Oh Hoya No!! Weeding Out My Hoya Collection!

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hey you how are all of my beautiful plenty people doing today i hope you are great i am doing well uh so today's video we are going to be doing some rearranging in my rare plant terrarium when i did my mills boat cabinet if you saw that video i took some of the plants that i had in the mills boat no in the terrarium out to put in the mills bow they were just getting a little bit big in there the root systems were getting really really chunky and i didn't want a whole lot of stuff kind of like tying up underneath the substrate so um what i thought i would do i want to downsize my hoya collection um i'm not like i don't think this is like news to anyone but i'm not like a super like hoya head um i love my big leafed pillows and theriums monsteras i'm just i love my airoids um but there are a few hoyas that i really do like and i really would like to keep now the hoyas that i have put in the rare plant that we just call it the rare planetarium okay that's what it's called it's name so don't come for me okay anyway um so a few of the hoyas that i've put in there are absolutely thriving like they're doing so well so in my little blonde brain i was like maybe i could put some more in there and then they'll do well too because i know there's a lot of hoyas the majority of them like that extra humidity so um currently in there i'm looking here because it's like sitting right beside me and i have to like get the visual while i'm you know anyway so my hoya walinyana is in there and it is insane it actually ended up growing up through the grate on the top of the terrarium and it was growing between the grate and the glass and i had no other choice but to pull it back through um actually that's not necessarily true i could have cut it off and propagated it but as i pulled it out that's when i thought of that and at that point it was too late anywho what i'm trying to say is it's growing like absolute crazy i have the um the lacquer nozzle super silver in there and it has grown insane all of the aerial roots are growing down and it kind of looks like a mangrove-esque it's really really cool but that plant is doing exponentially better than it did when i had it just out in my household humidity um i also have this beautiful variegated hoya cuta i think there's a new name for it which i never remember sorry paula anyway it's doing really well in there it's grown a couple new leaves i got it from planthaven toronto who has some of the best hoyas around so i got that one and then i also recently just tossed a cutting of uh variegated hoya bella in there that's doing really well so i think i'm going to go ahead and pull a couple of the other aroids out that i do have in there and then we're going to go ahead and just plant it up with the hoyas that i would like to keep i think those will work better in that terrarium and mainly because hoya root systems don't get like super crazy so there's not as much worry of them getting all you know root entwined etc so that's the plan that's what we're gonna do today we'll see how it goes but i think it's gonna look really really cool so for those of you who are new here hi hello welcome my name is nikki this is my channel plants pots and whatnots and for my lovely wonderful supportive fabulous what other words can i use magnificent gfps my gluttons for punishment who keep coming back for more thank you guys so much it is amazing to see you as always okay without further ado let's go ahead and just get to it because it's gonna be interesting and i'm gonna change my mind three thousand times so let's just let's stop procrastinating [Music] okay guys hi so first of all i just want to say that um i recorded the first half of the video without my mic plugged in so we're going to do a voiceover i'm going to try to remember as best i can what i was saying so here basically i'm explaining that i have all of these hoyas they haven't been taken very good care i haven't i uh i haven't taken very good care of them as of lately and that's a problem i feel bad about that and the reason for that and i know i'm gonna have you know i don't know what i was looking at over there oh i was explaining how i like my big leafy aroids um anyway the reason for this is that i'm just not as into hoyas uh anymore i think i kind of in the back of my head never really was like a super hoya head i mean i'm sure that's not a surprise to anyone but what i want to do here is i want to take all of these hoya off the shelf i want to clean them up i know there's some mealybugs on some of them and i just want to get all of them situated decide which ones i want and which ones i'm going to move into this terrarium that's a nice transition that was smooth okay anyway um so i have a couple hoyas that i put in here and they are doing amazingly well um so the first one up here oh nikki you're getting good at this voiceover thing um is the hoya welliniana and then down there where i'm pointing now is the hoya lacquenosa super silver they are both rocking as i explained in the introduction anyway uh the hoyway leniana was growing all the way up into the top there it's the leaves are just getting nice and big and red and it's really just absolutely doing amazingly well um the same thing with that um hoya lachinosa it's oh i was pointing out the big leaves so the hoya lachinosa is getting really big as well and you can see there in this shot where all the the roots are growing down it kind of looks like that you know sort of jungly or mangrovy sort of situation and i just love how that looks so what i want to do is take some of the hoyas that i have on the shelf um or at least a couple of them and put them in here and there are a few in here oh there's the variegated hoya cuda and the hoya bella and then i think i'm just explaining here how i want to take some of the airwides out the um ring of fire right there is just getting too big and that's going to get big quickly and uh probably the philadelphian splendid which i'm pointing to now is going to come out of there as well possibly that silver dragon um i have to fix that burl marks fantasy there's a lot of little tweaks that i need to do in there and since i took a bunch of plants out of here to put into my short mills bow cabinet that i did about a month ago it just kind of looks a little raggedy with the exception of the back the back still looks really great um but i just have some like you know moving around in here to do and the other thing that i was struggling with is when i took those bigger airoids out i had a couple aetherium in there and the roots were just getting too big and too bound underneath there and i didn't want to have this situation where i had all these entangled roots not going to be good for the plant and it's going to be really difficult the the further on i let that get when i try to take things out so that's what we're trying to avoid at this point now with hoyas in here hoyas have shorter smaller root systems so i'm hoping not to encounter those kinds of problems when i move the hoyas over into this terrarium that was a lot so anyway that's the plan for today although i will tell you spoiler alert uh this ended up being a little bit bigger project than i anticipated i didn't get to doing the terrarium in this video so in this video we're basically going to be taking all of the hoyas off this shelf we're going to get them cleaned up we're going to go through them pick out which ones i want to keep which ones i don't want to keep which ones i want to put into the terrarium and kind of what i want to do to sort of consolidate everything and just get everything looking a little bit better i just feel really badly that i've been neglecting these for so long and you know some of them are doing really well i have this well not not not that one okay or or that one nikki let's move on to better things okay anyway look over here nothing to see over there um anyway i have a hoya rang sand that i'm gonna show you here in a second and it's blooming it's got three peduncles which is crazy two of them look like they're actually gonna make it um if i can get you in there to actually show you uh so there's the big peduncle obviously you can see that in in the front there there's one directly behind it and i think i look up and over here come on nikki i wonder what i was saying here there's the other one behind there focus okay uh there's another one you can see off to the right right here and then there's a teeny tiny one right at the top which is probably yeah you can't see that anyway there's another one there you'll have to trust me anyway really excited about that plan in particular flowering uh this is the first time that hoya has flowered i don't know what the flowers look like oh you know what i'll do i'll google a picture of a hoya rang sandflower and i'll put it in here and we'll both be surprised anyway the leaves are beautiful they're long they're you know splotchy i love them they look fantastic one of my absolute favorite hoyas and it just makes it better than it's blooming okay oh and my hoibella it's it's bloom season for the hoya bella so that's probably gonna start just putting them off one after another um anyway that's basically that i just need to clean up the shelf get the hoya situation under control because it's not under control currently and i feel badly about it and i'm sorry all you hoya lovers please don't come for me i'm sorry i just can't do it all [Music] [Music] okay and here they all are we got them all sitting out this is all of my hoyas some are definitely looking better than others um so basically what i'm going to go ahead and do now is just go ahead and give them a watering so i'm going to use my absolutely favorite plant product it's not even a plant product it's that little roll out kitchen sink drain thing for doing the dishes you know the rack that rolls anyway if you've been here you've seen it you'll see it in a minute but anyway i'm going to go ahead and set that up i'm going to give them all a water i'm going to go ahead and give them all a fertilizing because uh it's been a bit i would like to say that i do this every month but i would be lying um i probably do a spray fertilizer once every three months but when i do water them they do get watered with um i always forget what it's called loading loading uh liquidur so they're always getting liquid or and before that whatever fertilizer i was using uh previous to so i'm gonna go ahead and set up this ink we'll get these watered we'll get these all sprayed and then we'll go ahead and start making decisions [Music] you don't have to wake up yet [Music] we can spend all day in bed [Music] we can spend all day [Music] okay so it just dawned on me that um my microphone has uh conveniently been unplugged the entire time uh that i have been um filming so fortunately a lot of like the watering and etc was um me not talking anyway but the entire intro as i'm sure you've already realized um i'm gonna have to voice over so here's where we're at i um i've gone through and watered everything and sprayed it all down with my orchid spray which i usually do i would like to say i do it once a month but i would be lying so i probably do it once every three months i would say that's probably more of an accurate statement um so now we kind of have to go through and pick um a what we want to keep b what we want to keep out on shelves and see what we would like to put into the the terrarium so obviously we can't put anything super huge that's gonna trail a lot so um this bella i definitely know that i want to keep it's really cute i want to take off a couple of these yellow leaves though let's just snap those off we'll get her nice and cleaned up yellow this happens sometimes if it does to you don't stress okay so there she is she's looking really good so let's put her back in her cute little pot here dump that there we go and then we'll set her aside okay we have this hoya viola i definitely want to keep this i love this plant so much i just love the big chunky veiny leaves it's a good grower and it's just the type of hoya that i really like so we definitely want to keep this one so let's find her little tray here we go this hoya astralis lisa i don't think i'm gonna keep her um she has been struggling a bit lately um her leaves are getting wrinkly now i know this is probably my fault or you know what maybe what i can do is just take a cutting from the top here and then sell or not even sell give away if anybody wants to try to bring this back or use it to cut into nodes or whatever so let's go ahead and do that let's give her a little snip and we'll just keep the little top here um you know what i'm gonna cut it right there there so i'll just keep that little bit and then we'll set her there this part you know i'll just see if anybody wants it if nobody wants to try to you know save this bottom half then i guess i'll just put her in the garbage although i really hate to do that so if you're watching and live around me let me know um this hoya obovata okay first of all i'm gonna get rid of this icky leaf there we go um this hoya obavada i really do like um but i think oh hello mealies okay well let's see if i can get you in to see what i'm looking at here let me hold it right there see if i can get you zoomed in you like do you see those around the tip there right there that's delicious and really disgusting okay so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna get a q-tip i don't have any rubbing alcohol but just dipping it in some some of my spray solution or soap is fine it works just fine so i'm gonna go grab a q-tip and let's deal with that and then the rest of it oh man i see some more ick okay hold on one sec okay i have my handy dandy pest spray um so that's what we're gonna use and i'm just gonna spray it on my q-tip here and we're going to try to get those little groces off oh see they just fell off where to go where'd you go there you are you can die i'll put it over there okay there's one see if i can get to the other one there we go oh they just fall off that's great makes my job easier okay we'll just the um problem with mealybugs is that a lot of them like the only ones that you can really see well are the adults what the problem tends to be and why people including myself have difficulty getting rid of mealybugs is because of all the really tiny ones that you can't see so that becomes a problem so you really have to like treat the entire plant and i'm looking here to see if i see any more let me back you up just a hair we're awfully backlit here aren't we sorry about that guys but i'm just kind of looking flipping leaves they like to hang out in the joints anywhere where there's a joint so where the petiole meets the stem or where the leaf meets the petiole that sort of situation and surprisingly i don't see i don't think i see any other mealybugs so that's a bonus nope oh there's a little one right there i got you okay so i know now that this is one that i'm gonna have to keep an eye on but is that one there that might have been one down there okay and what i'm also going to do is throw this in the garbage here are the two let me see if i can get you in to see these these are gross little buggers for anybody who hasn't seen what amelia looks like i'm gonna try to get you in here there they are right there you see them aren't they gross those are good sized ones too so they're gonna they're gonna go away now okay so what i'm gonna do now is sit this in here i'm also gonna spray these ones because they were sitting right beside it let's move this over um oh gosh oh gosh i've also found that this particular um concoction the spray that i'm using has been really effective on everything spider mites thrips mealy bugs it's been great so all this is i bought these amber bottles off amazon i love them they're really cute and rather than have all the ugly bottles and stuff sitting everywhere i use these and then just use my labeler to mark what they are anyway i digress so in here is water um the peppermint myers dish soap because bugs most insects and pests and stuff like that hate the smell of peppermint um including like mice and rats etc so i like to use that as much as possible so that myers one is really great and that's the one i use so soap water and let me show you um this safers insecticidal soap so this helps with all kinds of stuff spider mites thrips white fly mealy etc etc etc so that is my little concoction and i don't really measure things out i put usually about two or three squirts of my just soap um probably like like a good squirt or a good cap full of the insecticidal soap and then the rest is just water but it has worked great for everything that i've used it on so you know you find what works and you just stick with that basically and then i'm not constantly dousing all of my plants and like harmful chemicals and stuff like that so when you're treating your leaves you want to make sure that you get in all especially mealybugs well everything really you want to make sure that you get everywhere so the tops and the bottom of the leaves and all the nooks and crannies and crooks and crevices of the plant and its stems and petioles and i always really give the top of the soil a really good spray as well then we'll just set it there to drip i'll give this one a spray i don't see any on this but you know you never know okay so that's done anyway where were we so that one's taken care of and that one we've decided that we are going to get rid of this one i'm going to keep but what i would like to do is um i have a couple cuttings in my greenhouse and i see these big beautiful obavadas and people have them like trailing out of pots and these big beautiful leaves and i'm just like i want that for me so what i think i'm gonna do not today but in another video i'm gonna keep this and i'm gonna put it in a more sturdy pot number one and then i'm gonna put those cuttings in it as well and i want to put it in a place where it can trail and get these big traily big round beautiful leaves so long and all of that to say that i'm keeping this one okay next so you aside so this is my hoya clustophyla i really like these i love these leaves i love the veins on them etc etc now i have a couple other ones wait no i think the other ones are finley sony eye hold on yeah these these are finley sony eye but you know what okay so thinly sony eye thinly sony eye i like these three plants i like the color the shape the veins it's just cool and different do i need three pots no so i think what i'm going to do with these is i'm going to pot them all together and let them live as a cohesive unit they don't tend to grow very fast for me and i'm sure that's my lack of caring for them but i'm just going to give them a quick check i know that some of my hoyas on the one end of that shelf did have mealybug and i don't really want to like let that slide if i can help it because it can get it a hand real quick and i hate mealy bugs it's probably my worst the the pest that i hate the most okay so these are keepers this is not gonna go well i'm gonna end up keeping most of them oh my god okay but we're gonna consolidate right so we're we're we're creating more space i'm gonna talk myself into one or the other here um all right so let me put these guys back on their little i don't even know what container this one was sitting on that'll do all right so they're over here in the keep pile all right now this guy who i don't remember the name of i never do i always have to message paula and it's a whole thing anyway um this one i like as well so this one might be one for the cabinet the size is good cabinet-wise it's a really good grower it's quick it's easy it doesn't have any pests which is always opponents so i think we're going to keep this one and this one is going to go in a cabinet so let's set the cabinet plants over oh these we have to deal with i'm going to set that in there so the cabinet plants are going to go over here okay this one i love so it's not going anywhere this is my hoya i census i got it about a year and a half ago from crystal star nursery i love it it definitely needs a good leaf clean it does not have any pests it did actually have thrips at one point but i think we dealt with that we got rid of them i don't see anything which is great and it has grown this big long stem it's tried to peduncle a couple times with uh with no success but it's it's doing quite well but here's the thing this is this is inconvenient oh my god for me case in point um so i think what i might do with it again in the next video is go ahead and cut it so i'll probably cut it like right about let me see if you can even see this yep right about here and then this can be its own plant we can probably pot a lot of them back into the same pot and then maybe i'll cut here between these two leaves oh there's a peduncle do you see that probably nothing will come of it but in any case and then we'll put them back into the same pot and we can have a bigger fuller plank this plant i really like um if you've been around a while you know that i like the big leaf toys and that kind of is what does it for me this i love it's got these huge like paddle like leaves and it has this really pretty almost like an outline on the edges that's kind of like a purpley red color really really pretty hoya so that one is also a keeper [Music] oh my goodness okay let me grab the rest of them off the table here and uh we'll we'll keep going although i think i see how this is gonna this is gonna end okay next so uh the next one i think is probably a no-brainer so this is my hoya rang sand with its cute little blooms here i know it's kind of dark i'm going to try to lighten it in editing hopefully that works with all its beautiful peduncles so this one is definitely a keeper um i it's doing really well it's growing lots of leaves obviously lots of flowers so i'm just gonna leave it alone i'm not gonna repot it i'm not gonna do anything else with it but try to find a dish for it so i'm just gonna go ahead and put that one back on the shelf to keep i don't want anything to happen to these blooms and i'm kind of paranoid about it so i'm gonna go ahead and put her back right now there she's safe and sound back on the shelf okay um this one this is a fun little story so this is my hoya kadada uh big green leaves and this one i got is that amelie is go away i hate you i hate you i hate you it's the only one i see though we're gonna check her okay i think we're okay anyway uh this one i got about a year and a half ago-ish from crystal star nursery and this one was a lesson in patience and it started declining so i put it in my i took cuttings because the plant started to decline and that's when you know when we talk about like plant insurance and stuff like that that's a great scenario for something like this so if a plant starts to decline take a cutting or two or three or however many you can and put them aside that way if the plant takes a nosedive then you've still got some of that plant left behind so that's what i did with this one and thank goodness i did i put it in my greenhouse downstairs in my mars hydro grow tent and for quite some time um i just kind of like babied it and it struggled and then it finally started growing again and now we have this whole new growth point with these beautiful new leaves and i am so happy so this guy in my experience likes the higher humidity so i think with this one what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and put that in my little terrarium i think he'll do really well in there i hope um yeah so he's one that i really want to keep the leaves get really really cool and he's like big and they have this really cool edge on them it's kind of furry and almost like uh jagged i want to say sort of you know anyway super cool little plant and that one is a keeper so we'll set that one over there okay uh what do we want to do next here so the next one is this one i just got this from paula so this is a hoya pubic alex pink splash i'm gonna say something like that um it's doing okay um the leaves aren't quite as green i don't i think it might be getting too much light so um i don't want to get rid of this one i really like it and you know like paula gave it to me and it's pink not that you can tell i don't know if you can tell hold on focus you're not going to focus on me eh well that's that's fun okay anyway um the leaves have this really cool pink splashing on them so i'd like to keep that one and and see if i can get it to grow some new leaves we've got this uh this stem on here and it's tried a couple times to put out some new leaves to no avail but it is what it is so we're gonna go ahead and keep that one where's your tray there it is okay okay next one this thing okay i bought this quite a few years ago probably two years ago maybe and of course there's mealybugs all over it i bought it in a four inch pot or maybe even a six inch pot and i have really just struggled with it ever since it is finally growing again but it is literally covered in mealybugs so do i want to spend the time trying to get rid of them oh sorry it's a hoya um oh my gosh uh hoya i'll put it on the screen sorry guys i'm having a blonde moment here um anyway it's not that hard to find if i really wanted to get another one which honestly i don't so i think this one i'm just gonna cut my losses i'm not going to struggle with trying to get rid of the mealies to me it's just not worth it so this little guy is just going to say goodbye yeah sorry buddy so he can go in there okay the next one oh my god okay i envy you people that can grow these big beautiful hoya um polyneiras because this is kind of where my this is so sad looking looking up close so you can kind of see what i'm working with here okay so we've got these two leaves it finally grew a new little one this is the first new leaf i've had on this thing and i don't even know how long and then it has another little one right here that just kind of tried and then went i don't know so let me just look i don't see any pests on it at all of any variety which is good just peek under there nope she looks good this is one of those ones that i really want to grow big and beautiful i'm not ready to give up on this hoya yet so and because it started growing a new leaf i'm i'm gonna keep trying now i know that these don't like as bright light as most and they do like to keep a little bit more on the moist side so i have been following those instructions and i think that's kind of what helped to grow that new leaf so we're gonna we're gonna keep trying we're gonna keep trying with this one against my better judgment but it's gonna stay so hoya polyneura is sting guys so far i've only gotten rid of one two oh my goodness okay next is this one so this is my hoya kadada no hoya i'm having a moment oh right oh duh hoya parasitica um heart leaf splash or something i should just read it off there hoy parasitica splash heart leaves that's what i meant um i'm not getting rid of this one i love this plant i'm not loving the instability of this trellis that i made so this guy i might actually take it of this pot in the next video maybe repot it and give that [Laughter] that trellis a little bit more stability uh because it's not super stable right now i also believe that i am giving this particular hoya a little bit too much light the leaves should be a bit darker of a green and they're not right now they're quite pale see if i can get you in to see that oh see what i mean oh my goodness oh my goodness okay can we see them not really it's so dark um if it's not if i can't get it bright enough in editing i'll just put a little photo in here of what i mean this this is what was i thinking what was i doing i wasn't thinking that's the problem okay there we go it's gonna fall over again anyway this one i'm definitely keeping love this guy this one um and a lot of my other ones i got from um planthaven toronto they have the coolest hoyas and she saw when she found out that i was starting to get rid of my hoya she's like no nikki and i'm like i know i know um but you know it's funny because all of the ones that she gave me i'm keeping so i think yeah yeah so you guys picked good ones to send me because i love them all uh including this one so this one is a keeper so we'll put that one aside oh boy okay we're down to four now this one i got from crystal star nursery in a big unboxing back when i got all the other ones wow those cicadas are loud today sorry if you can hear that um this is a hoya matrata this one i struggled with with mealies really badly and about three or four months ago i gave it an absolute soaking with my spray and got rid of every single mealybug there's not a bug on it right now um it looks good wait did i speak too soon nope nope it's just dirt anyway uh if i'm being honest with myself and i kind of have to be at this point i'm not i'm not super in love with this one so this is probably one that i'm going to offer to a friend or you know trade for or something like that because it just it's just not it's not doing it for me so there she is again hopefully you can see it i mean i think if i could get it to grow properly if i had you know the time and the patience it would be nice but i just don't so that's that one that's uh that's a giver so we'll put that down in here um oh i also have the two over here that i set away from everything else okay let's go with this one here so this is the hoya bench temp bengatensis or benjitensis and i think i'm killing it i don't see any pests on it or anything like that and i don't think i've actually had any pests on this at all ever but it's not looking the best and as much as i don't want to give up on it again i have to be realistic with myself and my capabilities and know when to just call it a loss so this one i'm going to give to someone if they want it they want to try to like recoup it or take cuttings or something like that because i'm just not that into you you know so that's a giver okay so we're doing a little bit better here um okay this one this is my hoya elliptica um it had mealy bugs i had taken it out of my cabinet because it was getting too much light in my cabinet and since i took it out of my cabinet it has just continued to tank on me so you can see that i've got all these dead leaves uh there's oh and that one there is more dead leaves more dead leaves do you see a theme here i'm just gonna throw those directly in the garbage okay now um i like this plant okay let's just say that let's grab the scissors let's clean her up first and then we'll decide from there this is gone this is gone this one's really gone all right this is what we have left um there's still lots of life left in these they feel good like i said i really oh oh no mealies i don't know if you can see that or not but they are covered okay so you know what i'm going to take this and directly dump it into the garbage hoy elliptica is probably one that i can find easily i know paula has one of these and if i banked her real nicely if i really wanted another one i could probably get one so i'm gonna go ahead and just dump that right into the garbage here we go hi garbage garbage meat hoya bye okay that's that one all right we're getting down the wire okay now we officially have three left we have these two and then we have this one so along the same lines as the elliptica this is my oh is this the sunrise i can never tell i can't remember the difference anymore um this has been struggling lately uh it does have some mealies let me cut all this dead stuff off and see what we're left with after that this has mealies and is dead so we're gonna we're gonna try to cut it off oh god all right let's take this over and immediately throw in the garbage as not to contaminate anything else all right what else we got here all right so of what's left i can see a couple mealybugs not a ton okay i think i'm gonna go ahead and just give it a really good spray i'm gonna take my q-tip and i'm gonna get off the ones that i can see and then just give her a good soak i really do like this plant it's absolutely beautiful once it gets growing and sun stresses it's gorgeous i can't remember whether this is the obscura or the sunrise potato potato they're fairly similar i just don't remember which one this is anymore and i can't even tell you where my other one is i think it might be down in my my greenhouse maybe i don't know so that's what i'm going to do with this one i think i'm going to keep this portion of it give her a good clean and cross my fingers because i really do like that hoya all right last but not least are these two this one is the hoya crinkle eight it is covered in mealybugs and i'm over it this has so many mealybugs and they are ginormous so this is another one that i'm not even going to think a whole lot about and i'm going to take it and i'm going to dump it in my garbage sorry not sorry guys hello garbage have another hoya i'll just dump you right in there there we go goodbye bye felicia okay so there's that one taken care of and last but not least is this cutie so this is the very first i believe this is the very first hoya i ever purchased or one of the first anyway this is um sorry i'm having a moment here this is a hoya crimson queen and this i struggled with what is that oh what is that i don't even know um this i struggled with with not thrips gonna sorry mealy bugs for a long time and it looks like it still has mealy bugs hoya crimson queen is one that i can find anywhere for fairly cheap so i'm gonna take this and just dump it directly in the garbage because i'm over it okay i hear you all screaming at me i'm sorry but you know what sometimes you just gotta cut your losses and know what your capabilities are what you want to make time for and what you don't want to make time for and with the size of collection i have some i just don't want to make time for this stuff so this guy needs a good spray so let's set him in there where'd i put my there it is let's give her a good spray down here first get behind all the leaves and i think this is the part of plant care that and pest management that some people struggle with um when you're dealing with any kind of pest it's not it's not a one and done i've had people message me say like i i sprayed it really well and everything and i did this you know and and it's still not done i'm like pest management is not a one and done situation pest management is is an ongoing if you have plants you need to do it all the time kind of thing so it's if you can't commit to that um you know you either have to get comfortable with the fact that you your plants have pests and just you know live with that and then have a bunch of plants die or whatever or not do the greatest or you need to resign yourself to the fact that you're going to be doing ongoing pest maintenance for the entire duration of your plant parent um life basically so i've said it in a lot of videos and i'll say it again in this one is that i treat my plants usually every time i water them i go through and if i see an issue i'll deal with it or if i have ones that i know um are an issue like an ongoing issue such as um my thank you phone um such as my philo dungeon varicosum it is notorious thank you hiccups anything else um my philadelphia varicosum is notorious for getting spider mites so every single time i water it i treat that plant i give it a spray down and that has been the only thing that has saved that plant and it's finally really doing well uh now that i've been you know on top of it so you just really have to decide what your plant goals are and if you've got the time for that if you don't have the time to to do something like that then maybe you know just pare down your collection a little bit don't overwhelm yourself plant care and plant parenthood is supposed to be fun and a relaxing hobby and if you're really stressing out about it um you know you have to take some steps to change that and make it easier for yourself so that you're not stressed and this isn't a non-fun hobby any longer anywho sorry about my ted talk um so that's oh my goodness that's pretty much all of the the plants so we have separated out um i have decided we are getting rid of let's look here so this is the hoyas that we're getting rid of so the hoya matrata the hoya vegetansis the this one is going in the garbage i'm not even really sure why i said that in there and the hoya astralis was that it oh and then we threw some out right okay so i mean we got rid of one two three four five six seven that's not bad between you know the garbage and and and giving them away that's okay i think the rest of what i have are ones that i really enjoy that i really like that i watch for new leaves or new growth or blooms or whatever and and i'm okay with where i'm at so i think i'm gonna go ahead and leave it here maybe this was a little bit shorter a video it was really just kind of like hoya care and deciding what we're gonna do going forward and then in part two of this video we're gonna go ahead and put them into the the situations that they're going to be in so some of them were going to combine pots some of them were going to put into my terrarium and some of them were just going to kind of change up and some of them we're just gonna leave as is cross our fingers and pray to god something good happens so that's where we're where we're leaving it for today um i hope you enjoyed this video i know it was not originally what um we were gonna do and probably and and also not what my intro said because i actually did film this intro uh a couple weeks ago in preparation to do this video but know that the second half of this video will be that terrarium uh the whole terrarium situation so i am sorry this is a hot mess this seems to be like a theme the last couple videos um but i hope you enjoyed it anyway i know i have a lot of people who really like hoyas and are disappointed that i'm kind of leaning away from them a little bit more but i have to be honest with myself and i know what i like and i have to i have to i have to do what i love and i have to keep what i love so that's i'm just rambling okay thank you guys so so much for liking and watching and commenting and subscribing if you're not subscribed already please consider doing so it is a huge help for my channel and i really do appreciate it um if you're not yet please go ahead and follow me over on my instagram account we have a good time there i post updates and photos all the time and just random things that happen to me or whatever anyway it's a fun um or at least an okay time over there so go follow me over there i would love to have you join the crew on instagram i hope you have an amazing and wonderful day night week month in year i love you all to biddy bits love you all too many bits and i will see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Plants Pots & What-Nots
Views: 5,952
Rating: 4.8718863 out of 5
Keywords: hoya, Hoyas, hoya collection, hoya care, houseplant collection, houseplant, houseplant care, getting rid of plants, hoya blooms, Canadian YouTuber, Canadian Houseplants, indoor plants, Nicki, plants pots
Id: xVAIuyP-q54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 49sec (3349 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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