From scratch West Virginia pepperoni rolls the best you’ll ever try.

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[Music] hello everyone and you're watching cooking with the word today we're going to be making West Virginia pepperoni rolls that's right the original way not the way that you're going to find them at convenience stores they're different places we're going to make them from scratch what is a pepperoni roll pepperoni roll is simply really really good bread with pepperoni inside see what happened in 1927 Italian immigrants working in the coal mines in West Virginia they would be taking bread and pepperoni that was the main food that they were eating in the Mazda and I don't know about how many of you guys are ever been around the coal mines but you get really dirty in the coal mines and the thing about when you eat something in the coal mines is like you eat a sandwich and you you hold the sandwich in the corner time you get down to the corner where your hands your dirty hands is touching you kind of just close your eyes and put the rest in real quick well if you're just holding pepper on in one hand bread in the other hand one might fall you might lose it it's harder to carry so what they decided to do they put the pepperoni inside the bread pretty amazing huh wow but so delicious so we're gonna make it today not the way that you're going to find it in convenience stores but the way it was originally made by the Italian immigrants in the state of West Virginia we're gonna be making them from scratch would you stay with us this is going to be fun first thing we want to do we want to measure out two cups of whole milk I'm going to take this we're going to put it in the microwave we're going to heat it between 100 and 110 degrees I don't want to be more than 110 I don't want it to be less than 100 I want to be somewhere in that range okay my microwave it's always a minute 40 seconds and that put me right on about 108 degrees right there that's where I need to be okay we're going to use active dry yeast not an instant yeast not quick rice but active dry I'll use two and a half teaspoons [Music] put that in there a mixture is going to call for two tablespoons of sugar so what I'm going to do I'm going to take my first tablespoon and I'm going to put it right in with the yeast mixture from that right in and we'll take mix it together good and we'll give that about five or ten minutes to start setting up getting all frothy and uh activating in the meantime we're going to start on our dry mixture I'm going to use four cups of flour all purpose we want the flower of good protein so I'm using a pizza flour a high protein type flour King authors is a really good brand [Music] we're gonna get that sifted in because we don't want any lumps in the bottom to get in there and uh mess up our mixture we're going to put a lot of work on this so we want to try to make sure everything's right I'm going to do four cups of that that's a really good that's going to give it the ability to actually soak up the moisture and hold that in really good all the water molecules get them all in there you see these little lumps that's hard so we got all those out of there okay we only have one half teaspoons of salt put that in there I also want to have about four ounces of salt and butter on standby so what I'm going to do I'm just going to kind of slice this I'm going to take it I'm going to just kind of mix the salt in with the flour and we'll add one tablespoon of sugar to this one has total two tablespoons and then we're gonna mix all that together it's kind of sweetener dough just a little bit look at this [Music] we started out with two cups but now with the yeast it's then worked it up to where it's almost two and a half maybe a little over two and a half cups so that's working really good we're gonna give it just another minute and we're going to get started okay what do y'all think about that I think it's ready I'm gonna go ahead and pour this in it's good and lumpy [Music] good thick I want to make sure I scrape all the bottom out of this it's going to leave some sugar in there we want to get all that out there [Music] yeah we're going to put it up on the mixer and get started with that part okay we're going to start a mixer out on a slower speed get everything Incorporated in first once it looks like everything's getting incorporated in we're going to scrape it down once get the other thing scraping down [Music] I got my standby I always have a little flower on standby a little bit of water now if if we use water we make sure that we use natural spring water we don't want anything with chlorine in it nothing with bleach in it we don't want to try to affect the uh the geese in any way whatsoever we want the bread we want everything to form just right into bread uh we're like I said we're doing a lot of work so we want to make sure we have good results I'll let that stir a little bit it's good to have a good uh stand mixer because it does all the work for you and you just get sit back and watch [Music] the second I'm just going to kind of scrape the sides down just a little bit give a chance to get a little more in there and go slow if you go fast you're gonna get a face full of flour [Music] and it's going to kind of just start working a little bit of time off the sides some of you guys might say well I've tried pizza rolls at the convenience stores and gas stations and you know after about they're good at first but after about 30 minutes if you don't eat it they're going to get hard they're not going to be any good anymore these are not pizza rolls these are pepperoni rolls they're totally different they're not made with pizza bread they're made with yeast bread and they are so much better we have made these four or five days later if we're just lucky enough to have some that we haven't ate already they're still fresh they're still soft it's just it's if you if you've never tried pepperoni rolls because you don't like pizza rolls you've never tried pepperoni rolls because they're nothing whatsoever alike you're gonna love these so make sure you you watch this film make sure you write down the the uh the recipe is we'll go through it and give it a try you're really going to love it and that's doing an official big scrape down I'm gonna drop it down we'll get in here and we're just going to stir up all them sides really really good we're gonna try to get down to the bottom where some some dry flour may be straight around a little bit here we go get everything off our spatula here and raise it up and get started again we'll keep it on slow [Music] and let's go a little faster let's see what happens here starting to get sticky good sign right all the gluten's starting to work now starting to bond together look at that all the proteins that the burette is starting to work and start to soak up all the moisture looking good now remember the butter that I told you to have ready four ounces about a half a stick we're gonna get ready and we're gonna start putting the butter in in just a minute okay while that's mixing we put on some water to boil just uh get a small pot and uh fill it partially with water get it to boil and I'm going to show you why we do that there it is mixer's doing all the work it's kneading the dough really good just keep you out of the dough when it starts to form in more of a smooth consistency then you know you're getting somewhere keep watching it and let the mixture do all the work now look how it's forming like a bottle of dough in the middle now we're ready for the butter remember the butter and put a little pad at a time in it we're gonna let that just work its way in the reason you don't want to put the butter in first you don't have anything with any kind of fat inside your mixture before the gluten starts sitting up before all the proteins are released because that could affect it make your bread not quite as soft not as good we're gonna wait till all that's done then we're gonna put in a little bit of time while that's needing to go for us see what it's doing to the butter it's just mixing in just a little bit at a time uh some pepperoni rolls are made without butter I find it it gives it just just a little better taste [Applause] and that's why we think our pepperoni rolls are the absolute best that you can get the best ones made and we've actually tried the ones Clarksburg Fairmont Morgantown we've tried them all we really really like the ones we make here on Muncie Mountain you see all the butter now is incorporated in look at the size how pretty the sides look you got one little streak around that's it everything's going into the batter like it's supposed to be so we're going to need this we're all done we'll increase your speed just a little bit we're going to do this for about three four minutes and then we'll do a window paint check to it so I tell you what to do let's try the window pane test that's looking really good it's been a few minutes foreign just a little look at this what do you think Jessica that is perfect that's absolutely perfect right there so we're going to get that out look at that so I'm gonna show you a little trick now you remember the handy dandy a little bit of flour I told you about so we're going to take some of that and we're going to put it around the sides come on this side scrape it over so it comes off good just a little sticky that's good I don't want our flour all dried up we want to be just a little sticky put that on this side look at that take this and we're going to work it now what you do you take it hold it in your hand take this hand this Palm push over like this and back over and back and I'm forming a perfect tight ball out of it stretching the skin [Music] over here get the skin stretched [Music] I got an old glass bowl get that one's tight put that down in there and we use extraordinate virgin olive oil just used a cheap gun we'll spread top of this we sprayed all around the bottom of the bowl everything's all good where it can't stick to anything now remember the water I told you was boiling watch this put a lid on top of it and follow me to the stove okay we're going to take the boiling water that I told you about earlier it's hot a lot of steam coming off of it we're gonna put that in here we're also going to take a batter and put it right beside of it close that up we're going to set our timer for one hour we'll be right back okay we got this out of the oven [Music] and look how much [Music] it grew look at that foreign so fingers checked worked out perfectly so I just pushed down how this is my favorite part I love doing that part push it down get all the air out of it yeah I just want to put it right here [Music] so our goal is 12 pepperoni rolls out of the four cups of flour and what you can do you can weigh everything divided by 12. and that'd be the sizes that you want to cut but I pretty much know what it is already because I've done it so many times so it's just a little bit less than four ounces so we want to do we want to kind of flatten this out a little bit I'm going to cut it into four different pieces [Music] use my bench scraper [Music] I'm gonna do them three more times foreign [Music] each one of them [Music] and like I say we want to be just a little bit less than four which would be a quarter of a pound if it's not quite that much see that's a little light so we're going to take one that we think is maybe a little bigger there's quite a little bit to it so that one is about right then to the sides number one try this one it's a little light again so we'll add just a little bit to it looks about right it's number two look at that that one's perfect foreign that one looks heavy yeah it's a little bit too much I don't want to take some off with it just put it to the side just a little bit too much should be right [Music] okay we'll take the first one I'll Pat it out a little bit for hands I want this to be about the same size as the pepperoni push out the air bubbles we are not using sliced pepperoni we're using the good stuff and a lot of good old cheddar cheese [Music] have a hunk of chunk of hunk of cheese we'll wrap that side in this side in and we'll pinch them off [Music] come down bring this end up [Music] pinch that off take we're going to squeeze the air out of it and just close it in make sure we get rid of all the seams roll it a little bit number one let's do the same thing for the next one just and those not sticky it's good shape just make it in a nice little rectangle again about the size of the cheese or the pepperoni put a couple good slices in there [Music] good hunk of cheese how's it in this way and these things have been a total hit and we've given dozens away and uh lots of people try them and they have been absolute hit see that number two [Music] we'll get the rest done okay fun little fact this coal miner invented treat coal miner invented snack which is one of my favorite snacks in the world was actually I think in the year 2000 maybe it was the US Army began to use it it's part of the rations another fact in 1987 there's a bakery in West Virginia that actually shipped some fresh pepperoni rolls to the state of Maryland Department of Agriculture stepped in and try to outlaw the commercial sales of pepperoni rolls because the meat was actually baked inside and they couldn't inspect it they inspected it when it was first pepperon was first made but they couldn't expect it after it was baked so they tried to classify pepperoni rolled bakeries as Vape processing plants which means that an inspector would have to be on hand at the bakery anytime the bakery is open which we made it so expensive that you could no longer make commercial pepperoni rolls but a center from West Virginia by the name of J Rockefeller stepped in and put a halt to that uh idea by the uh the U.S government to do that Rockefeller I actually met Jay Rockefeller I think it was 1980 when I was on the yearbook staff for mid Creek High School and On Assignment by the uh newspaper there more West Virginia they sent us out to meet him when he was actually uh Paving the road in a place called shaft Hollow in Coretta and he was there and we we got to meet him and he shook our hands and everything it was a really big deal to us at the time the pepperoni rolls would be something that you could no longer buy if if the government had had their way at that time but I'm very thankful that they didn't let me get the rest of these and we'll be right back okay our goal was 12 and that's what we have is 12. and we're going to cover them and let them Rise Again second Rise number two for about 30 minutes and we'll be right back okay it's been about 30 minutes and what we've done we made a little creamy buttery topping that's kind of our secret recipe that we put on top of it and the end result is just going to be a beautiful glazed top so what we're going to do we're going to set the temperature of the oven to 350. we're going to bake these for 20 minutes then we're going to inspect them see what they look like if they look good we're going to take them out most time it takes about 22-23 minutes so let us put these in look at how pretty it is if you remember how they began with the size they have probably at least doubled in size and they're going to get even bigger in the oven so we'll be right back and they're out and oh my gosh would you look at that look at those burnt parmesan flakes on top of it right there oh wow those are pretty West Virginia original pepperoni rolls not pizza rolls like you're going to buy at the convenience store those are still hot we're gonna let them cool a little bit this is not pizza rolls but these are real pepperoni rolls that were originated by coal miners in West Virginia let's see it's cool man I can't wait to try one that just looks absolutely beautiful look at that how pretty it is okay we got these over on the colon rack and they should be cold enough right now so we're going to take one look at that is that pretty just look at that just a little bit golden brown you got oh look at that pepperoni grease on the bottom we want that parmesan on top now the key to make your pepperoni roll really really good is you got to have pepperoni in every bite and you gotta have a lot of cheese now if you remember when we started out these were only about this big his width of the the pepperoni it was long same size with the pepperoni but the yeast has made them grow me personally I like bread I like this bread is wow this bread is amazing right here I like a lot of bread so let's see what this thing looks like on the inside did you look at that cheese pepperoni everything you want right there look at that look here's the other side cheese pepperoni let's try a bite of this hmm that is so good and they're so soft and they're still warm so it's not springing back quite the way that it normally would and we don't refrigerate these we wrap these in plastic wrap which put them in a good dark area away from the light and make sure they're all protected and three four days later they're still fresh they're still good look at this wow cheddar cheese fresh good pepperoni this is not that weak uh pepperoni that you buy to go on pizzas the sliced kind this is real try this other side look at this juicy it is inside that's what we're looking for if you like this video and push the like button please follow us it would mean the world to us if you would follow cooking with the word we'll have preaching videos we have teaching videos we have singing videos we have ventures in the mountains uh uh playful videos just different things if you would follow us it would mean the world to us uh we're trying to hit a thousand followers as soon as possible but uh if you're watching this on New Beginning radio network we appreciate you following us there sounds like the second batch is done and follow something let us know it'll be a phone number at the bottom that you're watching just give us a call and say hey we appreciate you brother Muncie we appreciate what you're doing and we will see you soon from Mike and Jessica you're watching cooking with the word
Channel: cooking with the word
Views: 2,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wv, west virginia, pepperoni rolls, pizza rolls, cheese, traditonal, italian, coal miner, yeast, backing, king arthur, flour
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 41sec (1661 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2023
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