From the Depths │ Building a Basic Hovercraft - Overview & Testing

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hello and welcome to another video uh this is my second video on the channel um and this one's gonna be pretty good i have to say um we're tackling the hovercraft and from the depths this is one of those things you just have no idea how to do when you start the game um the game does not teach you at all um i mean they have some tutorials but it's very difficult to understand those and i'm gonna make sure by the end of this video you guys know exactly how to make a hovercraft like it's it's really not that hard um and hopefully by the end of it uh you'll see that it you know you'll believe me um yeah so this is one i made um just now actually it's backwards uh don't worry when i show you isn't going to be backwards but it's so simple you know a hovercraft is essentially you have your engine you have your w blade in the middle uh controls the uh up and down you have thrusters to keep it stable your ai with your pid system i'll i'll explain all this stuff as we're going but it's really it's not too hard um oh this is great hovercrafts are awesome you know like once once you get these it's a game changer playing from the depths you know you go from uh you know the hovercrafts they're actually very similar to uh submarines the whole idea of just maintaining an altitude it's the exact same thing for a submarine you could take a hovercraft and make it a submarine just by adding ion thrusters or more heli bleeds um but without further ado let's let's get started okay so first things first i gotta gotta destroy this thing so destroy all vehicles bam okay know it was cool but um we have to build from scratch so maybe you guys already have a hole or something built um i'm i don't have one so i'm just gonna build from scratch so hit b uh caps lock let's just get building um i'm gonna build something very similar to what i just had i'm just gonna do metal metal is usually a pretty solid block not super expensive but very strong there we go always put mirror mode now keep this in mind there's the front part of the vehicle and back part right you want to be aware which is the front when building a hovercraft it's not the worst thing in the world because you can always rotate your vehicle later but it's it's just nice to know while you're building what where's the front and where's the back so that's my front section uh make sure you're building keep that in mind so i'm just gonna build a little platform here and i'll see you in a second okay and i'm back i just made a basic hole um i got all my i got my core here i'm gonna put all my ai engines um study blades and i got these cool little spike things on the outside i'm not really an expert builder in this game um but you know this is something you know just to spice it up a little bit so there really isn't an order when it comes to building a hovercraft you can pretty much do whatever you want um but here's how i like to start it i like to start kind of working inside and going out sometimes i would even start with the daddy blades and then build the hole around the core so it's up to you whether you want to start with a shell or um or just the components on the inside first but you're going to notice that your ship is going to have a mass the center of mass now that's where you're going to want to have the main duty blade or at least closer as possible if the center of mass has like your ai and all your other stuff you can always have two daddy blades uh one in the front one in the back it's really up to you so step number one go to air get the study blade spinner so this um like these daddy blades here it's just pretty much a helicopter propeller um helicopter rotor i think rotor is the right word and essentially this is what's gonna control the up down of your craft um and it needs to have enough power to lift up the entire craft so you're gonna need to have it bigger uh if you have a heavier ship and you're probably gonna want to have it um but you don't want to be too big you know um but you also don't want it to be you know too small that i can't lift the ship you just want to have it fit your ship nice and uh nicely so start off with the daddy blade spinner place that around the center it's not a big deal if it's in the middle completely um but you just want to be around the center of mass anything else can be we're going to deal with all the slight differences later we're going to we have pitch controls roll controls and that'll take care of everything so step one put your diddy blade spinner on the bottom and then add maybe a couple daddy bleed pull extenders on top i'm just gonna do three um i don't know the exact ratio between weight and um daddy bleeds but you know better to have more than less so next you want to add these d blade extensions on the side it doesn't matter which way these are facing uh it's going to work no matter what there we go add some in the back okay and there we go okay um we have our central uh daily blade right here so this thing is going to keep our ship right in the air um press q on it and then set um okay yeah so let me explain this part a little bit um the hard part about hovercrafts is well you know it's really hard to tell what's hard anymore because i i've learned it but um you're gonna want to make sure each component is set to the proper um the proper control so if you press q on one of these or a thruster you'll see you have a spin rate control so right now it's set to pitcher you don't want that you want pusher you want this thing to be up because it's in charge of keeping your your entire hovercraft up pitch is only uh in charge of the pitch so you want pusher make sure this one's set to pusher okay so now that we have this all set up we're going to want to add an engine and an ai and some resources to go with that so i'm just gonna grab um a pre-built one i personally like this one and luckily it fits just barely in the back and just to keep things simple i'm gonna make a pre-built ai as well um just get some space here there we go i chose this one because it already comes with pids which are these right here if you have your own ai just make sure to add six of these they can connect um they can connect to each other or to the control block so just make sure you have these pids you'll find them in the ai don't get them confused with the pid general purpose these don't work well they might work i just don't know how to use them get these ones right here there we go so now you have engine ai um this isn't this video isn't about engines and ai so i'm just using the pre-made ones it's about hovercrafts as a whole so now that you have this you're going to want resources for your ship um got these you don't need ammo because we don't have any weapons yet so we'll just add some fuel and there we go so essentially this uh it should hover oh wait i forgot one thing you have to add a behavior to the uh to the ai um so now that all your components are in the ship next you want to start working on the ai so if you go over to your ai and click one of the ai routine cards add a behavior i'm going to do point at it's just very simple when it really shows the full effect of what a hovercraft can do circle is also not bad i'm not sure how to circle and point at so that's why i like point at so select that hit activate or just make sure it's active go to adjustments maybe set the height to 100 that's personal preference i'm just doing 100 because you know it's a good amount above the water maneuver you want the hover add hover movement there we go however the blade is spinning in the back uh and next you want to go your pids and enable all of these you don't really need strafe but we have 6pid so it doesn't hurt to have it um there we go these are our different controls i'll talk a little bit more about that later so the hovercraft itself is done if i press caps lock you'll see uh well it's almost done um you can see the struggle in a bit to stay afloat so this is where you test if your daddy blade is uh strong enough so press q you can set the motor drive to max and you can see that yes it's got plenty of power um it's got enough power to keep this thing in the air and that's what you want of course you can always make this bigger you're gonna need a better engine if you make this bigger um i don't think it can be too big there we go so we have our w blade but you notice that the the craft itself it wants to lean backwards um you can tell that the center of mass is slightly behind the craft so when this thing tries to lift up it's just trying to go backwards so in order to fix this we add something called pitch so if you go to air right here grab some jet engines you can use the bigger ones you can use ion thrusters this one is pretty small so i'm just going to use the basic jet engines and you're going to want to add these in the front and the back there's no set number um you need they all need to be aligned but you just want these to be in the front and the back and towards the center of the ship so you can see the center of mass is right there and these aren't too far off okay there we go pitch controls should be done so when you place these thrusters you can press q again just like the daddy blade and you'll see that there's different uh presets it's already set to picture all thrusters should be set to picture when you place them down unless they're on the sides um so press caps lock and you'll see that the the ship is all good um although it is very wobbly uh we'll fix that a little bit later so we have pitch control so now the ship can tilt forwards and backwards now we just want to add roll turning and uh forward and back so to add roll you want to go to the center of mass um so next up with the roll controls you're gonna you're gonna want to add these as close to the center of mass as possible but on the sides of the ship they don't have to be at the very ends but towards the side uh aligned with the center of mass if you just try to think when you're trying to tilt uh side to side that's where you're gonna have the best um that's where you're gonna want the force to turn the best um just add maybe a couple here three is most likely too much for this small of a ship but we'll just add those there um and if you press q you'll see there sets a picture make sure you set these ones to roller um spread to neighbors roller spread to neighbors neighbors okay there we go these are all set to roller now so now the ship can go forward back i have to look off of that because it's it's kind of crazy so there we go hovercraft can now go forwards backwards uh not forwards backwards you can tilt uh up and down and it can tilt right and left it's still very unstable um but we'll fix that next we want to add the the pusher and then the turning so i think these are set to pusher by default the more you add the faster it goes and you're going to want to add turning right here there we go and we'll add some more turning over here as well let me just add a chair real quick just so i can spawn here okay so we have a hovercraft this is essentially done although it's kind of um it's very wobbly so i'm going to show you how to fix the the wobbly part what you're going to do is go to your ai and press q on the pids so if you go to the roll controls well let's fix the roll first because right now it's well it's wobbling side to side a lot so you want to go to edit roll and lower the gain down until it stops wobbling um 0.12 is sometimes good 0.01 um but as you can see here these lines on the graph are pretty good you want to be as close to the line as possible that's not bad i'll leave that there you know i like to have a little bit of wobble um there you go next you want to go to the pitch controller lower the gain down as well there we go yeah keep it up a little bit see i like to have a little bit of wobble on the craft oh it's just too weird if it's perfectly still so we'll do like that and um yeah the craft is very still it's hovering if we go to the ai again um and go to behaviors and adjustments we can change the height so min height above the water we can raise that up and we'll see our craft goes directly up very stable um and from here you know you can just you can seal this thing off um i believe these get less efficient when like they don't have access to the actual air there are um where are they these the ducks you could place some of these if you want to add a roof i'm not going to um it's not a big deal if you don't have them anyway but yeah that's that's your hovercraft let's let's add a couple weapons to it and then let's let's see how it goes okay there we go we added some weapon systems to the bottom and let's let's spawn in an enemy i'm gonna turn combat off for now oh i need some ammo let's see let's spawn in something uh we'll just do a flying squirrel for fun spawn now turn off combat and you'll see that our hovercraft is working it's trying to point at the target and maintain a distance away 100 meter distance a thousand meter um hold on it looks like it's good except for one thing it doesn't have um backwards thrust so let's just add some of that there to help the control a little bit yeah there we go much better i think i have a bit too much pitch um probably best to lower that but let me turn combat on actually so you can see it working but and that's the hovercraft you know it's it's done pretty much um of course you can just edit some of the settings i edited at some point in this video you can look back i think i covered everything you're probably gonna need um it does seem to be a little bit uh off if you know what i mean adjustments maneuver um i don't know um it's possible the am i missing something i don't know it's possible that the the flying squirrel is just a tough enemy for this thing to work but it you know this thing moves pretty quick um it's actually not a bad design if you want to copy this for your own world i'll probably do okay yeah um anyway i hope you guys enjoy the video this you know a lot of fun um let me know if you have any other other ideas for tutorials um i do plan on making a series of this game at some point um although i want to get a couple other videos out first before i start that um yeah please comment i i mean if you enjoyed the video please comment because it's i love reading comments um you know the only reason i made this video actually was because someone was looking forward to my next video so um kind of motivated me to record this so yeah i hope you enjoyed let me know if you have any problems um if my audio was too quiet i tried to raise it up a little bit we'll see if it worked out but yeah there goes your hovercraft um it's really not too bad just engine daddy bleed ai and then all these thrusters to control the pitch roll and um the push and uh see you guys next time you
Channel: Kipalo
Views: 212
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: hovercraft, thrustercraft, from the depths, tutorial, thruster boat, ship, fly
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 27sec (1167 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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