[Full Movie] 墨家机关术 Mohist Mechanism | 探险动作电影 Adventure & Action film HD

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Closed Captions were added by Moxi Media. The 5th day of the final month in Ding Mao year. Ding in Heavenly Stems is assigned to Fire. Mao in Earthly Branches is assigned to Wood. Wood feeds Fire. This year is linked to the Fire element. Your birth year element is Water. Water dampens Fire and misfortune occurs. To turn around the misfortune, you must be reborn first. No matter how big this misfortune is, as we step into the Mohist Mechanical Castle, there's no way back. Look up! I know this. Statue of Fate. Look, the man holds a red thread. It's said to unlock the Door of Fate. My fate depends on this little thing? It starts to move. Watch out! Are you ok? Thanks to the blessings of the divine Laozi. We are lucky. Summer, Back off! Summer! We're done for! Keep still. Four hours ago, our original plan was, not to break into the castle, but to escape from the prison. No. 2614, time to go. Go. I'm Shen Tuo, the inheritor of Mohist mechanical techniques. This is my 100th day in this cell. I came in here voluntarily. Because half a year ago, my fiancée, Jiang Ren, fell into this hell unfortunately. What's the noise? Everyone, get ready. We'll go at noon. OK. 20 years ago, Tyrant Mo Shouxin, built a mine above the castle. His minions hunted innocent people, forcing them to toil day and night, in this den of iniquity. The only chance to regain freedom, is to enter the core area of the castle, take out the Mohist treasure, and give it to Mo Shouxin. Hurry up! The key. Is everything ok? Next! Quick! Next. Yours. Thanks. Sure you're all full? Attention, this is the map of the mine. The exit is this lift. It's heavily guarded. Only at the end of the men's shift, all guards will escort them back. The guards shift change, is our only chance. But, when we knock off, the women are still in cells. That's why we split into two teams. One to rescue them, and the other to hold the lift. Wait, wooden kites will scout in the air. They will find us. It's just a bird. Shen and I can handle it. The kite is produced by Mohist techniques. Internal springs and gearwheels drive it. The clockwork, is hidden beneath its shoulder joint. If we manage to, jam the gears, the kites will stop shooting. Remember, 30 minutes, We only have 30 minutes. We have to go now. Find Jiang Ren first. Hurry up! Go! Shen Tuo, you go first, quick! Shen Tuo. Where is Jiang Ren? Answer me! My Lord, the pendant you seek, is with the woman in the cell below. Everyone, get ready and we'll go at noon. Ok. Miss Jiang, is the man reliable? He is my beloved, and the inheritor of Mohist mechanical techniques. You're free now. Hey! Hands off! Don't touch her! Stay calm. He's provoking you. You're Shen Tuo, the inheritor of Mohist mechanical techniques. Do you know who I am? Mo Shouxin. You abuse your power, and harm innocent people. You got illness early on. It's a pity you're still here. What else? This secret prison was built by you. It has left countless people dead. They are forced to dig all day. Your purpose, is to find more shortcuts to the castle, and retrieve the Mohist treasure. Sadly, no one survives to bring out it. For such a selfish reason, how many people have died! Back then, I got heart disease. So, a mechanical heart was installed. But someone had dared to tamper with it. The heart controller, was put inside the castle. Beyond 1.6 miles from the castle, the heart stops. I have to get the controller, to get out of this dungeon. Turns out you're the prisoner. Your father is Shen Gong. He left you when you were only four. Do you know why? You know my father. He's the one, who put my controller in the castle. He said, it's punishment for tyrant? So, I killed him. I'm gonna kill you! Get into the castle, and bring out the controller for me. Crazy man! Impossible! Jiang Ren! Shen Tuo! Shen Tuo. Jiang Ren, Jiang Ren, Jiang Ren. Let her go! Shut up. Shen Tuo. Why not make a deal? Shen Tuo, The water will fill the tank in four hours. Also, this plant will turn red, after four hours. Your time is limited. Shen Tuo. Don't go, please! Don't go there, Shen Tuo. Don't risk it. Please don't go, Shen Tuo! Release her! Shen Tuo. I'll venture into the castle. You go out first. How can you go there alone? We'll go with you. No. You think less of us? This is my business. You know, I do it for Jiang Ren. I can't let you come with me. It's too dangerous. You guys stay. Try to get away. I go to the castle. It's crazy risky. But it's a worthy adventure. Risking my life, is better than being stuck here. Since I come here, the happiest thing, is to have a crush on her, No. 9951. Where she goes, I go. My brother, from what I recall, when I was starving, you were the one who gave me food. Since that day, I've become your follower. Shen Tuo, Po was trained in martial arts, Ma Guan has been an agile theft, San Jin worked as a butcher, I've been an armed escort all my life. The castle is so dangerous. How can you go without us backing you? Swindler, why not just stay and fool others? What can you do with us? All you know is butchering pigs. It's oracle. I didn't run away with you, because my divination, showed an unlucky outcome. This time, I'll join you, because my divination, indicates great fortune. Keep it. You stay. Why? Don't worry. When you're away, I'll ensure Jiang Ren's safety. Lord, they are in the castle now. Stay still! These mechanoids react to the floor shake. Through it, they can track and hit us. If we stay still, they'll lose track. They really stop. Summer, where's your brother? We ran into a massive maze. And we were chased by a rolling rock. Just when there was a way out up ahead… You dared to bully my sister. Brother, stop. If someone forcibly removes the neck chain, it triggers a self-destruct mechanism. Brother. There should be pictures. Shen Tuo told me, all mazes are controlled by mechanisms. He wouldn't lie to me. His words must be true. Brother! Let's go! Brother! Brother! He wouldn't lie to me! Go! We walked out successfully. In over twenty years, we're the only ones who made it. Brother, we can go home. Let's go home. I go check first. Brother! I didn't feel like running forward. No rocks are chasing me, and I just ran like crazy, and ended up here. Tuo, it doesn't work. I'll distract them. You go through the door quickly, and I'll circle back. No, they're too fast. You can hardly circle back. Let me do it. I don't want to go forward. Just run! Don't worry about me. Hurry! Summer, be careful! Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon. These are the 12 zodiac signs. Everyone knows. It means nothing. Ignorant. One counts Kan, Two counts Kun, Three counts Zhen, Four counts Xun, Five counts Zhong Gong, Six counts Qian, Seven counts Dui, Eight counts Gen, and Nine counts Li. Qian equals the Horse. Kun is the Ox. Zhen is the Dragon. Kan is the Pig. The 12 zodiac signs match the Bagua. Accordingly, the hope exists in Gen, and Gen represents the Dog. So, the answer lies in the Dog. What did you do? I did nothing! Where's the wind from? I can hardly hold on! My back is about to break. The wall! I gotta get closer to the wall. Otherwise I can't find the answer. What can we do? Grab my feet. Grab my feet. I see. These little holes work as suction. It's like a giant bellows. The central column is the bearing part. There are two bearings. The gear rotation drives a bearing. The suction fan outside the wall revolves accordingly. Through holes in the wall, it can suck everything down. Swing to the left. What's happening? Not over yet. Hold the column. The door opens. Dude, there is something sinister about your look. You look terrible! Don't think too much. They won't come back. You're wrong. For decades, no one comes out from it. I promised my brother, to protect Jiang Ren until he returns. How dare you, lazy beggars! Wait. Look how lazy you're! Please stop! What are you guys looking at? What are you doing? What do you see? You're better than Tuo? Of course not. He is the inheritor of Mohist techniques. But my talent, is also inherited from ancient wisdom. We've known for a long time. I just saved you twice. At least, I can have your real name? I don't have a name. Whatever I said, the ordinary mortal like you… Do you think, this place really needs a name? This is my name. What are you doing? Stay away from me. How can I protect you if I stay away? I'm not gonna like you. It's your business and I like you anyway. Fine. I won't go forward anymore. Not even a single step. Neither of us can get out. Well. If you stay, I stay. Whoever moves, loses. If I lose, I'll stop pestering you. If you lose, tell me your name. You did it by accident. You don't get it, but clearly, I'm a master. You? Tuo is the real master. Bro, you should be the judge. What's wrong? Listen. Quick! Run! Run! Crazy! Now is not the time for flirting! Just run! They've all gone. Why haven't you? I won't run if you don't run. This is the Stone Attack, and its center is right here. The missing angle in the southwest signifies Hope, and a missing angle in the northwest means Despair. Three long, two short, with a protruding tail. Three short, two long, with a concave center. This task is harder than climbing countless mountains, I'll break the mechanical codes and reach the peaks. The further we go, the riskier it gets. Everyone, be careful. Remember what Summer said? So, they've been here. The order is off. She came back from here to meet us, but after we passed the mechanoids, we them arrived at the 12 Zodiacs. Perhaps, the locale can move. We gotta go across this area, to find the exit. How can we get across? We'll certainly be crushed by the giant logs. Instead of running away from them. we need to run after them. What's the plan? Pulleys can change the direction of force. We can leverage that. I need your help. Please slow down. Get to work. Quick. Where's your energy? Work faster. Pick up the pace! Hurry, hurry up!! Are you okay? Are you alright? Finally made it. Look at this, He is genius. My bro, you've got so many spells and references. Where did you learn them? Interesting. The Mohist canon. Lord ordered me to take the token. You all stay here and remain vigilant. Understood. Lord's command: All Iron Guards should wait in the prison. Lord will inspect you in person. Understood. Po! He is Po. Jiang Ren. Shen Tuo. I knew you'd come. No worry. It's okay. I'm here. You're gonna be fine. I will get you out right now. Shen Tuo. Dear, why did you hit me? Your father sent you to the brothel, and you were the famous courtesan. How many men are your “dear”? How many men have you slept with? You despise me. So, why, why did you bring me out? I did it on a whim. Gods of Thunder and Fire, dispel evil spirits from the five positions. Earthly gods of thunder and fire, cast out demons and evil spirits, Not a good face. But your figure's alright. Evil spirit, leave right away, by the orders of the Emperor. Abracadabra. Oh no! Luckily, I took the calming pill. Shen Tuo. My bro. Wake up, Shen Tuo. Shen Tuo. Shen Tuo. Jiang Ren. What Jiang Ren? There's something poisonous. Are you better? Smells so good. So good. I'm wrong. My son. It's dad's fault. I'm not your son. Ma Guan. Tell me your name. You are my dearest love. How come it's you? You kissed me! Will I kiss… The music causes the illusion. Back off! What's wrong? Back off. Go away! You stared at me, for the first time. I'm just a courtesan. I'm not worth your love. You're the best courtesan, and I'm the top thief. We're a perfect match. Hey, don't cry. I'm sorry. You haven't known my name, right? Liu Shi. Do you hear me? I'm Liu Shi. Liu Shi is my name. Wake up. I promise, whatever happens, I'll get you out. I'll get you out. Finally, we're free. Bro, we unlocked it. All neck chains were unlocked, right? Yes, it's unlocked. My bro, the Iron Guards are still outside. You can choose to stay here. Being a slave, you can barely survive. Or you can pick up your weapons like me. Fight against them! Fight! Lord, my lord, the prisoners revolted. They're shackled with neck chains. How can they rebel? All chains are unbolted. How did we come back? Shen Tuo, be careful. I should have realized earlier. Every step we took on the ground, triggered the lines beneath. Along the pillars, they can reach the ceiling, and extend to the spinning mechanoids' heads. The lines pass through their bodies, and connects the gears at the bottom. I understand. Let me show you the true blade skills. You're quite fierce, huh? Come on then. Still. It stops. Why do you come back? We don't know either. Right. Shen Tuo, we're not retracing our steps? This castle is moving. It's self-spinning. If I'm right, the magma is at the bottom of the castle. Thermal energy is converted into kinetic energy, and drive the rotation of the internal bearings. So, the locale keeps shifting, turning the castle into a maze kaleidoscope. Each block here, represents a locale of maze. Among these fifty-six locales, the central axis remains stationary. Therefore, we just need to follow its shift pattern, and move it bit by bit. We can then reach the center. These are about Mohist School of Mechanisms, mostly literature and canons. It seems to be the central zone. Look around, everyone. Let me help you. No. I'll take him myself. Mo, this is… Stay still! What's up? Summer, get in! Watch out. Come here! Quick! Go! Just leave him here. Be careful! Hurry! Go. Let's go. Quick. Go! Ma Guan. Ma Guan! Go faster. Careful! Books. Block the exit! Am I alright? Alright. The arrows, never end? Summer! Summer. Shen Tuo, I'm gonna die, right? No. You won't die. This castle is so big. but I'm still alive, thanks to my brother. I wanna stay here, with him. Summer. Summer. Summer. Please say something, Summer. Summer. Summer. I'll climb up the bookshelves to the top, and examine the internal mechanisms. Maybe there's a way. I'll clear the path for you. San Jin, take care of everyone. Let me go. Protect yourself. I'll be ahead for you. Yang Cheng! Go! Yang Cheng, are you ok? Fine. Quick! You have to go. Hold on. Go. Quick! Quick! Let me go! Stay calm. We need to trust Tuo. Done! Yang Cheng. It's the controller, for Mohist Mechanical Castle. Can we go out now? Right. Yes, yes, yes. We can finally leave. Yang Cheng. Finally, I'll see my son. I can meet my son. I can meet my son. Let's go. We need to save Jiang Ren. Tuo. We run out of time. But Po is there? Po. Jiang Ren. Po. Po! Po. My brother, you're back. I'm back. I promised, till your return, Jiang Ren's safety will be secured. Po! I didn't let you down, right? No, you didn't, Po. I'll get you out. Hold on. Save Jiang Ren. Save her, quick. Po. Po! Po! That way. Hurry. We can get out, finally. Jiang Ren. Jiang Ren. Jiang Ren! Jiang Ren. Jiang Ren. Jiang Ren. Jiang Ren. Jiang Ren. Jiang Ren. Jiang Ren. Are you alright? Jiang Ren. Jiang Ren. Shen Tuo. You're back, Shen Tuo. Jiang Ren. Great! Great! Stop! Hold on. Kill me. Killing you.. Wouldn't it just make me another tyrant? In the prison you built, living alone, is the best punishment for you. Without kindness, there is no justice. In the world, when love prevails, there's peace; when enmity reigns, chaos ensues. No matter who you are, you'll all find freedom. You can get out of here. Go home. Go. Let's go home. Give me. Your turn. Catch it. My turn! Fine. Little Jay. Here. Open the door. Mother, there's a bag full of money. Little West, Let's go home. It's late. Let me check. How dirty you are! Look at yourself. Stay clean, ok? Good boy. What do you want for dinner? Tell me, and mom will buy it for you. I'd like to have a sugarplum.
Channel: Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official 圈影圈外官方电影频道
Views: 2,406,561
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Keywords: 電影, movie, 电影, film, full movie, 中國電影, 中国电影, 中文電影, 中文电影, chinese movie, 華語電影, chinese film, youtube movie, 动作电影, 探险电影, 动作片, 動作電影, 探險電影, 動作片, 探險片, action movies, action film, adventure movie, adventure film, 墨家机关术, 墨家机关术 电影, 墨家, 墨家机关, 墨家机关城, 墨家機關術, 墨家機關術 電影, 墨家機關, 墨家機關城, Mohist Mechanism, Mohist Mechanism Movie, Mohist Mechanism Full Movie, action, adventure, chinese action movies, chinese adventure movies, 動作, 探險, 动作, 探险, chinese action film, adventure action movies, adventure action film, china miracle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 41sec (4961 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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