FULL FIGHT | Demetrius Andrade vs. Luke Keeler (DAZN REWIND)

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ladies and gentlemen eddie hearn for matchroom boxing usa is proud to present live on the zone sky sports and fight tv the main event of the evening 12 rounds of boxing for the wbo middleweight championship of the world sponsored by jd sports sanctuary by the world boxing organization president francisco percarcel and the florida state boxing commission executive director patrick cunningham timekeeper at the bell richard v zone the three judges scoring this bout fernando barboza lisa jampa and rocky young and inside the ring in charge of the action at the bell world championship veteran referee delis assameneos and now the officials aren't ready the fighters are in the ring and they are ready so for all the fans in attendance and the millions watching around the world ladies and gentlemen get ready to rumble [Applause] introducing first fighting out of the red corner wearing white trimmed with shamrock green and standing with his trainer pete taylor his official weight 159.4 pounds his professional record 17 victories five wins by knockout with two defeats and one draw he's the celtic middleweight champion the irish national middleweight champion and the reigning wbo european middleweight champion the challenger from dublin ireland [Applause] and his opponent across the ring hiding out of the blue corner with his trainer paul andrade he's wearing black trimmed with white and officially weighed in at 159.6 pounds as a professional a perfect record 28 fights 28 victories 17 big wins by knockout from providence rhode island usa the three-time world champion former two-time light middleweight champion to reigning defending wwo middleweight champion of the world demetrius hoover gentlemen you have received instructions in the dressing rooms obey my comments at all times and protect your shows at all times shake hands good luck and god bless demetrius andrade has been virtually untouchable in his reign as middleweight champion who keeler is gonna have to really dig deep to make that change [Applause] andrade has held opponents under 10 total connects in 48 consecutive rounds speaking of untouchable he is a tremendous defensive fighter he's a tremendously skilled player but as i've watched demetrius andre in the fight like this oh right away killer goes down [Applause] you can't finish his opponents but can he do it here not this early two minutes and 40 seconds to go in this round with nutritious android already flex that top big time left hand to the body from andre and he tosses keeler down and it's not a knock down not enough you can see andre just wants to get keeler i believe he will with a right hook he would have been knocked out with a left hook coming in settle down is has the attention of the crowd [Applause] type of middleweight but haven't been 160 for over a year now you can certainly see differences physically there's a two-top world title is at 154 pounds [Music] the slippery southpaw who features plenty of power as keeler goes on the offensive line sergio you're right you have seen this from andre he knocked down four times knocked down in the first round and then he settles into the groove he doesn't get that stoppage a lot of that is his father paul andrade encourages him to fight that more defensive style are able to survive the first round after the immediate knockdown just a balance shot right listen most important get your legs in the upside with you get his legs to the outside how are you feeling [Music] [Applause] probably one of the quickest knockdowns i've probably ever seen the credit for keillor he came in and he got up andrei on the other hand he went for the finish but he needs to get calmed down a little bit more and look for that right hook well sergio keeler's been in with some good fighters luis aries a former world title challenger we've beaten his last fight nobody on the level though of demetrius anders the level of speed and skill that he's facing start of the second round he asked to beat andre how does he stay focused against the opponent he said hey you're putting your life on the line against someone trying to hurt you so every fight is serious for me nice combinations he's a tough pretty pretty confident fighter but in this fight he's just dealing with a overly confident champion there's that right hook again by demetrius andry down goes keeler not a knocked down doubles is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] with what he described as savage sprinting sessions very good shape his hand drained the jab to set up that [Applause] a big swing he does somehow getting up after that absolutely punishing left hand that was a beautiful punch on the button for demetrius andre andre was shocked on the ropes and you're letting the tree on your mate you know you've got to be first one thing we said you can't stand in front of it all right now i'm not going to see i'm not going to watch this look you keep going like this you've got to show me something this round all right show me something that's roundup you know you can't stand in front of your movie okay you've got to be you've got to be throwing that with one thing we can't do we can't stand there on the road and here's a big punch that android landed keeler was just against the ropes a little bit too long and andre timed them with that overhand left brutal big shot there by demetrius booboo andrade but credit for keela for getting up he was able to survive that second round but can he survive this next third round that's the question and you could hear pete taylor his trainer in his corner saying you have to show me something in this round because it cannot go on like this generally not a good sign andrew movement doesn't bend his knees much has no balance coming in like that that's exactly how he's not thought by tom duran and a fighter like demetrius andrik you will get who is impressive factions you know i like the idea of android joe saunders so for the sake of chris maddox's fives we need to see that fight there is no better fight charlo does not have a fight booked yet andre does not have a fight coming up after this it probably would probably be one of the best fights you could take in twice and if andre doesn't take out luke you might burn gasket too many after getting knocked down in each of the first two rounds releasing that left hand stream live sport on the zone just search d a z n in your app store and download the zone to your smart tv mobile device computer or games console click on the subscription plan sign up and create your account start streaming live sport exclusive weekly content archive events and award-winning documentary films [Applause] only on the zone okay it's there all day and then side step to the right and hit your hooks but don't cross the body two different times you're gonna do that attack that side come back out jab attack that side okay he's not gonna know what you're doing demetrius andrade fighting in the state of florida for the first time said he's going to give keeler the beating of his life thus far he has through the first three rounds how deep does keeler get into this fight early [Applause] doesn't have the power to take you out with one punch andre takes fewer punches in the first round of their fight but most of night getting fired there's to put the pressure on so it will serve andre black he could step back and check him with a right hook that's exactly how killer was knocked out by tom deland was actually overly aggressive step back and check them in the left hook [Applause] them down a little bit those big shots are going to be there [Music] grips more for the signals of doubles after stayed on his feet here through rounds three and four now look he's in great shape coming into this fight i was speaking to louise arias a couple of weeks ago about his fighting he's the first time he's actually been a full-time fighter he was a part-time fighter before big left hand there from andre and that'll do it for round number four [Applause] to the outside all the time that's important like let's when we're getting close we're laying them whole don't let him hold it close we've got to use your shoulders closed just to break three you know don't name holding coach that's how you start working body head okay you've got to exchange a little bit more than close with you know he's happy and close how are you feeling that water you only think don't stand there with your hands down that's the only mistake he's only catching with that long leg oh you're going to stand there just keep the handle yeah so why are you forcing everything i don't care about knockouts let's go see demetrius andrade loading up on this left hand and this is the reason it fell a little short under the chin right there if you would have concentrated more on speed instead of power that would have been right on the button of new keyless chin [Applause] andrade has gone into the 12th round in his last six fights now in round number four demetrius andre making his third defense of his wbo middleweight titles [Music] gives you a feel for just how much demetrius andrade makes his opponent miss as we mentioned fewer punches [Music] [Applause] you know this is very obviously a mismatch makers andre is on a different level than luke here but this is what happens when you are an avoided fighter and demetrius andrew has a title he has a big checkbook behind him they've made big offers maximum boxing eddie hearn for some top middleweights out there he's not going to get canelo at least not in 2020. he's not going to get gennady golovkin at least not in 2020 making a fight with canelo towards the end of the year but demetrius andre need to get in also said that if showtime fox pvc they make an offer comparable to demetrius andre andrews free to go over there to fight general charlotte they are just blowing through anything to make that fight coming forward that's a shot that's a shot that he actually got knocked out for before so that's what andrew should be looking for while kila comes in with the pressure hey that's the right hook i've been asking you for he'll just slide right by you don't give him a wrestling match with this guy because then you stepped in there you back that right hook now get your wisdom you just started your rhythm keep it going [Music] get your rhythm going in there your step he comes in throw the right hook that's it all day [Music] just try it do the job right there sergio what would your message be to demetrius andrade at this point in the fight go back to fighting like andrew right now he's getting a little bit too aggressive and smothering his slickness and his precise punching i mean that's what he's going for fighting that distance and hitting you with precision and right now he's looking for the knockout a little bit too much but that's what happens when you get the early knock down people looking for the big shots the big home runs and it looks a little bit sloppy so just get composed by doing the job that's how you'll get the knock down chris would you give something advice yeah i mean i think it needs to slow it down a little bit and not rushing some of these shots coming straight forward and the sentiment coming into this fight is that kayla could walk into something big i would go back to that mindset and then wait for him he doesn't have the feet to match his hands applause missing wildly with that left right big shots upstairs see just how slippery it is wheeler told us i'm not going to kiss [Applause] [Applause] big left [Applause] of course he is but he knows round comes to a close [Music] don't let him wrestle but don't let me see how you're chasing that because what you're going to do he's chasing he's throwing out his ass now so you've got to keep chasing you've got to put the pressure on it now come on come on give me the give me a really good train minister that put a pressure on the way they sacrifice yourself for three minutes let's go out with a shield don't want to go out on a points defeat you're gonna go out on the shield right okay keep going and here's what i've been seeing luke doesn't have the balance to actually fight going forward his feet aren't fast enough to keep up with his hands look at how he falls off balance and his right foot goes ahead turning into a southpaw he doesn't have the balance of the footwork to maintain the attack coming forward you know i like that advice from keeler's corner saying look we're not going to go out with a points defeat we're going to go out on our shield so emphasizing that look this is where you have to start throwing punches big and maybe get caught with one but throwing shots that's the moment that's what that's what you gotta do chris i mean you know that you're out class you can't beat andre fighting the android pipe fight so you got to go out on your shield and you got to respect that chris i'm guessing the scoring at this point is just a four ball scoring very easy right now ryan 60 to 52 demetrius android first two rounds picked a couple knockouts easy 108 scores and since then not a lot that he was able to do in turkey i think when he's running in android's defense is so good he's able to avoid clean shots a familiar pattern of dropping and hurting his opponent early but then putting it on cruise control for a distance unanimous decision win and usually it's a shutout see just how i think he's still looking for those big shots this to me is a different type of fight than celebrities so lucky i thought he went to cruise control this one just seems like he's not able to land that big punch maybe being too rushed in the ring he's winging away with uh i mean with that left hand looking to land and may make her an indian shot to the body there yeah that's what i've been asking for i don't want to see one of those shots because that's just going to set up the looping shots that he's trying to lead the home run shots over [Music] right away [Music] you gotta walk down the outside keep going to that side you're hurting that struggle all right right right up all right he don't like that no more you got him you got him he don't like it no more you don't have to be in there wrestling with him all right did you drop get in there pop that jab keep it in his face start of the eighth round as luke keeler has survived a nice right hand there on that train immediately in the first round i'm talking about immediately and then again in the second feeler just beat the calvin right there because of that that's what i want to see just keep aiming at the body that's going to stay off the overhand right and he just missed right there but keep digging away at the body with the straight left hand and the right hook to the body killer doesn't have the upper body movement to avoid it but you gotta set it up by hurting him downstairs [Applause] [Applause] come over here stepping on each other's feet that's what happens when the southpaw i know he's stepping on his foot multiple times [Applause] oh [Applause] ass like you've got to sacrifice yourself for these four rounds you're catching him look he's when he's coming in there like that just let your shots up just let him off if he goes far downs and we don't have big rounds we've lost anyway but you understand so you've got to go for it now okay how are you feeling he's balanced he's blown out without you but you can't let him rest him there okay you've got to take a few chances now okay you've got to go you've got to grab the ball by the hands looking good for a chance go to your left side first first contact you make you've got to carry on lucky [Applause] just in case her audience is unaware he's bollocks means he's tired that's what pete taylor was saying describing demetrius andre i'm not seeing that yeah i'm not so sure it's accurate for the translation [Applause] that he needs to sacrifice go to it now take the chances this is it that's right chris said earlier on your shield i'm not going to try but i'm going to push easier pressure on android and get something started let's check in with claudia who's in android's corner thank you ryan paul how would you rate boo-boo's performance uh performance of the avatar uh i gave him a b-plus right now he's he he's trying to fight a guy that wants to wrestle holes and everything else he's trying to wear my kid down he's not going to wear him down you know we're in shape for this but i don't want him getting in there brawl and rolling rolling you know i'm going to bring my outside fight in first and then bring it to the inside what about the knockdown are you looking for i don't look for anything it came and came he found it not me it came immediately in the first round and then another in the second but keeler has been able to avoid the stoppage thus far andrade was clearly looking for the home run shot for a while immediately following those knockdowns chris doesn't feel like he's still looking for it to you a little more disciplined these last couple of rounds you know you watch android and you just want to see him tested against the top opponent you see the skill you see the amateur background the world championships hit the big left hand stick left hand there for man followed it up as well as keeler against the ropes a little separation though that's all he needs skiller got watered through his legs were buffing the best shot andre missing with an initial uppercut and digging at the body with the right hand connecting with that uppercut andrei looking to unload on keeler he might stop there yeah he's watching it very closely with a chance to try and finish here big left hand for andreas [Applause] knockout of luke keeler as andre successfully defends his wbo middleweight title for a third time and that was the right stoppage there because luke healer the body language wasn't there android had no respect for him he kept swinging away from the fences keyland was too great for his only good and the referee did the right job by stopping this fight because he was only going to get hurt for credit to keeler they told them pete taylor told him i want you to go out at least on your shield while shrine and he did that demetrius certainly in a different class than luke keeler started with thunder settled down a bit and then ended with a ferocious flurry as you see the respect between keeler and andrew he showed a lot of heart but it just wasn't enough he wasn't on the level of demetrius android and that right hook right there they kept barely missing the entire night but that overhand left landed right there the knees weren't under him buckled keeler it was just a matter of time and i'm i'm glad the referee stopped this fight because he didn't have the legs under him but he had the courage andrade then landed that uppercut as well in the aftermath landing rights and lefts clean and eventually the fight stopped just before the end of the round and the right decision for sure that clean uppercut that caught up a couple king from way down under right there caught him right on the chin but that's what happens you're able to land those shots because you don't have no upper body movement new keeler lacked any kind of head movement any waist movement and demetrius andre was ever able to come with that uppercut from way down there because of the lack of head movement so demetrius andrade with an authoritative takedown of blue keeler we get the specifics from michael buffer ladies and gentlemen the end comes at two minutes 59 seconds of round number nine the referee calls a halt to the contest the winner by tko victory his record now are perfect 30 fights 30 victories 18 wins by knockout still the reigning and defending undefeated wbo middleweight champion of the world demetrius [Music] you
Channel: DAZN Boxing
Views: 222,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrade, boxing, dazn, demetrius andrade, full fight, gib, highlights, jake paul, knockout, ko, liam williams, luke keeler, top 10
Id: iHHZoU-8tNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 7sec (2527 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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