FUJIFILM x100VI — CINEMATIC video samples and CROP MODES explained

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a lot of people are super hyped up about the Fujifilm X100 VI myself included and although it's a beautiful photo machine it can also shoot some great footage so I wanted to make a chill video and share some of the stuff I took from a little hike I did up at Griffith Park nothing fancy here just some test footage and some quick thoughts as a video camera I love this thing 6K up to 30 frames ibiz great autofocus 10bit internal NDS f to this thing is a tiny beast and yes there are better cameras out there however bang for buuck pound for pound you can't beat this thing the hype is real this camera is fun to shoot with and produces some great images however if you twisted my arm and told me to say some negative things about it in video mode I would say the following the Ibis is good but if you're coming from Sony stabilization it's just not as good as what Sony is doing Sony set a very high bar with ibz and it is what it is Sony's Ibis is just better if you're shooting an fog 2 which is the only pitcher profile I would recommend shooting with because it's the one with the highest dynamic range again for video your lowest ISO is 1,000 that kind of sucks especially when you're shooting in super bright conditions however the internal NDS are only at four stops and honestly it would have been awesome if they included like a 10 stop ND in here instead of four cuz four is good it's just not that much not a deal breaker simple fix if you need more ND is just get a cheap 49 mm ND filter pop it on and boom you're ready to rock I'm not complaining here I'm just pointing this out also this is a 35 mm lens right well sort of there are three video modes I would recommend shooting in and that's regular 4K 4K HQ and 6K let me explain the different crops here and how they work at regular 4K mode at 24 frames there's no crop it's 35 mm boom you're good however if you want to shoot 60p it's a 1.4x crop making it a 40 mm lens when you move up to 6K or 4K HQ shooting at 24 frames mind you it's a 1.23 crop making it a 43 mm lens so what's the crop when shooting 4K HQ at 60 frames nope can't do that there is no 4K HQ at 60 frames that's kind of lame so if you want to shoot 4K 60 frames you have to use the regular 4K not the HQ version I know this might be a little confusing and I'm going through it pretty quick so I want to put this all in the description below as a little cheat sheet are any of these crops a deal breaker and does it take away from the experience absolutely not it's just a little crop nothing to worry about all right I'm going to wrap this one up quick little video for you guys I really love this camera it's a great size great image great everything hopefully you enjoyed this video if you have any questions or comments please leave them below I will answer them all I promise all right see you guys next time bye
Channel: Dan Dobi
Views: 4,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fuji x100vi, fujifilm, fuji x100vi cinematic, cinematic, dan dobi
Id: UEW4uxpuoB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 59sec (179 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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