FULL EPISODE: Drew Arellano's food-venture in Nueva Ecija

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foodventure massive oh Vanessa Quezon City Salmonella sapa say gasps a Pampanga at save people from each at this week sue over manhattan sad wave I see ha OH sandrov Ecija and rice Gary or Bobby gasps I mean I believe in us Yamaha unum Byun nan nega glass slab and Samara Stila at Cena sobbing tricycle capital of the Philippines aha nagarote incoming nanahara equality but evapo I'm editing Bandito hello Sam I see I go I know Sam was a beggar kudos in Madalena emeriti americium una medida la gente para las Alex Pappas as he takes a chironomid Kabul and Epidaurus a union no Venkanna I own a pit stop not in a subpoena Asik at a restaurant it's a Hobart one city and a pad Vicente coast city shall be Hindi Quran are adenine kebab wan-koo he cannot hide Manila Manya Nadi this scent because secretary today next meal available on ba island by a person a syrup monotony Nana a la pagina vanilla guesstimate a fee and actually for a minute in for anything how steal it and hopefully you know the quality of that would do Marcelin we IWC love it it's a fried rice to me but I Nina mallet a club full of luck scenic and allow not so sure Nancy lamb chicken meat a whole crazy Peter going on Pikmin happy minute peridot it a young man stole my lemonade n 18 Thornton Cabana to and something was that young version available data sergeant along the made log parent alumni at my younger ISA winter no but need H at the motto in Naposki vino Vanita no Neela do usually graphic sergeant along ground beef or ground pork better on long denisa you think sociable any I'm gonna let your plan meet out of care about look funky Marcus Coggan I have to admit dextra consistency tastes really good nine out of ten really good creamy very creamy must be the car boss smell I don't know but anything with caravels well kameneva Panaro it cuz it's so rich and it's so good but hey if I oughta so my been a klappa I'm Agatha BIOS you know mumble a neil milliken an EVP teacher top arrow man set up an idol imperceptible induce a tankini Heinz I mean I gotta get on with Danny Jeffrey important cabin to n yo leche flan unpleasant surprise I'm adore boo-boos it definitely worth coming back to share a table our Kanan Hindi podemos hacer es el pino Haneen resume of Asia Hindi cameo Busan economy did agree on rice granary of the Philippines and Malaysia that literal nah-ha Annie nanping Himalayan Palace a bumble penis vigilant Matata : philippine rice research institute or phil rice neckla lie of must Napolitano Cottenham Pagani noventa a hot latina who pulls up a lie ooh big ass Manzanero mahadeva Sita ryos and Ellen rises in room Hellena my new co policy a democracy a polite hey welcome Thank You Olli okay so this is the right size physio okay so our theme for this month colors of rice so we wanted to promote different colors are different pigmented right sister healthier than white right and also we have a special exhibit the bottom Francisco which is curated and organized by the Ayana video all right I mean nobody is really known for rice farms and develop ice plantation one nerve idea is the rice granary of the Philippines because the central design is the widest plane plus the Pampanga River is very strong so there's a good source of irrigation so it's really reinvented just for rice okay lucky that matter how ahead I'm Roy I think it's a hot mijita canoe uneven clashing and parlay at because dito here we have rice brown rice and a traditional variety from Mindoro now white rice okay this has a lower GI yeah very good okay Kim again which is why it's okie for which me ready right it takes that it'll be turned into sugar slowly this is gonna Chavez jumperado where are the without the chocolate without the chocolate of pesto hmm I don't know I don't know if it's psychological but for me it's heavier it's not as easy to eat as white rice the reason I see the penis like white rice because it saw but what's good about it is it has a different texture and in truth if you're gonna eat this as a meal you'll notice now you'll eat less yeah yeah yeah Charlie finally come on boo boo Sonic so this one is respawn so traditional variety no white okay so we'll get the same white texture but it also smells different yeah it smells really good yeah smells really good meaning and they plan to complete that experience of eating you need to use your sense of smell and then sense of take to me history Nasser yeah usually in brown rice that I can okay before you bug what animal sophisticated many right machine so I'm gonna butter ice peanut by O'Neill I own right stead when in nickname a bin Mohamad machine miss Evelyn yield rice or white rice to feed a pelvic so the corona impression among Filipinos and the white or the rice better shot okay it's actually a staff of seeing balls around for home you can afford a waiter right Panama was much Mahayana but nah cool a and who high power philosopher I mean : father multiband so that'll give the right so the more colorful if it's a bit much for a mission of fitness must Natasha until super and when piranhas Shakopee balance sir wine tapping handle a cup of mashed dark um capita Ormus ass dark or user wine must smash Nina Moini much Matt I mean I do photography segmented so red wine is better than white wine in terms oh cool I like your cabbage the furball versus to be or you agreed that's red or must black much for getting a black and a Yankee just a dream okay so painting with the black right or red rice rice rice rice for more cool hindi kappa max hours a big ass pal I need to sir eyes you see you Neela hey men are poly Bangla Garza fear I stopped waiting be Stein will then feature ice so we're back to the future now detainees a future rice area and filled rice what interesting area no but your needs i sir I guess ground level 9 in a kadai heat at Allegheny on the image that is being formed at opal Anatole is a combination of well the green one is actually a very commercially available it's to be an eighty it's rc2 to to for the farmers and you imagine dark nail on Union purple rice the file light but then come back yogurt ice illegitimate ass wanna heating up in Yuma honey real Chavez lettuce yourself this a gallon epic ago a dead certainty Indian pintura party not to separate the two different types of polite or varieties of spotlights the future ice Moranis KO Montana Nepal a a TV from gula Holloman Bogany Aki papa Alan Helen an amateur bonito diving be available all year round I am within my app a good night Vanessa Phil rice bag of Puma Torito uh mega secret marine a bed of implement all over the rice field marginal flowering weeds okay we say on purpose yeah and para to you believe piraha McGee habitat namana I be gamma insects on my friends Casey engine Cielo about me to metamorphose they Sileo me swoon Akaka una de semana base like Mohabbatein the dice I'm a setup to put ie a neg baboon dots on the ice press to the demand I don't buy him a gas so even is a CLS you centers on State University Donna yes a anna-lena in bento is a cockeyed my ice cream it's called jalopy ice cream tasted a lot of bizarre extraordinary food you know during our travels but this one could probably take the cake oh yeah I leave operating in Dickman Gina's gonna hug urja Bellavia ice cream so you're fine right now Madonna - Gina bacon ice cream Nana karting they could be a dope irony 70 my left oxen probably probably salted caramel Cuba but fish what were they thinking Sariah ninja Venapro L'Aquila ha ha hey dinamita tilapia bajo spring okay Hey in all honesty wait I got behind you open Heimdall up here that high morale mmm all right no very yet to get yet so put the ad toe so my new ricotta gnudi doesn't mean gonna pop idol ice cream blindfold Lucilla okay okay blindfold swimmer George fine eat an ice cream and tell me what you think okay wait setup step leave me wanna take bit a lot of monotonicity bar no parent ESO for but a bit better than you huh Papa says edema actually fill up your ice pinion a tilapia beach in Hawaii more shopper it's actually pretty good ice cream please good 13 another time oh I flick some tilapia I didn't assume our kids to be they just want ice cream but they don't get a necessary amount of protein but they need on a daily basis get up the ice cream okay that's a detail of the ice cream Oh fried tilapia ah your name one case oh thanks so at least you know it keeps on evolving don't watch it until up your ice cream cannon gazillion lots up cool another variety or fill up your ice cream no it's fried they laugh your ice cream baby pea green word Alafia save so so so fish decade and ice cream or something yeah main course dessert repeat kind I in Hine shellfish Aldean pug my time a bubble bath I'm bi a Jew even a baby pigeon yeah better man my pitiful labor then I know Samah Sebago I know Samah Sebago it's a landlocked province or a panini boot and a new pamper me channel already at Halawa Anatole I got the coin and a lemony look at alone sinner eat off and do Kenai River we get Kabul encircle hiding or as Wella Habana to NCT Librium on campus awesome Alameda to big error made by children Tanaka Bhutto in a thumping language a dip in river I am goblin faults and Echo Park Allegan among high and I am a teen at my enjoy guys occult in Turkey magazines better bag on nature chirping da moon an Americano to to Louie and sine wave idea lalala haunted Ohio mad Papa D pasanga be my minimum options couldn't restore that old America I am swimming pools a constant minor hotel at Oh nah my knob halothane ballroom haben será soltado native mammal in christmas ooh a la kalamarez at mushrooms easy pero I mean feel uyan para NASA bacalao fields I'll go to my room one year net the harvest pulled out and I must say this is I think one of their biggest rooms or if not the biggest room when you enter very personal touch here very nice welcome home sass adobo tail flat-screen TV you have your own personal living area you can accommodate guests for kite : just feeding rich possible eater you come with a book with the dessert off he found when signing no money or cannot go home need a lap I was eating the Medeco the TV check your cell phone think about your loved ones appreciate the painting bedroom slept like a baby sobbing - toluca buggy ciénaga novel in llama in an African called dial nacho suitable made your mother MIGA brain freeze big plus champagne sockets open announced er I like a fart Soylent er same zip code it's about Hawaii ytterbium bathtub but any loop right non-sedating paddle kitchen area and ebook ready come with hot water complimentary tea your instant coffee you have your cabinet now LM gone five minutes conviction Kohala high bun you divide magnesium or bedroom a lap Sabina Seco take a fun and Alicia bunny oh sorry go marry Bob Bandito willing find Anita with a man you go track backtracking back when will a man you're doing at living room D Co take a pie maker on the Miss ah hey buddy Hadid oh I thought I didn't buy any money in that fight setup my house it would look like this I mean bathroom at least my hot origin on basis score all right nah maganda I'm hotel I sounded and while you talk about a pal at kappaenvy go for Papa get on over time girl car get Eliza my buddy boy Madiba cup of mini Pisgah ship 30 minutes on a top I'll tell you by minister but seriously the towels is equivalent to really nice hotels oh that's me ah good at hanging key Pilates and that's it the third of your topic on zippy welcome home Teta Muhammad sample and I have a tattoo and hospitality indeed again in a Cabana - and specialty spirit indeed oh wow fancy restaurant fancy meeting you here Novato allah wahda held in Grinnell M&E so Hobart one city and a parish a longer nice a capital of the Philippines I guess the hell they pride themselves that I got with beef longanisa high case in point a paladin porchetto February fine Oh me doc boner veggies but no you've got buttered I got son Ganesha what don't I Rick Rubin is having oily but I ain't burger batata in solid patatas aputure oh ah tea Papa paranoia patella gamba thought ie I finally I go up by alla bomba ok I had the ball hit the ground women Ibaka ok at the poem bother me Beijing I seen pimenta a nice takeaway Mohito Pareto's in finish product raghu-bhai ed wombat ok so over to die I looked any such a long journey Samba low very super ha then he should be in yoga nice Anna in a god it's Filipinas oh yeah now boy I had to tell Burt ia you know Narayan kizomba to Monaco panic in ago able to take Allah is boiling lava yellow naughty sucks come on Papa I postpone our Channel the gamma link amiibo kind of Eileen the flavor that and a booming at Nampula lagina Penang sank up Oh yo oil pinatas hotcha Botcha holonomic me Jean Jean okay seen see an equation in a pile anymore fine I never left I didn't gonna go out of value on up badly 24 years 24 years in coupling up every 74 years some fingers for a new record 24 yamadharma selma booty trap Papa put it on now I'm going in and go home but papazilla guy had remained in a baja mixture CB to policing turn on hashtag Hamilton Hawara Ali an embattled I okay Oh Mahina hotel ago and okay we don't want to bring the tonight I mean our complicado steps up ago I never thought I'd get Omaha Animoto Natalia I know Monday on automatic mind the batata what I okay but hey it's the MoMA Western I used in food well um program I want burger no problem they have burger Nisa they merged it burger bun you have guess I'm petite guessing and you have your long Ganesa burger patty course chips also you're here you come on a to one cheese taster longanisa bowtie but thought I infused water no Neela what I'll answer them just making sure look at the juice look at the juice I don't want to do Simran on our real burger patties they're also processed about it's pretty much the same as a bottled I'm a bit garlicky long Ganesa listen they should make more version eases different flavors at on Pajero I anything a now you might i simpiy any process by really good sauce but then again we go back to go tote I come dead toka setup Anglo Ganesha but I am only summer purse 11 dishes but thought I I scream particular animal eyelid or garlic ricotta ricotta shake okay I'm happy satisfied and fulfilled all right now some of the thing oh you know I'm bombero a behind mommy at myself on myself son everybody huh pathetic man mo I'm up a facade be kinda holy moly who is a rap so I'm gonna make you any holier but it will make your family members or loved ones back home happier at Whataburger are so booted MonaVie poppin Abba might help out Wow Emily lidner mozzarella I bagged a salad I know some us a bi go I know some Arthur B I go he said ma say sighing you got Andrea bye see ya say the saloon well I'm buying in Agra class lava tomorrow still I know 101 literally Matata Kuen el lugar us an appetizer general Antonio Luna nama hapana Filipino a detour en el lugar kamsani Sinagua pina himalayan rescue mission success IANA United States military a typical young dog great raid 10 AIO on sundial monument at of benin pad illallah santorini on concern he get lemon dance wounded and prisoners of war and in licked a stamp in an hollow personal american OPP no power or sundial i my marker the neck nail had a no engineers or style known january 30 1945 ion he cinema by Apple pub in Chiang Mai Yee ha Athena Gurion on rice granary nobody peanuts parables Apollo a model estimate eat a summer book I'd and rabbis eheh I am all about it is a Philippine care about center is in Sudan in Alma Pagar al coupon he get the Mapuche in a band I'm all about but what's up again with the mind of Cebu kid she had pretty sentence upon a book someone all about I am got stolen since I ve get that was substantial Tejas I got a sambar ha I look in it no so you now go up on that balcony they pass palpable or cut about a buffalo pin a little boy in Manila scale and Malini's shorter garnishes al-abbas appear he no gas engine and a hot day and then you young milking I guess emerging process you're not going into twice a day one in the morning one in the afternoon oh he turned up 12 hours tongra forum Raja Sen man oh man in the book ridiculous will go honey peanut butter yeah my clothes which is a don't stop facilities are better open up again Jesus yeah closely though so it didn't get the point that was just funny to let a lemon go no I mean we got oh okay my get 130 wrong caliber naginata pass indeed some Philippine care law center I gotta bud well it's a 500,000 worth of caribou milk I'm not wanna live hundred thousand pesos word nom got a snap alemão hmm I'm a goddess mu'azzama happy garbanzo bean and I mean anybody Bob Peduto too late 90s or Stas ice cream at a Baba right here we are producing ice cream from parables male bestseller Diamond is original sh'mon Viera Normandy well my regular nativist a little gap 24 Matsuhisa area Natur no VIP land Ohio but usually in mother Teresa wedding my view need to sell a bus and the best time to do that is Tuesday and Friday we're in they do their bulk production using their no milk products or they produce my products one of which is ice cream made from caravels milk along the national highway when he found me lying sign at oh and it's a sign now believe it or not fresh caramel milk products nothing that traction dairy no honey hmm really good company this one man they wanna are usually I think so bring a huggy Wow olena ha lactose-intolerant petrenko - Sam Botta Caro domani Mihama French alumna watch a smelling fresh milk they've got cheese products they've got what else huh ice cream copy dialing - hello boss inhale Ivana champagne again the mixture Lincoln Vito there we go steal a steal a check so even our products are for the ability to Sunnyland out left having is good as expected I mean it's fresh you are and dialogue when does a fashion Sephardic mama in productos de Nueva Ecija the Hindi mobility Qaeda and I am Carmel fix the rifleman vilius a Carmelite monastery squabbles one city yes detail and at was an iPad vomiting me me a house at my guest Brown curtain know well before coming accrual and Highland Avenue mana Carbonite sisters T to the house of Nami bowel a castle and perhaps a camera but cation IDO die he'll be built an infamous Lubo correct terrible tale began uh tinkling young possibly boon attend a obviously I'm in my emphasized in the silhouetting limo bus in DC lap wedding who mocks my bandana non Carmelites I think that's part of their beliefs no but anywho back to the possible they devote themselves can say you know through prayer and sacrifice at the same time what they do is she Lingam ago and I'm on a host Shah yeah at supper go on a hosta and the feature in a million years back pero para Alexina stop you can't a person me nadie when my bata many 23 weeks item trimmings neon sign in a man here I go Ana de la laguna butter bill Brennan sugar Dobson been a big Akeem you Bella Bella Bella Bella Lila so oh passion I know magic I ate Oh young well-targeted I got the lazy susan leper initially Susanna but this is a contraction we're in eternal a guy young the map a guy and whatever it is hi Lonnie about Manila or Silla open to sell a bus hit oh I and without Dido Carmel flakes okay cyan line Amanda bar thank you writer Tom Carvel fix fo me for one right the event that pan pan sauce Reba and they have a store just outside the mall inside it's moving the ground snow but just outside Barsoom at Arista and prepares ten pesos so what of it now that one about that way I don't let it go we begin a monomer horse track peanut backhoe because usually every Sunday I'm in a bit of a unity Napa partner but every Sunday mo not happening Savile Island fingers I feel really cold that day and follow to their very poor marking so hmm holy desert mash it up put Bronto ice cream hold the ice cream mmm are you in lasagna para ham hock Helios dama pero para hostile and I mean that in you unless an austere posture in a funky bonus in this overcommit it's fabulous but doctors they're okay it's not gonna make you any holier but it will make your family members or loved ones back home happier Cepeda bergna mean is an mysterioso Alok and Eva Stein I mean at some secret Omalu pit hey Dad hello Quyen and my booty harem anything I know Samah Sebago I know Samah Sebago this is a Pina dinner I own three spots another idea I am Nina Newhall National Park say to look at the model is Apogee can Amana Glowacki Humberto Gatica Juanito hollow stallone or CI mullah Hamlet one city yamaganda MooMoo Torito epic summer parakeet auntie taunting cut down cool animal V's Ahmed addicted to be Sabina Milan Hara Holland Alistair low or stimula Havana to a city pasay phenomena indeed on Pluto to dong-won Istanbul at California mandarins or perrantes melonpan not otaku money so people ahmad al-hassan or ask ina 4x4 vehicle parma Latino Masuka Luba Magna delegate Camilla 30 minutes Paquita mnemonic Allah he and amo Halima at Punahou act 2 movie Dan Delavan ha go to mom but scientists are valuing the mid ringing falls should equal has empowered Akira and Rieko yes except them yeah I need ruku ksama hababam had my in anatomy lab in Amani Madame Sun why not try a homegrown ice cream brand made with premium ingredients Nicolas on web I see I'm a ticket man and Poulos ice cream and then some hole in the wall in a big shopper convenor a parle demotic album by n I'm Edna ski clan so for first timers like me an apple Buddha did Edna's kakeland syllabus meanwhile mm a big shop for me bakery then SATA Lucas AoE and Joe what a task negate Alamo get my line behind let's go ahead and get them line by gotta sell a bus on my line buying and I get the big shop nut off got the dragon construction a limo lot of money was put into this the end of them including having a specialty specialty Villa now I am cheese roll I'm Katalin and say mother I belong - that's Silvanus take 100 I'm going to death all right the anatomy of their cheesecake Archie throw this mine I did not meet a model and he doesn't die anyway oh here I go and say my dad heightened antimatter Obon elements again dr. wynnejoy master Xu Lu gong cote de Scott de novo bula-bula del maguey Murakami case what a person may have Lucian a lab at my patient a mysterious a super not bad as well okay this was here the deal man reverse again Louie go pass a Lube on Co nd neoneun o'clock hi antimatter ready Felicia body-soul Athenian penis a big ass all I care about la la la nueva SIA pero humble Alec pasla passin blonde ambani toe ik indica hito politic mana capable momento para bellum possum or a Papa kajada on milazzo Hanukkah - Regina an Aggie they say oh yo Sonny Boy SIA Alamo Molly Molly see artista nama he lick Amitabha Tina ba ck Vindico
Channel: GMA News
Views: 200,794
Rating: 4.7489538 out of 5
Keywords: GMA, GMA 7, GMA7, GMA News, Network, gmanews, philippines, philippine, pinoy, news, filipino, rappler, public affairs, Drew Arellano (Film Actor), Nueva Ecija (Administrative Division), Food (TV Genre), Biyahe ni Drew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 52sec (2452 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2015
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