FSIN Powwow 2019 Jingle Dress Special Saturday... Enjoy The Moment!!!

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kaylee and our judge they'll be judged on the third push up for the old-style jingle so I've got three judges to go on a middle Carla Omani our legal finding and Laura with ichika right on there is external work out okay but still Blackstone [Music] [Music] [Music] all right hold your places give you later on applause that could be to pull one more song one more song to [Music] sidestep I believe going in how many seconds five seconds is Gordon five-second sidestep here what John Doe pie-yah MIDI dopa sup let's go boxed on okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right these ladies a round of applause beautiful stuff it looks good ladies make us proud while I stay Leon okay you pick your dad just bring them up to the front here contemporary doc just get ready load up a good got to have all the beautiful dancers you look really good talk to choose but Irina director says we got to get going here [Applause] study run applause bought a good doctors out there lot of good dancers let's get all these ladies is ground of applause bring your dance to the front I'll get started from there come shake down to the fountain come on down just come on up it's a tough choice you don't look you don't they're contemporary doctors I believe are ready to come in get going we also have done [Music] except for a doctor's ask you step forward right now except for doctors I think we're ready to go okay lots these three judges in the middle bill Juanita car so what did a comic for start actually with you - come on it - death - death cigar three down judges here bill would either cut carbon four star and Ashley would either cut once Street saw and I'll have a sidestep I think we're almost ready to go we gotta push your shake hands at their places okay black so I need to ready to go straight saw what I know okay [Music] [Music] [Applause] put sauce to be later on applause thank you very much thank you weird wonder Crixus contest next right princess contest will need our two Walker gone here to an outside at all okay let's go black salt egg with a sidestep three directors pushing us here [Music] all right just in ease ladies reloj fuzz good job okay we got our contemporary judges out there bill what do you got karmic force our hostility to come bring here dancer forward bus princess pageant group to be ready to go right away they mock Quan ayah dos sighs well first time dad sir good second so ladies at ease that's what happened here were a lot of good dads is out there tough choice spotted champions out there a lot of them others placed all support each other the down the highway in all of these taking the next Twitter there too so [Music] so princess pageant is next and then the teat boys traditional so they expect them to be ready good stuff so we don't want the song left after this it'll be a sidestep once saw and we'll do pick our winners and they'll be on to the okay I would like to thank everybody like to thank the power play group let her do the special is you have the honor representing the everybody for 2018 they are not feeling that stirred the hope of a soul she's proud representative okay would a radical number six axis drummer six judges get in the middle [Music] gabber six dancers here please of Tommy's ready Wolverine it's pretty one so we have sweatshirt within it for all five places and we got a jacket also for the first-place winner at blanket tousle blanket on booties so we got that ready for everybody that's the author Scott so that's it all look good good Haley somebody thought they'd still be first second third fourth fifth is six that's all I'll be doing that how long we're in these countries so really good stuff good - this is gonna be a good show down here we got a contemporary governor we got a contemporary and we're gonna old-style athlete found these ready to go I'll be what's all right happy side step the time we're ready to go it will be five places okay we're Blackstone ready to go five seconds what cha don't buy ya honey don't hop the hook [Music] [Applause] from that [Music] [Music] second base let you down sir don't be shy it's Texas don't be shy what I there's a third place [Applause] Amanda ironstar at all oh man that good well my apologies Leo only so-so just hunky-dory please so warm oh yeah yeah yeah is it drawn and Stephanie builder right on I think that's it they got their prizes anything else Kaylie okay thank you sauces cause glide caught the chopper black star on up black star beautiful special or beautiful soft black stone I believe in or to Howard Walker
Channel: Peigan Powwow Productions
Views: 28,568
Rating: 4.8807945 out of 5
Id: Srjvar2ro-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 9sec (1389 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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