Alabama Hog Hunting Gone Wrong (Hospital) *Stitches*

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[Music] dear lord we thank you for this day that you have given us to be together we thank you for letting us be able to prepare this food so we keep nursing our bodies and thank you for all your goodness jesus name we pray amen amen in the usa hunting most animals requires a permit special seasons and specified methods of hunting i haven't shot a deer rifle before but in alabama and the greater south there's one species so destructive that it can be hunted just about anywhere anytime anyhow there's nothing that they don't eat they'll eat their own geez really i'm talking about invasive wild hogs each year these hogs disrupt the natural ecosystem and create massive amounts of damage for local farmers in about 96 97 and hogs would have been pretty bad they destroyed two acres of peanut and one night today i'm deep in alabama's countryside when you usually bring people out to do this do they get all freaked out and shaky taking on the invasive hogs two right there and earning my dinner too shoot the back one shoot the backwards [Music] so is wild hog the next great dining trend to find out i have to hunt one first i am with dylan of shady grove outfitters we are in the middle of nowhere in alabama that's it meet dylan and dewey the founders of shady grove outfitters a company that takes city folk like me on first time hunting excursions deer turkey or like today hog hunting so there's no natural predator for these hogs no except for the most brutal predator of all man can we do it little zooming man man we got it that time four-legged eating breeding rooting machines our hunt will begin at dawn tomorrow for now i plan on getting some much-needed practice the method of hunting is what the most productive way to kill them is by shooting them oh put the safety back on put gun down feel exhilaration of adrenaline coursing through my body that's pretty sweet bro 75 to 100 yards about as close as we'll get to our target tomorrow this makes the deer rifle an ideal choice only problem is that i've never shot a deer rifle until today but so far so good that was the first one though now i got the jitters how can i do another one yeah oh [ __ ] that's exhilarating here we go i set up my tripod i slow my breathing i relax i put the butt of the gun firmly against my shoulder i look through my scope which has a zoom feature i zoom in i see my shot i switch off to safety and i slowly squeeze the trigger ah oh no dude let my misfortune be a lesson to future marksman the distance between your eye and the scope is called eye relief and there should be a good few inches of eye relief because one the scope is designed to give you a full clear view when you're a few inches away and two the recoil of the gun can drive the scope back into your forehead dude i got jacked up it feels pretty [ __ ] deep this is unfortunate can you check if i hit anything [Music] what's that did i hit it yes i got it turns out my aim is pretty darn good all it cost was a scar on my forehead that i'll carry with me for life can you feel it just like i know that you're dragging thread through my skin and you can feel a little bit i don't know pain though just a weird feeling yeah five stitches a painful but effective lesson giving up is sounding pretty darn good right now i got only two shots of target practice with a gun that i've never used before my head is busted and i've got next to no confidence in what i'm doing but i didn't come to the middle of alabama and scar my face for life just to stop now i still got work to do [Music] all right man it is the next day first of all look at this five stitches does it look nice the war wound yeah don't tell anybody how i got that every star has a story that's right so right now we're headed to where they are baited well it's very early morning 5 30 a.m they just woke up they slept all night and they're getting breakfast right now a lot of times they feed early in the morning and they go and sleep all day when it's hot sounds like me so here's the thing we can't just be driving around all morning taking shots like basically i've got one shot if i don't get it all the pigs are gonna hear a gunshot and they're gonna get the heck out of wherever they are i know what you're thinking oh well he must have got it because he put the episode on youtube i'm happy to put a half a video out all right [Music] we've been searching for about five minutes but there's nothing in sight these suckers are really hard to see because they kind of got black gray grizzly fur the long bladed grass right here the hogs rooted up and that's a lot of the problems with them getting in the crops our first loop nothing once the sun gets too high those hogs will disappear until night time dylan still has one last loop left to check all right here we go round two [Music] are those hogs oh [ __ ] there's two right there [Music] here you can walk a little bit closer [Music] oh at this point my mind is focused my objective is clear but my body doesn't care my heart is beating so hard that the barrel of the gun is moving erratically instead of risking it i decide to move in closer [ __ ] hard speed under my chest i try not to go down [Music] the wind is in my favor the hogs are clearly visible and somehow not seeing four tall men walking their way the only remaining obstacle is myself [Music] you hit it i got it shoot the back one shoot it shoot it the other pig yeah shoot the back one and breathe you did good that went over there quick kicking that one dropped like a box of rocks clean kill you think this is a mother because it's pretty small right this one's not that old no there's probably a year old at the most and that one's from the size of it i want to say probably six months oh that's where you hit it the second time oh so i did hit him the first time yeah the second one was in the neck though right you never knew what hit him oh man all right well what a morning i'm up red bull cannot do what that just did to me i feel like all kinds of adrenaline congratulations i can be good i [Music] so the hardest part is done now the second hardest part turning this into delicious food luckily we've enlisted the help of bino yeah i heard you practiced yesterday busted your face open a little bit trying to get a beauty mark yeah i was trying to get scars to look more tough get more credibility [Music] locally legendary pit master and hog master the hogs we shot were on bino's land these days he stays close to home but still knows how to cook up an alabama feast our hogs get eaten that is the main question everyone wants to know i tell you what if you could eat hog from the root or to the poodle uh-huh from the nose to the butt we're gonna put that cream cheese and jalapenos we're gonna stuff them take that bacon and wrap around it and then we're gonna smoke it right over on that grill joining our main course deer meat baked beans and gizzards and rice time to work [Music] did you forget the password you know what password is no be prepared vino starts with his own unique creation dear meat baked beans ground up sauteed deer meat with salt and pepper when you're cooking your fresh meat lily yeah it's best to do that you got to salt it and peppers then you don't have to add in our baked beans oh he adds the deer meat to the baked beans then beno's secret barbecue sauce and not so secret worcestershire and brown sugar add strips of bacon on top and pop it in the oven now back to the hog when it comes to butchering this is where dylan really shines when people say meat tastes gamey that's the smell they're talking about no that has that muss mill yeah that's cause it's the board so it's even more gaming yeah because the testosterone was in the blood oh man is that flavor gonna go into the meat it'll have a little bit of that but it's not gonna be too overbearing like my stepdad the young boar is lean not much fat or usable meat but the front quarters hindquarters and tenderloins are good to go now what part are we going to be eating today uh max trap which would be 14-1 all that is backstrap yeah i mean considering like this is a really lean animal but this is a pretty good amount of meat we're getting off here i'm hungry can i have some oh there he goes she wants to be alone with it enjoy it the ham hops get sectioned up and boiled in a stock that'll soon become our rice paired with butter rice chicken neck and gizzard all simmering together and overlapping flavors that'll get soaked up by the rice [Music] next the tenderloin gets its own special treatment i've never felt more like a man right now like a provider literally i took down this hog this morning and now we're making it into food that's right and what are we making it's what we call roll up i'm gonna go in butterfly so we've kind of like reduced the surface area so it's all a little more thin it'll cook a little more easily right yes then we're gonna put the cream cheese in it jalapenos and fold it back over we're gonna take the bacon and wrap it towards the end because it puts more oil and grease back in to the meat dillon rolls up enough of these to feed an army then sets them to smoke for two hours in the meantime i don't think it would hurt to sample vino's baked beans so here the bacon on top is kind of browned shot oh that looks ridiculous are you straining it out i want all the grease in there you ready let's go for it oh it's hot oh i feel it in my heart it's got that little a little bit gamey not gamey but like a little wild taste to it man that is good little sweet little salty brown sugar bacon it's all there oh it's you can't even talk it's so good i got brown sugar but you got just brown sugar in your bite okay that's good too [Applause] this is unreal we got everything here what i like is you put kind of all of alabama on a plate as far as i'm concerned because we've got the beans with deer meat inside you put chicken necks in the rice yeah it's great and then of course the hog stuffed wrapped freshly shot today incredible that's the blessings that we get from god oh my gosh here we go putting some sauce on the rice what you got right here is a plate of dicks plate of dicks dixie dixie okay i thought for sure you said a plate of dicks and i wanted you to explain but now i got it i know the best barbecue sauce right oh this is yours yeah i might get from scratch oh my gosh i can't wait to try this out oh that's great is there a tomato in there yeah it's got ketchup in it yeah that's right it tastes like spicy spaghettios yeah this is ridiculous no joke the hawks are super tender like that was boiling for about two hours in there before the rice even went in your mouth won't get your fish that lightning bread i gotta try some of the lightning bread lightening bread it turns out just white bread mmm i'll get a little bit of rice a little bit of bean look at that you think i'm done but i'm not putting bacon in there no watch this boom oh i feel like i'm fitting in pretty good what do you think yeah right [Music] i mean that white bread there's nothing to it it just like gets super thin around whatever you put in there it's almost kind of sticky you guys ever described the food while you're eating it like i do oh you don't do that you got down bro [Laughter] right here this is the main event the back straps from the hog shot today let's take a look inside oh there it is still some of that cream cheese inside a jalapeno tenderloin here wrapped in bacon i'm gonna just cut it up again take a nice big bite of that it's a big moment for me i mean i guess i had the ham hocks already but this is what today was all about the hunt and the reward the meat let's go for it i like it the back strap's still a little bit tough i think just because it doesn't have like almost any fat in there but when you put it all together the bacon the cream cheese the jalapenos the taste is awesome i mean that brother mom we grew up on wild game there's so many flavors in here like i was saying you can taste it but it's not overbearing yeah what's your favorite my favorite here the rice because the pork on the rice is just like super tender yeah great seasoning i love it i gotta say alabama was hard on me man he agreed yeah i got a little something here to remember y'all by a little war wound but i think it was worth it it was a real trial like i could have backed up i could have freaked out walked away but in the end with your guidance we did the hog hunt we got the hog and finally it all led to this hanging out with you guys and eating some good ass food cheers to that amen and cheers also yeah yeah i love it thank you guys [Music] from researching and shooting to editing and mastering our 10 person best ever food review show team works hard to roll out the highest quality travel food entertainment twice a week if you like what we do here please consider supporting our patreon patreon allows fans of the show to contribute a monthly sum and receive a load of extras like early video releases private q and a's and beyond to learn more about our patreon check out the link in the description box down below and if you can't give or don't even feel like it that's okay too we're just happy you're here huge thank you to shady grove outfitter for the successful hunt today and to my man bino amazing food wonderful menu and for you guys thank you for watching i will see you next time oh and the hog call do the hog call i don't see any logs they come they're coming this is why we live is [Applause] like this
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 4,147,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alabama hog, alabama food, southern food, american food, best ever food review show, sonny side
Id: fkAsg5d-t5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 48sec (1128 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2019
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