ASMR Reflexology Mapping for the top of the foot (Unintentional ASMR, Real person ASMR)

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This area right over here is almost like a triangular space and that's your sort of leg, knee, hip and lower back and then 49 very large area here which is all covering the chest, the breast and the mammary glands with the cervical spine. That then moves into something called the thoracic spine then you've got the lumbar spine area, the sacrum and the coccyx here. Right so thank you for letting me carry on my learning of the different parts of the body by using your feet to demonstrate on. It's really really helping me to remember where all these different parts are so we spent quite a long time looking at all the various parts of the body from the bottom of your feet but also there's a lot of different parts of the body that are connected on the top of the feet that you have to know about as well. So last time we looked at where the shoulder and the sciatic nerve were but then on the top of the feet here there are some interesting ones as well but you need to know about which you can treat with these precise movements that I talked about previously. So for example and this is using a diagram that I was given as a student which is much clearer on the iPad actually than the sheet of paper I used to learn from simply because the colours are much more vibrant and you can see the different area I wish I had something this colourful when I studied many years ago. So 43 for example which is just this area here and obviously you would do the same on the other foot as well. So 43 here is the upper jaw teeth and gums so if somebody is having particular problems with their teeth so this is something that you would work across to really try and stimulate your body healing your teeth but through your feet it's totally fascinating and 44 which is just below that there is the lower jaw teeth and gums as well so you've got upper jaw just slightly higher and the lower jaw slightly there. Then 45 which is almost the bottom of the foot here so when I was doing my reflexology moves it would be along here slight so there's nothing there at all but if for somebody that was having sort of neck problems or they might have something wrong with their throat for example tonsils maybe or thyroids you would be able to feel something in that area because it's on that same zone that longitudinal zones that we were talking about earlier so one of the 10 longitudinal stones and this correlates right up to your throat and your tonsils and so 46 vocal cords would be underneath that neck area and then 47 is the inner ear helper which is this area here then if you go back to the area under the vocal cords that is something called the lymphatics of the chest because you can see that's in the same zone there and then 49 very large area here which is all covering the chest the breast and the mammary glands so obviously quite a wide area because obviously that covers the whole of your breast area on this foot and the other one and then 58 which is this area right over here it's almost like a triangular space and that's your sort of leg knee hip and lower back so we've obviously people have got lower back pain you would be working in this sort of triangular area here pop your foot to the side slightly there we go so that area here definitely and then 59 is your hip area which would be this area along here and then we've got 60 which is always a tricky one to find when you're doing reflexology but through time and patience you often find where it is and that's the ovaries all the testes in a man but that's roughly around here but you do have to feel around for it and often it's actually quite a hard area and that relates actually to your ovaries sometimes you can tell if somebody's having a period for example it's quite hard and you can actually help to relieve the pain from PMT and really help people relieve that pressure there okay so we finished the lateral view of the foot and we're going to move on to looking at the medial view of the foot and this is this area here so one of the first things to look at is the spine area which you can see is the zone that goes up the middle of the body so the spine area is this part of the foot so let's look at it a little more it's probably easier to do on this one rather than your left foot let's do it on your right foot so we would start here with the cervical spine that then moves into something called the thoracic spine then you've got the lumbar spine area the sacrum and the coccyx here then above the lumbar spine is the bladder area here which you would work across and then that would take you to the uterus and prostate on a man obviously uterus on a woman which is this area just up here then moving slightly above that along this area here you've got the fallopian tubes which makes sense coming up from the uterus there you've got the fallopian tubes and the vase deference one of the things about reflexology is you have to really have a good understanding of all of the different systems of the body so there are words here that like fallopian tubes the vase difference the inoccasial valves all that they're used a lot in the body system so you have to understand like the endocrine system and the reproductive system those sorts of things so when you study reflexology you don't just study this you study the whole body and that makes it relate to what it is that you're looking at so some of these don't make sense until you've studied the system and then they make a little bit more sense so up here you've got the fallopian tubes and vase difference there and the lymphatic system which is another system you would study and then 52 you've got the lymphatics of the groin area here and then you've got going back here you've got the vagina and the penis for a man as well and then at 56 here you've got the uterus and the prostate which I think we touched on earlier and then 57 is going slightly up here which is all the areas of the reproductive system along here which you would obviously need to study to understand how that all works together okay I think we've mostly covered most of that so along the spine and upwards here and the reproductive areas there are just a few areas we missed out there's one here which is your mid back area so if you've got pain obviously we looked at lower back earlier but in your mid back then this would be an area that would maybe be slightly bubbly or slightly grainy that you would pick up there and work along and I think we've missed out the nose which is this funny area here and then I think that we've covered everything now on that medial view as well and that's really giving us a very good idea of all those different aspects of the foot and how they relate to the different parts of the body and gives you a very simplistic explanation of those 10 zones of the body so if you think here if you bring your other foot up for me so you've got your 10 toes your 10 zones of the body and then if you're starting to work on those areas that I've pointed out you'll probably find it will work up you might even get some tingling sensations in those areas and that's really that sort of pressure movement and all these different precise movements that have have an impact on the rest of the body. Obviously one of the other things that you need to know about which took quite a long time to learn is you need to be very familiar with the different sorts of ailments that people can suffer with on their feet so that you can't treat them so there's a long list here for example you've got you know literal basic things like cuts or bruises you have to be really careful if somebody's got a fracture that you don't treat that you if there are lumps or bumps on the feet you mustn't treat because remember we're not doctors so we're not diagnosing we're just trying to help even something like sunburn or scar tissue then you need to avoid treating those people. There's also things like eczema that you need to be aware of that you don't irritate the skin it's one of the reasons we don't actually well there's two reasons not to use oil so in our other treatments like body massage or aromatherapy or indian head massage obviously we're using aromatherapy oils to stimulate the senses and to relax people. Now with the feet you don't really want to do that and the other reason is the oils will make your fingers really slippy and as I mentioned there's really precise movements here that you need to use you can't do that if the foot is slippy so what some people use is talc but you have to be very careful with the type of talc that you buy because some good old-fashioned touts have still got carcinogenic elements in them so you want to avoid them so be very careful what you buy and put on your feet there but you can use creams as well which is very nice even like a simple moisturizing cream will help you just smooth so that you don't catch on the skin but allow you to do those precise movements. There's lots of nail and fungal infections that you get on your feet so you really need to look out for those constantly and what you can do if you've got something is spread it quite easily because you're moving from one foot to another so you don't really want to do that so you really need to look at the feet very carefully things like athlete's foot for example can be quite contagious and you can spread that so you need to really look at those in quite a bit of detail and obviously if you see something like a black mark could be varuca or something like that you want to really avoid that area you won't be able to treat that so it's really understanding the foot so a lot to learn in terms of reflexology I think my manual for reflexology was about four times the size of any of the other treatments that I learned so you can see why you have to learn the systems you have to learn all about what to look out for you have to learn the diseases of the feet as well and then learn the movements which are completely different to obviously general massage so thank you that has been so helpful it's going to take me a while to get all of these different areas into my memory banks again but it is coming back to me and the next stage will be for me to get very familiar with these precise movements revise a little bit on the body systems because obviously it's a long time since I've looked at those and then what we'll work towards is doing an actual proper reflexology treatments so once I've I've restudied some of those systems really get a better understanding of what's the gritty feeling and the slightly swollen areas of your feet actually mean in terms of the rest of your body and then hopefully work on really increasing that healing element thank you for your time you [BLANK_AUDIO]
Channel: Fern’s Holistic ASMR
Views: 11,618
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Keywords: asmr, fern holistic asmr, fern's holistic asmr, asmr beauty, asmr foot, foot asmr, asmr reflexology, reflexology asmr, asmr real, asmr real person, unintentional asmr, real person asmr, asmr unintentional, a.s.m.r., massage asmr, reflexology, asmr twix, este asmr, shili asmr, asmr massage, asmr sleep, massage, foot exam, feet, exam foot, feet exam, asmr foot exam, foot cleaning, foot asmr cleaning, foot massage, foot reflexology, asmr foot massage, foot massage asmr
Id: jzKipxiX7WE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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