Fujifilm X-T5 vs X100Vi | Which Is The Most Practical?

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hey guys welcome back to the channel well this is the video that I've decided to make to try to further explain what my overall dilem is in terms of camera purchases and potential camera purchases now I've told you guys before that I've pre-ordered the Fujifilm X100 VI that camera is still yet to arrive I have no idea when it's going to arrive as I record this it is June 6 2024 um it may easily be another 2 months before I see it that whilst being frustrating up front is not necessarily a bad thing because it allows me to continue to research options to maximize the functionality and practicality of my camera range now I've decided that I want to have two cameras I definitely want to have a dedicated Street camera uh and a backup camera now whether the backup camera has the same functions as the other one I'm not too fussed about well I kind of am I'm I'm kind of not and that's part of my dilemma now uh as I've told you guys before and you know if you follow the channel uh I love my black Fujifilm x100f that's two iterations old now that's not a bad thing uh 2017 model camera and feels fantastic in the hand uh it doesn't have Ibis it doesn't have 4K video it doesn't have an articulating screen on the back a few other features that even the X100 V has but the X100 VI certainly has all of those features that's part of the reason why I jumped in and pre-ordered the X100 VI uh I'm pretty much sold on the X100 VI superseding the x100f in my Arsenal that that's a no-brainer whether I can keep the x100f as a backup camera I'm not sure but in terms of a main camera if it was if it was down to an X100 I definitely want the X100 VI uh for the street uh what I also continue to own although it's definitely up for sale is my Fujifilm xh2 now 40.2 megapixel sensor all the bells and whistles tons of ibus beautiful 4K video if you if you're a fan of this channel you would have already seen a few short films that I've made with this camera beautiful for Stills beautiful for video uh a magnificent grip and beautiful stunning uh shutter action I've just decided it's not necessarily too big and heavy for the street but I've just decided that it doesn't give me the feeling it doesn't give me the right emotions uh in the street uh performance-wise absolutely fantastic but if you know enough about photography you'll know that it's not just about the functionality of the camera it's how you feel when that camera is in your hand irrespective of whatever type of content you're trying to create and I don't mean YouTube I just mean Stills video whatever it is that you're doing with the camera uh so I have decided to sell the xh2 too because no matter which way I land and the fact that despite the fact that I'm going to have two cameras I actually have decided that the Fujifilm xh2 is not going to be one of those cameras so hit me up if you're interested in purchasing it it's a beautiful camera just not right for me at this stage uh now what I have done in this period of time whilst I've been waiting for the X100 VI to arrive I've got some itchy feet or I had some itchy feet about uh getting hold of a camera with an artic ated screen and I'd been reviewing the xt5 the Fujifilm xt5 for some time and I made up my mind that it too would not give me the emotional feeling that I needed on the street especially when compared to any X100 little and an X100 VI but one night I thought to myself well stop comparing it to the X100 VI what if you replace the xh2 with the xt5 and even if it was your backup camera if when the X100 VI was God forbid stolen or it was in the shop being repaired for some reason or another the x25 can come out because the xt5 has tactile retro dials on top just like the x100s it has an articulating screen at the back just like the x100s it has ibus it shoots 4K uh all the bells and whistles um so I thought well you know you can get one of those those it doesn't necessarily be need to be your main camera it doesn't need to be your street camera once I adopted that mindset uh I was in the Sydney CBD on a Thursday afternoon seeing some clients and I thought I'll duck into uh camera retailer there and um just have a discussion about a do they know when the x100v are coming in and be part of my dilemma is I'm considering an xt5 now the clerk at the counter pulled out an xt5 and I was playing around with it and it felt pretty good but it still didn't grab me in terms of hey that could be my main camera and at the time when I was in that retail outlet I wasn't thinking about whether it could be a backup or not I was just thinking main camera main camera compared to the X100 VI now I was told that afternoon that on that morning on a Thursday morning they had received 15 new xt5 and I thought oh geez you're really pulling up my heartstrings now but I said to myself if you're sitting on the fence and you can't make your mind up then that's not a platform to make a purchase so regrettably I walked away but that night and all of the Friday that's when I really locked into the thought of well at the very least this could easily be your backup camera and once I transformed to that mindset I decided that I was going to purchase it and I jumped in the car at about qu to 8 on the Saturday morning I drove down into the CBD and I think at 10 9 I walked into this same retailer I walked up to the counter and I said I was in here Thursday afternoon you were telling me that you just got 15 new XT 5s in do you have any left you know what the guy at the counter said I've got one left and I said you're kidding and he said why and I said you had 15 not even two days ago he said popular cameraman he said do you want it I go take it down off the uh off the shelf I want it I said is it the black I love the silver as well I said is it the Noir black or black noir he said yes it's definitely the black I said give it here and you know what when I got it home and threw the 23 mil F2 lens on it which usually lived on the xh2 you know what it just started feeling so fantastic these cameras look considerably bigger online or when you're watching a YouTube video or even just looking at images on the Fujifilm sites they look much bigger than they actually are I'm here to tell you if you don't already know that they're actually not that much bigger and heavier than the x100s uh the X100 VI is only 2 mm bigger than the previous iterations and only well not even worth mentioning how much heavier it is because I wouldn't even use the word heavier um I was shocked at how small and light these xt5 actually are and part of the reason why I was happy to grabb an xt5 and make up my mind later whether it ends up being my main camera or a backup camera is when you compare it to the x100s it has the same tactile retro dials at the top in fact I will say that I prefer the xt5 dial layout at the top more than the x100s why because the x100s the iso configuration is built into the shutter dial here on the x100s on the xt5 they have a dedicated ISO dial on the left hand side of the top of the body I much prefer that and also unlike the x100s I'm pretty sure the X100 VI doesn't do this either but unlike the x100s you can push the button down in the center of the iso and the shutter dials and lock that dial so you can't accidentally twist them and change the settings while you're shooting I find that great as well so tactile retro dials just like the X100 I think the X T5 layout is better uh the X100 VI has a fully articulating screen at the back so too does the xt5 another great advantage of the xt5 compared to the X100 VI now I don't do this that often but when I do this will be an advantage when using the xd5 is the articulating Screen Works in portrait mode as well as I'm not sure if I can show you that properly anyway the screen articulates in portrait mode as well as landscape the X100 VI only does landscape not a deal breaker but if you can get that option why wouldn't you take it the x100v has the brand new 40.2 megapixel sensor uh you don't need that for Street of course you don't you barely need half that amount but if you can get it why not well the xt5 also has the 40.2 megapix sensor the xt5 has I think half a stop more Ibis than the X100 VI who needs the extra half a stop but if it's there take advantage of it right uh 4K video well the X100 V the V did 4K video so not a huge upgrade or not an upgrade at all in terms of video with the vi uh but you have Ibis now in your video capabilities and the x100f does not have 4K video at all it doesn't have Ibis it doesn't have an articulating screen at the back again none of these are real big deal breakers but I've decided rightly or wrongly recently that I want to start incorporating some of those features into my street and urban work and see if I can just uh allow that to well that will allow me I think to be a little bit more creative on the street so right now the Fujifilm xh2 is categorically going whatever way I land with my two camera setup it won't include the xh2 that's going I have purchased the xt5 now the 23 M F2 which is a 35 full frame equivalent that came straight off the xh2 and straight onto the xt5 I am doing a lot of research in the background regarding pancake lenses either the 18 for a 28 equivalent or the 27 for a 40 equivalent I love the look of them I just can't convince myself to go with a focus by wire setup I you know a lot of reviewers say that they're very very noisy lenses but to be fair that's only in auto focus all right if you're if you're shooting in manual and Zone focusing that's not a problem at all and I absolutely love the look of the pancake lenses but I will say that this 23 mil F2 35 equivalent same focal plane um focal length as the x100s um it's longer larger than what's standard on the x100s but I don't think it's overly big and it certainly weighs next to nothing and everyone that's used a 23 mil F2 from fujiu will rave on about how brilliantly it performs it's weather resistant as well um so time will tell which way I go there but I'm more than likely going to keep the 23 mil F2 and I also still have the Fujifilm 16 to 55 f2.8 which is tucked away in the uh in the wardrobe there the uh that that's the other advantage of getting the xt5 right because if I get the xt5 as well as it possibly well either being my main Street camera or a backup camera to an X100 VI whenever I need to do any uh tripod work seascapes Landscapes that sort of stuff um the xt5 immediately fills that space because it has the same sensor as the xh2 which I previously used for tripod work again you don't even need the 40.2 megapixel sensor for seascapes Landscapes that sort of stuff but that's if if if I was talking about that photography versus street that that's when you really would like and enjoy the Boost uh in sensor capability so no more xh2 the xt5 is definitely here to stay every time I pick up the xt5 I'm falling in love with it more and more as we speak and I still have no idea when the X100 VI will arrive but as we speak I still think it's going to be 6 to 8 weeks away I will say to you now that I believe I'm about 80% convinced that the xt5 is going to be my main camera for Street and urban work and I will then have the decision on whether I keep my trusty beloved x100f as my backup camera just in case something goes wrong with the x25 or God forbid it stolen um no Ibis no articulating screen no 4K video but I don't need to shoot video with the x100f and uh I get fantastic images with the x100f and you know what if this becomes my backup camera and I decide to take this out for the day whether I want to or I have to then that day I just rug my shoulders and say hey you're not getting any special angles with an articulated screen today you're shooting with a 24.3 megapixel camera today instead of 40.2 big deal it's in the street so if I go down that route then I'm not up for the cost of the balance of the X100 VI which is about $2,200 on top of that I hopefully would have sold the xh2 by then so I'll get a pretty penny for that camera and happy days I don't like the idea of having an xt5 and an X100 VI both have similar capabilities I I'm not the sort of person that likes to have two cameras that are identical in terms of performance and then decide on a day that I'm about to go out and shoot which one I'm going to use you know I it's it's nice to have those capabilities in both but if you can save at least a couple of grand by just saying hey the worst case scenario is I have an x100f as a backup camera that that's a pretty good situation but I do definitely want two cameras you'd be stupid not to own at least two cameras you should always have a backup and that's the way I'm going to go so time will tell the xt5 is here to stay I love it the xh2 is going will I continue on with the pre-order and take the X100 VI when it arrives in about 14 years or do I say no to that turn my back on it and stay loyal to my lovely X100 F in Black stay tuned for further updates I appreciate you all see you next time
Channel: Roger Brooks Films
Views: 881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #fujifilm, #fujifilm camera, fujifilm cameras, fuji camera, fuji cameras, fujifilm x-h2, fujifilm x100f, fujifilm x100vi, fujifilm x-t5, fujifilm xt5, fuji xt5, fuji x-t5, fujifilm x100 6, street photography, urban photography, photography, photos, camera, cameras, camera purchase, fujifilm xh2, fuji x100vi, in body image stabilisation, ibis, which camera to buy, which camera to purchase, xt5 vs x100vi, x-t5 vs x100vi, xt5 vs x100 6
Id: c7xLC8IQoTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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