we actually failed this timed event like a couple of times in trying to do this first time through it is quite tight on time I was lucky I had a fellow streamer helping me with run through it so we were able to combo it a bit if you're doing this solo it's going to be quite tight on time maybe not waste too much time killing random mobs and looting random stuff just stick to the main goal here um the first thing you're going to need to do though when you get into Strath home is you're firstly going to need to find some Strath home holy water uh you find this by the supply crates that are knocking about in the zone you can pick up your Stratham holy water it's worthwhile picking up a few of these you for the entire process are probably going to need three or four of these so pick up a few of them and don't delete any spares they're going to be useful later secondly you're going to need to find and kill some of the eyes of NAX of Amos these are random ghosts that pop up when you are in close proximity to them kill those and they're going to offer you an item called the ward of naxaramus this is a small little on-use item don't use it yet just keep it in your bags you're gonna need this in a minute continue to navigate your way through stratholme and head all the way to the Crusaders square of the like the living side of stratholme this is where you want to use your ward of naxaramus when used it's going to start a two minute debuff but what it actually does is it spawns a portal in the southern little air part of this Zone and you run over to this portal you can't seemingly do anything on it this is where you douse it with your Strath home holy water use a holy water on the portal it takes your two minute buff removes it and provides you with a new five minute buff this five minute buff now requires this is the time sensitive bit this is where you need to run all the way through the rest of the Strath home dungeon all the way through the undead side of stratholme killing all of the bosses on the way uh even as far as killing rivendare now some of you may have done this farming the mount in the past so you may know the route pretty well um kill all of the bosses on the way make sure you kill all of the mobs behind the bosses in the small little rooms this is another mistake we made running through this um navigate all the way through kill rivendare loot your Mount if you happen to be super lucky and don't already have it then you'll notice that if you go to the NAX rate the old NAX raid entrance portal just to the south of where rivendare is uh you will see a hand of knocks of Amos chilling behind a great uh you should also have then a popper an extra action button pop up and you can desecrate this hand of naxaramus this will give you some flavor text to have a little bit of a read through but what this ultimately has done for us is unlocked the ability to talk to a new NPC where we can continue our journey once he's done nothing particular will happen on screen other other than it turned into a pile of dust this is where you can safely leave the dungeon now and you want to head back to light Hope Chapel in fact you want to head slightly south of Lights Hope Chapel you want to head down to the ruins of the Scarlet Enclave by the big Gates you'll find an NPC by the name of archmage Angela De Santa her coordinates if you're looking for a 72 74. she does seem to have a couple of locations I have a little bit of a look around the area but if everything has worked well you should now be able to speak to her tell her of your story and she will give you a new Quest called The Dread Citadel naxaramus this is where the story changes slightly dependent on your reputation with the Arjun Dawn if you were already exalted with the Argent Dawn you should be able to hand this Quest straight in and move on with your Merry ways if not you might need to get exalted with the Argent Dawn now there's a couple of ways we can do this we did find out doing so that if you are not already exalted with the Argent Dawn but you are on another character on your account somewhere they seem to have made the Argent Dawn reputation account wide so if the if the character you've been doing this on is not you know if it's not your character that has the reputation log on to them and it will sort of like accredit your account with the reputation you should then be able to go back and hand this quest in for free alternatively you need to get some reputation with the Arjun Dawn and at certain points you need to provide some materials as well um I will leave a link down below to a comment on Wowhead that gives a nice little overview of how to get your reputation with the Argent Dawn I could do an entire video on the reputation grind for the Argent Dawn but I don't think it makes sense here I'll you know leave you the information elsewhere from this point on after handing in that Quest we will finally and after 20 minutes of the video be able to head into naxaramus within naxaramus uh oh in fact let's talk about how we get to naxaramus down obviously navigating all the way to northrend to go into naxomas the natural way and nobody got time for that but luckily there's a little portal there's a bonus portal that's uh was was was uh was found yesterday uh and it gives you a quick access to naxo Amazon it's in the Eastern plague lands and it's located at 3523 you click this little portal and it'll take you straight into maximum it's really handy as we're going to be bouncing between naks of Amazon lights Hope Chapel a fair few times use this little portal get into naxaramus and of course at this point your natural incentive is to run off and start killing things but my recommendation here is to go straight into the military quarter and loot an item that is in a it's in a cage it's pretty straightforward pretty obvious to see but it's on the run's second handbook this is an epic item that you pick up this starts a quest and this is going to unlock one of the NPC vendors that's going to uh supplies with a bunch of transmog recipes for our professions um at this point I would probably take that book out and I would go hand that in um as handing this in will unlock Pages within naxxramas as well which helps us pages of that book which gives us access to more recipes um if you want a port a quick portal back to light Hope's Chapel near the entrance to naxaramas they've added a little portal so you don't need to leave naxaramus the natural way you can use this portal and zip between lights Hope Chapel relatively quickly if you head back to lights Hope Chapel in the actual cathedral building itself you'll find master Craftsman ominaron and he will now after speaking to him become an NPC vendor and he will start selling you some patterns for your profession upon introducing yourself there's one there's one pattern there's not a lot there but what you will be able to do with uh traversing naxaramus is find pages of this book and you go back and you hand in those pages of the book and this is what will unlock more and more recipes for you over time as you find more and more of these pages there is actually an achievement in game that you can use to track which Pages you've found and which ones you haven't there's about like 15 16 of them it looks like in total with the achievement name putting Wilhelm out of business if you want to track this for yourself um back into naxofamus we go though from here our next thing that we're going to need to do to unlock the final NPC vendor the vendor that holds all of the goodies as far as we're concerned in regards to the tier three stuff um we're going to need to get access to this NPC before we can get access to him we need to make a grappling hook it's called the makeshift grappling hook this is made in three parts uh the three parts are really simple really straightforward to get and they're all contained within naxxramas itself firstly we need the constructs hook we then need the Abominations chain and thirdly we need feralina's sewing kit now the chain uh you need fishing and in any slime pool within naks around us do some fishing you'll get the Abomination chain only took me a couple of casts should be pretty quick and easy to get secondly we need feralina's sewing kit uh no surprises here it drops off the boss named feralina uh she's located in the arachnid quarter she will give you the sewing kit and thirdly the constructor's hook is attached to one of the large canisters of sludge that's over in the construct quarter um grab all three of these items combine them together and you'll get yourself your makeshift grappling hook this is an on use item this is an account wide item which is also very nice so just use this and then from now on any of your characters will also be able to use some of the little grappling points that are located in and around naxaramas with the grappling hook made with the grappling hook completed this is where we can finally actually start getting access to zakit skull smash but we also do need a few materials first uh there's a little there's a little grappling hook minigame that we have to go through to be able to get access to him it's like three or four jumps it's not particularly difficult um but before we go my suggestion is you grab a few items if you don't already have them you are going to need 20 Invader Scourge Stones these will have been dropping for you from the bosses in scholomance in Strath home there's a good chance you have a handful of these in your bags already especially if you were farming to get uh like in the early days you're going to need five corruptor Scourge domes these only drop off the Box bosses in NAX Aramis so they are quite limited there's about 15 of those you can get a week you're going to need three dark runes these dark runes you can get from the memory of scalamance or more easily the auction house and of course one black coffee which is a vendorsold item that you can get in some of the capital cities or once again my recommendation buy it for like two silver off the auction house don't waste your time running around the world picking up random little items that are so very easily available on the auction house with those items in hand though it's time to do the little mini game you want to head into the Thaddeus boss room and head up the left hand side platform feel free to kill Thaddeus first get him out the way uh head up into the Thaddeus room on the left hand side platform you can look up to your left and on one of the platforms you'll see your first little grappling point you do a couple of grapples Bish bash Bosh jump your way through I'll leave a little video to the the grappling sequence somebody's done a nice little video for that if you want the exact route but we were able to figure it out within about three minutes it's not too difficult eventually you'll get yourself to the NPC who is lying there dazed fast asleep called zakit skull smash you can prod him you can poke him you can even bash him with a bone and it does nothing this is where we need our Strath home holy water again this is why I told you to grab a couple of them um you douse him in Strath home holy water and he wakes from his Slumber and it's not best pleased that you've woken up to be fair but he's a he's a grumpy Goblin at the end of the day he's going to give you a quick he's going to give you a quest that will give you your first piece of tier three which is very generous blizzard although we'll find out why it's not quite so generous in a minute he's going to give you your first piece of tier three admittedly the braces so not super it's not like a chess piece or shoulders or anything he only is going to give you the breath the braces an item that you can barely see anyway but this is why we need the materials if you're proactive and you brought the materials with you already hand them over otherwise once you've had access to him go get those materials and bring them back and complete this Quest once you've completed his quest uh instead of having to do the grappling Mini-Game every time to get up to him he will reload Kate himself nicely to the beginning of the entrance um if you check what he has to sell this is where you'll find that he has lots of goodies uh he has the Gamba rolling of random items uh to hopefully get the the items that you need for tier three we'll talk about this more in other videos this was just merely on how to unlock all of this stuff um there are some patterns there was some slime covered patterns to maybe buy up to get yourself some of the ancient patterns either to complete your own collection or to sell on the auction house um or whatever this is at the point where you are done with the Attunement process all of this is now fully account wide for you you should be able to have access to all of these new NPCs on any of your characters you so choose and from this point you'll probably very quickly realize that the uh the play is Farm's going third Stones make sure you have your Argent Dawn trinket equipped in fact you even on your alts you don't need it you will just get Scourge stones from what I've been informed you're going to gather up Scourge Stones you're going to kill bosses you're going to run Strath home you're going to run scholar mounts on multiple Tunes multi for as long as you need gather up hundreds and hundreds of scourge Stones convert them into the currencies you need to buy all your new goodies but you have everything now that's everything that you need to get up and running you only need to do this process once once it's done once it will be fully unlocked for your entire account and you should be good to go but this has ended up being a very long video a lot longer than I expected it to be so I will leave it there for this video boys and girls if you've made it all the way to the end please give the video a big thumbs up it really does help the channel and of course consider subscribing if you're new around here the link to this document once again is in the description down below along with another couple of resources that I'll leave you that will be handy in this process as well but I've been Matthias have yourselves a great day and I'll catch you all next time peace
Channel: Manthieus
Views: 4,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Manthieus
Id: agA0dr8rDZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 56sec (1736 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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