Front End Loader Bucket Repairs. (Pt.1)

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thank you all right guys well here's my next project it's  a big old bucket it looks like a big bucket but   it's actually kind of average size it's just that  I got a small shop with tall ceilings uh anyway so   I'm gonna be doing hopefully is replacing this  wear Edge or it's not where it's just bucket   lip I guess maybe that's what it's called Uh it  wore out pretty good this is used at a concrete   plant a lot of abrasion a lot of rubbing so The  Cutting Edge on the bottom already wore through   or didn't work through but it wore out and  so they wanted me to do some miscellaneous   repairs on that the original reason it's in here  is because the heels back here were rubbing and   they started to wear pretty good and need some  attention so I'm gonna be adding some wear plate   under there I haven't really looked at it quite  yet but this is the next project customers in the   process of looking over this edge here because as  they were unbolting it they came out and started   looking at it and saying yeah well may as well  do it all at once so now the trouble is to find   out whether that's readily available or not so  we may actually have to skip on that so I'm not   quite sure at the moment so for now I'm going to  work on what I can work on which is this down here   underneath so let me flip it over and we  can start looking at what it's going to need foreign all right so now that we  got that thing rolled over   now we can see the damage it looks like you know  through with time and with you so it wore through   this outer wear pad and it started affecting  the parent metal of the bucket itself and it's   got some cracks miscellaneous cracks here and  there you can see it coming through the concrete   same thing over here got some cracks in that area  so my thought is now to make things a little bit   faster for them a little bit speedier none of  this was wore out none of it shows to be a war   at all and so we're gonna go ahead and leave that  there it does look a little bit bowed like they   said it on something or actually who knows what  but either way it doesn't look like it's affected   from here up I mean here downwards but it is from  here upwards so what we'll do is remove this outer   piece here and most likely since this wore thin  as you can see there I mean they were really thin   go ahead and cut that piece off as well and once  we cut that off then I will use an AR plate here   and here a double thing a double layer so that  once it wears through this then it'll finally if   they don't catch it in time of course then it'll  still have good wear properties and these guys   here these guys were a little bit I'm not sure if  I'll overlay this plate a little bit more and then   just weld in there cut around here I'll have to  see you know as you start cutting you start seeing   more and more things and you know once you open up  that candle worms and more things to develop and   that's just the way it goes so things are doesn't  look too tough it's a little nice little project   a nice uh nice gouging and Welding so things will  look good and we'll take care of that while we're   waiting on an answer for this piece here and  you know if they don't they don't have it well   they got new uh wear plates or edges that they  can just bolt on make it last a little longer   and if I have to come back and do that later  that's easy enough to do and you know whether   but in a very short period this is more important  at the moment okay so let's get that started all right now that I got that cleaned up there's  no real measurement that I need to stick to it   just kind of whatever I guess or whatever I  decide so it's looking like somewhere in this   area the end of where it starts to taper off  so let me just get an eyeball measurement there   let's see from that edge should go to then  let's go with 24 right so 24 Market there you get a rough idea to there's a square okay so this looks to be where I'm going to  go ahead and cut it it's about the edge of   the where it begins to taper down which is fine  and the other square that I'm going to cut out   will be this guy right here right in this area  now there may be a little bit of an overlap of   this piece that I put on here or I might just cut  it right up against this Edge and this little Gap   won't hurt it you know in there so maybe it'll  catch dirt and concrete and concrete and create   a cushion of sorts we'll see but either way  that's where I'm going to cut it and cut that   off then I'll access this here this bottom piece  then I'll cut this whole section off all right got some questions about this thing and uh this  thing is really handy it's the attachment that   goes to a hypertherm plasma cutter and it's uh  this is the cartridges the sink the model and   so it's just replaceable cartridges all at once  pricey man so take care of them but once you set   them on it's already set to gouging because this  is the gouging tip the other colors are either for   straight cutting or machine cutting machine torch  so really neat it's a again it's a pricey unit and   uh you know but it's worth it when you think about  the speed and of course there's nothing that will   um do better than carbon art gouging right because  I'm a fan of that more so than anything else   but for situations like this just cut cut  so easy very clean don't have to worry   about overheating the part with a torch  you know something and the torch will   you know not cut through concrete and things this  won't cut through concrete either but it's an   electric uh Arc to say so it'll still make contact  somewhere and it'll still cut whereas the flame   will get deflected and create more problems so  this is good really enjoy it especially if we're   in the shop but around the field it's all torch  and uh that's the way it is let's start cutting foreign okay so I'm not sure if you were able to notice  there but what I did is I made initial score   line going forward and I did a little bit of  a weave trying to get a little bit deeper but   it turns out what I ended up doing to make sure  that I was able to cut through this other plate   and not affect the lower plate is I used the  plasma cutter in the backwards facing Direction   and arcing and allowing it to melt away and fill  the void behind me instead of going forward and   it creating a lot of Bubbles and a lot of slag  in front of me now it's very difficult to see   at the separation line but normally the dirt will  start to glow orange little flakes of orange you   can tell you're in between the two layers and so  that's what helps you know that you're going deep   enough in your travel speed also with that you'll  see the flakes and you just keep moving forward   forward actually backwards I guess and it'll throw  all the slag in the in the open Valley behind you   now that works too with a torch if in case  you're cutting plates that are together and   only need to cut the top one you do a backwards  Direction you run the torch a little bit hotter   almost a lot hotter actually to almost melt  the top piece with very little oxygen pressure   and then work in the backwards Direction and  you'll be able to separate the two pieces   without affecting the bottom piece now It's  Tricky and it takes some practice you're going   to ruin a lot of pieces but it is possible  I'll have to show you one day when I'm on   the field and doing that it's not that bad  works pretty good so just applied the same   principle here with the plasma so this one is  off I'll get that other one off and then these   look to be plug welds of sorts so all this  stuff is just going to be chewed out with   the plasma cutter and nothing pretty just cut  it off right I'll mark another line right here   right in that area and I'll know to remove  that section there so let's keep tracking all right so my plasma driving  skills are a little lacking   a little wandering all over the road but here if  you look really close you can see I didn't affect   the bottom parent metal except for over here where  I did have a hang up now that would have I would   have had more of that how had I been going forward  if I wasn't real careful so here besides I'm going   to be welding this anyway I'm going to square  that up a little bit better and putting a weld   you won't see it but you know if you don't have to  score the parent metal then even better right so   a little bit of a goof on my end but once I  straighten it out you won't be able to tell   but it at least that practice will at least  keep you from affecting the parent metal   most of the times so now that I got that done  I'll go ahead and Mark a line from here across   start chewing up all this stuff area this area  here and getting all that out so that's next so now that we got that cleaned up a little bit  next step is to cut this sections out and as I   mentioned before this looks like it's plug  welded in there and if we look behind here   looks to be about a half an inch in or so  right in this area right right around here   right through here so knowing that we're going  to cut from this area here right around this area   cut these windows right in here all around in here  just to get rid of that material then we can fine   tune cleaning these edges up when we expose that  so let me cut this all out on both sides over   there and over there there's not gonna be much to  show it's just a lot of cutting it's most likely   going to be full a lot of dirt behind here and  can be very problematic but you know it is what   it is it's part of what uh what happens with these  things oh however I don't want to cross this line   what I saw that somewhere in that General  ballpark don't go below that same thing over here right foreign thank you foreign all right it was you saw there now you can  tell that this was just so full of mud and junk   so really a mess one of the things that  would have been a real nightmare is to   try and do this with a oxacetylene torch that  would have been horrible I know because I've   done it before so that's why I'm so glad I got  this plasma and that I'm doing this in the shop   anyway so now I'll clean this up a little bit  better then I will clean these edges back here   right in there so I can see where to cut  this off it's going to take a little bit   of trimming you know a little delicate  trimming here and there but once I get   it off then I'll be able to get it off and you  know I'm not sure that I will put those slits   back in there I really have to see with the the  parent metal or the one that I replace it with   I'll have to see because it really doesn't do  too much at the moment all this job is to create   protection from friction on the ground so let's  see how that that plays out in a moment because   what I could do is just cut this back about  another 3 8 of an inch or so and just cut them   all off and then cap it will be good nobody would  know the difference but let me see how difficult   it is to cut off and remake those slots last time  I didn't do it because we used a piece of three   quarter inch in this place uh of course this is  before YouTube I put a piece from here to here   and three quarter and it it worked out great  because it was Heavy enough to take the abuse   so again let me clean this up and  we'll get back with you in a second foreign so I think that'll give us some enough cleanliness  to be able to get and get uh get around that stuff   or to be able to trim that off but none of this  is really pretty you know it just creates a big   mess that you know it happens because uh it's in  the dirt so let me clean some of this mess up here   and then start chewing away at this guys   um how many I may try and cut that way  to find that edge not quite sure yet   this is going to be interesting so we'll see  how how we can chew that off carefully all right all right foreign okay so here you see I was able to cut the bevel  or that weld off and this is a parent metal right   there so this apparent metal surface to that  one there uh these guys will be a little bit   more challenging of course but this outside one  looks pretty good as well and I will have to come   down a little bit lower here but that's how it's  done uh takes a little practice takes a little   effort not so bad I'll grind this down here  gouge that up there put that new plate it looks   like this surface here wasn't too Disturbed so  that may help us when we get to the top of that   uh to the top of this up here so it'll  like it'll lay in there real nice and   and flat and it's the way it's supposed  to so let me continue chopping this up   and getting that cleaned up and then  I'll get back where you once I'm done all right all right so as you can tell this is really  looking like a mess and it is a mess look how   nasty that is now one of the positives out  of this is that I'm getting to the parent   metal right here this was welded right  up in here from there this way that's the   weld material and then this is just the edge  of this side plate if that makes any sense   so I'll knock all this stuff off and you know  grind it up a little bit make it a little bit   cleaner these are challenged because they plug  welded directly onto the edge of the edge of   this inner baffle piece now that's just going to  be a mess it's not going to be easy to cut flush   so like I say I may just cut it back just a little  bit and maybe cut some ovals in there you know   some plug weld spots and a new piece that goes  over it and just pour some hot weld in there or   something I don't know but sometimes this is just  more trouble than it's worth one of the things you   can do to make it last a little longer is just to  make this plate a little bit wider put a bigger   weld same thing down here up here put a bigger  weld same with this here this in this case here   I'm not going to be able to put a backing plate  so I'll just bevel the piece that I'm putting   on here this piece here bevel it and then just  put a open Root uh weld on there and fill it up   besides the other plate it's going to go on top  of it so that'll be additional strength as well   so well this is nasty you got to get it off  because you got to fix it so like I say I'm   undecided let me just cut it back a little bit  and just fill it in we will have to see this   something like this maybe taking up too much time  that it's worth so um not in a bad sense because   they engineered it correctly but for this for  the case that we're trying to put a plate over it   that doesn't that didn't get affected or  bowed or bent because of the double thickness   so we may just go with that weld it up and  be done I'll see because this is taking up   a lot of time but let's go ahead and get  it off because I got to get it off anyway foreign foreign ER can fix it up from there I need to  do a little more trimming there but   either way one side done and you  may wonder how I'm not getting burnt a little piece of plywood all the  hot stuff is falling on that side   so nothing on this side but uh okay next side so here's an interesting thought as I was  trimming around this side here it turns   out this Edge was cracked all the way around  so I only needed to cut this bottom section   and so that just brings up the thought of well  if it wasn't hollowed out or made for a plug weld   well then would it have would it have cracked  so that's something to consider also when I'm   putting this thing back on there you know these  are all potential spots for it to crack again now   oh granted these do help hold it all on here very  tightly without a lot of movement which is great   but it cracked along there so that that  presents its own question its own problem   I'm still undecided on whether on whether  I'm going to cut those slots out I just   don't want to do it I may have to though  but uh kind of don't but we shall see   because it lasted this long right so if I do  it back to the original well then it'll be   it'll last just as long so we'll have to see and  plus I may end up putting some Stitch welds in   there in just about an inch in there on both  sides just to help hold on a little bit more   another thing that we're going to be doing is Art  gouging with a standard carbon art we'll see I'll   tell you there when we get to that point why  there's an advantage of doing it there and not   so much here so let me continue cutting and get  this semi-cleaned then we'll move on to that point what's up oh that was quite a mess um gotta get  a dust all over my shop either way so I cleaned   it out now that I got these things off you can  kind of tell that I got them fairly close to flat on the on a flat plane  that way so that's good   I'll be able to touch those up with a grinder  a little bit here and there and clean them up   then I'll measure out the plate that I'm gonna  be putting in there so I'm not done with the   gouging yet I'm gonna use the art gouger  the Carbonite Gadget here in these spots   there both sides and I'll explain to you why  here in just a sec so let me get that set up all right so before I get started I've  been using this Lincoln machine for a   while now with our gaussians working  out pretty good these are the settings   that I use for running quarter inch carbons  maybe a little low for some of you guys but   it works for me but I do have a question I  don't remember exactly how these ranges work   I know that for welding I should say I know that  you can run it on the low side and then high on   this side or this side here and then low on this  side to get the desired amperage I don't remember   exactly why that works or what the difference is  I know it's talking about you know like a dig type   setting in the arc voltages but I don't remember  which direction it goes so somebody could explain   that to me please do in the comments I haven't  been able to figure this machine out just quite   yet so let's set it up for gouging that bucket  here we go okay so before I get started this   is the carbon or this is the art gouger model I  use let's say a profax unit it's a 3000-1 works   really good but the reason I was saying as far as  plasma gouging versus art gouging in this instance   situation here for me would be that I can choose  to Arc and stop almost impulses instead of with   the plasma cutter it would just be a direct jet  and it would be on and that's it you just have   on and you better hurry and start gouging so what  could happen is you just throw Sparks all over you   if you're not real careful now this is going to  throw Sparks back at me as well but at least I   can pulse it I can do a little bit at a time like  you've seen me before I think with the other video   was I Was preparing the backhoe frame just spot  spot spot spot just little bits at a time so I   can control all the Sparks that are coming at me  now another advantage to having one of these is   you can control the air that comes out of it with  this thing you don't have to go full blast and   granted it's not going to blow away this hard so  you may have a challenge in creating and you know   a nice puddle for it to be removed by the air  but you learned that with time but in this case   like I mentioned for me this is a better option  I can just dodge a little bit a little bit more   a little bit more a little bit more until I get  to the end where I need to be and for me it's a   little bit safer so that's why I mentioned that  each has its place this one I really enjoy I've   been I've been guiding for a long time for since  the 90s I guess late 90s and it works out great   so of course plasma I couldn't have done all this  with a torch with a with a standard oxycetylene   torch or with the Goucher it would have just been  a mess so plasma faster in some situations our   Dodger better than others so here I'm gonna use  the carbon electrodes and these are just solid   electrodes uh some of you guys have mentioned but  I'm using the wrong end all right what can matter   and it still works it works doesn't it so I will  use it how I use it anyway so let's get after it foreign all that up clean these specs up here add  in there now it's the grinding it's no fun   I won't bore you guys with that at least not  too much of that but um just burning then the   next thing is cutting the pleats so I'll get  a measurement from here to there naturally   and just cut out those plates these are going to  wait till later I'm gonna see where exactly this   plate lands and maybe if I can put a big  fillet weld in there maybe it'll grab onto   it I don't know we'll have to see I'm just not  really pretty in there either fun but anyway uh   that's the next step let me go ahead and clean  all this up that way you guys can see the final   look of it this one came out fairly straight yes  straight enough okay clean up and cutting plate foreign thank you foreign thank you forgot to measure the  slots let me go do that right quick foreign foreign foreign thank you okay so this uh looks like they fit up pretty good   I went ahead and cut those slots as you guys saw  and I'll fill those in isn't that fun to fill in   but I'll just pour it in they're super hot and  looks like I got plenty of Gap here over here   it doesn't have Gap I'll just put the grinding  wheel and make a gap there and so things are   looking good not just a matter of welding this  up and of course this is just the base material   of the bucket itself not the wear plate so I will  be cutting an additional wear plate that'll weld   here I'm gonna do about a half inch spacing or  one inch spacing and then just mimic this size   here and weld it on top so that's uh looking  good this side came out pretty good as well   and Gap in there should fill  it up so let's get to welding all right so I got some of that welded up looks pretty I'm gonna get grabbed pretty well one  of the things I did mess up though on is I should   have welded this first this area right here that  way I have easier access to it makes it a little   tougher but if you look here look at that wore out  Gap everything else seems to line up pretty good   right in this area here and that stayed pretty  good but the heel of this wore out so that creates   a gap situation right there it's not bad it's  only about a quarter inch or so I still haven't   determined what I'm going to do about that right  there so we'll figure that out as I keep going   uh but things are looking okay it's uh just  you know a matter of welding and gluing so   I'll continue welding up these sides welding up  this in here on that side of course on all that   and then I can go back to start cutting the  where actual wear plate that bolts onto sorry   welds onto there and I think I'm going to make  this one instead of just that width there I'm   going to go ahead and go about half an inch in  from this here to this here so it's a wider heel   pad and then this one here just taper it down  to where it meets up close to this width here   and like I said I would just add it'll be short  in that it's not going to meet up with this one   but that'll be totally fine it'll just skid right  over it and that way they can determine in the   future if that pad is wearing out they just remove  that one replace it put on a new one so kind of a   little easier in a sense without affecting the  parent metal okay so let me just high speed you   guys on welding those out there's nothing really  fancy or special about it but let me do that next all right so you saw me fill up the Gap there I  did all right there's quite a bit of a gap maybe   316 it's almost quarter inch Gap but either way  I was able to close it up using a lower voltage   and wire speed setting I think I have it at  one at 18 volts and 335 inches per minute on   o30 wire so now crank it back up put a real hot  pass over as best I can and that way it grabs   onto this parent metal and that parent metal  without having to worry about dripping through all right so unfortunately my battery died I  didn't have it plugged in but uh that's the   outcome of that there came out right looks okay oh  I have to address those a little bit later I kind   of don't want to but I got two but anyway so now  next is to go ahead and cut these plates here and   weld those on and it turns out that um you know  I may end up actually using a thicker plate and   I was talking about just using the double of this  but this isn't the same line as the bottom of that   bucket Edge and so when you clamp on the actual  wear plate then what tends to happen is Your   Bucket is leaning backwards and I believe that  the plate is an inch thick I think that's what   it is and so I'm going to put some heavier plate  right in here I don't know if I have one inch   AR plate but I do have one inch or so T1 plate  and that will wear pretty well for a really long   time especially if I cut a big old block like  that so that should be fine and I think that's   what I'll do so now let's do wait and see  if they or they're deciding to bring that   Cutting Edge or not this may be the end of the  video but I'm not quite sure yet so at least I   have a couple more things to do so let's go  ahead and take that take care of that first   oh man what an update they uh brought this thing  over to me which is fine let me see that was one   inch okay good as I was saying yesterday it was  winners they just brought this to me this morning   I was hoping to be done with that bucket but not  yet so anyway that that throws a little wrench in   my scheduling because I had other jobs pending  but that's okay now I can go ahead and get this   flipped over once I get those on there and get  that done so that shouldn't be too terribly tough   I'll find out how bad it is cutting through some  of these guys here is a little bit of a challenge   because they put so much weld on there on here and  then that's cutting it a little close to this edge   here so it may be a little bit tough but you know  still some decent work not too terribly bad and   they ended up buying these ends these side pieces  too so that's cool that'll that'll help out a lot   so that'll be our next step let's go ahead and see  get back to this uh yesterday that was at the end   of the day so I'll do that this morning and they  brought that over so now that that buys me some   more work or it gets me some more work all right  you know enough jibber jabber that's uh get to it thank you that didn't help foreign just like that a little better less grinding foreign close enough to Center it's not going to care okay so I got done with this it turns out I ended  up just building those up it was just easier to   do it that way and put a nice pad on there and  besides this is way thick enough to accept or   take a lot of abuse for a really long time and so  like I mentioned earlier they brought me that new   front bucket it's just gonna cut into my time that  I was allowing for somebody else so that will work   save me a lot of time for having to cut those so  anyway I got done with this part now until now the   next thing is to go ahead and roll this guy over  so that I can start cutting that off all right okay well that'll taught me a lesson there
Channel: I C Weld
Views: 74,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drillrig, heavy equipment, onsite repair, kellybar, auger, dozer, excavator, welding, stickwelding, mig welding, torch, torch cutting, gas axe, backhoe, torching, weld, repair, weld repair, fix it, how to, caterpillar, bull dozer, broken, cracked, torn, busted, track hoe, welded, fluxcore
Id: _E6H_o5avxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 43sec (3403 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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