[Full Movie] 辛弃疾1162 Xin Qiji | 战争动作电影 Historical War Action film HD

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Closed Captions were added by Moxi Media. [Mount Tai] Imagine in the old days, he led a golden army with iron horses, overrunning thousands of miles of territories like a tiger. In Mount Tai, my grandfather gave this sword to me. From then, it accompanied me in the battlefield and never left my hand. Grandfather said if one day, all our land were recovered. and all of our people were united, remember to come here again and tell him this message. The name of this sword is Recover. Recover my motherland. Unite all the states. In the 32nd year of Shaoxing period, Southern Song, the Emperor of Jin, Wanyan Liang, assembled an army to attack Song, promoting a harsh conscription policy, which cause great misery for people. The self-organized public raised rebellions all over the country. [Sifengzha] Shuanghua. Shuanghua. Shuanghua. Hammer. Yeah. Brother. Where is everyone else? They're dead. They're all dead. Where is Shuanghua? Miss Shuanghua... I don't know. I told you to watch out for her. Brother, There were too many people in the Jin army. I couldn't defend. Just go. I'm going to follow you. Go. Don't cry. Don't let them laugh at us. Sister. I'm scared, sister. Don't be scared. I'm here with you. I beg you not to kill my sister. I beg you. Wait. Don't kill my sister. I'm begging you. What's your name? Sister. Aliang. Sister. Animals. You bunch of animals! Sister. Sister. Sister. Sister. Sister. Sister. Animals. You bunch of animals! Sister. Animals. Fight them till death! Shuanghua, are you alright? Go and save people. Xin Qiji. Huerba. Aliang. Sister. Go and hide now. Sister. Aliang. Aliang. Aliang. I want to go home. Aliang. Aliang. Aliang. Aliang. Don't worry. I will definitely get revenge for you. Brother. Now we don't even have homes anymore. When the Jin army are fought off, we will build new homes. Brother. Where are we going next? Taian. We're going to Taian City. In my life, if I can't recover the Song territory, I, Xin Qiji, would rather not be considered as human. Boss. our buddies here have been working every day without sleeping. We really can't continue. I don't care about that. The Jin army will come whenever they want. By the time, if we have left an unfinished wall for the marshal, he will kill me. Boss. Is everything ready? Yes. Supervise their work closely. Yes. [Tai'an City] Is it boiled now? Yes. Report. What? There is a cavalry outside the city. We've arrived in Taian City. Wait for me here. Brother. People in this city seem unwilling to welcome us. I'll go with you. It's people's self-orgnized army, not the Jin army. Why should we be scared? Be careful. Don't worry. Hey, this city no longer take in refugees. Leave. We're the self-organized army from Sifengzha. Not refugees. We won't take anyone in. If you don't go, the next arrow will be in your head. Please report to your superior, General. Can't you understand my words? Go away. Your arrow is too soft. It won't be able to reach me. You're seeking your own death. On guard. Don't be stressed, General. I'm here to look for someone. No. This time, even if you try your best to persuade me, I must still go to this battle. Look at all the people in this city. They're all starving. If we let the food transporting team of the Jin pass, how do you think I can face all my buddies? I didn't say I'll stop you from going to the battle. But as for the strategy, you need to consider it thoroughly. The food transporting team of the Jin has at least five thousand members. Fight them without consideration? I think you're exchanging your buddies' lives for a bite of food. Bullshit. Jia Rui, you stinky scholar. I'm telling you. you're afraid of the Jin army, I, Geng Jing, am fearless. Geng Jing, I'm also telling you. I won't listen to you. Battlefield is not like planting field. I'm just a planter in the field. As long as I'm here, I won't let you go anywhere. No one can stop me today. Geng. Go away. Scholar Jia. Are you alright? Report. What? The Jin army broke our defense? No, no. There is a man called Xin Qiji who are taking people into the city. He said he was a classmate of Vice Marshal Jia. I won't see him. I won't. Vice Marshal Jia asked me to tell you guys. He won't see you. Apart from that, this cart of food is a gift for you guys. What does that mean? Do you think we're beggars for food? What's wrong with being beggars for food? There is a war going on. It's good to have a bite of food. I'll smash your mouth. We'll take the food. You go back and tell Jia Rui. I'll be waiting for him outside the city. If he doesn't come to see me, I won't leave. Hammer. Collect the food. Collect the food. Stinky beggar. You're really stubborn. Boss. Your meat is stewed well. Get out of my way. Hammer, have a pancake. Youan. Damn it. So unfair. Pick up your pancake. Brother. Brother. We came here from so far away. Did we just do it for a bite of pancake? I won't eat. Hammer. I won't eat, either. What are you doing? Come back. Shuanghua. Sorry for such inconvenience. Not at all. There is a war going on. I'm satisfied with having a bite of food. Taian City has the largest self-organized army in this area. They attacked this city many times but never succeeded. If we want to fight against Jin's army, we must use their help. Youan. What is it like in the Great Song? In the Great Song territory, At night the market lasts till three o'clock, and in the morning the market reopens at five o'clock. If it's a place for entertainment, it runs all day and all night. A book called "Dreams of Splendor of the Eastern Capital", and a painting called "Along the River During the Qingming Festival". The Great Song is very beautiful. But there is still something that I don't understand. Wasn't Jia Rui your classmate? Why is he unwilling to see us now? Jia Rui once told me to take the imperial examination of the Jin Court with him. I didn't want to serve the Jin Court. So I turned him down. Not only that, I also invited him to drink with me. Three days. He passed out and slept for three days. Then he must hate you very much. No wonder he wouldn't let us get in the city. Shuanghua. Jia Rui is a very talented man. I did that because I didn't want him to become an officer in the Jin Court. Who is it? Brother, it's me. I'm here to have a bite of the pancake. I was to stubborn. Now I'm starved. Alright. Come and eat. General Huerba. General Huerba. General Huerba. Take me to see the Lord. Yes. [Camp of the Jin Army] I asked you to take two thousand people and fight in Sifengzha. But you came back alone. How do you think I should punish you? Huerba should die to redeem. But my Lord, please. Before I die, let me kill Xin Qiji. Are you talking about Xin Qiji who is the grandson of Xin Zan? Exactly. I took people to fight in Sifengzha that day. But I got ambushed by Xin Qiji. My Lord. If I can't kill Xin Qiji, I won't die peacefully. Enough. Go and treat your wounds. My Lord, I... Go. Meier. What do you think of this? I've heard of this man. Xin Qiji has civil and military expertise. He's very famous. But he is unwilling to serve our Jin Court, and he organizes rebels to fight against us everywhere. Father. Let Meier do this. I'll kill him. No. There is still a month left. We're going to march till we meet with the southern army. Before that, Find him out. Yes. Remember. Without my order, don't take actions on your own. I understand, It's been three days. I don't think they're worried. Of course. Vice Marshal Jia gave them a cart of food. It's enough for them to eat for a month. It's only been three days. Why should they worry? Such a fun crowd. Even I want to go over there. Enough. Don't use your words to mock at me. I'll go over them and talk to them. You should have done that earlier. Go. I'm going. What are you waiting for? Go. Over here. Don't run. Come here. He finally showed up. Have a break. Brother Jia, it's been a long time. What do you want from me? Sifengzha was destroyed. I brought them here to join the army. Your grandfather was an officer of the Jin Court. You should join the Jin army. I gave you plenty of food. If you think that's not enough, I can give you another cart. After so many years, you're still holding grudge against me for that thing. Don't worry. I came to Taian City just to fight against the Jin army. I know you enjoy being an officer. I won't compete with you for the position of Vice Marshal. Xin Qiji. Bring my bow here. OK. Protect Vice Marshal. You want to get in the city? OK. Now there is a Jin army of five thousand people coming to Taian City. I'll give you eight hundred people. If you win the battle, I'll let you come into the city. What? Are you scared? If you're scared, just go away. Five hundred. I only need five hundred people. Jia Rui. I'll meet you inside Taian City. Brother, it's almost time. Let's do this. Wait for a moment. It will be too late if we don't do it right now. Be patient. Do it. Block the road. Embattle. Kill. Kill. Pick up your weapons. Reorganize the defense. Shoot. General, our people are also there. I told you to shoot. Didn't you hear? Yes. Prepare. Shoot. Shoot. Are you alright? I'm fine. It's just a scratch. Hammer. I'm here. Charge. Guys, come with me. Charge! Kill. Hammer. Your General is dead. Youan. Now that we've won the battle. Can we go inside the city? Don't move. When we go inside the city, I'll ask Jia Rui for some medicine for your wounds. This is nothing. You don't know. When I used to take Aliang to the woods for hunting, I got worse wounds than this. Showing off. But really, don't participate in this kind of thing anymore. Are you afraid that I might hold you back? No. I'm just a bit worried. Brother. Brother. Brother. Hammer. Over here. Brother. Brother Xin. This kid is eager to see you. Dude. Do you want something from me? Brother Xin. This dagger is a trophy from the Jin army. I give you it as a gift. A gift for me? Why? It was really great to have fight in a battle with you. All the buddies really admire you. Just take it. OK. I'll take it. Good. Hammer, let's head back to Taian City. Guys, we won! A small man intoxicated by success. Vice Marshal, you let these people in so easily. What should I do? If we drive them away, we're giving up the food. No. We can just keep the food and drive them away. Then who is the small man? Brother. We fought so hard for the food. Are we just giving it out to them? Didn't you feel unfair? Jia Rui gave us ten stones of food. We give him one thousand stones back. Do you feel reluctant? No. Let's give him one thousand stones back. Feels great. Put it down. Stop handing it out. You guys, stop. Put it down. Xin Qiji. Who allowed you to hand out food here? We won the food in the battle. We can hand it out as we wish. It's none of your business. Without Marshal's order, you're giving out food in the army on your own to disturb soldiers' emotions. Guys, take them. I'll see who dare to try. Brat, what are you doing? Brother. They're giving out food without your order. Damn it. Brother Xin was Vice Marshal Jia's classmate. And he gave back so much food to us. Brother Xin, you fought this battle so graciously! Marshal Geng, thank you for your compliment. I suppose Jia Rui must have had a plan about this battle. If he had led this battle, the result would have been the same. Anyway, you scholars' minds are really bright. Marshal Geng. We fought the battle. And we repaid you with the food. But Jia Rui hasn't showed up yet. Is he going to break his promise? Sister. What are you saying? Today I'm here to announce. From today. we're one family. Brothers. Let's celebrate tonight. Eat meat. And drink. Eat meat and drink. Eat meat and drink. Eat meat and drink. Eat meat and drink. Enjoy yourselves with food and drink. Hammer. You've been really domineering today. I feel myself domineering, too. I need to keep being domineering tonight and drink until you're all drunk. Cheers. Silly Hammer. What are you bragging about again? Sister Shuanghua, I'm not bragging. I'm happy today, so I won't get drunk. Sister Shuanghua, I need to make a toast to you. OK. What do you toast me for? I wish you and Brother Xin get married soon. Fill it up. Come on. Cheers. Cheers. Everyone. I, Zhang Anguo, on behalf of all the brothers in Taian City, and those who died in the battle today. to make a toast to you. Brother Xin. To be honest, you came to join us in Taian City. I'm really happy. Marshal, you're too generous. I've heard that when the army was initiated, there were only a dozen of brave villagers following you. You've got such a large number of people in only three years. I'm really impressed. Did you hear what Brother Xin said? Don't yell at me anymore. Xin Qiji. Just be straightforward if you have anything to say. I don't believe you came to Taian just to join our self-organized army. A month ago, Huerba took his troop and slaughtered people in Sifengzha. I've brought all the people who survived to this place. This Huerba... Huerba is a famous general working for the Jin Lord Wanyan Basu. You want us to get revenge for you. Don't think about it. We can. Why can't we kill him? I don't care who he is. Brother Xin. I will help you get revenge from Huerba. I will definitely take Huerba's life. But there is something more important than this. I hope Marshal can help me. Brother Xin, what is more important than revenge? Assemble all the self-organized armies, take the initiative and launch an attack, drive all the Jin army out of Shandong and recover our territory. An idiot's daydream. Marshal. Fighting... They're fighting. Go and look. All of you, stop. What's going on? Brother. They were calling us beggars. That's why I fought them. Bullshit. What are you doing? Let me go. I must kill him. Are you drunk? Apologize. He's lying. It was him... Apologize. Brother, it was really... Shut up. A bunch of stinky beggars. You bastard! You don't need to say anything. I'm packing my things and leaving. From now, whether I'm dead or alive, it has nothing to do with you anymore. Sister, it's me. He did that very unwillingly. He doesn't care about me. He can only think of the Great Song. I don't have a place in his mind. Sister. Sister. You're wrong about that. Earlier in Sifengzha, when he crawled out of the dead bodies, he called out your name first. Really? Of course. He also said when he killed Huerba and returned to the Great Song territory, he would marry you. Brother. Shuanghua. The person who led the troop to fight for the food this time is Xin Qiji, a man from Jinan. Of course, I've heard of him. I've also heard Xin Qiji took the General's head among tens of thousands of soldiers. He flied. You two. There isn't any food left today. Go away. Why, General? Why? How can anyone fly in the world? Go away. Zhang Anguo. What are you doing? I'm giving out the food, Vice Marshal. Then do it properly. Hold back your anger. You're looking for me? Yeah. I've decided to take the army to fight against the Jin army. Are you crazy? You really prepare to use all our buddies' lives in this city to get revenge for Xin Qiji? You misunderstand. Brother Xin has thought it out for us. Look. This is our Taian, surrounded by the enemy. Yanzhou. And this is Jinan. This is Zichuan. You're pointing at the wrong city. That is our Taian. No. No. I can't present it well. Brother Xin, you should tell him. OK. Look. Taian is near Mount Tai in the north, and Wenshui in the south. It seems to be a precious place that is easy to defend but hard to attack. However, it is located in the center, leading to places in all directions. It is actually the in the teeth of the storm. You're right. But now, all the Jin troops in Shandong are gathered together by Wanyan Basu. They're ready to go south and cooperate with Wanyan Aliang. It's a good chance for us to have a break and get adjusted. But have you thought If they march towards north again, uniting Yanzhou, Jinan, Sishui and Zichuan to surround and attack Taian, what will happen? It will be an impasse for sure. Right. Therefore, we have to avoid that situation in advance. Now that the Jin army in Shandong is weak in number, we should strike and take the four cities. This way, the entire Shandong will be held in our self-organized army's hands. Well said! Do you understand? Of course, I understand. When we take the four cities, the entire Shandong will be ours. If we don't take the four cities, what happened to Sifengzha will happen to us. I disagree. Why do you disagree? Didn't he present it very well? What's the point of presenting it well? It's not words that can win battles. It's people. Do we have people now? Amitabha. I can help with this. Who are you? Who let the monk in? This monk said he was Brother Xin's friend. Yiduan. Youan. It's been a long time. His name is Yiduan. He and I are friends with complete mutual understanding. Gentlemen, if I can find another self-organized army, can you agree to Brother Xin's plan? Buddy, how many people can you bring? Five thousand. It's workable. Jia, stop whining. If we succeed, all of our brothers can have a better life. You must do this? I must. OK. Let's do this. But I have a requirement. Before we see the army, you cannot leave Taian. Then I have to trouble you to send messengers to take this trip for me. Did you read the letter? Yes. It didn't have any major problem. That's good. The monk came from nowhere all of a sudden. It's kind of strange. Tell Zhang Anguo to keep an eye on him. Hey, Geng. About this. didn't you feel very confident? I'm confident in Brother Xin. I'm not well-educated. I'm tough, but I'm not stupid. Let's go and have a drink. Come on. Brother Yiduan. Aren't you a monk now? Why can you still drink wine and eat meat? It's a shame. I should recite the scriptures and study Zen indeed. But I'm alive in such a turbulent time. Seeing the miserable life of ordinary people, I really can't sit by idly and remain indifferent. I got out of the mountain. Then I joined the self-organized army in the north. We got defeated and I became the captive of the Jin army. That's how I met you. I understand now. Brother Yiduan ran away from the Jin army. Hammer. Haven't you wanted to learn practicing swords? Brother Yiduan is a master in sword practicing. Why don't you take this opportunity and let Brother Yiduan teach you? Then I need to practice a little. Brother Yiduan. Hammer doesn't know what he was saying. Please don't mind. It's alright. Let's assume we met this time because of the Jin. Since our departure in Jinan, it's been three years. So fast. When I was young with a spear in my hand, my spirit was uplifting. I wouldn't care about being a master in drinking or writing poems. Brother. The sword skills you taught me are not so good. Brother Yiduan. Brother, you should do it now. Sister Shuanghua loves watching you. What are you talking about? Watch my brother practice the sword. Youan. I haven't seen you practicing the sword for a long time. OK. I'll give you a performance. When I was young with a spear in my hand, my spirit was uplifting. I wouldn't care about being a master in drinking or writing poems. I didn't know the bystanders who hid their hands in sleeves. There were only two or three of them. The changes happen in an instant. The gull flies over the mountain. The magpie reaches the bridge between stars. Women are pounding the white silk to make handkerchiefs, missing the slim fingers that are now washing clothes. Yiduan has succeeded. This time he will coordinate with us in Taian. We're not taking the weapons for attacking the city or the food and horses. Let the soldiers take food that can last three days. Pass my order. Eight hundred of the Eagle Army are coming with me to attack Taian at night. Princess. Are you taking a risk? There is a saying in Song, Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Go and pass my order. Yes. Princess. Has Xin Qiji been found? Why are you here? Brother, last night, you and I... I don't know. Leave now. Go. What are you panicking about? You two got drunk last night. So you slept at my place. Right. Let's go to see Brother Yiduan. He was also drunk last night. Yes. What's this? Marshal. What are you doing? Stop pretending to be ignorant. The monk Yiduan stole Marshal's seal and attacked me. What do you want to say? Zhang, stop slandering others. Last night, we drank together until the daylight. How could Brother Yiduan steal your Marshal's seal? Brother, he is picking a fight on purpose. I told Zhang Anguo to keep an eye on Yiduan. He must have stolen Marshal's seal to make a fake military order and create chaos. They will coordinate from both inside and outside to give Taian to Jin. Brother Xin. I believe you were deluded by Yiduan. Shuanghua. You and Hammer wait for me here. I'm going to get Marshal's seal back. Brother. If I can't return tonight, don't make it difficult for my buddies here. OK. I promise you. As long as you get Marshal's seal back, about marching towards north, I'll do it for you. Xin Qiji. Yiduan went in the direction of the faded woods. Princess. Taian City is two hundred miles away. March in full speed. March in full speed. Come back with me. Don't be silly. You won't be able to defend Taian City. You and I once swore to recover our territory. Yiduan, have you forgot? A wise man submits to the times. The Great Song has already showed its doomed fate. Even if the world is run by the Jin people, the common people can still get a peaceful life. I'm going to ask you again. Are you coming back with me or not? The tribulations should have an end, but it will be endless when I turn back. Since you're determined to betray us and serve the Jin people, from today, the friendship of you and me is gone. We're irreconcilable with each other. Come on. The Jin army are arriving tonight. Youan. Go and realize your dream. Looks like he succeeded. Half of you stay here and wait for us. Let's go. Yiduan. You need to take out the sword from the sheath, fighting for your country against the enemy's invasion. Huerba. Do you still remember me? Who is there? Why are you peeping at me while I'm peeing? I'm here to take your life. Send the signal. Don't bother. The person in charge was killed by me. Prepare. I'm Princess Wanyan Chengmei of the Great Jin. If I die here today, the calvary of our Great Jin will wipe out Taian at all cost. It's a princess. Brothers. Make sure not to hurt the princess. I've been single for more than a decade. I want to have a wife now. Geng Jing. You all came here just because you don't want to have a battle. Today, as the princess of the Great Jin, I promise you. As long as you surrender, I guarantee you will have a high position with a good salary for life. Your buddies will also have a good life following you. Brother Xin, I can't make her understand. You tell her. Wanyan Chengmei, save your words. I can spare your life if you drop your weapon. And you need to go back to the camp of the Jin army and tell Wanyan Basu. Wanyan Basu won't let it go so easily. Every inch of land that is taken away by the Jin army, we will take it back. The plan of attacking the four cities might be impacted. You agree to the plan now? You're really cunning. Xin Qiji. We'll definitely meet again. Go. Wait. He must stay. Princess. I've been waiting for this day. Huerba. Today I'm going to take your life to honor the brothers who died in Sifengzha. I lost. Kill me. It's not me that want to kill you. Aliang, I've avenged you. You can rest in peace now. Brothers, Brother Xin has got revenge for what happened to you in Sifengzha. We not only killed Huerba, tomorrow, Brother Xin will become the Chief Secretary of Taian City. I'm going to follow Brother Xin and defeat the Jin army once and for all. Shuanghua. Let me go. Shuanghua, listen to me. This is the only chance that we can defeat the Jin army. Only when we chase off the Jin army... Can we stop fighting? When this thing is over, in the rest of my life, I won't do anything else but being with you. OK? From today, Brother Xin will be the Chief Secretary of our self-organized army. Great. Brother. It was our buddies that fought in the battle. Why is he the Chief Secretary? Zhang Anguo, what nonsense are you talking about? We're going to fight the Jin army. If we don't let Brother Xin take charge, are we going to let you take charge? No more words. Pour the wine. I know me being the Chief Secretary makes a lot of people feel uncomfortable. In terms of experience, I'm no better than you. In terms of military achievement, you guys have won hundreds of battles. I'm also no better than you. From every aspect, the position of Chief Secretary shouldn't be mine. But I want to ask you. What did you start the uprising for? To keep my stomach full and have warm clothes. To marry a healthy girl. Keep full, have clothes, and marry a girl. I want the same things as you do. But the Jin army won't allow us. To defeat the Jin army, we must do two things. First, be united. From today, All the people from the self-organized army of Sifengzha and Taian City should go to the battles without caring about each other's identity. Second, again, be united. All the people in our army mustn't take a single thing from the places we pass by. Only by using common people's help can we chase all the Jin army off our Great Song territory. How can it be said that you have nothing to wear? I will share my long robes with you. Chase off the invaders without fearing death. Chase off the invaders without fearing death. Cheers. Hey, stop chasing. Go inside and look. Give me some. Don't push. Everyone can have one. Come. Everyone can have one. I'm a soldier. I'm a soldier now. I really didn't expect this. The more battles we fight, the more soldiers we have. This must be the tendency. When we take Zichuan in one vigorous effort, our self-organized army will finally have a stand in the Central Plains region. I can see it now. As long as we have you, Brother Xin, the life of our self-organized army will get better and better. Youan, I've found a book for you. Geng, look. Let's go over there and have a look. Get out of the way. Stop fighting. Hammer. Stop. Hammer, what are you doing? Hammer. What's going on? Haven't you fought enough in the battles? Marshal He abducted Little Black first. That's why I fought him. Hammer. Who are you abducting? Take him here. Let me go. Go. Kneel. Brother. This dude robbed food from common people and he used his knife. Where are the people? They were scared by him and ran away. He killed this sheep. Little black. Did you do this? Yes. I hurt the people and robbed the food. But they're the Jin people. But they're also common people. Hammer. Treat him according to our military law. Brother. Isn't that too harsh? Behead him. I'll see who dares to. What are you doing? Marshal. Xin Qiji could let the princess of Jin go. Why can't he spare Little Black's life this time? I think he is up to something else. No more nonsense. Go away. Brother Xin. Little Black has done wrong this time. I'll give the people twenty sheep as compensation, or thirty, and punish Little Black with the military cane forty times. Do you think that's acceptable? Marshal. Never take a thing from the common people after we get in the city. This is a rule we set. Military law has no mercy. He did it, so he must be punished. OK. What about this? From today, whoever disobeys that rule will be beheaded. Is that OK? Back then, when I followed my grandfather travelling all over the world, we saw the Jin officers who never treated common people as humans. They rob money, food, and people. People refused to give them would be beaten. If they still refused to give them, they would be killed. Killing one was not enough. The whole village would be killed. Sifengzha was destroyed by them this way. Therefore, from the day I led people for the uprising, I made a decision. If one day, our Great Song can recover the territory we lost, I will never let any person in the land of the Great Song suffer such cruelty and experience such misery. Execute. Who dares to touch my man? Jia Rui, what are you doing? Brother. Chief Secretary. I know I was wrong. In fact, about this thing, I... Zhang Anguo. I'll kill you. Catch him. Come back. Isn't one death enough? Get out of my way. Move. Move. Vice Marshal Jia. You want to see me? Meier. It's your move. Father. They've taken three cities. Are we just going to sit by and watch? What? You failed because of Xin Qiji, so you feel irritated? I was careless and stepped inside his trap. You took action without my order. Come on. Vice Marshal Jia. Don't. Don't call me Vice Marshal Jia. We were classmates for years. Just call me Jia Rui. Come on. Youan. I blamed you for the wrong reason. Today, I finally understand what a great ambition is. I have to make you another toast. Brother Jia. I also have something to say to you. Now inclueding Taian, we already have four cities. When we get Zichuan, the whole Shandong will be in our hands. Zichuan is hard to attack, but I've found along the way that Wanyan Basu has assigned all of his main force away. We've took three of his cities. He didn't even send a single backup force. Seems he is determined to attack the south. Therefore, I'm afraid there is something we have to do in advance. What? Coordinate with the Northern Expeditionary Army of Great Song to encircle and suppress Wanyan Basu. That's not easy. We don't know whether the emporer of Song has approved his plan. Even if he has approved, Now including us, there are three armies preparing to go south and assemble. If we assemble successfully, our Great Jin will have an army of a million soldiers to attack Song. By that time, his force will be really weak. Look. After we take Taian, Sishui, Yanzhou, Jinan, and Zichuan. It's like we've set a trapping net in Wanyan Basu's way of returning north. As long as the Great Song's Northern Expeditionary Army can chase them into this place, our five cities will strike at the same time. Together with the Northern Expeditionary Army, we can demolish Wanyan Basu inside this big net. In this way, Wanyan Liang's march towards south will fail without much effort. I understand. Xin Qiji told us his plan on purpose, intending to delay our march towards south. Xin Qiji is indeed a genius. He has insights and a great mind. If the Song army has him as a strategist, it will be a difficult situation for us. Father, should we carry out the plan of going south ahead of schedule? No. Xin Qiji is a difficult man to deal with. But the rebels are not so tough. A superior military move is to defeat the enemy with a good strategy. Meier, you also need to learn killing with a borrowed knife. But our emporer is not someone you can see as you wish. You don't need to worry about that. I have an old acquaintance in Linan. He can help me with this thing. Brother Jia. I entrust you to attack Zichuan. OK. Don't worry. I won't fail you. Cheers. Cheers. I understand. I'll release a news. People who surrender will be spared. They will be given officer positions according to their military experience. Meier is really smart. Go and get it done. Yes. The arrows are resilient and the horses are strong. There were three hundred thousand soldiers in Han Dynasty. The militant General Huo was courageous. Marshal Geng. You want to see me in the middle of the night. Do you have something to discuss with me? Three years ago, I led a bunch of buddies to rebel just for a bite of food. Now we've grown into such a big army. But I never forget my origin. Marshal, what do you mean? Brother. I don't want to fight in battles anymore. You wanted to kill Little Black. I get that. You and Jia Rui want us to serve Song. I get that, too. But these brothers put their lives in my hands. I mustn't fail them. So you want to become a king. Right. Even if I don't attack Zichuan now, the Jin army can do nothing about me. I want the brothers live a good life following me. A good life? A good life. Geng Jing. Do you know what a good life is? Have you ever seen how beautiful the Great Song's land used to be? Open your eyes now. See how broken this place has been. What is a good life? You have meat to eat. You have wine to drink. You don't even have a home anymore. Where is the good life? Marshal. I never want to fight in battles. I don't want to fight at all. But there are some things I must do. If I'm still alive tomorrow, I will definitely go to Linan. If you want to kill me, you don't need them to do it. Take this. My life is yours. Three hundred states. Three hundred states. Brother. After we go to the Great Song, will we come back? We will. We will. Youan. Youan. Youan. Brother Jia. Why are you here? For this. Marshal told me to give it to you. Marshal said, "When you come back, we will take Zichuan together." OK. Marshal, wait for me. Brother, have a safe trip. Brother, I was wrong. Come on. Let's go back to Taian City. [Lin'an City] It's reported clearly in this memorial. Ministers. Regarding the march towards north this time, what are your opinions? Your Majesty, The march towards north concerns our country and government. I think it shouldn't be done so easily. Besides, Xin Qiji, Geng Jing and their people conquered cities and land indeed, but they're a disorderly crowd. Your Majesty, I disagree with Minister Lu. I'm only a warrior. But I've read essays written by Xin Qiji, the scholar from Jinan. Regarding military strategies, this man has insights indeed. In addition, I've heard that Xin Qiji defended Sifengzha in Shandong. After rescuing Taian from the siege, he conquered three cities. In all those battles, he won with a force inferior in number. Words are but wind. But seeing is believing. I've heard Xin Qiji can fly and carry a tripod with great strength. It's only hearsay. It's not worth believing. Good. Seeing is believing. Your Majesty, Xin Qiji is waiting outside the court right now. How about letting him present himself before you? We'll know whether those things true and real by asking him. I'll allow that. Call Xin Qiji to the court. Xin Qiji is here, Your Majesty. Stand up. Thank you, Your Majesty. You're Xin Qiji? Comparing to the hearsay version in which you look blue and have tusks, You're much more handsome in person. Your Majesty, I can neither fly over the roof, nor carry a tripod. I'm just an ordinary person of the Great Song. What an ordinary person of the Great Song! If my Great Song's people are all like you, I won't have to worry that my territory can't get recovered. Your Majesty, in Shandong, there are countless ordinary people like me. They're prepared to die in the battlefield, fighting against the Jin army. They won't rest until death. They've already conquered Taian, Sishui, Yanzhou, and Jinan. When the Northern Expeditionary Army set out, they will conquer Zichuan with all their efforts, and together with the Northern Expeditionary Army, demolish the force of Wanyan Basu. Xin Qiji, with only your words, how can you persuade His Majesty to send tens of thousands of soldiers? If we fails, your death won't be enough to redeem your crime. Why should I be scared of my death? Do you know how many people in the Central Plain region are homeless? Do you know how many people sacrifice their life to get back to Song's sovereign? Do you know those people in the self-organized army should have been like the common people in Linan, living and working in peace. They also want to have a good life. If I can see all the states get united and become one, I can die thousands of times without being scared. I, would love to do that. Good. All the states get united and become one, To achieve this goal of yours, I will give permission. Xin Qiji. Thank you, Your Majesty. Long live the king. [West Lake] Senior Master Fangweng. Youan, don't call me Senior Master. You and I share the same feelings. We care about our country. His Majesty has given permission to what I asked. Thank you for helping. It is said that a hero stands out when he is young. General Huo Qubing was like that. Youan, you are also like that. Hammer, let's go back to Taian. Going back to Taian. Go back to Taian. Brothers, open the gate. We're back. Brothers, Chief Secretary is back. Brother, I'm going to ask them to open the gate. OK. Brothers, open the gate. We're back. Brothers, Chief Secretary is back. Chief Secretary. Chief Secretary. Chief Secretary is back. Chief Secretary is back. Chief Secretary. Chief Secretary, you're finally back. Get out of the way. You're back. Yeah, I'm back. Say farewell to Marshal. [Marshal Geng Jing] Father. Our scout has reported that Geng Jing is dead. Zhang Anguo. You've achieved notable merits this time. What reward do you want? Just say it. I don't want anything else. I just want to be at your service, my Lord. Good. A wise man suits his actions to the times. I'll put you in charge of Yanzhou. I'll confer the title to you in person on the military practicing field tomorrow. Thank you for your great kindness, my Lord. I'll never forget. You can go now. Yes. Wait. This servant girl is a gift for you. Thank you, my Lord. Father. Can you trust such a person to run Yanzhou? He even killed Geng Jing. He has no loyalty. He's just a pawn. Why should we care about him? I just want to let those rebels know through him. The only way out is to submit to our Great Jin. Sister Shuanghua. Sister. Brother has locked himself up in the room for a whole day. Is he alright? He feels sad. Let him be alone for a while. That day, Marshal was extremely happy. He took out all the wine of Taian City. Our buddies all got drunk. Marshal was also drunk. He said after we fought the battle in Zichuan, we wouldn't have to fight anymore. I didn't know Zhang Anguo would kill Marshal directly when Marshal was drunk. Brother Jia, was I wrong? When I first came to Taian, I thought my life was over. But ever since I met you again, I seem to feel alive again. Marshal also said, A man must have hope in his life. It was you that let us see hope. But I cost him his life. Little Black Aliang. The brothers from Sifengzha and Taian City. They just wanted to be alive and have a bite of food. Living in the wartime, it's not easy to be alive. Marshal is gone, leaving the brothers in Taian City are at loss. When the funeral is finished, I will take the rest of the brothers and return to the Great Song in honor of Marshal. Youan, as long as there is still hope, we will recover the lost territory. I'll be waiting for you in Linan. Xin Qiji. Are you just going to leave? Shuanghua. You bastard. Zhang Guoan killed Brother Geng. I need to go to the camp of the Jin army and take him back to Linan. Only by showing the world what a traitor will get, can the self-organized army still keep together. And only in this way, can I repay Brother Geng's trust in me. In this life, wherever you go, and however far you go, don't think about leaving me behind. Never. Brother. You saved my life. To kill an enemy, how can you not take me? Zhang Anguo is a bastard. I've been disgusted by him for a long time. To avenge Brother Geng's death, count me in. Since my childhood, I've travelled all over the world following my grandfather. I aim for achievements. Recovering the lost land is my ambition. Brothers, you started the uprising in Sifengzha with me, and followed me to Taian, defeating the Jin army. His Majesty gave us the title of Peaceful Army in person and appointed Marshal Geng as Garrison Commander. But now Zhang Anguo betrayed our self-organized army and murdered Marshal Geng. If this man isn't killed, I, Xin Qiji, won't be a noble man of the Great Song. Peaceful Army, listen to my order. Yes. Follow me to break into the camp of the Jin army. and kill the traitor Zhang Anguo. Father, the army has started marching towards south. The rest of the team has been assembled. After we finish the thing here, we should get going. Warriors of the Great Jin. You're going to follow me on the way of marching towards south. We're going to conquer those weak people of Song once and for all. We're going to set up the flag of our Great Jin on every inch of land that we reach. I, Wanyan Basu, will be with you to witness the time of honor together. The Great Jin will live long and prosper. Live long and prosper. Live long and prosper. Live long and prosper. Live long and prosper. Live long and prosper. Live long and prosper. Meier. Let the surrendered General Zhang Anguo come forward. I, Zhang Anguo, is willing to submit to the Great Jin and serve you all my life. Offer Zhang Anguo the ritual of Leading the Sheep. Offer Zhang Anguo the ritual of Leading the Sheep. Long live the Great Jin. Zhang Anguo, from now, you're one of the Great Jin people. This officer seal is yours. Thank you, my Lord. From now, you must do your best to serve our Great Jin. Remember. You exchanged your brother's life for this. I understand. I understand. Charge! Incoming attack. Incoming attack. Incoming attack. Brothers. Retreat. Zhang Anguo. Catch him alive. Yes. Don't let Zhang Anguo run away. Be careful. Yeah. The Jin people... The Jin people made me do that. Chief Secretary. Give me one more chance. Let's go out together and kill all these Jin people. Xin Qiji, don't push too far. Zhang Anguo, when you killed Brother Geng, did you think you would be like this today? He deserved to die. I followed him so many years. I risked my life for him, fighting in hundreds of battles. It was after you arrived that I finally realized I was just a dog in his eyes. He deserved to die. You all deserve to die. You betrayed and murdered Brother Geng. You deserve to be killed. You surrender to the Jin for wealth. You deserve to be killed. The march towards north failed because of your greedy desire. Zhang Anguo, you're a disloyal, heartless animal. Go. My Lord, save me. You broke in for such a man. Is it worth it? Xin Qiji. Your grandfather and I were old acquaintances. Today I'll give you another chance. As long as you surrender, I'll spare your life. I, Wanyan Basu, can also guarantee you a promising future. A promising future? Wanyan Basu. I'll also give you a chance. As long you take all the Jin soldiers and get out of our Great Song's territory, I, Xin Qiji, can spare your life. Get out. Get out. An arrogant child. Shuanghua. Marry me. OK. Sister Shuanghua. Youan. I'm here. I'm here. I'm here. Shuanghua. Youan. Shuanghua. Wanyan Basu. Stop him. Quickly. Brother. Get on the horse. Brother. In the next life, I'll still be your brother. Xin Qiji beheaded the traitor Zhang Anguo in Linan to honor Geng Jing, Li Shuanghua, Hammer and other warriors that died. The news went back and uplifted the moral of soldiers all over country. They fought against the Jin army again and again. Eventually, the Jin army's march towards south failed. [Poem] Suddenly I turn my back, she gleams in sparse and obscure lights. Suddenly I turn my back, she gleams in sparse and obscure lights. This film is dedicated to the heroes who were devoted to the endeavor of upholding national unity and territorial integrity. ♪ Looking back at so many military achievements. ♪ with homeland in heart, I won every battle. ♪ Asking to be at the frontline, the hero wiped his tears. ♪ The spear is still sharp, pointing at soldiers in the battlefield. ♪ I wish to climb high, gulping ten thousand miles. ♪ So many years passed with my ambition left unfulfilled. ♪ When I get drunk, I appreciate my sword by the light. ♪ Who understands my loyal and kind heart? ♪ Through the ages, with civil and military expertise, ♪ I have a determined, noble heart till the day I die. ♪ Across the ordinary alleys and the stages for singing and dancing, ♪ when will the motherland be recovered? ♪ Going through the devastation of storms and the disintegration of the country, ♪ I am now old but still waiting for the ending. ♪ The sound of arrows is like thunder. The light of swords is like ice. ♪ Half-awake when I'm drunk, writing poems that will last a thousand years. ♪ The horses are running fast. ♪ The sound of arrows is like thunder. ♪ Finishing the recovery of the Central Plains region, ♪ I fought for living and posthumous reputation. ♪ Looking back at so many military achievements, ♪ with homeland in heart, I won every battle. ♪ Asking to be at the frontline, the hero wiped his tears. ♪ The spear is still sharp, pointing at soldiers in the battlefield. ♪ I wish to climb high, gulping ten thousand miles. ♪ So many years passed with my ambition left unfulfilled. ♪ When I get drunk, I appreciate my sword by the light. ♪ Who understands my loyal and kind heart? ♪ Through the ages, with civil and military expertise, ♪ I have a determined, noble heart till the day I die. ♪ Across the ordinary alleys and the stages for singing and dancing, ♪ when will the motherland be recovered? ♪ Going through the devastation of storms and the disintegration of the country, ♪ I am now old but still waiting for the ending. ♪ The sound of arrows is like thunder. The light of swords is cold. ♪ Half-awake when I'm drunk, writing poems that will last a thousand years. ♪ I should exchange my ten-thousand-word strategy of defeating the Jin army. ♪ for the neighbor's book about planting trees. ♪ Even if I can buy the famous essay of Sima Xiangru, ♪ To whom can I express my deep feelings? ♪ Through the ages, with civil and military expertise, ♪ I have a determined, noble heart till the day I die. ♪ Across the ordinary alleys and the stages for singing and dancing, ♪ when will the motherland be recovered? ♪ Going through the devastation of storms and the disintegration of the country, ♪ I am now old but still waiting for the ending. ♪ The sound of arrows is like thunder. The light of swords is like ice. ♪ Half-awake when I'm drunk, writing poems that will last a thousand years. ♪ Half-awake when I'm drunk, writing poems that will last a thousand years.
Channel: Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official 圈影圈外官方电影频道
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Keywords: Movie, 电影, 電影, Film, Full Movie, 中国电影, 中國電影, 中文电影, 中文電影, Chinese Movie, 華語電影, Chinese Film, 辛弃疾, 辛弃疾1162, 辛弃疾1162 电影, 辛弃疾1162在线, 辛棄疾, 辛棄疾1162, 辛棄疾1162 電影, Xin Qiji, Xin Qiji 1162, Xin Qiji 1162 Movie, War Action Movie, War Movie, War Film, War Action film, Action Movie, Action film, 戰爭片, 戰爭電影, 战争片, 战争电影, 动作片, 动作电影, 動作片, 動作電影, 战争动作片, 战争动作电影, 戰爭動作片, 戰爭動作電影, Chinese Action Movie, Historical War, Historical War Movie, Historic Wars, Historic War Movies, Chinese Action Film, fighting for the motherland
Id: U8wmFptq2-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 17sec (6617 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 09 2022
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