FULL FIGHT | Jarvis vs BDave

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[Applause] boes I on the referee I SP you both in the dressing room I B my command at all times you B down The rules watch the heads kick them punches up and when a shout break you break clean and remember defend yourselves at all times touch them up you back in the mullet in this one I think these two very similar Fighters mentally they both come forward guys so it's who has the better technique power speed for me that's Jarvis um but I'm interested to see if P can give him that test I will say IND was talking about them you know giving each other a smile being friends I don't know Jarvis was grilling him the whole [Applause] time right out of the gate scrumbled he has been scrambled in you can see it on his face that hurt him that hurt him the thing about B is he's got all the heart but he blocked shuts with his face like he needs to keep his hands open he's got to slow down try and settle into the fight a little bit or starvis is is just going to pick him apart it seems like you can't out dog Jarvis like that there's no taging out in this fight he's doing well getting on his bike a little bit recovering decently but that was a huge shot it was a left hook from Jarvis and what a shot it was bday didn't even know it happened yeah he he acknowledged that straight [Applause] up right hand on the break there from bday I I don't say this lasted much longer here beautiful combinations RI to the body from Jarvis it looks like B Dave is kind of waiting to get punched you know when guys do that they don't set up their punches they just kind of sit there and wait to get [Applause] ripped oh that job stung him yeah this is not good optics for B Dave it has been a nightmare since the opening bell I was fearing this was going to happen because I think people underestimate how good job this is man this kid has power that's what we were talking about Jordy we were just saying he's better than people think he is but we know the crab Daddy has plenty of heart you're going to have to blast him out he's going to go out on a shield I'm impressed that he's still going to be [Applause] F just over halfway through the first round though take down he tried to trip him there right looks like the right eye of B Dave oh but Jarvis isn't having any of it [Applause] the thing about Jarvis right is he's got a hell of a chin on him we seen in a couple of fights where he took some real big shots and he shook them off and I just don't know if B D has got that power to get his respect he's not needing it right now either though because his range control is fantastic he's keeping him at the end of his jab you know touching him he's not throwing 100% of his shots with 100% of power he'll touch him touch him touch him and then rip the shot yeah credit to b d he's sh a lot of heart to fight his way back into this just stay competitive man this is a long five rounds I don't think there's any way we make it that that far you see it on the face of be Dave already these shots are hurting him though yeah he's breaking straight through the middle of that card not a problem down the [Applause] pipe see Dave's in a fight right now and it just doesn't look like knows what to do it doesn't seem like he's able to figure out a solution when it's patented you know come forward and brawl isn't working out where did he go [Applause] [Music] next you going look you got a good sh off [Music] the coach Ian in the corner giving B da some advice but look at the knockdown right there the left hook Riley yeah it was a fantastic shot he took his time he was patient there in the fire and he found the shot bam right on the chin sat Dave down Jarvis has got cardio for days he's barely even breathing round to his credit B Dave off the score quickly right in the middle of the Ring see around three to your point Jordy you know the only way to really gas someone out is to make them fight a fight they don't want to fight right now Jarvis is fighting his fight I mean his coach told him to tighten it up and he's he's just a little too wide with it you know but little bit clumsy here he's given everything I'll give him that look the problem too is we talked about this right bday throws with 100% power 100% of the time and that works great in t that body shot her bday right hand of the body from Jarvis like like you say he he's great for tag team but you you know you can't tag out here and when you're fading vade has at home somewhere that jab stung him there Todd you made the great point about that body shot sneaking in there too it slowed him right down that's the thing we're 1 minute into the second round it looks like B Dave might have already kind of exploded early [Applause] right Jord had that problem in the past I call I'm not saying anything I'm on my best behavior um I I feel like B is doing well to stay in this part it just feels like a matter of time here yeah B da is all about offense when he doesn't have his offense it is not good that's what we talked about when you get two offensive Fighters it often becomes the guy who's able to be offensive right the guy who's able to stay on that front foot a jvis you know sometimes jvis you think yourself let your hands go like I remember um in one of his last oh B making his way back into the fight maybe trying to show he's got to keep his hands up as Jarvis sends his head back like a pest sper yeah sometimes when when you're thinking jvis just needs to let his hands go it's right there for the Tak he sort of is a bit too patient sometimes well sometimes I see him he's kind of touching the guard right so he's not burning his energy and that's what we talking about with him having great cardio but a lot of times great cardio is about ba efficiency that's what I'm seeing here he's being efficient he's not wasting punches on the guard nice uppercut from Jarvis but B Davis getting his shots in too that was a good reply give him the receip and nice right hand from B div B starting to find his shots you can never count out the CB [Applause] daddy try to taunt a little bit I would highly not recommend that oh left to tr that looked like it landed right on the chin but Jarvis like I said has a chin and he answers with the right hand of his own hey this is a pretty good round for B da not sure he won it but he did indeed hurt Jarvis he got the respect which has been a bit of a problem early on [Applause] [Music] credor [Music] [Applause] it's like B's learning on the job right now like if Pro you get like four words of advice from the corner just short shot yeah you got a full lesson and that going be too much I think it is M I've got to be honest I think give him something he's going to remember you know you're wondering why he's not doing what you're telling him you're giving him an essay yeah he's not going to become a new fighter in between rounds yeah it's wild go straight right from JIS you know I was I will say we were saying early I don't know how long this is going to go but B Dave is here in the third ground he is a dog it was a good bounce back round for B daame he may not have won it but like Jordy said he got his respect he had moments for sure they just finished an x-ray of him and it's just dog all in there be fa I think jvis um obviously he he's very new to this himself so despite the ability we can see the decision making is not always going to be right you know to fight IQ yeah the jab still waiting for one of those offensive explosions from the crab Daddy some blood coming from the nose of B right now I will say Jordy you were totally right I mean when Jarvis gets hit he doesn't even blink y solid oh I mean one of his fights he basically let the other guy punch him for two rounds and then that was it I'd like to see Jarvis sorry I'd like to see Jarvis go back down in the body he hurt bday with a body shot early I think he can do it again yeah B Dave's been doing a decent job at defending the body shots I will say but I think you're right he's got to go back to the body to set up that uppercut bled coming out of the nose of B Dave right now who's showing the heart of a warrior nice bring from B Dave the thing I like about b d is his shot selection is actually quite varied it's it's not that predictable and I think it is actually ing JIS of God sometimes and the thing with B too is he's fighting in spots right so he kind of Waits he's defensive he keeps it together and then he explodes and in those explosions he actually does land effectively it's just not enough right right now we see Jarvis he's piling on the points and he's really not hitting him hard he's just touching him he's scoring these points and he's making sure he's winning the fight oh brilliant from B Dave you know B Dave might be winning this round he's winning to find out with me what a [Applause] guy but can he keep that offense going it takes a lot of energy to throw those power shots oh good head moveing from Jarvis oh he made him look a bit silly there oh strong right hand from Jarvis and another one six punch combination from Jarvis Jordy Jarvis is fighting like a you know legitimate skillful boxer right now this is great to see he does it it's just when the gas drains a little bit you see it fall apart a little bit but yeah it's [Applause] there right there the turn after that do not smother your pun from the hard-hitting action in the ring to the hard-hitting action on the gr eye NFL Game Pass available everywhere in the world outside of the United States on [Music] Des that come back short good baby round B's coach is trying to drill in fundamentals into him catch and shoot similar what that's what Francis and G Tyson Fury it [Applause] works it's a good style when you're getting outboxed right when you when you kind of have to rely on moments it's good advice honestly but it's going to be hard to implement this late in the fight yeah he's done a lot of catching and not not shoot cing with his face good old Tu nice jab from B Dave you know when when he kind of throws those big Neanderthal looking hooks he's not as effective B Dave as when he really puts that jab together and throws straight punches I think B Dave is a better boxer than even B Dave thinks he is yeah like like why you fighting like a lunatic all the time like you've got a decent job and a lot of the new Fighters don't so yeah I think if he could weaponize that more in the future he'd actually be able to work off of it and who knew that it would be b day pushing the tempo in round four that's what we were saying earlier too is you can you can play casual all you want but he's four rounds in throwing 100% power all the time his Fitness is holding up what if he managed it differently you know what if he started with the jab that he's thrown right now that's actually Landing pretty regularly that just saved his energy and now Jarvis is being forced to fight D I think that's the biggest difference though is B throws 100% power 100% of the time Jarvis is picking his shots touching him and coming forward but B Dave has landed some bombs I mean if Jarvis's head wasn't just a cement block you know this might be a different fight jvis has has managed the fight better than B has but B is showing a lot right now to be fair you know to his credit he's more of an Entertainer I think he'd rather lose an exciting fight than win a boring one so true I think that's what makes him such a good fit here at Misfit though yeah we don't want to see Shakur Stevenson in here tonight after last night stinker my God that could have sent a glass eye asleep Jarvis's shots really haven't been stinging B Dave as much as we saw ear earlier in the fight coming up on the end of the fourth round you know start trying to look for that finish start trying to look to sit him down again big right hand both guys slowing down a little bit here yeah but this is where you know B can Nick around you know just do a little bit more than Jarvis and then come out in the fifth with guns blazing nice combination there from Jarvis oh and he stings him with the right h Dave doing a good job of keeping the chin tucked yeah defensively he's been all right actually at times one round to go in our main event here from [Music] London PA is back taking on a professional fighter who only has one lost it's PA versus August Friday de 15th live from Orlando Florida exclusively on his [Music] own great combinations from B Dave there in moment but honestly I still have that round at Jarvis huge right hand there Jarvis wears it amazingly well he just doesn't react when he gets hit it doesn't seem like it bothers him at all 10 seconds [Music] can out F and last round well I didn't think we' get to the final round so well done to B Dave he's really proved me wrong yeah good effort absolutely and he's still very much in this fight is B Dave but he might need a knock down his coach was going mental with him in the corner saying he's not listening to him because he's asking him to throw the jab and then the body shot I think there's a body shot from Jarvis which dropped B day's hands I think bday really would need to get a finish here to be able to get a win yeah oh big right hand from Jarvis and this is one of these moments does Jarvis kind of rest on his Laurels does he go hey all right I kind of won this fight I can just Coast this last round where does he try to get the finish I mean after the hard vampir showed you'd H he'd keep going um and the thing about jobis we've seen against Zanetti it's just so hard to hurt so the the the likeliness of that seems low Jarvis said he would break B Dave down and eventually stop him can he do that with a minute 55 to go both guys cardio holding up pretty well I mean considering the pace has been fast really on it yeah no figuring out rounds this fight I mean for B Dave to recover from what was a hard knockdown and go four more rounds couldn't can't give enough credit to this kid Jarvis switch oh nice jab that jab is actually good he he needs to keep going to it so many new Fighters at Misfits they don't seem to learn the basics all he's actually been taught a good job there Jarvis still just kind of outpointing me here right Landing his job with consistency good right hands straight punches good rips to the body he just has such a diverse game right now that he's overwhelming B Dave he's putting in that work at maywe us Jim and it's paying off right now and again judges see those Optics when bday puts his hands by his waist and takes a punch to the face it just does not look [Applause] good Jarvis defends himself so calmly he moves smoothly in the [Applause] fire now Jarvis just trying to close the distance sit inside the pocket and just beat be da down every time I think Jarvis is going to start really putting a nail in the coffin here B Dave comes back from the dead it also looks like Jarvis kind of lets him off a little bit right he'll get him in the corner he'll touch his arms a little bit and then he'll be like all right when when that's when you want to start pinning him right especially with 20 seconds left in the fight I can only assume that cardio is a worry he's always trying to reserve some in the tongue so that he doesn't get left short but with 10 seconds left leave it all out there another body shot from Jarvis another body shot the body shots just took it out of be Dave I think good fight good scrap by both of these guys skilled boxing match between the two of these Fighters which I think a lot of us didn't expect kudos to be Dave on a an epic performance and digging deep but the skills and the bills are being paid by Jarvis I would say absolutely this fight really did look like Jarvis's fight but bday was a huge Underdog I think most people thought he was going to get knocked out and here he is five rounds fighting through getting knocked down having a lot of Great Moments Landing great shots he did fantastic in my opinion for what we thought this fight was going to be you know what you know what's going through b Dave's brain right now where am I getting a beer that's what thinking I'm surprised he doesn't have one in his boxing trunk just ready to go I was watching him towards the end of that round thinking you are going to be S of Morrow my friend I rate it like he doed it out to The Bitter End and uh JIS was the better man and look I I think we're going to see him crown the champion here and uh an exciting new division at Misfit will it be repeat or Revenge next week in Dublin as D Zone brings you live coverage of Shantel Cameron versus K ad Taylor the rematch another great fight part of your regular description on the worldwide leader of [Music] boxing something I'm excited about a fight like this is guy like B Dave people were thinking oh he's the tag team guy he's this I think he just solidified himself as some who can absolutely come in here on his own and put a great fight on over five rounds too he's not a three round fighter anymore yeah this was a massive step up for him in every way and I hope when he watches this back he's proud of himself and goes you know what I've come way further than I thought I would don't get discouraged that's one of the things I love when at the start of a fight we're saying one thing and then at the end of the fight we're like wow m% he really surprised me today we about to Crown the first ever misfitz Welterweight Champion will it be Jarvis will it be B Dave let's find alen [Music] hos ladies and gentlemen the five rounds of Boston we go to the judges scorecards all three judges scored about 50 to 54 and your winner by unanimous decision and the new Fitz boxing Walter weights world champion [Applause] J unanimous and Gordy he won every single round including of course the 108 in the first he
Channel: DAZN X Series
Views: 551,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boxing, influencers, ksi, social media, crossover boxing, x series, dazn, dazn x, misfits, misfits boxing
Id: tdrdPV3uGq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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