Full Christian Movie "Branded" | Persecution and Hardship Strengthens Her Faith in God

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Amen! The last days are upon us. Disasters are getting worse, and this evil regime oppresses house churches more and more. - Yes. - Right. This is the darkest moment before dawn, these are portents of the Lord's coming. Amen! Many brothers and sisters have been arrested and sentenced in our county. In such a tense situation, we're all a little afraid and weak, but we believe in the Lord's promise. His day has nearly come! Amen! We must pray in earnest, hold fast till the end, bear victorious witness and await the Lord. Amen! We of the last days will indeed welcome the Lord's return! Amen! Thank the Lord! The police are here! Don't move! Hands on your heads! Get down! Don't move! Chenxi! What law does our faith break? Be still! Don't move! Hands on your head! We haven't broken any laws! Tie them up! Behave! What have we done? Get up! - What about the rule of law? - Head down! You got some nerve coming here to spread your gospel. We'll see about that! You still believe? The gospel! A foreign religion! Pull him up. Talk! Where'd you get the Bible? Dammit! Stop hitting him! Why are you doing this? Yeah! We haven't broken any laws. You all behave! Dammit! Why are you beating him? Why? Because you're believers! That's what I do with believers. What about the law? Don't cause trouble! What are you looking at? That's what we do with you believers. You'd better behave! You want to believe? How dare you believe in a foreign religion! A foreign religion! You still believe? Talk. You still believe? How dare you! You've really got some gall. I'll sort you out today. How dare you believe! You're going to kill him! Stop! What about the law? That's illegal! Our faith isn't a crime. How can you do this? Everybody behave! Why are you doing this? Where's your humanity? You wanna go to prison? You wanna go to prison? - What law does our faith break? - Be good! Get in there. Move! I want to go home. Home? Just wait. Your mom went to borrow money. If she doesn't come back with 200 yuan, you'll have to stay here. Lord Jesus, please have mercy on me and be with me … In 1988 when I was 13 years old, I was detained in a raid on a fellowship gathering in the Xiaowei Village. I endured one day and two nights in a dark little room, filled with fear. Back then, people were always getting arrested, paraded in the streets, and sentenced to hard labor for gathering together and sharing the gospel. I didn't understand. We wanted to be good people and take the right path, so why was the government persecuting us? Why did the Communist Party hate us so much for our beliefs? Those were the questions in my young and tender heart. Excuse me, coming through. Excuse me. Coming through. Careful there. It was so crowded, I could hardly get through. Still gazing out? We're almost home. Patience, there's still a way to go. We're nearly there! She can't wait. This is Chenxi's first big trip. She's definitely been homesick. Of course. It's been almost two months! - Yeah. - Yes. Time flies. Do you think this counts as a triumphant return? - Definitely. - Of course. Yeah. That's right. We've learned so much. Everyone's going to be overjoyed to hear this news. For sure. Mom, Dad. Chenhui! You're back! Where are Mom and Dad? Getting ready for a gathering. What've you got in there? You'll know soon enough. You certainly look pleased. Mom, I'm back. Mom. You must be frozen! No. How about the Northeast? It was freezing! Chenxi, it's great to see you. Hi Xinyue! You've learned a lot from all those sermons, right? I've brought some good news back for everyone. - Good news? - What is it? Come on, over here! - C'mon, c'mon. - What did you bring us? Oh, that girl. You're so excited, what is it? Yeah, tell us. What? Look! The Words of the Holy Spirit! The Holy Spirit has spoken! - The Holy Spirit has spoken! - Here, let's read it. - Everyone have a seat. - Sit down. In 1991, we heard the Holy Spirit's words in a house church. Everyone was overjoyed and couldn't wait to share the news. A chapter of the Holy Spirit's words came out every day or so in a steady stream. God's words revealed many truths about faith in Him and mysteries of the Bible, and gave us the path for practicing the truth and entering into life. Reading God's words every day felt so nourishing. We were all constantly immersed in a state of joy. However, six months later, the Communist Party's persecution found us once more. My parents and my brother were all arrested. Where'd these books come from? Where were they printed? No one's talking, huh? What about you? I don't know. You organize the gatherings, right? Tell me where those books came from. I don't know. Dad! - Don't hit him! - Why are you hitting my dad? Stop, he's not well. Stop hitting him! Dad! Stop it! Don't move! He's not well, stop it! Stop hitting him! Dad! … Stop hitting him! Don't hit him? Alright then. A 600 yuan fine? The police took our tape recorder as collateral. They told me to go borrow money for the fine. What lowlifes! Where can we borrow that much money? You can leave now. We've got to keep arresting and fining those believers. We still need to look into the issue of these books. Yes, sir. Dad. Dad, have some egg soup. Chenxi, your things are packed. The police have been investigating the source of the books. Stay at Xinyue's place for the next few days, then come back when this has blown over. Be careful on your way there. What on earth? What are you doing? - Mom! Mom! - Behave! - What is this? - Don't move! Stay still! Where'd you get these books? Where were they printed? Tell us! Captain. Sit! Li Chenxi, you've got some guts for someone so young. You had some nerve sending out these Christian books. Did you know that our government has been cracking down hard on house churches? You people dare print religious materials in secret and distribute them? Do you know what kind of crime that is? You're disseminating cult literature and cult propaganda, trying to overthrow our national government. You could get 10 to 20 years for that alone. Tell us what you know. Where did these books come from? Confess! If you don't confess, you'll be in even more trouble. My faith is not a crime. I have nothing to confess. You're a hard nut to crack. You really drank the Kool-Aid, hm? Talk! You're just 17. We'd hate to see you given hard labor. As long as you tell us everything you know, we'll send you right back home. How about it? As believers, we try to be good people on the right path and we read God's words. Why won't the government just let us be? Why do you persecute us? You silly little girl. What do you know? In China, anything the Communist Party opposes is illegal. Got it? You won't believe in the Party, but insist on believing in your God, spreading your gospel everywhere. More people believe in God and fewer follow the Party. We have to stop you, wipe you all out. That's the Party's policy, its law. Clear on that? Talk! Fess up! You'll be sorry if you don't! You, you, come with me. Move it! Come on! Get in there! Hurry up! Dad! Chenxi! Chenxi! Get back here. If you still don't want to talk, we'll get your dad to talk. Dad! You stay here. This has nothing to do with my dad. Why are you beating him? Nothing to do with him? Tell us! Where'd your daughter get those books? Where were they printed? Dammit! Dad! Stop hitting him! Dad! … Can you take it? You shit! Step aside. Dad! … Tell us! Dad! Will you talk or what? Talk! Tell us! Here, stop crying. Don't cry. The Communist Party is awful. This little girl just believes in God. She's done nothing wrong but they beat her dad right in front of her. How could they do that? It's so cruel! It's okay, don't cry. It's okay. It's okay. We know everything already. Look, someone already confessed and got to go home. Sort of pointless to be digging your heels in, isn't it? Once you've confessed everything, I'll call for a car to take you and your dad home. I give you my word. Whether your dad gets out or not depends on your cooperation. I'll ask you questions, and you just nod or shake your head. Did you go to Wangjia Village for a gathering? Did you go to the Northeast to listen to sermons? Who was preaching? Where were those books printed? I didn't know them. I don't know where the books were printed. Look, Mom! Mom, that's my classmate. Don't be silly! Isn't that Li Zhongdao's daughter? Such a good kid! Why's she there? The Party's arresting all the believers, even little girls. She's just a teenager. What does she know? What could she really believe in at her age? Doesn't she have anything better to do than that? That's what she gets! God, please bind Satan, seal its mouth. Suspect Wu Deshun is under criminal detention according to the law. Li Chenxi is under criminal detention for breaking the law by illegally distributing cult literature and seriously disrupting social order. Wang Youcai has been involved in repeated thefts of personal property leading to serious repercussions … Write a letter of repentance. What's your problem? Write! Won't do it? You'll get at least three years of hard labor, and three more if you still believe after that. And three more if you keep believing! You are going to rot in prison! Write, or you'll see what's coming to you. Li Chenxi! Yes? Come on! Bedding from your parents. Hey, your family sent you bedding? What's wrong? It's so hot, but they sent me a big duvet. I must be going to a labor camp. Hey, don't overthink it. See if there's something in here. Go on, what are you looking at? Come here. Hey, see what it is. Here. There's more. I believe in the true God and I will never betray Him. You talk pretty tough for a little girl. Let's see how you like the labor camp! Chenxi. Chenhui, where's Dad? He already got out. Our aunt used her connections and paid to get you and Dad out. Otherwise, you'd have to do hard labor. Let's go home. Being arrested and persecuted showed me how much the satanic regime hates believers and the truth in God's words. Only God has the truest love for people and God is our only rock in hard times. Starting in 1995 I went through Henan, Hebei, and Shanxi sharing the kingdom gospel alongside brothers and sisters. Thanks to the Lord! This is the Holy Spirit's voice. Many who read Almighty God's words recognized this is God's voice and He is the Lord Jesus returned. One by one, they accepted Almighty God's work of the last days. We can only be saved and enter the kingdom of heaven by accepting Almighty God's work for the last days. - Thanks be to God! - That's wonderful! We should accept God's work of the last days. Get out of here! Go! Get out of here! We will not accept your gospel. We believe in the Lord, in the Bible! The Communist Party started a nationwide operation in 1996 to counter so-called illegal activities. Large scale arrests were carried out against house churches, especially The Church of Almighty God. Where's your daughter? That year the police went to my home to arrest me, so I didn't dare go back home again. I felt timid and afraid in the face of the Communist Party's oppression and arrests. We prayed and leaned on God and kept sharing the gospel and doing our duty, spurred on by God's words. Is Li Zhongdao home? Li Zhongdao? Hello Li Zhongdao. Go to the county hospital. For what? To identify a body. A body? What body? - What happened? - What body? What's going on? Your daughter is dead. Mom! … In 1998, I heard my mom's mental health had seriously declined. She was never the same again. I really wanted to go home and see her, but I couldn't for fear of being arrested. I found myself near to home in 2004, so I risked a visit. Dad, Mom. Chenxi! Mom, it's me. Chenxi. Mom. You're back! Yes! Chenxi's back! Dad. Chenxi's back. Chenxi's back. It's wonderful that you're here. No one saw you come? No. Dad, how's your health? Just fine, don't worry. Chenxi. Chenhui. You're back. I thought … Mom, what are you looking for? Sweetheart, have some candy. Mom, I'll get it myself. Come on, have some! Have some candy! - Mom. - Have some! - Go ahead! - Mom. I'll go fry an egg, it's your favorite. Mom, Mom, there's no need. It's late, we shouldn't wake the neighbors. I'll be quiet, I'll be quiet. - Mom, there's no need. - I'll be quiet. Mom … It's okay, just let her go. Chenxi loves fried eggs. My darling loves fried eggs. Dad, what's wrong with Mom? The Communist Party's kept a close eye on us ever since you left. Police and village cadres come often, demanding to know where you are. Your mom was afraid you'd be arrested again and that they would take me and I'd be beaten to death like Brother Zhong. She was afraid all the time and would keep the main gate locked, terrified that the police would burst through. Then an officer came and told us to go identify a body at the morgue. He said you'd died. It was such a blow for her. She ended up like this. Our family's faith has been such a wonderful thing. I never imagined … Alright. Let's talk about something else. Seeing you doing well is enough for me. Chenxi, will you stay for a few days? The police were just here asking about you. I came by to see everyone. I'll go before daybreak. Dad, I bought you and Mom some clothing. There's no need for that. Try it, see if it fits. Sweetie, don't go. Alright, I won't. Chenxi isn't leaving. Dad, I have to go. We're so busy with the church's gospel work and so many people don't know God has returned. I can't put my duty to spread the gospel aside for our personal struggles. That would be disloyal to God. Be careful out there. Pray and lean on God, be sure to be safe. The police are still looking for you. You should go. Don't worry, I'll take care of things at home. God, You know my weaknesses. Please enlighten and guide me, give me faith and strength so I can stand firm. Thank God! God's words are always here to sustain and help us. His words brighten our hearts and give us strength. Yes. - God's words are wonderful. - They are. I assumed the name Fang Jie in 2009, and I traveled through Sichuan, Anhui, and Shandong doing work for the church. That year the Communist Party launched another national operation against The Church of Almighty God. The cops are coming! Don't move! Hurry up! Stop! What are you doing? Don't move! Freeze! … News of arrests of our brothers and sisters kept coming from all over. Brother Xiao Li and Sister Youling, high-level leaders were also caught. I'd never seen so many arrests in all my years as a believer. A dark, ominous feeling pressed down on all of China. It seemed no place was safe. The atmosphere of terror was suffocating. That August they started large-scale arrests in Linyi, Shandong where I was spreading the gospel. The Communist Party would dispatch large forces to seal off streets and apprehend Christians. Get up! Don't move! Everybody down! Why are you arresting us? You have to go! Sister Qi and the others were arrested! Hurry up! Hurry up or you won't get out of the city! It all happened so fast, I didn't know where to go. There were arrests in Shandong and Jiangsu. Henan was a focus for Communist Party sweeps. I heard things were tense in Yunnan, Guizhou, and Sichuan as well. I thought of the only place I could go. Routine check—show your ID. You. You, ID. You, ID. ID. God, please guide me. Where should I go now? Fang Jie? Sister Li! Come in. Brother Yang, Sister Feng, this is Sister Fang. She just fled to Fuyang and needs to stay here for a few days. Alright, have a seat. Here, sit down. Just relax and stay here for a bit. Learning a song? Sister Feng, could you take this to Sister Liu today and ask her to send it to Xuzhou ASAP? Sure. Have you learned it yet? Just about. Let's sing it together. Alright. A few days ago, I heard from brothers and sisters in Henan that Brother Xiao Li was given 15 years. 15 years? And four others were given 10 years or more. What law does our faith break? Such harsh sentences! What about Sister Youling? What did she get? You haven't heard? Sister Youling was beaten to death by the police. Beaten to death? Five days after her arrest, she was tortured to death. Her husband saw bruises all over her body, but the police wouldn't admit it. They insisted she'd died suddenly of a heart attack and that those bruises had appeared after she died. Why hasn't Mom gotten back from sending that letter? - Mom. - Sister Feng. Someone was following me just now. Did you lose them? I did. It's not safe here anymore. We have to move right away. We can hide at my sister's old place for now. - Alright. - Sure. Hurry, let's get our stuff together. Take a break. We've moved so many times this year. There's a lesson in it. Followers of God have to endure suffering. I'm constantly on edge. My heart skips a beat whenever I hear something outside, afraid the police are going to burst in. The police are chasing me in my dreams. The CCP started another round of mass arrests against The Church of Almighty God in 2012. Days before it launched, I went to Xuzhou to spread the gospel. I was just as cautious as always but I didn't know that danger was already creeping towards me. Daddy! Hello? Don't move! - Come on! - Get in! What are you doing? Squat there! I'll ask you again. Are you Fang Jie? Are you a church leader? You think we don't know anything? We confiscated all those books you printed. You are the one in charge! Get up! Up! Now! Tell us. Where's the church's money? Who's your leader? Will you talk? Will you talk? Will you talk? Will you talk? Will you talk? Will you talk? Will you talk? … Then tell me first, what's your name? What's your full name? Why would you ask me that? You're interrogating me. Don't I have the right to know your name? Dammit. Get up. Shit, she's tough. Up! Squat! A number of officers tried, but they got nothing out of me. They transferred me to Nanjing for more questioning. Are you Fang Jie? Are you a church leader? Tell me! You think you can hold out on us and not get a prison sentence? Don't press your luck! The Central Committee has ordered us to make a clean sweep and totally eliminate The Church of Almighty God. Being so loyal to your faith will not only get you prison, it could cost you your life. Is it worth it? Think about it. In China, following the Party is the only way to survive. Believing in God is simply not an option. After my arrest, the police wouldn't let me close my eyes or eat a bite of food. You feeling sleepy? No sleeping! I was totally exhausted after three days and nights of torture. It felt like there was a heavy weight pressing on my chest and I was struggling to breathe. I'll give you 30 more minutes. If you don't talk, the next round won't be this nice. It's 2:30 now. You have until 3:00. It's been 10 minutes. Have you thought it over? She talked? 20 minutes. 5 minutes left. You'd better think about this. Don't say I didn't warn you. God, I don't know what else they're going to do to me. Please protect me so I can get through this and stand witness. How about it? Have you made up your mind? I haven't done anything illegal. I have nothing to confess. Dammit, you're a piece of work! Do you have a family history of disease? She has a serious heart condition. We can't take her. It's fine. She'll just be here a week, she won't die. Get in there. Strip for a search. Take your clothes off! Hurry up! Off! C'mon! Take it all off. Do it! All of it! Did you hear? Do I have to help you? Now! Arms out. Legs apart. Turn around. Turn around! Legs apart. Arms out. - Out! - Turn! Put them out. Turn around. Legs apart. Higher! Get in there. Go on! Take "good care" of her. What did you do? How'd you end up here? Believing in God. Believing in God? Where is He, anyway? Yeah! Where is He? Take your clothes off. Why? For a search. They just did that. We need to do another one. That's the rule. Take it off. Come on! What's the hold-up? Hurry up! Come on, stop dragging your feet. Would you hurry it up? Take everything off! You got yourself here— don't pretend to be so innocent. Come on! Spread your legs and do a wide squat. Down! I'm on my period. Don't waste your breath. Do it! Squat! Now! Get up! Squat! Up! Squat! Up! Squat! Up! Squat! The Communist Party is truly evil. They're lower than beasts and deserve damnation. Could you give me a little toilet paper? I told you, no one can help her! You hear me? Get up. It's your shift, come on! Starting my first day in the detention house, I had to take a two and a half-hour shift every night of walking back and forth without stopping, even when my heart acted up. Hey, away from the wall. Are you asking for trouble? Otherwise, I'd be punished with a five-hour shift the next day. I learned what it's like to have every day feel like a whole year. Sun Jing, hurry it up! You're taking ages to brush your teeth. Stop dragging your feet. Food's coming soon, hurry up there! Li Chenxi, come here. Go clean the bathroom. Now! What kind of scrubbing is that? Get your arm in there! Get it clean. Down. Farther down. You can eat. Toilet, please. Me too, please. Anyone else need to go? I do. Go ahead. Stop! How are you supposed to get down? Time's up. Go next time. Get back up there! What are you looking at? Don't you get it? She said go back! Stop! Your slippers. Straighten them. There wasn't any freedom or dignity there. There were rules for sitting, walking, getting off the platform. Bathroom, please. Hold it. Even using the bathroom, the most basic of human rights was strictly limited. Sun Jing peed her pants! Eww, that's embarrassing! Sun Jing, what the hell is wrong with you? Clean it up, fast! Who told you to piss on the platform? Clean it up! Are you stupid? There's something wrong with you. Stop your crying, move it! Some prisoners ended up losing their minds, unable to withstand the long-term torture and abuse. Are you really crazy, or just pretending? You're faking it, right? Is it real? Here you go. Eat. Have some more. The Communist Party prison was hell on earth. Li Chenxi. She's using the bathroom. You're called for questioning! Li Chenxi, we know everything about your family. Are you Fang Jie? You won't say anything because you're afraid of betraying your God, of being a Judas, right? We've already told your church friends that you told us everything. They won't want you back when you get out. You're screwed either way. Yours is a special case. We can keep you locked up indefinitely, however long we want. Go think it over. My first three months in the detention house, the police questioned me regularly, sometimes from morning until night. Speak now! I was under incredible stress from non-stop threats and exploitation. Sometimes I'd feel panic and tightness in my chest and a pain in my heart. On top of questioning, they made me watch videos glorifying the Communist Party every day and talk about what I'd learned. That was also a kind of torture for me. Share what you've gained from watching the 18th National Congress. I have nothing to say. You have to! I just hope that the Communist Party respects the law, allows freedom of belief, and stops persecuting Christians. You really have a mouth on you. Make a note of that! Next. Once winter started, each day was colder than the last and my prison days became even harder. The water's too cold. Quit lollygagging, hurry up! It's freezing! The Party is so damn evil. Washing with freezing water in the dead of winter will kill us! They're experts at torturing people. The Party's been awful from the very start. All its words are sweet, all its deeds are evil. You, hurry up! Get out of here when you're done, don't waste time! Get up, get up, get up. Hurry up. It's so damp. Look, I can wring water out of it. This place isn't fit for humans. My health continued to deteriorate in such a terrible environment. My rheumatism and heart condition grew worse. I was weak and in pain and always wanted to lie down. But when it did come time to sleep, I was afraid because that was like being punished, too. It was so crowded I couldn't even move. Get up, it's your shift. Hurry up. The cold, the sleep deprivation, and the pain made every step torture. It was as if time stopped. Every single second was a struggle. I constantly prayed, sang hymns in praise of God, and asked Him to be with me. What's wrong? Are you okay? Hey, wake up. Li Chenxi's heart is acting up again. Li Chenxi's heart is acting up again. Should I report it to the guard? The guard won't do anything. Just do your shift. Am I going to die here? God, my life is in Your hands. Even if I don't make it, I still give thanks to You and praise You. If I am called to give my life standing witness for You, I'll have no regrets. It's all been worth it. Li Chenxi, I've never seen anyone as stubborn as you. It's been more than three months and you haven't given us anything. You've practically got me on my knees. You could, you could even make something up so we can tell our superiors we got something! You … I don't understand. The government has cracked down so hard on believers in Almighty God. Why are you people so driven? You give up everything, determined to believe in God. You go on the run, you can't go home, no one pays you for this. What's it all for? You're atheists who don't believe there's a God. What would you know about faith? You just care about money, fame, and status, but do those things really bring you peace? I think people with those things suffer more. You just obsess over promotions, riches, fixing others. There's no telling when you'll be imprisoned, lose your life, or lose your standing. We all get what we deserve in the end. This is a dark and evil world. Disasters are growing fiercer. Anyone without faith, without repentance, will be punished, swept away in the disasters and will die. Almighty God expresses the truth to cleanse mankind, to save us from the disasters so we can enter His kingdom. This is a wonderful thing! We share the gospel and give testimony so more people will accept God's work of the last days, gain His salvation, and be part of the kingdom of heaven. What's wrong with that? Why are you always persecuting us? Aren't you supposed to serve the people? Why can't you leave people of faith be? Li Chenxi, that's enough out of you! You dare preach to us. You're an intractable "godized element"! Li Chenxi, your parents are so old, and they took care of you all those years. You're not at home taking care of them, instead you are running around for your gospel. Aren't you letting them down? Have you realized that you might never see them again if you're sentenced to 10 or 20 years? You really want them to grow old alone? Isn't that selfish of you? Just tell us about your church and we'll let you go home. We'll help you find a job so you can take good care of your parents. What do you think? When I was 13, I was arrested for attending a gathering. The police locked me in a small, dark room for two nights and a day. I don't know how I would have gotten through that without the Lord by my side. When I was 17, my whole family was arrested for believing in God. The police interrogated and tortured them nonstop and my dad was nearly blinded in one eye from being beaten. They even beat him right in front of me, trying to get me to tell them about the church. I was paraded through the streets, mocked and humiliated by countless people. If it weren't for the strength God gave me, how could I have withstood such humiliation and pain as a young teenage girl? My dad's health deteriorated after being beaten like that and things got harder at home. We struggled to make a living. The police kept monitoring and trying to arrest me, forcing me to go on the run. My whole family lived in fear and our lives were destroyed. When I was 23, the local police lied, telling my family that I'd died and asked them to identify my body at the morgue. My mom couldn't take it and had a mental breakdown. Since then, she's been a completely different person. Confused one moment, alert the next. All household responsibilities have fallen on my brother's shoulders. As their daughter, all that I'm able to do for them aside from pray is worry. I can't do a thing for them. The local government and police never took their eyes off our house, even on the holidays. All just to get to me. Home? I lost that ages ago. I haven't been able to go back for years. If it weren't for God giving me guidance, protection, and faith, if it weren't for the brothers and sisters of God's house, I would have been … For me, going home is an impossibility. I long to see my parents in my dreams. That would be enough for me. We didn't do any of these things. That was all your local police. We had nothing to do with that. We really feel for what you've suffered, but this is the Party policy. Our hands are tied. Do you want redress, like for the Cultural Revolution? I know that believers in Almighty God are all good, kind people and we don't have anything against you personally. If you have to hate something, hate the Party. Over four months passed. Since the police didn't find any conclusive evidence and I had a serious heart condition, they released me on bail pending trial and had the local public security and judicial authorities in my hometown monitor me. Li Chenxi, call me the moment you arrive. Did you hear me? Your case is still open. As soon as we confirm your role and actions in the church, we'll bring you back in. Run to the ends of the earth and we'll still get you. Get going. Come on. The police are bad! The police are bad! They're not good people! Get out! Get out! The police are bad! Get out! The police are bad! Get out! Get out! Li Chenxi, don't think it's all over because you're on bail. You're a primary target for monitoring in our city. You need to report to the police station on time every month. You're absolutely forbidden to practice your faith, attend gatherings, or share the gospel. You can't have contact with believers or leave the area. I don't have any freedom at all? You want freedom? We have to keep a close eye on you "godized elements." I'll be coming by to check up on you. If we find out that you're practicing your faith or sharing the gospel on the sly, you'll get at least eight years. Got it? Take her photo. What's that for? To locate her wherever she goes. Help the government and keep an eye on her. Okay. Report her right away if she keeps on with that God stuff! Alright. Watch her. Going out? Where are you headed? Going out again? Almighty God, You know what I'm facing. I can't go to gatherings or share the gospel. God, please show me a way out. Some Christians in Baiyun District are interested in the true way and want to read Almighty God's words. We should send a couple of people over. I heard some brothers and sisters went to share the gospel a few days ago but the pastor reported them to the police. We have to tread carefully and send people who know what they're doing. You're right. Brother Wang and Sister Zhou have been arrested! Hurry! … When I was sharing the gospel in Guangdong in 2013, there was another round of Communist Party arrest operations. The evening of September 25 alone, nearly 200 church members were taken. In 2014, the Communist Party launched a national campaign against The Church of Almighty God, the "Hundred Days Battle." Huge numbers of public security officers, armed police, and regular officers were dispatched to arrest Christians. So many brothers and sisters were taken. Some were sentenced, some were beaten to death, and some had their organs removed. Fess up! Don't stop! Confess! In China, a sense of fear permeates everything. The shadow of the Communist Party's reign of terror over Christians looms over all of China. Let's go. Oh God, please protect me so I can be strong and brave through this nightmare and follow You until the very end.
Channel: The Church of Almighty God
Views: 850,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movies 2021 full movie, christian movies 2020, Christian movies, latest christian movies 2020, full movie, best christian movies 2020, Christian Movie Based on True Story, Christian True Story, A True Christian Story, Religious Persecution Movies, Religious Persecution Movie, faith movie, christian film, gospel movie, Religious Persecution, Religious Persecution in China, persecution of religious faith, faith in God, The Church of Almighty God
Id: Fx2XyCtS1Sw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 34sec (6394 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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