Fuji XT2 AEL, AFL, Back Button Focus, Function Buttons - Discussion Tutorial

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hey how's it going my name is Jimmy thank you so much for joining me today I'm here with my Fuji xt2 I've been using this camera for quite a while and I still really like it and I recommend it let me know what camera you're using in the comments below perhaps your preferences have changed today we're talking a little bit about the AEL button and the AFL button and how they relate to the shutter button up here will also demystify the idea of back button focusing perhaps you've heard that term you're curious about it or perhaps you know about and you still don't understand how that could play a part in your photography foreign little ticker here is on the S make sure your aperture is on a and your ISO is on a your time value is on a and your exposure compensation is on zero we want to make sure we don't have any discrepancies as we go through the menu and we do that by having very similar settings for this example I'm going to go over a few definitions AE stands for auto exposure how bright or how dark your scene is at this time and auto exposure on means ah it's activated yes okay I see how dark or how bright it is and auto exposure lock means for as long as you hold down this button it will remember and hold on to the exposure no matter where you point the camera after it remembers the initial measurement of the exposure same with auto focusing the AFL button here uh the way it's set to is auto focus lock autofocus on stands for focusing on a subject and its focus it turns on it's it's noticing something goes beep beep and it's focusing it's clear auto focus lock means for as long as you hold down to this button it will lock it in place and you can move your camera a little bit just like Auto exposure and it'll kind of keep that um subject still in focus and that means recomposing your shot right if you focus on a person and you slightly move your camera a little bit so that person for example is now in the bottom left or right corner he will or she will still be in Focus so you're recomposing the shot and that's what auto focus lock and auto exposure lock allow you to do to kind of recompose the shot while retaining original settings or original um the way things looked when you first uh activated the autofocus or Auto exposure I hope that makes sense now when you press the half shutter button it's doing this so as for example I'm going to turn on my camera look at a subject and it always helps to focus on something with a lot of light that's contrasting in color and make sure your focusing point is spacious that we can grab onto it you can't really focus very easily in a clear blue sky there's nothing to grab onto so right now I'm focusing on this object in front of me I'm going to half press the shutter button and I'll hold it there so when I pressed it it activated the focusing right it's clear and then I also notice it's locking on exposure as well so for as long as I'm holding down this shutter button it's actually doing that auto exposure lock auto focus lock so you're saying okay that's what it does are you sure yeah look at the bottom left hand corner of your screen right now you see those two blue bars a-f-l-a-r-e-l are also there so if that's built into the shutter button why do these button exist and these buttons exist for flexibility sake you can change these buttons because they're called function buttons yes they are labeled that way but you can change them to do a vastly different function but for right now I recommend you leave them as they are these are all buttons to give you flexibility um so that's why a lot of these buttons seem to do the same thing so let's try and experiment right now I'm going to focus on something with my shutter button by pressing halfway I'm going to take my right thumb and while still holding down this shutter button I'm going to press AFL now I'm going to let go of my shooter finger look at the left bottom left part of the screen it still says AFL what is missing the a e l exposure lock so as I move my camera around this office notice the lightness and darkness is changing it's kind of flickering on the screen because the exposure is not locked just focusing on that subject the initial subject is sort of locked depending on how you stay close to where you were on your plane of focus I'm going to let go of my thumb now I'm going to half press the shutter button on something I'm gonna Focus um on it and then I'm gonna use my right thumb and hold down a e l Auto exposure lock I'm gonna let go of my shooter finger now and look what's left behind the bottom left hand corner of the screen El exposure lock that's the button I'm pressing right now so if I move my camera around you'll see that the brightness and darkness the exposure right now is not changing perhaps the focus is though because that's not locked okay let's do one more very silly thing I'm going to hold down the shutter button once more time and I'm going to use my right thumb hold down AFL and then use my left thumb hold down a e l and then I'm gonna let go of my shooter finger look what happens the two AFL and El are still engaged they're locking on the exposure and the focusing so that just tells you that's what these buttons do now that you've tried it you see like oh these buttons aren't anything of a big deal all they do is just kind of like breaking up what the shutter button does if you want to just focus on exposure lock how bright or how dark it is with and you can still move your camera around you can do that it's about recomposing the shot while still locking on the exposure that you initially liked and initially locking on the focus that you wanted we now move on to the next point back button focusing what is back button focusing this isn't necessary I personally don't think so I rarely use it how do I focus I do it just the way I showed you I use my shutter button and I follow through and take that shot now other people say it's not a fish efficient if you especially want to take pictures of people in the middle of sports or nature photography you don't want to have to Focus take a picture you're going to miss shots that way but this is kind of a misconception You're Gonna Miss shots no matter what you do it's just preference so what are they saying they're saying you should use these buttons to focus with your thumb and when you focus with this goes beep beep it focuses right and it locks automatically because you're holding on to it and then you can go ahead and take that shot with your finger like this so the only way to do this is to remove the autofocus and auto exposure lock from here we're going to take that out and just make it a shutter button and then make this AFL button here make that the not auto focus lock but auto focus on feature and just by holding it after it will lock naturally let's set your camera up for back button focusing you may like it go to menu and by pressing the menu button press the the left Arrow so now you're in that column right press down to afmf this is auto Focus manual focusing menu you may think that AEL and AFL adjustments are here and that's not the case I think they actually kind of belong there but that's not where they are we want to change how these buttons work so we're going to go down to the wrench the wrench is the settings for the camera we want to change how these buttons behave so press the right arrow go down to button dial setting press the right arrow go all the way down we're on page one of three right now we're gonna go to page two of three and they're page two of three we see shutter Auto Focus right so our shutter right now when we press down and it focuses that's the autofocus right we want to take that auto focusing function off the shutter so press the right arrow here and you see it has on for auto focusing press the right arrow again go to off so we're going to press display back when you press the shutter button now it won't go beep beep it won't focus we just remove that function it will just take a blurry shot if you're not focused so what do we use to focus now we want to make this a f l button the focusing on button so we're going to go up to the first page here again press up again to f-n-a-e-l-a-f-l button settings that's a long way of saying you see these two buttons here we want to change them to do something else these buttons along with many buttons on your camera are called function buttons that just means they can do many things a lot of things but for right now they're labeled This Way Auto exposure autofocus lock so I use them that way that's the way Fuji intended it and by me changing it up will only confuse me later if I'm not really married to an idea especially if I haven't mastered the way Fuji presented it so if it says AFL autofocus lock let's keep it to auto focus okay so let's press the right arrow under function a-e-l-a-f-l and then we're gonna go down to AFL this is a picture map of all the function buttons so every button you see on this menu can be changed to do a different function only thing we're going to do here is change the AFL press the right arrow and we're going to change the AFL to do something different it's down arrow to a f on now just follow along here Press menu ok what you did here is AFL does now what it is now just auto focus on remember in the beginning of the video what I said AF on means it just focuses on something it turns it on and if you hold it then it becomes the lock so it kind of does both now if you look at AEL the function button above what is that set to it's still Auto exposure lock let's not change that right now let's just change one thing at a time half press the shutter button to go to live view now as an experiment press the shutter button does it Focus no we took that function out what focus is now the AFL button is the focus button let's try that right now does that sound didn't look familiar that is doing what the shutter button used to do now your thumb is doing back button Focus quite literally it's not some mystical thing you're doing it it's all it is it's just focusing with this button now and now that's focusing your finger here is free to just slam the shutter button like this and supposedly that'll give you the upper hand when you're doing nature photography when you're taking pictures of your son playing hockey for example you know follow them around perhaps in conjunction with continuous focusing on your camera I don't know everyone has different preferences so that's pretty much it that's back button focusing and if you want to change that back remember go to the settings the wrench in your camera and you can easily change this shutter button to go back on for focusing and then you can change the AFL back to auto focus this lock and I recommend trying the back button focusing for about a week and see if you like it you can always go back thank you so much for watching I hope this helps you see you next time
Channel: Jimmy C Photo
Views: 14,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xt1, xe2, fujifilm, tutorial, step by step, ael, afl, autofocus, exposure, shutter button, fujix, mirrorless, dslr, sony, canon, nikon
Id: rtHF97VdWqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2022
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