From Steamdeck to Asus ROG ALLY. Why I Made the Switch!

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hey everybody welcome so in today's video I will be speaking about Asus Rock Ally and why did I sold my steam deck and I just uh started using this one let's get started steam deck is amazing device um you can find millions of videos of people praising the device and I will not say that it's a bad device however steam deck is very niche in my in my opinion because it's really limited especially if you have the old steam deck you will have Hardware which is limited by the power that you can draw which is going to limit your FPS and by limiting your FPS and power uh you're not going to be able to play every triple a game with Asus you can actually do that uh the power limit is much higher which allows you to actually play AAA games low or medium settings with 60 FPS or higher this is really big deal breaker for me because I do have a lot of triaa games that I enjoy and I often want to play them on the couch in the bed or maybe until I'm traveling to to work or whatever so this device is actually allowing me to do that so okay steam deck actually amazing device especially when it came out I mean I don't think that it had any competition and that makes sense I mean it was developed by Valve uh it works directly with steam so we can access uh all your gaming libraries from Steam super easy to use uh yeah it was a win however things have changed and with the time more and more devices like this Asus for example came out different specs different resolutions different displays and to be honest uh steam deck definitely felt a little bit outdated uh that's one of the main reasons why I actually chose to get myself an ally and that's because of the hardware now the the differences in the hardware are not really that big what is different is uh the power usage you can actually use higher power limits in the Asus R Ally and that allows you to have higher FPS on the games uh higher FPS of course and more power it will allow you to play more Triple A AAA games with the steam deck I felt a little bit limited uh just playing more in the games and not that uh intensive games with the Ally I don't have that feeling anymore so that's actually really strong argument but this is also from from case to case maybe you as a gamer you prefer to play small uh platform games Indie Games adventure games that doesn't require that much uh Power and I can tell you that the cheapest version from Steam deck it will be absolutely perfect for you in that case the second reason why I disliked a little bit my steam deck is the operating system I'm not a a Linux user I don't know how to use this um operating system I'm 37 years old and I don't feel like learning right now all these uh things that you can do there right and steam deck performing so good on the Linux is true but when it comes to more more things to uh install it like for example uh Xbox Plus or Ubisoft soft store or EA store it's it's it's quite hard it's not that easy um you have to watch some guides if you're like me and have no idea what to do you have to install some special programs and then blah blah and it's just too complicated for me and I don't really feel like uh going through all this just to be able to play my games right from the other side the Asus is coming with Windows uh sadly by default it's coming with the windows 11 which I will recommend you to remove it's horrendously bad it's just bad Windows 11 for this device it's a big no no uh however if you install uh Windows 10 on it it will run like a dream uh then you can install your Armory crate and uh everything else needed uh you're not limited by driver support only for Windows 11 however being a Windows device this is going to actually allow you to to use your uh other platforms like Xbox pass Ubisoft ea uh epic store and on the top it is actually a portable computer you can uh use it for some work if you're up Road and uh you have to um get some quick emails uh and yeah it's for me it's much more versatile than the the steam deck when it comes to ergonomics I can't really say which one fail better um for me I think steam deck was a little bit more brighter I don't have this feeling that I had very comfortable uh position of my hands but this can uh vary from person to person so I don't really uh think that you as a viewer and person who maybe want to buy a steam deck or Asus should take that to a consideration from a streamer or a YouTuber uh every person is different every person have a different hand hands size of the shoulders and build so the feel from the device when it was in the hands though it was really good um it felt well rounded uh it was kind of heavy but not too heavy uh it felt like right on place and U in general I have no no complainings except that it was a little bit too too wide for me however uh I can't say if I like the Ally more or not um I have bought for for it protective case uh which cushions a little bit the the the corners there are some interesting choices with the design with some edges uh on it uh sometimes maybe not so comfortable but after placing this uh protective cover and the stand um actually it started feeling pretty good the layout also it's pretty good but uh when it comes to layout I have have to say that steam deck is winning also with steam deck you're getting uh the capacity pads here uh so you can use your mouse easier way with the thumb better uh we don't have that here um both of the devices have pretty decent speakers uh this one is getting also very loud steam deck is getting also very loud as you can see uh the speakers are frontal so I have no complaints with that uh when it comes to expansion both devices uh allows you to uh expand your internal storage and also your external storage however um I never actually found the need to put a memory card in here and I know that with the early versions from this device there were uh some problems actually when um memory cards u were being destroyed because uh it's getting too hot in this area uh I don't know if this problem is resolved now um what I did is something completely different I bought myself 1 tbte of m.2 and I just placed it here and I have the 500 GB m.2 just stored in another place and one terab is completely enough for me especially with all the list of games that I have the steam deck however also gives you the opportunity to upgrade your uh internal storage uh depending on the version maybe you get it with the higher ver uh storage capacity or with lower but for example uh what I did as many other people so I bought the cheapest version from Steam deck and then I just uh installed a terabyte of uh m.2 and that was uh super easy to do just a few screws from the back and that was all of it basically the storage can be also expand there with the memory card and I know that there are no memory card problems there anyway I don't think that the memory cards are much worth uh for triaa games uh you can store maybe better some indie games small Platformers and games that run more easier for some reason I just didn't felt that the game uh games were loading uh as fast as I would like to when there were on uh memory card on Steam deck another big difference between the devices was the display steam deck comes with uh 60 HZ if I'm not wrong 60 or 75 HZ display uh which for most of the Platformers it was be enough but this one is coming with 120 FPS and you can play a lot of games with 120 FPS on this device uh you can place racing game Platformers everything and Ju Just seeing everything so smooth on that size of a display it's much better than uh the experience I had with the steam deck what is the biggest downside from this device though is the battery the battery is horrendous if you want to play a AAA game with this device device uh not plugged in 1 hour maximum when your battery is down maybe 2 hours depending on the um Power that you have been using all all this time right uh with steam deck however the power contion was great and you actually can play uh for much longer times with steam deck and uh this is going to be a massive massive Plus for many people uh especially people who play these kind of games that doesn't require that much power right so we can have a device that can go from two to 3 hours uh on a gaming session without even being plugged but from Another Side this is not a big downside for me because I can just play plugged in here or in bed or on the couch uh you can buy also a lot of packs now uh that can charge these devices while you play with 65 wat power charging which uh resolves that problem for me personally that's why uh for me personally it's not that big of a deal but for you maybe it will be and uh yeah I have to say that this device just uh gives me the versatility of uh me being able to play AAA games the versatility of uh having a better display I can also change between different resolutions 720p 900p and uh 1080p which is uh quite good for example I can play last Epoch game this game is not even released it's still in a um Early Access but I can play it on 1080p with the 60 FPS solid uh on medium settings not low settings if I drop it to 720p I can uh even play it with 80 90 FPS and imagine when you have a well optimized game then it's much even much better right I can play here God of War no problems it runs like butter I can play uh Horizon zero down I can play a racing game games and much uh many other that actually is going to run much better than on the steam Deck with that being said though steam deck got some updates updates recently a new display which is much better uh with a little bit better refresh rate but it's still not 120 um I think also there was some kind of improvements in the battery I don't really know because I don't have it anymore but let me finish the video with uh this conclusion steam deck is absolutely amazing device me selling my steam deck that's just because it doesn't fit in my needs however steam deck can be perfect for your needs and the games that you would like to play and even after some time you want to change it you can do it pretty easy they still on a very good prices and you can recover most of your money uh I for example sold my for uh 600 which is more from what I bought it of course I had included some uh accessoirs like um the terabyte of a m.2 docking station and other things but you can sell those on a very very good value and when you get more powerful devices like this one you can always uh just buy the new one and add a little amount of money that's a that's a good plus I can say and uh yeah uh you know what leave a comment down below and let me know what do you think about this topic do you have uh steam deck or Ally maybe both which one do you think is better also uh which one fits your needs better leave the comment down below and I'll make sure to answer um and uh we can have a nice and healthy conversation down there uh with that being said hit the like button if you like that video if you didn't of course you can hit the like the dislike button I prefer not I mean I put some time into this please and yeah if you want to see more videos in the future hit that subscribe button it's free come on see you in the next one bye
Channel: Synn™
Views: 8,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Asus ROG Ally, Asus, ROG Ally, Asus Ally, Asus handheld, windows handheld, steam deck, steam deck windows, steam deck competitor, new steam deck, windows steam deck, handheld emulation, nintendo switch emulation, switch emulation, emulation, new emulator, retro handheld, emulation device, portable gaming console, portable console, asus ally review, rog ally review, steam deck vs ally, STEAM DECK VS WINDOWS
Id: AN2Byp4EMBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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