[Full Movie] 武动乾坤 Immortal Stone of Nirvana 涅槃神石 | 玄幻动作片 Action film HD

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Closed Captions were added by Moxi Media. Kung fu, at its zenith, can pierce the sky shaking the heaven and the Earth The Lei family notoriously bullies ordinary people in the town of Qingyang With an evil intent, it invites many clans to the Kung Fu Gladiator Contest A tiger is accompanied by wind, while a dragon flies with clouds A young man overcame dangers to stand out in the contest Among fierce competition, victory belongs to justice The Kung Fu Gladiator Contest offers you the only chance to meet the master of the Lei Family The winner can ask him for anything The contest will end at 1:00 a.m. The gate is opening. Come on. You have no time to lose. Lin Xiao Hero Hero, hero, hero Hero, hero, hero Hero, hero, hero Kill them Dad Great, great Nine-Clack Through Arm Fist Great, my son Dad, well done, come on Come on, come on, come on Well done Come on, come on, come on Lin Xiao from the Lin family Luo Cheng from the Wild Blade Martial Club Now that you have made an alliance By the grace of my master You two are allowed into the hall to make a request together Freedom, freedom, freedom Freedom, freedom, freedom Great Freedom Freedom, freedom, freedom As You won the Kung Fu Gladiator Contest My Lei family will of course give you a big prize So please give freedom to the Lin clan and the Wild Blade Martial Club Dad What happened? What's wrong? By the grace of our master The prize for the Kung Fu Gladiator Contest is exclusive to the Lin clan Xiao'er, what happened to you? Dad, what happened to you? Get up Dad Wake up Talk with me Lei Pi, give me an explanation Yang Vigor Stones There are at least 100 Yang Vigor Stones in the bag They are equivalent to one-month output of the mine field in the town of Qingyang. The prize is exclusive to the Lin family Mr. Lin, keep a close eye on them You know, so many greedy guys are around you Lin Xiao, what have you done to our Master Luo? Tell us Say it Two of them went in but only one came out, why? The move was just one step away from the state of Sky Attainment In the early spring next year the mine field will expand its workforce All able-bodied men aged 12 and above must join it Lin Xiao, help Xiao Xiao Qingtan Qingtan What's the matter, mom? Go get your bother back Your father woke up Great By the way, bring back a cabbage OK Qingtan, why are you so happy? My dad woke up My dad woke up The Kung Fu Gladiator Contest is about begin Everyone aged 18 and above in the town of Qingyang can participate in it. This your only chance to make a turnaround Master The armed guard of the Lei family is patrolling Continue to unload the goods Hurry up Hurry up Keep up with me Vegetables for sale. Have a look at these vegetables Have a look at these vegetables Radish, healthy radish My dad finally woke up Qingtan, why are you so happy? My dad woke up My dad finally woke up Brother Brother, where are you? Come out Brother Lin Dong Lin Dong, where are you? Come out Third-tier panacea Red-Yang Herb Brother, dad. How many times have I told you not to make public anything about dad Dad woke up Finally woke up Show you something great Third-tier panacea perfect medicine for dad It can help him regain kung fu Let's go OK It's really my lucky day To my surprise, I found Red-Yang Herb The Immemorial Stone, created by the Primaeval Emperor has tremendous power Our lord said the Immemorial Stone is just somewhere in the town of Qingyang You keep a close watch on the workers who dig for Yang Vigor Stones If the Immemorial Stone appears the compass will detect it. When you find it, bring it back immediately Yes, master Younger brother If you didn't tell us the truth how would we explain it to the Wild Blade Martial Club and other clans? He is right. Tell us the truth It's useless to play the fool Let go of my mom Let go of her Mom Qingtan What's wrong? Dad Dad Stop Dong'er Brother My dad just woke up. How could you treat him this way? Are you still brothers? It's a talk between your elders How could you butt in? Step aside Grandpa Dad When I came in, he is just drawing on the ground without saying a word Xiao'er Tell me What happened exactly that night? Why were you the only one walking out the gate? Give father an answer What deal did you make with the Lei family? The deal turned our hope for freedom into a bag of fucking Yang Vigor Stones Tell me What about your kung fu? What about your kung fu that had reached the state of Sky Attainment? You let father down and made his 30-year effort on you come to nothing I Brother Dong'er Lin Mang Father always says younger brother is a genius of our Lin family the hope of our whole clan Look at you. I think genius should be redefined Brat, behave yourself When you dad regains sanity I will ask him again Dong'er Dong'er Brother Brother Brother, you are great Over the past eight years I have been practicing day and night but I haven't made a crucial breakthrough in kung fu I just remain at the fourth level of body quenching At this rate how can I win the Kung Fu Gladiator Contest? Brother how about you quit the contest? With Two-Clack Through Arm Fist you would just get beat up if you took part in it No I must take part in it and I must win because I want to fulfill dad's wish Dad When will you regain your senses? If you recover your sanity you will be certainly be able to help brother master Nine-Clack Through Arm Fist Red-Yang Herb Brother, we have the panacea, don't we? If dad takes it I'm sure he will recover his sanity I almost forgot it Let's go Go home and cook herbal medicine OK Let's go Wu Yun the Wild Blade I didn't expect the talented son of the Lin family almost 18 years old has only reached the fourth level of body quenching It seems that today I needn't draw out my knives Sister Look at your outfit Are you're a knife sharpener or butcher? I want to ask your father something If you are wise enough then I will catch you first then I will go to your family to ask my questions Come on Stop Chase me Stop Damn it. He caught up so quickly Wimp Step aside. Step aside What are you doing? What the hell is going on? Stop Lend it to me What are you doing? Are the Lin family just good at escaping like before? Step aside Step aside. Quick Don't run away Step aside Step aside Knucklehead Didn't you just say you could defeat me without your knives Who is the idiot that has scared my fiancée? Shit I'm scared to death Answer me Answer me I'm from the Lin family Linâ€? In the turf of my Lei family how dare you say your surname is Lin Lin Dong is my enemy Only I can beat him You are courting death It seems that Mr. Lei is a bit anxious Gu Ying A long time ago, I ordered salves in the Qingyang town to mine Yang Vigor Stones I sell the stones only to you Bloody Garment Sect In exchange you help me make the magical circle that can absorb kung fu of strong men in the hall But eight years have passed I still fail to reach the state of state of Attainment Zenith Stay calm, Mr. Lei The way that your practice is to steal yin and yang against the law of nature So, be patient Just think Your mansion is located on the mineral vein of Yang Vigor Stones This is a great geographic advantage As long as you continue mining Yang Vigor Stones I will fulfill my promise when the time is ripe All opportunities will arise in the Kung Fu Gladiator Contest Dad Can we believe Gu Ying? I'm afraid he is just taking advantage of us Don't worry When I reach the state of Attainment Zenith I will no longer leave myself at the mercy of him Dad I have something to ask It's about my marriage Have you forgotten what I said? Don't marry a lower-class woman Urge Lei Pi to accelerate mining of Yang Vigor Stones Yes Here Here is a small bag of Yang Vigor Stones If either of you kills the other I will give him the Yang Vigor Stones Many years ago Lin Xiao and Luo Cheng split their alliance and fought fiercely just for a small bag of Yang Vigor Stones in the hall of the Lei family At last Lin Xiao played tricks to kill Luo Cheng Bullshit What a tragic scene If you don't fight Both of you will die Kill Wu Yun Don't mess the opportunity to avenge your father Kill Obviously, It's the Lei family that killed your father and crippled my father But you pick a fight with me If you are really strong If you are a man of great ability then aim your knives at the Lei family Kill Withdraw The nine stars move in prograde motion, resonating with spirits underground The yin and yang reverse in a few seconds, signaling whereabouts of what I'm looking for History repeats itself Lin Xiao once betrayed Luo Cheng the Wild Blade just for a pouch of Yang Vigor Stones Today his son took retribution for his betrayal Right What did you do to my brother? Did you kill him? Lei, Lei Pi forced us to duel Your brother lost ground to me so he jumped off the cliff He was dead, I guess How could he choose to jump off the cliff? Did you push him down? What do you mean? I believe he is still alive Take me to him. Let's go find him Why are the injuries healed? So weird Master The Immemorial Stone now is in the hands of a young man called Lin Dong in the Qingyang town Should we kill him to seize the Immemorial Stone? No The Immemorial Stone was created by the Forefather of Hierogram during ancient wars It has incredible magic power Moreover, the Immemorial Stone is completely faithful to the first person whose blood dribbles on it Unless its owner loses his sanity and voluntarily gives it up it will follow him forever It doesn't help even we kill him now One clack Two clacks Three clacks Four clacks Five clacks Six clacks Seven clacks Eight clacks If we want to get the Immemorial Stone first of all, we must figure out how to get close to him and stay with him in case others befriend with him before us I have devised a plan which will be carried out at the upcoming Kung Fu Gladiator Contest Yes Nine clacks Hey Are you OK? My brother is not at the bottom of the cliff You deceived me Me Don't come over I, I have nothing to do with it Give my brother back Give him back Give him back Just punch a hole in the rock and I can go out Give my brother back Give him back Wu Yun Give him back Nine-Clack Through Arm Fist   400 00:28:06,792 --> 00:28:07,625 You are bullying my sister, how dare you I I'm freezing Qingtan Obviously, you sister is bullying me I'll get even with you later Hey What's wrong with your sister? She was born with severe pathogenic cold Once the disease strikes her the cold will englobe her and she may freeze to death Oh To my surprise, you accepted Li Pi's Yang Vigor Stones No, I didn't Your sister took these stones I'm not the same as your father Bring them to me Now that we have stones, why not use them? Take it Yin pearls They can only be absorbed by kung fu masters who have reached the state of Sky Attainment Brother I know Your Nine-Clack Through Arm Fist is associated with the hierogram in your right hand, isn't it? Hey, you have something on the ball, beat Lei Pi You can't be hailed as hero even if you beat me If this thing was known by a third person I swear my Nine-Clack Through Arm Fist wouldn't miss the mark One Two A fourth person The Kung Fu Gladiator Contest will begin 30 days later Whether the Lin family can walk out of the Qingyang town and regain freedom depends on you They are not qualified Nine-Clack Through Arm Fist Dong'er, great Come to the ancestral temple. I have something to talk to you Information Young master Lin Dong, with the help of Wu Yun has returned alive A nonentity can't make a splash But it seems that he has mastered Nine-Clack Through Arm Fist It's just Nine-Clack Through Arm Fist a lower form of kung fu Don't worry Judging by the situation the Lin family is bound to rally for the Kung Fu Gladiator Contest Moreover, it will probably build an alliance again with Wild Blade Martial Club I have sent some servants to monitor them You'd better be careful I'm just one step away from the state of Sky Attainment In the whole Qingyang town expect my father who else can rival me? However You haven't taken this one step further over the past eight years don't you? I have said All opportunities will arise in the Kung Fu Gladiator Contest Don't you want to take this one step further in the contest I just need one person from you Who? Lin Dong Tell me How did you reach the eighth level of Body Quenching in a short time? Is your Nine-Clack Through Arm Fist associated to the hierogram in your right hand? I don't know. I just practiced harder every day then someday suddenly I seemed to be enlightened by the heaven You have a greater flair than your father I underestimated you As for the upcoming Kung Fu Gladiator Contest you are our best choice Grandfather I swear I will live up to your expectation clear my father's name All of you are the hope of the Lin family Grandfather That thing do you blame my father for that thing? I never suspect him Eight years have passed I always believe your father Dong'er I hope you and me fight together for the hope of the Lin family Sure The Heaven and Earth Bag can contain everything This pouch of Yang Vigor Stones can help your quicky improve kung fu Just don't follow into the footsteps of your father Lei Pi learns top-grade kung fu To defeat him, I need more than the stones Clever boy Follow me These are some of the kung fu books that I brought from the Lin clan They are the last treasure of the Lin family Since you haven't reached the state of Earth Attainment the fourth-grade kung fu is not suitable for you Here are third-grade Wind Whirling Flexible Hands and Traceless Claws You can try them It's an incomplete kung fu book I collected A substantial part of it was lost so I can't repair it You might as well read other books Though incomplete, it is well kept by grandfather it must be a great book My first choice Father, I have reached the eighth level of Body Quenching With grandfather's panacea and Yang Vigor Stones It's not difficult for me to go beyond the state of Earth Attainment Please rest assured and recuperate Father Dong'er, you just escaped death Can't you just stay at home? The Kung Fu Gladiator Contest I'm really worried Mother, there is something I have to do Don't worry. I have confidence in myself Mother, brother can make it Why do you come here? You are bound to face a lot of grave dangers in the contest If you beg me I can make peace with you and help you Hey, it makes little difference though you have mastered Nine-Clack Through Arm Fist You have witnessed his strength Your Nine-Clack Through Arm Fist might not hurt him I tell you Without my help You will die, undoubtedly How dare you curse my brother to death? Bah Clearly, you can't defeat Lei Pi so you want to make my brother a scapegoat No Way I, I I have something to say to you, Qingtan Qingtan Say it I think though my family is at feud with yours Um you have a relapse of severe pathogenic cold because of me So I came here to apologize Staying away from me is your best apology This, this is a panacea of Wild Blade Martial Club though, though they look a little like flowers I hope you can accept them as my apology Brother, why do you take them? Why not? Young master Wild Blade Martial Club went to the Lin family to establish an alliance but it was refused Get out Yes It appears that the Lin family has no strong men available for the contest Pi'er, what's the background of Lin Dong? Father, he really dies hard He didn't die even he jumped off the cliff Moreover, reportedly he returned with greater kung fu but he is still not formidable As for Yang Vigor Stones Though we have a growing inventory of them they are just expendables for the state of Earth Attainment uncapable of help us achieve a higher state So why don't we sell Yang Vigor Stones to magnates in the Yan city so that we can secure a foothold there away from the Qingyang town away from the constraint by the Bloody Garment Sect Trading with the Yan city it's not your business But Father We have been confined to the fucking Qingyang town for so many years Don't you feel depressed? Enough I'm still alive You are not at the helm of the Lei family Now your priority is to hold the Kung Fu Gladiator Contest and get all strong men in the Qingyang town for my use Anything else is not your concern Keep an close watch on Lin Dong prevent him from making troubles Father, Lin Dong can't rival me Brother Why did you refuse coalition with Wu Yun? if you can't achieve the State of Earth Attainment half a month later how can you defeat the Lei family? Don't worry. I have an ace up my sleeves Brother Brother Yang Vigor Pill Brother, you are so lucky A Yang Vigor Pill is equivalent to 20 Yang Vigor Stones It was not a coincidence that a Yin Pearl was crystalized from your hand last time The hierogram in my left hand can create everything in the world Lets go home Hide it well Who are you? I Thief, catch the thief Brother, who is she? Stop Stop Alas and alack Too bad The tryouts must be very fierce Just like eight years ago The Kung Fu Gladiator Contest is the only chance for you to meet the master of the Lei family The winner can ask for anything from him In the Beast Forest before the sunset those who can collect 30 nameplates are qualified to stand in the arena to duke it out Now I announce the beginning of the contest He is too ostentatious Let's catch him and exchange him for a prize from the Lei family Go Stop, don't run The toughest part of the contest is the first-phase mutual chase and slaughter If I want to preserve my strength and enter the arena with the minimum energy loss and the highest efficiency The best way is to play tricks Recently I have found wherever I go some spies of the Lei family are monitoring me In this case If I want to play tricks on them I need a strong alliance a strong and secret alliance Why do you come here? If you beg me Qingtan Say it I want to apologize to you Alliance When a mantis is trying to catch a cicada, a canary is behind it This is my plan But who can expect the cicada and the canary have forged an alliance? What are your looking at? He is Lin Dong His bag is full of Yang Vitor Stones and nameplates What an easy route you have chosen Just fight Wu Yun Lin Dong, help I'm busy Damn alliance with you Who is she? Mu Lingsha, from the Yan city not a native in the Qingyang town Most importantly, she is pretty She is plain in my eyes Alas and alack You are finished Why did you steal? I need panaceas to save my family I have two Yin Pearls they are more than 100 times effective than the Yang Vigor Pill You are good kung fu how about this: if you do me a favor 15 days later I will give you both of the Yin Pearls That day my treasure was unexpectedly exposed to the public I'm afraid I will suffer from endless troubles, not just from the Lei family The second key to a win in the Kung Fu Gladiator Contest is knowledge of topography This is a topographic map of the Beast Forest drawn by the Lin family's men who survived that contest. The map indicates areas where devilish beasts haunt I know Keep away from these areas No Make full use of them Stop, stop Stop, stop Stop, stop Aren't you afraid we can't get out of the forest? That depends on your strength Don't run Third and most important we must enhance our strength Lei Pi studies high-end fourth-grade kung fu, Galloping Thunder and Lightning while I practice the low-end first-grade kung fu, Through Arm Fist But I can get a narrow win with my Ten-Clack Through Arm Fist Is there Ten-Clack Through Arm Fist? Yang Vigor Pill I have been refining Yang Vigor Stones over recent days I must use external force if I want to punch Ten-Clack Through Arm Fist 100 Yang Vigor Pills can help me exceed the state of Earth Attainment in a short time Thereby I can punch the Ten-Clack Through Arm Fist,100 times powerful than the nine-clack one My final blow is reserved for Lei Pi. If you get into danger during the fight I won't save you Do you know who you are despising? The one who is impetuous You Look, what a predicament have you led us into? Lin Dong, find a way out Information We have caught Lin Dong and We have found the den of Fire Python Tiger cub Fire Python Tiger Hah, a windfall It is comparable to a kung fu master who has achieved the state of Sky Attainment I will conquer it and give it to you as a betrothal gift, do you like it? You are the kindest to me Go What's happening? Is this also in your plan? Is that Lei Pi How fast Why does he run Fire, fire, fire, fire Fire Python Tiger Run Ten-Clack Through Arm Fist Brother, are you OK? Something went awry, but it's not a big deal Tell Gu Ying to implement the Plan B You are a fool Didn't you say the final blow is reserved for Lei Pi? Why did you play your ace? Your only ace? Remember you owe me a favor Gee, owe you what? You are my hero, OK? Wait The Fire Python Tiger cub has accepted you has its owner Awesome When it grows up, it can match a kung fu master who has achieved the state of Sky Attainment Qingtan Qingtan Brother Brother Qingtan Didn't you say we should keep Qingtan away from danger? You are too worried She was my secret weapon which I would use as my last resort Qingtan Brother Take it away Keep a low profile to avoid attention If it is obedient, feed it at a right time OK Go Qing You carry me to the Kung Fu Gladiator Contest Why? Now every step I take accelerates consumption of my energy from the state of Earth Attainment If you don't want to lose Great Why me? It seems that no other people can enter the arena I have already said Lin Dong is out of the question You see, he doesn't even return He must run away with Yang Vigor Stones I declare The winner of the Kung Fu Gladiator Contest is Lei Wait, wait We are here They are back I'm Lin Dong from the Lin family I'm Lin Yun from the Wild Blade Martial Club They are back Great My brother can win Lei Pi, see you in the arena Father, three VS one We have success within our grasp We should not take the rival lightly Among the three, only Lin Dong has reached the state of Earth Attainment The other two are just on the eight level of Body Quenching But Lei Pi is just one step away from the state of Sky Attainment You remain in the state of Earth Attainment, right? Not anymore soon Can you punch another Through Arm Fist? No Are we doomed? Don't make a fuss Help me stall Lei Pi for 15 minutes. I have another trick up my sleeves Dude, you have so many tricks The same move can't work on me twice Great, great, great When a mantis is trying to catch a cicada, a canary is behind it This time, you are the cicada, and I'm the canary Canary? Why don't you fly? I just want to fly Jump up Hierogram of Magic Gate You move so fast that our eyes can't catch you But you must use the ground to wield your power and can't jump up to stay in the air for a long time You are a loser Mother, look Great, great, great Well done Great, great, great As usual only two winners have the chance to meet the master of the Lei family Dude, you really have a trick up your sleeves You Does she want to take the prize alone? what's wrong with her? Look, what a good partner you have found You, don't go I saw your evil motive long ago How dare you make a sneak attack on us? With an expressionless face everyday do you think you are pretty? I tell you The kick was vengeance on you for forcing me off the cliff Lin Dong, you and your father are the same both of you are assholes Shut up What are you talking about? Shut up Lin Dong, you are so impolite In case I get lost, I hope you can show me the way Can this be called impolite? Please Lin Dong, Lin Dong, Lin Dong Lin Dong, Lin Dong, Lin Dong Lin Dong, Lin Dong, Lin Dong Lin Dong, Lin Dong, Lin Dong Xiao, Xiao Donger has come to the fore He will certainly clear your name No All back off, all back off Do you want to die? Father Father, save me Kill him for me You even couldn't defeat a brat who just reached the state of Earth Attainment Good-for-nothing Father, I Please fulfill your promise to give freedom to the Lin family and make public the truth about my father Otherwise I will kill him What are you laughing at? Why are you laughing? Why are you laughing? Stop laughing OK I tell you the truth You and your father are really the same Stupid Father Please give freedom to the Lin Family and the Wild Blade Martial Club Lei Bao, what do you mean? Lei Bao You break your promise You deserve your title as a kung fu master who have achieved the state of Sky Attainment You still have strength to kneel Bring it on Gu Ying, what's going on? Mr. Lei, stay calm I have improved the magic circle so that it can not only absorb kung fu but also extracts the seed of the elementary force of people in it Gu Ying, how dare you deceive me with a Yang Vigor Pill Father, the Lin family launched a rebellion with the miners. They are breaking into the hall I will punish you later Gu Ying Unfilial son Congratulations, young master, you have achieved the state of Sky Attainment Brother, how shall we deal with the rebels outside the gate? Just send them away with something flashy It's up to you Geezer Lei Release Lin Dong, release Lin Dong Mr. Lin, hold your horses Lin Dong and my master hit it off. They are having a nice talk Lin Dong will stay here for some days Here is my masters prize to Lin Dong From today, the Iron and Wood Mansion in the Qingyang town belongs to the Lin family The Lin family is just the same as it was eight years ago Ungrateful, despicable You have fooled our Wild Blade Martial Club into alliance with you twice Who are you scolding? You again engaged in shameless intrigues I'm scolding you, just you I'm not afraid of you Stop Do you think I'm scared by you? Stay calm Lin Dong, come out Give us an explanation A loser is not allowed to shout and wrangle in the Lei mansion Mr. Lin, goodbye Father I think we should go to the Iron and Wood Mansion first check it out and then make a long-term plan Grandfather Master, Lin Dongs corpse wasn't transferred here. wasn't? Did you hide it? Answer me Was the failure in transfer caused by your intervention? I have been waiting here I guess the magic circle didn't start the transfer I hope you can make a thorough investigation Why did you prevent him from entering the hall in the Kung Fu Gladiator Contest? Because he saved me in the Beast Forest I want to repay him for his kindness What an affectionate girl I have raised you for so many years how will you repay for my kindness? Please give me another opportunity I swear I will complete your task Lin Dong is protected by the Immemorial Stone so he must be alive but my Hierogram of Tracking can't detect the Immemorial Stone Worse, the Bloody Wolf Sect in the Yan city is challenging us Bloody Garment Sect So I have to return You must bring him back Master, you can rest assured rest assured? Of course not One Soul-Controlling Needle can't make you totally obedient to me So I will give you another one In my opinion, we have no reason to be unhappy The Iron and Wood Mansion is a big property of the Lei family Now it belongs to us With the Iron and Wood Mansion We can secure a foothold in the Qingyang town why do we need freedom anymore? Right? Right My son is out of his mind and my grandson is lost There must be something weird in the Lei Mansion Father, I beg you to get Donger back My brother is lost Just for the Iron and Wood Mansion, do you not care whether my brother lives or dies Grandfather, we must go to the Lei Mansion to bring my brother back I can't put at risk the lives of our whole clan But I will find where Donger is, I promise OK Mother, stand up You don't go to find my brother I will go by myself I will save my brother by myself Qingtan Father Lei Pi, you are a coward Give my brother back Shame on you. You played tricks after you were defeated You put my brother under house arrest, bah You hide behind the door every day. You dare not come out to see me Come out, you coward Later I will curse Lei Pi at the gate. When they come out you sneak in with Fire Python Tiger Follow the smell of my brother to find him Then come out immediately. Do I make myself clear? Wait Will your plan work? Do you take it as a dog? When I was a kid, I and my brother went to the home of my uncle to steal we did it following a dog. Every time we made it Here are my brother's clothes You know how to use the Heaven and Earth Bag right? Hey, you know He betrayed me and kicked me off the arena I haven't gotten even with him You fool My brother did that in case you were in danger He wanted to save you Don't worry If they come out, I will leave right away No Qingtan, Qingtan You have the courage to do, but have no courage to admit it, right? Come out If you don't, I will burn down your mansion Your whole family are idiots You come out so fast Is she your dream girl? Sorry, I have a big mouth I came here just to vent my feelings. I will leave right away Your brother was dead What did you say? I said your brother was dead We are going to dig a hole to bury him Do you want to see it? You lied Lin Dong Who I'm Emperor Marten in the Evil Marten Kingdom The geezer of the Bloody Garment Sect intended to transfer you elsewhere But I used the power of the Immemorial Stone to bring you here where am I? This is my thought space I teach you kung fu and help make breakthroughs You can't do without me You are dead now I possess your body I will help you overthrow the rule of the Lei family and rise to fame. Is it OK? You lied If I were dead You needn't ask me your thought space? Thought changes with me Obviously, it is my thought space Want to deceive me? Little mouse, you are too naive Eat some food, OK? Bah If you agree to marry me I will beg my brother to give your Lin family freedom You guess whether I believe you or not In fact, my Lei family is confined to the Qingyang town We protect the Yang Vigor Stone mineral vein all our lives We are at the mercy of the stronger Marry me I can lead you to true freedom My young brother, I wondered why did you help me? A girl like her could be effortlessly seized to be your wife if you told father Father don't allow me to marry a lower-class woman, but my heart is already.. Pedantic The eldest brother should act as father I will arrange a wedding for you my young brother What Hey A grand wedding just in the hall of our Lei Mansion Repeat, I'm Emperor Marten in the Evil Marten Kingdom In my heyday, my influence extended beyond the Yan city Ah What on earth is it in my body? With your blood, you awakened the Immemorial Stone and me sleeping in it The Immemorial Stone was left by the Forefather of Hierogram, who was also an ancient emperor It has amazing power I see No wonder my kung fu can improve significantly in a short time Can you tell me how to unlock the tremendous energy It should be unlocked slowly Now you can't bear such huge energy That time you absorbed 100 Yang Vigor Pills suddenly If I didn't secretly help you reach the state of Earth Attainment you would be exploded and dead Brat, I'm warning you. Let go of me Is there any other way to kill Lei Bao? Only I can control the Immemorial Stone I suggest you let me swallow you then I help you wipe out the Lei family Is this just what you want? Come on Right, right, right that's right Good boy Tell me how to strengthen the Hierogram of Magic Gate Now that you can turn Nine-Clack Through Arm Fist into a ten-clack one you can also improve the Hierogram of Magic Gate If you didn't teach me I would beat you to death All right, I will teach you I can improve it However, the last chapter about the Hierogram of Magic Gate is very complex how much you can learn depends on yourself Ah Wu Yun, what do you mean? No matter what I do, I always has a clear conscience especially to my alliance that shares weal and woe with me I'm not like you You just stab friends in the back I have no need to explain it to you Don't go If you don't explain it, I won't let you go Lin Dong, I know you really die hard What are you doing? Why do you pretend to be injured? I haven't begun to smash you She may shoot an arow at you when you are off guard Don't believe her That day in the Kung Fu Gladiator Contest You attacked me just to prevent me from entering the hall of the Lai Mansion, right? Yes Why You saved me in the Beast Forest. What I owe, I will repay You are poisoned Yes You piss me off You saved me again I need you to do me another favor Father, Qingtan will marry Lei Li What? Qingtan will marry Lei Li? Yes The Lei family just send us betrothal gifts They said the wedding will be held tonight They told us to accept the gifts. They also said we needn't bother to attend the wedding Damn it. Every one aged 18 and above, carry your weapon Yes Gosh, No, No Father Father, what are you doing? It's a good thing that we unite with the Lei family by marriage Go to hell A man like you is even less honorable than a girl like Qingtan Right, we need to carry our weapons But we should carry this Bow to the heaven and the earth Bow to parents Bow to each other Go to the bridal room Wait My good young brother Its a happy day Come and have drink with me Brother, why? The girl is born with an icy body Do you think I can't see it? Now I have helped you fulfill your wish to marry her Why not sacrifice her to bring me kung fu to a higher level? to reach the state of Attainment Zenith I will lead you to the Yan city and hold sway over vast territory It's wrong Don't dig. Follow me to go inside It's not here Quick, quick, quick Go, this way Beneath the hall of the Lei Mansion is a magic circle that can absorb kung fu We must divert the attention of Lei family and destroy the magical circle. On doing so, can we press forward to the hall save Qingtan and defeat the whole Lei family Quick, it's here Dig Lei Li, give back my Qingtan Who is yours? Qingtan I said I would get you out of the prison of Qingyang town The icy body is really amazing Lei Li, do you want to freeze to death? Step aside But now I can't make it It's here Quick, destroy the pillar Those in the back, hurry up All of you, go ahead All step aside Lin Dong Qingtan Take it. Bring Qingtan away Go Loser, how dare you get in my way? Do you really think you can defeat me? That day in the Kung Fu Gladiator Contest I lost to you on purpose Don't make up an excuse for your failure Call your farther out. I want to fight with him Lei Bai is dead That moron should have abdicated earlier I want to make a foray into the Yan city and strive for hegemony in the world of kung fu. To feed without teaching is the father's fault Lei geezer is so lucky that he has a son like you Shut up You can't defeat me even you are naked Hierogram of Magic Gate Seven-level If I can hit you once, then I can make it twice Brainless However, it worked a bit when you were half-naked If it is obedient to you feed it at a right time Go What a pity. No matter how awesome your hierogram is you are always in the state of Earth Attainment You can hurt me but you can't kill me I'm in the state of Attainment Zenith You can't win Little mouse, come to eat Yang Vigor Stones Lin Dong, I will kill you Ten-Clack Through Arm Fist Yang Vigor Stones are just Yang Vigor Stones The state of Earth Attainment is just the state of Earth Attainment Our Lei family has dug for so many years taking root in the fucking Qingyang town Do you know why? Even Yang Vigor Pills can't help you exceed the state of Sky Attainment Because as long as you are in the Qingyang town you are always the weak You are right You have a lofty ideal but your mind is not sharp enough Your dream of expanding beyond the Qingyang town I will achieve it on behalf of you Changing several hierograms can start the magic matrix of the Lei family Why? I need you to do me another favor Help me change a hierogram on the wall of the Lei Mansion All magic matrixes in the world can be sourced to the Magic Gate I have fully comprehended the last chapter of Hierogram of Magic Gate Qingtan I didn't expected you got so many tricks up your sleeves Give it back to you Of course, my brother is the strongest Right, Brother? They should be returned to its owner Lin Dong I have to go I remember You said you needed panaceas to save your family You lied to me Yes Take them back as You owe me another favor You Wait, wait for me As the saying goes, a brave and sagacious young man tend to become a hero A boy in the state of the Earth Attainment unexpectedly killed a kung fu master in the state of Attainment Zenith The strength of Lin Dong can't be taken slightly Now in the Yan city, the Bloody Garment Sect and the Bloody Wolf Sect are casting covetous eyes on us Gold Chamber of Business President Xu, I believe Lin Dong can be a good helper for us Master Yan, with your endorsement, I trust him However Why would he help me? A dragon hides in an abyss during peacetime, but flies in the sky when peace is threatened Lin Dong will arrive here soon Report, master The war between Bloody Wolf Sect and us is coming to an end However, recently the Gold Chamber of Business Gu Ying You know I don't care about these I just want Lin Dong Or more exactly, I just want the Immemorial Stone Dressed in beautiful scenery, with rouge masking your sad face you held a handful moonlight, writing a letter about autumn lovesickness The wind brought your thoughts afar to the beloved one who has never settled a date of return You woke to new tear stains left as a sweet dream faded You wander at every dawn and dusk My whole life is tied to your heart The gentle rain tapped the pool, causing a lot of ripples Fragile is always my thoughts about you During my vagrant life, all that flowing from my pen is love for you Until now, however, I just wrote one line of red words All my cherished memory, clear and bitter-sweet You are the protagonist in the story of my life During my vagrant life, all that flowing from my pen is love for you All other beauties pale by comparison with you If the end of the story is as smooth as silk I will create a poetic life for you Dressed in beautiful scenery, with rouge masking your sad face you held a handful moonlight, writing a letter about autumn lovesickness The wind brought your thoughts afar to the beloved one who has never settled a date of return You woke to new tear stains left as a sweet dream faded You wander at every dawn and dusk My whole life is tied to your heart The gentle rain tapped the pool, causing a lot of ripples Fragile is always my thoughts about you During my vagrant life, all that flowing from my pen is love for you Until now, however, I just wrote one line of red words All my cherished memory, clear and bitter-sweet You are the protagonist in the story of my life During my vagrant life, all that flowing from my pen is love for you All other beauties pale by comparison with you If the end of the story is as smooth as silk I will create a poetic life for you During my vagrant life, all that flowing from my pen is love for you Until now, however, I just wrote one line of red words All my cherished memory, clear and bitter-sweet You are the protagonist in the story of my life During my vagrant life, all that flowing from my pen is love for you All other beauties pale by comparison with you If the end of the story is as smooth as silk I will create a poetic life for you
Channel: Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official 圈影圈外官方电影频道
Views: 11,836,207
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Keywords: Movie, 电影, 電影, Film, Full Movie, 中国电影, 中國電影, 中文电影, 中文電影, Chinese Movie, 华语电影, 華語電影, Chinese Film, YouTube Movie, 武动乾坤, 武动乾坤之涅槃神石, 武动乾坤涅槃神石, 涅槃神石, 武動乾坤, 武動乾坤之涅槃神石, 武動乾坤涅槃神石, The Immortal Stone of Nirvana, The Immortal Stone, Martial Universe, Martial Universe Movie, 玄幻片, 玄幻电影, 动作片, 动作电影, 玄幻动作, 玄幻动作片, 玄幻动作电影, 玄幻電影, 動作, 動作片, 動作電影, 玄幻動作, 玄幻動作片, 玄幻動作電影, Fantasy, Action, Fantasy Movie, Action Movies, Fantasy Action Movies, Fantasy film, Action film, Fantasy Action film, Chinese Action Movies, Chinese Fantasy Movies
Id: v2d1buLAOGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 32sec (6812 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2022
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