[Full Movie] 武动乾坤 Nine Talisman Tower 九重符塔 | 玄幻动作电影 Fantasy Action film HD

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Closed Captions were added by production company. Precious fruit of demon's blood Basilisk's bone Salvation elixir Long-lived turtle shell Netherworld's mirror Yin-yang mirror Why this happened? Master Yan's Autumn-unicorn Sword's been missing for several days Without any clue Except the Blood-wolf Gang and the Bloody Garment Sect I have searched the entire Yan city With no results I deserve your honor's punishment President Xuan I have something to replace the chief consecration in this auction As to Autumn-unicorn Sword It surely turns out when necessary Thanks, Master Yan Calligraphy and painting are only top-grade in the eyes of the one who really knows them The Bloody Garment Sect and the Blood-wolf Gang choose to visit Megabuck Trade House together on the last day of closing the autumn market Undoubtedly they are coveting some benefits This person, however, just like what Master Yan said can shake the situation of the current tripartite confrontation President Xuan only needs a little thinking Five thousand What This wooden trinket worths five thousand Yang Vigor Stones Are you practicing kung fu brainlessly Master Yan gave me this Who cares he is Master Yan or Master what He is nothing but a fraud This is the last day Megabuck Trade House closes the autumn market in Yan city There surely be many rare objects we need Look at you All say that a man who turns wealthy becomes disloyal to his wife But you are different, you become foolish What are you doing this for Do not spend extravagantly like this even if we have mines Moreover, our father has told us to buy so many things You give me this also No I don't know how to use it yet Everything stays with me I keep them Act as I tell you after we enter the city Don't be like a green lad taking everything for treasures Amazing The Lin-clan brother and sister hasten to Yan city to break the deadlock and disclose the mystery The conflicts among three parties are surging to wreak havoc across all sects and gangs Demon's shadow is emerging here and there Big chaos is brooding in Megabuck Trade House Bloody Garment Sect is expanding with ever greater influence Nine-storey Amulet Pagoda is the sole to stabilize the universe All show fear when Lin family intervene in A battle between life and death is on the verge of breaking out Amazing You stand still before saying something This gentleman With a red gown on the shoulder and a heaven-and-earth pouch in the waist dignified in bearing and graceful in appearance and a Master Yan's token in hands must be the honored guest of Master Yan the overlord in Qingyang Town Lin Dong, Lord Lin That's me This way, please Hey Our Megabuck Trade House has provided a comfortable seat for your gracious presence Relax yourself, we also accommodate your attendant I am the one Our Megabuck Trade House has many servants to serve you Come with me You...you...you... I... I'm looking for you for quite a long time How dare you, a shift man, to be late Shame on you I... I... I... I think you guys are making a mistake Impossible, impossible Hurry up and follow me Hurry up Are you joking I am We are doing the right thing, Lord Lin Be quiet Lord Lin, Master Yan ordered that this visit must be in secret Only three persons in Megabuck Trade House know your coming I beg your pardon Wait here for a while You...Why like this Wash your hands OK OK OK OK OK OK Lord Lin, please Bravo Bravo Bravo What has the old Yan got up in his sleeve As of today, our Megabuck Trade House has been open to the market As of today, our Megabuck Trade House has been open to the market for twenty-six thousand and eighty-one days It's the last day before closing the autumn market Lord Lin All auction items are Megabuck Trade House's collection aged over one hundred years Now Here comes our first treasure Precious fruit of demon's blood Its starting price is two thousand Yang Vigor Stones Three thousand Four thousand Four thousand Yang Vigor Stones Five thousand Any price higher than five thousand How to play this novelty Six thousand Who knows whether Qingtan (green ebony) gets any idea of the rules of auction Eight thousand Anyone else Me---me---me Me---me---me Me---me---me Me---me---me Twenty-six thousand Yang Vigor Stones for the first time Twenty-six thousand Yang Vigor Stones for the second time Twenty-six thousand for the third time Sold Congratulations to young master Lin Dong from Qingyang Town He won the auction after eighteen times' pressing the bell What I made an offer Lord Lin is really generous The second treasure is basilisk's bone Thirty-six thousand Yang Vigor Stones Congratulations to young master Lin Dong from Qingyang Town He won again Where is this well-off lad from Eighty-eight thousand Yang Vigor Stones Congratulations again to young master Lin Dong from Qingyang Town I cannot believe it There is not another guy richer than him Press again Hurry up quick Hurry up Haste to serve dishes Today we have a most distinguished guest Waiters, where are waiters I'm wondering why several waiters are missing It's you idling around here Haste to serve dishes Who do you think your are You lack basic professional ethics Dishes, take it Be off quickly Quick---quick---quick Catch-up, catch-up Quick---quick---quick Enter This is nice This suits my mum Light candles for me I reward you this Cheers Why are you here This dish is for the private room on the opposite Hurry off, hurry off Don't waste time here Lord Lin, another cup please Please come in Two hundred thousand, congratulations to Lord Lin Dong from Qingyang Town There can be such a big shot in the backward Qingyang Town I never heard of that Never cry when you pay the auction to break the rules of Megabuck Trade House I cannot believe it You... A loser, I think Today I will remind you of how rich I am with family-owned mines She is what you said of the cure Your honor, my sect head The girl in the opposite room is Lindong's sister named Qingtan What a secret trick Will he show up today Your dishes Take your time Look Who has mines like me Look at me How dare you say I'm poor How dare you say I'm poor You wicked girl I'll settle with you afterwards Look at me Chief The Immemorial Stone was seen just now It's the best time to take action Why you stopped me You wicked girl I surely will punish you After a while, you carry this painting for auction when the outside calls you You hear me and be careful This is Master Yan's painting What happened these days Why many people are absent without leave Next is the last auction item for today A handscroll of painting blessed personally by the four-seal rune master in Yan city What are you waiting for Push forward You told me before to take Lin Dong's Immemorial Stone We need the spiritual strength of Nine-storey Amulet Pagoda According to you Which storey can he attain Not higher than the third storey How about taking him by force into the pagoda I'm afraid before reaching the ninth storey the Immemorial Stone will fade into ashes together with him Push him to find me on the top of the pagoda Understand Master Yan is an eminent person in Yan city guest of honor of Megabuck Trade House All things to be sold from him can be named as first-class special supplies Are you ready What bullshit calligraphy and painting, or so-called first-class special supplies Megabuck Trade House is fooling everyone on purpose Our Bloody Garment Sect is the first to be dissatisfied Chief Yue, what do you mean with these words I heard that the first-class special supply in this auction should have been the Autumn-unicorn Sword forged by Master Yan We come here only to have a look at the glamor of this sword Why the sword is replaced by a scroll of waste paper Exactly as what I have heard of It seems that Megabuck Trade House is on the wane I see Reportedly thieves broke into Megabuck Trade House several months ago Can it be that the sword is stolen If so Who dare to sell his treasure in Megabuck Trade House Exactly so Quite right What the hell is going on? Where is your treasure from What then But I have a treasure here It deserves the name of today's first-class special supply Autumn-unicorn Sword According to our rules of Megabuck Trade House all treasure must be in the custody of... You say our Bloody Garment Sect sell fakes I only need a simple glimpse to judge the genuine from the fake Why Chief Yue made such a fuss to ruin the mood Autumn-unicorn Sword Two feet three inches long inlaid with dragon scales on the body blessed with Master Yan's hierogram It is outstandingly sharp and fits for all hands As President Xuan has proved its authenticity Let's put it up for auction What I said is about the genuine Autumn-unicorn Sword But this one is a fake A real sword is broken like this Xuansu, what do you mean by this What our Megabuck Trade House has checked to be a fake is a fake Chief Yue Please leave Well, since you broke my sword I will ruin your transaction Go tearing up that worthless painting What a tricky Xuansu You hide a rune puppet All charge forward Protect President Xuan What happened these days Why many people are absent without leave We are friends We are friends, do you hear me Qingtan Qingtan Brother Where do they take my sister Who is your sister How queer It is built like a maze Elder brother Qingtan Brother, why I can fly now I'm Xueyi How dare you bully my sister, you are courting death In terms of cultivation in spiritual strength it seems that I overestimated you What spell you casted on me It's a surprise you have such a treasure but it is useless for you Qingtan Brother, what's wrong with you Qingtan You killed Gu'ying What a surprise If you want to see your sister find me in the Nine-storey Amulet Pagoda Qingtan Release me I'll rescue my sister You stupid spider, release me Otherwise I dismember you Do you know who is the guy you killed in our Megabuck Trade House I disregard what the so-called Bloody Garment Sect or Blood-wolf Gang Anyone who takes my sister away I'll kill them all Why you keep me from doing this Did you conspire with them Throw him out Look at this young man Megabuck Trade House is not a place to act wildly Nine-storey Amulet Pagoda What a place There are even no guards Release me Find a place to detain her Change the place every day My brother's coming to rescue me Just wait for your punishment Release me How you have prepared the battle array Nine times out of ten But only...Chief I have warned you many times When it reaches 1 a . m . don't look up to see my face You continue what he did not said The Millennium Snake Blood has...has been robbed by Bloody Garment Sect I'll deal with it at once within three days Retreat Yes Master Yan Master Yan, help me Rescue my sister You are so powerful The Bloody Garment Sect , the Blood-wolf Gang, the Megabuck Trade House altogether are nothing to you Please...help me Please help me Stay calm young man Wait quietly for three days, there must be a favorable turn Wait quietly How can I wait quietly My sister is in their hands She is in the pagoda now blood-stained from head to toe suffering all kinds of tortures I cannot wait for that turn I cannot Yan, you bastard You asked me to visit Yan city You told me there is a destiny here, I come now You said Xuansu from Megabuck Trade House wanted to see me I'm waiting What I have waited for My sister is taken away Megabuck Trade House stopped me from rescuing her All this All this is part of your plan right Keep everything secret purposely Your are birds of the same feather Lin Dong Calm down I know you cannot wait to rescue her But what you are doing avails nothing President Xuan from Megabuck Trade House is a person you will owe a debt of gratitude Never bear grudge against her Do remember There will be a favorable turn within three days Old Yan Never mind if you refuse to rescue my sister I do it personally Your painting I have not paid for it I return it to you It's really not the right moment Locked by the spiritual strength two times within a single day What an overlord in Qingyang Town Ridiculous Who are you I'm the emperor of the Heavenly-goblin Marten Family Little mouse No you are a mouse I'm a marten a marten Why you have a face of Wu Yun You both are good brothers In his guise it's easier for you to accept me This is not a space of mind How you come out of it Now that you have refined the natal magic figures and have absorbed the spiritual strength of Gu'ying I take a man's form thanks to you Having stayed for a long time in the Immemorial Stone I come out for fresh air I did not expect such a detestable weather Go with me to rescue my sister in the pagoda According to me tour sister is not in the pagoda at all What you have seen in the amulet pagoda is also visible to me it's nothing but the spiritual strength in the pagoda It reflects what you are thinking about Where is my sister now How to rescue her If I were you go find my old lover in Yan city Old lover Underground black market in Yan city The Mu Family When I was alive did have some influence Excuse me How can I reach the Mansion of Mu Hello do you know where the Mansion of Mu is located What an impolite fellow I'm sorr... Little mouse Do you know the road to the black market Mu Lingsha Come out quickly I come here to marry you You come here only for some food I have eaten nothing today Really hungry Your sister is taken away by Wei Tong You should go to rescue her No need to come to me Help me find Qingtan I refuse Well I'll disclose and tell Megabuck Trade House that the Mu Family sent assassins to kill President Xuan The Bloody Garment Sect, the Blood-wolf Gang, the Megabuck Trade House although having their own sphere of influence confront each other in secret If only we take the right time to ingeniously intensify their conflicts to break the balance among the three parties we profit from their confrontation It's not the point that Xuansu is killed or not it's the time point when the murderer appeared It was just the moment the Blood-wolf Gang stirred up troubles Miss Mu I think you are above such dirty deed So I guess there is another person behind you For what is happening in Yan city I advise you not to interfere in I don't care who is behind you I only need you to help rescue my sister After all You owe me this Clean your hands first I can help find your sister But you must promise me one thing You continue You have a break here this evening Tomorrow you will follow me to some places Chief Yue In yesterday's auction why did you leave without saying goodbye Does President Xuan invite me to drink only for this That day, you broke my Autumn-unicorn Sword I do not grudge against you even if you said my sword is a fake But my younger brothers were reckless They rushed to rip your painting I ask President Xuan to help me punish my fellows So I left silently to make you feel free to punish them Yueshan You stole my Autumn-unicorn Sword and disturbed my auction Now you come here playing a fool Do you really think that our Megabuck Trade House is afraid of you Mater Xuan is accusing me without cause Only with the rune puppet behind you to force me to confess your charges you are dreaming The Bloody Garment Sect, the Blood-wolf Gang, and the Megabuck Trade House each share its own territory peacefully in Yan city Despite of conflicts it's far from resorting to arms How's now Our subordinates know how to behave themselves Why you two overlords don't respect the basic rules Chief Wei This bitch said I stole her things Our Blood-wolf Gang is open and aboveboard We rob but never steal things The treasure-house of Megabuck Trade House is tightly guarded with tactical deployment of magic matrixes It's even hard for me to enter the treasure-house If one wants to steal some treasure unnoticed it's terribly difficult Am I right President Xuan Little bitch You hear that I have not finished my words The conflict between you Let me make bold to guess the reason It must be the Elixir-immortal Pool Why Chief Wei asks while knowing the answer I'm very close to the Nature's Realm The Elixir-immortal Pool is useless to me now I suggest you partake it peacefully Up to Chief Wei's arrangement I prefer taking a bath with President Xuan in the pool As you both have made the decision please go back Deploy more reinforcements to Elixir-immortal Pool Kill anyone who gets close to the pool Yes What are you smiling for Master Old Wei Tong is close to death Chief Wei I must leave I think you have known it Chief Wei has attained the state of freely manipulating strength How could you... You are keen on business How can you feel the pains of cultivation Once the Nature's Realm is overcome the final stage of nature is reached If one fails the day of doom awaits him If I die some day Do you think the reckless Yueshan is content to partake Yan city with you I reckon that Chief Wei has found the solution I like talking with smart guys You aid him in cultivation so that he break through the Nine-storey Amulet Pagoda After that I help you annihilate the entire Blood-wolf Gang and make you the overlord of Yan city Lin Dong I take this one Why you come here You said to take me to some places I guess they are not easy to enter So I prepare in case of need Qingtan Stop So hard Let's make a deal I don't think you come for a deal You need my help What are you running for Say it Where we go Let's go If this pool really named Elixir-immortal Pool it's better to name it Bone-melting Pool Half a month ago Blood-wolf Gang and Megabuck Trade House found this pool simultaneously One of our informants reported that the Elixir-immortal Pool and the Nine-storey Amulet Pagoda share the same origin Both contain pure spiritual strength A bath in it can quickly elevate one's cultivation If your inner strength is not enough... Okay, I have seen this According to me your inner strength of Primary-elixir State can only withstand for half an hour in the pool This seems to be the cause of the strife between the Blood-wolf Gang and the Megabuck Trade House Of the auction gains one third is used to help common people Yes Your Lady Your Lady Master Yan came This is the treasure-house of Megabuck Trade House with tactical deployment of magic matrixes Master Yan You have seen both Lin Doing and Wei Tong What do you think of them Chief Wei is decisive in killing and is familiar with tactics With his help our century-old heritage can be preserved but we are finally controlled like a puppet As for Lin Dong brutal in character impulsive and irritable especially vulgar in speech and deportment I don't understand why Master Yan thinks highly of him What an ungrateful woman I once saved her but she is scolding me I think President Xuan has made your choice I will go to the Great Wilderness in recent days Please return this painting to the treasure-house Not the right time Not yet Open the house You get it All magic matrixes in the world can be sourced to the Magic Gate But why you take me here Is it you who stole the Autumn-unicorn Sword Let's go Why Yueshan is here The underground market is the territory of Mu Family Don't tell me you have a love affair with him The Blood-wolf Gang controls all brothels, taverns and gambling houses of Yan city All sorts of people are mixed in the gang So it is very popular locally As for the number of people Blood-wolf Gang's population is more than what Megabuck Trade House and Bloody Garment Sect totally have It's quite normal that he has a finger here More cups Tell me There are three things to deal with in three places What you want me to do First Won me the only chance to enter the Elixir-immortal Pool Second Help me enter the treasure-house of Megabuck Trade House to steal a treasure Third Disintegrate the Blood-wolf Gang Chief We failed to conquer the Elixir-immortal Pool Arrange more reinforcements to fight the Megabuck Trade House to the end We have enough people Who cares I have made arrangement to find your sister Now it's your turn Do one of the three things Miss Mu I have underestimated you The first thing will offend the two major forces in Yan city As to the second thing You will have stolen the Autumn-unicorn Sword by then Why you want me to join Last time when I entered the treasure-house I nearly lost my life I still have other important issues to settle and cannot take any risk Who fights for me now Double family allowance if dead Five times if alive Nice brothers follow me Destroy the Megabuck Trade House Here we go Destroy the Megabuck Trade House How's Yueshan's internal strength Full-elixir State Why you choose him He bullied you Where are you from naughty kid Your fist has some power My name is Lin Dong from Qingyang Town Quick, protect Chief Quick A group of people has departed Why so many Little mouse Why sit there Come to my help I come out for the delicious dishes and good wine A quarrel among you children does not interest me Are you terrified You said there is nobody you are afraid of in Yan city You are boasting of it You wanna induce me to fight I tell you If I have a touchable form I surely help you beat them Little mouse Without your help I I'll be beaten to death You cannot be alive either Even if you cannot fight teach me something You beg me Please Listen to me while fighting Lad What Yueshan practices is high-order class-7 martial arts His Shanyue Boxing has a mountain-bursting force You cannot win by directly charging him with your Arm Fist Boxing Say key points I advise you to fight his slow boxing with fast boxing Conquer him as soon as possible Say something useful The Shanyue Boxing is hard to subdue But it needs a long time to gather strength Is this long If you can find his moment of recollecting strength and use up all you have learned to fight him with all you can you may have a chance to win But your internal strength is not strong Another boxing will kill you Welcome our new chief May your invincible might shake the universe and conquer the world What's up This is the rules of our Blood-wolf Gang Anyone who beats the current chief becomes the new one Report Chief Megabuck Trade House delivered us a letter of challenge to ask another fight tomorrow in the Elixir-immortal Pool All fellows of the Blood-wolf Gang We are here All you guys follow me to fight tomorrow The rest of you rummage every corner of Yan city to find the whereabout of a person Yes As a saying goes, one should be given a different look even though there are only three days of separation. Lord Lin really surprised us by becoming the chief of the Blood-wolf Gang within two days Don't be too polite President Xuan I took the seat of the chief For only a short time But I received your letter of challenge Explain to me How you discussed about it I announce Megabuck Trade House retreats from the fight for the Elixir-immortal Pool The Elixir-immortal Pool is solely owned by Lin Dong the new chief of the Blood-wolf Gang Master Yan said you are my lucky star but I don't understand why Be polite if you need my help You want to rescue your sister in the Nine-storey Amulet Pagoda But your cultivation in spiritual strength not to mention rescuing others is not enough to climb onto the pagoda President Xuan we both are smart persons Please be straightforward The Elixir-immortal Pool can help you quickly build up the spiritual strength but the pool can only cultivate one person As you helped me dismember the Blood-wolf Gang our Megabuck Trade House gives up this chance to you No I'll bathe in the Elixir-immortal Pool I also need you to search Yan city to find out where is my sister What for For what you need is not to revenge yourself on the Blood-wolf Gang It's not that simple You have Mu Family's support Why you still need our Megabuck Trade House The situation in Yan city is too complicated There are some places one or the other cannot enter Lin Dong Lin Dong A promise is a promise Pal you finally come Pal it depends on yourself to survive this time Your Lady Already one hour Do you see this person This is our new arrival Enjoy yourselves please Master I'm coming My lords What you come here for Where is the secret chamber No secret chamber What secret chamber Open it Let's go What are you doing here Who are you You cannot enter This is against the rules We Blood-wolf Gang is searching a person How dare you Yamen (government office) stops us You cannot Let me in Megabuck Trade House Your Lady it's past 5 p.m. Quick---quick---quick Help the chief out Quick---quick---quick Take him first Let's go Lin Dong Are you the very person we are looking for Hope we make the right bet What you are betting for is not my concern Where is my sister You have found her or not Not yet But I have some clues Tell me I found her clothes in the Yamen's prison Lin Dong You have absorbed the spiritual strength of the Elixir-immortal Pool But the force has not been well cultivated in your body Have a little break I'll arrange for you Your Lady Chief Wei and the Bloody Garment Sect fellows have charged inside Let's go Follow me Get up Take care All is as I expected President Xuan really merits my trust to help Lin Dong cultivate the spiritual strength If Yueshan had not died early I would not have the chance Xuansu to see through your selfishness After you took Lin Dong in Elixir-immortal Pool you should have taken him directly to the Bloody Garment Sect Sure enough All businessmen lust for profits The well-known Megabuck Trade House is not honest to do business Take her away What a business house with century-old heritage Resort to such tricks You run away now but you cannot hide for a lifetime Lin Dong Are you so cowardly to nestle in a woman's skirt You don't concern about your sister's life Within half an hour I order you to find me in the Nine-storey Amulet Pagoda otherwise your sister will die without a trace Lin Dong Are you sure to beat him Thirty percent of chance Chief Let's charge in together To take Wei Tong's head Don't be impulsive As that you respect me as your chief You obey me not to enter the Nine-storey Amulet Pagoda If I were defeated and dead I earnestly request you to Trust us We surely help you find your wife, our sister-in-law and send her back to Qingyang Town We'll find her find her She is not your sister-in-law she is my sister Yes sister sister Lin Dong Take care Lad are you OK Today in this Yan city I find out a truth In face of a powerful man no matter how many tricks are used finally only personal strength weighs Lad You have grown up My sister You wanna ask me where your sister is A thousand curses on you Tell me now I have no idea either I told my disciples to change the detaining place each day They need not to report it to me But the guys beside me have been killed by me They are lying below your feet What about asking them the place Wei Tong You wicked pervert What on earth you do this for What for Is that important After I break through the Nature's Realm and find the road to immortality everything is nothing You nothing Your sister nothing nothing Yan city and even the whole world are nothing to me When you become so Is that important I did the right thing today without taking the stairs Lin Dong I admit you are powerful Your inner strength of Primary-elixir State unexpectedly subdued my state of freely manipulating strength But your manipulation of spiritual strength is far inferior to me What a tricky Yan He put the painting here for you to fetch Decode it What's this Text of spiritual manipulation It's a good thing To put it simple this is a method of controlling the spiritual strength If I had this a few years ago I would have no need of laborious self-cultivation Lad Do your need my interpretation Weitong Do you know the pain of being locked by the spiritual strength I cannot bear it any more Spirit- melting needle Your fellows inserted it in my body when they took away my sister I did not pull it out only to remember what you have done to me and Qingtan Oh My He knows it now Go back quickly President Xuan Why my sister was detained two days ago in your Megabuck Trade House Please explain this to me properly Two days ago I found your sister in a secret chamber of the opium house Why you did not tell me then You took advantage of Qingtan to contain me What your Megabuck Trade House has done is the same as the Bloody Garment Sect What are you afraid of Yes I have my concerns I'm afraid you leave after you know the truth I'm afraid you become the next vicious Wei Tong After you attain the ultimate state of magic power I'm afraid our century-old heritage sinks into oblivion I'm more afraid the common people in Yan city become destitute and homeless A mire of suffering awaits us What do you mean with this words Do you know why Master Yan invited you to Yan city Report Your Lady Master Yan sends message from the Great Wilderness He asks Lord Lin to open it personally Lin Dong Prepare yourself Vicious demons are making an incursion You are the only chance for Yan city Scheme well otherwise a mire of suffering awaits us President Xuan I need an extraordinary mansion in the center of Yan city This is your mental compensation to me and my sister Remember It must be spacious Spacious enough to accommodate my populous family A mansion is trivial to Megabuck Trade House Don't worry Lord Lin I need something more Let me think about it Lord Lin take your time Megabuck Trade House is very busy with its business I'll take my leave Can I ask anything I need My lord The situation of the current tripartite confrontation has been broken by Lin Dong What can we do next Do you need to bid him farewell Yes Lin Dong Miss Mu I see This is our sister-in-law What Is it possible Isn't President Xuan our sister-in-law As for the proposition of marriage There must be something wrong How can that be Look All the chief's attention is on her Do not mention it any more You...you...you... gee-up Miss Mu I'll be back Miss Mu
Channel: Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official 圈影圈外官方电影频道
Views: 4,125,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movie, 电影, 電影, Film, Full Movie, 中国电影, 中國電影, 中文電影, Chinese Movie, 華語電影, Chinese Film, YouTube Movie, 武动乾坤, 武动乾坤之九重符塔, 武动乾坤九重符塔, 九重符塔, 武動乾坤, 武動乾坤之九重符塔, 武動乾坤九重符塔, Nine-Storey Amulet Pagoda, Martial Universe, Martial Universe Movie, 玄幻片, 玄幻电影, 动作片, 动作电影, 玄幻动作, 玄幻动作片, 玄幻动作电影, 玄幻電影, 動作, 動作片, 動作電影, 玄幻動作, 玄幻動作片, 玄幻動作電影, Fantasy, Action, Fantasy Movie, Action Movies, Fantasy Action Movies, Fantasy film, Action film, Fantasy Action film, Chinese Action Movies, Nine Talisman Tower Movie, 林动, 林動, 血狼幫, Nine Talisman Tower
Id: ldxqlg81CdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 19sec (5299 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2022
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