From Procrastination to Productivity & Calm Motivation | Surrender to Soft Spoken ASMR Hypnosis

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welcome to your atome hypnosis session this will be softspoken ASMR this hypnosis session is designed to help generally anyone who is self-identifying as procrastinating and perhaps any of those who want to just amplify motivation inspiration and a sense of calm confidence so if you're ready I'd like you to relax and get comfortable I will talk a little bit about hypnosis about brain waves you can skip ahead I will show below where you can skip ahead to go right into hypnosis but first I'll say my name is shenik I'm an acupuncturist I'm a hypnotist and I have a deep appreciation for ASMR it has helped me a lot in my life I really do believe in the activation that's happening through ASMR or through hypnosis or both together it's benefited me so I want to share that with you so a little bit about hypnosis basically this is focused attention it is similar to meditation however you will be focused on my voice and on your natural effortless breath so you may realize that when you're in hypnosis if you are not intending to fall asleep that is you will likely realize just how aware and alert you can feel while in a hypnotic trance aware of sounds but not distracted by them hypnotic states are associated with Alpha and Theta brain waves Alpha being a lighter stage of hypnosis and Theta seen in medium stages of hypnosis although both stages have been seen to be effective for change of behavior thoughts uh concerns of the average person these brain waves have been link to creativity internal and calm Focus intuitive insights deeper understanding and for some even spiritual experiences before we begin please remember that all hypnosis is essentially self hypnosis meaning that you are always in control you are always in the driver's seat so to speak this is your subconscious and only you can choose to affect change so I'm merely here to facilitate for you and you may choose to place a blanket lightly over your feet and legs once you're comfortable I'd like you to close your eyes now in a moment I'm going to count from 1 to 5 when I get to 5 you will open your eyes and you'll feel wonderfully sleepy and find it difficult not to close your eyes your eyes will feel heavy and want to Blink and so they will begin to Blink and you will begin to let go of tension and as your eyes blink you'll get sleepier and calmer and more relaxed at peace your eyes will want to close and they do close and you'll drift off into a blissful relaxation while going much much deeper into hypnosis than you are right now so when I count to five I when your eyes open you won't be able to keep your eyes open for very long at all because you'll feel very very relaxed so very very tired let your eyes blank and close simply enjoying the inward turn of focus behind your eyelids so at the count of five you will open your eyes momentarily 1 2 3 four five eyes open eyes closed relaxing down deeper and deeper 1 2 3 4 5 eyes open good and close relaxing down deeper and deeper 1 2 3 4 five eyes open and close relaxing down deeper and deeper down good good now keep your eyes closed and just go deeper and deeper into hypnosis you are now at a deeper level of relaxation and hypnosis and every time you go into hypnosis you go into it much easier and much deeper now that your eyes are closed take a nice long breath and as you exhale simply allow your eyes to relax and allow your body to let go completely releasing all surface tension as you follow your breathing imagine a warm and pleasant lightness cascading over your body starting from your crown all the way down with every out breath we relax twice as deeply as you notice this warmth and lightness offer protection and comfort to your body mind and the very essence of your being now focus on your eyelids and relax them completely so completely that if if you would try to open them it would be very difficult you may try and you may find that your eyelids wish to remain closed your eyebrows will move but your eyelids are so heavy and so relaxed they just want to remain closed for now while you remain alert while you remain alert to your surroundings if needed you feel safe and just let go of any tensions feeling your whole face lighten with ease with calm Joy notice the relaxation spread to your forehead your cheeks your nose your jaw your tongue relaxing all the way down your body all the relaxation you felt before is doubled again and again all of your muscles from your crown to your toes melting into a state of bliss now double that relaxation again and again and let it flow through your whole body and as I count from 1 to 20 just allow yourself to relax even deeper with every breath with every number and every time I say the word deeper counting down now 1 2 3 4 deeper and deeper 5 6 7 8 deeper and deeper 9 10 11 12 deeper and deeper 13 14 15 16 deeper and deeper 17 18 19 and 20 you are now completely relaxed at this time you have a really good sense of allowing yourself to go into a comfortable relaxed state and know that you can do this on your own anytime you so choose now I'd like you to go within in your mind's ey and find a place where you feel safe any place of your choosing real or imagined a place that is just for you and your comfort maybe it's a place you've visited or somewhere beautiful you've dreamed of all that matters is that this place inspires a new found level of relaxation and ease maybe you're sitting inside by a warm fire or outside by the seaside whatever is right for you is right for you take a deep breath in and out take a deep breath in and out sense your surroundings here in your safe place does it have sounds and feelings of a gentle breeze or Birds warbling nearby do you smell a salty Breeze from the seaside or perhaps a familiar smell of a cozy blanket at home whatever place you choose or create just make it as beautiful and as welcoming as you can and when do you find your safe place when you are there take a moment to be still and present with this wonderful place you've crafted within you good now that you are in your safe place find somewhere to sit and as you sit relax down even deeper and deeper feeling safe secure and in control in your safe place now e each morning as you open your eyes that's right each morning as you open your eyes your mind becomes more and more alert yet calm when you think about the day ahead of you and the week you feel confident in your ability to accomplish all you wish to as you prepare yourself for the day a feeling of calm confidence washes over your body a wave of relaxation flows through you down down down all the way down from your head to your toes filled with a sensation of just how capable you are at the beginning of each week you set out goals for your week goals for your month ahead knowing that you are optimizing your time and your overall well-being by making notes on your calendar or setting alarms when needed every day in every way you are getting better and better with every Deep Breath You Take your confidence and relaxation deepens more and more deeper and deeper into your new forming self when you awaken from the session you will feel a sense of Joy knowing you have chosen to believe in yourself to place trust in yourself relax relaxing deeper and deeper every breath inviting you to see yourself as worthy as capable knowing that you have nowhere else to be at this moment you have no task other than focusing on your breath other than focusing on my voice just letting your body flow into your new forming self now see yourself in the days to come as the days go by you witness yourself setting reminders and allowing these to bring your mind into a focused State seeing yourself in the weeks to come you realize that your subconscious is so powerful that you can create your own reality you can create an optimal state of health and well-being right here right now you can let go of feelings of discomfort and replace them with feelings of confidence Joy joy and trust in yourself with heightened awareness and calm ever improving sense of self and a clear and alert mind anytime you so choose your mind can create deep and Lasting Focus as you breathe deeply and slowly you realize that your subconscious has the ability to uplift your thoughts has the ability to create a motivation so lasting that you see yourself accomplishing everything you wish to as and when you wish to as you breathe in and out every breath deepens your hypnosis and you experience more and more confidence within yourself and your ability to maintain your schedule and bring about a sense of work life balance deeper and deeper down so very pleasantly relaxed all of the muscles in your body just letting go knowing that when the time comes you have the ability to activate a sense of motivation just by slowing and deepening your breath and touching your thumb to your first fingers allowing you to remember your innate abilities to calm yourself to remember your natural state of innate Bliss breathing in and out each day you awake ready for the day full of excitement knowing your deep sleep helps you replenish your energy and greatly improves your focus and motivation knowing that your balanced schedule allows you to place your energy where it needs to go each day and that each night all the energy you wish to create will come right back to you renewed refreshed so deeply relaxed yet energized your well-being is always improving every day in every way you are getting better and better you are committed you are capable every day in every way you are getting better and better you believe in yourself and you can easily visualize the life and routine you wish to live it is all coming into your reality now every success your heart wishes for that is for the greatest and highest good of you and the greatest and highest good of all is coming into your reality now and every time you drink water you will remember to Gent focus on your breath relaxing effortlessly you will remember to trust in your abilities every time you are drinking that glass of water you remember how good it feels to believe in yourself and to create the time for yourself to stay true to your goals to your schedule that nice glass of water feeling confident and ready for your day now in a moment I will count from 5 to 1 and at the count of one you will be fully awake your mind will be clear and alert you'll feel wonderful in every way knowing you are getting better and better every day five you're beginning to emerge from hypnosis for feeling wonderful in every way three your mind is clear and calm two eyes starting to open now one Eyes Wide Open fully awake feeling fine in every way feeling optimistic and confident in yourself learning to trust yourself and your abilities knowing that you can be motivated in a moment that you were quiet it and that you can also allow yourself to rest when is needed well please take all the time you need to shrug your shoulders wiggle your toes and fingers perhaps drink some water I highly encourage you to keep a journal with any notes of your experience during any hypnosis or meditation sessions you may choose to take part in whether with me or someone else or or on your own self hypnosis is a great tool I'm wishing you a wonderful day or night and I'm sending deep and Lasting peace in all directions thank you for joining me
Channel: ASMRJanuradha
Views: 3,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Oi5frjVgGZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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