Fruit VS Sword VS Gun In Blox Fruits! | Which Is The Best?

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ladies and gentlemen in today's video we're going to be comparing fruits swords and guns to find out which is the best hopefully at the end of the video you will find out whether you should be a fruit M sword main or a gun man so with that being said let's get right into the video whenever you join Blox fruits or any other one piece game on Roblox you will have to put stat points into defense swords or blockx fruits and that will determine how you do damage in these games and of course when there are different options some of them are better than the others so in today's video I will be comparing devil fruits swords and also guns because these are the main three categories so yes make sure to watch the video till the end and also let me know what build you are using in Blox fruits okay so first of all let's talk about being a gun Main in Blox fruits so essentially what a gun main is you put all your set points into melee defense and also gun right there that's a gun M and what this basically does is you guys will be dealing a lot of damage with your gun as you guys can see right here like look at that I have done 12,000 damage just in 2 seconds to explain this better I will give you guys three facts about gun meanss first of all almost every single gun in the game well at least the ones which are very very good they do extr extremely extremely high damage so you guys can easily one tap your opponents secondly they require you to have good aim like you definitely need to be having very very good aim if you want to use guns for PVP and lastly guns are not for beginners if you guys are a beginner with like 2 million Bounty or maybe 3 million and you are just learning how to PVP I wouldn't really recommend you guys to be a gun man you can be a sword or a fruits man that would be more easier and also better for you and lastly I will be telling you guys the five best guns to use if you are going to be a gun main at number one we have estem rifle this is very very strong number two we have soul guitar number three we have Kucha number four we have bizar rifle and lastly we have the serpent bow these five guns are pretty strong and can help you guys get a lot of bounty so I think it's time for us to move on into the next stats now let's talk about being a fruit main so for that you will put your stat points into melee defense and lastly fruit right there you have 2550 in fruit with being a fruit man I will be doing my main output of damage with my fruit as you guys can see well portal is not a good fruit to show this so let me just switch real quick so whenever you guys start using fruits you guys will notice one thing and that is that every single fruit will have at least three to four moves and some might even have a lot more than that so if you are a beginner and you usually miss your moves you should definitely use a fruit because it will give you a lot more moves compared to swords and guns and plus in Blox fruits there are some fruits which you do not even have to learn any combos for for example the Kitsune fruit or the dragon fruit you can simply just Spam these fruits and you guys will earn easy easy bouncy okay so now let's get into the nerdy facts first let's start off with the damage generally every single fruit in this game has a lot of damage like of course there are a few exceptions which do not deal a lot of damage for example these early fruits and some in between as well but for the most part devil fruits actually deal very high damage secondly I would like to mention that if you guys are using fruits for PVP and and you are a fruit man you will most likely have a lot more Mobility moves than your opponents what Mobility means is just basically moving around the map a little bit faster and usually with almost every single fruit there is a Mobility move for example with kitsun you are extremely fast with leopard you are very fast the D fruit has a very fast travel there are some low tier fruits just like the light fruits which also have very very great Mobility so usually when you are using a fruit you guys will have a lot more ability than your opponent and finally we have the last fact basically fruits are very very good for beginners if you guys are new to blogs fruits and you want to PVP I would definitely recommend you guys to be a fruit man especially for your first or second week of bouncy hunting because this is the time where you guys will get used to bouncy hunting and if you guys are using a sword or a gun yeah there are are going to be some pros and you guys will most likely quit bounty hunting so yeah for that reason if you are a beginner make sure to use fruits and if you guys are getting a little bit more skilled then you guys can move on into guns or swords and of course now I have to mention five best fruits which you guys can use if you are a fruit M at number one I will be putting the Kitsune fruit number two I will be suggesting you guys to use the D fruit number three I would say rumble and number four I would highly recommend you guys to use Dragon and then lastly at number five we have the T-Rex fruit these five fruits are extremely good for fruit means so if you are starting out with your bouncy hunting journey I would highly recommend you guys to use these fruits okay it is finally time for us to move on into the next category oh yeah and if you guys are still watching please make sure to hit that subscribe button because just just for me to reset my stats I have spent around 7K fragments which you know is not really that easy to get so yeah if you guys are still watching please make sure to hit that subscribe button and now lastly we are going to be talking about the sword main for this you will put your stat points into melee defense and lastly sword just like that and if I'm being honest with you guys I think my favorite is the swordman yes I really really enjoy being a swordman like using swords and Blox fruits is so much fun first of all just look at the moves man they are so smooth so fast and they deal very good damage but of course that is not enough for it to be the best stat Point build in the entire game so to explain this a little bit better let's get right into the facts first of all just like the other builds swords actually deal good damage depending upon the sword if you guys are using a bad sword of of course it will do bad damage but if you guys are using a good sword yeah it's going to be doing some insanely high damage which you will probably not expect so for the most part damage is high on swords secondly swords are a lot more difficult to use than fruits so like I said previously if you guys are a beginner I would highly suggest you guys to use fruits before you turn up two swords because it's going to be a little bit difficult for beginners and lastly without a doubt if you want to use swords you will have to practice like you will have to practice a lot if you want to get better trust me man because when you guys are using a fruit or a gun you guys have some room for mistakes but when you guys are using a sword if you miss both of your moves you will have to wait like 10 to 15 seconds and in that time your opponent can do whatever he wants which is of course not a good sign for you so for that reason you will definitely need to do a lot of practicing if you guys are trying to be a good sword man but if you ask me I really really like to use swords rather than fruits for PVP because it's just a little bit more fastpaced and of course it's always fun to do some amazing combos so with that being said it's the time for me to recommend five swords okay so the best sword for PVP is definitely Dragon Trident yes this is the most easiest sword to use and a very good sword for gaining Bounty at number two I will be putting cursed dual Katana at number three I will be putting spiky Trident because it's a little bit difficult to use I will not rank it any higher at number four I will be putting shark anchor and at number five I will be easily easily putting tush these five swords are extremely good and don't get me wrong there are a lot more to choose from but these are my my top five and they are extremely good for PVP so with that being said thank you guys so much for watching this video and if you haven't already please make sure to hit that subscribe button because I am very close to hitting 50,000 subscribers that would be a huge milestone So yeah thank you so much for subscribing oh yeah and also if you guys are looking for a Discord server in which you can trade with other people do some fun activities like raids defeating sea beasts Leviathan B stuff like that you can join my Discord server down in the description there are a lots of people exactly like you and having a lots of fun so with that being said thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you guys in my next video peace
Channel: Goto.
Views: 14,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blox fruits, roblox blox fruits, roblox, blox fruits update, blox fruits roblox, blox fruit, second sea, best fruit, third sea, blox fruit update 21, best gun, best sword, blox fruit best fruit, blox fruit best gun, blox fruit best sword, blox fruits best gun, blox fruits best sword, blox fruits best fruit, best fruit blox fruits, best gun blox fruits, best sword blox fruits, first sea, update, fruit, gun, sword
Id: f9mJkVDNkDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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