From Deserts to Tundra: The Incredible Journey of Mutton | Full Documentary

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the original Headbangers sheep with a  secret they have fed and clothed humans for eons thanks to a proud Heritage this is the story of sheep on the Wild side they're tough enduring with a head for Heights and totally Bonkers this is the world of sheep and goats nature es biggest buttheads sheep symbolize rural idles around the world they're a familiar sight  to us all hey hey hey hey hey hey and they should be there are plenty  of them about a billion walking balls of wool and 900,000 of their close cousins the goats humans have been taking  advantage of them for a while   they have been feeding and clothing  families across the world for 11,000 years after the domestic dog they  were the first animals that we tamed living Chi to Jal for so long they feel   pretty familiar but what do  we really know about them to find out we need to visit their  ancestors the wild family of sheep   and goats they're a funny  Bunch long faces and vacant eyes and with behavior that  would give the hardest a headache they often seem to have their horns screwed on too tight most of us don't realize that there   are nearly 40 wild relatives of our  mutton linked in a family known as Capron some are closely related and hard to tell apart but the group is ancient ient and diverse not all are farmyard animal look alikes some are light and gazel likee while others resemble giant Shaggy bison between them they boast  some of the most magnificent headgear another trait they  have in common is their hardiness mutton can be tough in more ways than one they have conquered some  of the most hostile terrain on Earth from the hottest driest deserts  where few other large mammals can survive to Avalanche country on  some of the planet's highest peaks here one hoof in the wrong place can spell disaster and to the coldest of Baron Tundra  where they must scrape snow to find food for the toughest of the tough you can't beat the  musx mus button dressed as Mammoth despite their name muscs are not  oxen at all their bison likee exteriors   confused early naturalists they're the Giants  of the sheep family and masters of their Arctic domain Ice Age survivors protected from  the elements by thermal underwear or dense   curly wool and almost meter long shaggy guard hairs this is living on the edge their land of ice is plunged  Into Darkness for 6 months of the year and even before the spring ing sun has  the chance to melt the ice from under their feet musc's Lambs face a chilling childhood the new arrivals  quickly attract some unwanted attention they don't have the Hallmark  headgear yet and could make for easy pickings but muscs are team players they huddle together Lambs  with their mothers in the center of the group angry adults up to 400 kilos a piece  Place their swords and shields on the outside and the Wolves quickly realized  eyes this is one fight they cannot win the herd can relax and go back to feeding  to get by sheep unite a family trick for survival there's still snow on the peaks in the   mountains of Europe when baby  shamwa take their first steps the delicate deey Lambs are perhaps  the prettiest members of the family more gazelle than sheep and a  far cry from the humpbacked Musk Oxen   their wobbly legs strengthened  by the hour as they explore the slopes dainty as they appear the shamua are  ancient survivors Ice Age Specialists evolved   to endure the harshest of conditions but  these first few months of Life are the most dangerous the herds live high on the slopes  beyond the reach of most Predators like links and wolves but the rugged terrain  can't stop an attack from the skies eagle eyes can spot the tiny  forms from 3 and a half kilm away from a lofty perch it plots the Sheep family have  many enemies and only a few   defenses golden eagles are the biggest  threat to shamwa of all ages they have   even been known to drive adults over  Cliffs so that they can clean up the remains a little lamb makes for easy pickings but a mut sounds the alarm the Shamir often benefit from  these little sharp eyed Neighbors the mothers gather their little ones and watch the skies they try to find a place  where they can use the rocks   to cover their backs their best offense to stick together the eagle buzzes the herd  trying to create panic and Scatter the LS a mother calls but now there's one less in the herd She searches in vain but the wise matriarch of the group moves  them on there will always be Predators but   having lots of babies helps sheep beat the odds  herd life for shamua is a real Sisterhood not   only is the herd led by an older female but  the girls all work together they run a crash   with one or two of the you's babysitting  while their mothers take a well-earned rest they suckle each other's  lambs and will even adopt any orphans the kids seem to  have forgotten their Eagle ordeal now it's play time the Alpine acrobatics are not only fun but  train them for their challenging life on the slopes this is school for Shamir bouncy boot camp lambs and their endless  energy make human hearts melt throughout the world's cultures we use   the lamb as a symbol of Purity and  innocence Easter and a symbol of new life whether in the wild or bouncing  around a Barnard Lambs share the same   close bonds with their mothers  being able to quickly rear one or   two youngsters every year is one  of the key traits for the Sheep Dynasty all Lambs share the insatiable thirst for milk and above all the endless  curiosity to explore everything around them these defining characteristics are present  even in some of the most ancient members of the family lush green forests of the Himalayas are  Nursery to some 3 we old Tarin huge primitive wild sheep they still have dark baby  coats to help camouflage them in   the shadows though they're growing  fast they stay close to their moms who keep constantly on the move to  browse it can be treacherous finding food   with the permanent high humidity the rocks  are slippery with moss and algae to Aid in   their mountaineering they have unusually  large dew claws Spurs on the back of their feet it doesn't prevent the occasional slip or dampen their adventurous  Spirits they are lambs born to play the Lambs don't normally  have brothers or sisters but   living in small herds it's never hard to find a playmate though they look a lot  like the polar Musk Oxen Tarin   are more closely related to other sheep sheep on steroids they are adapted to the hot humid  jungle a far cry from one of their closer relatives there are few places  that sheep and goats haven't conquered the frigid mountains of  Alaska are a hostile place to to make a living dal's sheep are up to the challenge these guys are born  tough their playground steep   crumbly Cliffs where one false move can trigger a Landslide by Midsummer the Lambs are strong they  wrestle a teaser for the adult's Behavior later in life so far the Lambs have never seen a  big male only their mothers whose horns   are slender and gently curved this  is typical of all sheep and goats   the females have more modest headwear but  for both sexes it's all about the horn on sun-kissed Mediterranean Cliffs wild goat kids   are growing fast and already  displaying their developing curves but the horns don't help them get about what does is confidence  compact rubbery Hooves and a head for Heights all goats are good at balancing a useful  skill not just to rock climb but to get to food teetering on back feet extends their height they can even climb trees so few branches  are Out Of Reach thanks to their tricks goats can   make a meal of pretty much anything finding  plenty of forage among the bare rocks being   high also keeps them out of the reach of many  predators like the wolves that Patrol the hills but today it's  something else that Spooks the herd humans pushing into the High  Country with herds of the Wild goats Descendants the ability of  wild goats to scrape up a   living was one trait that made them attractive to humans after thousands of years  of catching wild goats raising   their young and keeping them  in captivity they were slowly tamed domestic goats are their direct  descendants and one of the few animals   that still have the adaptability to compete  for food with their wild cousins cows or   horses would struggle to find food and  water here but the goats are quite at   home enabling Farmers to push into  remote country displacing the wild goats the last wild herds  must live in uneasy truce the only members of the sheep and goat  family that are not bothered by humans   and their domestic breeds are those  living in the most remote and desolate conditions seasons are short in the Arctic the musos family makes  the most of a rare sunny day the Thor has unlocked Lush  vegetation thriving in long hours of daylight the Lambs nibble  experimenting with the solid food but still preferring to keep  milk on tap mosco's milk has twice   the fat content of a domestic sheep's  the carves can double their weight in   just a month they will be weaned in 4  months so need to grab it while they can summers's an itchy time the Lambs start to mol out their  fluffy baby fur they'll need a coarse   winter coat before Summer's end known as  quivet musc's wool is the cream of the   crop soft and dense with more than 40 hairs  per millimeter of skin Summer's a bountiful   time for all sheep and goats there's  plenty to eat and the Lambs can grow quickly in European forests it's  the Shamir making the most of the   seasonal greens they still want  milk but they are getting a bit pushy the mothers will soon wean  them off so they grab it while   they can refreshed they show off their acrobatic skills practicing their fighting  moves though they clearly need some work the Lambs are enjoying Carefree days but not   their mothers the 's are always on  high alert the forest conceals many dangers a lamb would make easy pickings for the lyns but only if he can get close enough to Ambush his spots can act like  an invisibility cloak in the shadows but he's young and overeager spotted one bark and the herd's gone they Dash up sheer Rock faces here they can survey and make  sure they are not being followed thanks to their tiny rubberized  feet they are quite at home here   and can feed and rest until  they are sure the coast is clear the shamwa have it easy  even on the Rocks there is Lush vegetation not so in Arizona's Canyon lands Summers here are punishing  but the desert Big Horn is a specialist skilled at finding  the most inaccessible food with   resources in short supply there  is tension over sharing the Lambs   need to learn their place in the social  order giving way to dominant older youth The Ledges are not the best place to pick a fight the dry vegetation doesn't hold  much moisture the Sheep are experts   at going without but every few weeks  they must find a drink and that means   going from Canyon top to bottom to the  treacherous Rapids that carved the great Canyons after the climb they  can cautiously quench their thirst there is no mistaking the male big horn  but he prefers to drink alone for most of the   year he stays apart from from the females of  their young a strategy used by most sheep and goats mountains again but cold  ones home of the Caucasian tur outside of the breeding season  the males form Bachelor herds and   for the most part rub along peacefully together but as summer draws towards its close they become Restless the young males frequently Spar  testing their strength against one another   information that might prove useful  later on when they are deciding who to challenge for the most part it's playful wrestling but some fights escalate and soon the whole gang seems to be involved the the male groups don't compete with  the females they stick to the higher Mountain   slopes with all the testosterone flying around the  females in their lambs are better off staying well clear even among the females there are a few rude gestures they have a strict hierarchy  and lower ranking and younger animals   are reminded of their place the  youngsters need to learn the rules   of the herd and as Autumn approaches  prepare themselves for some major changes Autumn is the biggest time in the   Sheep calendar and all species  busily fatten themselves up in preparation muscs mostly eat mosses and  lyans but late summer offers a new treat mushrooms are rich in protein a  chance to bulk up ready for the coming season there is already some tension in the herds the males are starting to check  out females getting a look at the dating scene the young seem to sense the tension they test each other's  strength practicing a trademark headbutt they've never seen it  before but their instincts are strong they are rehearsing and soon they will see   with their own eyes for the first  time just what their headgear is for the arrival of autumn brings with it  the highlight of the Sheep calendar the   rut a hormone driven season begins for sheep and  goats around the world a herd of Pyrenees ibeck   is getting restless the males returned from The  High Country to join the female flocks things seem   peaceful enough to begin with apart from the odd  tense glance between Billy Goats but hormon levels rise the male is following a female to get  a good sniff to test her hormone levels and   see if she's ready to mate but regardless  of what her hormones say her body language   is clear she's not ready yet throwing in  some attention seeking Stomps he tries again males are not taking no for an answer they   follow the girls around knowing  over the coming weeks they will relent the males want to be in  the right place at the right time but no species of sheep or goats are monogamous the males want as many females as  they can get but there are only so many girls   to go around to claim the Lion's Share  all of the males must prove themselves   the uel a mountain muflon found in the High  Country stretching from Iran to India is well equipped the ram tries to look  alluring draping his tongue out seductively and twisting to try and make  sure the US's get a look at his rack but try as he might  they don't seem particularly bothered their MO is to make him work for it flirting is hard work as it is but  he also has to out compete the growing competition if another Ram  muscles in on his use he has no choice a brawl breaks out this is what his Corkscrew  curls have been grown for it's taken them six years  to reach their meter long maximum it's an arms race the bigger  the weapons the more intimidating the   male and the better chance he has of impressing a mate beating other males is is one thing but  trying to win over the use might take a bit more effort sometimes it looks like the  Rams have got their horn screwed on too tight the headbanging can last for weeks among the most impressive  of headgear belong to Wild goats the horns can be more than 120 cm long like most most horned animals  their primary purpose is winning mating rights but the goats have an added challenge  their courtship must take place on sheer Cliff faces a prime male spots a  female leaving her precious urine it contains all the information he needs he moves it to the Jacobson's organ in the roof  of his mouth to run a quick test and check she's fertile he likes what he smells but the girls don't seem so short it's like a singles party single males  making their moves left right and center it's a party with lots of ups and downs many of the nanny goats still have their kids  with them who do their best to stay out of the way the billy goat kicks up a stink not only  because of scent glands around the base of   his horns but because he's drenched  himself in urine to spice up his goat cologne he wafts his pungent perfume as he walks it doesn't seem to be to everyone's taste but the Coba isn't taking no for an answer staying power doesn't seem to  be the strength of any sheep or goat The Mating itself is brief it's the buildup to it that counts it's all the Thrill of the Chase and the males work hard eventually he gets his goat the wild goats come out  on top when it comes to Horn length but on the other side of the  world on the hot Rocky slopes of   Arizona they have competition  for these guys it's all about girth in the southwestern deserts of North  America the desert Big Horns are the kings of the Canyons they are the ultimate Headbangers  their colossal horns can weigh 13 kilos because a battering ram can do a lot of   damage they also employ a bit of  ritual to help them pick their fights squaring up and measuring up there's a lot of bravado and the odd cheap shot then there's always someone who crosses the line  they Rush at 30 kmph and crash with an 800 kilo blow our skulls would shatter at just 160th of the force but the the Ram's skull  bones are only Loosely fused   so they can Flex on impact and are  cushioned by large sinuses built in airbags they might fight for 24 straight hours in the desert heat exhaustion is a serious threat their cousins in the Arctic Circle  had the opposite problem by the time   the rut comes around their home is already under snow but for youed to give birth in  Spring they must mate now and so the   games begin dal's sheep are tough 5 cm  guard hairs keep snow out of thick wool beneath a survival suit that lets them get to work it's the same routine  a hormone test a promising result but he's not the only one to sniffer out not to be usurped the first Ram begins  his performance showing the use what he has to offer the females are impressed by Rams that show   strength and stamina traits  they want to pass on to their lands but she'll have a decision  to make which male to choose the Rams are ready to rise to the challenge with huge horns and brain  rattling blows injuries are common the U takes it all in weighing up her options one male seems to stand out from the crowd winter is a draining time where overexertion   can mean burning too many calories to  have the fat and strength to make it through the delicate shamwa have their rut in  late Autumn too but they take a slightly different approach shivering shimmies don't look very  masculine they look more like a shampoo commercial but the hair shake spreads  out the M's hackles making them look bigger they pose checking out the stats on their opposition but this is less about horn size and   weight it's more physical fitness in the  Sheep Olympics shamwa are the racing Kings they can reach 50 km per hour not easy on icy Rocky  Mountain slopes hardcore cross country it's a different way to sort the men from the boys last man standing will  take the medal or at least   the title the dominant Ram who gets first dibs at mating once the rut has settled down their main  focus is survival winter can take a heavy toll on   the herds a matriarch leads them through the snow  drawing on years of experience to find the safest routs her trailblazing opens  paths that the others can walk   in Winter still has its sunny days and  it brings new threats melting snow can shift and an avalanche can wipe out an entire herd but the female's experience pays  off she leads her group above the loose snow here they can use their Hooves  as snow shovels to expose a meal below the family caprini are  tough and perhaps that's why   they were singled out by our ancestors for domestication the Hardy animals can  adapt to extreme Landscapes freezing temperatures scorching Plains and poor terrain finding food  where there appears appear to be little to eat with their good breeding success  we've enhanced the quick turnaround of lambs and the rich milk that gives their young  the best start in life is now collected to be drunk or turned to nearly two  200 different varieties of cheese their natural desire to live in herds  and follow a leader makes them easy for Farmers   to manage and we've even taken advantage of  their natural predator reactions with the help   of another domestic animal on sheep dogs help us  round up the herds we even count sheep to help us sleep and perhaps most importantly the fleece  that protects them from the elements has   clothed and protected its human wearers  for thousands of years and it might have   been this incredible material that wrapped  our ancestors to keep them warm and enable   them to migrate into the cooler parts of the  world but our relation relationship is not all   Rosy throughout the world wild sheep and goats  are threatened losing their habitat to human encroachment and hunted for meat and trophies many are endangered so perhaps now it's time to  return the favor and offer them some help they might seem like a bunch of crazy buttheads but we have a lot to thank them for y
Channel: Free High-Quality Documentaries
Views: 239,329
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Keywords: Free High-Quality Documentaries, HD, Full HD, Quality, natgeo, animals, wildlife, science, explore, discover, survival, nature, culture, documentary, perpetual planet full episode, full documentary, animal documentary
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 1sec (3001 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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