[Full Course] 2021 Facebook Ads - $0-1.5Million Full Strategy Reveal

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this may very well be one of the most valuable facebook ad videos you will ever see here on youtube completely for free where i'm laying out a to z all the strategies that i've been using to generate over a million dollars with facebook ads this year alone and showing you the ad account in every single little thing no bs no fluff and i've even made sure to put no ads in this video at all so you can enjoy this video learn from it and utilize this here in the new year of 2021. what's going on everybody tanner here with another video hope you're all having an amazing and productive day so far it is a new year it is 2021 and i'm wishing you guys the best i have a lot of things that i want to accomplish this year and one of those things is helping you guys with your facebook ads so after spending hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars in 2020 on facebook ads i've grouped together the best strategies that i've used and put them here on my computer where we're going to be running through them and showing you guys step by step exactly what i've done and what kind of results i've done by actually showing an ad account that i've been working on recently that's generated over 200 000 in just the last 30 days alone so here in the last 30 days i'll refresh this ad account for you real quick you can see that we have spent over 61 000 and brought back close to 260 thousand dollars with an average 4.21 row as so all the strategies that we're going to be going through here on this dock here in a second are all being used on this ad account so some of this stuff will relay here later on in the video but there's a lot of stuff we have to cover and i don't want to waste any of your guys's time so let's go ahead and get into all the strategies that i have you know all the way from testing a product to analyzing the results to then skyrocketing your sales by using my scaling strategies let me just show you a quick peek here on this ad account lifetime and you can see these results so these strategies do work there's no bs here i don't want to be like the people that just make videos about something they don't even know about you know maybe they just watch a youtube video like this and there's pretty much copy all the content this is what i actually do for a living i've spent a lot of money on facebook ads and i want to show you guys how you can do the same thing because you know there's so much money out there and i know right now there's already going to be comments about you know the whole thing going on with ios 14 and facebook ads and ftc and all that stuff going on you know that's a whole separate video in itself talking about that but to keep it simple i think things are going to turn out just fine we may lose some features and you know some accessibility here in the facebook ads manager but overall you know as entrepreneurs we just have to adapt and overcome so that's exactly what i'm going to do and continue to update you guys on things that do happen with facebook ads here within the next several months but let's go ahead and hop onto this google doc and go through all these strategies that i put together and show you guys how things are working so i know this may look a little bit confusing right now but i promise it'll all make sense very very soon this is the google doc i've spent a lot of time creating where i lay out each of my strategies step by step that i've used to take a store literally from zero to 10k a day all the way from testing the product analyzing the data and then skyrocketing your sales with my scaling strategy so we're going to be going through all of these right now here step by step for you answering all of your questions that you may have about facebook ads and giving you guys the true blueprint of what it takes to take a product from nothing to over a million dollars in sales so the first thing we're going to start off here is with the triple shot product test so this is a product testing strategy i've used over and over and over and seen success with because we're attacking our potential customers you know from multiple angles instead of just doing you know initial basic tests and not seeing results that's the common thing you see with drop shippers is hey you know i'm not making sales what am i doing wrong so there's a lot of reasons you may not be making sales but by using this testing strategy you're giving yourself a lot better odds of actually making sales and consistent sales than if you were to just do a very basic testing strategy so let's go ahead and get started so pretty much what we're doing is making a campaign and using ad set level budgets i love to use outside level budgets as like a framework your groundwork and then scaling with cbo campaigns i would say honestly though a majority of my daily sales on my stores and profit comes from ad set level budgets i love them they've continued to work really really well for me and i don't think i'll ever stop using them unless they get rid of them they said they were a while ago but uh that never ended up happening they got too much backlash from advertisers so after you have a campaign you're going to be taken to your ad set and that's you know where you're going to set up the targeting budget and all that good stuff so as far as the budget goes i say here to use a budget based on your product's margin so if you're selling something for 20 i would not put your daily budget on this ad set at twenty dollars because it's going to spend that full thing within a day and you're not really giving your ad account and pixel time to optimize and find the right uh audience for you so you know if you're selling something for twenty dollars a day i would recommend a five dollar day budget so it'll spend you know pretty much throughout two full days to optimize and get the results that you want to see whether that's sales or just some indicators that we'll talk about here very very soon but i typically don't go above twenty dollars a day for my ad set level budgets even if it's a product you know selling for a hundred dollars or more 20 is just the sweet spot that i've seen but if you're running something you know cheaper than 50 dollars that you're selling then i would most definitely recommend you know a five or ten dollar day budget those tend to work really well but in your first ad set i always go no interest at all so let's actually scroll down here very quick to my ad set requirements just some things that i do in my targeting campaigns to make sure that everything is set up properly so no breakdowns whatsoever even if you're selling let's say leggings you know excuse me that's a product for women you know typically men are going to be buying leggings you would think theoretically all right i'm going to target women only because that's going to get me the best result but i have seen the best results just letting facebook take over do its job when testing a product no breakdowns by age gender anything like that just keeping it as simple as possible and the detailed targeting expansion box there i always have that checked i was told when i was first learning several years ago not to check that box but i started doing it over a year ago and saw really consistent results the main difference i would say with having it checked and unchecked is the longevity of your actual ad set itself the next thing is here optimizing for purchases of course i never optimize for view content add to cart anything else i just you know i want sales so i optimize for sales and that's what i get sales and then as far as actually scheduling your ads if your ad account time zone if it's past 4 pm when you're launching this campaign then i would go ahead and just schedule it for midnight because let's say you set up this campaign at 4pm and you know gets approved at six and starts spending it's going to spend that entire budget you know within those last hours of the day when i would much rather have my you know ad spend spend throughout an entire day so um you know the pixel and ad account can sort of find the right audience throughout you know whatever the best time is during the day for that product specifically the next thing target countries that you can ship to effectively during these times so typically when i'm testing a product i'm just starting out in the united states for right now you know your shipping times are going to be the best that way i know canada it can be super expensive to ship there right now but just check in with your supplier or you know whoever you're using for fulfillment but you know an option around that is always to just charge for shipping so typically what i'll do is have you know free shipping and then an expedited shipping option for uh several dollars actually you just need to figure out how much it's gonna cost you before you set that pricing so back here to the actual ad sets like i said always starting off no interest so pretty much what that means is nothing in your detailed targeting at all so um the next ad set i would say is brand related so let's say you're selling a phone case otterbox so otterbox is going to be a phone case brand so i would use that just brand related i always like to just throw one of those in there and then add sets three to five and do a couple of more here so you're gonna do buyers mindset so you know for uh phone case you know i put a few things down here we'll get into in a second but you know technology iphone gaming basic things like that that are very broad audiences i would say nowadays with facebook ads you want to have a bigger size audience much more broad so that facebook can sort of just pick and choose and find the right audience and then continue to target those people with your ads so this first campaign here is going to be just a single ad creative using an image it doesn't really matter what your product is the reason of using an image will make sense here when we get into these other campaigns um but just using an image of your product with no text overlay so what i mean by that is you know not having a bunch of text just all over the image you know facebook might flag that anyways and limit your performance but just in general a clean image of your product being used or the product alone so after this campaign's up now you're gonna have a one campaign with five ad sets in it doing some cold targeting with an image ad so the next step is gonna be very very simple for the rest of this triple shot strategy where you're duplicating that original campaign one but instead of using an image ad you're going to be using a video so replace that image with a video and you know use the same ad copy so everything's the same except for the actual content of the ad so same targeting literally everything you're just duplicating the campaign and replacing that image with the video and then publish and then the third campaign is going to be an image carousel so again you're using the same copy but you're just replacing that image or video whichever campaign you duplicate with the carousel so if you don't know what a carousel is it's pretty much just a slideshow um on facebook that's dynamic to the app where it displays multiple images and pretty much just use different images of your product and uh you know make sure to link them there with the call to action button so publish that and now you have three campaigns up at each with five ad sets cold targeting so everything's the same with these campaigns except for the creative so i know a common question here for this strategy itself is going to be why not just put every single creative under the original ad sets so my main explanation for that is because if you put three ad creatives under one ad set facebook is not going to spend evenly across those creatives you know to really see a result and split test different creatives i always separate them by campaign so that allows me to see all the metrics that i really want to see and see which creative is working the best so scrolling down here we've already gone through these ad set requirements but a quick thing here is to stay organized i know a lot of times even today this morning i was on the phone with the student he was showing me his ad account and so many ad accounts that i see of people that i work with is their ad accounts are just so messy i really have no idea what i'm looking at so i'm a little ocd with my ad accounts but i know it's something that's actually helped me keep track of my ads and to make sure that i'm not spending money on stuff that's not working or really not knowing what's what and if you know i'm doing something that i've already done so just use example like before of using a phone case um if i was using this triple shot testing strategy this is exactly how my ad account would look after launching that strategy so you know you have your campaign name a phone case whatever it's called dash cold that's usa and then a1 so phone case that would be where you put your product name cold is because we're doing cold targeting and then usa is just you know for example if i was targeting only the usa and then a1 standing for add one and then pretty much when you're duplicating that you know you just switch out a2 to a3 you really don't need to change anything else and the names of your ad sets are very very simple i just use the name of whatever interest or targeting i'm using so no interest otterbox technology iphone and gaming and then the ad level you want to name it a1 because typically i think it says default ad whenever you're making a new campaign so just put a1 a2 and a3 it's going to help you stay organized especially if you end up looking at your account overview which we'll get here into a second for analyzing you know you'll be able to sort by purchase and see which ad creative is providing you with the best results so now getting down here to the bino ad analyzing so sort of like binoculars i like to keep an eye on everything at all times so uh first things first here set up your columns properly so i'm going to show you that right now actually so these right here are the columns on your actual ads manager where it shows you the exact data that you want to see so i'm going to pull these columns up right here for you to see exactly how i have them set up so you go here to customize columns and then just enter everything that i have here if you want to copy mine this is a setup i would really recommend for if you're running ecommerce you'll see everything that i have so delivery ad set name all the way down to everything else so just scroll down here slowly you can you know rewind it or pause it whatever you need to do to set it up on your ads manager but it shows me everything that i need to see from my amount spent to my conversion value all the way to my overall row as so now that you have your column set up properly there are a couple of rules that i like to follow when i am actually running ads so rule number one is don't let an ad set spend more than your breakeven point before turning it off so the breakeven point is really just your profit margin on that product so if you have a product with a margin of 20 and your ad has spent 17 just go ahead and turn it off because it's most likely not going to make a sale and especially in the testing phase i like to be a little bit more strict just because you know i don't want to spend a ton of money testing a product i want to see results first and at least break even and see some sales coming in before i start turning a bunch of stuff off but don't let your ad set spend more than break even point before turning it off rule two don't edit a profitable ad set in any way this is a big mistake i see um that sort of kills a lot of people's potential with their facebook ads is you know they have something with a 10 row as or five row as two row as whatever is good to them and then you know they just end up you know changing the budget from five dollars a day to 500 or 50 and it ends up just sort of killing uh what was working so if i have an ad set that's working or cbo even i don't touch it i'll show you ways to you know scale those things that are working here when we get to the scaling section but just in general you're testing a product anything don't edit a profitable ad set so rule number three is don't let the cpm ctr or cpc dictate your decision and cutting ad sets so if you don't know what these are this is your cost per thousand impressions your click-through rate and your cost per link click so what i mean by this it can go in two ways you know one way being you know let's say it's spent close to your margin point but it has a low cpm a good click-through rate and cheap cost per link click don't let that dictate your decision if it's spent x amount of money and not gotten a sale it's close to your margin cut it off in the same way if your ad set is profitable and it's making sales but you have you know a bad cpm a bad ctr don't let it dictate your decision if it's making money that's what really matters to you that's what you're aiming for so those things are important in their own ways but not enough to the point of you know having your ad set on or off like i said it can go both ways here we're actually getting now into stage one of actually analyzing your ads and what you need to do after you have these testing campaigns up for your product so stage one is you have no sales at all you know your ads have just started running or maybe they've been running for a while and you have no sales you really just want to check the indicators for to find your top performing ad creative so use these things here cpm your click-through rate and your cost per link click i would say a good click-through rate is two to five percent typically sometimes it's a lot higher sometimes it's a lot lower depending on the product and the ad creative itself but just see which one out of the three is working best and what you can actually do is go into the campaign of the ad creator that's you know has these indicators performing the best and then just launch some new interests at a different budget scoob by five dollars so you know if you're spending five dollars a day obviously you can't spend zero a day but try a ten dollar day budget if you're spending 20 a day try 15 try 25 just a couple more ad sets in the campaign of that ad creative that's working the best typically doing this will start to bring you some different results and you know not just bring in the same results that it has been bringing in you know you can't do the same thing over and over and expect to get a different result so what we're doing is just skewing the budget by a little bit and launching a few different ad sets with uh different interests in them so the next thing obviously is turn off unprofitable ad sets don't get emotionally attached to a product so if you're spending a lot of money on ads and it's not working stop spending a lot of money on if you want to try and keep working on it or just you know move on to the next one i would say with these strategies i'm showing you here especially with this testing one you know at least see some sales come in from testing a product pretty much every single time but you don't want to get attached you want to work on something that is working so um turn off unprofitable ad sets my rule of thumb is typically what i'll do is you know turn on my filter for my ads manager for the last three to four days and um look at what's been working and what's not and turn it off uh the things that aren't working so even if you know overall on lifetime this ad set has a 10 row as it's been killing it but you look in the last you know three to five days and it's unprofitable with one row as and just burning money i would turn it off you know it might look cool in lifetime with the good roads but it's not working anymore so there's no point of keeping it on because there's so many other things you can do with your ads to replace that profitable ad set and bring in some more profitable sales so stage two here is let's say you just have random profitable ad sets throughout all three of your campaigns or maybe just one of them is working but you're making sales but they're just pretty random with your ad sets so um the first step that i always do is you know every day continue to turn off what's not working obviously just turn off the unprofitable ad sets but for what is working just keep it simple if you're making a few sales maybe one or two sales and it's profitable just start off by duplicating that profitable ad set and you know don't change anything and just add h1 in the name so that just means horizontal one this is just what i do so if it was a no interest ad set i would duplicate that and then do dash h1 and then publish it so it's literally the exact same ad set but it's just a little horizontal scaling strategy just to get things moving a little bit so it doesn't stay still you know facebook likes to see you continuously working on the ads manager spending money obviously is what they want um but i always just i know it sounds a little cheesy but the more time i feel like i spend on the ad account the better results that i see the next thing is launch new interest similar to what's working cold is gold so you always want to have cold traffic coming in whether your store is doing 100 a day or you know 10 000 a day i always like to have some cold traffic working or running excuse me just because you know that's bringing in more traffic and sales um you know from a new audience that doesn't already know of the product most likely so uh just launch new interest similar to what's working so again if it's no interest that's working you know i would just duplicate it like i said here and a horizontal ad set one um but as far as right here to launching new ones if it's like otterbox you know i would just look up uh you know a few other phone case brands in that general area and launch those as interest so again turn off adsense as they become unprofitable and right here is a big one don't get cocky a lot of people mess up their ads very quick just because they try and scale super quick without really knowing what they're doing so i highly highly suggest you watch this entire video and learn about every little situation and things that i run into when running facebook ads so you know what to do instead of just going from where we're at right now after this cold testing campaign and just you know trying to do your own thing the cold testing campaign may get you sales but if you don't know what to do after that you know it's going to mess you up and you're really not going to know what to do so wait for your profitable ad sets to continue making some more sales before moving to stage three so this may be a week but you know you're just continuously doing some small edits in the cold campaigns and continuously getting several sales but once you have some consistent profitable ad sets we're moving here into stage three and you want to continue managing your three campaigns daily you may only have one or two campaigns running maybe all three hopefully for you but typically out of that triple shot strategy you'll see you know one creative really work the best but that's the whole point of it testing multiple creatives and seeing which one is going to work the best so what i do once i have some consistent profitable ad set to my cold campaigns i use this very very simple cbo strategy so pretty much what i do let's say i have this ad set right here spending 20 a day and it's been profitable and has you know five sales what i'll do is duplicate that ad set three times into a new campaign and then set the cbo budget turn into a cbo make that budget three times the original ad says so if that was a 20 day budget on the ad set i would make it a 60 a day cbo campaign so it's very simple i don't know why it works but it does you're pretty much just spending more money um on the original uh targeting that was working for you so this is for a cold campaign and you know the cbo's may work off the bat but typically my my cold campaign cbo's don't work uh very long compared to my look-alikes and scaling strategies we'll get into here but it works and it's just a way to spend more money and get more results so obviously you don't want to do this unless it's an ad set that's been working consistently and making you profitable sales because you're ramping up the budget by three times um but it's something that definitely does work so i would try uh your top three ad sets after you get to this phase in stage three and uh just see you know which ones work so if it spins you know close again close to your margin you can turn it off if you want to be careful but typically i like to let my cbo's run for at least two days before i turn them off just because that allows it to optimize a bit cbo's are different than ad set level budgets and the next step here in stage three is to begin breaking down your ad sets so once you have ad sets with 10 or more sales that's when i start to break down by age placement and gender so only those three breakdowns just to start off with because it's only 10 sales so pretty much what this means is if i have an ad set that's made 15 sales here what i'll do is break it down by age and see which age demographics working the best and has the most sales and is the most profitable so typically i'll just have a little notepad you'll be listening to some music i'll write down all right this ad set here 35 to 44 45 to 54. uh you know whatever the ages are and just write down the ones that have multiple sales and are profitable same for placement and gender so then what i always do is let's say i have five breakdowns i've written down here on my notepad what i'm going to do is duplicate that original ad set five times and then edit each of those duplicate ad sets based on the breakdown so you know edit that first ad set so it's only targeting 35 to 44 the second one only female second one or third one only male whatever the breakdowns may be i don't combine them again i leave them all separate just because we want to be able to spend as much money as possible on this specific targeting while bringing in the best returns as possible so by minimizing if you do it all right only 35 to 44 mail manual placement instagram feed you know it's only going to be splitting money towards that one individual breakdown well all of them and it's not going to be able to spend as much and last as long compared to having them all separated individually so this stage 3 process is it's a very rinse and repeat process that's applicable to literally every ad set that's working for you um it's really what i recommend but we'll get into more breakdowns here in the scaling soon but now we need to get into the rich retargeting because when you're running ads whether you have a good conversion rate on your store or not you know not all of your traffic is going to actually buy but you don't want to let that go to waste because retargeting is typically you know one of your your better uh most profitable campaigns i would say literally a campaign in that ad account that i showed earlier in the videos you know it's made over a hundred grand uh just in a simple retargeting campaign using this pretty much exact same strategy so pretty much what you need to do is step one make a new product image or video that you've never used so it's never been seen you've never run ads with it it's brand new and what you're going to do is make these custom audiences so all you have to do is go to your audience section in your business manager create audience custom audience and then choose this event type page view and then a 30-day period view content at the car initiate checkout and purchase so pretty much these are just all the funnel steps to actually buy now retargeting is known to be one of the things that's you know maybe going away with your custom audiences and stuff here soon with the facebook changes but we really just have to wait and see and obviously if something does change i'll make a video to keep you guys updated on my current strategies that i've been using but after you have these audiences made i want you to create a campaign and you're going to be doing low budget ad sets so even to start off it really doesn't matter at all uh on you know what daily budget you typically use i always start off probably with just five dollars a day budget on these audiences because they're going to be smaller audiences and it really just depends on how much traffic you're actually getting to your store daily sometimes you won't even be able to spend that full five dollar day budget especially on some of the more you know detailed ones here so pretty much what i'm doing this this will tie in right now is you're making an ad set where you have your individual ad sets um where you're just excluding one another so you're going to be targeting for example here page view 30 excluding view content 30. so in your ad set in this new campaign you're going to have your first ad set being page view 30 excluding view content 30. that's literally what i would name the ad set itself so you're putting your custom audience include page view 30 and then you choose exclude view content 30. so it's only going to be targeting people that went on your website but didn't actually click on anything or go to a specific product page so this audience is typically one of the bigger ones um so it'll be able to spend the money but we're just pretty much reaching the people based on the event types that didn't engage to the next funnel event so you know view content add to cart and so forth so in this actual ad itself though this is a brand new ad and the reason you're using a brand new ad that's never been seen is because you've already reached these people with an ad and they didn't buy from your store so pretty much what we're doing is just reaching back to them with an ad they haven't seen so it hopefully catches their attention and brings them back to hopefully buy it on your store so the way we're gonna get these customers to change their mind is by using a discount incentive in the actual ad copy so you know i would make you know a 10 off code or 15 off code and put that in the actual ad copy itself as a call to action so people can go onto the website use that discount code as an incentive and you know retargeting you'll typically see a pretty high road so retargeting can get super fancy there's a lot of different things you can do especially if you have multiple products in your store but you can even do you know video views if you're using a video ad um you know excluding page view and so forth there are a lot of options that you can do but this is going to be your best bet just to get started and spending a little bit of money on retargeting so now let's get down here into the fancy stuff the skyrocket scaling so this stuff isn't even really the fancy stuff i would say these scaling strategies are very basic but work very well this is literally the exact strategy i used to take this store here from you know a couple grand a day to over 10 grand a day consistently so we're going to go through all of this and then even after the sky rock is scaling i have a few bonus strategies i'm going to share with you guys so we'll get into that here in a second but let's go ahead and just get started with the skyrocket scaling so in this stage this will be fueled by pretty much all pixel based lookalikes that's what i love to use i know some people like to make a custom audience and make it look like off of that which can work well you know if you're using specific time frames but i see much better results and longevity out of pixel-based look-alikes because the pixel is you know pretty much the ai that's running all this and making this happen for your ad account in your store and making these sales so you know the pixel sort of like the brain it's what's you know getting you everything so why not use that as the source itself you know even if your pixel doesn't track super accurate it's going to help you a lot by using these pixel based lookalikes to actually scale your store so after you've been doing some cold targeting for some while you're getting consistent sales you're ready to move on to the next step you know you're going to have some data on your store and we're ready to move on here so we're going to do again adset level budgets start this first campaign where you're building your base and what we're going to start off with is pixel view content look like so all you got to do is again go to your audiences and create custom audience and then create look-alike audience choose the pixel as your source and then it'll show by default purchases you just click to the right and it'll show the other events you know view content at the cart all the stuff but we're going to start off just with the basic view content and then build our way down that as we go and one thing i have here is when you create these audiences don't separate the percentages so when you're making these you know it'll show you can do an option where it chooses you know all of them but they're all separated so each audience is you know like 2.4 million but i always start mine you know zero to one percent make that one next go to zero to two percent next go to zero to three so it'll be a little bit more tedious and take a little bit more time to make but the audience size is going to be bigger and you know they will overlap that's the main concern with that but i tend to see these audiences last much longer in just the ads in general by using you know these where they're not just separated individually so what you're gonna have here is you're gonna have your 10 custom audiences and you're going to make the campaign with 10 ad sets again no breakdowns whatsoever and then you have that one ad under each ad set so as far as the ad you should use just use the one that's been working best in your code campaigns so put that add post id under that ad set and you know your first ad set will be you know one percent uh pixel view content so just copy literally the name of that audience and put it as the name again back to organize organization that's what i like to do so i can see everything and know exactly what i'm looking at at all times so then i would publish that campaign and then you duplicate that original ad set nine more times and then again it's a tedious process but you're doing you know two percent to three four five all with the same ad under each ad set and that's the beauty of facebook ads is you know the main piece of this all this tied together i would say is the ad creatives because you know if you have the pixel view content campaign working really well with one creative cool duplicate the campaign switch to creative and see if you can get similar results because the more creatives that you have that work well the more sales that you can bring in consistently so now right here this little note i have is continue to treat your ad set level budgets as your base and follow the strategies and remember always to turn off what's not working in the last several days so these little steps that i have right here are very very similar to stage three and the cold targeting where you know if you have you know your one percent pixel view content is working really well getting you consistent sales duplicate it three times get into a cbo three times the budget and then continue to do your breakdowns you know by age gender placement you can get a little bit more fancy with it but you need much more sales um you know to be able to do that and as you continue to do that you know i try not to move too quick um you know after you have your view content ad sets running let them run for a couple of days after you see results you know try a couple of cbo's off of a couple uh profitable ad sets and continue to break them down because if you move too quick you can just be testing so many things at once and this is where people start to get a little bit messed up because i actually have a mentorship student right now who came to me spending like eight grand a day with like an average 1.8 row as so spending so much money on ads but there's so much stuff going on high budgets here random stuff here you know different ad accounts running at the same time it was just a big mess um and you know we've started to help tone those ads down and see the roads jump to about a 2.5 now but spending just about five grand a day so you know that's a big number especially to be doing consistently um you know that's typically not what we see you know we have mentorship students come in that are very new to it or making minimal sales and you know we just have my team and i come in and help them you know get to whatever goal that they have so if that is something that you're interested in you can always just shoot me the word mentorship on instagram we'll chat i'll ask you a few questions and see if it makes sense but uh you know i've started to implement this new mentorship program with a team some of my top students one of them named hugo who's done several hundred grand a month consistently this year on an econ brand and that's super cool to see you know you know i want to bring in more students and make success stories so just dm me the word mentorship and we'll go from there but back to this it's a rinse and repeat process all these things that we're talking about here so eventually you'll start launching your next pixel events you know the add to carts one to ten percent initiate checkouts and then purchases eventually but one thing you need to keep in mind is that you want to make sure that you're getting all these data points covered before you can actually make these look likes because to make the look like based off the pixel for any of these events especially purchase you have to have 100 of those events fired for one specific country so for example to make pixel purchase lookalikes you need to have a hundred uh or more sales fired within one specific country so let's say the united states for example to actually you know be able to make that audience so you just want to sort of move gradually with it keep an eye on everything turn off what's not working and continue to do your breakdowns and cbo campaigns and you know this can go from zero to 100 super super quick this process like i said before it literally took uh the store i was working on from a couple grand a day to over 10 grand a day consistently just by using these pixel events with a couple different creatives so you can spend a lot of money quick you can also make a lot of money quick you can also lose money quick if you don't pay attention to what you're doing so organization is a big piece of success to facebook ads in my opinion so a couple of the unwritten skyrocket scaling rules that i wrote down here are use the new look like targeting expansion box so similar to the one for detail targeting for cold targeting that you're doing um this is a new box i haven't really noticed a huge difference with it yet but i've made sure to always have that box checked and i've seen the longevity of my ad sets for the lookalikes you know pretty similar right now it hasn't been long enough of a you know me being honest just testing it i haven't seen a huge difference but i would definitely recommend it just because i feel like it's a very similar process to the cold target it's definitely not going to hurt you um again one creative per campaign and if things get stale always try a new ad creative that's the easiest thing to do and one thing you can do in your skin before getting into some of these other things is you can test similar products with the data that you have so you know you have all these ads running for pixel view content at the cart and shape checkouts purchases all this stuff you know you're getting all these sales you know what's stopping you from you know using the data you have this one individual product to test similar ones you have all this data you might as well put it to use you're spending money on the ads anyways and you know if you have two winners boom now you just follow all these strategies again but for an entirely new product and um you know typically though like what i mean here with user data i wouldn't really do cold targeting just to start off i would start off you know using some types of pixel based likes and go from there i would say whichever event works best for you sometimes you'll see view content work the best sometimes purchase it's really pretty random you would think that purchase would be the most valuable audience but honestly that's really not the case most of the time from what i see and you can continue to use your cbo campaigns like they are asset level budgets but i only recommend this you know once they have a lot of sales i would say you know 50 plus sales 100 plus sales you know more towards that range than you know just 10 sales alone because cbo's are typically higher budget you don't want to drain out the audience super quick i'd rather go for longevity and consistency but go here treat them you can break them down all that good stuff you can try higher budgets one little thing i'll just throw out here that i've tried a lot is you know when this store was doing 10k a day um what i did was i just went to all my i clicked on all my ad set level budget campaigns went to ad sets sorted them by purchases in the last several days and then just click the recent 20 of those best ones and put them into a cbo like 400 a day just something completely random and you know facebook will tell you and i believe it that you'll get the best longevity and performance out of having you know two to three ad sets within a cbo campaign um but this one with 20 ad sets put it 400 a day and you know it worked out i would say for about a week and um you know then you could just try it again with new ad sets that have been working for you so it's just a way that you know if you start spending another 400 a day and it's a three row as that's an additional 1200 a day in revenue coming to your store and just more profit without really doing anything too fancy but now that we've gone through most of the framework pretty much everything this is literally everything i've told you here is my a to z blueprint on this is what's taken me to 10k a day just in the last several months here these exact strategies that i'm talking about keeping it very simple with organization multiple ad creatives and pixel-based lookalikes those are the main things that i do but there are a few bonus strategies that i do want to get through here and show you guys that are a little bit more fancy and i would say down the road once you're making some more consistent sales but uh let's go ahead and just get to it the first one is toa targeting so what this means is time on ad account so you know typically your ads are just running if you have a normal budget of a cbo or adset level budget they're just going to spend throughout the day entirely and they're not really running at a specific time they may deliver a little bit better at a specific time but they're still spending and you're spending money on times that aren't really working so why not make ads that spend only in the times that work best for your ad account so for this stage here i just want you to try it out with an ad set first not a cbo campaign go to an ad set you know has 50 plus sales and break it down it's in the breakdown tab by time of day on the ad account so do ad account specifically or you can do you can do the um users time zone but the data is much more i don't know the right word aggregated by using the time of day on the ad account it'll just be a lot easier for you so you break it down by time of day on ad account again i break out my notepad and i look at the time frames it's in military time so if you don't know you can just sort of put it in google and figure it out but go through there and to see you know what are the main time frames that you're you're seeing that are getting the most amount of sales and are the most profitable you may have some time frames that are getting sales but are very profitable so i choose the ones that are profitable and i write those down those specific time frames and usually you want them to be like two to three hour frames if you make them too small facebook won't allow it and sometimes you know especially if you have a high budget or just spin it super quick and not get you the results you want so choose you know a few different ones separate them so then what you're going to do is duplicate that original ad set we're going to be changing it to a lifetime budget so you'll be able to set this to a lifetime budget where you normally put in your budget and schedule and you're just going to change it to a lifetime it's going to set from the day you're launching it to 30 days in advance so you want to just do 30 times that original daily budget so if it was a 10 day budget you would do a 300 lifetime budget so it's going to spend that it's supposed to spend you an average of 10 a day throughout those 30 days sometimes spends more sometimes less but that's typically how i'll set it up and you change it to a lifetime budget and there will be an option of run ads on a schedule or run them all day so you choose a specific schedule this is something a lot of people don't know about but you choose it as a specific schedule and you're able to just click on and highlight specific time frames so there's going to be a lot of options there of monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday and the specific times but i always do it just based on overall for every day so choose the hourly time frames and as you get more and more sales you can start getting more specific with the timing um based on the day but you know this is just how i started off time of day and if you have cbs i get over 100 sales you can do the exact same thing but just remember you always have to set the schedule and the ad sets itself so if you try this with a cbo you're gonna have to set the cbo to a lifetime budget and then go into the ad sets and set the schedule itself so this last strategy i have here is called the empty sales strategy where we're taking advantage of the facebook ai and its power by using literally no targeting at all this is going to be very very simple for you once you have some sales in go to your ad account overview so you'll just have to go to your left and click on the overview and you're going to be able to break down your ad account by region and see which regions overall so if you're targeting the united states it will show you the top states uh performance wise for you and choose those top three regions based off of the volume and profitability um you know most time i'm looking at profitability volume really doesn't matter as much i would say um but you want to you know choose ones that are like the top volume and top profitability even if you have you know one region that has five sales and as 20 row as i would much rather use one that has 100 sales and you know three or four rows um so choose three of those and you're going to create a cbo campaign at 100 a day with three empty ad sets so no targeting at all no breakdowns you're literally only setting them so that each region is separate in each of those ad sets so you know you have one ad set targeting let's say north carolina where i'm at right now my parents and then one florida and one california and then schedule and publish that campaign so there you have it that is my no bs facebook ad strategies all laid out there for you for you to utilize and make sales and get your store to success here in 2021 you know i have a lot of things i want to accomplish this year and one of those things is helping you guys make more money and getting more students into my new mentorship program with my team and i where it's pretty much like an accelerator where we work together and you know get you from point a to point b and so forth getting you towards your goal so again if that's something you're interested in just shoot me the word mentorship on instagram and uh we'll be in touch so hopefully you enjoyed this video again there's no ads on this video i'm not making money off of it so i truly just want you guys to watch this video learn from it utilize that information and keep me updated in the comments how these strategies work for you if you have any questions about what i talked about here and i will see you guys here more into the new year and again hopefully you enjoyed this video if you did make sure to leave a big like comment and subscribe peace
Channel: Tanner Planes
Views: 118,458
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Keywords: dropshipping, dropship, drop shipping, shopify, shopify tutorial, tanner planes, ecommerce, ecom, facebook ads, tiktok ads, shopify dropshipping 2020, shopify dropshipping, dropshipping with shopify, dropshipping on shopify, dropshipping 2020, shopify dropshipping store, shopify tutorial for beginners, dropshipping for beginners, facebook ads 2021, facebok ads course, FREE 2021 Facebook Ads Course - $0-1.5M Full Strategy Reveal, shopify 2021, faceboook ads for dropshipping
Id: WowkN5NlFmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 34sec (2434 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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