Front Door Feng Shui: 7 Tips to Invite Prosperity into Your Home

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did you know that in traditional feng shui the front door is a big deal when feng shui is used during the construction of a new home or office building several principles and techniques including the bagua and the Flying Star are employed to determine the building's best face interaction and the location of the front door it is done to harness the specific type of qi energy that is beneficial for wealth and prosperity the front door is an opening through which the chi enters the building and so it is called the mouth of chi I'm Natalia Kalin welcome to my channel in this video we will consider feng shui for your front door I will share seven tips on how to make the energy around your front door stronger and better so you can invite Prosperity wealth and happiness into your home and if you stay to the end there will be a special bonus people have been fascinated with the doors in many cultures throughout the time in history just to emphasize how important the front door is feng shui Masters in a past would even suggest to relocating your front door to the area of the house where the chi is the most beneficial for wealth for most of us changing the position of the existing front door is out of question but luckily even if the placement of the door is not the best according to the formulas and rules there are several things you can do to improve the energy around your door to make it more inviting and auspicious for wealth tip number one it's beneficial if the door is beautiful and captivating not appearing as a cheap standard boring afterthought but rather something that looks appealing and stands out we love red doors in feng shui but the truth is your door doesn't have to be read to be a good feng shui door to pick the right color for that door uh is a special topic and deserves a separate video you can find the link to this video in the description let me emphasize it it's important that you love your front door it should make you feel welcomed and proud when you approach the house it's good if it feels welcoming and beautiful to your visitors as well so the first thing is the door itself if you're considering Remodeling and changing the door choose one with some glass elements but not overly so an excessive amount of glass would be undesirable this would be too much glass all the way from top to bottom is not a good idea in this case it doesn't feel secure enough in feng shui terms the chi is leaking but some reasonable amount of glass makes it beautiful and interesting OK not everyone is remodeling their house and changing their door too often hear us the things that everyone can do tip number two you can enhance your door hang a beautiful wreath or Flower Basket on the door wreaths or baskets are usually eye-catching and they are good enhancers of energy anything that is tasteful and goes well with the color of your door will do they can be seasonal spring summer fall and winter most importantly whichever gives you Joy to look at look for the correct size it shouldn't be too small or too big in punctuate the direction Southeast relates to wealth if your front door happens to be in the Southeast then purple color is very beneficial for wealth and prosperity if your front door happen to be in the Northwest introducing white or yellow color is great there the direction Northwest relates to helpful people and indirectly influences wealth tip number three place two Planters with plants on each side of the door plants relate to wealth in feng shui they can be artificial like this lovely topiaries they can be real if you are up to taking care of them and watering them the last thing you want is unhappy plants by your front door you can enjoy some special Planters if you like to take a closer look at some of these beautiful things I am showing throughout the video I added some links to the description then mostly from Amazon the plants really do make your front door special and prosperous this is a good example of how the red flowers uplifted and Spark the energy around this door that otherwise would be a bit low the world of advice here make sure not to block the entrance this is very beautiful but a bit much you can see that the door is not prominent here anymore and this is quite a narrow opening and feels cluttered in these cases the energy is being somewhat prevented from entering the house tip number four place a good quality and good looking dormant outside of your front door it's not only an aesthetic thing but useful and functional they can be very simple and elegant or they can be interesting and even somewhat mysterious I prefer them interesting and fun why not something fun right tip number five it's great to have two lights on both sides of the door it feels stable harmonious and balanced this way if you don't have them or have only one light or feel like it's time to get something beautiful and new you can find several good choices on Amazon or lights are awesome energy enhancers they give a big boost to the energy around your front door and they look really good tip number six make sure the door is not broken or stuck and opens and closes easily or as it should also make sure your main door or any other door you use opens freely and all the way in other words there is no stuff or Furniture preventing it from fully opening in both cases it would make you feel irritated or even stressed upon entering the energy is not being welcome to enter the house tip number seven if you have two doors a main door and a mud room door and really rarely use the main entrance or if you mostly enter from the garage it's beneficial to open the main door occasionally especially on sunny days to allow energy to circulate and refresh if you're not using the front door the energy becomes stagnant there and this can weaken the energy in the area where you want it to be fresh and strong and here comes the bonus in addition to all the things we can do with the core and color sometimes I like to use talismans at some point I will make the entire episode about talismans what they are and how they work but for now let's say uh there are objects that have a special meaning and their use is aimed for a specific outcome in our case we are aiming to invite more Prosperity into our home a classical feng shui Talisman in this case would be six coins died by the string you can hang a six Chinese coins on your front doorknob better inside than outside six feng shui coins represent wealth and health from heaven start in 2024 number nine becomes very important and will represent wealth as well so even better hang nine coins on your front door to invite wealth you can also use bells and Chimes to generate some beautiful sound which also enhances the G Energy wind chimes can be loud if it's windy use them only if it's enjoyable to you and not too much disruption for Neighbors I really like this Corinthian midnight blue six roads wind chimes I hope you feel inspired to make some changes to your front door and around it to enhance the energy and invite more wealth and prosperity to your home if you enjoyed the video I would really appreciate it if you like subscribe and share see you soon
Channel: Natalia Kaylin
Views: 18,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mindful design, feng shui design, psychology of design, Natalia Kaylin, soulful home design, holistic home design, home décor, happy home
Id: jWecDxzi74k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 12 2023
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