FULL Disclosure: Where We Really Come From! NEW Evidence From ETs, Atlantis & Pyramids Gregg Braden

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what's the real battle unfolding in the world today Greg there's a battle for our beliefs what do we believe about who we are where we come from the origin of human the origin of our planet the origin of the universe and they're all important the movement to replace our bodies with synthetic materials falls under the umbrella we've all heard of this the transhuman movement literally if we are replacing our biology with the technology we lose access to our divinity when we give our humanness a way to technology our natural biological systems begin to atrophy and once that happens we never get them back [Music] hi everyone welcome back I'm Michael Sandler your host on Inspire Nation if you've ever wondered about where we come from what's been hidden and what's the real human story then do we have the wisdom code show for you today I'll be talking with world-renowned scientist and best-selling author of books such as the wisdom codes Greg Braden as we look at what's really going on with our hidden history humanity and the world so welcome back to the show Greg are you ready to shine I am ready to shine Michael I am so excited to be with you today sorry it's our first time together today I'm coming to you from our studio just outside of Santa Fe New Mexico and this is completely unscripted we have no idea where this is going to go and it's a dance my brother I'm going to follow your lead and I I know we're gonna have a great time uh we are and and I can't resist saying and driving from Santa Fe to Taos to who knows where up north was one of the few times that I saw some uh maybe not extraterrestrial Vehicles zipping up over the desert sky but we'll get there in a little bit before we go there what's the real battle unfolding in the world today Greg you know there are there are battles within battles and I think we all know that there's a battle for our thoughts playing out through mainstream Legacy Media that's no secret we all know that there's there's a battle for our beliefs what do we believe about who we are where we come from the origin of human the origin of our planet the origin of the universe we all know that that's playing out in the classrooms and the textbooks there's a battle for our bodies we have just witnessed that over the last few years and it's it's an ongoing battle and they're all important Michael every one of them for me they are masking and even deeper battle that is not so obvious uh to some people and that is literally a battle for our our very humanness and aspects of our humanness that give us the extraordinary potentials that are given to no other form of life that we know of today in this world I have no doubt that these potentials exist in other forms of life and in other Realms but what we as as scientists I'm a scientist and what I can say to you as a scientist is that there's no other form of life on Earth we know of right now that has been blessed with the extraordinary potentials that we have today and it is those potentials Michael I'm going to be really clear on this it's those potentials that lead to an even deeper battle for something that is called our divinity and I want to be clear on what I mean by this because many people associate Divinity with religion and I can see why that would happen but if you look up the the dictionary definition Divinity simply means the ability to transcend perceived human limitations that's it to transcend to become more than perceived it doesn't even mean they're real it they are limitations we place upon ourselves and there is a part of us a biological aspect linked directly to the DNA that was fused and mutated 200 000 years ago that gives us the abilities that we have today the movement to replace our bodies with synthetic materials uh chips in the brain chemicals in the blood wires under the skin sensors on the body uh falls under the umbrella we've all heard of this the transhuman movement literally literally if we are replacing our biology with the technology we lose access to our divinity and there is a lot of controversy around this that you know the why would we want to do that who's driving it but you ask the question the the ultimate battle all the other things Ukraine is important the collapsing banking system is important climate is important and that there is a level at which they become diversions Michael because when we're fighting when we're focused there what we're not looking at is what's happening to us and I'll just say this the reason it's so vital is because it's happening in a single generation and when we give our humanness a way to technology what happens is our natural biological systems begin to atrophy and once that happens we never get them back so we are literally in the process of giving away elements of our humanness before we even know what they are we don't understand ourselves well enough to to make that choice and there's the the arrogance of people in the scientific community that believe that they know better and are trying to engineer re-engineer uh our our biology and I believe that is the the greatest the greatest threat that we face as a species right now thank you and I'm going to bring us back around I'm going to bring us full circle right back to here because I want to go back to ancient Technologies or ancient civilizations and where we really came from and and this this idea of us being fused and mutated and our chromosomes being fused and mutated and all these changes taking place I believe that we are the ultimate that we know of of an ascendant being meaning we are constantly changing constantly growing constantly evolving constantly changing constantly growing but actually a discyclical we may have actually been more evolved at one point and then we disappeared what's happening Greg the word Evolution yeah evolution is is the key word here so uh I I'm going to come at this I have my personal perspective and and then I have my scientific knowledge and I'll delineate when I when I walk either one of those as a scientist uh and I'm a degree geologist by primary degree of the very strong background a math physics computer science archeology uh and and cosmology and I say that because it is that multi-disciplinary background that allows me to stay current with new discoveries that are published in very obscure scientific journals they're not secret they're out there it's just nobody reads these very technical obscure scientific journals this information is not trickling down into the mainstream you won't find this in mainstream classrooms mainstream textbooks certainly not in mainstream Legacy Media and pop scientists so what I mean by a pop scientist these are these are the so-called experts that the media will bring on to comment on what it means when the core of the earth stops rotating which happened in March for example or what it means when we find uh evidence of a civilization twenty thousand years before present underneath ice in Antarctica when we're led to believe that Civilization is only five thousand years old and so we're gonna have to go there yeah we well we we will so so what I will say to you as a scientist is this what the science shows that the DNA evidence is now removed much of the speculation about who we are it's opened the door to a whole lot more questions but for the viewers who may not be aware of this we now can do what used to be science fiction just a few years ago when the the first Jurassic Park movie came out the really good one the very first one when it came out that was based in what was science fiction at the time and it is no longer a hundred percent science fiction we now have the ability to isolate and remove the DNA from fossilized remains of ancient forms of life including those that we believed we descended from and when we can remove that DNA what we can do is build a genome now it's it's not in a test tube it's it's on a computer printout we can look at the genome of those forms of life and we can compare it to ours and that tells us who we are and who we are not we know that we are not the descendant of Neanderthal for example and that is very well accepted we we walk the earth with them we share the Earth they say we probably had Neanderthal boyfriends and girlfriends uh and that's why you will see Neanderthal DNA show up in you know uh 23andMe or some of the you know the DNA tests that you can do there are remnants of that but we we shared the Earth with them we didn't descend from them but the DNA also shows and this is this is where it's really controversial Michael and and from my perspective really beautifully is that we okay we are now called anatomically modern humans it's abbreviated amh is the acronym and scientists are in total agreement with the first part of what I'm going to say to you anatomically modern humans showed up on this planet about 200 000 years ago scientists are are pretty much in agreement with that the question is how do we get here where do we come from what the DNA is showing is that there are mutations in our genome now that we can look and compare our genome today to those of our ancestors they have been there from the very beginning so there are mutations in our genome that that showed up 200 000 years ago that give us the extraordinary capabilities that no other form of life has so for example I think that for me one of the smoking guns is human chromosome number two it's the product of the fusion of two pre-existing chromosomes but it didn't stop there because after the fusion occurred there were genes that were added there were genes that were silenced there were genes that were deleted to stabilize that fusion and it is that Fusion that gave us a brain 50 percent larger than our nearest primate it gave us a Neo it counts for about 80 percent of the neocortex that we have today and here's why that's important very very simply it is what gives us our uniquely human abilities of sympathy empathy compassion the ability to self-regulate On Demand when we choose to self-regulate our own biology to create a strong immune system when we choose to awaken longevity enzymes when we choose and to to keep those longevity enzymes going going to create resilience to change I mean who doesn't want that the world's changing faster than we know how to document it it gives us access to Super cognition super memory super learning and so much more all from from chromosome 2 and that's not the only one if that was the only one you could say maybe it's a fluke chromosome number seven is a mystery and there is a gene called Fox P2 which is very controversial but uh I mentioned before we went on camera when I'm not doing what I'm doing now I was a musician long before I was ever an author or a scientist and it's probably one of the most stable things in my life and and probably one of the saving Graces in in my life and as a musician and a scientist I've always wondered we share 98 of our genome with a chimpanzee I mean that's almost all of it that two percent is what sets us apart 98 of our DNA we share with the chimpanzee as a musician I know I'm never going to hear a chimpanzee sing Led Zeppelin Stairway to Heaven and and I don't think anybody else will either and the question is why and the answer this is a mind blower is there is there's there are a series of genes in chromosome number seven that have been stable and all primates all the forms of a primate life for 175 million years they didn't budge all of a sudden there was this little this little shift this little twist in DNA it was it was the rearrangement of two DNA letters in in the genome we're all familiar with ctag the letters that make up the genome that connected our tongue and our our jaw and uh and a part of our brain that links those things together that gives us the ability for complex speech and the ability to sing and you say well okay well that's interesting you know maybe that's just a fluke well both of these things happened they didn't happen slowly gradually over a long period of time as Darwin's theory of evolution would lead us to believe they happened very quickly they happened exactly 200 000 years ago when we showed up on the planet here's the kicker we haven't changed the genome is the same today as it was when we showed up it violates a fundamental law of evolution that says nature never over endows it says that we never have more than we need until we need it and what this says Michael is that we're and I'm happy to be the first maybe to share this with your audience audience we are over endowed we're all over endowed as humans because we showed up with capabilities light years beyond what was needed just to survive two hundred thousand years ago and we're only beginning to access many of those capabilities today so that's a long answer to short question I wanted to lay this out who or what is responsible for this as a scientist what I have to say is that we're the product of some kind of an intelligent intervention and I think that's a fair word intervention now there are all kinds of theories and stories and interpretations the truth is that no one knows for certain we see archaeological representations of what may have happened we have cultural representations oral Traditions from the indigenous people that I go to those aren't facts so until I mean they support a story certainly they support a narrative that we are part of something much greater than we've been led to believe conventionally I mean you and I are our audience I think we all know that you've got you have a very sophisticated audience uh Michael and that's why I'm really excited to be with you because I know we can get to the core of this conversation so I have to say as a scientist that it appears with a product of some kind of of intervention up until 2012 that intervention was a mystery in the year 2012 a new technology was announced to the world that I know everybody's heard of now it's called crispr Gene editing and it was the first time that we realized the technology uh that would allow us efficiently to do in a genome what we see evidence of that happened in ours and the question is who had crispr technology 200 000 years ago and and look where we are today what the amazing things we can do today it's only been since 2012. what would it mean to a civilization that has had this for hundreds of thousands of years and that opens the door to the rest of the conversation I think thank you and and you you covered a wide breath and I'm I'm gonna blow it out of the water even more we're gonna we're gonna go weird here we're gonna go uh we're gonna go Atlantis we're gonna go Antarctica we're going to go pyramids around the world we're gonna go maybe pyramids on Mars and we're going to go to the question as would you support the new story is we did not start here oh yeah I think so there is a new human story and it's emerging so there's there's a bigger picture happening here because none of this conversation is happening in a vacuum we're living in a world that is changing faster than we can document it there are multiple visions of what the world and our lives should look like based upon multiple agendas of what the world and our lives should look like and it's within the context of that that information is uh and narratives are being structured to lead us to believe very specific narratives so that we will follow Paths of of other people's ideas of of life and and the world I mean we've got you know obviously a world economic forum and the great reset we've got the United Nations now complicit in that through an agreement that was signed in 2019 you know we've we've got the push towards centralization in the world and and centralized power and centralized control out of time when it makes more sense to localize not centralize to to live locally to grow our food locally not have it shipped in the supply chain from Halfway Around the World localized economies localized finances but those all Michael those all imply a sense of sovereignty and personal power that is lost in a story that says we're the product of random mutations we are an accident of biology lucky biology is what it's called and if we're just the product of random mutations it leads us to feel powerless and victims in a world that's changing quickly and if we're powerless victims we need a savior and that savior is being touted to this technology and that is where the technology in the world around us and the technology within our bodies is coming in the movement to replace so much of our biology with artificial gadgets uh when we do that we lose the very essence of what sets us apart from other forms of life we lose our Divinity we lose our sovereignty we lose our ability to self-regulate our own biology I just want to say this really quickly because I I was in an audience a live audience two weeks ago which uh which I I love being with my live audiences we were with them for four days in northern Arizona and we had some young people and this is the beauty we've we've got a new generation of young people that are just waking up to this conversation that you know you and I have been having for years and others have been having you know since the early 20th century that's very cool that they're they're waking up to this and they've been led to believe that computers and computer chips are the god that that is the savior of all and when I said to them what I'm going to say to you in your audience your audience is my family so I'm going to say what I'm about to say to your audience and and my family my community is this I'm a scientist and I'm a tech guy and I I worked in high tech during the cold warriors on a project called SDI Star Wars defense so I say that because Star Wars Defense Initiative SDI because I've seen the most advanced laser systems radar systems communication systems and I respect them tremendously and uh and they are powerful but here's the deal a computer chip in the brain a computer chip will never be able to process faster than the physics of the stuff it's made from allows it to process the information between the atoms and the Silicon for example if we're using silicon that there's a limit to that there's there's a high end to that it's not scalable beyond that limit so when we talk about computer chips in the brain are they fast absolutely are they efficient totally but look at this the human neuron and the cells in the human body we do not know the top end of the performance for our own biology and here's the reason because every time we reach what we call a limit or a wall or a plateau we adapt and our cells shift to accommodate that new environment and all of a sudden we are outperforming what it was that we thought was the high end before this is true a brains we used to think that 40 40 Hertz was the high end of the brain State and now Tibetan Monks have shown us we had to bump it to 80 Hertz and then 100 Hertz and new brain States called the gamma brain State and the hyper gamma brain State and the Epsilon brain now we're over 200 cycles per second when I was in school back in 1950s and 1960s we were taught 40 Hertz was was the top end it couldn't the human brain couldn't possibly do any more than that now we're being taught that 200 Hertz is is the top end we don't know how scalable we are we are this highly advanced technologically sophisticated soft technology we were given the gift of this form and this technology 200 000 Years Ago by who or whatever is responsible for those mutations and those and I know there are more I just gave you two examples for those mutations or those fusions and that mystery has driven civilization to to try to find a way to accommodate the depth of that mystery by building religions and by building spiritual traditions and principles and stories to explain this deep mystery Michael of of who we are and you I I'm privileged now to know that you've just brought a new life with your with your partner in into this world and it is one of the deepest mysteries in terms of how I mean it's so common we see it but how does that really happen and what what actually happened in the moment that the cells in your wife's womb became animated and a new life emerged we still don't have the answer to that yet we're willing to give that away and compromise it uh the uncertainty of what that life holds for the certainty of artificial intelligence computer chips wires chemicals in the body and this is happening in this lifetime and it's part of this big context that we're talking about we're not we're not exploring our past within a vacuum our past informs us and says that we are extraordinary beings and and I know we're going to talk about what that past is but if we take that memory away then we are vulnerable to the ideas of other people and we're vulnerable to the social engineering that we're seeing uh that threatens our our way of life and our very existence today so I think it's important we have to keep there's a context here we have to keep that context in mind thank you and I think based on what you were saying there's about to be a very beautiful Cameo appearance here in a moment I hope I did I hope I didn't overstep any bounds I have no children no children of my own and I'm in awe of the mystery and I'm thrilled when I get to see them oh no she she is the miracle of miracle that the thing is when you when you talk about uh evolution in this other context and this this is Hannah bear this is the love of Our Lives um so how did Hannah bear Hannah bear just appeared on the screen did she just walk to you or was she handed off uh both she she was she was she was dropped off off by the table and she came over because she she knows exactly what I'm doing she's 14 months of age she knows exactly what I'm doing and she would be very displeased if she did not get to say hi if she did not get to meet you if she did not get to reach out to everybody who's watching her and and she had just woken up from her nap but she wouldn't have I know I know she's looking at the mouse which is very exciting to her she wouldn't have it anywhere they come in Greg wired differently I know they do I know they do I have none of my own I get to be around others that do and um and I'm I'm still in awe I'm still in awe and you know we were talking about this off off uh off camera there are many people locked in an old idea that there are too many people on the Earth and what what the the new data is showing is just the opposite is happening right now that our fertility rates globally are have dropped Like a Rock they already have and that it's becoming more difficult to conceive it takes more uh more times to conceive and there are she's a miracle baby three three miscarriages and lost her twin sister in utero I was just gonna say the the Mystic the number of miscarriages to arrive at a successful conception is increasing so she is a miracle and I'm I am loving that she's here with us today hey beautiful hello hey beautiful you want to say hi hello congratulations to you and your wife I I don't know how you find time to do what you're doing now I would spend all my time with her oh it's oh oh you're D are you are you really trying to flip upside down right now is that what you're trying to do no okay we don't have to um it it's she's the greatest teacher and so when we look at this okay here you go when we look at this so you got to ask you got to ask her all the questions you're asking me she's going to have good answers she's going to have good answers and and more than that um I think she's able to point out the even at 14 months of age I think she's able to see through things and so if we look and I want to I want to bring it back to the pyramids I want to bring it to to Atlantis and Antarctica and and I know it precedes that and precedes that and precedes that and precedes it because we have such Collective Amnesia whether that's deliberate or otherwise but I'm sure she could see this story just like she's looking at a little hardcover book I'll go that's a story that's made up what you're telling me is made up that's not the truth so what do we know about past civil as stations and what are you convinced is not made up well that's uh I mean we could do the whole program based on I'm actually speaking at a conference in two weeks uh ancient civilizations conference in in Gaia as as a geologist I'm speaking so what we know is when I was in school again back in the 1950s and 60s early 70s and interestingly they're teaching the same thing today Michael exactly the same thing we're taught that civilizations about 5 000 years old that it began and the Tigris Euphrates Valley around 5500 years ago Sumeria Mesopotamia and things like that and that is pretty much that's the story that's pretty much dialed in and that's what everyone is mainstream they're teaching our kids this stuff today the problem is there have always been archaeological discoveries that didn't fit into that 5 000 years and so those are called anomalies and so what happens is the scientists historians will say okay these are anomalies we'll come back and and we'll figure these out later well what has happened now is there's so many anomalies the anomalies are telling a a new story unto themselves and what they're showing is that that five thousand years from Sumeria forward that's the history you know Rome and Greece and uh you know India and you know so much of the things that we the mining the Aztec you know Incan all of that stuff fits into that 5500 years what we now know is that that 5 000 years is only the most recent five thousand year cycle and there was a 5 000 year cycle before that and another one before that and another one at least five of these five thousand year Cycles going back A procession so it's linked to cosmological processes but it's also linked to geological processes so for example uh as a geologist we I know that what what history now is showing is that something happened on Earth between 12 and 13 000 years ago if they're BP before present uh there was a catastrophe on Earth and it's called the younger driest and that the the climate change abruptly we went from a warming into a deep freeze that happened so quickly people seen this so woolly mammoths were frozen in the middle of a mouthful of food the food is still in their mouths they were frozen in the middle of a step this isn't a gradual change this happened very very quickly well what's interesting is that if we look back another 13 000 years we see something similar happening again these are 12 and 13 000 year cycles that appear to be driven by processes underneath our feet it's the relationship between the core of our planet the mantle of our planet volcanic activity how it influences climate and weather magnetic fields all of that the point is it is cyclic and the Cycles appear to be driven by something beyond our Earth in the cosmos so we are living rhythms that are not commonly acknowledged because our society doesn't think in terms of Cycles like that so when you talk about civilization the most recent cycle of 5 000 years is the one that we're most familiar with unfortunately Michael what happens is through the catastrophic events when the climate changes when the ice melts and the sea levels rise and the volcanic ash Falls and the floods happen evidence of previous civilizations is hidden and unless we know where to look uh we only find them occasionally and by accident and that's what has happened in the past so we've got Gobekli Tepe yes uh in Turkey yeah yeah that now goes back over into the last ice age so it falls into this not 5 000 but now ten thousand years and and before that we've got uh the Gulf of combat in India three miles long five miles wide it's under the water 120 feet under water it's an entire city in the place where the the Hindu traditions and The Vedas say the the gods had their city and everybody thought it was make-believe and and now it was discovered by by accident uh but it's there it doesn't fit the model now we're looking climate change is melting the ice on the North and South Poles including Antarctica and now the satellites are showing complex uh structures under the Antarctic Ice these aren't like hunting Huts these are vast complex structures they're under the ice the ice peaked 20 000 years ago so the question is who was building vast complex structures before the ice was there twenty thousand years ago and now you're looking back in into even deeper Cycles so this is the the problem that scientists have is that the evidence doesn't fit the story that they're telling and I have friends in Academia and I asked them I said you know why why won't you share this stuff with your students and they don't want to they just say Greg you don't understand you know they say if if we share the new information it invalidates a 40-year career as a historian and I said no just the opposite what it does is it shows that science is valid because science is not static it's not a static way of knowing it's Dynamic it needs to be constantly updated as we discover new things to update and and then they're the political issues and there's the power and the control issues it's their issue religious issues for example I'll just give you a perfect example my first trip to Egypt was 1986. and it was at that time that seismic work was being done underneath the Sphinx um identifying the chambers that are in a vast complex underneath the Giza plateau and it was all being kept under wraps and I asked my dear Egyptian brother who who no longer is in this world I asked him I said why can't you share this with the world and he he said Greg you don't understand he said we're a Muslim country and I said well you know I know that he said well in our tradition Earth is only 6 000 years old what would it mean if the evidence to show that we're looking at civilizations 15 and 20 000 years old appears in a Muslim country what would that mean for us he said we will at some point have to reveal it but he said we have so many problems now we don't need to add to the problems with this one and so so we don't talk about it and unfortunately that's one example something similar is happening in in the Christian traditions uh we have disclosure going on right now about our relationship to intelligence from Beyond this world the the Jesuits who are the the scientific arm of the Catholic Church uh had to come out they had a conference and they came out with a statement I didn't know we were going to do this so I'm going to do this from memory it's but it's pretty close and what they said was in the from the Catholic perspective uh it is not in opposition of Catholic Doctrine for life to exist beyond the Earth so they're kind of covering themselves they're not saying it does but if it does the church is okay with it and uh because they say God could have placed his Creations in many different places so you know there's just different uh different perspectives of why we don't want this information to come to light the problem is it is coming to light and that we don't know how old civilization is because because we have evidence that keeps pushing it back further and further and further uh in and if you look at a map superimposed on the map they fit into these Cycles uh that are driven by geologic processes so so let's go there thank you so much Greg let's go there for a minute and you were talking about uh the Earth's core coming to a halt a few months back what are the processes going on and the the question that everybody is asking right now we're going to take it from a different angle from science right now is this civilization if there's been civilization going collapse and going collapse and going collapsing and we don't know where that even started we can say okay 200k we can't appeared here from somewhere so it probably wasn't before that but but are we doomed I I believe we're not and I'm uh I'll preface what I'm going to say by saying I'm an optimist uh and I'm also a realist I'm also a realist Michael now I believe that in this this iteration of our humanness we have we have things that those before us did not have we have uh we now have a technology and we have a knowledge that gives us an evolutionary Edge that our ancestors may not have had and I'm not saying that those civilizations weren't Advanced I think they were tremendously advanced in different ways technology means different things to different civilizations and uh I believe that we we have the knowledge and we have the technology the two questions that remain is from that knowledge will we develop the wisdom to apply what we know in a meaningful way and and the second question is do we love ourselves enough to embrace the Deep truth of the beautiful history that is ours do we love ourselves enough to be honest with ourselves about who we are and where we've come from so that we don't make the mistakes and that we don't succumb to the cataclysms that have uh taken entire civilizations in in the past and and we and we I'm just gonna say we won't have to wait long to find the answer oh this that's that's so so true and and that's my whole my whole job my my raise on debtor right now my reason for being is to set ourselves free from all of these um we can call it the Matrix we can label it whatever we want but to remember who and what we truly are because when we understand that then we link arms hand in hand as brothers and sisters and step forward rather than saying leaders to somebody up there or in Washington or who knows where please save us because that ain't gonna happen well what's what's happening right now and again this is why I I preface what I said earlier this conversation isn't happening in a vacuum there's a context and the context is that we are living a Time unlike any time in recorded our five thousand years of recorded human history we're living the convergence of a number of Cycles some of them we know about and some we don't obviously we're living a climate cycle right now that is enough to turn everything upside down if it were happening alone but it's not we're also living a cycle of human conflict human conflict appears to be driven uh largely and you can map this out uh the magnetic fields of our planet when they are low we are more aggressive and we have that's when we have the big Wars when they are high we are more willing to cooperate and we are uh is when when peace happens and we are living right now 20 the year 2020 was the peak of a weak cycle actually the the the the trough of a weak cycle however 2020 we were in lockdown and so I think it was delayed we're now living what could have happened two years ago obviously there's a lot of conflict in the world right now but the the beauty of knowing that is that we're also living the greatest opportunity for peace and when we we look at at the way conflict is plotted on against the the cycles of magnetics for our planet that are driven by solar uh solar processes and Cosmic processes as well we see that the beginnings and the ends of the great Wars have always come at the top at the peaks in the in the bottoms of of these Cycles so does that mean just to interrupt for a brief second they were supposed to be Peaks and solar Cycles or solar flares around 2025 that we're now told may be coming toward the end of 2023 is that related to this well it's it's all related we are living we're moving into uh we are coming out of a solar minimum and uh a very quiet solar cycle and the Sun is becoming more active sooner than it was predicted to have become what they thought was going to happen uh in like 20 27 they think they're saying now the the number of sunspots and the number of flares that we have right now are preceding where the predictions were and they said that it's not going to last until that long we're 24 25 I think we're going to see a lot of activity around that so so that's another cycle we're also living the convergence of an economic cycle we're also living we are at the 13 000 year mark from the last 13 000 year uh cataclysm that typically is driven by geophysical processes under our feet and we can talk about those specifically but but what they do is they create an uptick in volcanic activity and super volcanoes and that is what changes the climate on the planet uh for years and years and years that's what's led to the decline in the loss of many civilizations in the past when the climate changes for example the volcanic activity spews sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere it blocks effectively blocks sunlight for years when Mount Pinatubo erupted uh the estimates are about a 170 million metric tons of sulfur dioxide were thrown up into the atmosphere and the Earth's temperature dropped one degree Celsius for for about a year just from that so uh so these are the things that when that happens when the that means there's more ice that forms the ice takes over forests that we use to produce the oxygen that we need to absorb the carbon dioxide it's a whole so let me just say it this way we live in a holistic system that is rarely acknowledged in mainstream science we talk about the atmosphere as if it were an isolated system we have the atmosphere certainly and we have What's called the cryosphere and that's the ice on the planet we have the hydrosphere those are the oceans on the planet we have the lithosphere and that is the The Rock under our feet and these these are all interrelated and we cannot have something happen in one that doesn't affect all of the others that's a problem because we're now we've got the arrogance of scientists who are geoengineering this planet without understanding we have the arrogance of knowing just enough technology to have an effect but not understanding the the Deep truth of the interrelated nature of those systems just the way the arrogance of the scientists wants to engineer the human body without fully understanding the interconnected nature of the human body and the field around us and the role of DNA it it all comes down to we know just enough to mess things up and in my opinion there are some things we shouldn't be messing with and those are two of them the human body and and the the atmosphere of our planet yeah the atmosphere of the planet when they talk about geoengineering that that one that one is uh uh but bring bring it all of what you're saying is that way but but that one gets me like the the recent discussions in the quote-unquote discussions in the White House and you're going oh my gosh going full circle though you said something fascinating you know you said everything fascinating Greg I'm happy to know something was fascinating and she just keeps on saying just feed me I'm listening I'm taking this all in um in there's an intelligence here that gets to be addressed and and I'm I'm not talking about God we could call it the field but but it was interesting that you said the these wars take place in a magnetic minimum but we've come out of that so it was suppressed and now it's coming out now but that that solar activity that wasn't going to be around until maybe 2027 seems to be coming earlier and to me what I hear is there's an intelligence behind this the universe is alive and she's bringing things about at a specific time for a specific reason and so if things go off balance here there's a natural tendency to try to bring them back to balance you could you could think of it that way and you know it's layers upon layers Michael and it depends on how deep people really want to go uh as a scientist I'm a systems thinker so I I tend to go after and I always have all my life I tend to go after the big picture first to understand the mechanism and and then I let that go and zero in on the nanosecond of my life to figure out where I fit into that big picture so the the big picture is that we live in a dynamic system we've been taught that it's a static system we've been taught that the climate should always be what it was 20 years ago and if it's not that something is broken and that simply is is not true and as a geologist you know I can go back into the geologic record we appeared 200 000 years ago I can go back 400 000 years ago and I can show you the same cycles and where we are in those Cycles uh and there were no humans that were causing it you know no industry during that time do we know I want to be really clear we need to stop burning fossil fuels we need to go clean we need to go green and we're not causing the climate to change if we had no fossil fuels the climate would still be we're adding to it we're definitely at we have to say we're adding to it because we're kicking stuff into the air but we're we're not what's making it and this is a problem because when we eliminate all the fossil fuels and the climate change continues a narrative is in trouble and what do you do with that narrative and I think that's one of the problems with disclosure right now disclosure is going to reveal sources of energy that make fossil fuels obsolete when we stop burning them and the climate does not change what do you do with that narrative and that's that's a whole conversation unto itself well it brings up the pyramids and maybe what the pyramids were originally intended for because they don't look like they do today and my assumption is they had everything to do with energy they do and probably not the way that we expect today and I'll say something that I I don't want to upset your audience and I also want to be honest truthful and factual uh because I I have recently been at conferences where people were clamoring for Tesla energy why if only we had Tesla energy I I believe there's a beautiful balance and a symmetry in the universe and that there is an intelligence that that guides and directs us whether we're aware of it or not Michael we actually dodged the Bullet by not having Tesla successfully Implement his technology early in the 1900s and I'll tell you exactly why Tesla's technology was based on what's called broadcast energy and many of the pyramids were uh assumed to be that as well broadcast energy is where you transmit tremendous amounts of energy into the atmosphere uh for other people to pick up with an antenna and download into their home well if you think that cell phone microwaves are bad the microwave energy and 5G is bad I'll just give you an example if we had Tesla technology today we could not have high-rise buildings made of steel girder construction because the steel girders would be the antenna that would would resonate with that energy uh we couldn't have expansion Bridges like the Golden Gate Bridge we couldn't do that Tesla proved a very powerful point I have his lab notes from 1899 in Colorado Springs I used to belong to the Tesla society when I was working in in the defense industry I was also in in the Tesla society and how long were you in Colorado Springs I I lived in Springs till 2000. well I didn't live there I I was working in Denver during the Cold War years on the Star Wars defense SDI it was a crazy program uh but I would go down to the springs because that's where the Tesla society would meet every year and we had you know working replicas of his of his devices and his lab notes uh the his the big experiments that he did where you see the sparks flying off of the coils those were done in 1899 and 1900 right there in in Colorado Springs and what he did in those he's an amazing man I mean I I have deep reverence and tremendous respect for him is that he proved that Earth is a resonant body and he found earth when those sparks happen is when resonance was achieved and so he he proved that and all the electricity we have today is from his technology the Transformers that he built using his coils to hold us over until another form of energy was developed that he never intended his technology to be in place and last for 100 over 100 years and that's where we are right now however if we had had broad what's called broadcast energy we couldn't wear some of the jewelry that we have we couldn't have a society based in the way and by the biological consequences of having that kind of an electrical charge in the atmosphere constantly uh a lot of Studies have been done around it so I'll just say that I don't think it's an accident that we didn't Implement that form of wireless energy what will happen from disclosure is not that kind of energy it's the kind of energy that literally Taps the little vibrations in the Planck field the field that surrounds us is made of of little tiny you know micro Beyond it's below the plonk scale so little elements of a vibration tapping into those and then amping them into a useful range where everyone will have a little device you'll have one in your home somewhere and you're it that energy will be what's driving everything in your home you have a little one in your car you know in in place of an internal combustion engine that's what will come from the disclosure and a lot of people think it will destroy entire Industries we will still need oil because there are over 6 000 applications in our everyday lives but cannot be oil out of the ground is one of the the most beautiful elements it's this compound that cannot be replicated in the laboratory we cannot make through synthetic oil you can you can fake it to some degree and we use over 6 000 applications in our daily lives it's so precious we need to stop burning it that's the whole point we need to stop burning it and uh and we will and and it will change industry and there will be new industries that emerge around these new new technologies but I just I want to come back to to the the whole context for this conversation Michael there none of it is in a vacuum there is a movement going on there's a battle for our humanness ultimately I think it boils down to a battle of Good and Evil light and dark if if you want to reduce it down to to that level not religious not even spiritual necessarily there there are are forces out there uh and we are the prize we are the prize and all the stuff that we're talking about they're all facets but ultimately it's all about us our divinity uh and whether or not we give our humanness away to the machines which means we no longer have our Divinity what is Divinity divinity my wife's a musician as well and she was at the gram in the Grammys earlier this year in in Los Angeles and every musician that you speak to whether it's at the Grammys or anywhere else I'll tell you the same story when they create something that is is so powerful and beautiful and you ask them where did that music come from or where did that song come from to a t every one of them will say it's not from me they'll say it came through me I had to be healthy enough and I had to keep my life together enough and my relationships and my body together enough to be able to access this beautiful thing that came through me that's our Divinity it is our imagination our creativity it is the the ability to sense Beauty and to have compassion for other forms of life and this is something that AI cannot have and I don't think it will be able AI is smart it is efficient it is logical absolutely it doesn't have these human qualities and I don't think it will be able to for this reason AI is only possible because humans have built the algorithms that run the AI humans have yet to come to terms with their own humanness humans have yet to truly understand who we are and our relationship to the world around us there is a thinking in the transhuman movement Michael that Consciousness can be reduced to to ones and zeros and stored on a computer chip and that when you die you can take that chip and download it into another form of life and you come back to life as you what they're missing is that the the Consciousness is not in the brain it's not in the neurons the Consciousness is in the field and the neurons are the antenna that access that Consciousness like the antenna of a TV set used to access that that station broadcast in the field and until we come to terms with those kinds of relationships uh Brian Greene I have tremendous respect for Brian Greene the physicist I just saw an interview with him and he he believes and he stated that he believes that Consciousness we will ultimately discover that Consciousness is simply a phenomenon that happens when electrons move in a certain way and and that's what Consciousness is so this is this is where we are I think the technology is pushing us the only way it will be successful is if we understand who we are and once we understand who we are we'll no longer need that technology that's that's the irony and there is a battle playing out because there are forces that would prefer that we never come to terms with our true Heritage and with our true potential because when we have that when we know who we are and what our potential is we are sovereign free beautiful creative imaginative beings that cannot be controlled and everything right now is pushing toward centralization digitalization and the loss of freedom and more control that's where we are right now thank you what can we learn then you've spent a lot of time with the pyramids you've spent a lot of time with uh in indigenous peoples around the globe spent a lot of time in Peru what can we learn both from ancient civilizations and which is a strange term modern indigenous people um which at the end of the day were all indigenous people we're just lost a little lost right now but what can we learn about going even maybe beyond the science who and what we really are what does it mean to be human well I think the I think that's the question you know when we talk about those civilizations and I I mentioned this offline uh I have been blessed for over almost 46 years to be to travel into those remote and beautiful and isolated places when travel was easier and when we had more freedom and uh and when I became an adult I was able to do that I couldn't do it as a child many of those places are no longer accessible Michael we could not we can no longer go on to the Tibetan plateau and the monasteries of the nunneries over you know 18 000 feet above sea level with the freedom that we were some of them no longer exist they've been destroyed so so I've been blessed uh to to have the opportunity to know myself in the presence not only of the archeology but of the people who live in these places and preserve that wisdom and they're all different from one another but there are common themes that bring them all together one of those themes a hundred percent no exception is that we are part of a greater a greater Cosmic community that uh not one of those indigenous Traditions say that we are the product of a slow gradual evolutionary process of random mutations not one of them now is that science no it is it's culture but it's culture that is so pervasive and uh across the board whether they've spoken with one another or not the the uh the cattle in Peru and the quechuan people have the same stories that the Tibetans have you know in the Himalayas and have they ever spoken with one another I you know I don't know not in recent times so so I think this is one thing we can learn is that we are part of something greater number two is that uh and because of that we are no accident we are not an accident of Lucky biology there is an intentionality underlying our existence are there all kinds of stories about why and who and what that's not the science the science is telling us that the the genetic mutations underlying our existence cannot happen under natural conditions that is stated in the scientific literature and then the scientists have to stop because to go beyond that is a roadblock for them because science doesn't allow for what that means science is reluctant to follow the evidence to the story that it tells science is trying to fit the evidence into a pre-existing story even though it's not a good fit so that's that's one thing the other thing is the power of the human heart uh when I was in school I was taught the brain is a master organ in the body and we all know the brain is important it must be because we only have one you know a lot of things in our bodies we have redundant systems and the brain is not one of those so the brain's important however what we now know is that the brain receives the instructions that tell it what to do from the heart and the Heart creates those instructions in a neural network that is informed through our interpretation our perception of the world so when we feel a sense of well-being we feel that through the neural network and the heart and the Heart sends a signal to the brain and says okay everything's cool you know we don't have to run we don't have to there's a song in there Nowhere to Run nowhere to hide we you know everything's good so so if we're not running and we're not hiding that means we're not producing stress hormones and lots of cortisol and adrenaline which means we are producing regeneration Rejuvenation longevity healing immune response because it's safe to do so if we feel that we are threatened and this is a problem because we are fed 24 7 news feeds that give us problems in our lives and no way to resolve the problem so we live not you and me and maybe this audience but a lot of a lot of the the general population does constantly threatened with no resolution and what that does it makes us sick what that does is it puts us in fighter flight high levels of cortisol high levels of adrenaline obesity uh diabetic conditions cardiovascular conditions it shuts down longevity enzymes it shuts down the immune response and it keeps us in that constant state uh and this is why the heart is so important so the indigenous people that's why they tell us that The Healing Begins in the heart because it begins with how we feel about our relationship the world and the science bears that out a million percent so since the early 90s I've worked with the Institute of heart math based in they they set up in Northern California and I think 90 91 91 is is when I met them I'm not their employee but we we work together we travel together we do webinar webinars fundraising we become dear friends and they are really really good people they're doing amazing work and they have powered on many many times oh okay well good my brother Howard yeah they well they have pushed the they are a pioneering research organization exploring the power of the human heart in unconventional ways so we all know the heart pumps blood but you can build a machine to do that there's so many things the heart does that you can't build a machine to do and we're talking about those it's the way the heart informs the brain the pressure wave of the blood from the way the heart beats the quality of that pressure wave moving through Our arteries and veins and capillaries is a language and it will inform the body uh of of what it needs to be doing heart rate variability and the electromagnetic field all of these are are being created through the way we feel about our relationship to the world when we are kept in fear then it shuts down those responses that give us our power and when and that's our Divinity and when we embrace our Divinity doesn't change what happens in the world Michael it changes our response to it we're when we are no longer in fear we are no longer vulnerable and susceptible to the agendas and the vision that other people have for our own lives and and the world around us but that's not what's happening and and the technology now is is what makes this possible the technology is being used to engineer our perceptions to engineer the way we think about ourselves through social media and and that is uh is something that we all have to recognize and face right now so how do we let's let's use this terminology how do we bring ourselves into something of a global coherence so that there is a shift that takes place Supra above and beyond the technology story that is really trying to drive us well drive us towards the edge so to speak yeah it's a good question Michael and I appreciate the the um your questions are very concise and I appreciate that uh my personal feeling is we can only be responsible for ourselves and it is it is impossible to convince or persuade anyone of anything that they do not want to look at and many of our brothers and sisters on this planet are so frightened by the changes that create so much uncertainty in their lives that it's more comforting to stay in the fear of the unknown than it is to face the potential uh and their responsibility that comes with knowing who they really are so you cannot convince or persuade anyone of that now having said that um ultimately I think we're all responsible for our own our our own lives our own perceptions our own healing and it means different things different people but the science tells us that it doesn't take eight billion people that live on the planet to create the kind of a shift that you're talking about because we are all linked in an underlying field that scientific Community it's no longer controversial it was it used to be called New Age thinking until 2012 when the scientists at the CERN superconducting super collider announced in 2012 that the existence of a field that underlies all the reality that we know it's the container for everything that we know and what that means Michael if if we are all in the same container what that says to us is that we don't have to work on changing the container out there and the reason is because we are the container and here's what I mean by that then even after 2012 the scientists so they make this big announcement there's a field it's called the Higgs field uh is the term that's being used right now it's been called The Matrix The Divine Matrix is a book that I wrote Lynn McTaggart calls it the field you know all kinds of names for it but it's there but even today I've gone to conferences and here to the physicists on the stage and here's what they're doing they're saying there's a field and then their hands do this there's a field out there that connects all things here's what they're missing the average the average human body has about 50 trillion cells is what we're told in every cell every cell is about a hundred trillion atoms so if you want to know how many atoms you are you can multiply 50 trillion times 100 trillion every one of those atoms is emerging from the field that they're talking about and collapsing back into that field in this dance of photons emerging and collapsing in the field The Field's not out there literally we are the field and what that means this is is so simple and it's so powerful it means the change that we want to see in the world is the change that we must we must become in our lives the change that we want to see in the world and I know that sounds for some people to say okay yeah but what we really do the answer to that is all the things you do to create that change in your life whatever that means for you but what the science now is also showing is a relatively few number of people can achieve an Optimum State and influence that field for everyone in a positive way because you don't have to to export the change to another location what we become is what that field reflects back into our lives if we want we want to be loved and if we want people to be compassionate to us in our lives and if we want to be heard and understood we must hear and understand that those around us we must accept and love ourselves which is a whole that's a lifetime of Workshop right there is loving ourselves because we've been taught not to for so very very long for so many generations but it makes perfect sense Michael that as as we become in our lives what we choose to see in the world all of a sudden there's this real interesting thing that happens is we feel less of a need to go out and change the world we become uh a little bit more accepting doesn't mean that we tolerate the horrors of child trafficking or anything like it I'm not saying that but what I'm saying is when we accept our role and our responsibility in the field that connects all things then our Focus shifts because we got our hands full with our own personal Workshop my my Greg Workshop of becoming in my life what I want to see for my brothers and sisters and for your daughter in her lifetime what I want to see there I have to become that my hands are full with that right now I'm a student I know it but I still have to learn it and I still have to to live it and believe me I get plenty of opportunities in this line of business every day with interactions with producers and attorneys and Publishers uh and people who are angry I get a lot of opportunity to live in my life what it is that I want to to see in the world well it's interesting because anger is disempowering you're giving your power away you must be a victim and somebody else must be an oppressor for you to be anger and that does nothing to serve you I I've looked a lot at uh when the riots were happening Wholesale in America uh just a couple of years ago and then I was in Europe I was in Europe earlier this this year and American media is not picking this stuff up and so I went into Europe not knowing that every European city I would go into there were protests there were riots they would shut down public transportation people could not get to our events because they had no way to travel across the city they don't have not everybody's got their own cars they were relying on on cabs and buses and trains and they shut all that down I went to London and shut down you know I think we had 1500 people in the conference 400 people that they couldn't show up for their tickets because because of that and then I thought well that's London then I went to Paris uh with Bruce Lipton we were teaching in Paris same thing was happened I took a weekend I went to Prague over the weekend and when I was in Prague Czech Republic they shut the country down for these these protests and these riots so it's it's not just uh in in the U.S and I looked at all of this Michael and there was a lot of anger and a lot of hate and I I there are always exceptions and what I see largely is there's a lot of fear in the world because the world has changed and people's lives are uncertain we cannot plan with certainty and that uncertainty translates to fear and we often express fear as hate so when you see hate in the streets what you know is you're looking at people that are frightened and when I look at it from that perspective uh it helps me to have a little bit more empathy with my brothers and sisters it doesn't mean that I condone the violence because I don't think the violence is the way to go and the science shows us the violence isn't the way to go for this reason and I'll invite our our viewers to think about this that field that we were talking about it knows two states it knows coherence or it knows chaos and you can go out and angrily protest as much as you want for a good cause you have to ask yourself what am I feeding the field and in the anger of that protest are you feeding the field coherence or are you feeding the field chaos and if it's chaos then you're contributing to the very conditions you'd like to change and this is an exercise that I do every every day what am I feeding the field today what am I feeding the field in my response to my wife and the conversation that we're having or to my producer what am I feeding the field and it helps to inform me it's not about control or manipulation but it informs me that I have a choice and where I might want to go with that choice he said it helps to inform me yes when I when I asked myself what am I feeding the field again it's it's not about control or manipulation for me it it informs me uh in terms of how I may respond in a certain circumstance or a certain situation because every day is a workshop every day is the workshop of life and that's the opportunity we get to live in our lives what we claim to be true in our hearts it's very easy and I have a lot of friends I have to tell you during a lockdowns I had a lot of friends fellow authors speakers who I've known for years that claim to be one way in their lives and their hearts and the moment that they were up against tough decisions and the moment that they were up against things I'd never seen before they reverted uh I was surprised to see how many reverted to a way of being that was so counter to what they had claimed and what they'd portrayed in in their lives previously and it told me that they were just literally scared shitless and that's what was happening they they ran up against something but this is important because they had a story Michael a story about themselves and their relationship to the world that they believed worked for them and when they tried to apply that story to a condition in real world that story failed them and when that happened it happens to all of us our stories will fail at some point and then we have to choose do we cling to a story that no longer serves us or do we bless that story and let it go because it worked well enough to get us to where we are so we bless it and let it go and then allow the new story uh in in our lives and this is where every one of us is in the world right now there's a new human story emerging a beautiful story of Hope possibility of empowerment personal empowerment and the world out there that we know is possible in here we know in our hearts what's possible now because everything is up for grabs this is the opportunity the rare opportunity when everything's buttoned up it's tough to make a change everything's falling apart at the seams because it's unsustainable the unsustainable ways of thinking and living are falling apart that's the doorway to the new human Story the thing is you don't want to wait till it breaks to have the new story you want to have a a parallel way of living you don't want to wait till the banks break to figure out a parallel Financial system and we have that with blockchain technology you don't want to wait until the medical system collapses to find the way to take personal responsibility for your own health and healing and we have those things Michael Beckwith was on your he's a dear brother it was on not long ago and you know Michael and I have had these conversations he's got a powerful green drink that uh that's right he's he's rolling back the years as well he is he's you know he's I've known Michael for many many years he always looks good and he's always vibrant and I have to say he looks better and he's more vibrant now than than I've seen him you know probably 20 25 years and I'm really happy to see him living that in in his life he is such a he's a dear man and he's a good brother so a couple key points and then then we'll we'll wind this down here do I go there I go there I can't I'm looking at a table before me it's got flowers on it it's got two stuffed animal chickens uh I'm sure you're familiar with my best buddy Roo um uh Ruru the rooster who is is my wing man my am I uh my rooster in arms uh he passed away less than three days ago and he passed away uh suddenly we're assuming it's it it's a heart attack that he had and um while I'm challenged and I'm still I'm I'm in the infancy of the grieving process um we can play with our energy we can understand um that well my whole Paradigm and World get to be changed is as silly as it is just for a rooster he was as much of a part of my life as anyone no it's not silly at all it's it's a living being that you have formed a deep emotional bond with and I'm the same way with animals I there was a time in my life I was going to be a vet because I wanted to care for animals and then I I recognize there's a better way to do it but it's not silly at all Michael and I'm sorry for your loss thank you and so when we get to our whole world crumbling and allowing for something greater that's where I where I am today Hannah do you want to come back up here that's exactly where I am and but that's where we all are we all are having something crumbling in our lives right now and we all are given uh dear friend Dr Irvin Laszlo he says that that there is a bifurcation of humanity right now we get to choose which direction we want to go we can either bring it home on the inside as you're saying or we can let the whole thing blow up and you said something so powerful um before that I want to bring up here today which has to do both with Rue and what's going on with the uh authors falling apart and what's going on with everyone Consciousness informs itself through its creations well you just covered two two very important things here uh I'm going to go back to grief uh I lost my mom during covid uh unexpectedly and because of the conditions in place uh I was not allowed to be with her for a year before she passed while she had covet or even after she died Michael they wouldn't let me be with her it was it was in my opinion it was wrong it was crazy made no sense but I had to come to terms with it and and that's loss and whether we have lost a loved one or a friend uh and hopefully some of our viewers have not but we're all losing something because we've all lost a way of life all of us have lost freedoms and we've all lost a way of life so we're all grieving something we're all in mourning this is where the science really kicks in for me and uh and I had to embrace this when we experience our loss in our minds uh the brain is a polarity organ left and right brain and you're always going to have right and wrong good and bad before and after uh you know true and false all of the success failure all of that stuff and that serves us sometimes when it comes to grieving this is why the heart is so important we can drop from our mind into our heart and simply touching the Heart Center is one way to bring our attention in into our hearts as as I talk about a lot of our videos and books the the neural network in the heart is not a polarity Network well part of my blood Heritage is Cherokee Southeastern Cherokee my father was Cherokee my mother was a Jewish woman so I'm this interesting combination of uh of Jew and Hebrew blood and Cherokee blood and and I grew up I I grew up Jewish with Jewish blood and then lived on and off the Navajo reservation for six and a half seven years well we've got we have we have parallel uh parallel experiences then in Cherokee there is a word for what I'm talking about uh and it is called Shantae ishta Shantae Easter means the single eye of the heart that sees what is rather than the brain and the mind that we'll always see in polarity so when I go to my heart to process my mom's passing for example or the loss of freedoms in in our lives doesn't change what happens change is how I think about and how I feel about what happens now I have a book that was uh written that came out just before the pandemic called the wisdom codes and it was a book where I pulled together the mantras and the prayers uh and the chance from many indigenous traditions and categorize them as they apply to life challenges and and one of those challenges was about loss and I I think one of the most powerful things for me if well if you were with the Navajo you know the Navajo have something called the beauty prayer the the Navajo call themselves DNA so it they don't call themselves thank you thank you thank you because Navajo means thief in Spanish I know well there's a whole story yeah where that comes from so the DNA people they have a people of the earth people of the Earth have a prayer that is called the beauty prayer uh that is actually a lengthy prayer in its entirety and ceremony I had the opportunity a few years ago there's a Navajo artist his name is chanto be gay who abbreviated the prayer in a way that can be applied every day in our lives maybe this is a good way to to wrap our program today uh is three very simple phrases and it simply says the beauty that I live with the beauty that I live by the beauty upon which I base my life the beauty that I live with reminds us that beauty is already present in our lives everywhere our job is to find it our job is to seek out the beauty even in the most horrible situations because it has to be there the beauty I live with the beauty I live by is an invitation for that beauty uh to become a guidestone in terms of how we see the world how we choose we get to choose how we see the world if we interpret the world through the lens of hate and fear then we will always see the world in hate and fear so the beauty that I live by the third phrase the beauty upon which I base my life is an invitation to allow for beauty to become a foundation a Cornerstone of every every moment every choice everything we do in our lives base base that upon the principle of beauty now you may have encountered this I don't know the Navajo are Fascinating People DNA people because they view beauty is more than an emotional aesthetic they literally say that beauty is a force of nature it's the fifth Force physicists acknowledge for the electromagnetism uh the the gravity field and the strong and the weak nuclear force the navos say that that the fifth force is beauty and I I believe there's a lot of Truth in that Michael because we are changed in the presence of beauty when we are in the presence of beauty uh the chemistry of our body shifts and as we allow ourselves to interpret that beauty uniquely we actually begin healing ourselves in the presence of what we perceive so in the presence of loss your loss and my loss in my mind it was horrible I was angry because of the rules and the restrictions and because I'm I miss my mom uh her birthday was just last week so this is very present with me right now and and when I go into my heart my mom's still gone but the beauty I live with the beauty I live by the beauty upon which I base my life there is a beauty and a symmetry to the life that she led in this world uh her passing is a part of that symmetry when I was conceived my father didn't want me and he wanted my mom to get rid of me at a time when it was dangerous she would have risked her life to to end her pregnancy with me that's where the world was in those days and my mom fought for my life so that I could be here today in my early life she fought for me and in her later life I got to Advocate and fight for her as she lost her health and that she lost her memory she was in late stage dementia so I got to fight for my mom as she fought for me and there's a symmetry in that that I could only grasp through my heart my mind had a hard time seeing beyond the right and the wrong of what had happened so what I'm saying I'm giving some examples here is that when we experience the good things as well as is the tough things if we can find a way to experience them from our heart and it can simply be touching the Heart Center so the our awareness always goes to where we feel the physical Touch number one slowing the breathing number two so that we're exhaling for a period of time longer than we're inhaling and what that does is it stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system and it means that we're safe and when we feel safe the chemistry in our body changes and we allow ourselves to be in our heart and then when we consider the loss from the single eye of the heart rather than the polarity of the Mind that's where the explanation has to stop it's something you simply have to experience uh I can't I can't explain it any more than the process of how to get there and I'll just say for me and and the beauty prayer from my heart has really helped me to embrace you you use the term full circle a lot and I do as well and it helps me to come full circle with my mom's passing she's still gone but I feel differently about it and that's the power of of Beauty in our lives and the power of experiencing Beauty from the heart thank you do you think you'll see her again uh maybe maybe I I am on the uh at least the 200 year plan so in this world and I've said that since I was a kid I I always said I would I would live at least 200 years I want to see the changes I want to see the fruit of the labor that we have all gone through and to know that our suffering wasn't in vain There's Something Beautiful waiting for us uh we are the generation that it takes a generation there has to be a generation that lives the old and brings in the new and I can't imagine a more exciting time to be here if we're here now it has to be for this reason we wouldn't be here because who who would want to go through the pain and the suffering but those of our brothers and sisters that are lost and forgotten sometimes they need a little something you never know what it's going to be a little something that lights that spark of memory and says I'm more than I've been led to believe and I'm more than my pain and my suffering and now let me see what I can do with the life I've been given to find out what that more really is and I think we do that for you inspire me Michael you inspire me with your your guests your podcast many of them are dear friends and colleagues but you draw from them things that I would never hear from them in a typical conversation so you inspire me in that way and I know you you do the same for many of your viewers and listeners so thank you for dedicating and your your why I don't know if it's a wife or it's a partner but I know that's why she's she's standing behind she has Hannah bear has put in one two three four at least four bows in her hair right now and she was decorating mommy with beauty well I want to thank you to Michael's wife I've never met you but you brought a beautiful child into the world and I know that you all work together to make these podcasts possible it takes a team so uh so thank you brother uh for the time we've had together and for trusting me with your audience because the truth is you didn't know I was going to say you didn't know what we were going to do today so thank you for that trust it means a lot most are welcome and and I am beyond filled with gratitude and love for you Greg I love you I love you I love you and I've got to ask where can people go Greg to find out more to find your books to find all your beautiful work they can't go it doesn't exist nowhere no vacuum come to the play to the website uh Greg Braden Greg two G's uh 1G is short for Gregory and my my mother gave me two G's so I would never be a Gregory so it's a Greg Braden b-r-a-d-e-n.com uh my tours to the Holy Land to Peru are listed there through the desert Southwest uh books you know the books are all available to Amazon Barnes and Noble you know wherever you find books and and the Live Events now that we're able to do those again those Live Events are listed there as well thank you for asking I appreciate that oh it's so important and and I want everybody to check out your work because um we can label it whatever we want right now but it is such an important time uh to be informed to think different ways and to reinform she did she cannot get enough of you to reinform the field Anew you know Michael a lot of the really current material that we're talking about now is on our YouTube channel and I want to say that so much of this work was being bootlegged and I had no control over the the way it was being used or the quality so it was all taken down except for the official it's Greg Braden official YouTube channel where we get to talk about things like disclosure and climate change and all those things you know based on on the best science of the modern world so well thank you and thank you for all that you do and I'm sure Hana bear is going to want to check it out as well bye honey bear love you bye bye you want to go yay we just had the most amazing yay interview with Greg Braden yeah I hope you enjoyed it yay as much as I did uh to find out yeah she just wants to keep clapping and celebrating she had so much fun with Greg didn't you yeah we've got our school of Mystics down below you've got other videos over here love you guys so so much there's Attunement as well you can find that down below with our daily woohoo and how does it get any better than this right Honda bear [Applause] love you guys here's that next video [Music] oh my God you just waved you're just waved I've never seen you wave like that before you're just totally waved on camera you're totally waited on camera again you're totally waved on camera yay yay yay yay yay yay [Music] foreign foreign
Channel: Michael Sandler's Inspire Nation
Views: 660,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Michael Sandler, Inspire Nation, Inspire Nation Show, gregg braden, human potential, ancient civilizations gregg braden, gregg braden 5000 years of human evolution, gregg braden truth about the pyramids, gregg braden pyramids, gregg braden humanitys origin, gregg braden suppressed technology, gregg braden ancient spiritual technology
Id: YxW0OfIa2DM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 34sec (5614 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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