Don't WASTE Your Time! Do This FIRST in Patch 10.1.5

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hey folks this is Kalani patch 1015 is finally here and with it comes a whole new round of content to explore and plunder we've got new group activities some new solo World content lots of story lines to work through and we're setting up the next chapter in the dragonflight story but with so many options and so much going on what should you do first in the new patch well that's what we're going to break down in this video there are some quests that you'll want to get done and some rewards you should be going after but there are various ways that you can save time depending on what you are most interested in so here's what to do first in patch Tempo 1.5 and how you can avoid wasting your time now before we jump in be sure to hit that like button and subscribe so you never miss another video first things first the most exciting piece of new content we have in 1015 is probably the mega dungeon as with most Mega dungeons that have been introduced there is a quest line for you to follow you can start this in val Dragon up on top of this see to the aspects the quest is called dawn of the infinite and if you follow through that questline you'll see what's been going on with the bronze dragon flight how close Noz dormu is to turning into murazon what the plan is to try and stop that and you'll get some mischievous scheming that's been going on behind the scenes so if you're interested in seeing where the overarching story of dragonflight is going or you just want that extra backstory for what's going on in the mega dungeon go get those quests squared away but if you aren't really interested in any of that you don't actually have to do any of the quests leading up to the mega dungeon previously when Mega dungeons were introduced those quest lines were kind of an Attunement they were required for you to enter and play through the mega dungeon but that is not the case for dragonflight or the dawn of the infinite dungeon the quests are completely optional so if you would rather just hop straight into the mega dungeon and try your hand at the Hard Mode or just clearing through it for the first few weeks you can hop straight in into the mega dungeon which will save you some time the quests and the quest line also don't really seem to reward you with anything super special for completing them it's mostly just handfuls of flight Stones so you won't be missing out on much if you do decide to skip them the boss is in the mega Dungeon Drop item level 437 loot which can be upgraded to item model 441 and a lot of them have very special effects the weapons and trinkets in particular seem to be pretty good and if you can complete the mega dungeon on the hard mode the last boss actually has its item novel drops upgraded to 441 which can then be bumped up to 447 on the new myth track so if you can manage a perfect clear there are some very shiny rewards waiting for you at the end the last boss can also drop Quantum mounts or Quantum transmog items the quantum Mount is rare and turned into one of the old raid mounts from what I've seen and then the quantum transmog items just seem to turn into Old transmog that you don't have collected so that can help you fill up those collection as well all of the bosses will also give you five aspect Crest fragments so you can collect aspect crests to massively upgrade your gear I know so many guildies are going to run the mega dungeon on multiple characters already and they will continue to run it weekly just to have a chance at those Quantum items from the last boss so there are a lot of reasons to run the mega dungeon even if you aren't strictly just interested in the gear drops now the other major new content type in this patch is the time riffs these are way more accessible and have a wider range of rewards to chase after there is another quest in val dragon that you can pick up that point you towards the time Rift content to sword dormi's Aid that Quest will send you straight over the time Rift area but you can also skip over that Quest if you want and just go straight to the tier hold Reservoir which is just east of Val draken it's really hard to miss there's a giant horn on the map now that tells you when the next time Rift is going to start that's where you need to go if you want to take part with a Time Rift so if you pop on over there you should be able to see sorry dormi and pick up the quest when time needs mending the quest asks you to complete a Time Rift and that will reward you with a contained power causality which is just a box of goodies related to the time Rift content so you can get lots of paracos or flakes Drake crests and items to get more rewards from the time Rifts themselves it's worth noting that this Quest currently cannot be completed in a raid group so if you want to finish this and get that reward without wasting your time you'll need to do a Time Rift without joining a raid which is a little silly in my opinion large group content should always work while in a raid group that seems to be what it's really designed for anyway but for now if your quest isn't completing that might be why try and do it without joining a raid as a quick little side note this week's aiding the Accord quest in val draken requires you to complete a Time Rift so if you do want to check out the time Rift content be sure to pick up the aiding the Accord weekly Quest before you head on over as for the time Rifts themselves there are two major stages to each event the first event is in the surrounding area you'll be asked to complete different objectives like killing monsters killing Elites solving puzzles rescuing allies all sorts of stuff the more objectives you complete the more essence you collect at the top of your screen the more Essence everyone collects the better boxes of rewards you can get and you can get these multiple times per day even so you want to work together with everyone around you to get the best rewards possible if you get the Epic chests that can even include some of the trinkets that we'll see later on when the timer runs out the rift itself will open up in the middle of the Arena just run on over and click on the Riff to go inside you'll face off against a boss that depends on the type of monsters that were invading azeros during phase one and there are quite a few different alternate timelines bleeding over right now so we get to fight against murlocs the Lich King old gods Illidan mechagon all sorts it's really fun the bosses have a chance to drop various goodies including dilated time capsules that can be traded in for gear at the time Rift vendors there are also extra quests that you can find during both phases so if you see an exclamation mark pop up on your map go on over and see what it is there are various special items that you can take back to sorodormi for extra power calls or flakes and an achievement so keep your eyes peeled you can spend your paracords or flakes at the vendors near sorry dormi there's a bunch of transmog to pick up here several mounts and pets powerful nutrient kits tabards all that fun stuff I will go take a look through the vendors to see if there's anything specific that you want to pick up if there is fantastic go farm some Flakes and buy whatever you want if there isn't anything of interest on these vendors then the timers might not be content you want to take part in but that will be up to you to decide one of the vendors does give you easy access to item level 402 gear on the veteran track so that'll be great for getting your alts caught up quickly each item costs one time capsule so you will need to farm for a little bit to get a full set of gear but at least it's easy group content so it doesn't matter too much what item level your alt actually is you're still going to get credit for everything that the group does the time rests seem to be on a one hour timer and always start on the hour so be sure to check your map and keep an eye out on the time for when the next event is going to start now something else you can start working on is the welp daycare questline whenever you log in or next go to Val Dragon you should get a little visitor with a quest feature pickup called eggs in abundance this is the start of the welp daycare story you'll be recruited to help take care of a few eggs hatch them and create appropriate nests for them at the daycare then you get to work with the daycare Specialists to figure out what each welp needs to become the best dragon they possibly could be you get each welp as a pet as well as various other rewards but from what I understand your progress in this is quite heavily time gated so you can only do so much every day so the sooner you start the sooner you'll be able to get all of those pets if you have an evoker you should also totally check out the new augmentation spec it's pretty simple on the face of things you just want to try and keep most of your Buffs up but it has some interesting nuances that can really help out your group it looks like augmentation is doing very well in raid settings and if you go look at all of the top Mythic plus keys right now have an augmentation of ocher so obviously they're doing very well in dungeons as well I would encourage you to not look at any damage meters in game to try and gauge the usefulness of an augmentation of ok they don't attribute the augmentation's damage to the evoker like logs do so if you see yourself below the tank in damage in game that's not all that you were contributing it's a bit of a weird one but you're amping up everyone else's damage instead of just rocking out by yourself it is very much a team based spec and it's really interesting in my opinion so if you've been waiting for kind of a support rolling well this is as good as you can get right now and I think it's definitely worth trying just to see if you like it it's also a great time to play some characters or alts that may have been left behind on the character screen any old characters should have the option to get a quick gear upgrade this will let you clear your quest log clear your bags give you a new set of bags a set of new level and spec appropriate gear and let you very quickly kick-start your adventures on that character no worrying about whether your gear still works or if you have the right items for the spec you want to play or even what quests you were previously working on is a fresh clean slate for any character in the lower levels of the game so if you've been waiting to play some of your Olds this new feature can get you all ship shape and ready to go there are various other updates in this patch as well like the new transmog tracking feature if you've been wanting to do some transmog hunting but didn't really fancy the idea of searching through Google and Wowhead and finding the exact item and then which vendor or boss it comes from and then where that vendor or radar dungeon is located well do I have great news for you with the new transmog tracking feature in game you can just shift-click on transmog to add it to your tracking window if you then click on those links on the side it will show you exactly where that item comes from and give you a pin on your map to notate where the raid or dungeon entrances are or for the case of a vendor when the vendor is on the map so no more Googling or wow heading you just have to go find a piece of gear you like the look of and then follow the pins in game that's going to make trans bug hunting so much easier and so much more straightforward and then if you play a warlock this patch has a whole other kind of content for you to enjoy you can collect various different customizations for your demonic pads so one of the first things you're going to want to do as a warlock is pop by The Barbershop you can then play around with all the new variations available from your many demons and it also tells you where most of these new colors or models will come from so if you like the look of something specific you can hunt down those cosmetic options and customize your demons to your liking there's also a new class Quest you can pick this up in your main city and it should appear on the map as a new purple Quest icon for ogrimmar that's down in the drag talk to the quest NPC take the ride over to the fair and work through the Warlock class quest to unlock the new type of imp customization so the warlocks get a little more content to enjoy in this patch when compared to everyone else but that's everything you can do right now from the get-go in patch 1015 and what I would recommend you do first to save yourself some time what are you going to focus on in the new patch farming some time riffs to buy all the new transmogs mounts and pets from the vendors or maybe working on the mega dungeon for the shiny new loot and Quantum collection items leave all your thoughts in the comment section below a big thank you to all of our supporters over on patreon and all of our members here on YouTube you can see the names floating by on screen if you'd like to add your name to the end of every video with a special shout out at the start of the next video you can find links in the description of the patreon or click the join button just below this video if you want to see more videos like this make sure to subscribe and ring that notification Bell so you never miss another video thanks for watching folks good luck and have fun and as always all see you next time [Music] thank you
Channel: SignsOfKelani
Views: 91,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow dragonflight, world of warcraft, dragonflight, patch 10.1.5, what to do in 10.1.5, what to do first in patch 10.1.5, what to do first, what to do
Id: VVLN_ojmcxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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