MULTISUB【大汉十三将之血战疏勒城 Han Dynasty Thirteen Generals】一代战神血守边疆!| 古代/战争 | 谢苗 | YOUKU MOVIE | 优酷电影

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[The film is based on true historical events] (So?) (How many of them?) (Twenty thousand?) No. (Two thousand?) Twenty. Twenty? Twenty? That's great! Da, are they sending 20 people to attack the city? Do you think that's possible? They must be the scouts. How come there's a woman in front? Geng Gong, you're betrothed to my sister. You mustn't... Save her! Hyah! Who are you? Listen, all of you. If you dare to capture me, I'll make sure you die without a whole body! How many of them this time? No need to count. Twenty thousand. Head back to the city! Where are you going? Listen, if you dare to leave me... [Han Dynasty Thirteen Generals: The Bloody Battle of Shule City] [Shule City] Move it along! Move it! Faster! Faster! Will you look at that? The military formation is beautiful. This Left Luli King isn't your average barbarian. It's too early to butter him up. You can start licking his shoes when the Mobei Army breached the city. You're right about that. Where are the soldiers? They're all up at the wall. You only have 300 to 400 soldiers? Just 200 of us. What about the Mobei Army? Twenty thousand. Heavens! Why aren't you surrendering? The Mobei Army is vicious by nature. Our men will be enslaved and women will become prostitutes. Then go up and defend the city! Go now! Charge! Four hundred steps! Come on! Fan Rou! Yes, sir! What's for dinner tonight? What? The same old three dishes. Three hundred and fifty steps! What are we waiting for? Zhang Feng! Yes! Where's the wine? We've already moved them all up here. Three hundred steps! Shi Xiu! Moderate southwesterly wind. Are we going to fight or not? Calm down. Two hundred and fifty steps! Ready! Two hundred steps! Release them! One hundred and fifty steps! Release the arrows! Release! All of you down there, listen up! These are Great Han's divine arrows! Something strange will happen to those who come in contact with the arrows! Don't fall for his tricks! Charge! Nice! They burn nicely! Da Lema! Da Lema! Brother! It's the divine arrows! It truly is the divine arrows! Retreat! Retreat! -The general is mighty! -The general is mighty! -The general is wise! -The general is wise! -The general is mighty! -The general is mighty! -The general is wise! -The general is wise! -The general is mighty! -The general is mighty! -The general is wise! -The general is wise! -The general is mighty! -The general is mighty! -The general is wise! -The general is wise! -The general is mighty! -The general is mighty! -The general is wise! -The general is wise! -The general is mighty! -The general is mighty! General, how about adding an extra dish to celebrate today's victory? Sure! Fan Rou, stop preparing the same three dishes. Prepare three new dishes! What am I supposed to use to make three new dishes? Find a way to make them. With Great Han's divine arrows trick, it'd be pointless even if he sent 100,000 men here. This method can be used once to drive back the enemy. For the second time, I'll have to beg the Left Luli King for mercy. What should we do then? Can you really borrow arrows from heaven? These arrows were applied with phosphorus, which is highly toxic and flammable. Oh right. Who are you? I'm only a lonely and weak woman. My whole family was killed by the Mobei Army. They wanted me to marry Chanyu. I took the risk to defy them and escaped. I see. Geng Er, find a place for her to get some rest. All right. Let's go. Come on, let's go. General, she speaks nothing but lies. The enemies are at our doorstep. Ignore her for now. Geng Da, gather some men to collect stream water and store them in the city. How much should we store? As much as you can. Be quick about it. -All right. -Got it. Zhang Feng! Yes, sir. Collect provision from the people. Divide the provision into five granaries and store them in the city. Yes, sir! One more thing. From today on, stop the people from using stream water. Ration the water for every household. All right. What about me? What should I do? Get some incense sticks. What kind of method is this? Waiting for our death? Burn the incense, eat our meals, and wait for reinforcement. We're ten thousand miles away from Luoyang. When the reinforcement arrives, there will only be skeletons left. Isn't it the same as waiting for our deaths? If you ask me, I say we take them and fight to the end. Qin Yi, any news from the imperial court? We've sent three messengers. But we haven't received any news yet. We'll wait a little longer. The reinforcement will come. [Luoyang] Your Majesty, the Mobei Army has invaded the Western Regions with 20,000 soldiers and besieged Shule City. Zheng Zhong of the Yumen Pass has requested to send reinforcement immediately. It's already been months. Why are you only reporting this now? Your Majesty, you've just ascended the throne. Before this, it was the national funeral. Then, there was the ceremony of accession to the throne. Hence, the memorial was presented late. Your Majesty, Geng Gong has been resisting the Mobei Army with 300 soldiers for months. I beg Your Majesty to send reinforcement to rescue and protect the people in the Western Regions to raise the reputation of Great Han. Official Bao, you said so yourself that 300 soldiers in Shule City have been resisting the 20,000 soldiers of the Mobei Army for months. How could there be any survivors? He's right. Official Bao, His Majesty just ascended the throne. There are many things to be done. Now is the time for the imperial court to spend and use talents. The expenditure is too much if we send reinforcement. It's not worth the loss. The Western Regions are the territory of Great Han. Geng Gong's soldiers are guarding the border for Great Han. How could the imperial court forsake them? Official Bao, let's say they're alive. The soldiers dispatched from Yumen Pass will have to cross the dangerous terrains of Tianshan and risk being harassed by Mobei cavalry on their way there. Just this alone, I'm afraid we'll lose more than a thousand soldiers. Don't these sacrificed soldiers have families too? They're also sacrificing their lives for Great Han! Official Bao, is it worth it to save the 300 hundred soldiers who might already be a pile of corpses? [Mobei Army Barracks] My Lord, why did we retreat today? Why should our 20,000 soldiers fear merely hundreds of Hans? I know Geng Gong. He's not a reckless man. Besides, the morale of the soldiers had been affected. If we attack by force, we'll lose more of our brothers. When will we attack again? No rush. Even if Geng Gong is skillful in battle, he'll surrender soon enough. Right Wise King? I heard that you were defeated by only hundreds of people today. Looks like the Chanyu did worry for a good reason. He's worried that you'll fail in taking Shule City. So he ordered me here to supervise the battle. Shule City is Great Han's stronghold. Chanyu feels uneasy to know you're occupying it yourself. My Lord, they're taking half of the credit for what we do. How does this make sense? When I was in the East, I heard of a saying. "A general doesn't fear dying in battle. He fears those behind him the most." Da, when was the last time you wrote back home? Mother said she reared several pigs the other day. I think they're about to give birth to piglets now. Mother also asked when we were going home. After we defeat the Mobei Army, we'll go home. Can we still go home? Of course, we can definitely go home. Get up! Just sit. So tell me. Who exactly are you? I'm only a weak woman. My whole family was killed. I'm Princess Kulshat of the Jushi Kingdom. You're the princess of Jushi? Yes. The Jushi Kingdom has surrendered to the Mobei Army. But I don't want to be married off to Mobei. That's why I escaped. It's true that I have nowhere to go now. Really? Of course! You can check my insignia if you don't believe me. Look at it. I was wondering why you didn't want to marry me! Fan Rou! Fan Rou! Right Wise King. You've been waiting outside the city all day long. How long are we going to wait? When are you attacking the city? The soldiers are tired. It's not advisable to attack frequently. The army should be reorganized. It's only a small city. Yet, you can't even take it down swiftly. The Hans will think the Mobei Army is as cowardly as you! What did you say! Da Guma. My Lord. I'm the Army Supervisor. I'll report all military information to the Chanyu truthfully. My Lord, what now? I have a plan that won't sacrifice any soldiers. It'll be a quick battle too. The city's provision is only enough for two months. Soon, Left Luli King will make his move. Strengthen the garrison. Do you think we can win this time? Yes! Of course, we'll win. You're right. I think we'll win this time too. I've thought about it. After we win, I'll keep dozens of good horses and fill my stable with them. What about you? Are you going to marry Fan Rou and have children? When that time comes, I'd be dead on the battlefield. I was only joking. We came here together. So we'll go home together. You scared me. Report! Poison! Poison! The stream is poisoned. As expected, the Mobei Army cut off our water supplies by poisoning the stream. Some civilians drank from it. Stop storing water now. Gather all the civilians and dig wells in the city. -Yes, sir. -Yes, sir. -Let's go. -Let's go. Geng Gong! What did you do to my sister? You better explain to me what happened! Stop yelling. What did you do to my sister? She kept on crying and refused to tell me anything. It's a misunderstanding. That's not right either. Geng Gong, we brave dangers together, and you're my sister's playmate. How could you do this to her? Don't you know your sister's personality? All of Shule City, no one dares to pick on her. In any case, she's not happy now. You must apologize to her right now and marry her. Outrageous! The enemy is besieging the city. Our food and water supplies were cut off. I don't have the mood to talk about marriage now! I don't care! Now to something important. Find some men for me. -Let us out! -Let us out! Hey, get up! Get up! -Let us out! -Let us out! Get up! Let us go! This one. Let us go! This guy. Let them out. Let them out? Yes. What's over there? Sir, it's best not to go there. Sir! Who is he? Sir, these three are the most vicious bandits. They especially robbed caravans in the desert. That strong man is Lin Kui. He's strong and kills without mercy. That thin man over there possesses some skills with fire. It's said he once burned down a city by himself. The furthest one inside is agile and has powerful legs. If we don't lock them up, there'll be chaos. Are you going to tell me or not? I'm here to tell you that there's nothing between Geng Gong and me. I don't believe you. It's the truth. Can you put down this cleaver first? You'd better be telling the truth. Listen. Geng Gong and I grew up together. We're going to be married soon. If anyone dares to get in my way now, I'll kill that person! I can't believe you're thinking about marriage during these troubled times. If we were married, we could go to the netherworld together and be together in the next life. That's imaginative of you. So you'd better stay away from him! Do you hear me? Geng Gong. What are you doing? Nothing, we were just fooling around. Glad to hear that. It's a critical time now. I don't have much time for you two. I hope you can look out for each other. Sure! We will. Am I right? Don't worry. We'll look out for each other. Report! General, General Fan wants you at the fighting ring now. All right. -Bravo! -Bravo! -Make way! -Bravo! -Awesome! -Awesome! -Great! -Great! -Make way! -Nice! -Please make way! -Great! -Great! -Awesome! Everyone. Let's get straight to the point. Now, the city is besieged by the Mobei Army. I'll give you two choices. First, stay in the dungeon. After defeating the Mobei Army, you shall receive your punishment as planned. Second, follow me to resist the enemies. You can choose to be famous or remain infamous forever. It's easy for you to say. There are 20,000 Mobei soldiers out there. How are you going to defeat them with just a few of you? Not a chance! You say it's to redeem ourselves. The truth is, you're just sending us to our deaths. He's right. Do you take us for a bunch of fools? How about this? The main entrance is behind me. Anyone who can get out from this entrance, I'll pardon your crimes! You're free to go anywhere you want! You can't do that. Don't worry. You better keep your word! Not bad! Come on! -Nice! -Great! -Awesome! -Awesome! -Nice! -Well fought! Well done, General! That's incredible! -Well done, General! -Amazing, General! Thank you for saving my life, General. It's all right. General, you're indeed a skilled martial artist. We admit our defeat. From now on, I shall obey your orders. -We shall obey your orders! -We shall obey your orders! -I shall obey your orders! -I shall obey your orders! -I shall obey your orders! -I shall obey your orders! I know you don't believe that we could resist the Mobei Army outside the city. But you can trust me, Geng Gong. If I could defend this small entrance, I could defend Shule City's main gate! As long as the warriors of Great Han are here, I'll never let the enemies pass through the city gate and harm the people in this city! -Well said! -Well said! -Well said, General! -Well said, General! -Well said! -Well said, General! Great! -Well said! -Well said! Fan Rou, what's wrong? Tell me who bullied you. Geng Gong! I'm sure he likes that princess! Impossible! Fan Rou, look. This is Kulshat, and this one is you. Any man would prefer this one. You... Instead of helping me, you're ridiculing me! You made fun of me! What's the point of living! Fan Rou, we're siblings. I have an idea. Light the fire! Fan Rou. Fan Rou? Stop right there! Your brother said you wanted to see me. Don't you find the weather in Shule City a bit hot? (Hey.) (Yes?) (See that moon?) (Mhm.) My wife told me if we were not doing anything here, the only thing we could do was watch this moon. I'd imagine that she's accompanying me watching the same moon. So, it would feel like we're together. I won't feel lonely anymore this way. Have you been treating me as your wife? Nonsense. Why are there many red dots on the moon? It's an auspicious sign. No, it's not! Report this to the General. Everybody stay alert! No, it's not. Well, it's the middle of winter. I don't feel hot at all. Why do I feel hot, then? If there's nothing important, I'll get going now! Don't go! I'll scream if you leave! You wouldn't dare! Molester! Molester! Molester! Can you stop causing trouble? I wasn't. We've known each other for a long time. When are you going to marry me? The Mobei Army has surrounded the city. Let's discuss love affairs some other day. Is that all you can say? Can't you just... What's the matter? A huge problem. -What are those? -What are those? Disperse now! Disperse! Quick! Disperse now! Quick! Disperse now! -Everyone, disperse now! -This way! Hurry! Keep it up! Run! -Quick! -Don't panic! -The stream is too far away. What should we do? -Don't go back in the house! Put out the fire with the water we stored! -We don't have much left! -Quick! We'll be out of the water if we use it! Do it now! Qin Yi! Put out the fire! The rest of you, follow me to the lookout tower and defend the city from the Mobei Army! Hurry! Over here! Go that way! Hurry! Keep it up! Hurry! Run now! Faster! Geng Gong, I guess you have no water in the city anymore! You worry too much! We can't finish the well water in our city! It's enough even if you surround us for three years! Zhang Feng! Watch this! Hey! I'm sure you know if there's water! All right! I'll wait for you to surrender! Let's go! Hyah! General, we ran out of water, and our provision was burned. I think it won't last for three days. Geng Er! Geng Er, bring the medicine! Bring the medicine! Give it to me! We have no water left. We can't drink from the stream. What should we do now? That's right. Let's surrender! We're going to die here anyway! He's right. I'm not willing to die here. Stop it! You'll die if you go out. Even if you're willing to be enslaved by the Mobei Army, are you willing to watch your wives and daughters' dignities be shamed by anyone? Why? Are you going to drink the horses' water now? The people have no water to drink. Drinking their water is better than drinking their blood. Can we go out then? Everyone likes to ask me this question. How should I answer? If I say we can, I won't even believe that myself. But no matter what, you've followed me here. I'll have to bring you all home. How long have you been defending the city? More than six months before you came. We're more experienced now. You knew you couldn't defend the city. Why didn't you leave earlier? If I leave, what about them? Two hundred soldiers traveled thousands of miles with me. They have families waiting for them at home. If I leave, the people in this city will have no one to lead them. I didn't expect you to be a heroic person. You don't say. You'd do the same if you were me. Lend me a piece of cloth. Why can't you tear your own clothes? Cloth is useless. It's not edible. I need to keep my leather armor as food. What are you doing? Still drinkable. Do you want some? I'd rather die from thirst. Then die. Only cowards would choose to die. It's harder to survive. Don't give up. We should try our best to survive as long as possible. When the reinforcement arrives, everything will be fine. You're feeding the horses water when the people have none to drink. If the horses don't drink, how can we have anything to drink? Look. We've dug so many wells. But there's not a drop of water. Grandmother, when will we have water? Soon. Here. Drink this. I'm not thirsty. Give the water to the children. How many days has it been since you last drank some water? You'll die. Just do as you were told. General! General, it's the envoy of Mobei. What are they doing here? Tell them to leave! No, let them come in. Wait for me! If you surrender, the Left Luli King will keep his promise and make you the King of White House and betroth his daughter to you. You'll no longer have to suffer here. Do you know why I let you in? Stop talking to him! Just kill him! I want you to die with realization. General! Every inch of land here belongs to Great Han. It'll never be divided. Who are you to appoint me as a king? Listen here. As long as the warriors of Great Han are here, don't even think about harming the people here! Kill him! Get up! General! That's all. Let's dismiss. Wait! Wait! General, I'm want to ask for food and water from the Jushi Kingdom. Shule City is now surrounded by the Mobei Army. There's no way for you to get out. If I don't go, we'll die here. As long as we manage to keep the people of Shule City live another day, there will be hope! The city is surrounded by the Mobei Army. Even a fly can't leave the city. How are you going to leave? Let me try. Qin Yi! I run the fastest here. Leave it to me. No, you mustn't. Don't persuade me. I'll leave in the envoy's clothes. The Mobei Army will be suspicious if we waste more time. Wait. Take this. When Father sees this, he'll send reinforcement. Shi Xiu. When you go home, give this letter to my wife. Tell her the moon here is as big as the one at home. I look at it every night. After him! The horse... The horses can no longer defecate. What now? General! General! General. Outside the city... Outside the city... You killed the envoy I sent. Thank you for the food. Not only did we kill him, but we also drank his blood and ate his flesh! Listen here! Even if you died thousands of times, it wouldn't make up for his death! I want all of you to know that not only do you eat human flesh, but we also do that. Geng Gong, look! I'm going to kill them! Stop right there! Defend the city. No one shall leave the city. Geng Gong, are you still human? That's our friend out there! They're going to cook him anytime soon! How could you watch that happen? I'll say it again. Defend the city. No one shall leave the city. Fan Qiang, listen to the General. If you're not going, I will! Fan Qiang! Let me go! General! Qin Yi! Listen to me, Fan Qiang! General! Listen to me. I know we're friends who have braved countless dangers. But have you considered the people of this city if you leave now? Geng Gong! Our King has slaughtered the horses and cooked them! Do you want to have some? Da. Da, let's give up. I can't hold on anymore. Let's surrender. Da! If we keep this on, it'll be the end of our family line. What should our parents do? Do you know what you're talking about? Do you? I surrender! I can't endure this anymore. I want to go home. I can't take this anymore. I want to go home. Brother, listen to me. Listen to me! Let me go! I want to go home. I want to go home! Do you know what you're saying? General, calm down. Do you know what you're saying? Apologize to General now! Now! I'm not wrong! There are 20,000 Mobei soldiers outside. There are only a few of us here. We can't defend the city! You said the imperial court would send reinforcement to rescue us. It's been so long. The reinforcement will never come! General. General. General. Let me go home, General! Let me go home! General! Guards. Let me go home! General! Let me go! General, he's still young. He's only 16, like Geng Er. He disrupts the army's morale when we're facing the enemies. General! Execute him! General! General. Zhang Feng, slaughter the horses, and we'll drink the horses' blood. General... General! We can't slaughter the horses! If we slaughter the horses, how will we break the siege? Slaughter them! Why did you carve "16"? Too many had died, and I can't remember everyone. If I carve "16," I'll remember him. See that one? The one carved with a flatbread. This kid liked eating flatbread. He didn't get to eat any when the city was under siege. So he cooked his leather belt and ate it. He died from choking. I'll remember him by carving a flatbread. Why did you have to kill him? If I don't kill him, more will die. But won't it make you even sadder by doing this? So many have died by following me. I can't let it go. I owe them this. I carved these so I can remember them. If they want to haunt me after their deaths, I'll be able to know who they are. What are you going to carve if I die one day? I can't carve anything. Why not? I have to die before you. But I want you to remember me this way too. Don't even think about it. We don't know how long this city will be under siege. Forget about dying in a foreign land. There's not even a proper place to bury the bodies. That's too inhumane. They won't die in vain, right? When the reinforcement arrives, we'll go home. By the way, Fan Rou, I had a dream last night. Guess who did I dream of? Who? I dreamed about my mother. I saw all her hair turned gray. My mother took my hands and asked, "Son, when are you coming home? I miss you." She said she couldn't wait for me anymore. She had to go now. So I thought it'd be fine if I could go back and send my mother off. But now, I'm trapped in this city. I don't even know if my mother is still alive. I failed as a son. I failed indeed. We can definitely go back. We can. We definitely will. Da, how am I supposed to eat this armor? I can't even swallow it. Don't see it as armor. Pretend it as our mother's braised mutton in soy sauce. Braised mutton in soy sauce? It's been a long time since I had it. I don't remember what it tastes like anymore. How about this? Geng Da, tell us what braised mutton in soy sauce tastes like. Yes, Da. Tell us. That's right. Tell us. Tell us about it. Tell us. All right. I'll tell you. My mother's braised mutton in soy sauce is the best. She'd blanch the mutton in hot water to remove the foam. She'll stir fry them and add some water. She'd cover the pot and let it simmer. After a while. Just for a while, it's cooked. Why did you make me tell you this? It's so fragrant! Let me try a piece. No, let me try. I'll give it a taste. This is the taste! You're one ungrateful bunch. Have you forgotten my three dishes? That's right! My sister's three dishes are the best! They're all tasty. Let's not forget about the liquor at this time. -That's a must! -That's a must! We must have a drink. -Here! -Here! Here. Bottoms up! -Bottoms up! -Bottoms up! Now that we've had some meat and liquor. Let's sing a song! -All right! -Sure! Sing! -All right! -All right! ♪The frontier fortress is yellow from the sand blown by the wind♪ ♪The Milky Way accompanies me to my dreamland♪ ♪There's no bloodshed in our hometown♪ ♪Only the fragrance of cooked white rice♪ ♪Great Han warriors defend the city wall♪ ♪To protect their parents at home♪ ♪If I die in this city tonight♪ ♪Don't be sad over my death♪ ♪The son of Great Han dies for his country♪ ♪I fear no blades that might spill my guts♪ ♪Only missing my mother's cooking♪ ♪And drinking with my father until the sun sets♪ ♪A hero doesn't regret defending the border♪ ♪I'm strong with my blade♪ ♪Prepare the soldiers and horses without fear♪ ♪Yellow sands were blown into the battlefield♪ General. -General. -General. The three of you were the important people I've picked from the dungeon. I haven't told you my purpose for doing so. General, feel free to speak. Left Luli King first sent an envoy to shake the morale of our soldiers and used Qin Yi to goad us. Plus, it's quiet outside the city. They're likely to attack the city tonight. We must strike first. Tonight, you'll be following me out to burn the Mobei Army's granaries. What? The people can no longer endure the hardship. We must take this risk. If we succeed, we may drive back the enemy temporarily. What are the chances? None. We may not come back alive. It's up to you whether to go or not. We're greatly indebted to you. I'm willing to risk my life for you. -We're willing to risk our lives for you. -We're willing to risk our lives for you. Great. I'll go with them! Fan Qiang? I heard what you said. Let me go! No, I have a more important task for you. What's more important than this? You three, pack up and get ready to leave. -Yes, sir! -Yes, sir! Geng Gong! Shule City can do without me. But they can't do without you, Geng Gong! The 200 soldiers need you. The people of Shule City need you more. So you must stay back. Stop staring at me. I'm not sending myself to death. If I don't return, take care of my sister. As you've expected, the Mobei Army chose to attack tonight. Defend the city gate with all your might! Gather the arrows! Yes, sir! Fan Rou, defend here. Don't let any enemies enter the city. Release the arrows! Shi Xiu! The city gate! Brothers! Hurry! Defend the city gate! Move it! Quickly! Defend the gate! Hold on, my brothers! Protect the people of the city! We must not let them enter the city! We must not let them enter! Let's help them! Let's go! Come on! Da, I'll report this to the general! Forget about that. Go and attack them with me! Both of you go! I'll hold the gate here! Go now! Let's go! Go! I need more men to hold this gate! Quickly! Come up! Leave! Now! General Fan, leave now! Shule City needs you more! Zheng Qing! No! My Lord, our granaries are burned down! Retreat! Retreat! My Lord! We've put out the fire. We don't have much food left. How are we supposed to fight them now? Da Guma, divide the soldiers into three brigades. Each brigade with 3000 soldiers. They will attack Shule City at seven tomorrow morning, at noon, and at nine o'clock at night, respectively. Remember. As soon as Shule City fights back, pull out the soldiers and retreat! I understand. Outrageous! You have 20,000 elite soldiers to attack hundreds of people! You actually lost the battle! Two days. As long as you give me two days, I'll capture Shule City! No need! Chanyu has asked you to hand over the military power. I'll attack Shule City. I'm about to capture Shule City here! This is absurd! It's because you're incompetent! If I were you, I would have captured it in one attack! Are you still going ahead even if the casualty will be huge? Those are my men! You're still clueless after so many battles, Left Luli King. The winner is always right. We battle to win! People die in battles! Kindness only invites death! My Lord! We'll capture Shule City tomorrow. I'll ask Chanyu for punishment. There are 31 who are seriously injured. There are 133 people who died in battle. There are only 23 people who can still fight. I see. Geng Er. Yes, General. Where did you say the secret passage you found led to? South of the city. Gather everyone here. Listen up. Today, the Mobei Army will launch its final attack. Everyone will evacuate through the tunnel. Kulshat will lead you to the Jushi Kingdom. With just a few of you, can you stop the Mobei Army? I'll stay back. I'll fight with you! Give birth to our child. I don't care anymore! I'm the only survivor in my family anyway! Count me in! Mother, take care of Yu'er. All right. I'm joining too! -Count me in! -Count me in! Me too! No, you can't go. Count me in! I want to join the battle too! If you join them, how am I supposed to raise our child? -Count me in! -Count me in! You can't go. Count me in! I'm going too! Father. Count me in! I'll join you too! I'll go as well! I'm going too! Kulshat, I'll leave the people to you. Don't worry. Take this. It will keep you safe. You must live. Fan Rou, go with them. No. I'll follow wherever you go. I'll stay with you and wait for my brother's return. Fan Rou, you don't live for yourself. Look at these defenseless people. Everyone's sacrifice was for them. You must protect them, understand? Don't worry. I'll find you with your brother. Leave. Everyone, the war is coming. There may be nothing left in this city. But we still need to drink for farewell. This first drink is for you, my brothers. You followed me and defended Shule City without drawing back for the past year. They say the Mobei Army is invincible. But were we ever afraid? -No! -No! Have they won? -No! -No! We'll drive them away today just like before! Cheers! -Cheers! -Cheers! The second drink will be my punishment. Kaiyuan, I heard you're a father now. Is it true? Yes. Yes. Look how happy he is. I'm truly happy for you. Kaiyuan, I'm sorry. I'll drink this. All my life, I've never done anything great. But following you is worth it. Cheers! -Cheers! -Cheers! The third drink, I offer it to heaven! Watch and see how the people under heaven survive! I offer it to this land! This is the land of Great Han! As long as I breathe, I'll never yield! Warriors! -Yes, sir! -Yes, sir! -Yes, sir! -Yes, sir! The men of Great Han stand firm and fear no death! -Stand firm! -Stand firm! -Fear no death! -Fear no death! Cheers! -Cheers! -Cheers! -Cheers! -Cheers! Attack! Why did you come back? I want to die with you! Nonsense! I want you to remember me forever! Fan Rou! Fan Rou. I did my best. In our next life, marry me. Fan Rou. Fan Rou! Fan Rou! Fan Rou! Geng Gong, surrender. Brothers, why don't we surrender? No, we can't. -We can't. -We can't. I can't hear you! -We'll never surrender! -We'll never surrender! See? I can't do anything about this. Kill them! Your Majesty, Geng Gong now garrisons the deserted city with a small number of soldiers to resist the Mobei Army. They dug well, drank urine, and ate their armors. They were there under the imperial court's order. Now, the Mobei Army has invaded. If we don't send reinforcement to rescue them, how can Great Han face the people? How can the imperial court face the soldiers bathed in blood? When the enemies invade Great Han's border and kill the people of Great Han, who else will be willing to defend our territory and sacrifice for our people? Announce my decree! Those who invade Great Han shall be exterminated even if they're far away! As long as you're the people of Great Han, you shall be rescued even if you're far away! (His Majesty decrees) (to exterminate those who invade Great Han) (even if they're far away!) (As long as they're the people of Great Han,) (they shall be rescued even if they're far away!) Hyah! [Han] Da Guma, retreat! My Lord! This is an order! Retreat! Retreat! Geng Gong, I lost to you today. After this, I'll be back to recover my victory! Those who invade Great Han will always be punished! Your Majesty. Your Majesty. Your Majesty, The senior captain of Yumen Pass, Zheng Zhong has delivered a letter. (Geng Gong defended the deserted city with his men) (against tens of thousands of Mobei Army.) (Months turn to a year,) (they were mentally and physically exhausted.) (They hewed the mountains, dug for wells,) (and cooked their armors as food.) (Out of thousands of deaths,) (there was no hope of life.) (Thousands of enemies were killed.) (Only 13 warriors remained in the end.) (The deceased were loyal and courageous.) (They have not shamed Great Han.) (No man has ever been seen) (as righteous as Geng Gong.) ["Thirteen Generals Returning to Yumen" Oil Painter: Mr. Zuo Guoshun, Creation Time: 2009] [From the March of 75 AD to the March of 76 AD, despite all the hardships and against all odds,] [Geng Gong and his soldiers defended Shule City with all their might against the Mobei Army] [before the reinforcement came to their rescue.] [Only 13 of Geng Gong's men were left when they eventually reached Yumen Pass.] ♪Seeing the faraway home in a dream♪ ♪I heard you calling out♪ ♪I see you in your ragged armor♪ ♪Yet, you hold your bloodstained sword proudly♪ ♪Anyone who invades our territory faraway♪ ♪They shall be punished to death out of moral outrage even if they're far away♪ ♪Yumen Pass has been waiting for a long time♪ ♪Their loyalty can be seen♪ ♪They experienced hardship to not disgrace Great Han♪ ♪Fighting in a deserted city with a strong will♪ ♪Yumen Pass has been waiting for a long time♪ ♪Triumph after hundreds of battles in the dessert♪ ♪Fight to serve the country♪ ♪Make history with your sacrifice and loyalty♪ ♪The warriors went off to defend the border♪ ♪The loyal souls who died in battle were buried in wind♪ ♪Seeing the faraway home in a dream♪ ♪I heard you calling out♪ ♪I see you in your ragged armor♪ ♪Yet, you hold your bloodstained sword proudly♪ ♪Anyone who invades our territory faraway♪ ♪They shall be punished to death out of moral outrage even if they're far away♪ ♪Yumen Pass has been waiting for a long time♪ ♪Their loyalty can be seen♪ ♪They experienced hardship to not disgrace Great Han♪ ♪Fighting in a deserted city with a strong will♪ ♪Yumen Pass has been waiting for a long time♪ ♪Triumph after hundreds of battles in the dessert♪ ♪Fight to serve the country♪ ♪Make history with your sacrifice and loyalty♪ ♪Fight to serve the country♪ ♪Make history with your sacrifice and loyalty♪
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Id: 4ow0PAcWGVg
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Length: 84min 15sec (5055 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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