Carry the Kettle Powwow 2019 Men's Fancy SPECIAL Saturday

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all the minute come on get it over come on is it over ATM over it's not even open right up if they can do it they can do it do it Showtime song run walking boss I'm gonna do Thunderhill song under three muscles in their quantity you have come on it it's all about movements ladies and gentlemen take a look at the movements take a look at the sticks fly high nickel of all these things no dad just listen up please listen up don't crowd don't run into one another and don't whip anybody in the face with your lips I saw that a few times at some powwows and that's happened yeah all right be friendly out there with your movements and if you're gonna do a cartwheel I just want to do it right here in front of China say that now and build flipper on there all right reduction they put someone together he used to do the art event and this all together for one year [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there is a gentleman the sitter's a little bit because they beat beat and I want to say thank you on behalf of Sion Mondays what it will right there and down let's give her a little speed run of applause thank you give me back to the dumpster she said and he made me dance hard you make me look good and they can also get a thunder dealt some money because they beat us and that's their swear this is gentlemen to the power 8 here and also the drums they want drinking we're gonna go now the drum group of walking buckle song number 2 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh this one side put it back put it back that's how it is right here right now hold it APIs to be out there running water right now they keep you in a piece [Music] all scented look at the corporate what happened fancy little pulse got a size nine moccasin with duct tape read across my Oh that'd be mean alright we're gonna go to Thunderhill and Thunderhill this is preparing is prepared they got Thunderhill can sing 95 miles an hour but we're in Canada so that's gone mentor since long leaders up here you have a guy on that Thomas name of smiles we have to tear his name into kilometers all right our [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh man Thunderhill he make me really pierce my ears of that song I thought you were saying no touchin Tony Thompson BC Ken but they weren't breathing there to feel down right we're never filled up let's fix some fun in this up here rip the finalist up your how many finalists are really not here just for this is four finalists crowd pleasers we call this losers crowd pleasers [Music] but come on over here Toto yes you get one of those for you go for $3,000 come on over there stand right here don't sound this line they're kind of all right who do we only have three they're moving at three to be poor [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] all right Luther smart really that critical sectors over here wrinkles after dark will be here we'll see Walter Hill she's got a better Carter's door the same and tour the same door the same intuitive thing they're gonna dance against one another bringing cards here who has who has the first tube who has the same who's dancing against to those two names - who's on first those two alright give me the gun - Showtime time to start [Music] we show time Walker he came to power Wow alrighty we have to go to the slow-motion camera there he is come on down there that one stands over there I'm gonna say stand Alyssa you don't have to eat stands over here okay so fast answer now what we just discovered walking [Music] [Applause] [Applause] we need to receive over there he walked up he's hurting me back he's hurt pretty bad so people want and God let's all go through the next two and Oromo see someone happy will then pop in a go okay all right this right here ladies and gentlemen would have been unique because this is his dad right here the governor this is his son they would have danced against one another but we're gonna give you the song there's old people around it you're gonna dance to your dad he walked with Achilles tendon we're gonna do [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] and now where is those other two not really mixed up now what happened there you were supposed to dance against your dad and now these two are gonna be dancing this is first and second this is first and second I'm gonna say the manger in the lobby - Stanton state with us a little bit we will see your names wouldn't face we're gonna go to hooded face [Music] Daniel come on here you get a third bottle here Daniel ladies and gentlemen the Saints and the Scofield on the other cancers all right [Music] you sang that song so building up one down I was just talking to duck duck Schuylkill come here duck he says you know I'm all right I'm fine he says that dance for the people are desperate here in doubt I just had a swollen Achilles tendon and I went for it I went for the boob I never heard done before my hair like that down he said I went for a run Walter's move in that blue my cutie tendon so he's already happy right here he's already said tell them the floor assumptions and have a good time here thank you this David Cameron we're gonna hit up the port place ducks Scofield you got workplace on come on up here let's give them a round of applause ladies and gentlemen now if you like it like a dance against all right come on over here come on over here go with sperm here oh wait what's that wait just like you was on the mountain above the G game Thunder now do versus dr. L we got the show [Music] oh my goodness the core adduction whatever you did to Pendergast for that's fast holy that's tomorrow we'll do that I'll do that tomorrow oh this slopes all right they're gonna tap the one on the shoulder for $3,000 on behalf of the porter junction we're happy to bring this special here and that's the follow-up to could use it after all caucus is done ladies and gentlemen $3,000 off first place first place is gonna tap them on the shoulder oh you tapped your oats out with your shoulder $3,000 he's gonna go from Lawrence Kansas Jong Kook one sky let's give em a round of applause and then our second place winner brilliant actor ed from where you move better move on let's give up a little boss and here's our champion right here some books bullhorn stand by Danielle come forward Danielle come over we're sad were stuck workplace tomorrow here take some pictures with this versatile here and this is something into come on a bit of a school this hold on here we gotta wait for doctor get in there there's air challenges ladies and gentlemen right here this one's way to go temple wait a little Schofield family way to go they're gonna go to bullhorn New Starts all of them there's a champion that taller than the rooster patchy showers where's the fancy shawls come on the air passage salts with what a bullhorn to start that's where champions where's our fancy shops shouldn't I give them Daniel friendly oh yeah you know ladies and gentlemen that also the fancy shawl the mom is right there the green and yellow and her son is dancing on this side over here with the green and yellow with the red tips on that little mommy to hope out listen up hitting us decently Thanksgiving weekend in Indio California he's gonna put up six thousand dollars in the men's fancy I'm talking about get ready over here $6,000 despite Draper memorial back to that championship in Indio California we're gonna make our way down there so that's it that's it all come on down there that's it the champions bullhorn who's that champion under settle the money someplace [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you and there's mom and son of this side right here there's just be she says congratulations that says you guys are an awesome as' and off
Channel: Peigan Powwow Productions
Views: 66,683
Rating: 4.8121328 out of 5
Id: lQMVxMU63Qk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 12 2019
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