Documentary: The Lottery Liar

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Hey I un-removed this dunno why Reddit thought it was spam sorry and thanks for posting.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Blabberm0uth πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

What a wally this bloke is. And his poor wife.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/giger5 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 19 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] meet Howard and Cathy warmly one day Howard told Cathy a little lie he said he won the National Lottery and she believed him eight million nine hundred four thousand five hundred and fifty eight pounds he went shopping for fast cars when I picked out two jugulars into salesman space little a dream home a lot of responders and a lifestyle fit for a multi-millionaire is what I want health happiness but it was all a massive calm power hadn't actually won a single penny [Music] the lottery lie began with a pair of shoes costing just eight pounds these issues that staffed at all I fell in love with them throughout shopping and I really wanted menu a quick forwarded that Alex's get em masses now can't afford them he says get them get whatever you want treat yourself who on the lottery [Music] back in September 1998 Howard and Cathy Warmsley had been married for five years it wasn't going well Howard didn't bring enough in from his painting and decorating business to pay the bills he's going through a breaking point Selina from Troy a divorce that's when I came away idea stopped people come in debt collector squinted doors people ringing up Harrison is but when I watch her I can't believe that from that day ever escalate to de Menil came out and in Howard told Cathy to keep the news to herself he hoped his little lie would buy him time while he tried to save their relationship but within a few days he began sharing his secret starting with his sister and brother-in-law Bev and Nigel [Music] if you set a form of Tara and I should come on get in we said now I am then there were the neighbors Marge and Karen the Knicks said like they'd go out fight numbers and then end it like five numbers then it went to like six but we never ever knew how much he never ever said I wanted one and it just said like a little off track okay the news that Howard's numbers had come up spread like wildfire across their council estate in Doncaster everybody believed it even everyone in club he felt dreams him out for meal people paid more attention to me them I found a little bottle to seem to want to be with me in the company all time I didn't actually believe that I won the lottery all I wanted to do is treat up to an order from the bit of Ottawa and actually borrowed from Bank Howard had indeed borrowed some money he convinced Cathy it would be a good idea to splash out on the couple's first holiday abroad they headed for the Canaries needed some time to get away from could get heads clear and so title would all Midas mine powered still hadn't put a figure on his fantasy fortune he kept telling me to go steady because we can't go with the money to Shep is enough sure account and all we've got is the interest and that's all we can get until it's sorted so I kept saying just calm down little bit because when once it has gone we've got to wait another month for next payment to come through every time I said actually kept my eye on what chubby one liked it same I just want a little bit on holiday Cathy and Howard met some new friends Brian Scott and his wife Gloria over a few drinks their secrets spilled out you don't meet people who win the lottery it's just you know you you sort of hear oh there were so many winners and you think all right but you don't never the never people you know if someone has said to me how much exactly I've got in his pocket it looked like a guy that was willing to spend money walking past the shops everywhere when you know for meals on a night or breakfast in the morning cuz it's ER you pay you know as far as I'm concerned we were luxury winners and at a played for their older if I could the evening we spent out with it we had a nice meal cutting the bottles of champagne what are we said word with pay our share he insisted on picking up the bill to category over in Puerto Rico drawn of the final results and actually decided actually cost me that two thousand four hundred but tunnel finished we didn't disclose this on air but you're getting the Cape of hymns enough to sort of set him up in a nice lifestyle and give him a good income for the rest of his life in might feeling of it was good luck leave [Music] back in Doncaster the holiday was over but the lottery lie just kept on growing try to tell a few different occasions earned a truth-teller I just can't bring myself to to say that I am one of a borrowed money I just couldn't tell [Music] Kathy was beginning to have doubts about their newfound wealth because the bills were still mounting up so I decided to film Camelot for my own peace of mind as well to make sure that there was a win and they couldn't give me any information or stood oftenly was a rundown of the amount being worn each week on a Wednesday and Saturday I went through some day so I said well it must have been 17th October 1998 message yeah well and I said well that means it's eight million nine hundred four thousand five hundred and fifty eight pounds it says yeah I can't believe that that's a lie expand allied and should know the truth and one thing like swapping the two people if Scott called for feel more than what you dodge with but not were the actual figure my days I had to take my so a little lie about some eight pound shoes had now become an eight million pound whopper three months after supposedly becoming multimillionaires Howard and Cathy were still living in their council house Howard was sticking to his story that their fortune was offshore and still unavailable he kept me in a mood for time then yeah you will owe me figures you won't discuss anything and our excited is the thoughts are getting a new life and helping everybody else have a new life and that on the big X the big thing for me you know you've got eight kids between us and we're showing it all our equally would you believe but John would shared the rest of the money out plus of parents and as for business sisters who asked in Howard and Cathy decided to share their good fortune at a celebration party for their family and friends more than 60 people accepted their invitation the folks said I'd never seen before I thought well all these Alicia's are the family that's well I've never seen him dot first round drinking if everybody bought drinks all night it's protecting Japan as sort of people winter barred so what you have in what you have in the drinks flowed the buffet was served but there was one thing missing but we never got the check there we go check settle now so food that they're waiting for the checks see you told people you've been given checks yeah fifty thousand longer than I Scottish night I would you tell people we were going to give them checks at night after the party Howard knew he had to produce hard evidence of the win so he turned to a childhood dream when I told her I liked her for war it's like a bit more Leslie the lottery win I went to a Jaguar dealership in Doncaster I always wanted a Jaguar because that based on some model cars whenever about seven or eight years old [Music] I'm Jeff Mullins and I'm the general manager of the Jaguar dealership in danke how it strolled around the showroom and chose an xj8 in see frost green but that was just the start so he's already agreed to spend thirty eight thousand pounds or there abouts on after he fell we then decided that you should buy his wife a car which happens to be an XK coupe a very similar to this one so between the two cars he was looking to spend somewhere in the region of 90,000 pounds when I picked out two Jaguars in two salesman's face little dinner and when I said to him those liked by another Jaguar for another member at somewhere that's when he ordered some flowers for your winter and then he got your Butler for hopefully we thought it was a little unusual that somebody would buy three cars so quickly but then again we hadn't met a lottery winner before chose re-roll turd in the essentially being flowers in a war zone you know country experts birthday they were really good very workable one of the things that impressed me about ours generosity was the fact that he was going to give a tractor to a village in Africa he thought that was the best way to help them one day I actually referred to the salesman could I he was one of the Jaguars which are all purchased in off you this is year that's no problem we said you can take any which which Jaguar you want to take out as a quartet the XJS a 450-pound in and all I could think of is watching the petrol gauge just going down and down and down he told us about setting up trust funds for his children he was going to buy properties and cars for his family and he seemed to be very genuine and a very generous man and we accepted him for that there were lots of times when I doubted it will not show but things like they buying junk mail adding just one ordering three I kept thinking could it can't with this far it won't for this far telling for kids but it is [Music] Howard and Cathy's fortune was now the talk of the neighborhood it were inevitable as the bottom on Hope Street you know when we came back from shopping and it but I own God everything what they've got the beanies I've been there and just jealousy it still face really like you get that on every street don't ya yeah I've got good friends good neighbors but this far too much crime going around here and I'd love to more somewhere else to bring me little girl up in a better environment really a place in the country perhaps with Howard's encouragement Cathy soon spotted her dream home Howard clinched the deal I'm John Norris and this is my wife Carolyn and mr. Walter was buying our farmhouse but turned an eight five thousand pounds cash yeah we decided to put it on the market one thing because the upkeep of this vast house was enormous and business wasn't as good as what it could be when I would offered me the cash the children aged five thousand to me it was like winning the lottery it was a nice farmhouse with lots of potential that were near my family near the countryside very private needed quite a bit of work going to it for a millionaire to live in in their borrowed limousine the warms Liz created the right impression Thank You Jagua top-of-the-range model take his wrist in unique yeah your stick is foreign and we used to buy the beer oh yeah it seems quite a genuine person and we trusted him and it went on from there Howard and Cathy were planning to turn the farm into a home fit for millionaires leave a tent that we had made up to the house we were never a large courtyard as you walk in and stables at one side on the other side the be a big massive extension of the house which contained a silk room next that a gym with all the latest equipment and ensuite which led through to the swimming pool which will be fantastic which led through to the granny flat and model or the guest house really had everything it were going to cost a lot of money probably bout two hundred thousand pounds but it was real fine first on how shopping list was the swimming pool my name is David Holub we build very expensive shipping ports [Music] an essential piece of equipment on any swimming pool is a for cover mr. warmly said three you can you dance on it I said no you can't I said we can make you a pool cover that will either rise up from the floor or come down from the ceiling all of the press of a button but as soon as we start talking money people go off the idea so he said well how much is it going to cost I said literally anywhere between 25 and 40 thousand pound so I said well if he's what I want our habits how it also wanted Kathy to have a top-of-the-range farmhouse kitchen system a dream kitchen for the farmhouse here's the plans we have made up it will mean light oak an island in the middle spotlights Weinreich fridge freezer cooker all disguised you're actually peanuts the amount the quartered is seventeen thousand pound that would have been two weeks interest then there was the snooker table mister grain flow Cheshire Billy's coming we specialize in the purchase renovation of billiard tables mainly antique Edwardian Victorian exquisite pieces I dropped him a few int about certain lottery winners were done table for and there he remarked the Dean had a little bit of a tickle himself this is the table that mister Wamsley intended purchasing it's one that would use for a match for rear in week or to the man's 6,500 delivered an install complete with all accessories as when he was ready for which he was going to bring in a deposit of 500 pounds and never appeared with it [Music] on paper Howard spending on the house alone ran to more than half a million pounds on top of that was the cost of the holiday the cars the party and the pedigree labrador puppy feed ordered for Kathie of Tama going on involving more and more people I would sent to be a bit more snappy we used to argue and we shouldn't be argument when we got all this money the more efficient Lord about doing doing different things better things and what she's ever done before the more depressed Iowa it was a minute start asking questions you know what's happening today I'm are we doing this tomorrow and what about this and what about that and it's our buddy knows I'm going out [Music] but Howard wasn't just going out for [Music] join is going to local newsagent suspending between 60s and gonna leave a lot of tickets open that if a wall it won't be a lie anymore I just love the school feeling overall win and one Saturday Kathy roasters inc bath now downstairs normal watching watch your dolls come up we first fall numbers actually came up I thought all I need is the next two and I'll not Teutonia lies anyone you know the dream won't be a dream it would be no reality but that income so I just kind on week after week buying lottery tickets for months after announcing his phantom when Howard was still broke and facing disaster I took to drink probably now every night I go sailing local club down round and even when I was sitting in there people knew or thought I had one mantra it'll cost me more money to win there some eyes all stopped in more and more fell ill the high street banks had been queuing up to win Howard's business they helped him to open more than a dozen accounts I actually hold a bank thousand pounds and they said to me we'll forget about that thousand pounds you come and invest your money with us I only intended invest in three women which at an early hour they were going to actually get two hundred seventy four thousand darling they're sure and commissioned what they did made out not really well Howard dealt with his phantom fortune Kathy got on with planning the move well whenever we know they'll move in she gave things away everything you name it kitchen utensils you know I mean she'll going to give her a washing away they like light fittings and nets and you know stuff like bathroom stuff and I mean she had a really old Scotty brown 40 and she'd still say she cleaned it up to see if anybody wanted out but the bills just kept on coming and Kathy's doubts about her lottery winnings grew and grew he got to a stage where I had to know I couldn't spend another day we aren't knowing without it being concerned down which he'd worn as I said prove it you've got to prove it Howard headed for the cash point we've written a check for 8.9 million pounds and paid it into one of his accounts he knew it would bounce but not for several days more than enough time to print a statement showing his wealth mr. Warren went to build I got a point man winning in the bone and you'll said to me do you believe them and I said write this show me this show me is received for bank so I can I disbelieve that I said what are we leaving [Music] it was a trick he could repeat he had no checkbook from an account it closed down he used it to pay more false checks in his new accounts came in with a slip from cash point to prove that he had got money each demand for payment was met with proof of Howard's fortune as he moved his fictitious money around over three months he bounced checks on himself for millions of pounds everyone just wanted our words business I mean banks because she thought yeah dimande my bank won't let me bounce how about if I did a book check that be it I'm being bothered his trick even sustained Cathy's dream of buying a home fit for millionaires the estate agents was getting switched with the vine can say yes he's got the sufficient funds to buy your property so we go on to a service day finally Howard signed a check to pay for the house he turned up to help the Norris's move out and into a caravan even though he knew the check would bounce he watched all my light fixing things hanging down the children were not rooted all the school equipment everything let's fit into this tiny little caravan and he just sat there laughing joking not caring the world [Music] 6 a.m. on moving day and Kathy was awake early ready to set off for her new home and her new life editing box doc I've given things away everything sent to be all together this time we center got everything in order but everything wasn't in order Howard knew his check for the farm would bounce then came a knock on the door I laid in bed and kapha out a bed and she answered then I heard a lot of banging it back to on the phone what's going off banging shouting we have a warrant for your arrest the police were investigating a series of frauds involving Howard's previous business they knew nothing of his lottery lie when I heard him say old place for subdural relief before and now all built in at Oulton Howard tell the truth his reaction was I'm a lottery winner and you know what's the problem everyone's going to get the money back so I will not to come back and see you later detectives fill Pernell in John rag had spent two years chasing up Howard's debts from his failed business when he introduced himself as a multi-millionaire they were so surprised at first they believed him well I was dumbstruck with what he came out with I got this feeling that it was going to be a waste of time because somebody was going to make the decision well he's going to repay these people and how it wasn't gonna get just as it obviously remember thinking ah you lucky bastard you had to look back at it now in hindsight I think was killed early because this guy was a calm merchant and he should have realized that what he was saying immediately was wrong true don't know why I went round on that morning I just did and I would come to door and I just went accountants around or on my own right right I kept saying but wasn't a lot were moving today police said I doubt it love they were all saying all that about counterfeit morning I base this about it's that it will just it will also at the police station Howard clung to his lottery lie throughout the morning throughout the afternoon and well into the evening it'll lift this lie Morris all all day until that particular night that's the question on the launcher now as we're gonna interview room to placement said to cafe Howard's got something to tell you I said classic Graham Mullin watch me absolutely right it was just so long all I wanted to do will get home I just want to get through that door shut the door and cry Howard's plan to use his lottery lie to hang on to Cathy at backfired she threw him out and then set about telling those around her that their jackpot win was a fantasy people always said to me how could you possibly have not known there's always that eliminate out and yeah our death for believing but then again it could have been show although bounded by before and sometimes now I have to count down little bit because others many people they say anything we must reflect that in some way and Karl Baedeker say oh you're all right and a good day I lost all that [Music] and Kathy had another shot coming the detectives had discovered that Howard had a mistress it persuaded her to take out 30,000 pounds in loans to pay for a new life together but it actually used the money to convince everyone he was a lottery millionaire he manipulated the relationship to obtain the money because once you've got his hands on the money he could then convince his wife that it was a lottery winner because she could give her the things that she wanted he could on holiday with that money and all of that money was spent [Music] it didn't meet somebody else that given the attention that he did want and he actually asked her to get a loan so they could buy an ounce and I think he actually intended going through with it and because the single donor out for us [Music] but it decided to hang on to me a little bit longer when he got the money through from this lon and he decided to try and warn me back and I won't accept any gifts signing one else in because it was bills get paid and so the only way he could spend on May were to tell me that it got lots and lots and lots of money and and that way only worries would be over and so Tony won the lottery it was because he loved me so much and I didn't want to lose longer this summer yeah we got through without that solving done without the part of his past and we've dealt with it terminal empty see cancer walk and how people reacted towards I just wanted to let anyone around another way to get it back or to get a job and that's why do to try to plate that all together all the minutes playing Howard's plan worked three months after his arrest Cathy took him back but his troubles weren't over the police charged him with multiple counts of deception at first I thought you were going to go down big stalemate for this and you deserve every little bit of it and on that I needed to serve her but then they were going to a desperations to it whereas though I've got to have this dream I can't live without this dream now because I've told so many people and I've made too many plans you will appreciate how its spread like a poison throughout the people the community is family it's affected so many people's lives [Music] Howard's dream had cost the Norris's a small fortune about 30,000 pounds we lost that 20,000 pounds on the property which we had to sell very quickly to pay all the people of which Howard incurred costs Ferrer's we've never hated him I do believe it when he said he'd never hurt anyone during this well he had because you know it could have destroyed this she's a fool realist and by a man who lies and cheats his ways to lie because that was it boils down to but that's up to her she wants to speak by you know [Music] oh gosh baffled over holiday as fast as all the warms lives have decided to take one last look at their dream home it's now been bought by someone else that wanted to move order sir that's micrometer Scotland is possible what no cream gonna be an extension for Manchester I'll find that that was actually okay in a grating tech industry god wasn't it even though it was out I had a phone call from the architect you know how mr. Warmsley the lottery window he ain't no gotcha better he serve a wanker absolutely amazed as I say that everything was a lie I couldn't really see what the munster intentions were in the verse to me why could someone that you've got money new younger he was a problem said sorry he said he ain't no lottery winner easing clink he's a fraudster I knew that we could never have moved into it because [Applause] another the money to afford to do it so nice to Alaska girl anything yeah but the dream is truly over Howard is being called to court to be sentenced on 13 counts of deception which has always been it back up in Maine that you know one day I'll get that letter through door so no I've been going to curl I've got our letter through and I'll be in court on Monday it's just the day what we've always dread this logically I went to see a psychiatrist in Roxbury infirmary and he said by Thor and I risk of reoffending I disagree with that I think is wrong while saying that because I've changed that much and I won't take risks anymore [Music] howard's case is being prepared by his solicitor James gray Howard's a very personable guy you know he's very easy to get on with I'm sure in relation to people who he met he was obviously plausible and I'm sure for a time he believed that he was doing or trying to do the right thing you had to look at it realistically in terms of sentencing there is only one option because of the large scale and long term deception fraud aspect of it prison is the only option and that's speaking from the defense side okay sexy right obviously and you come to discuss the impending their court hearing date now about sentencing obviously there are a number of options but some from our discussions throughout the preparation of this case I think we've always been aware and you've always been realistic that prison is probably the only option available to the judge yeah mainly because of the nature of the charges the number of them now as so far as the length of any custodial sentence is concerned obviously that's completely in the hands of the judge the key thing in your case is to persuade the judge that she doesn't need to give you a long term sentence and that the short term sentence ie a sentence of under four years is basically the sentence for you the shorter the better from your point of view yeah yeah [Music] it's Saturday night and amazingly how it is still pinning his hopes on a ticket for the lottery actually Balter I look at it all on the stove I've got chocolate it still like to win in it I think it does then again go out and buy these flash cards and treat everybody and this time to be for real [Music] but just like every other week Howard's luck is out [Music] well often [Music] it's Howard and Kathy's last night together before he faces Court and it's a time to reflect it was our that wanted the big things the things that stand out like the Jackie was the swimming pool yeah I wanted it as well but added in things step at a time Adam sort of things a little bit more steady but before you do when you have millions of pounds on you well I would Oh God you were very good at it a convinced professionals and convinced the rest of his family and it got to a stage where our down time on my own and other people were telling me why you doubt [Music] a little bit [Music] it's the day of the court case and already the media are on to Howard story looking back on what's happened now can you just describe you know your feelings about about what you've done I feel sorry to old people I've done things too and it's just so deeply sorry a lot of people on street claimed to be his friend anyway but they're not now but since my local club one bloke chance he should be barred from this club but they took you from on there when you bought on drinks and now well they don't know what did you stick nail him now people in the shop down the road from where I live you can put a poster insane millionaire Lane he wrote like what was saying our Sally laughs to them that a dirt well some people just time on something then Kathy you're sitting by your husband and why did hide it to do that this proved to me that all he did it family [Music] when I got a few hours known for a lot Scott for a lip off to town and save combined this small piece of jewelry just to say thank you to Cathy thought it's done for look I would cut this thing into with that dowel everyone in prison I will never say our dumpster still in love I won't leave you I'll never do anything like that I'll just say oh noes okay I just don't want to make him feel that no matter what he does he can get away with and after I'm buying because the next time I want so I want him to make him realize that yeah I'll always done so much mate you know that's you took me as far as I can go [Music] yeah it's just the right thing oh you sure there's overall to the neighborhood time to get ready for court should have been at home when your wife women inner-self tonight she said that should stick by me so I just don't up there no stick Howard's little lie has now become a headline news is pleaded guilty to fraud and is hoping the judge will be lenient we don't think Howard should get inaudible sentence but is got see psychiatrist as into why they let this go on to such depth that it did that outcome a lot more than putting him in we folks are going to probably teach him two more tricks [Music] I'm not falling down in my eyes why did we rock I still think the lesson would just be a bit dubious about whatever he tells me from now on I think I proved it 100% Shawn with her mommy I think how it's going to be a nice honest guy when it comes out of prison it'll last over two and a half hours and how will return to his same way of life as it did before [Music] [Music] the judge told Howard that although he'd calmed his victims he wouldn't calm the court and sentenced him to three years in prison I feel I would she's not the jail what is on our did wrong the newest Aston is very sorry there's more to go over we're not going to ship it's keep us all and I'm from a diet would you make of a sentence no comment Howard is now six months into his sentence in prison his nickname is bonus for Kathy hopes with good behavior he'll be home for the new year I'm not bitter I mean with God's joy it was odd I've gone through a dream which would have been nice but not actually kept it I have been a millionaire [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: Lottery Post
Views: 965,389
Rating: 4.6192207 out of 5
Keywords: lottery, documentary, UK National Lottery, crime, fraud
Id: ym-F7_HL7Bg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 25sec (2905 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2017
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