Let me Hypnotize you into a Deep Sleep | Surrender to Soft Spoken ASMR Hypnosis

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hello and welcome to your atome hypnosis session thank you for joining me your presence is felt and much appreciated so today if you will allow you will enter hypnosis designed to help you sleep better to feel more rested when you awaken and to Simply feel better and better in every way so you are about to enter hypnosis as state of focused attention much like meditation however your focus will be on my words and on your own natural flow of breath so before we begin I will speak a little bit about hypnosis you can always skip ahead to directly enter the hypnosis induction this relaxed state if you are not intending to fall asleep you will likely realize just how aware and alert you can feel whilst in a hypnotic trance aware of sounds but not distracted by them hypnotic states are associated with Alpha and Theta brain waves Alpha seen in later stages of hypnosis and Theta seen in medium stages of hypnosis these brain waves have been linked to creativity calm internal Focus intuitive insights deeper understanding and for some even spiritual experiences before we begin please remember that all hypnosis is essentially self hypnosis meaning that you are always in control you you are always in the driver's seat so to speak meaning this is your subconscious and only you can choose to affect change so if you're ready I'd like you to get comfortable I suggest wearing very loose fitting clothing and perhaps putting a blanket over your feet and over your legs do whatever you need to just get comfortable and when you're ready i' like you to close your eyes just relax your eyes in a moment I will count from one to five and when I get to five you will open your eyes yet you will feel wonderfully sleepy and find it difficult not to close your eyes your eyes will feel heavy and want to blink and so they will begin to Blink and you will begin to let go of tension that's right you will begin to let go of tension and as your eyes blink you'll get sleepier and calmer more relaxed at peace your eyes will want to close and they do close and you'll drift off into a BL ful relaxation while going much much deeper into hypnosis than you are right now so keep your eyes closed for now when I count to five your eyes will open and you won't be able to keep your eyes open for very long at all because you'll feel feel so very very relaxed so very very tired let your eyes blink and close simply enjoying the inward turn of focus behind your eyelids at the count of five you will open your eyes momentarily and you will fall into a deep deep relaxing hypnotic state 1 2 3 4 five eyes open and close good relaxing down deeper and deeper 1 2 3 4 5 eyes open and close good relaxing down deeper and deeper down 1 2 3 four five eyes open and close good relaxing down deeper and deeper now keep your eyes closed and just go deeper and deeper into hypnosis you are now at a deeper level of relaxation and hypnosis now that your eyes are closed take a nice long breath and as you exhale simply allow your eyes to relax and your body to let go completely releasing all surface tension as you follow your breathing imagine a warm and pleasant lightness cascading over your body starting from your crown all the way down down down down all the way down to your toes with every out breath you relax twice as deeply as you notice this warmth this lightness offer protection and comfort to your body mind and the very essence of your being now focus on your eyelids and relax them completely so completely that if you would try to open them it would be very difficult you may try and you may find that your eyelids wish to remain closed your eyebrows will move but your eyelids are so heavy and so relaxed they just want to remain closed for now while you remain alert to your surroundings if needed you feel safe and just let go of any tensions that's right good feeling your whole face lighten with ease with calm Joy notice the relaxation spread to your forehead your cheeks your nose your jaw all of the muscles around your ears your tongue relax relaxing all the way down your body all the relaxation you felt before is doubled once more and all of your muscles from your crown to your toes just letting go and melting into a state of calm and Blissful being now double that relaxation again and again and let it flow through your whole body and as I count from 1 to 20 just allow yourself to relax even deeper counting down now 1 2 3 4 deeper and deeper 4 5 6 7 8 deeper and deeper 9 10 11 12 deeper and deeper 13 14 15 16 deeper and deeper 17 18 19 and 20 completely relaxed at this time you have a really good sense of allowing yourself to just let go feeling safe and know that you can do this on your own anytime you choose now I'd like you to go within in your mind's eye and find a place where you feel safe I'd like you to imagine the most comfortable beautiful space that you would like to create for you to have the best possible sleep that you can imagine are you you in a comfortable bed are you in a fluffy Cloud holding you is there beautiful shimmering purple and golden light just make it as beautiful as you'd like and as welcoming whatever is right for you is right for you take a deep breath in and out take the time to sense your surroundings here in your safe place designed for your sleep looking up and looking down in your mind's eye slowly side to side enjoying the power of your subconscious does your safe place have any relaxing sense of your choosing perhaps your favorite incense perhaps your favorite candle whatever place you choose or create just make it as beautiful and as welcoming as you can imagine array of protective light gently washing over your body this gentle light in truth arises from within you and amplifies your feelings of safety feelings of home here in your safe place you are home and ready for a lovely hypnosis session to put you to sleep to be held here in your safe place that's right each night as you prepare for bed as you prepare for Sleep your mind becomes more and more relaxed you are comfortably drowsy at the very thought of of reaching your bed when you are ready for that sleep as you now reach the warmth of your bed feeling the sheet or comforter flow over your body a wave of relaxation flows through you down down all the way down from your head to your toes whenever thought comes to the Forefront it simply melts away into a wisp of a cloud and your sense of relaxation deepens more and more deeper and deeper into your self hypnosis you have nowhere else to be you have no task at this moment other than and preparing your body for a deep and restful sleep sleep as you go deeper and deeper into your self hypnosis so very pleasantly relaxed all of the muscles in your body just relaxing just letting go knowing that your sleep is so deep and so so restorative that when you awaken each morning you feel a sense of renewal a sense of Rejuvenation you always awake ready for the day full of excitement knowing your deep sleep helps you replenish your energy stores knowing that your restful sleep sleep allows you to place your energy where it needs to go each day and that each night all the energy you wish to harness will come right back to you renewed refreshed so deeply relaxed and energized and every time you drink water you will remember to gentle ly focus on your breath relaxing effortlessly you will remember how good it feels to allow yourself time to rest every time you are pouring water into your glass every time you bring your water up to your mouth to have a drink you remember how restful your sleep is how calm and energized you feel each morning you remember your natural state of bliss that nice glass of water feeling confident and ready feeling so deeply rested knowing that every day in every way your sleep is getting better and better better and better knowing that you have made these changes to improve your quality of rest energy and the Very quality of your life sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep [Music] if you are however not intending to sleep at this moment I will count you out from 5 to 1 and when I reach the number one you will awaken so in a moment I will count from 5 to one and at the count of one you will be fully awake your mind will be clear and alert and you will feel wonderful in every way knowing you are getting better and better every day five you are starting to emerge from hypnosis four feeling wonderful in every way three your mind is clear and calm two eyes starting to open now one Eyes Wide Open fully awake alert and calm feeling so deeply relaxed feeling rested and knowing that every night your sleep is so deep so relaxing that you wake up feeling rested and ready for your day knowing you are getting better and better every day that's right take all the time you need shrug your shoulders wiggle your fingers and toes perhaps you'd like to drink some water thank you so much for joining me I am sending lasting peace in all directions I hope to see you next Thursday thank you
Channel: ASMRJanuradha
Views: 10,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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