FULL AMPHIBIAN POKEMON TEAM! Shiny Salamence, Poliwrath, Politoed, Salazzle, Swampert

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the animal theme what are amphibians and fevers of stuff like cold blooded vertebrates with frogs toads salamanders newts and okay case closed now i've got two battles today with the amphibia team and i hope you enjoy i'll be providing some cool little pictures alongside uh the pokemon i put on the team too last time people said they were pretty cool and they enjoy that so i thought i'd do that uh today i'm actually back i'll be back today from my uh mini little break so this will be i'm actually doing the videos on saturday at the moment so this will be the very last video i do in advance so let's have a look at polyrap it's based on like basically a tadpole and um that's just a little picture of it there so it's in the amphibian class i'm going to be swapping polywrap out and i'm going to be using it a little bit later on here because this finish is going to really warm me now quagsire is going to be the pokemon swapping it is based on a giant chinese salamander and that looks absolutely disgusting that's like crazy so this is a choice banded set we've got aqua tail we got earthquake we've got ice punch and focus punch underwear about the choice band is the ottoman maxwell the max attack adam nature swing comes the uh the fruit queen i'm not sure if this is a team member so if you do pick up on the things let me know in the comment section as always and i'm gonna be swapping quacks right there because uh quagsire is gonna be fighting to and absorb we're gonna go into slazzle now now sleds of the drink this is based off a uh a lizard or a gecko and it's also like base off on like uh it could be based off on a uh it's like hawaiian uh like lizard spirits it's called like mo or something like that i don't really know how to pronounce it but it's like some like mythology thing so it's pretty interesting so basically a lizard or a gecko so we've got a physical setting we've got dragon dance flare blitz gunshot and dragon claw i've got focus as the item ability is going to be oblivious and we've got max speed max attack adam nation like you really need to run adamant on the physical slazzle because it virtually hits like a wet paper bag so we're going to get a a dragon there toby the philistine's going to spin roomba around baby and go for that trick now it's going to get a a focus ash and i'm going to get a trace band so it's actually really good so i locked myself into trace band dragon claw and that did quality damage there now the finish is going to go for a um a whirlpool here trapping my slazzling and doing a you know a fair bit of damage me slazzle isn't exactly what you call you know the bulkiest pokemon in the world now also a question if you think there's any other pokemon that could have fitted on this team let me know in the comment section too uh i guess you could just base it off and sword and shield but if you want to say something that's outside of there too i'm sure there's more than six amphibian pokemon uh out there you know so slash has got uh one more dragon claw to take out brilliance and that is the lights out for that i'm trying to figure out what this if this is the same team at the moment i think i've got an idea what it is now the next pokemon to come in here is going to be oh we better foolish now we're going to uh jealousy so i'm going to go for dragon claw again and that does pretty good damage to gelatin it's a three hit ko now it's going to go for the brine straight down the line and slazzle is going to be fainted i mean there's not a lot i could have done there you know slazzle was already below half up so we got leftovers on the jealous and two actually uh just i was thinking if i'd done a foolish mo team but i have i've done freelancing the jealousy so the next pokemon is salamance so salamance of course is based off a salamander i guess you could say there's not too many uh salamanders with wings but uh i thought this looked pretty close to a salamander it had like it's like a blue spotter one i don't know like it's pretty cool it's definitely got the body of a salamander it's based off that but uh of course just forget about the wings so anyway we're gonna have this pretty cool salamander now this was actually a moose that inspired on one of my random egg videos i think i think it was called big daddy pump or something like that because i had hard drip up so i've got um i know big papa pump so it's rain dance hydro pop hurricane and dragon pulse ability is going to be to intimidate and mystic waters get the whole item to keep things a little bit wet now we've got max speed max special attack and tibia nature so that's going to be lights out for the frillage so excellent work so far i did get burned but that doesn't really matter i've got a special set next pokemon is going to be golden so golden i can hit pretty hard for the hurricane hurricane sandy is going to miss i thought it might have a troll move like horn drill but it's got ice beam you wouldn't read about it and that almost dropped my salamander to one shot there that was that was a nasty ice beam so one more attack we'll take out my salamat so he missed again with hurricane and golden is going to defeat salamance on your pipeline shuttle people it happens right it just happens so salamanca gonna fight they're in a in in a salty rage now i still got four more pokeballs so it's all good we're going to go back into quagzi which i explained was based on the uh the uh chinese uh giant salamander and um it's going to go for a flip turn there so uh flipping off my uh quagsire very very rude the next point going to come is going to be fruit queen i was like you know what i'm going to do it on this unexpected thing or sorry i don't expect thing i'm going to keep quagziring i don't think they'll expect me to keep it in but uh they ended up going for a grass move here anyway and quagsire is gonna get absolutely dominant i thought it might be uh interesting to keep it in there something unsuspecting and maybe they'd uh predict another pokemon are coming but it is what it is i guess a lot of my pokemon were kind of weak the grass too so we're going to bring in our polly raphael uh polygraph we've already established this based on frog and tadpole and stuff like that and we're going to go for dynamaxx polywrap oh i didn't actually get to explain what this uh moose set was so this is a mine reader blizzard hydro pump focus miss set ability is going to be swift swim and we got the item it's bright powder now i've got max elf and max special attack and when i've got the rain up with swiss swim it's very very fast it's bulky and it hits hard at the same time i thought it'd be fun to use a uh a special set to get some pretty cool uh special moves you know hydro pump is pretty powerful in the rain and focus miss when it lands it you know it's all right too so serena's going to go for a zen head butt there that's not really going to do a lot to follow polly rap and now i can fire uh a big blizzard or a max house off at the fruit queen and that is gonna faint that's good because that was a very very threatening pokemon right there i'm trying to think back to the battle i was having like this i did this battle in fact i'll say i didn't swap out the quag's eye because i had a lot of watertight pokemon i didn't have a choice just thinking back right now i had no choice because i had like why yeah i had only water type pokemon so i was choices so we got the nitto queen coming in here this is actually a pretty good pokemon um diverse by polywrath with i can go also go for a max guys here that'll do a fair bit of damage now you know queen might be able to boost its special attack if it does have max zoos i don't know what sort of who said this is even going to be but you know i'm sure i'll find out i know that i won't one shot nero queen it's gonna have like being far too bulky but uh anyway it's gonna be going for it to max suzy like i you know sort of thought that was gonna happen that's not gonna do a lot of damage to polygraph but i need to actually take this pokemon out because it's going to get a fair video boost uh it's also got life orb to it so it's obviously going to be a sheer force it so we're going to fire that max geyser right out of that little hypnotic uh stomach it's got there and that's very good damage so that's a 2 uko i'm pretty proud of that damage so i can go for another attacking whiff and hopefully take out nino quinoa it depends whether nidoqueen can fight me next turn i mean i do have another turn of dynamics left too so i can go for max geyser here that'll take out nida queen but nidoqueen unfortunately went for a max yard i guess they thought well you know polyrhat's going to fake me this thing i don't think i'm going to fight with maxus how about we stall out the final turn of holy raps uh dynamics there so now i'm very very vulnerable to getting uh one shot so go for the hydra up there and nidoqueen he's gonna face that was really really cool i managed to actually land that attack i was a little bit worried that i was gonna miss that so thank goodness i didn't i'd be uh almost as salty as that uh solomon's now the next fight gotta come in is gonna be the golden we see this for evelyn we know it's got flipped him we know it's got high speed and i managed to connect a focus missy on goldens like i doubt this will live and uh wait oh it's going to focus on i thought it lived on one health without a focus that's like these things happen to me people so now golden's gonna go for a mud shot that's pretty cool it's gonna wait hit a electric type pokemon doesn't do a lot of damage but it is gonna drop my speed i'm gonna go for a disrespect hydro pump here and that is gonna be the end of the golden so bye bye goldie now there's uh one more pokemon left on there tinted i've still got um i've still got three two so the rain is gonna stop this that's the end of my speed advantage and the last pokemon's gonna be bespoke so i've seen quite a few are it's been quite a few festivals lately so vesquin is gonna be out at speedy and it does have air slash so that's gonna be hitting me very hard uh taking out my polly wrap now i'm just looking at my amphibians i've got two more left so we've got polly toad so obviously polito is uh based on a big old ugly disgusting toad so in australia we've got this uh we've got kane tones they're uh they're like considered a pest i guess you could say it's based on like tadpole and toad that's that you know that sort of thing but uh there we go we got a belly drum dynamic punch and mega kick and dive set i tried to give it moves that weren't very accurate and i just gave it dive as a troll move so we're gonna go for belly drum here and hopefully the uh hopefully this will be enough to take it out i want to go for a belly drum dive so i've got the rain up here now it's going to go for an attack order on my polytone and i thought i'd be able to deliver air sash but i'm like nah i'm not going to live an attack order like i i was a mixed attacker so polytote's also going to get critted didn't matter it possibly did so last pokemon is going to be swap it so the swampert line like mudkip and stuff like that it's all based on like um an axolotl so there you go that's uh pretty much covers why my team uh all amphibians are pretty cool i think you can have axolotls as like can you have axolotls as little pets maybe someone's got them i imagine imagine you could have them you have to have the like they're in the right environment stuff like that like i've had like i've had like reptiles and stuff and you have to have like um little um what do you call not sprinklers they're like these little oh the name of this case you like they spray water out in little intervals like it's on a timer they're like a mystery a mister there you go you miss them and you know keeps you invited the humidity and levels up and stuff like that but that's enough to take out the last pokemon there with the swap it and that is uh gg i managed to take it out with the swap it and serve let's get on to battle number two pretty cool team they're wearing let's go for this one this is a bell against uh ty and we've got a kabutop sling kabutops looks very uh looks very pickle color i don't know if i like that speaking of which we got we got polly wrapper you know what i want to say that polygraph looks more than a like a pickle like kabutop sort of looks like a radioactive pickle that's uh very radioactive so i could go for a mine ready i was like let's go for my red i'll go for a focus miss now kabutops is going to slide out of this matchup and uh sizzling pete sorry not sizzly peed uh center scorch is going to slither right in so i'm going to go for the mine reader here i can actually go for mine reader hydro pump that's going to be pretty good i don't know if it's interesting to actually swap this in like they must have some sort of super effective movie like what are they going to do so wait for the hydro bump i'm going gonna be going first here and we're gonna fire that uh 100 actually uh you know hydropop at the uh center score so good damage doesn't take it out though i almost want to say it was a salt vessel but then it used willow it's like okay it's got a fair bit of volatile so it must be running at least i'm at least maxell so i guessing they swapped it into burn polar i think i was gonna you know be running a physical set so go for a double hydro up here the good thing about it the second one actually lands which is great and that's gonna be the end over that so that's a good start to the ballot now if kabutops does come back in i can opt to go for a focus miss or i've got to be like well i could go for the uh mine reader and then try that but no uh the artillery came in instead so we're going to go for mine reader and we're going to do exactly the same thing except it's not going to be super effective against the artillery now artillery is going to fire some bullet safety out there and it's it's doing all right damage but it's going to have to hit me a lot of times that's to say it's gonna need at least five bits and they only get two which is very very bad uh not very much damage there at all so gonna take some burn damage and now octoly's got the moody ability that's gonna be biscuit attack by one stage like okay now if that uses bullet set again that's gonna be no joke that's gonna be hitting me like a lot harder so hopefully this will do you know at least a lot of damage so actually takes that rather well it's kind of bad there um i i thought i'd do a little bit more of that and now as you can see bullet seed is doing way more damage than it did before like even with just like like one stage and polywrap only gets it twice again but since i'm burned it's going to just fight me there so i was sort of unlucky only getting two it's all i'll tell you but the good thing he was i was burned so he did find that so that's a pretty good performance there by polly rap uh now octorio is going to get another moody boost it's going to get a defense rise and it's going to get a drop in its speed so that's good so it's not going to be like super super speedy next pokemon is going to be uh salamance now uh salamance is gonna drop that attack there with intimidate getting rid of that attack booster that it got original got earlier on before so firstly what i'm gonna do with the salamance i'd like to set up the uh i quite like to set up the raindance here so that sort of sets up my other moves like hydro pump and uh hurricane now this is pretty cool so artillery went for a soak there uh changing salamance into a water type like this is pretty cool uh i've got stab hydro pump that's going to be pretty powerful in the i mean i've already set the rain up so the salamance set i already said was mystic water i was actually going to go for damp rock but i kind of went against it because i already had a um i already had that polly toad that polite was like a wide lens set up i was thinking about running dead rock on that but i turned out not to so artillery's gonna go down to a hurricane and then comes the uh kabutops so i can go for a stab hydro pup in the rain with the mystic water that like that's gonna do a lot of damage and i've also got um your max first day so go for that hydro buff in the rain there and it lands which is very good and kabutop's special defense well let's just put it this way it isn't really the greatest in the world and it's going to get dominated so the next pokemon to come in here is going to be our neumann so with the northern i do have dragon pulse but i know that dragon balls you know won't one shot this like it's not it's like salamanca's specialty is pretty good i wouldn't say it it's nothing like super super incredible so we got a air cutter noise burn here which is pretty cool actually we got the same uh almost we got almost the same uh shade of uh green on both of these shinies so go for dragon pulse that's easily a two-hit ko um this noise uh even with a crit i don't think it's gonna take salamance out so i just went for the uh dragon uh dragon pulse again here comes another air cutter and that one i don't think crit no that one didn't quit so i crit would have taken me out so they would have needed another so neuvet is going to fight to my second dragon pulse and salamance is like is uh tearing through these uh next couple of pokemon here so my opponent only has one more lip there was one pokemon i was a little bit worried about because it could be quite uh tanky or very very offensive too and that is a mewtwo and there's another pokemon too so i was wondering what this mewtwo set would actually be so i'm on my last little bit of healthy i was like well i'll just go for hurricane let's go for a confusion right now mewtwo's gonna go for a nazi plot which is gonna be a very nasty so it depends what sort of move that mewtwo has got to and my opponent also hasn't dynamax either that's uh nothing so hurricane well it doesn't really do a lot of damage i guess i did lose step after all and mewtwo's gonna finish you off with a confusion it's a nasty pot confusion mewtwo now mewtwo does have a huge special attack so no confusion will still be hitting fairly hard so we're going to go to slash leah i mean i could go for a d dance but i'm a little a little bit scared i might get out of speed because i am running adam and nature so i'm just going to go for flair blitz and go for a gunshot's probably going to miss knowing my life so mewtwo goes for a confusion and puts me on my focus actually if i didn't have focus i would have got one shot to buy confusion i mean you're not going to hear that statement anywhere else people are only off here on show so go for that flip let's see almost taking out mewtwo pretty solid performance there and slazzle is going to be fainting so now i've suddenly lost uh you know half my team we're going to be going into polytone now now i should be able to finish this mewtwo off with a uh a good kick and a swift kick in the face with it's with a mega kick you probably thought's got some pretty nice special uh defense too so we've got uh mega kick or belly drop i was really really really thinking about going for belly drum here but well since mewtwo's got a lot of special attack i don't think i'm going to uh i don't think i'm going to leave like confu i don't want to lose the confusion so here comes the confusion like okay let's see how much it actually does to me right look at the damage it does that's crazy so i went for the mega kick here i kicked that muted right in the face and uh that is the end of muted so good thing i didn't go for belly drum because you know confusion mewtwo would have absolutely destroyed me that would have been pretty uh imagine that was psychic terrain on the field too that would have been like doing lots of damage last pokemon is going to be necrosma and uh you know it's shiny too my mind are shining across but i like actually that's that's a question i like alternate crosstalk do you think do you think we'll actually get ultra necrozma back in the game like that's that's that's really curious where they're gonna get i guess if we get in the crossfit backing game we got a chance of doing that but damn that that that was a that was a broken pokemon so necros was going to hit itself for confusion i somehow managed to get a dynamic punch off it was amazing but i'm a little bit worried here because i'm not going to be doing like lots of damage and i cut it's not like i can go for a belly drum either so i just gotta hide underneath the water and go for dive and now the problems actually start here with the crossbar because it's gonna go for a cosmic balance like oh man like this thing is stupidly tanky already and uh i'm going to hit this with like a very very powerful boot it's also got leftover suit to forget like it's held back it's going to like prism armor and stuff like that which is a a bit of a pain so i'm going to go for the dive here dive does all right damage but it's dive coming from a physical polytope with no no stat boost whatever so now necrozma's gonna go for a second cosmic power and yeah this is um this is a very big problem it's i don't have like i don't have like a status it's not like i've got toxic or something like that or a one-hit kangaroo i need something like very very powerful to even like do some damage to this so i'm just going to let this thing fight me there's not really like a doorway for mega kick and it's going to snap out of confusion and go for a charge beams like okay it's got causing power and charge rate now you have to assume this has some sort of recovery maybe it doesn't i could be wrong and some other i'd say it's got a psychic type moose that's what i was thinking cosmic power you know charge beam psychic type move maybe maybe a status you know maybe it doesn't have one you never know maybe it doesn't have one it's got enough bolts to probably live on so that drizzle's going to stop what i'm going to do is going to swamp it and hopefully it goes for charge bin again so it won't attack me that was the you know that was the plan anyway so it's going to go for charge for him like okay that's cool let's see if i can find out what the other attacking move than a crosma has because i know that it's got another one i'm sure that i'm sure it just wouldn't have charged me so what i'm going to do i'm going to do two things at once i'm going to sacrifice the polytone get the drizzle to go again for five turns and i'm gonna find out what this other you know mysterious move is gonna be so we're gonna set that drizzle up again it's in some ways it would have been probably better out of that rock but i went for wide lens with dynamic punch i thought it was like you know more fun so here comes prismatic laser my okay that's a uh that's a good swapping because polly toad you know it's gonna fight anyway so it's gonna be on recharge this turn but i don't know what i could do i've got swampert left like i was thinking to myself like i could put in swampert and i could go for dynamaxx uh dynamaxx max ooze coming off sludge wave that's really all i could do then i could go for like surf or max geyser i don't know like my options were uh yeah they were they were pretty limited at the moment to say the least like and i'd only like i think i like yeah quags i left there too at the choice band so i didn't have any really way to boost swag size attack apart from going for max knuckle in i'd rather get some damage off with max versus i could get maybe you know two max oozes off and then go for like a max guys or something along those lines but my opponent yet has uh not dynamics either so you've got to assume that the crossman is going to be the dynamics pokemon you it's an absolute nightmare so it's so so tanky i said that chris was going to get some more of itself back also this i believe this is some sort of theme team as well if you can guess what it is please let me know in the comments section of the video just just let me know i like to see if people can actually uh guess the team suit so here we go people this is going to be so tanky like this thing's got like one two cosmic powers up and even without crossing out it's very very bulky uh already i like necros was like little uh rainbow eye looking thing looks cool so it's gonna go for a max my storm that is coming off prismatic laser and that's doing a lot of damage on my swamper that's doing like loads and loads of damage so now the psychic terrain is down on the field the next move is going to hit very very hard too so swap it's going to go for max guys here it looks pretty cool when it does max geyser but it's it's not really doing a lot like since it's got that um because it powers like if it didn't have causing powers up that would be doing a fair bit you know like the next one would you know most certainly take it out so the cross was going to go for a max guard here i actually went for a match guard this turned towards trying to stall out the last little bit of uh you know dynamaxx there because i didn't really want to get hit by a max mindstorm with my quag's eye like i've got no choice now swap it we'll get hit by this and it's not like i've got a uh you know assault best to fall back on it so it's got plus one especially uh swap it is not going to leave that one with the uh that uh you know psychic terrain plus one is fresh thank you very very powerful so the uh rain is gonna uh actually stop here my last pokemon is gonna be quagside this is my choice banner says i'm like i don't know if i'm gonna out speed uh my best move would be earthquake that's about it that's if i even able to out speed it it's gonna out speed me and go for a press mate laser no way quagsire is leaving that one and that my friends is the second battle of the amphibian pokeball team hope you enjoyed both these battles i'll be back uh with a new narration probably uh tomorrow peace out people [Music] you
Views: 31,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amphibian pokemon, amphibia pokemon, amphibian pokemon list, frog pokemon, frog pokemon only, frog pokemon evolution, salamander pokemon, lizard pokemon, gecko pokemon, axolotl pokemon, pokemon swampert, pokemon poliwrath, pokemon salamence, pokemon salazzle, pokemon politoed, pokemon quagsire, shiny swampert, shiny salazzle, shiny quagsire, shiny salamence, shiny politoed, shiny poliwrath, amphibians animals, all amphibian pokemon, PIMPNITE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 8sec (1448 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 21 2022
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