Full Hoya Collection Tour. #houseplants #hoyacollection #plantcare

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hey guys [Music] so i am way behind in my videos i was so excited because i ended up getting a new camera and i just got so busy with work and it has been i don't know it's just there's not enough hours in the day and it has been so difficult to just post content and film in general so when i went into my you know youtube i was shocked to see that i had surpassed the 500 subscribers so i was so excited that i figured you know what let me do a quick um hoya tour because i'm always talking about it and i don't do it so that's what we're gonna do it that's what i'm gonna do today um it's gonna be super quick i'm not gonna move the plants around i have too many to move around and i'm hoping to get all of them it's gonna be um weird angles because my house is a mess and i'm embarrassed and on top of that i've been you know cleaning closets and just trying to get a lot of donations out there so without further ado let's get started so i decided that we're gonna start on my ikea cabinet i don't have that many here so this should not take very long let's see so here we have hoya lugar denisiana and this one let me turn it around so that one i ended up importing that one and this is the newest leaf and it's more than double the size of the original ones let's see we have miss um meredith eye i hope you can see it this is the newest leaf and it's so wonky it's kind of driving me crazy um and then it has this huge tendril okay behind that let me move i did an unboxing with this one and we have that one which is um i believe is pseudo literally next to that is miss parasitica then mislatifolia those leaves that they need that's the new one it's so splashy miss bilobata let's see let's put this back i have my little serpents which is a cutie this is an australis uh that one it's always like a struggle this one it's a cutting and it's a suro goenses and i have different cuttings that i'm propagating at the moment uh miss lugar denisiana and miss potsi eye which i ended up unboxing recently and it has a brand new leaf let's see down here i have miss chelsea she had spider mites i ended up getting this one from coco ranch and i realized yesterday that infected several ones so all the plants in this section um i spray for spider mites then i have miss graffiti eye and these two new leaves these are two new leaves these are the little original ones i have this really really really sad um hoya tamsonai white and this was just such a small cutting i have miss mathilde and she's so splashy look at that half a moon so beautiful i have miss erythrina which those leaves are just looking amazing let's see and again the weird angles so i have miss um linearis which she's quite long she just keeps going let me see any other oh yeah i have miss hoya minival right there and right let me see so the mini bell is actually super cute and look how the leaves come out it's like um black and then behind that i have a tri-color let's see anything else here um oh yes i do have um miss what's your name um obavada yes maya bovada and then up here i have a little propagation of the carnosa green now i'm gonna keep taking you [Music] to the other side let's see do i have any hoyas here oh yeah i do okay so these are just little cuttings of the hoya crimson princess let's see back here i have a public helix see over here i have an australis and then what i did is i ended up doing a little cutting so that i can start getting my plants to be just slightly you know larger and let me pause for a second while i open the terrarium because this is going to be a little difficult hold on okay so i opened it and this is gonna be a little challenging but let's try it so in that corner i have hoya um chicken farm hoya cariai hoya way manuel rimani borneo which i love oh my gosh you should see how i'm holding this open i have hoya bordenia from unsolicited plant talks right here she's making a beautiful comeback what else um number roidies what else hoya hi hi that it's really hard to feel from here um miss cholestrophyla look at that veining that's gorgeous here i have miss fishy eye so they're like in a little competition so which one do you like best miss fishy eye or miss calystrophyla and then oh my gosh it's so hard i have this is gonna be impossible okay let's see then let's go this way so i have miss skin ariana her leaves are pretty big let's see as you can see it's hard to tell then i have akuta variagata i love this one this one was a gift from gusty's plants i have miss gravy ones down there which one are you this is such a nightmare that right there i ended up getting that i think it was etsy or ebay i have ranks sun here which this is the newest leaf and it's like double the size of the other two so that makes me happy uh which one are you this one i'm pretty sure it's um public helix hawaiian purple this is hoya bogar this one which one are you let's see if i can get her out so this one is hoya ilagorium she's a cutie and believe it or not hidden in here is um polynei which is just they're just so tangled so i'm gonna just leave them alone and just believe me that it's there okay goodbye to all of you beauties and then let's keep going because i am determined to make this very fast um so i have this one right here which is hoya crest zips and this is how it looks it's kind of interesting looking she's a cutie i do love that it grows up the growing pattern okay let's see and most of my hoyas are our own lekka i have a retrostema shocking pink and then i make cuttings and i put them there and i know this is very very bright because i'm near the grow light but this is how she looks and the veining is really interesting it's really really interesting oh my gosh i just spill water but that's how it looks see no hoyas here oh yeah so this one is lemonia limonyaka hoyalimoniaka and she's growing and i just did an unboxing with this one and then for a new leaf i didn't even know that here i have yeti eye miss retusa miss uh chaperty eye and i hope you can see really good i love how healthy they are okay so and now we come to this and it's mostly hoyas so i think i'm gonna do it like in sections so that it's a little easier and faster and let's keep going so right here oh my gosh i have hoya lucar de siana and this one has a new baby leaf right now and the growing pattern is so flipping cool um so i'm in love with it and i'm glad that i see some growth because for the longest time it has not done anything behind that it's i know it's a it's hard to see oops but it's hoya meliflua and giving me a couple new leaves this is the newest one let's see i also have caldata sumatra and kadata sumatra it's like um it's the new leaf does not look funky which is kind of weird and all the leaves just keep dropping so we'll see then one of my favorite hoyas that was on my wish list forever is hoya um globulosa and i ended up getting this one from gardino's nursery and this is non-stop growth from the moment that it arrived i know that it's kind of like hard to take a look at it but i really hope you can appreciate how beautiful this plant actually is and the pattern of this leaves which are just so beautiful look how pointy the end is this is beautiful then i have hoya optimistic right here and look look what another one is doing to her because hoyas are incredible so i did all these cuttings because that's what i'm aiming for for fuller plants because i want to start a shop soon in the future so i'm trying my best to get my plants to be bigger and heavier and so let's see so i placed them with some water and some leica and you can already see the roots and i think i did this i want to say almost two weeks ago so that's gonna be a nice fuller plant and then i ended up getting this clandestina on unsolicited plant talks and this one the first new the first leaves were pretty cool and then the newest leaf it's kind of wider which i love but it's really bare and if he doesn't get more leaves i'm gonna go ahead and chop it and start over and just starts giving me more leaves here i have so here i have hoya in corvulla in curbula in corbula which i love how round the leaves are i hope you can see and then hoya la cunosa which i mentioned that i had the plant and only one strand survived okay i guess i'm just going sideways here so i have this is hoya in krasata and i love the shape of these leaves they're so beautiful and then it just keeps growing and growing and this is the newest leaf and it's just so beautiful and behind her i have hoya cb ruthie and same thing she just keeps growing and growing and then here i have hoya arch oldiana and look at these leaves these sleeves are like pretty big quite pointy you can hurt someone with this and there's a lot of growth here the bag noise is just phil cooking because he's the best um here this is a little rescue from an unboxing that i did of maybe a year ago or almost a year ago and this is a little cutting of hoya australis t 10 weeps and this is the only thing that survived let's see this one it's a little cutting of hoya multiflora her i have hoya fungi and miss fungi is finally giving me tons of leaves so i have one two and then three leaves which i'm happy but they're not that big um next to her i have miss muradithia and the bottom leaves look quite funky oh it's kind of a hard angle so uh the bottom leaves are really funky but this one looks too straight which is kind of bizarre but i love it and then this leaf is so large that it's just making it hang but i'm happy not complaining then i have which one are you you're crystal hoya crystal so that's hoya crystal and i really hope that you guys can see how beautiful this is and the speckles are just so cute i love it i'm usually not a that's not why i get plants to be honest with you but i when i get them i do see it as a bonus let's see and then miss microphylla album marginal i ended up getting this one from gardeno okay so second row so back there the very last one is hoyappa pallida let me see if i can come closer so that one it's super cute and i have it in an enclosure because she is not growing so i want to see if she does something and then right here in the front i have hoya soli [Music] this is the newest leaf and i think it's so beautiful and long and the veining it's i find it incredible and i know that with the lighting it's just completely off but i think you can get the point then this is the hoya memorial that i ended up getting from gardeners2 and it's growing a lot this has new leaves right there and he's just doing great uh pulling a chair because i'm tired um hoya indonesia this one you can just look at her and show bloom look at her oh see already blooming so she has blue for me already three four times and it's going on number fifth so i do love that and all of this is brand new on it let's see what's inside here so this one is my hoya rebecca uh mrs sad curtsy eye i underwater her and she isn't happy this is miss viola this one was from an import and you'll see a second viola from an unboxing that i did last year i have miss rotunda flora which she flipping loves lika back there i have hoya ruvida v and let me see she is just growing and growing and growing which is awesome because she was a small little cutting and then i'm gonna go down here so that you guys can see oh my gosh i'm so tired i'm hungry and so if you guys hear something funny is gonna be my stomach growling because i'm hungry um so miss hoyason sunrise and she is getting sun stress near the light which i love and she has all these crazy area roots because i put her in an enclosure this one is hoya hal konensis and this one i actually had it in my instagram this one is two different hoya mindarensis and you can see the varieties are completely different because you have this one with the massive leaves and then you have this mindoriensis that just is thinner and sun stresses beautifully so that's that let me go a little further back and then this one is hoya spa so i purchased this one and the person that i purchased from had no idea on it so i have no clue what it is but if you guys have any idea of what it could be just let me know this one is hoya rob rebel lubiglex red bulldoze oh let me have a seat because this is the way i have to do it so let me see if i can move things around so you guys can see it a little bit better okay so she just gave me this new leaf she's a freaking cutie her her leaves are so thick it's not even funny how thick her leaves are and she is just so cute and i love her so much and i hope that she does well for me i just did an unboxing on this one because it was an import then we have miss hoya um crimson queen which i love her so much then i have miss hoya and i did the same thing with densifolia because she grows so much and so fast and you can see that it keeps growing so what i did is i chopped her up and i chopped her up and i put the little cuttings in water and i'm lika and they're doing great so they're going to be soon be repotted with her so that it's a fuller plant and i'm really excited about that this is hoya natalie and she wasn't doing absolutely anything for me so i put her in this enclosure and now it has the top two leaves are now and i really really really do hope that you are able to see what i see because i'm not sure okay and let's see i'm gonna have to sit on the other side so please bear with me because i still have to do this side and this side but it's not that many left which is great so oh okay let's see and of course pin dooley are you gonna say hi let's feel dog okay so this one over here that is going that tendril is hoya patricia and when i got this one it was just the very bottom four leaves i think and then it just kept growing mentioned earlier that i had another viola so this is the one and she is just growing so wonky and crazy and i just love her so much and the new leaf i'm in love with it because look how beautiful and glossy and perfect she's just the best okay down here i have hoya warium oh let me move her so this is hoya warium and the leaves are just crazy hoya carry eye verigata which i know it'll be a leaf forever so i'm really sad about that but you know what can you do she can still look cute oh let's see i just had to say goodbye okay i'm almost done i'm almost done i promise so then i have hoya gallon coyana what a name so this two i ended up cutting because of the growth pattern and again i did the same thing because i want fuller plants this one i can see a little bit of roots growing i know it's kind of hard and again phil's cooking and then this one is hoya aldrichia this is the newest leaf let me see if i can i'm not sure if this is better i don't know i hope it is um so it they're growing in this little cluster on top and this is probably going to be the worst video ever because everyone is like making a million noises the dogs fill my son so my apologies this was like very spare of the moment video and then i have miss glabra who doesn't love me she is so i don't know i don't know what her deal is but i don't think she loves me and so she just looks sad and i don't know what to do i'm just going to leave it alone and see what happens so here i have hoya hindu rope and i don't know all of a sudden she just started growing she was very very small and i'm just glad she's growing because she wasn't doing much and let me see if i can shut this off i don't know let's hope that it looks better um so yeah she's giving me all this growth and back here this is my hoya filensoni so believe it or not it's like three different plants and it's interesting because the variety there's like three different i feel like it's like almost like different varieties because i feel like when it comes to the the veining it's pretty much identical but the leaf itself is like a lighter variety and a darker variety and then this is the newly from the darker variety and it's just kind of random let's see and then i have a giant pedonko there um so i don't know it hasn't really done much i had a um another little cutting in there but ended up dying um because not all plants like lekka but this one's definitely did so let me put it back oh my gosh and back there i have um hoya jennifer which look at that wanky leaf so i don't know i just flipping love it she's beautiful and oh and then hoya hindu robe variagata which doesn't look like much um it was bigger and it didn't like like uh hence the reason why i placed it there i heard other people say they're more successful but sadly i was not and then i have i didn't do an unboxing but this hoya um pachiclota i just got this from gardeno and look at this freaking beauty oh my gosh like i for beloved and behind her is hoya quintiana and in do i have in here oh yeah this this is a mess this is a mess too many too many let's see um no what am i saying you never can have too many hoyas never um so let me let me show you this one so i can get it out of the way so this is hoya shoe shanay something like that and i just ended up getting this one from gardeno too so this one and the pachuclota i ended up getting from gardenos which are my favorite vendors and so let me move this out this is an obscura i don't know if you can see it but she is a flipping cute little thing phil actually ended up getting me this one and she was not i don't know it was so small i was disappointed and but she is growing which i'm happy and then what in the world are you let me see if i can remember so this one is hoya samoansis and it was just a sad little cutting that i purchased from ebay and when i received it and it was so small i was a little disappointed but i placed it in that little terrarium and it's growing and let me see let me close this oh my gosh is there any casualties hold on because it's not closing oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh no i'm just kidding it's fine so so this one is hoya akuda and this is the one that i ended up unboxing on my video on my um imported hoya video and she's doing great she is growing and she's gonna give me new leaves and i just love her so much and i'm glad she's bouncing back and then back here what do i have back here so this one is hoya helgui gianna look at that veining are you not in love that veining is beautiful when you leave is gorgeous i just flipping love it there oh i love veining as you can tell okay and then who are you oh okay so this one is hoya quincunervia and this one i ended up adding having two plants on it um it's growing crazy it's giving me a couple tendrils and i'm just so happy with her and i ended up getting this one from one from unsolicited plan talks and the other one i think it was ebay because i went through an ebay face you know when you buy something overpriced and then you hate yourself for it that's what i went through then i have miss hoya bella which is a bunch of cuttings because um i ended up receiving it with root rot and so yeah i i've been nursing it back to life but it's just taking forever but she's finally growing and she is looking pretty and i ended up getting this at hobby lobby and i just love it so much and this is miss oh my gosh look at look at this so remember that i mentioned how um miss optimistic is all tangled up look where it's coming from oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh it's coming from here and this is hoya public helix hf hf blue and look at that loves lika and apparently just being all over the place giving me new leaves and it's just it's just incredible how it ended up just tangling itself on this one and i need to untangle it i know but you know and then last but not least is hoya come porifolia which oh my gosh this took i don't know what happened so this took forever to um to root for me it was a cutting that i ended up getting from where was it from coco ranch and i just love how beautiful the leaves are because they're really really bright green and i think they're gorgeous it's really hard to get a good picture on it but it's just pretty so i want to say that i showed you just about all my hoyas i'm not sure if i missed something i hope i didn't but i think yeah i think that's it um so as i was saying so i think that's all my hoyas i think i'm not quite sure i think and i'm pretty sure they're like maybe 100 101 or 103 i don't know um i didn't count but oh and i miss showing you let's see back here it's a miss crimson princess see i knew i was gonna forget because they're all over the place so anyhow let me know your thoughts let me know if you have any of these plans and how you like my collection again thank you so much for subscribing and for supporting my channel i am gonna try my best to start posting more often i just have to figure out my whole new work schedule and life and family and make sure that my family it's a priority anyway um thanks again and until next time bye you
Channel: Plants by Misha
Views: 2,402
Rating: 4.8834953 out of 5
Keywords: hoya tour, hoya latifolia, hoya globulosa, hoya serpens, hoya cladenstina, hoya rovulibilis, hoya pseudo borneo, hoya chelsea, houseplant tour, houseplant collection, hoya callistrophilla, imported plants, hoya vitellinoides, hoya meredithii, hoya bogar, hoya acuta, hoya bella, hoya incurvula, hoya polyneura, hoya glabra, hoya linearis, hoya retusa, hoya viola, hoya fitchii, hoya patricia, hoya jennifer, hoya ruthie, hoya densifolia, hoya sunrise, hoya pachyclada
Id: fl-KFGa47ls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 3sec (2343 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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