Full Documentary | Georgia & The Great Caucasus

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it is said that because of its great beauty God kept a place for himself near the Black Sea but according to legend he gave it to the Georgians to thank them for inviting him to their celebrations when the earth was divided up into its different lands since then Georgia has protected its artistic heritage and been able to maintain the vibrancy of its unique traditions it is concerned to biodiversity greater than that of some continents and has a magnetism which draws people back to visit over and over again the national motto power comes from unity reflects the wisdom of a people who have suffered many invasions and armed conflicts the last one in 2008 although is smallest Switzerland Georgia is big in all aspects a progressive nation European attitude and Western and spirit a real Caucasian country with the joy of the Mediterranean a table filled with delicacies and a jubilant atmosphere everything is ready for an ancient ceremony the Supra in which the tamada or master of ceremonies will deliver a series of poetic and philosophical messages generally download having the room with this sucker to lose a little energy level CWA's gaba mucho mucho para lo mega brave Oh Oh fee doable for chance mood of Shiva Julius Anka Russia last hour H is saguaros a cartoonish Omo just feels the custom of toasting the origin of which is attributed to the Georgians is the grand finale to their love of wine the vast vineyards of the eastern region of Cassetti home to the largest wineries in the nation are a clear illustration of this passion in Georgia there are a considerable number of grape varieties more than anywhere else in the world most of them are used to make high quality wines as prestigious as seen in Dali Mugu zani de Leon E or Navarre Lee all of which have received gold silver and bronze medal awards in international competitions the care of the grape pickers and the meticulous selection process during the harvest have led to Georgian wines enjoying worldwide recognition according to archaeological research Georgia is at the very cradle of wine culture as grapes have been cultivated in this area for seven thousand years it may even be true that the generic word for this most ancient of alcoholic drinks is derived from the Georgian word vino and in some mud honey or traditional wine cellars such as this one in the town of Bor Johnny grapes are still pressed by foot in wooden vats to avoid crushing the seeds which would give the wine a bitter taste in karate almost everything revolves around wine proof of this is the 16th century wine cellar in village CA in which the traditional clevy are still used clay barrels buried underground that maintain a constant temperature to ensure optimal fermentation these fossilized grapes from the Neolithic Age and the discovery of vessels from the 3rd century BC prove that since prehistory wine has played a key socio-economic role in this region and through wine Georgia has made an important contribution to world culture because the Supra can last for hours on end the moment has come to interrupt the festivities and launch yet another intimate heartfelt toast Mukunda balarama sutras er mu is individuals adam in visitors sufferings were Ravitz a cushy Patera tok was re through this muddy tres colicky no mercy to endow we've added our wizard especially with get row what role does chromatic percentage wellis is colicky keyboard but the trance of watercolors gamma juice to be soldier founded as a fortress city in the 5th century is the nation's capital its largest city and has been admired by famous people such as Leon Tolstoy and Alexander Duma situated at a strategic crossroads between Europe and Asia it has been invaded by Persians Byzantines Arabs Turks Mongols and Bolsheviks none of whom were able to crush the energetic and artistic creativity of a people who consider dance to be an expression of Caucasian identity it has been over 1,500 years since King rocked on the first Gorgas ani hunted with his hawk in these lands the hawk swooped down upon a pheasant and wounded it after landing in a river of thermal waters the pheasant then healed by itself and flew away as if nothing had happened Biki impressed by the healing effects of the waters ordered the construction of a city that over time has become a multicultural metropolis with over 1 million inhabitants and in which over 100 distinct ethnic groups coexist in peace every corner of DBC is quite captivating it's been witching spell is cast over the whole of this safe and friendly metropolis in which guests are considered a gift from God the Georgian capital is leading the way in the country's development it is an example of urban harmony in which classical architecture and Art Nouveau mix wonderfully together Bath's from the 12th century can be found under the natty kala fortress in the abano to bonnie district they possess the natural properties of sulfur waters asking rock Don observed when he founded the city of EE see which was first called to be an old Georgian word meaning Warm Springs travelers who journey throughout the East described the pleasure obtained from combining the Oriental baths with a massage the muscovite writer aleksandr pushkin had one such bath and said I didn't feel even the remotest pain but an astonishing sense of relief the feeling is indescribable and the hot soap envelops you as if it were air near the sulfur baths there is a group of buildings that symbolize the country's tolerance the only mosque in the world in which Sunni and Shiite Muslims pray together the great synagogue of the Jews who after the ottoman turk invasion of the city of akatsuki resettled in tbilisi towards the end of the 19th century vasily or georgian orthodox Dormition Cathedral site of the continent a tree arcs of Georgia until the consecration of the sameba or new cathedral of the Holy Trinity the Armenian Church of st. George in which the poet psy at Norma the king of Songs is buried and the Catholic Church of the Assumption at the end of the harvest colorful folkloric celebrations take place in the winemaking areas these are an expression of the sociability optimism and unbridled joy that comes from living in an open and prosperous country a demonstration of passionate national pride they illustrate how Georgians love to celebrate their strong sense of identity fair dances full of passion leave a lasting impression the fertile valley of alice on e in the region of Cassetti is renowned because of the excellence of its grapes and because it is the source of outstanding wines such as Kinser Murali and guru Johnny but this area with a mild and pleasant climate is not only known for its fantastic wine production every day a basic culinary work of art known as Shanti is made in rural homes long loaves of rustic bread baked in the traditional style the women also make interesting dessert such as George Hilah sausage-shaped sweets made with thickened white grape juice and filled with walnuts which are then strung up and hung out to dry much of what is made or grown in the villages is sold in small markets which are full of the color and freshness of agricultural products most noticeable are the smiling faces and the traitors great sense of humor which make them extremely easy to deal with this is one of the most gratifying rewards for any traveler visiting Georgia a country whose culture is so intrinsically tied to the grape we have I think ideal location for grape growing because nearby they're very high Caucasian mountains and down is a lisanna valley and we are well protected from the very very cold winters and cold winds Georgia is unique with its grape varieties we have around 400 different grape varieties so consequently the wines from these grapes are different from wines made in different countries because these grape varieties are unique and unique for Georgia and unique for the world signagi is one of the smallest towns in the country but it has the second longest wall in the world after China urban regeneration and its popularity within the whole region of Kakheti have made it a delightful place to visit this town known as the city of love is also celebrated for it's renowned grape harvest once again dancing confirms that one of the defining characteristics of the georgian people is to have a good time and enjoy life to the full you to uncover the first steps of human beings we must go back to prehistory the land south of Tbilisi were inhabited by Homo georgakas the forerunner of the first European civilizations as proven by the remains of bones found in this unique archaeological site of worldwide importance Indonesia we found earliest humans Out of Africa this skull is 1.8 million years old this is all this presence humans out of Africa this is most primitive humans ever found in whole Eurasia I think man is is very important sport also for future tourists to tell story about first Europeans it's a big international project with participation several international institutions it's very important for Georgian science and it's very important for the future of the church the city of who police TK was founded 1600 years before Christ and although the Mongols destroyed a large portion of the original 700 caves there are still some 270 left today that were inhabited by local tribes and monks until the latter part of the 18th century in the third toast of the Supra the eloquence of the tamata continues ah hey smoke da e zero sherry cream esta mobile Thai massage Oliver oh it might travel what that's it for the suppori watch oh good holy tree williams let's go images public part of this a giveaway las cuevas de Italia gamba hard ah wait as a lien what Italian before hasta que ha the shaadi monastery is perched on top of the hill on which st. Nino erected a wooden cross that symbolized the triumph of Christianity in Georgia Nino arrived in mitsuketa the ancient capital of Caucasian Iberia during the first third of the first century AD and because he cured Queen Nana of a serious illness the Queen converted and ordered the building of the first Christian Church in her kingdom Sveta its Covelli which was later transformed into a cathedral they say it is built on top of where Christ's tunic is buried and above the tomb of Cydonia the sister of a Jew who brought this sacred item of clothing from gong Gotha a cypress grew on the spot and was cut down Saint Nino prayed and his prayers led to one of the seven supporting pillars of the church becoming entwined with a fallen tree besides the font in which it is said that median the third was baptized the king who in the year 337 established Christianity as the official religion of Georgia there is a symbolic replica of the Chapel of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem which makes feathered scalletti the second most sacred place in the world this Cathedral a world heritage site also houses the tomb of bucked on the first Gorgas alley that of the last georgian king your be the twelve and of his father ethically the second the latter one decorated with a coat of arms and a saber an interesting zodiacal sphere surrounding the figure of the Redeemer 13th century frescoes and saints a dounia's funerary monument the - Shandi national reserve is a model of administrative integration because it performs three functions the conservation of 28,000 hectares of forests for animals as threatened as the Caucasian snow live the protection of over 50 nomadic peoples along with their historically valuable monuments and the promotion of echo tourism Tusheti one of the most beautiful areas of Georgia is in the northeastern part of the country and a visit to any of the seven main villages such as shinnok Oh makes for an unusual experience these people who speak their own dialect enjoy a joyful isolation and live in rudimentary houses that preserve the traditional charm of the past they are always welcoming and they open their doors to visitors to share their everyday household tasks such as preparing the delicious dumpling known as khinkali a ball of dough that is filled with spiced minced meat and lightly twisted before boiling I would say yes like a footstep yeah the people of Georgia love to cook a healthy attitude towards anything related to the pleasures of eating can be found everywhere one just asked to stroll through any of the noisy markets in the country to see the vast array of products destined to satisfy even the most demanding palate life in the city is completely different to surviving 2,000 metres above sea level shinato in which only two families live throughout the year has very harsh winters that make shepherding almost impossible in the face of such adversity most Tusheti enou mats move to the warm flatlands of kadhi and they're simple Hut's reflect their ability to adapt their strength and resistance are a tribute to the Georgian saying a person can flower on a rock ruch Levani national park in the southeastern part of the country has a semi desert ecosystem and is an excellent example of the very biodiversity to be found in Georgia - is diluted ribs chicken etiquette our team is easy hijo a catchable a una vida Jelly Belly SACNAS Hank or maybe sorry Baba sorrow vaisakhi Mutasa delicacy slam the miracles follow are rescinded Almirola sobre una Takanawa niba artists and ears octocorallia again gone dinner a giant robber ruined and amore pyaar karoon Debra I was followed our servant a Polish who did this nature reserve was created by two Georgian scientists in 1935 and has recently been developed to make it suitable for ecotourism in the park there are some 60 species of birds 45 species of mammals and with luck you can see an exceptionally rare male leopard of a species that was thought to be extinct one of the 13 Assyrian holy fathers who arrived in Georgia in order to strengthen Christianity david ganesha is buried here and on his tomb there is a stone that symbolizes the one that the distinguished patriarch brought on his journey from the Holy Land this is why it is said that a third of Jerusalem's holiness can be found in this group of 19 monasteries carved out of the rock named after their founder david gareja and that are still inhabited by monks today this city founded by David Ganesha in the 6th century AD has always been a center of constant pilgrimage notwithstanding Mongol aggression and bloody Turkish attacks religious activity was only interrupted during the Soviet era when the neighboring lands were used as a military base during the Afghan war alongside the embody River and within the chants Keshava kadhi region Vasya is yet another monument carved out of rock this rocky beehive is still maintained today by monks who have kept the memory of Queen da matta intact the woman who finished his great work fifty years after her father yogi the third began its construction as a place of refuge from invasions as a girl damata would get lost in these caves and would yell awkward Xia I'm here uncle which gave this place its name this is a legend but is true that Kingdom era as she was known turned Valencia into a center for culture and art so much so that it inspired the Georgian humanists shota Rustaveli in his poem the night in the Panther skin an homage to courage and loyalty that fueled the flame for the national independence that was achieved at the end of the 20th century one of King David Baratheon's greatest successes was the creation of the monastic compound of Galati with this architectural marvel near the city of Goethe ICI Davi did justice to his name the Builder since one of his goals was to make Georgia into a center of culture in Galati he brought together famous scholars to create an intellectual center that would flourish like a second Athens it was the will of dahveed himself advocate of the Golden Age of his nation and tireless defender of multi-ethnic tolerance to be buried at the entrance of the monastery so that all Georgians can step on the heart of one of their most beloved personalities Joseph Stalin was another Georgian of great relevance to world history he was born in this house in Goudy and in this armored car he traveled across the whole of the X Soviet Union the dictators memorabilia are conserved in the Museum of the city that ironically was founded by W the Builder the most idolized King in Georgian history Borjomi Cara gali National Park is in the center of the country and it constitutes one percent of the territory of Georgia the forested area has retained its natural state and there are a number of animal species such as the base or goat which were quite numerous in the past then completely disappeared here today they are being reintroduced in these mountainous places in a system of semi captivity Borjomi Kigali surrounded by the magical atmosphere of the lower Caucasus is the most visited Park in Georgia and has a large number of recreational activities on offer for Joe Garagiola Sharon le parc EU de decir arroba she orietta sexes llegando Joe Garagiola Sharon only parka cocked upon parka viselli overtly lure tourists a bistro de Nova motto Lucero no Park Shi robot sousatzka knows no tourists which ahmadiya receive a Pigasus la plata Shemesh Nevada to his mistress Argos infrastructure agua de los initially bungalow for Sinatra Modena metrion shots he knows not to revi Park Sagunto Cebu Leo Tolstoy latasha's of rosado's Tourister shows Leo Thomas Taylor the surah Modena Natasha Sobotka she shows not volume is Rea only together with her goal is Rio she this 76,000 hectare park has an abundance of attractions it is also immensely enjoyable to visit the nearby villages which alongside medieval relics and local handicrafts are home to incredibly dynamic people even if they are 120 years old like a Catalan this lady who was born in 1890 Caucasians live quite a long time thanks to their physical strength but besides this they have a natural aid that most probably helps them increase their lifespan Matt Soni a thick yogurt that contains two very healthy lactobacilli also used in homemade cheese this isn't surprising given that early in the 20th century the Nobel prize-winning Russian microbiologist metchnikoff demonstrated that regular consumption of yogurt was the cause of longevity in some Central European towns in 1830 it was rumored that Springs from the Borjomi category natural reserve contained healing properties and sixty years later the first bottling plant of the now world-famous Borjomi water was created it's unique because of its naturally mineralized hydrocarbon ated sodium and therapeutic qualities although the original fountain still works barely a trace remains of the luxury that characterized this place when it was the summer residence of the Russian Imperial family the Roman arms towards the Black Sea in the gaudenzi pass nomadic people's farm the land in a Dilek and misty mountain his surroundings during the winter the snowfall is heavy and these people most of the Muslims come down from the mountains to the outskirts of batumi where the subtropical climate is more favorable for daily life historical tourism a variety of year-round leisure options and an abundance of sunny days are what resorts such as piety and gonio have to offer with long quiet beaches they are very popular among citizens of Western Georgia on the border with Turkey they are also very close to botany a coastal city with an appealing botanical garden home to thousands of exotic plants and over 100 species of Caucasian origin however what really makes Badu me a cosmopolitan city is its poured the gateway to Europe via the Black Sea and the external maritime link of a country which is prospering thanks to its continuing cultural artistic and commercial exchanges with other countries as well as the mythical statue of Medea but to me the administrative center for the autonomous Republic of a Jana has impressive monuments that are spectacularly beautiful when lit up at night the rager booyah is north of anjana in the western part of the country and its name means the land of the restless an appropriate term for a very active people who masterfully interpret an art form that is now inscribed in UNESCO's cultural heritage of humanity polyphonic singing it is full of beautiful melodies with a wide the Matic repertoire that often proclaims noble Georgian values such as vitality and peace in lake bias Tomi and the wetlands of kholke seedhi National Park over 21 species of migrating birds can be observed humans have lived in these marshlands for centuries although it has been difficult for them to acclimatize to this rugged and hostile ecosystem that has been a site for diseases such as malaria in the past today this natural paradise entices eco-tourists and offers opportunities such as watching water buffalo huge animals that demonstrate the great biodiversity of the park Kolkata is 29 thousand hectares large and 10 to 15 meters deep in the marshy areas which are made up of a sedimentary layer formed over six thousand years the dad Yanni Palace Museum in zoo dd belonged to a Georgia noble dynasty inside there are a multitude of articles with historical value and objects related to Napoleon Bonaparte since Alameda Yanni strengthen the ties between Georgia and Europe by marrying Aquila Murat a nephew of the French Emperor a little further north in shadi is the tallest dam in the world being Goudie dam which is 272 meters high it is a hydroelectric fortress on the in Guti River whose source is close to Chikara the tallest mountain in Georgia vanetti is a remote mountain region in the north of Georgia and mestia is its most important town for thousands of years georgian kings and powerful men hid their wealth in the inaccessible mountains of the region of sveti today some of those valuable treasures are on public view in this museum that houses magnificent works of gold and silver as well as icons from the ninth to the 13th centuries the prominent towers of mestia were used as lookout points and during emergencies they served as refuges for each family who lived in the living quarters in their lower sections and which even had stables for livestock currently these medieval fortresses are still private property and looking out the window you can see a beautiful mountain range and mighty Mount pushpa one of the most important peaks in the country it is 4,700 meters high and known as the Matterhorn of the Caucasus it is one of the most difficult mountains to climb in Europe Oh Pushpa in the svan dialect means the road to nowhere the northern peak was climbed for the first time in 1888 and the southern peak was reached by a swiss german austrian expedition in 1903 I was in mestia as in all of Georgia the traditional super des takes place among families and neighbors the toast is made and often a goat horn is used for the wine in keeping with tradition women are praised before the wine is drunk straight down other customs in mestia are just as exciting such as bareback horse racing in which the rider of the winning family may carry a golden lion shaped banner families from all over the valley participate in these fun contests and they usually coincide with the local festivals bush Coulee also belongs to the mountainous region of sweaty it has defensive towers which are World Heritage Sites some 70 families live in this area at the foot of Mount Chikara at 2,200 metres above sea level it is the highest inhabited community in Europe some people here still practice the unusual art of looking for gold in a more traditional way it involves simply channeling the water and then extracting the tiny gold beads which stick to the wool of a sheepskin this is an ancient custom that is rarely used today this ancient method of obtaining the precious metal is related to the myth of jason and the argonauts who left for the kingdom of god cheese governed by iAds so that the mythical hero after having successfully obtained the pelt of the golden fleece in the caucasus could reclaim the throne usurped by his brother pell yes many archaeologists claim that it was in the man graylien region where according to myth Jason found the Golden Fleece in the 4th century BC no Gallic Fe later a fortified city and medieval times was the capital of the a greasy Kingdom and according to stories by Prince Paco Steve orogeny it even had a dot yani dynasty palace in the 18th century the rural atmosphere of some towns in Mongolia where animals returned home by themselves at the end of the day is a stark contrast to the sorrow of a region that has suffered the consequences of conflicts and neighboring areas during the military uprising against President Sheva Nazi then with the fighting in Abkhazia and finally during the South Ossetia war of 2008 Shatila is located in the narrow pass of our Guney on the northern slope of the great caucasus a historical territory where st. nino preached after the conversion of king median and king naina the intriguing beauty of the medieval towers and their considerable elevation 1,400 meters above sea level has made this town the ideal location for the shooting of many films about the lives of Georgian Highlanders so 60% of Georgia and territorial mountains and there are lots of fantastic opportunities for all kind of people who like nature who like mountains there are five peaks in the Caucasus in Georgia over 5,000 meters which gives really great opportunities for the amateur climbers the a part of mountaineering these mountains give brilliant opportunity just for those who like nature so you can do like two three weeks continuous tracks in a totally wild environment plus there are lots of opportunities for rafting canoeing canyoning or any mountain activities the Caucasus in the shadow of Mount comes back has given rise to a number of legends such as that of the rebel prometheus according to mythology Zeus chained him to these mountains for stealing fire from the gods and giving it to the mortals Oh the Georgian military highway is also historic it is the largest commercial route in Georgia linking DC with Russia and was used by Attila and later as part of the Silk Road Georgia has two ski resorts Baku Yanni to the south of Borjomi at an altitude of 1700 meters has conditions that are ideal for family ski without e in the upper caucasus at 2,000 meters has steep slopes which will satisfy the most extreme athletes the Hindu writer Gabbana Sahni said some countries attract 20 instantly Georgia seduces you the moment you set your foot on its soil and the truth is that this is what one feels even before setting foot in Tbilisi a city that although it has been ransacked and destroyed some 30 times in the last 1500 years still conserves its remarkable spirit built in the fifth century and with the intifada river running through it doubly sea is not only the capital of Georgia but it has always been considered the great metropolis of the Caucasus today distinctive buildings stand along Rustaveli Avenue here we find the more disco style opera and the roost of le theatre sight of rehearsals and performances of the swahili georgian national ballet the only folklore ensemble in the world to perform at la scala in milan the final dance performed had three encores two incessant ovations the curtain was raised 14 times which was a record no one had anticipated such overwhelming success tably see with a population of over 1 million 300,000 is an elegant and welcoming city it encompasses the spirit of the whole of Georgia a forward-looking country which has literacy levels above the European average thanks to its excellent educational system all the signs point to DBC and George in general undergoing strong development in the 21st century this is a unique nation which besides its distinctive alphabet and cart fillion language one of the oldest in the world has left the world a legacy of artists such as Nico Peters money the self-taught painter who chronicled daily life in Georgia towards the end of the 19th century nowadays Tbilisi continues to expand non-stop the city changes but its diversity remains because for centuries Georgians Armenians Jews Kurds Greeks and people of many other nationalities have coexisted in peace and harmony as if they were one large family rugby is the national sport although martial arts and chess are both extremely popular Tigran Petrosian was born into Mesa and was world chess champion for many years relaxed friendly open and affectionate these are the fundamental reasons why people often say that the citizens of this Caucasian Republic have a Mediterranean character Georgia is a nation renowned for its creativity and successful musicians such as Kadima Lua who has been a top-selling artists in the United Kingdom jazz can be heard in many bars and cafes in the capital a perfect way to spend an evening in this lively and spiritual city Tbilisi is undoubtedly an essential piece of the great national jigsaw puzzle shota Rustaveli one of the greatest contributors to medieval literature wrote to the essential requirements for love our beauty wisdom generosity intelligence and wealth and to be patient with powerful opponents all these qualities are to be found in Georgia a country in love with its history and proud of its roots Oh Oh Oh
Channel: Planet Doc Full Documentaries
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Keywords: full documentary, georgia documentary, georgia full documentary, documentary, documentaries, full documentaries, republic of georgia, caucaus, tbilisi, free documentaries, caucasus mountains documentary, kakheti, caucasus mountains, georgia caucasus, caucasus documentary, visit georgia, europe, georgia tourism, tbilisi georgia, history, georgia 2015, history documentary, Borjomi-Kharagauli, national park, georgia country, black sea, documentary for free
Id: NLXWC4enm_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 57sec (3117 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2015
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