Assignment Asia— Indian farmers in Georgia; India's wrestlers; China's stay-at-home moms 12/24/2016

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[Music] 4.3 billion people live across this vast continent called Asia and we are telling their stories on this edition seeking greener pastures farmers from India's Punjab State settle in Georgia to escape poverty at home on guard me India's traditional wrestlers who work as bouncers safeguarding the Capitals nightlife and full-time housewives why some mothers in China are leaving their jobs and choosing to stay at home I'm Natalie Kearney and this is assignment Asia [Music] welcome to the program it's not all that unusual these days to see people wearing turbans tilling the fields here in rural Georgia what was once a very unusual destination has now become much more attractive for Indian farmers looking for opportunities abroad dozens of Punjabi farmers have settled here helping make the agricultural sector in this country grow but as my report shows it's not always been an easy transition it's the first day of Easter a time for celebration in this devoutly Christian country which lies at the crossroads of Asia and Europe traditional Christian artifacts lined the streets for the occasion yet in between the historic buildings and cobblestone streets is what seems to be another world this is the small town of signagi and rural Eastern Georgia a fairytale environment really and not one you would expect to find a community of Sikh farmers but that's exactly what exists just a mile into the valley the lush landscape of Georgia's vast a lisanna valley overlooked by the majestic Caucasus Mountains in the Kahili region is an ideal place for farming Georgian farmers have been tilling these lands for centuries but in the last five years an increasing number of migrants from South Asia have come to cultivate them as well farmers from India's Punjab State here in sonora village indians have converted a humble house into a temple with land prices a fraction of what they are back home these men move to rural Georgia dreaming to start or expand their economic opportunities they consider themselves reformists farmers willing to take risks and step out of traditional ways of doing things to increase their chances of success a greek ultra makes up almost 10% of Georgia's nearly seven hundred ninety billion US dollar economy but despite Georgia's abundance of agricultural land local farmers have limited ability to develop them and so the country has to import more than eighty percent of its food somewhere on a bit cigar tourism is mozelova canotary bully analysis tony zealots Rwanda la vache Paris of lost under Davis neglected Italian commercial eliris ragazza Metro a low pitch dark ABI survey and so Priscilla Lois's father giveth to bolster domestic production the Georgian government eased visa policies and allowed for an ownership of land it also cut taxes and slashed regulations for permits and licenses an aggressive campaign followed luring those with money and agricultural know-how abroad to move to Georgia the campaign targeted several countries especially India where more than half of the population is into agriculture suddenly agents promoting land in Georgia began appearing on Indian TV in whole world everybody knows that Punjab our state is popular for agricultural business and farmers twenty-six-year-old ravney Khan along with his mother and father were among the estimated two thousand Indians who made the move Indian arrows are a personality Ramba living of standard or dia nature whadya south korea deity hawawa dia air good too much oxygen here hopefully whadya tika the gig some governments are they with only governments and nobody our governments are delayed what would he get in cavity region I just found the beauty of nature nothing else when I seen the buildings it was like black and white movie with gorgeous surroundings and affordable fertile land Ravan eaten his family were quick to plant their roots they bought wheat fields a house a car and a dog in our first year I bought a land in in the last of 2012 and I made all operations and saw the land and when I get the crop the expenses were more than the income so I thought that I must try in future and let's see what going to happen so how did you come to know about Georgia from divisions yet window moved to Georgia in 2012 but unlike most Indian farmers here who would opt for traditional wheat or corn fields vendor but vineyards you have grapes black grapes here it's called SAP Arab Indian and is that a popular grape in the country yes it's very popular grape seed in the country because it's very expensive more than white grapes they are giving good money everybody said these grapes are very good here so we choose this thing so your vendor took the leap into a crop he had no previous experience with yet Wender says he would get a profitable return on his harvest back in India but with only one hectare of land that profit was relatively limited here he has 82 Hector's and it certainly doesn't hurt that Georgia is a one loving country Georgia produces more than 15 million bottles of wine every year as part of a tradition that dates back thousands of years how has the season been for you has it been a productive year yes last time when we walk have enough first two years we got good money but lastly I have some problem with the government that time we have got less than that good Preet Singh was one of the first Indians to move to Georgia for the last six years he's been managing nearly a hundred and thirty hectares of land for a company back in India Ozzy has the talents the ninjalock are they what does he in deities Arden Allah Muslim embodies a bodega as he at the body a peacock everybody Arcadia's in Callahan India Devi to Punjab divita head TV Maharaja gaya pan Oliver dear Katie who we are valid summative it the influx of foreign farmers came as a shock to many locals worried about the migrants impact on their livelihood some took to the streets from Burma sokolova sorry it habit in Vince gossip demetra's socotra budget service meter second versa whatever see what the second temple anger shelter Dada libera merciful opus shisha conductivity starters there are towers over me in 2013 a new government changed progressive land and visa regulations suspending the sale of agricultural land to foreigners a 90% of people who apply for visa they were rejected the reason was a security purpose of the country you know region in Malaysia fellow ohno-san obatala Gavi you don't own the sin monkey baby the beginning wealthiest in the military decay Gul Tiki TIA correctly the giggle Tiki PAP a government to begin today more than 50 families gave up and returned to India visa regulations have since been eased again it concerns among some local farmers remains resolutely ba meter carpool meters 11 horas para para otro melis calcio padova Patara a reward ahh he says ganache anyways penis our demographic Omar watch Rudy are each returns our turn equals the cocktail away for the day into it is so tiring but their frustration appears to be not so much with the success of their new neighbors but with what they see as inadequate government support Julia m0r is a media no condition to Tinashe - a - not our mora sam poh solution we were truly presented were presenting it is worthless Roth needs farm has created jobs allowing his family to integrate into the community yet inside his home one would never know they're living in rural Georgia [Applause] [Music] the Khan family has become quite well-known in the community the family even helps their neighbors out financially they always pay you back yeah nice Kipnis I know everybody and they all love you too yes some of the Indians like the Kong's have also learned the Georgian language Audrey I've got jealous mother's mystique is he singing lullaby years younger the number of Indians taking their chances in Georgia has slowed but it certainly not stopped satinder sync general watt has just arrived from rajasthan the Kang's took him to see their fields panic occurs have been a number one Eva cito Sodom to hell Akina chasm in America human a lake another log Abita yo car tank yet evil nature / dependency with the opportunity to buy in Georgia five times the land he could in India satinder is excited about the possibilities for him in the country may Georgia will be beautiful Georgia a boutique shop Superleggera hey or mid hello hindered 1% low mid leakage cell ranking BJP genuinely and critically so hum because she's got angry a secret kthe seek a degree local crop production by either Georgian or Indian farmers has undercut the high import cost the country pays for agricultural goods and these savings are making their way back into the pockets of people all over the country me mr. Dodge Neon Indian Picard Eromanga Barton idea que una una Vargas ironic appear even sana kazi yada yada tonight a sad occasion maggini gala Sonia oponopono elevated it may be unconventional but this globalization of farming is redefining the sector and unleashing the potential this lush picturesque country has to offer [Music] with all their life savings invested yet vendor have neat and many others from the community say they are here to stay some Indians have even met Georgian partners and started families they say each year is getting better and better so optimistic about the future next on assignment Asia get to know India's wrestlers guarding New Delhi's nightlife [Music] with a growing number of affluent customers the indian capital's clubbing scene has boomed in recent years and so is the need for bouncers to provide security able-bodied wrestlers in some of india's villages have become the source of this manpower joy Takata tells us a story of one man who sees the opportunity a traditional wrestler who dreamed of being an Olympian is now a towering figure over New Delhi's nightlife [Music] [Music] so you saw some kids who busted completely boozing public space back to it's a usual weekend party at pubs in hostas a popular Street in New Delhi famous for its nightlife and notorious for its show of wealth and power this is Manoj Kumar a bouncer at the pub he also owns a company that supplies bouncers to the city most of his employees are liking I grew up training to be wrestlers like most wrestlers don't bouncers Manoj Kumar lives in a village in the outskirts of Delhi in his village Lumpur Wrestling is a tradition they all grew up with [Music] the steam kaity Hostelling here Marie look at the history of wrestling in India we have had it from the times of the Maharajah's and the Mahabharat it used to be called - one month per youth it's in our culture it is in our blood for a boy in the village wrestling is the first game he begins to play he goes to a wrestling school for his own entertainment and to make a good body for himself [Music] it's 5:00 a.m. on a Sunday an unencrypted gosh the master wrestler at the Arya Samaj school of wrestling embankment is coaching a team of young wrestlers [Music] the industry's master is addressed as onion ji a token respectful to long the kilts of free coaching is given to the restaurants Mariama pretension I see there is a place for wrestling in our village from ancient times mine sisters were wrestlers my grandfather was known by the name of large and pehelwan he was a wrestler his father was also a wrestler enjoy has coached many international champions and even Olympians this current young students are no less ambitious we're a number would see her Mira go put bra my name is Bhagat Singh I am 15 years old I have been wrestling for four years I want to be an Olympian someday these young men work hard for an average of 10 hours a day hoping that someday your Olympic dreams would come true at the Delhi State wrestling competition for seniors Anansi is judging wrestlers in great categories ranging from 54 240 kilograms here wrestling is serious business the stakes for wrestlers are higher you are a horrible job hey hey who's bigger pair the youth goes to the wrestling schools wrestles goes forward participating in competitions in international competitions national level competitions the wrestlers who win gold and silver at the national level competitions are given good government jobs and a fat salary their lives change after that meaning the wrestling is a small game meant to keep you healthy and that very game completely changes your life but for every winner there are several losers Manoj Kumar had abandoned any hope of being a champion in the sport and was working in his family farm in Lumpur when a friend suggested it is imposing physique and personality was well suited for Delhi's security industry with my mother kaha be mad he said he goes to these events as a bouncer he gets paid well gets to be in a great ambience and be part of a world that we villagers could not even imagine come join me he said so I started this work I started a company of my own called Vig intelligence now I work through my company I do events your security too big big celebrities big big industrialists Manoj Kumar says men from wrestling schools used to be given priority for recruits into the Indian Army bah-bah-bah bahah they knew that these are strong men from the villages with a strong body and a brave heart they do not back out on the face of danger but now it isn't easy to get jobs with the army or the government and so the Restless started looking at the private sector and the security business where there is a growing demand for bounces the landscape in India's national capital region known as NCR has undergone tremendous change in recent years many farmers had become very rich overnight by selling their land but with new wealth in their hands I have also been the subject of complaints people say they often get into drunken brawls making unwelcome advances towards women and try to bribe law enforcers crimes in the city increased and so do the need for security in doing his job Manoj Kumar has to cross from one world to another [Music] he grew up in a village where the culture is patriarchal and conservative very different from that in the pulse for instance it is customary for married women there to cover their faces in the presence of an older male so let me hear what they have me pretty particular the women in the city have their kitty parties they go out shopping drinking etc the women in our villages are not like that they don't even like to go to the cities they are happy to spend their whole lives going about their domestic chores and derive happiness from little things as much as Manoj Kumar loves his wrestling schools and village life he does not regret choosing a career as a bouncer in the security industry ballet Villa Peggy Hager may I say he Kaito Mejia believes in the Gujarati I feel that if I had just continued to work as a farmer I would still be stuck there but my life turned away from it towards the security business now my lifestyle has also changed my manner of speaking has also changed I keep hoping that in future my children will also have very good carriers and I feel proud that I am protecting someone's life and that they feel safe when I'm standing next to them [Music] as a knight rages on with more deafening music in her skies Manoj Kumar shows an impressive figure standing tall over the crowd promising to protect them from violence [Music] but why she and others like him take pride in their new life a few young Indian wrestlers continue to pursue their Olympic dreams not certain if one day a doe would end up protecting the wealthy in the cities for assignment YCJA this is Jodi kirat reporting from Delhi bouncers in New Delhi are mostly men but Manoj Kumar's company has now begun accepting applications from females and even plans to train them in wrestling when we return why some career women in China are choosing to become full-time homemakers [Music] more than two-thirds of Chinese women work full-time they come from a generation that places big importance on having a job so much so to stay home to rear ones child is sometimes seen as a waste of life but some women particularly those with children have dared to go against that tide and have chosen to stay home to raise their families Jennifer Bragg reports from Beijing Mandarin can't see a washer Mount Rainier mom a ho Julia kakashi Lucia show some grants hang out Jack and Lisa jutsu a commercial this wasn't exactly how Yong Jun lon imagined her life would turn out when she was a 20 year old finance graduate ha ha but two decades later she decided to stop working and stay home to raise her son Oh Tina my matches henna was sighs Oh John John answered on Sina home and see how happy the Sun Valley shout Betina chocolate reaction D handling more than 4 million un or 650 thousand US dollars worth of oil sales every year was not an easy achievement for this peasants daughter billion debating said holida home detention 18 holy undefeated Xiao Ahonen bioscience is in go lagoons w angola peso and a yellow orange away or missing yahoo Logan's the chichén have a Corolla [Music] then three years ago overwhelmed by the stress at work young decided to walk away well done is out hi Alicia Hall so changing mama and it's emotional year you sure when I just feel bad but the decision wasn't easy more than two-thirds of women in China work full-time so for young there is a big social stigma against staying home not to mention pressure from friends and family to keep working secure Zorba's you television you can call there who are you Sam yes oh hey boo Cassidy so diga Omaha kaya koleda result absolutely and some of them wanting Hines a truck full of cotton yeah partial yeah yeah you're gonna make a phone for her just answer yes happy well made that in the goons largest Sedona Jeff Hullinger theoretical coaster the teratogens Valerie horrible hotel well yeah so true you gotta go do on your ass again yo so ha you plead ambassador sake go home Jung's parents grew up in an era when men and women believed that work was the most important achievement in a person's life and people who didn't work deserve to be despised during the 1970s the employment rate in China was up to 90 percent so in that generations eyes staying at home to raise a child is not a real job it's just a means of life Roger Leonora a Chinaman Zaza China mama oh sure and Joshua elevation Soufan the heads Donna okay well Molly hi Josh pinoke Amanda Lila Honda to the push European for the hit song despite the misconceptions more highly educated women in China are becoming more open to this option unlike their parents who grew up in poverty women today can at least afford to stay at home and attach more importance to their kids education eventually young joined a club with other stay-at-home moms women she can relate to Sam is Chewbacca oh I'm gonna eat your lowdown get back here Masha home to talk with you about your life members include a former lawyer TV station director and business owner Erma has the thread underneath Leola has an orange on the battleship table open ocean you need are considered nigger Jackie linear on Yanni Yoshio social moving the Jin Jia Li one pencil the Xhosa commandment and Bianca has not Jabberwock endangered species in water targeting million million dog Lauren in the embassy say channel-facets lagoon we hope to have you mother so seriously Georgia rushes you don't even - not even the mahjong truth Anna Juan tal can be hell even the grenade even since all your Superman okay young-shin lands husband has also been supportive but not everyone can understand her decision but no man should should you play - Hall I'm doing one is antisocial Hong Kong saw when Angela what should to change mama now home mmm how do you want your meal to me o Allah Tom can you save it ahead to the table honey pakalana watch - even you see my son Helaman booty shaker you are putting sugar she's a ho no country on Hanson's AHA - mm oh mama sa mama Obama Malevich's oh how John Hayes you women merely hundra Pocoyo igano-kun shoot who knock we do wish you shouldn't use your doing we like an amine mom that's true was in the house I see what's on a meal haiku would see you home dad Nicole Kyle Odom Casey's endo tchen Jean [Music] with Chinese couples now allowed to have up to two children many believe Chinese mothers will now opt to stay at home and raise their families you can learn more about all these stories from our website triple w dot assignment asia calm that's all the time we have on this week's program from the Republic of Georgia I'm Natalie Carney join us again for another episode of assignment Asia share your thoughts and contribute story ideas for future shows by contacting us on social media [Music]
Channel: CCTV English
Views: 39,259
Rating: 4.2028985 out of 5
Keywords: China, China news, news, CCTV News, 中华人民共和国, 中国, 中国中央电视台, China Central Television, Chinese Central Television, 央视, CNTV, living in China, Assignment Asia, Indian farmers in Georgia, India's wrestlers, bouncers, China's stay-at-home moms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 0sec (1740 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 25 2016
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