From Lonely to Free - Kyle Cease

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imagine just giant garbage bags from great great great great grandparents being passed down to great great grandparents to great great same garbage bags same garbage bags to your parents and weirdly there was barely any real deep conscious work going on until now so all the garbage bags from your history all the giant secrets from your alcoholic great grandpa all the trauma of this the crap that your grandma went through when she was a kid all of that is being held by your child right now and if you listen to the now you're telling that kid we can let go of it and we can change our family's history this is the biggest point is that now is all you have and I point that out because I know how fun day one was and I went to bed connecting to the now I woke up at like 2 A.M going man yesterday was so good oh I loved it so much and then I couldn't sleep for a minute because I was like yesterday was so good I can't wait for tomorrow and then I just meditated a little more and I heard oh you're attached to yesterday you're connected to yesterday and you're attached to tomorrow and then it goes so just now you don't even get to let go of it you just connect to now do you see the difference when people say let go of it you're really picking it up when someone says I gotta let go of this relationship this old story I gotta let go of my opinion of that person you just picked it up right it's already trying to fall off of you it's already leaving so every time you say I gotta let go of this you're actually picking it up so instead of me going oh man I gotta let go of how good yesterday was and whatever tomorrow will be I just hear now because that's the only thing true right now is the only thing true deep breath in release it watch yourself just let go of yesterday by you connecting to now watch it let go of it you can't let go of it but it will it will can you feel the energy that holds on to yesterday or holds on to tomorrow as you connect to the now it will release it you don't get to release it it will feel this moment right now just feel what's here feel what you feel in your body feel what you feel in your heart feel what's here think of how much power is in this moment and how much you don't have to be attached to any circumstance if you're connected to the now and how much abundance is your natural right it's just naturally what you are Joy abundance freedom right here now how much could come into your life and ironically how much would you not be attached to what comes into your life if you were connected to this now in other words what it's trying to do is so much bigger than what you can see but the more you're just connecting to here the more you're safe for amazing things to come into your life the world mirrors you if you start to feel you're fully abundant now you're fully here now you're just Joy now you're just love now now patterns will freak out the inner child that goes no life is about fixing an issue so I'm not abandoned life is about not getting hit life is about not being shamed has no job but in this now you are becoming the space you are becoming the space for that child so in this space right now you might notice that the child is a little bit quieter is anyone feeling that the inner child inside of you maybe is there but is also feeling a little bit safe and a little bit dissolved I saw a lot of Tears yesterday there were probably some more this morning you're becoming more the space now if you did that in one day and not to go too into the future but what does that imply if you did that in one full day what does that imply now if you go to the gym a whole day I'm sure you'll be sore the next day but you're not going to see that many results even if you went all day in one day but you saw a ton of results in one day of connecting to yourself so what could that imply now without it being the specifics like that means this and this and this feel the frequency of what that implies wait till we're good at this like wait till you realize the now is the only thing you are because everything else is a temporary thing everything else is a temporary thing that comes and goes your power is in not attaching to the temporary which just changes based on awareness and all we're doing is raising our awareness to a level we can't go back from we're raising our awareness more and more and more and your only issue in your life no matter what your circumstance is is an awareness issue that's the only issue if you don't have an issue with work you don't have an issue with that other employee that you can't stand you don't have an issue with that X you don't have an issue with money you have an awareness issue that's it the only job you have is to raise your awareness and you do that by actually connecting to the now but to do that the pattern has to go through little things boredom the pattern has to go through freaking out that it has no job you've identified as a you that has a job of fixing trauma that's all the job is the ego the story of I your inner child is just a story you created to not feel trauma that's what the usual eye is if you were a child let's say when you you were a child most of you were if you were though for the people who were children I know if anyone was born around 30 but when you were a child let's say you went through a thing where I don't know you got a D and you got hit for it a parent hit you because you got a bad grade what do you need to do the child doesn't have the ability to process that and truly release it it's too scary for a five-year-old to process trauma they're new on the planet they don't even know what the hell's going on just everyone's bigger than them loud and scary right and the child doesn't know anything and most of us those people that were big and scary also were the ones that fed us and housed us how horrifying so you got to live with them and you don't know why you're here like just feel for that little five-year-old I don't know why I'm here I don't know what these giant people are I don't know what that whatever dad that was drunk all the time that needed me to shut up all the time or the mom that only liked it when I did this or was proud of me for this all you do is go I have to prevent myself from getting hurt and then when you get hurt like you get a bad grade and someone slaps you for it you go well that was horrifying to me but you don't have it consciously the body just goes that was horrifying to me so we need to never feel that again so we can hide from that person or we can always get straight A's right so okay here comes this achiever this person that always gets straight A's or hides from that person and then says all people like that person are scary and dangerous so they just create Straight A's or whatever it is they achieve achieve achieve then they're getting like rewards for it the parents like this they always get straight A's this is where an eye is forming I always achieve I always whatever you got an eye going on but what's under that eye don't hit me don't slap me don't yell at me don't do a thing that scares me don't change don't become mad don't leave me that's still going on so you have a false identity sitting on top of that right don't abuse me don't whatever under that that that's the eye that's the story of I and then we start to follow it up in our whole life we say sentences like I worry a lot I procrastinate I over achieve I always do this I always money issue I always with relationships I on that eye that is not you because you're crying that eye out and weirdly you're still here if that was you when you cried it out you would have died right you would have died if that was you so what you'll notice at these events that I see is every limitation is a lie and all we do is go in there see our problem is we usually don't go in there we sit on top of it because it would be death to the false eye that got love in a specific way from egos from parents egos in a more unconscious time that's not you this now is you so why did yesterday feel so good well for a second even though there was transforming and all kinds of stuff maybe that's the answer whatever your breakthrough was or that I feel so loved by you for me oh my God that's it now I'm seen by my dad that kid got awoken at 2AM right now I'm seen by my dad that's now looks like 700 people that's what my dad looks like okay now I'm seen right or by my mom like see that I'm legitimate right so for a second the false I got what it wanted so it feels like the trauma's not seen because it's loved and I and I caught it I just meditated and goes ah and in the old days by the way when I did those events that kid was active and I didn't know it and I did not sleep very much between day one and day two and day three like the night of day two I rarely slept why because I did so great and then that ego goes more see me look at me like love me everyone see me I did and then of course you go home and just if you're dating someone they'd be like do the dishes and you're like you're not like them like it's not I'm just you love me that much like left me like fans love me like you need to which is such an unfair bar to put on any human being right that's this is why you see child stars get into drugs this is where they're acclimating to they're loved at Fan level at at this very high level right I know that it's a known thing to It's amazing And Powerful and challenging to leave a world of lack it's so hard to leave a world of abundance too right oh my God because now your cage is golden and they're throwing rewards into it and you're getting love and all this different stuff is happening oh man and so I felt the high for a second but I have a high enough awareness to catch it and it goes now please like now please and then I watched the little boy be seen by me again that's all the little boy needs is to be seen by me right we got to cut out the middleman of course a byproduct can be that heat can be seen by you but not more than I see him can you do that with your partners and your friends and your ex and your mom and your kids can you see yourself the most versus I'm only seen by my kid I'm only seen by my mom I'm only seen by the people that are the worst at seeing me right it's fine that you see me but tell my husband that I wish he understood and then you leave the kid and go who's the worst at seeing me okay that's the one I need to see me not that I see me and they don't have to see me right we picked the hardest one because then if that person sees us then our parent sees us we go okay my dad abandoned me so who's just like that I gotta fix my dad that's what the ego wants to do the poor ego wants to fix everything and it fixes things by finding the similar thing so that person left me okay now I want to date the kind of person that will leave me so that I can change them into not now the highest goes I'm just going to be with me and then there will be a match who's someone who would just naturally be with me versus finding the most abandoning people and convincing them to not leave you get what I'm saying so the ego goes what is exactly like the trauma in my childhood I'm going to change that the soul goes okay we're just going to find the real love within ourselves and then allow the match to just happen and you lose your addiction to the circumstances right you're connected to a full true real whole love of the now this love is bigger than the relationship love you can have the relationship love but don't make it bigger than the now a relationship without the now is attachment right a relationship without the now if you're not connected to the now and they're your only source of Happiness that's attachment and you can tell it's attachment because if they leave you or they're with someone else you're mad is that love think about that you better not imagine a world where it's not that you're releasing control and everyone can hurt you it's that you're really surrendering to a level of love and light that only has the best naturally that match that other things that are protecting their light will not be it's fine they just it won't work it's a different world and many of them will just open up because your permission and you're knowing the now is your new spouse still stay in a relationship but your now is the new spouse this now man so much more can come into your life so much more world can change so many miracles think of how many miracles you've seen without this connection like think of how many miracles you've seen just from making a higher choice or doing these different things now we're still 99 belief in our body that it's not that miraculous or that we're just these small separate selves that we're one of eight billion people on the planet which means you're moving at one eight billionth of your potential because all of those people are you you're one this is a fact as we keep doing this work you'll discover if these things are falling apart the things that are falling apart aren't these things that are falling apart the only thing that separate us the story of well I'm this age and you're this age the story of I make this money and you make this money aren't those the things that are falling apart the only thing that creates the illusion that you're separate than me if we go by whatever gender or skin color or anything like that we create separation and go I'm this and you're this and what do you need to stay separate the history of those things your history is this my history is this so I'm going into the past and we're now different we're now different you're separate from me well weirdly you can cry out that we're different and still be here this life is about to become so miraculous for us do you feel what I'm saying there is no separation you can hear from every person that we worked with yesterday they had this illusion of Separation illusion of Separation I'm this story and then we would go are you and then there would be tears and Jeremy would be up here doing a TED Talk all of a sudden right it was amazing whoa when he spoke from the heart which is the true place he said when you're speaking from the heart everything's taken care of you're loved there was no talk of history there was no talk of his past there was no talk of Separation there was no talk of timelines weirdly content just flowed through this guy who said at the first half when he was in the head he can't feel and he created a timeline that says I always can't feel right then he got into his heart there was no history there was no history when he got into his heart because your heart has no history when you're in your heart you have to transcend guilt because your heart has no history right you feel that deep breath in release it your heart has no history which means your heart has no future it's just now and it'll be now again and now it's now and now it's now you can't deal with it with a timeline right I always try to get over this nope that's you ignoring it even now I'd love to be there for this pain but I've always you just left now you avoided the pain with the illusion of the past that we can't ever go to isn't that weird I can't go to the Past I can't go see your past you can tell me all about it in the now and think you're avoiding the now but you're really in the now just fighting it with a thing you think is the past right deep breath in release it the only thing blocking you from your connection to your heart is your desire to keep a false self alive you're 100 abundance you're 100 Joy you're 100 miracles you're 100 Miracles really feel that and if you accept that and you're willing to go through a few days of not knowing what the hell is going on and the pain of the child falling apart you realize the child is making your parents egos your God right that's what the child is the child inside of you is making your parents egos which was their conditioning from their childhood which was their parents conditioning from their childhood and it doesn't get better as you go farther back like right it's just imagine imagine just giant garbage bags from great great great great grandparents being passed down to great great grandparents to great great same garbage bags same garbage bags to your parents and weirdly there was barely any real deep conscious work going on until now so all the garbage bags from your history all the giant secrets from your alcoholic great grandpa all the trauma of this the crap that your grandma went through when she was a kid all of that is being held by your child right now and if you listen to the now you're telling that kid we can let go of it and we can change our family's history you understand that because if you alchemize it you don't have the same history it's not a dishonoring of what they went through but love heals everything so if we listen from the now we can first of all just end this line of garbage bags going on and we're not handing it to our kids as much in fact they'll hopefully be way better at even transcending whatever remains that we couldn't get but we are Crea do you see how it's actually true that we're creating a new world through the self you have these great great grandparents oh my God horrible stuff you go way way back we're in Viking times right like we're in crazy it just sucks as you keep going back and the Consciousness wasn't ready like you go through different dimensions of Consciousness right like in the past there's people that just like the highest they knew out of survival is you are what you do before that there wasn't even a knowing of self like it wasn't even that there wasn't even a knowing of you as a separates just like rocks and plants they don't know you know I know there's a few plant experts actually they know um but but can you feel that just that line being transcended not by your child transcending it your ego can't transcend it but it doesn't have to hold it anymore and even more importantly you don't have to run or move from that kid anymore we just take a deep breath in release it let the let yourself not know what to do let all the patterns come up of then maybe I'd be bored right the idea that the now has any boredom in it is hilarious right it's so miraculous and can do so much but we're just all addicted to some result level so everything that's not some good positive thing like you achieved something is just is just boredom just existing is boredom this is the most powerful Adventure you'll ever go on you right now being here and letting it take over it is you we undo the idea that you is the pattern I want to dare you to stop saying I when you talk about anything limiting you say she or he right you say she's scared that you see the difference already we we start that's a way to start the practice you can say I when you're talking about the now right which is really just I am but the kid is not you it's a pattern that's all that was created to protect yourself and boy what it thank you I'm so sorry a five-year-old that you had to protect yourself from that giant dad or that scary angry mom all these people who did not have the ability to feel so as time went on they just repressed it more and more and more and just either numbed it or yelled or or achieved a ton and couldn't feel like and we gotta even from this now the now even has compassion not only for the kid that you were that you experienced being for a while but also for our parents kids because they weren't like if we were our parents in that time we would not have had this awareness and we would have been the same right you if you had exactly your dad's biology history parents in the exact same time you would have been your dad right so we just in this now have compassion for the boy in your dad and if same story with your mom right if everything was the same you would have been your mom if you're born in your mom's story at her time with her parents her history her biology everything her brain chemistry you'd be your mom the now sees all that it doesn't play the game that that person's good or that person's bad it just is like it is and our job is to learn love and the now weirdly can hold space for the things that seem the hardest for our egos to love and as you become the now you start to have a compassion and go I I actually feel compassion for that person you got to hear the difference between hearing that and that meaning so hang out with someone who's treating you horribly or anything like that you still make choices that are the highest you but you can undo your egoic they shouldn't be that way you can undo your egoic argument with because that's only you arguing with you because the people you don't like are you it's on that's why they show up in your dreams right you'll be dreaming and there's that person that you keep not liking and they're there but they you're making them you're they're in your brain you're sitting here with a false Avatar of you within all of you mad at that person I I've had that I've had people that I really feel triggered by they show up my dream nightly and it's going yeah we're purging the idea that that's not you by getting you to see them in your reality over and over and over again until you have so much compassion for yourself and them so much that there's just a release and tears and an understanding and then you think well if I do that then I lose all my power no no you're getting so much more power Your Love gives you so much more power your your deep desire to understand because anyone that triggers you is triggering something that you don't want to look at inside of you anyone that triggers you that that person has dark energy that person whatever well what are they what are they bothering it's inside your body so whether they're triggering is what you don't want to look at in you what a gift that they're doing that what a gift that what is not seen in you can be seen through the people you perceive are your enemies that's in your body and what's inside your body as I say that maybe you can think of someone that triggers you notice what you feel and if I take the circumstance and we do Circumstance the exercise we did circumstance inner child now okay think of someone that really triggers you now we go take them away now what do you feel be there for what you feel because we can really do some really quick healing here what do you feel unseen unloved angry abused sad abandoned lonely deep breath in be there for that say to the pattern you're allowed to be whatever that is in my body can you say that out loud you're allowed to be receive that I want you this is deeper stuff this is like we're in the colon now do you feel that like we're deep in the colon oh because the last few years it's just been okay this is seen this is seen this is seen this is seen okay now this is what's left just right in the colon upper colon Dr Kim will speak soon and she'll tell us where in the coal and your unconsciousness is right this is the last of those areas those are the areas you didn't want to see but the world will end up seeing all of those energies and you can be happy knowing that the people that are triggering you will end up having to do that work too right they will do that they're they're triggered by you well they got you in their colon the people that are mad at you you're triggering their colon you get what I'm saying right because they have an inner child that wants you to be a certain way and you have an inner child that wants them to be a certain way and it just feels unseen and as you become the now it sees that too it will alchemize the whole thing the world will mirror that think about a world where do you already feel right now from this place I want you to feel the triggers in your body are lighter like there's less charge to them does anyone feel that what does that imply if the charge in your body is lighter maybe we're moving into a triggerless world I want you to imagine a world where everything to you is as it is because the trigger is things should be how my ego thinks it should be so we now are going to a triggerless world well if we are in a world where everything is at is as it is dark stuff won't work anymore because it's all coming to light the stuff that we're rescuing by doing this event will not be possible in the world that's created through you right that just won't happen because it needs our blindness and our insistence on our small self and our denial of what is it needs our insistence on our egoic self and our denial of what's true that's why you're heroic sometimes when I talk to people about the event that I'm doing at this one I mention child trafficking is what the money's going to and I watch them turn away and not want to talk about it right I understand and you're heroic to to be here and hear this but remember turning your head away from what is doesn't mean it doesn't exist right so we can heal this much quicker by hearing what's true and getting good at even hearing another perspective hearing your partner can you hear your partner even if they're blaming you for something and just hear them and hold space for what they're saying even if you know they're wrong and then lovingly hear that honor that and see if your side's allowed too right and then when you go if they're sides is that me like do you have another side in Oneness are there sides is that person who's telling you their side you also so the universe says all sides are trying to come to light an argument is the belief my side not yours should come to light right you're wrong so it's just about my side in a universal thing it goes well both are true in this world the universe works in paradoxes you also have a point and I have a point it's not just that's only true and that's not right all perspectives have a point right but if they're repressed or called the wrong point they can lash out more they can they're they're being told that it's up to you to bring the light of what's true in you and what's true in them because they're also you they're also you undo the egos triggered by that for a second they also have a point that's also you that's can you imagine that person that you are arguing with is also you just arguing with you like isn't this the dream just out loud right the now cares about what is felt in you and the now cares about what they feel too the now is unconditionally loving and as you keep doing this work you will become that because that's actually you you'll not go back into the child much more because you're so aware and as we keep doing today we're going to up the awareness more you're gonna have more evidence and more shifts and more moments that tell you holy like I am not that small story and as it was cried out remember it's permanently released whatever just came out is permanently released you're more than now and you notice how when you have a breakthrough if you had a breakthrough yesterday or this morning how much more that's the thing that you want to feel than an external thing do you notice how much like this Beats finding a partner right I gotta find a partner or find God right like this seems to be cooler you can have a partner especially if the partner can help you move to God right if that wow it would be an expansive next step in my life to be seen Beyond me that's great but you notice how funny it is to be like I gotta get the I gotta get a Porsche what what I gotta get a Porsche isn't that dumb like enjoy it but is that the highest thing you know what my prep work for this event was me standing in the green room and going totally and then walking onto the stage like it's got everything like it's crazy like my prep work is just being here my prep work is just being with you you know it's just being it's just being people this whole week asked me like are you are you prepared for it and I realized that that the implication is the moment of the event is bigger than the moment that I was in with them and I'm I'm I'm enough connected to the moment now to know that that moment that I'm in a coffee shop being asked that is as important as this moment and all the prep work is is instead of me writing note after note and being like I'll say this and this and this the prep work is now now and surrendering attachment to what happens surrendering that it has to go well seems to make it go better you see that being okay with whatever is and really sitting there and being in surrender and saying to God and I noticed like yesterday we were saying was just so Flawless like it was just so magical like you guys were so amazing and supportive and wonderful and I just felt that because the money was also going to our there's such a purity to this there's no me going like oh that's me I gotta do it right there's nothing it's just like this whole this is just such a fast transformation of love and growth and we move so much quicker in this energy you know and I just I just really the prep the prep work for you is now there's not like you if you if you have a giant thing next week it's no more giant than now practice that if you go that I you know I don't care what it is like you could have the biggest interview of your life this is the big job interview or this is the biggest date it doesn't it's not as big as now and you got to really not just hear that and go good point some people they they hear the now to calm the mind then now for me is to dissolve the mind right you don't want to just calm the mind and let the Mind still run everything and go back to the whole addictive world the mind is based on a survival mechanism that you created to not get hurt so instead of calming the mind we free it we free the child so we keep being in the now not get in the now enough to then go back not meditate to comment and then go back where the kid still runs it but is from a calmer place this poor kid inside of each of us is done running it is it wants to graduate it wants to go it's really kept it's not even real it's just a protective mechanism to not get bit by a dog again to not get just scared oh I don't feel that again that kid took over that kid took over for you until you could handle the transcending of trauma through a more mature body but I just want you to be with the idea that this now is is is ready to transcend it this now says hey you're now bigger than that trauma you're a you're grown up you've CR let's grow up like we've stayed adults that are still kid adults because our parents were 100 kid adults in most cases right let's grow up we're grown up right and if you really merge with this now we we get to grow I want you to just picture a world now for a second where we're grown up where attachments are gone where the charge is gone where the triggers are gone like let's be a collective of grown-ups of yoga grown body that is capable of transcending that scary moment in your childhood just have the courage to choose it the the line of 200 on the Hawken scale is courage courage you've been using courage a lot I believe anyone in here is way over 200 but you you also can take the courage and move it to the deepest areas I'm gonna have the courage to to see that moment when I was really scared you don't have to be the scared five-year-old in a 40 year old's body you don't have to be that anymore have the courage to really sit and hear it and stop distracting from it have the courage to do something new let's be courage now like I'm I'm ready to be courageous and face whatever was the scariest moment in my childhood that I can't see and I will listen for this poor kid as long as I need to could you could you join me in that I will listen like this is going to be an event this one right here is going to be where we actually change the whole thing you're gonna say out loud I will listen to this kid as long as I need to say that out loud with me foreign like straggler I will listen to this kid as long as I need to As Long As I need to that's what I hear it's my favorite was it Kim I love it I love it but yeah like really let's decide today that we're the all the habits are is the burying of the kid right instead I'm gonna go to alcohol to not hear it why do you think you need all these chemical addictions because you're not in what's true you're you're playing a simulator inside of a game this might also be a simulator but at least let's connect with the most that we can and know of right but your pattern is just an argument with what is that's why it always feels like and I always feel there's two types of pain there's the pain where you're numbing it which is a temporary kind of whatever alcohol overeating gossiping just feeling false connection there's that pain I'm burying the ego or the pain of feeling through the pain of being willing to listen to the kid and be lost for a while let's just be confused and lost because it goes oh I want you to go through lost you've lived a life where you knew what to do all the time I need you to experience loss now I need you to experience alone now because it's not really alone because you're connected to God it's just codependent I'm gonna feel lonely that's codependency we've normalized as bad as loneliness thanks to the conditioning of every Love Song and every movie in the world right I know I've talked about this before but the love songs are so funny to me when you really think about it they're beautiful songs but I laughed so hard at songs like I Only Have Eyes For You Only You because the verses of that are are the stars out tonight I don't know if it's cloudy or Bright Now picture being this woman this dude won't look up because he's staring at you really you're on a date with a guy that doesn't know if he's in traffic that's the next verse are the cars I can't remember what it was like are we on a freeway or in a car I don't know if we're in a garden or a crowded Avenue this is the most unsafe man this dude's staring at you on the freeway and you're you're supposed to be like thanks you should be let's get out of Harm's Way and like let's discuss if I'm a good match for you be on a date with this guy he's just I only have us you don't want that guy that is a codependent song right and then there's all these songs like that just say you'll love me for the rest of your life cause I can't go on oh I'm responsible for your suicide you can't go on if I don't say that I love you for the rest of my life I have to love you not God not anyone else just you and that was normalized we're sitting there listening to these songs ah so beautiful I want to cry and I want someone like that I want someone that only has eyes for me and can't see if we're about to get hit by a car that's my dream love songs don't tell you in most cases the truth of what you are we hear that's beautiful and then we go I want that life I want codependency that's love codependency now if that's stuck attachment or all the movies where they move on and the person's just so hurt and you're just feeling for Jennifer Aniston as the person she dated left and you can't believe what an that guy is that he followed some other thing other than just Jennifer Aniston right all these movies he's like what an and then we literally start to take that into our body like you better not follow your heart you better be that codependent thing and then we go that's love this event what you're creating what you're you're so much more getting closer to What Love Actually is it's now it's healing This Is Love right this is love right here now now this space this chair that weirdly holds you no matter what you feel guilty about it's fine it doesn't care the trees don't care about your past that all that stuff combine your your heart with what is in the now connect with what is deep breath in release it [Music] and whatever feels triggered or feels seen or feels excited can you even be there in the now for what's excited like be the parent of a little kid if you have a kid and you're going what could this imply even that right you're just there in the now I see you it's kind of like you can be the parent of a kid that's having so much fun but also make sure they they don't go too deep in the water like you're the mom at the edge of the dock okay that's too deep that's too deep because the kid's so excited you can be the now the now's like it's fine I'm right here I'm connected to the now now it's the only thing true now it's the only thing true but every pattern that comes up is coming up to be freed and the more you connect to the now the more you open a portal you're connecting more to the true expression of what you are so you'd have to feel pain because what you're not is ready to fall out more of what you're not is ready to fall out but now just said all that right the now did that wasn't Kyle I wasn't the kid that that wants to do good that's why it can come through you have that you have the same now we're all just radios and we can all pick up the same music that's why things start to get synchronistic that's why you're a person that supercharged you might have said exactly what you were hoping for right or picking up the same thing the problem we have is the kid is the radio getting credit for what the radio waves are playing right the kid is the separate self that thinks the radio itself is what's playing Stevie Wonder right when the music comes through the radio is trying to get credit you're what it's picking up right you're what it's picking up that's you receive what it's picking up that's you you got to get now you got to get not excited you can enjoy excited if it's there maybe the kid wants to experience excited but you might be between being the radio and the radio frequency right now right you're you're in between so you might feel The Purge of the radio the radio had to protect itself right because your parents were totally radios and not frequencies right they were acting more like radios than radio waves right so the parents were moving like radios and being small separate cells repressing or whatever they were doing so you learn that but now you're here weirdly in this time you must have decided somehow or something must have sent you here to do something with this world there must be a purpose for you much bigger than just to achieve and retire and get married and those can be there but there must be a reason for you to be here I want you to take in not just at the level of everyone in the room but imagine that I'm only looking you in the eyes and saying there's a specific reason that you were here so that you you take this on and not wait for the collective to go right picture that I'm telling you into your face there must be a reason for you to be here on this planet that's so big and is beyond what your ego could measure I sure hear that for me and I go okay instead of me trying to look good to other people or trying to be a certain way or get Dad to say good job I release the attachment to the other radios of the world and go what do you want you see the difference instead of going be bigger or better than other people win talk about other radios negatively right just and because the people we're talking crap about are just stuck in their radios how about we shine the frequency of them as radio waves right how about instead of us just on people who are just stuck the people were mad at and don't like maybe they're just stuck in a radio right so we release how we look to others or what we do with others or what they did to us and stop making any of that radio energy our God when we pick up radio waves receive the radio waves and become radio waves and watch as the world becomes radio waves with you watch as it becomes like it's worth doing this work because it will become a miraculous magical crazy Miracles will be normalized Miracles normalize that's the world we're going to enter right it's normal for everything to be Miracles I want you to really hear that until it clicks in your mind as a fact not Kyle's talking Airy fairy get it to be a fact in your mind what would I have to become what would I have to let go of what radio energy would I have to let go of to move into radio waves right you're going to become the radio waves of the world and you're going to see the world become radio waves of the world because anyone that's doing anything bad like child trafficking is stuck in their radio so we're going to make a radio wave world so they're not doing that anymore you get this can you connect to what the now wants more than what you should do do you see the difference should do his radios now radio waves pick up like put your antenna up I knew one person would actually do this but that's great that's great awesome if you need to do that right just feel the energy of your antenna to hear the now not try to be better or worse than anyone else not try to shame yourself that's all radio stuff that's not what you are deep breath in release it foreign [Music]
Channel: Kyle Cease
Views: 31,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: conscious relationshops, metoo, dating, relationships, how to have a good relationship, attachment styles, transformation, love, how to find the one, kyle cease, comedy, advice, dating advice, commitment, oneness, hot seat, results, meditation challenge, meditation, self-help, personal development, ego death, Lightworker, healer, How do I become, How to?, Ask Kyle, black belt, brazilian jiujitsu, martial arts, exposed, calling, purpose, tim ballard, Sound Of Freedom Movie, trafficking
Id: qMX-LX5Qyes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 38sec (3098 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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