Full Movie | A Time For Killing | Wild Westerns

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[Music] [Applause] you [Music] the long ride home to a home of my own will I ever get to take the long ride home the house the stream are they real or a dream will they be there when I make the long ride home when will it all come to pass I see the green fields of grass I see the faes out the dear ones I love the joy that lies in their smilees in their eyes it can never be described in song [Music] of will I ever get [Music] to cook house Cook House found the [Music] tunnel [Music] 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 left leg 1 2 3 4 1 2 detail P right [Music] face [Music] forward Corporal Timothy Dwight lovingwood third core 23rd Battalion Virginia Cavalry major The Prisoner will rise to hear the charge is there some reason why the prisoner refuses to stand yes colon there is you might be commander of this here Fort you down south you wouldn't be fit to to guts to a [Applause] out now you know blue belly get up son it's Army regulations Lieutenant schaer replace the detail with ar [Music] do as I say Lieutenant those order major most of them haven't even held a rifle till now they're as like to hit each other as they are lovingwood like is not detail surrender arms I said surrender arms now maor what do you think you're doing get that man back in the detail what please uh they feeds these men they don't want to shoot them they'll shoot oh by God I'll shoot them colel I know it's going to play hell with the rebs going to play hell with everybody major Walcott I've lost two sons and three Grandsons in this war now I don't need ridicule from that rednecked Rebel no not as much as you need to change those orders look Lieutenant schaer has my orders Corporal Timothy Dwight lovingwood third core 23rd Battalion Virginia Cavalry under the command of Captain dor Bentley for attempting to escape and killing a guard you are sentenced to death by firing squad sentenced to be carried out immediately major walcut you will give the Ord to fire fire fire damn it fire I'll take a lieutenant it hurt Steady Aim [Music] Fire I'm still alive I'm still [Music] alive Colonel the regulars let them do it let them do their job let's go ready aim fire I'm still alive I'm still [Music] alive [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I [Applause] [Music] got I was watching orley orley yes sir you see that miss Emily gets on that wagon and send that red mail along too yes you're not sending me away you have those missionary friends at Fort Marcy you'll be better off with them why I've come most of the way across this country to see you you couldn't have picked the worst time of place I didn't pick it the war did is it too much to want to share a few days with you there are a lot of things I wanted to share with you Emily but this was not one of them couldn't you have done something to stop it he was a child child a man he was a soldier in This Is War and I don't like you seeing it we missionaries have not avoided the battlefields between here and Boston now I've seen the war Tom I hate what I've seen I know I like to see things grow I don't like to see things die all those things we promised each other four years ago before the war have you forgotten them I remember a very a very beautiful girl we were going to get married there was going to be a a farm we should have gotten married then taken our chances on the war well this fighting isn't going to go on much longer you go on to Fort Marcy I'll join you there I'll right I came here to tell you that I love you you picked one hell of a time to come [Music] courton we're going to break out tonight those of us that can Timothy told us what we needed to know the tunnel does come up in the Cook House yeah but how do we know where it comes out they killed him before he could tell us that part of it the river in case of aache attack these blue bellies can't afford to be cut off from the water supply aren't you feeling well well answer the lady no ma'am no ma'am well why didn't you come on down to the hospital the hospital you see man a boy goes to hospital that's just like saying goodbye well our regimental doctor isn't the very best I see perhaps I could help I've done some nursing well well I got a touch to call her out a quickstep ma'am that's uh she knows what it is Soldier you got quickstep too ma'am well all right I suppose you boys get that box in there so the lady can get on huh yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] sir [Music] Captain I want you boys to give me your word you won't try son out of here again I'll give you my word that what happened this morning won't happen again you go to hell blue belly I've been there Sergeant well how'd you like to go on back Major are you at Atlanta major you finished all right there's something you might like to hear this is a message just brought in by Courier Lee retreated from Richmond pickets lines has been broken Grant's closing along the aromatics river and you thought we'd be happy to hear that no it's just that you all be going home soon none of you going to get there any quicker by trying to escape especially since you have to go by a way in Mexico but now who says we want to get home your men and how'd you know that their letters well that's right you do read the letters major I can see you freten over their feelings all leaky eyed loving them like a brother major they don't have one damn bit of love for you and whether you own up or not you hate them I hate no man well there's a little time yet Captain what do you want well for you feel the way I do that's all the war is nearly over major this war will never be over it sure seems like that's some sometimes don't it sure does seems to me that man's got a heart in him C well he can afford one he's winning [Music] now [Music] are you going to be our guard you have to call out sir I just don't think I'm going to live to morning you'll have to son you'll have to tell those Yankees it all's [Music] well [Music] [Music] Captain Captain he might have been small but he sure could kick Captain a cook house is clear good first you silence Tower number two yes sir sound up for the guide then take care of tower number one yes sir [Music] Captain Tower one all's well quiet Tower to all's well prison yard all well what don't you just s Dixie you damn fool you supposed to sound like a Yankee I can't sound like a [Music] Yankee [Music] [Music] all [Music] the co [Music] cows [Music] look at [Music] this they should be at the river by now we'll keep these blue bellies plenty busy up here then we'll meet them hey bugler we'll sound R for [Music] you [Music] what's going on out there I don't know you wanton to go find out no you no only the big [Music] ones D aren't you forgetting something h fine the other six men [Music] yes run for your livs they just hit the ammunition [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] no major I can't spare the Cavalry already we have spotted Apache scouts out there trying to find out how badly we're hurt may I remind you sir that Captain Bentley's men are the Virginia 23rd yes you may they're no buttermilk cavalries Kel yes it's the pig's feet what about the pig feet I'd say smoked a little more than you like them sir just how important is it to catch them we're at War major no not much longer you read the last dispatch chances are we'll be turning them loose by the time we caught him we wouldn't leave this place any weak than it is Major do you realize how it would look in the official report if I couldn't show that I had at least major don't you care about what the rebs did to us don't your men care right now my men don't care if the union goes to hell you see they feel they've won the war and they're right they have now they want to take their lives home with them there's no military reason why they can't well then I'll give them a military reason court marshall colonel colonel what it's the pigeons sir what about the pigeons they are Mighty crisp sir what in hell isn't burnt around here you have your orders major you don't like them do you but you will carry them out won't you yes sir if you were a rebel you probably wouldn't and that's one of the reasons why we're winning the war yes sir we we better count ahead captain 1 2 three 4 five 6 78 n Builder had a wife he only spent one week with one week I make the river five maybe six miles miles an hour I him Yanke is going to catch us for sure now captain and we ain't never going to get to Mexico on them logs oh my word sure is hot yeah isn't that I see you worried all the hell Lonnie I never worry Daniel not unless it's over his stinking looks a worrying's worse than a sun I'm not L let me tell you all right all right I want not yank detail at the Fort yesterday afternoon with Miss Emily they had to swing 20 miles around the big Hatchet before they could pick up the river trail no matter what we're ahead of them yeah but how are we going to stop them Captain they're on horse back and they're armed we're not going to stop them bu is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] h [Music] you boys know what happens to stragglers Indians get them and when they do they pull their energ out and make them walk around a tree now if that doesn't scare you maybe this will a man's intestin is 30 ft long and that's more walking than you two have ever done put together I'm worried about that detail to Fort Marcy you think the RBS might come across it yeah there's a chance I've been trying to put her out of my mind ever since those RBS lit out but I can't anymore all right I step up the pace [Music] sergeant [Music] back back across the river [Music] that's enough luer yeah short and sweet yeah you done real good Luther yeah strip the wagon kettling and list go help Dan with the supplies only what we need Luther it's War ma'am Pro come over here look after the lady we may just need her thank you Lonnie don't worry Miss we're Southerners and treat our women with respect our women and our horses that's so they say who I thought I asked you to look after the lady he not going far [Applause] dor Sergeant Elmore still has a pulse will you carry him then kill [Music] him [Music] put her on behind [Music] me Sergeant take care of that horse all eight of them dead sir that accounts for the escort [Applause] yeah major major Walcott [Applause] Sergeant start digging hey the rebels get the girl too Sergeant who asked you to speak somebody asked you to speak You're lower than mud on a sway back Sal's belly private and don't you forget it excuse me sir it's one of theirs the grave held one of the revs it's not the girl they took her along with them they won't hurt her sir now what makes you so sure of that there's no point to it she can't hurt them boy didn't anybody ever tell you a man can get hory just for the hell of it I'll go help with the burial detail yes sir look at there this boy was just losing his breakfast I'm about to lose mine too what for if you don't make you sick nothing will how you think you're going corer to hell Sergeant here come back here Lake if I happen to get killed bring me back here and bury me will you all right now that is the Diablo run looks a lot different when you get in it I don't fancy getting lost up there with our boy sir I'll bet ble couldn't do it no I bet they can and I bet they will it's quicker that's where we're headed from here without checking their tracks Downstream sir that's right major what if you're wrong I hope I am then we'll get there ahead of Bentley cut them off from Mexico they haven't got much sand left in their craw they're tired four years tired damn [Music] damn [Music] catling up yes sir s go see what's up ahead Mo BN set a [Music] [Music] line they only does is what we [Music] raised [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] I think You' better ride up and give those glasses to Kat yes sir all right who's the lady going to double up with now you're too slippery Lonnie she couldn't hang on yeah that's right Lonnie well others have managed right Luther yeah that's right except all of them was big fat size Lonnie you going to let Luther sass you that way what would you suggest Luther she ride with you but you'd make a buzzard sick besides you don't care about women all you care about his killing well maybe maybe Lonnie damn it all it is fun ain't it sure is oh [Music] [Laughter] L I believe we'll just let him work it off this [Music] way [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] he [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] kill me or let me go if you don't I'm going to kill you the next time we're [Music] alone it's a captain the rubell is are coming they here on the mountain they good ways below Captain but they coming yes the mounted infantry Walker didn't even bother this in Cavalry that's an insult to us as much an insult as a glove in the face this is a war dor not a duel but how could it be as near as they are unless that Yankee made you cut across directly he cut across directly you mean he know what we were doing before we done it before you even thought it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Captain there's a little village down the fores side of the mountain kind of a slab town like town to Memphis meaning ladies well they're wearing dresses I don't know as I'd call them ladies boys we're about to give major walk at a time Mo you're the Sharpshooter take the witw worth and stay behind with Klinger what for Captain you're going to leave for those blue bellies uh Captain here I thought the whole plan of getting away was to get home it is but we're at War Sergeant all I want Mo to do is to snap a few them and hold them up let's just say a little reception for the major rest of you mount up Mo whatever you do don't aim for that Yankee mate you understand no just don't shoot him you understand that don't you she's coming with [Music] me leave it be d d it that's not worth it [Music] I know it but somehow someplace we got to win before we lose don't be afraid you bring her [Music] along [Music] don't you say one more word to [Music] him not [Music] one [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hello me Buckle this the war is over hey Captain hey Captain Medics hey Dan ly didn't say anything but Captain I said don't say anything a blue belly Ronnie check for horses in back Dan for's around the horses can wait do it I don't know as I can you can wait why don't we keep this between us for now huh play Go on Play well well I don't know Captain what good would it do keep the wall going leave me a surrended that doesn't mean we have [Music] to wait are you telling me Captain or are you asking me if the was over you just shot your last blue belly we what do we we going to do Captain win our war that meet you and those Yanks are still after us it's our last chance Luther our last chance to win anything for a long long time yeah and the Yanks found out that they wouldn't fight us would they well they just go and leave us be huh maybe and maybe not but who's going to tell him huh not me Captain not me not me what was he doing here oh I didn't ask Pro maybe he was no deserter he looks more like a dispatch Rider to me dor did he have any dispatch on him oh no he whatever he was get him out of here I don't want the lady to have to look at that mess yes sir Captain BR lock her up in one of the back rooms the back rooms yes Brew in one of the ladies rooms they do have rooms take her back there and watch her take her listen you'd rather me have Luther do [Music] it [Music] for [Music] entent [Music] [Music] how does he plan to do it ma'am use me to kill major Walcott at Fort Hawks it was Major Walcott who offered Captain Bentley every kindness he could yes maam he was killing Captain Bentley with kindness if it had been up to me I'd have just killed him your captain seems to prefer that to defeat Captain Bentley's not the way you see him man dor choed to offer in kindness not accepting it but he's a gentle generous person gentle gentle how long have you known him since long before the war he's not the way you see him lieutenant [Music] how long we got to hold him till sunset not long it do seem foolish I mean we we could just ski Del and not pay them no mind Mr kellinger Captain says we're better off to hold them off here stand a better chance to get away all I can see is we're setting and we could be [Music] going than than you're supposed to be watching these horses boy you're supposed to be watching these mouths boy how do you think we're going to get out of here walk [Music] bagf what are you looking at nothing you can see from here if I rode straight across them mountains instead of South I'd see my home before I'd see the sual I want to get home Sergeant bag NE we all want to get home boy but we just keep fighting till there's nobody left to [Music] fight go home son go home it matters more unit does to any of the rest of us anyways I'll take care of it with the captain thank you now again get [Music] [Laughter] me which one's it going to be Lonnie what I said which one's it going to be ailia I'm afraid all Coral liin livea to have left is burnt cotton and Confederate money well I hope you all pour in the skin rat you and your Yankee wives wife Luther I have only one yanky wife L you ain't nothing but a pig and a traitor is l a traitor do you know what you're saying Luther I'm asking because I wonder if it's right to call out a man who's got nothing but pork fat between his ears you calling me out Lonnie [Music] that's right Boer when it come on pretty boy get pretty F what are you two doing we fighting out there you hear that SU Captain Captain Little Mo just draw enemy fire it's fine Captain I said we just draw I Hur you Sergeant now you can wait and have it out here leave me alone will you come on L you want you got it Luther what the hell's matter with you L them blue bellies and Blue Bell what are you talking about them blue bellies they close enough to stick in their backs and break it off boy they're find it cat little mo right now we're almost home boy this war is most over with who said that not me Captain I said it Captain this war will never be over whether we like it or not we'll fight this war for the next 100 years till all Yankees or no Yankees live in the south let me go there's no horse for you the Union soldier you just killed let me have his [Applause] horse what about this Captain what are we waiting for we got to get out of here well of course L to take the men a ride to the first cover south of here I'll wait for K little more now Lonnie you're too crew I'll be alone but why because I'm in command here and there's a war on you require other reasons Pro I said you require further satisfaction Lieutenant captain [Music] [Applause] what you got to K me that's what you said wasn't it next time we're alone any one of those could be going through your major you know something you were right Yankee wasn't a deserter he was a dispatch Rider War's over [Music] oh oh no oh you see Miss Emily you're like all of us were you think nothing like this can ever happen to you well it can it's happened to a whole country my country there was nothing I could do to prevent that no no matter what no matter how I fought no matter what and now there's nothing you can [Music] do and you're lucky because your humiliation will be over soon but here between us you and your major are going to know I won he'll live long enough to L while [Music] one there's only two of them BL Lake see if you can round up those horses Billy cat up to the top and can cover him hey boys it's me Billy cat the Yankee from Missouri what's he saying what's he saying Mr C oh Mr C get away boy somebody's got to go tell the captain now watch me hit his belt bule Mr K get away [Music] boy pick him [Music] up you and a [Music] coming [Music] I don't think I can pick much more of this you've been saying that for 4 years now well so of you I know but I'm finally beginning to mean it what's the trouble major we can't take anymore we can't go down that Hill no sir we can't you what I reckon we can [Music] huh [Music] what's [Music] for what does she want sir they're women more or less I don't think they know I post your senses in water mans don't get too comfortable yes sir BL Lake come on you come on fore spee [Music] spee gently woo [Music] [Applause] major they found a dead yankee out back named a l to day A dispatch riter from Fort McLoud what a dead dispatch riter out back it's empty back do you know anything about the man who was carrying this yes Captain Bentley killed him did you see the captain take a dispatch from here no I didn't see any dispatch why couldn't it have been good news so we could stop chasing them ribs Sergeant get the men ready to mount up now sir no yes sir all right tropers move come on double time let's move it out how much did you say po how much hey no no no I I can't see without my glasses okay here give me back you know if you do and keep quiet and just talk slow understand you damn you men [Music] move I said move did you hear the major he said move now come on M your horses let's get out of here hey get [Music] going [Music] any sign of them no we lost him that's what I thought we were supposed to be about D it losing speaking of losing stuff you've lost all kinds of equipment canteen tore up your scarf and lost half of it be careful what you lose dor else folks won't believe you're a captain anymore you get the rest of them men now Pro all right what are you am and fill your canteens Blue [Applause] Lake hey if you was a bird and you fly where'd you fly to I'd fly me straight home me too would you be a scared to fly would you me too guess we ain't never going to get home peder I don't think they can take this much longer I mean least wise we won't have to worry about it much longer they pass Los cruus a good 5 Mile on a furong back I'll catch the Mexican border before Sundown whether or not we catch some ribs major major they're up ahead of us sure enough this is Captain Bentley scarf they couldn't leave a clear Trail first if they tried not if they tried if Captain Bentley crosses the Border will you let him go my orders are to close with Bentley before he reaches Mexico my duties Ender the Border I had hoped you were more ambitious than that Emily those men are fighting for a country for the entire Union they are laying down their lives for a CA they already won well I can't help that I can see men die for their country if that's my duty but I can't see men die for your honor or mine now we'll catch him if we can but there'll be no Crossing that border one man would one man would kill Bentley if he had to go to hell to do it Bentley Bentley would kill Bentley [Music] all right M [Music] fire hey [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah Patty Blue Lake check the flanks yes [Music] sir I'll will take that flank [Music] mole Mo leg [Music] Patty Dy let's go Captain ain't enough up to stop one of us now Captain yes daughter let's go home if that's where you're fixing to take us all right let's move on out I said let's move out yeah as soon as I get me another blue [Music] belly you wouldn't Grudge me that Captain see as all it's passed between us would [Music] you major major well what are you looking [Music] at maor they kept shooting Patty they just kept shooting them no reason for it they just AR you will catch them [Music] m [Music] M [Music] up it's youro Vis and we done cross the [Applause] border wait a minute wait a minute hold it now with the captain's permission I think we all ought to recollect where we just come from and thank the good Lord for our deliverance and for how well we all done and uh getting delivered captain Sergeant let's all Comm me to Bow our heads in silent prayer the Yankees he's he come across the boorder he within his rights anybody for riding on out there and telling the major that h let's speak up all right Dan hide the horses y'all come with me first and let's go down below why did we just there be plenty of time for that let's [Music] move all right now remember pick yourself a man just don't shoot that major understand then up behind the Dome P up there mow up front for k there's plenty of cover move them out cat Allon Zer follow me major major we press the Border we crossed we crossed the border what border we we've come over we're in Mexico there is no border not anymore not anywhere major you don't have man Yankee get Mo keep firing I said keep fire hey maor Lord what are they doing up there they getting ready to charge us those little Rebel dogs I said keep burn don't you hear me I want to kill them more C fire I just you'd be home now I get home I got you J come here a come on M I was only fing you now come on cut that out I'm not going to put my life between them Ys and your property no more I'm going home Mo get back hey little old boy here I am what are you looking at I didn't mean nothing I don't care what you meant you killed him now get down there get God Made You Get Down L you kill more of us than the Yankees hair I'm putting a stop to it now I'm calling you out you mean right here in church Lon that's right Luther right here in church well what about them blue bellies wait you got me [Laughter] to what that budy the war's over it's over it's all over that's the c l it's over it's over it's over it's over it's the captain it's over it's over it's over where is it where is what the Yankee dispatch the war is over isn't it what try and tell that to the Yankees I will Lieutenant I'm still in command here what do you have left to command you betrayed us dor for 4 years we've been fighting a lost cause while that something you having this fight for no cause at all Lieutenant go ahead you killed most everyone else me I'm going to try and save a couple of Yankees we got a shb you want to kill him no you no why don't you just go home and take care of things we got all kinds of extra houses down there but if you's winning you take care of us here if I ever can I will [Music] he's going home you want to go home [Music] you Bley [Music] [Music] no what over M has been for some time I showed her the dispatch it's right here [Music] you just can't believe it can you was is over [Music] [Music] [Applause] the [Music] [Applause] a
Channel: Wild Westerns
Views: 513,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A Time For Killing, Abduction plot, Civil War movie, Confederate troops, Full movie, George Hamilton, Glenn Ford, Harrison Ford, Inger Stevens, Mexico border, Union soldiers, War drama, Western film, Wild West adventure, Wild Westerns
Id: zhkl58qJAVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 6sec (5346 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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