Full Episode- Bright vs. Baisden: Who's That Creeping In My Window?

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today on divorce court I'm here today at divorce court because my husband is a stalker and I would like a divorce today the biggest issue of my marriage right now is infidelity Charlie I want you to stop calling me hundreds of times stop texting me millions of times stop being aggravating to walk I want you to know I'm tired of the games tired of the infidelity I'm tired of the trust issues I want the judge to tell Charlie to just leave me along and to move on I want the judge to tell don't walk or to be honest and a chose some form of accountability Charlie I don't know this marriage because you do not trust me and I'm tired I'm divorced Court is now in session the honorable judge lynn toler presiding good day ladies and gentlemen I'm here with Dwarka bright and Charlie based and the two of you have been together for nine years married for eight you have two children total each but only one together correct correct all right miss bride I'm gonna start with you won't you tell me a little bit about your marriage and why we're here in divorce court today we're in divorce court today because my husband he's a stalker a stalker yes ma'am now how is he stalking you for example let's just give one okay just recently I was at my friend girl's house and by the time I looked at my phone he had called me probably a hundred times sent a picture of the front of the house and told me to come out set a picture of the front of house that you were in yes ma'am and send it to you and say come on out because I know you went there for me mr. Basden did that happen fabrication mr. basil okay let's just start from the top um the stalking I was in my bed mm-hmm friend girl no it was a dude that's what doesn't really happen did I call 106 times maybe seven probably did what I was trying to get my daughter I had probably arrangements to get her when she got out work don't hang on hang on go ahead I had prior arrangements to get my daughter um so Scott working 8:00 8:00 came 8:30 9:30 10:00 can I face Tyler what's up I seen she was in the area that don't look like work or her house all of a sudden sitting face it doesn't get no phone calls don't work so yeah I'm gonna keep calling because I'm trying to check on the welfare of my child what you're supposed to transfer custody at that moment and and and you didn't show up when you were supposed to absolutely not your honor my daughter has a cell phone he could have easily called her does your daughter have cell phone yes yes why didn't you call her phone's dead tell me what other what other ways you think he stalks you well um just recently we had hurricane Michael just hit right and my god brother he was there on one with power so of course I walked over there me and my daughter and put my phone up eight you know showers was enjoyed the cool air because it was so hot and he calls me he says come out I know you're on this street and I know exactly where you are get my child you get away from him mr. BAE's into that a car brocation what actually happens according to you okay so listen yes we had a hurricane yes we was out of power I think she was out of power like three days I was out like eight days mmm all that is true however there's no such thing as a god brother like you that show brother or is not this new kindergarten that's your brother you know that's a god brother man but no so what not but your two are separated correct I don't to exchange custody how could you be together I mean we was not too much exchanging custody she just went to our birthday party she had to work so I instead of going over grandma's house and I didn't have to work that night I said I'm gonna check out the Haggadah and I keep with etool a detective school too when I go back to work you you will know Brett you know ah you know what like I said what's going on now he does that he goes in circles and he makes you think you're crazy when in actuality that's not the truth you said in your paper works though you know I do do these things but it's not stalking because she's my wife uh listen to me personally I think stalking is look I don't know you're looking at me hey I'm over here yeah I didn't know if I'm telling you look I'm right by the mailbox waving my hand at you she makes herself known once I walk out the door like the prize oh he scared me no my understanding is he's come up to your workplace and and and harassed you there tell me about that oh he's gonna stay in the parking lot he didn't came and sat in the inside at my job like he's very insecure do you go sit around better job I had been to her job it's why she does Texas the first time she did my taxes second time I'm picking her up I have two jobs I have no time to sit here and look at you work I have work on my own little Europe and so that's but you did admit in your papers that you're jealous of one of her co-workers is that not true no I wouldn't say jealous see what my wife has a power of doing she loves to illuminate the reaction you know she'll have you saying oh he went around the world 300 cartwheels but you ain't tellin why I did it no why you say you lost that job because of him is that right your honor he made me quit he did not want me working there anymore it you didn't did he tell you why was it because of this co-worker I think it was just because actually I was making more money than oh hey that's just my personal opinion but he may have something completely different well did you ask her to quit that job nope no ma'am no your honor no problem no issue no it I was so elated that she was actually working you know you couldn't be picking up cans I was like go pick up the cans [Laughter] I pay everything you never pay the bill in nine years so of course we're happy that she was controlled now mister basin you say that she has a family member who's always starting some stuff I want to know who that family member is and what kind of stuff she starts out all the rooms so she could've went to she went to the room right next to a wild enemy so when she sleep the key on your sled in front of us so what you're doing did he catch you putting the key in a motel room at five o'clock in the morning so I understand that Ms Breit has a family member who calls you and tells you things what kind of things do they tell you there's been two incidents where we met up and she discussed things that I felt like a family members shouldn't discuss with a non family member such as um where she was who she was with what she was doing what she lied to you she wasn't over here let's take a picture and send it to type of stuff so it's like this you know it ain't the fact that I don't want you I don't want that negative energy right all right you know the trans first yeah do you believe that Miss Breit is cheating on you yeah why do you believe that cuz I don't call it I don't you know tell me tell me what you've seen well give me your best evidence so one day one day I met the house at our house you know that the bills that I paid for right right and I'm sitting there in the house I'm like you know what it's getting late I go to sleep 4:30 in the morning I wake up which over I went there okay maybe she's fixed in his neck I don't know so I get up and survey of the house there's no wife go outside cars don't look in the backyard both of my cars yeah okay so I decided you know what I'm just gonna go for a walk you got to get it all you just got to get it up ah you know it I ain't gonna go to conclusions you're gonna go for what I make in my mind you know so walking I'm walking I'm walking I'm walking my house down exactly our world there's my song like look look he looked and I seen the back of her ponytail she was in the backseat with two dudes in the car so all night look I lied okay and then when that no gas station you're over there the motel oh no so me being me I'm gonna go and catch your hand and cook I ain't even listen wipe your mouth will give what across from your face no I'm gonna end up so what'd you do so I GU no got into my stalking stealth mode you know I went around a bad way to the to the hotel yeah and I came around so like I see what they're gonna park here so I'm just sitting in the could watch ah hey Paul she come on still coming all the way down now you know I know it feels the devil having jokes ago just giving me a high five at that moment but out of all the rooms that she could have went to she went to the room right next to where I was standing it so when she slit the canyon slit in front of us so what you're doing and she did like past that kind of like you don't wanna know you put the key in jail room at five o'clock in the morning the car with a couple of dudes it was a pretty specific story yes but it was not like that well what was it like it was not like that what was it like it was there oh it was like that I was going to cheat I'm admitting it she just just caught you too soon absolutely cuz he saw you getting ready to cheat and that's exactly what you were doing getting ready I was going to but it never happened that's cuz it was that he's right there though go and sleep without a man another man this one but I was doing a car so you know hey you saying what I saw well I'm gonna catch my I don't know about y'all I won't get my composure back and then we'll talk about what else is happening at your house you also say she's got a secret job I've never heard of that before what does that mean how would you feel if your partner showed up unannounced everywhere you went tell us what you think at divorce court mr. Basden the bottom line is you believe that she's a serial cheater and has in fact worked as an escort why do you believe that you know it's just things I singing you know what have you seen I mean if it barks and crawls and has fleas not an elephant tell me what you see well I brought something you know so what am I looking at no no you tell me no authority of cheating things going so I know this website and I know what they do want it how do I know this is her well I know it was her because I took the picture Joe show miss Brite what he what he's talking about here I'm pretty sure he posted it on Facebook I know oh he's already posted it on Facebook yeah if that you're is that your information is that your financial transactions that's actually this is new it's my car that's being used but it's not me so somebody else is using a large no I allow someone else because they did not have a card yesterday and this is actually from years back before cars were so adamant that's what I got my friends were going to assisting your friends you also say she's got a secret job I've never heard of that before what does that mean oh it's a secret do you have the secret my secret job is actually a job that actually pays and is legal but I do not tell him because of the fact that he's a stalker like why would I tell in my workplace for him to be at my job wedding when I get off or follow me around I prefer peace and calm so you won't let him know where you're working no absolutely not it's best that I don't know because he keeps popping up on absolutely that was not your call that was my job that was weird good job I'm sorry so you work outside you took a picture when you were outside oh my god the fabrication is just that miss bright I don't believe that you you gave your car to somebody else to get to and get nothing there with them and I allowed them to use it you absolutely right for that yeah you disobey me when I was talking about their dog the fleas and I understand contribute if somebody don't have rents if somebody needs gas money somebody needs to borrow your car it's not my money that was being spent whose money was it hers but she was using your card to do it yes because she didn't have a car I said I don't mind like I'm that type of friend like I give anybody ask me for help I don't mind helping them it's not for Charlie though like I'm not willing to help him she doesn't get help me she helps me she never paid the water but you know the water buildings like that she water building Wi-Fi like the cheapest building in the world I'm not gonna pay never pay but yet you stay together there's no intruder you warn you I pay bills where high stays you know but you don't pay bills where these days you don't stay there I gotcha I see where we are don't like it but I see is it ever okay to keep your job secret from your partner share your opinion on twitter and instagram at divorce court divorce court we'll be right back I know I'm gonna kick myself for doing it but I must do it anyway what is the reason you're referring to why she never got a ring well your honor it when we first got married I was kind of like I didn't have no money I'm gonna be right on the money I have no money to give her a ring I feel like no she's a man you know I mean but then when I started getting to them when it was all this stuff I'm fine and it was all the stuff that happened to come on you thought she was creepy no this is bright and did you wish you could even give me a ring my Apple the bomb both our rings to know mr. bright you have a response to that absolutely please he thought I was creeping because he was creeping Oh God what proof do you have that he was creepy well your honor we've been together almost nine years I've only been in his phone four times one two three four just like he'll leave me three or four dollars when he go to work he's only called you four times at night I've only been in his phone like literally like oh but opening it looking at it yes so I decided to go in and after a couple years and realize he's had a relationship over three years with this one female he was in love but when I said something to him I was just telling her that it was work relationship [Music] [Applause] no mr. Basden keeping the room the world does need more love you that this and big-hearted and Humana did all that but all I think y'all doing is most sex having said that I will say this your your funny so hang on get man I'm gonna say is no matter what you do love that baby and always allow the other one to see the baby and no fighting and carrying on and if the marriage is over let it be over you with me in which this matter is adjourned do you believe these accusations that you're making I mean do you think she's doing all all the has please not an elephant I know all right now all right the accusation that you're an escort is pretty ridiculous I mean absolutely do you think he truly believes these things hate really thinks he loves me you know I think he does know are you through are you finished here if he stop stalking me we're just not gonna happen you
Channel: Divorce Court
Views: 548,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Divorce Court, divorce, marriage, Lynn Toler, lawyer, television show, reality tv, judge, 3486, Dating, Love, Relationships, Couples, Cheating, Infidelity, Engagement, COurt TV, Comedy, Drama
Id: XiBgcCWLZj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 13 2019
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