FULL FIGHT | Julie Poca vs. Alaena Vampira

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oh my ladies five rounds when I say break stop throwing punches step back protect yourself all times obey my command I expect you conduct yourself respectfully to each other and me have a good contest all the best ladies The Misfits women's light heavyweight title is on the line brail versus America Julie poker versus Alina Vamp that's right this is going to be an absolute War Vampiro dropped the song called lato today you can't that can't happen unless she was singing about herself here we go schedule for five rounds oh wow oh beautiful left arm Julie p p from the oh my goodness what a pace she started with don't think was expecting that we remember in the Julie Parker versus El Brook fight Julie got her nose busted open and stayed composed she's she's not easily rocked got good head on our shoulders neither one of these Fighters have been beaten two and0 what Ru me is vampir she's swinging a little bit like aimlessly a little bit sometimes here she's she needs to keep her eyes on the target she's been caught with two or three big shots early on yeah Julia has a decent uh Judgment of distance like she she lets her jab her way in but she knows she's not in danger and then she unleashes hell yeah she waits for a moment and then she snaps like a rubber band yir trying to stay on her toes keeps that right hand up playing defense see Vampiro tried to double ja away there but she kind of half half commits with the final one and then kind of backs out she you know when you go you have to go so she needs to just be a bit more confident 20 seconds to go here in round number one oh vampirus she walks right into that Firestorm though and everyone's favorite referee is in [Music] [Applause] there [Music] [Applause] dream dream Tre all my life I want money I respect my mind die from I break my dick the we welcome you back here to Historic York Hall the home of British boxing good opening round between Po and Vampira a little disappointed in vampira's first round actually I've seen her Spar before a lot less composed there but Julie made it so I feel like the nerves um are a part of it and then when that power shot hit her she it just scrambled out a bit she's just not judging the distance as well as what she could with that jab yes not at all she's punching from too far out and Julie just composed waiting for Vampira to run into her and make a mistake yeah usually doesn't throw one punch at a time it's like six there you go as she throws one punch at a time can we see backto back winners from Brazil Gabe Silva won the last fight beating OJ Ros and now Julie POA trying to win a title in her first x-s series appearance the power of Julie P has got vampir oh better you know poker doesn't hand well to getting doesn't handle getting hit well she takes a step back blinks her eyes kind of doesn't know how to handle it if you could put it on her and not give her that space to reset I think that's where her biggest weakness is we saw L with shades of that against her as well nice head movement there by po Vampiro doesn't seem to be too bothered by the fact that she's a just got her lights buzz Po's not taken advantage she can't believe she didn't go down credit the vampir good chin and she's still going for it she turns it around from here the massive these are two-minute rounds of course women Fight 2 minutes men three on X Series usually see a little bit more action in these female fights which we're seeing here good round for [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] POA whenever she touches you don't lose your and start going crazy keep it super Bic always just use this line come with the cross H it's there for you all day you Capt with [Music] it getting set for round three here the women's Misfit light heavyweight title is on the line and man' that was a good round for the Brazilian yes cruiserweight title but uh it was it was certainly a good round I think look at her how did she stay so composed after receiving a shot like that to and it is indeed Cruiserweight I was told light heavyweight but cruiserweight technically more heavy than light heavyweight in boxing but MF boxing has her own weight categories so what weight would true Jordy be true Jordy would be uh super heavy super heavy 300 he would be a ring post well put him up against Uncle Pizza it's a Cruiserweight title A lot of people would love to see true Jordy fight on MF boxing on X Series [Applause] Tod Julie on the inside as a beast and again vampir is trying to jab away in but she's not connecting so it's not doing and she's not setting it up properly to be fair this is a level up from her last fight so she's showing a lot of heart I still think the vampir might be the better pure boxer but Poco when she lets her hands go V just can't deal with it you see all that muscle in those legs that's where that power is coming from when she let it go she really has power in those [Music] arms but yeah I I think she I think vampira's got a lot of potential but she needs to make sure she wins this round if she wants to win this fight cuz she's two n down right now you're absolutely right oh left hand lands for poker but Vampira fires back she's got plenty of heart but she's taking some massive shots in the chin and blood pouring out of her nose she's a she's a fight this she's a tough cook you got my respect big time say there blood pouring out and she doesn't care vampir trying to reset but with two-minute rounds man you can't really do that you got to go [Music] [Applause] yep easier said than done when you take those rock hard punches to the face but you're [Music] right well Vampira could very well be down three rounds to nothing at this point excuse [Music] me she's just playing she's playing her game unfortunately Cameron Taylor two Saturday November 25th it's the rematch the first one was fantastic Taylor has vowed to get revenge Thanksgiving weekend in Dublin call Wa for that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] one that was the right [Music] hand the left and the boy those those left hands from the southp are really tearing Vampira up Vampira with much more volume of punches thrown but not really Landing any not within range unfortunately you're right she just can't find that range she's frustrated here's one of those here's one of those uh questions that we've never gotten the answer to what happens when a vampire drinks their own blood because that's what Vampira is doing right now I think um it's going to give her a boost okay some ener yes oh she's going yeah you've got to keep throwing when you can't be in range and not throw with her well she's doing well here the queen of Darkness going right after the Brazilian I'm telling you she's impressive she just has no quit in her I think the thing is with energy management Julia is so much better she's saving it up when you enter in her R she just lets it Go six punches scares you away and then you're she's got your respect so she's keeping you at the distance gaining a confidence I'm so impressed with her and in these two-minute rounds gy like you were saying just two or three flurries from po can win you the round in those two minutes especially V having a better round four for sure not many people could take these kind of shots and then get better as the fight is going on so I've got to give a massive prop the worry for Julie poker is she's a bit of a onetick pony and if someone figures that out she could be in deep trouble cuz I don't think there's a plan B there no but she hasn't needed a plan B in this fight exactly she's so powerful come on within range 10 seconds to go a good round for vampir can she win this round maybe one more big shot this I've got this four rounds to Julie yeah it looks that way man I I feel for vampir cuz there's so much heart there that you want to you kind of want to score around out of sympathy because she has given everything she really has she just hasn't found her range like you said come up short and the power shots Julie's gotten all the power shots against vampir maybe it's because we're sponsored by steak and you know vampires don't like steaks either sorry I was holding that one in I read the way of sticking that I love it uh I think once van P actually learns how to jab and remember like she's a she's still in a boxing infancy when she learns how to jab that's a game Cher for her whole game because right now she yes she's throwing out there but there's no real Purpose with it yet and I I could see her really coming back into um you know maybe having a rematch the road and putting a different fight on fth and last round who's going to be the first Cruiserweight women's champion in misfit's history we're 3 minutes away from actually two minutes away from finding out vampir appears to be behind on the scorecards oh but she's Ling [Music] there Julia is on her bike a little bit she knows she's 4 up so she's like all right I don't need to take any Ste risks yet keep it moving yeah but vampir is not going to let her sit there nice jab from Poco do put put much behind a jab just flick it out there and get in their face nice counter right hand from vampir now she's trying to get a brawl going in the corner why not she probably needs a knockout good vampir yeah this is the first time poker's looked a little uneasy and she's going for it Julie Julie's Judgment of distance is quite good I've got to say like she she kind of knows exactly where it'll be but V's putting it on her now and not given her the option she has no choice but to try to knock her out it's the only way but not everyone's that brave you know that's the thing like sometimes when you're you're taking these kind of shots keep coming forward it's easier said than done I think it's an impressive say of Bravery though you're absolutely right Po's on her bike big time right now that's probably from her Corner saying you got it 25 seconds left can vampir perform a Mira miraculous knockout punch as the round Fades away wow they're going to bang it out to the I love it oh Julie looks tired as well you know these two will meet again mock my words we will see a Rema sh so that will do it has po indeed become the Misfits Cruiserweight [Music] Champion well I think Vampira even if you gave her rounds four and five that's the math just doesn't work out in her favor does it now Julie's clearly number one right now and she deserv deserves to be the champion she's been fantastic from when we first seen her onone and um she's a worthy Champion that's for sure a lot of heart being shown by Vampira though unbelievable very very big respect to her as well very tough very durable a lot of a lot of other competitors would have fallen from those power punches I'm telling you oh [Applause] yeah here they Slug It Out in the fifth round that's what this these crowds want to see tell you what Ms El Brook versus Vampira would be an interesting fight very interesting actually L had more effective punches against poker in her fight if you remember she had a few flurries as well yeah very close all right I've got a crown on new Champion guys all right go get the belt they're already dancing in the corner you never know though there'll be plenty of dancing from Sunny Edwards as he tries to avoid the big Power shots of bam Rodriguez December the 16th that happens live on the Zone from the desert in Arizona Sunny's been asking for this fight for a long time Bam's been injured he's back now and The Showdown will happen right before Christmas in [Music] America Head Over Heels Julie POA vampir seems to be resigned to the fact that she just wasn't able to do enough but like you said back to the drawing board a little more work in the gym tighten up that jab she's got the cardio that's the beautiful thing about Misfits is you see people starting slore from the beginning and you can make massive leaps within 6 months through a year so yeah she shouldn't be discouraged but Julie she's number one right now when everyone's chasing her she's got such athleticism and now she's got the belt hold your horses now it's not done yeah all right H has the results ladies and gentlemen after five rounds of boxing we go to the judge's scorecards judge Ian John Lewis scores the bout 49- 46 judge Jeff hin scores the bout 48- 47 judge Lee merto scores the bout 49- 46 and your winner by unanimous decision and your new women's misfitz boxing Cruiser waai world champion [Applause] [Music] jul
Channel: DAZN X Series
Views: 154,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boxing, influencers, ksi, social media, crossover boxing, x series, dazn, dazn x, misfits, misfits boxing
Id: B8pTIPTug3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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