Swan Lake Powwow 2021 Grass Dance Special Part 3

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grass dance is on the floor here tonight and we're going to turn it on over to jum to share with the uh dentures here to decide it all here tonight descendants dress dance time here we go [Applause] [Music] so so [Applause] here we go [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] oh man we talked about the contest between the dancer and the drum close one close one old time grasp that song also known as the necklace breaker there's a whole lot of history that goes along with the uh the song and the way that we call the necklace break breaking song and some of those stories you know uh date back to the original years of my grandstand societies one of the uh ways that they men would dress themselves is they would wear these these chest plates these breastplates and these songs they would wear them in this way and sometimes during the song the dancer with all the movements and all the uh ways of keeping beat in time with the drum there would be a time sometimes the song would stop or whatever would happen and sometimes this uh breastplate would break hence the necklace breaker we're gonna ask the dancers to face the crowd and are we starting with the uh top prize first all right mike s quash is going to go out our honoree here tonight he's going to go out he's going to bring a thousand dollar winner to us here ladies and gentlemen he's going on over here to this dancer right here ladies and gentlemen what do you say [Applause] dancing out of south dakota ladies and gentlemen tyson killspotted rapid city south dakota big round of applause champion dancer one thousand dollars canadian currency by time you take it home you should get about 500 americans all right and now we're looking to second place second place taking home seven hundred dollars i'm quilt going on over here to this dancer here ladies and gentlemen how about a big round of applause to our second place dancer [Applause] [Music] we'll get a name here i just possibly can't know all indians i just can't ladies and gentlemen from star blanket saskatchewan andrew star blanket how about a big round of applause dancing out of 34 and third place taking home 500 a star quilt some cool stuff turn it on over here to the grandfather the godfather gerald esquire esquash and there's your dancer ladies and gentlemen i believe dancing out of terry de kettle makota jonas thompson ladies and gentlemen third place finish we like our two consolation dancers to come out up this way i believe we have uh cash and blanket also we'll share with our dancers here tonight um i believe we have keith hansen out of sioux valley manitoba consolation finish [Music] from the copenh family [Music] alex copeness ladies and gentlemen all right boy looking good right out of the smithsonian dance here thank you my friend good show good show and uh we want to call up uh couldn't do without you uh the drum descendants if you would please descendants uh send a representative on up here the most outstanding member of the descendants drum coming all the way from port berthold north dakota all points north america from the baker family long history of song long history of grassland singing ladies and gentlemen our lead singer nelson baker
Channel: Peigan Powwow Productions
Views: 1,164
Rating: 4.8888888 out of 5
Id: ldg551A7Hb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 47sec (407 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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