FULL Container Home Build - Start to Finish Timelapse Construction

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[Music] let's go [Music] that's three containers each one is eight feet long so it's 24 by 40. as you can see in the 3d model i created the container home is supported by 16 cylindrical concrete columns four rows by four rows [Music] and so that's what you see here setting up batter boards they're basically pieces of wood set up a few feet beyond the footprint of the foundation and then you attach strings to the wood at pre-measured points and the strings provide visual and measurement accurate reference points for digging foundation holes and more [Music] here i am putting the last few strings in place and as you can see i love this shot here at the end of all the strings lining up in a nice level plane [Music] [Music] check them out guys half a day of digging four of these suckers done that being said the elevation of the ground was lower here so we didn't have to dig as deep uh probably about an hour of sunlight left so i'm going to see if i can knock out a couple more of these probably just one more and that'll be after that it'll be 11 to go 11 left so a few months ago i announced on my channel that i'm offering services where i turn your shipping container home idea into a custom 3d model since then i've been hired by over 30 viewers of this channel to bring their container homes to life in fully explorable 3d my services include the final 3d model various image drawings of the house with dimension measurements and i can even create highly realistic images and video tours of the home if you really want to show off so if you have a container home idea that you'd like to see brought to life in a fully explorable custom 3d model feel free to email me using my email which i have listed down in the description of this video to learn more [Music] so i've gotten some comments over the months from people asking about what about the cost of the labor that i had to put into this house build you know one thing i will say is as you watch this video unfolding you see all all this you know manual labor that i put into the house all the grinding the welding the cutting the holes out for windows etc all this stuff that you're gonna see here it actually isn't showing you the other fifty 50 of the work which was researching and planning which i did pretty much entirely by myself you know they say knowing is half the battle well easily half of the hours of work that i put into building this container home without a doubt was in the researching and planning which there really isn't footage of that because it just it was just me and that temporary rv i was living in just on my laptop googling things youtubing videos watching alert it took me about three weeks of research to uh learn to to be ready to make the purchase for all the welding equipment that i needed um when you see a video like this and you see the sort of the physical execution and actual construction while there is also the behind the scenes researching and planning that i did for for many many hours the next step is to cut the sonotubes to the right lengths this is actually a lot easier said than done the main challenge is how do you cut a perfectly straight line around a cylinder we eventually found a unique method where you cut a small piece off the factory edge of one of the tubes cut the circle open cut a few slits through and insert a hose clamp yeah just like that what you're left with is a size adjustable factory straight line edge ring to use as a physical guide as you cut your straight line around the tubes per my structural engineers plans each tube would have to be cut to a length of 46 inches [Music] [Music] [Music] so this here was a tough one here i am lifting one of the sono tubes up into place by myself they weren't too heavy but getting a good stance was a big bit awkward uh given all the holes in the ground and the rebar everywhere [Music] [Music] oh [Music] him [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] i don't think the jig's gonna go anywhere other than up [Music] as i've built the actual house i've continued adding to and developing the 3d model the model actually provides me incredible assistance as i can plan every aspect of the home in advance and figure out what parts and pieces work for framing electrical plumbing etc this includes the many decisions i had to make about framing like how to frame the corners of a container home where the double top plate should overlap but can't because of that big corner cube containers have [Music] and other things like how to install windows in a container which as you can see in the 3d model there were multiple layers to the final system i ended up using this new updated 3d model is available to download and explore right now just click the link in the description below to learn more try it now just like that you know it went in pretty well but obviously here it's still elevated little smack won't fix now we're looking a lot better here i don't think that's going anywhere today i am going to be working on treating the rust on the shipping containers the containers aren't even on the foundation so you might be like why are you why are you worrying about you know getting rid of some rust when you haven't even put the containers on the foundation yet well because there's three containers and they're gonna go all three of them squashed together right next to each other that means that some of these walls of the container are gonna be forever sealed like a tomb sealed forever [Music] train day is finally over the building blocks of my home are in their final resting place a long journey still awaits it's not a home yet it's time to cut the walls out from the interior the interior walls of the shipping container home there's cut number one this whole wall is going to get taken out now the next cut is 118 inches [Music] so [Music] do [Music] all the walls have now been removed it's uh definitely a big step what what i'm working with here so and those gaps up there is what we're moving on to next gotta steal them in the meantime i'm going to start working on the backer rod now these are pretty big gaps as you can see they actually measure about just under an inch and it actually gets a little thinner as you go over there the reason for that is that there are some slight inconsistencies in the container sometimes they're a little crooked or bent there's technically always a gap between containers because as you can see the corner fittings these cubes on the corners they uh they stick out a little more than the top rail here there's always going to be a gap we finished caulking the gaps that's layer one of the defense of from water leaks and penetration on the roof the next step though now is to cut long metal strips that go on top of the caulking seal and i'm gonna get those long metal strips from some of the walls the container walls we cut out now today we are going to be finally welding these strips that i cut out from the walls as plates over the gap so the the caulk is pretty much dried as far as i can tell and now we're gonna put this over we're gonna be welding it into place now today covering the holes in the corner fittings of the containers now if you take a look up there at the corners there's those cubes if you look inside of here where the two containers meet water can also potentially leak into the house so the idea was aside from caulking it up in there as a bit of a preventative measure i figured let me not let water pull in here at all and even though it looks like it can easily flow out it just doesn't seem like a good idea so what i figured was cover these holes up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] look what has arrived a new 20-foot container has just arrived eventually it's just gonna be like a storage shed so it'll be in the back somewhere behind the home but for now i have it up here up front near the road near the front of the property because it's going to be like a temporary loading loading bay got a bunch of lumber coming in for the internal framing of the house and so when that arrives i figured it'd be this would be a great place to temporarily store the lumber sleep i was literally asleep and i just hear a truck outside wake me up the lumber is here folks [Music] [Applause] [Music] this new updated 3d model is available to download and explore right now just click the link in the description below to learn more so we've arrived to another very very big and important day today is window outline trace drawing and eventual cutting out the windows how do you cut windows out on a shipping container well you take your angle grinder and you cut the hole but don't don't you wish it was that easy to just chop a hole out nope we have to be extremely precise as you can see 53 and 7 8 inch width 39 and 1 8 inch height okay and so again with the bottom line marked now i gotta mark the top line i've already begun all right we've got the laser level now sitting on its back providing us with a vertical vertical line mark yes yes oh look at that guillotine oh my god four more to go it's gonna look amazing with these windows already [Music] still kind of looks like that's just a rusty old box but coming together real quick [Music] okay here we are guys all five windows cut out as you're already well aware but when you cut out a window you gotta reinforce it here we have our angle iron these are two by two by eighth inch thick angle iron very important [Music] [Music] no it's not final and it hasn't been welded into place but kind of just stuffed it in there i see that looks perfect man wow that is perfect infection bro a little bit of an offset there what it's exactly the way it's supposed to be all right everybody so it's an interesting time right now all the lumber's already here i can start framing already technically but i think it'd be wise the windows and doors haven't arrived yet i think it would be wise to go ahead and just start welding the angle irons to the cutouts so [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so i got this window uh clamped up now with the small pieces of angle iron that's an example of what it looks like just goes in right up into that nook the l shape the angle iron fixed perfect give it a little bit of a clamp and uh i'll have no problem welding right here and right there no problem at all of course i have it all the way around i got that l l piece right there got that one right there cut it up here on the sides here [Music] okay just finished welding this window let's take a look still haven't cleaned these up so they're still covered in splatter yeah these things they ain't moving anytime soon so [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so i've been out here for i don't know three and a half hours or so slowly making progress on my first wall framing of my whole life so three and a half hours seems like so too long for your for uh for framing a wall well there you have it first wall ever you know getting the hang of it [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right next section is in place piece number one then piece number two starts here where you see the bottom plate uh end and start very interesting situation because the top plate on this one stops right where this one that the window starts so i had to get the measurements perfect almost the entire 40-foot span of wall framed man i would love to be completely done framing by the end of april um if not way sooner so i'm gonna see if i can go on a spree every day frame frame frame frame two days and obviously there's a learning curve so the first day took the longest so more framing see these joists here attached to joyce's hangers you got your bottom plate this is uh interesting here this is a a hold down has a bolt right there it's not it on screwed into this corner post and then that bolt there goes straight down through the floor of the shipping container and it's embedded into the concrete column itself with an epoxy glue adhesive i guess you can call it um all right let's uh let's knock this thing out [Music] [Music] one hell of a view [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] as i've built the actual house i've continued adding to and developing the 3d model the model actually provides me incredible assistance as i can plan every aspect of the home in advance and figure out what parts and pieces work for framing electrical plumbing etc this includes the many decisions i had to make about framing like how to frame the corners of a container home where the double top plate should overlap but can't because of that big corner cube containers have [Music] and other things like how to install windows in a container which as you can see in the 3d model there are multiple layers to the final system i ended up using this new updated 3d model is available to download and explore right now just click the link in the description below to learn more all right everybody so welcome back to another update video today i'm going to be doing a plumbing tour for the shipping container home come around here this is the main exit to the septic tank so as you can see here's a little better idea i spent weeks planning researching compiling all the things i needed to buy putting the order in through home depot so it could be delivered here execution i basically spent seven days straight flopping around in the sand installing the plumbing but i'm i'm impressed with what i did because i was basically by myself the whole time did it all and there was really very few hiccups i had a few issues a few things i kind of screwed up that needed to go back and kind of rework but again nothing significant nothing crazy but first let's start on the outside and let me show you guys in more detail what is going on here so here we have uh sort of the end of the line so to speak this is right underneath the kitchen sink we have a clean out plug an adapter at the end clean out plug and adapter at the end that's the end of the line this is the kitchen sink as you can see the drain for the kitchen sink runs out the bottom of the floor we got a 90 degree elbow a little bit extra pipe here we have a 45 degree street elbow right here that 45 connects to a a y and this y is a three inch by one and a half if i'm not mistaken inch so it's a three a three and a one and a half we continue our main line comes through we have galvanized straps that kind of double loop in a sense and there are screws through the bottom of these beams underneath the shipping container the steel beams these screws right into it and that ain't going nowhere so we continue we follow the main line we continue we continue to the next eventful moment here this here is actually a this is actually the drain for the laundry this is the drain for the laundry believe it or not but if you follow it up as you'll see when i go inside the house it's also the vent for multiple fixtures the clothes washer drains down and again we have a sort of similar setup here where we have a a 90 degree this is a two inch now this is a two inch pipe uh because it's a vent pipe as well so this two inch 90 we got a small piece of pvc in the middle to connect with this 45 degree street 45 degree 2 inch street bend which now connects to this y here this is a 3 by 3 by two inch y and then of course that now continues down the main line continues we got another galvanized strap continues over here and again this is the sort of end of the line the the we just followed that all the way back there come and come and come and come in here the sector guy is going to continue it one of the the guy who's installing the septic system he's going to do that he's going to continue the three inch into the septic system somewhere in this vicinity but that's not the end of the plumbing because as you can see we have a connection here let's pull back for a second so you can see the whole thing so i'm gonna do something here real quick i'm gonna go ahead and open these doors and it didn't it just occurred to me right now this will give you a lot better sense of what the hell is going on plumbing wise yeah why didn't i think of this the two-inch vent out the roof comes down and then acts as a connection over here this is actually a drain line for the bathroom sink which is over here actually hidden behind the green door shower toilet bathroom sink so the bathroom sink the water drains it comes this way boom this is acting as a vent for the bathroom drain it comes down sweeps in and comes out to your left here we have the toilet comes down sweeps in and over here as you see that's the bathtub that's the plumbing for the bathtub that little part sticks up and of course the bathroom comes down the drains over here it connects to this because this stack is acting as a vent for the bath uh the the shower as well that's why it came this way and connected down there with a sanitary tee and then comes down so again let's let's look at this a little closer here so again there's your bathtub shower plumbing fixture the water comes down the bathtub drain it comes this way it comes down it comes down through here it hits the p-trap comes flies its way over here to the sanitary tee which again is connected actually to the two-inch vent and then it comes down and it drains out that definitely helps uh illustrate what i'm trying to talk about i'll show you the inside so this is the plumbing from the inside of the house so here's the kitchen kitchen window kitchen sink we're going to get into the supply lines in just a moment just focus on the sanitary for now so the kitchen sinks about here the water comes down the drain comes through here goes down and then out to the septic system but it also branches up here and this acts as a vent for the kitchen sink and what's it doing everybody what's it gonna do it's gonna connect to this two inch vent slash drain goes up through the roof two inch two inch by one and a half inch sanitary tee no water is coming through this pipe this is purely a vent this however there is water going through this pipe this is the drainage pipe for the laundry remember i mentioned laundry earlier that's what connects so this is actually this this vertical is acting as a vent for the kitchen sink and it's acting as a vent and acting as a drain essentially for the drain pipe that's going from the laundry so let's go take a look at the clothes washer the clothes washer probably a little bit unconventional is inside of the main bedroom in this house along with the dryer i probably could have reworked a few things and maybe created a small utility closet somewhere where i could have fit these but i just felt so rushed back in april 2019 i just wanted to get this thing going that maybe i could have tweaked a couple things but again this is the laundry clothes washer dryer going to be in here we have the typical setup for a clothes washer uh it's got hot water it's got cold water supply that'll connect with a steel braided hose i believe to the clothes washer but let's again let's focus on the drainage first the water from the closed washer is in here comes down p traps and yes this is sloped believe it or not i slope this around the corner it comes through it 90s right there flips around continues we're on the other side of where we were a moment ago and then it drains down drains down and again earlier i mentioned the bathroom sink this is it remember shower toilet bathroom sink and what this is essentially is this is a few pieces here went into this a lot of research it took me this is a called a trap adapter so oftentimes under a sink you've got that whole kind of p-trap assembly well that p-trap comes here it connects through here this screws on and creates a water-tight seal it's called the this piece right here from here to here is called a trap adapter trap adapter there to connect the trap adapter to this 90 degree elbow there's a small piece of pvc in here small piece of pvc about that wide to create a connection point this 90 degree elbow now comes through here through the wall and both drains out of there and vents out of here all right water supply water supply water supply where do we begin well we begin at the well the water is through a submersible well pump is pumped up through the well 80 feet deep it comes through this pvc underground underground it comes inside it goes inside of the well pump house over here right here we have a water supply line that comes out one inch pvc water comes out underground it comes about this direction obviously there's the container home and it starts heading to the shipping container home this is the idea i came up with in the designing phase the water supply comes underground 90 degree elbows up now this is pex this is three-quarter inch pecks this is a three-quarter inch pex and what do we got we got some clamps and it runs all the way this is a water supply line so the water is going through a three-quarter inch pecs all the way over there main water the the main three-quarter inch water supply it's coming from where we were just at all the way over there comes this way comes through here and again this is all part of the system i designed and i think ultimately it it was a good approach the main water supply for the house enters in two locations one here this is a three-way shark bite three-quarter three-quarter three-quarter the water is coming from the pump from the well pump comes through here three quarter inch pecs it now comes up here and enters the house for the first time water enters the house for the first time but it also continues down that way and it enters the house for a second time now what is going on here well let me show you the first time the water supply enters the house this is what happens there it is behold so get your nice orthographic you can see it's going straight up straight up into that and what is this this is a multi-t port i believe that's the name or a multi-port tee but i think it's a multi-t port this is actually made by shark bite it's made by shark bite and what it is is it allows your main three quarter inch water supply to enter the home and then branch off to supply water to three fixtures this is a three quarter inch push to connect shark bite these are half inch push to connect shark bite it's three quarter main line in and then it so it downsizes to half inch half inch half inch and then here you have your blue half inch water supply lines for your various fixtures so before we go into the house and i show you that in more detail let's continue the journey for the main water supply line remember it's coming from the well over there it comes in three way one into the house keeps going and we follow it and where does it go it comes in right there and let's take a look at where our three quarter inch supply line branched off to our half inches let's take a look here so now we're on the inside of you the three quarter inch comes up three quarter multi-t port half-inch half-inch half-inch we have various things that need to be supplied in this bathroom this three this three-way was perfect for my needs because the bathroom needed three supplies a cold water supply for the shower and that's what this is you can see it just runs and connects into this shower fixture here and then we have another branch off so this the next one is for the toilet cold water supply you follow this you follow this and then here we have our toilet this is our toilet cold water supply line toilets only need cold water so you don't need to run a hot one then lastly we have the last one this one runs up comes through here and supplies the cold water for the bathroom sink don't worry we're gonna get to that red hot later so give you an idea so when i found out that shark bite had these i was like holy crap that's exactly what i'm looking for while i was planning this so that's that now remember we had this other one here remember that there was the other three quarter inch supply line so you can see the white little bit of white there three quarter inch comes up into a multi t port and again three three fixtures three supply lines half inch half inch half inch well let's go ahead and follow the first one on the bottom comes up come rises up here comes around here through there now what is going on here well this is a cold water for the tankless water heater so it's going to be a tankless water heater right here that cold supply is going to come in is going to come in through here we have a 90 degree shark bite drop ear elbow it comes in it turns out you can ignore this for now this was a temporary thing so again the three-quarter inch tongues we have our stub out here and then this here stubs out we'll probably shorten it in the end but this stubs out this connects to the cold side of the tankless water heater so it comes in on the right side of the tankless it comes into the tankless water heater it does its thing and then it comes out the other side connecting to this red hot water half inch pecs so everything that's on the left side of this is coming out of the tank list as hot so what does it do well it comes out of the tankless water heater it comes through this is another 90 degree half inch by half inch shark bite again same thing here half inch by half inch the hot water comes in it comes up and then i had a little bit of a roadblock here because as you can see we have this another wonderful multi-t port look at the beauty on that it turns out i only needed four hot water supply lines this is the most they had i think i think they only had a four they might have had one with more actually i don't remember but that wasn't my issue but this was perfect for me because it's it's it's it's half inch half inch half inch half inch for my hot waters but the problem is that they didn't sell i could not find any of these multi t ports where this was half inch they're every single one i ever found was three quarter on the bottom and then you have your downsize half inch well that was a problem because the three quarter inch that's that's outside that's the main water supply line the water that's feeding the heater is coming from a half inch and then half inch comes out the other side so i had to do something a little bit maybe slightly unusual but i i looked it up i don't think this is going to affect water pressure in a negative way your half inch hot water comes through here it comes up and then what i had to do was i had to put a small piece of three quarter as you can see you recognize the white a small piece of three quarter inch pecks so what i did was is i found a three quarter inch to half inch shark bite push to connect adapter so the half inch hot comes in the half inch hot comes up connects to the half inch here becomes a three quarter allowing me to put a three quarter inch piece of pex here which then allows me to adapt to the three-quarter multi-t that was a bit of a hiccup i wasn't sure if i could do that going from half inch to three quarter then to come back to half inch i researched it i didn't find anything that suggested that that would create some kind of an issue with water pressure so it comes up and then now we work now as you can see four hot water supply lines four hot water supply lines where are they going where are they going okay well let's start with the first one our first hot water actually loops back so this the hot water supply line comes down it loops back and supplies the hot water for our for our clothes washer for the clothes washer the next hot water supply line if you follow it comes up through here comes up all the way up and actually goes over the roof rafters because there's that gap up there it's very convenient i didn't have to drill holes through the rafters i can just go over the roof rafters over the roof rafters and comes down and supplies the hot water for our bathroom sink and how are these attaching well pretty simply you have another familiar half inch by half inch shark bite push to connect drop ear elbow that these come with these little things little tabs for screwing and it just pops out here and eventually will connect to the hot water supply line so that's that one we covered the first one we covered the second one the next one comes up loops up crosses over the i-beam and we follow it and it actually supplies the hot water for the shower so it comes down it runs it runs it runs it comes in on the left side of here cold water on the right hot on the left it comes in goes through here now within the system and then it can go either up to here we have again i showed you that earlier as a shower head or it comes out the bottom of this comes out the bottom and bathtub spout and of course the last of the four hot water supply lines comes up goes over heads that way and where does it go it goes down and it goes to our kitchen hot water supply kitchen hot water supply now there's still a few more of these colds we got to cover we follow the other one the other cold it comes up here here half inch by half inch by half inch three-way shark bite branches up comes up here and actually supplies the water line for the kitchen for the for the refrigerator in the kitchen that's going to be the supply of water line but it continues it continues it continues it comes over here and of course supplies the cold water for the clothes washer so let's go take a look at the kitchen real quick you know one thing i will say about this build and the way that the plumbing turned out was that this was very it was much simpler than other houses where you might have a bathroom on one side of the house and a bathroom over there and a bathroom on the second floor basically all the water supply for this house plumbing and water supply all of it was basically in that corner of the house it's it's all there it's all in the corner of the house all of it so it helped kind of simplify at least how much maneuvering and navigating i would have had to have taken some of this plumbing um still a challenge still required a lot of work but at least it was all kind of centered in this corner here everything was centered in this corner made a little bit simpler for a first timer like me [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Think Outside The Container
Views: 1,730,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shipping container homes, shipping container homes DIY, container home, how to build shipping container home, shipping container home cost, shipping container home tutorial, container home build, shipping container home build, container home construction, container home foundation, tiny house, container home full build, full house build, container home full build timelapse, house build start to finish, container home build start to finish, start to finish construction, timelapse
Id: A1l2Vky-HD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 26sec (3986 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 26 2022
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