Fight: Grizzly Bear and Wolf Encounter - Documentary Full Length

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[Music] in the sweeping Wilderness of Yellowstone the grizzly once ruled alone unmatched in size and strength no creature could challenge the mighty bear then came the return of a formidable rival tall rangy wolves from the north now stake their claim to Yellowstone and somewhere in the back country an epic battle unfolds it's a clash of wills and opposing skills that Echoes all through Yellowstone in The Cauldron of this Wilderness the grizzly has the most to lose will wolves be the new masters of Yellowstone or can the grizzly keep its Kingdom and emerge the Victor [Music] here [Music] it's spring in the northwest corner of Wyoming the year is about to begin for the Grizzlies of Yellowstone [Music] by early March Bears begin to emerge from their long winter's nap [Music] they may not have eaten a thing for four or 5 months and with snow still deep a female and three Cubs search for a winter kill otter have been out all winter slipping and sliding between streams looking for patches of Open Water they are kept under close watch by a coyote he's on a constant search for food this is a world of predators scavengers and opportunists in the thawing surface layer of ice the Grizz find a strange windfall entombed in the ice all winter frozen fish are the first banquet of the year for the [Music] Bears while the Bears search for another easy meal the Wolves of the Hayden pack gather to Feast on the rewards of Their Own own hard work but a bold young bear has found their carcass and a Grizzly is accustomed to taking what he wants the Hayden wolves size up the situation ation the pack is nine wolves strong and the bear is not as big as he could be he's tried to bury the carcass and defends it from the center of his [Music] Earthworks it's his strength against their speed but the Wolves seem to think they can take [Music] him the haens prove to be more than the young bear can handle this time Bears or Wolves it makes no difference to the Ravens they always make their point but manage to stay above the [Music] competition bison will face both wolves and bears over the course of their lives but the first challenge for newborn Cales is just keeping up with their mothers they're on their way to Summer pastures and for the calves it sink or swim instinctively the calves seek shelter next to their mothers but the waters are cold and fast too fast for the tiny cabs one has been swept into a log Jam and is in real trouble his mother has suddenly realized what's happening the calf breaks free but is not out of danger calves often lose their mothers during River Crossings and without her he can't survive this calf is a lucky one he's safe though utterly exhausted the Yellowstone River was just the first of many perils to come a Grizzly is following behind them and for the bear it's hunting season Yellowstone's 3500 bison are the largest Freer ranging bison herd in the world as they gather on The Greening Meadows of Hayden Valley the old Frontier looks very much alive it's a scene one old Grizzly has witnessed many times this rugged veteran has roamed Yellowstone for almost 20 years long before wolves were brought back to the park he is bear number 211 known to Bear Watchers as Scarface in his youth he hunted bison in this Great Valley now he leaves such high-risk work to a younger generation the bear has no advantage of surprise yet he suddenly swings into action the chase is just youthful exuberance there's not much hope of [Music] success the bear will need a better strategy but a truly devious plan is a coyote specialty he's so small no one takes him seriously he tests a calf this one's big and strong then he finds a smaller one he pretends to play but this is no game if the coyote can coax the calf off by itself he has every intention of killing it one bite could the calf [Music] but some motherly backup puts an end to that another Grizzly is on the cing grounds and this one has perfected his craft the grizzly uses his top speed of 35 mph to separate a calf from its mother and though the Bison weighs twice as much as the bear she's young and undone by the Grizzlies aggression she hesitates and her calf is lost for hunters and hunted alike each encounter in Yellowstone presents present a critical Choice what is Brave One Moment is foolish the next to fight or to flee all of life hangs on the [Music] decision with two wolves out on the prowl a mother elk weighs her options carefully the wolves have seen her but not her calf it's too young to outrun the Wolves its only defense is to hide and keep completely still its mother heads straight for the Wolves her purpose is to distract them to keep their attention entirely on her again and again she charges then invites them to chase her using the river as a safe Retreat she can play this game against two wolves she would never attempt this with an entire wolf pack frustrated the Wolves give up the calf owes its life to the tactics and the courage of its mother motherhood even for a grizzly bear is a test of [Music] character it's June and a spring snow squall has kicked up but the bear and her cub are confronting more than the weather wolves from the Druid pack have caught them out in the [Music] open in the tug of war between Grizzlies and wolves the wolves attack where where they can they are after the Cub if they can kill it they will eliminate a future [Music] rival she's not a big bear but she stands her ground the Wolves won't risk an injury then suddenly it's over the Wolves make a decision and the Bears are free to [Music] go as the two dominant predators in Yellowstone Grizzlies and wolves make life hard for each other the Cub is vulnerable to the Wolves now if he survives to become a really big bear the tables will [Music] turn but he will be a cub for a long time yet and growing up is a full-time job out along the edge of the Yellowstone River Sand Hill cranes are announcing their territories now it's the Bear's turn to cause trouble the cranes try to shoe them away for the Cub it's just an adventure things are even more interesting with a brother or sister Cubs can turn anything into a toy even a bison pie [Music] [Music] every game lets them discover what they can do and their mother is always there to supervise for Grizzlies these are the days of family life they'll spend 2 and 1/2 years under the constant care of their mother then the Cubs will be big enough to go their separate ways and travel through Yellowstone alone until then she is everything they need [Music] a wolf's lifestyle couldn't be more different wolf pups are used to large families there are five pups in the average litter at 1 month old they begin to venture away from the den their mother is the alpha female the white wolf with a research caller but they have other Guardians too older brothers and sisters aunts and uncles a member of the family is always in attendance when the pups grow up many will disperse to other packs looking for a place to belong wolves will always be drawn to each other's company a Grizzly ambles along a trail on his solitary way above the den it's old Scarface he probably means the pups no harm but he's come way too close for the Wolves comfort the adults treat him as a serious [Music] threat it's the pup's first encounter with a bear and their Elders have shown them something valuable together they can challenge a Grizzly and defeat it as for Scarface he hasn't lived this long without knowing how to avoid real conflict by the end of June the high country is bright with color summer residents are settling in they're claiming territories Building Homes finding partners even Grizzlies get caught up in the social scene it's The Mating Season a courting couple could be mistaken for youngsters playing but for Grizzlies this is [Music] romance once she has accepted him they will wrestle and play and and mate many times staying together for 10 days or so but their devotion will be fleeting enduring bonds are not in their [Music] nature yet while it lasts they share a moment of tenderness Grizzlies seldom display [Music] [Music] [Music] while the mating season brings solitary Grizzlies together it sends the companionable Bison into an uproar Bulls are built for the battles of the rut they wield their massive heads as both weapon and defense they must protect their own bodies as they twist and turn press ing for an advantage they are one ton Warriors at each breeding season more than a few are fatally wounded this young bull must have taken on more than his match and has suffered a head injury round and round he turns unable to find his way forward [Music] then remarkably he makes it to Solid Ground bison are as tough as they come days later the injured Bull staggers on alone but still [Music] alive when a bison does go down in combat a grizzly wins it's one of the rare carcasses not supplied by wolves a bear this size would take a lot for wolves to run off that's a job for another [Music] Grizzly several big males May wander in overlapping ranges and they are certain to have crossed paths before they both look intimidating to our eyes but the Bears are keenly aware of each other's strengths and weaknesses the Hayden wolves have found the carcass and call for reinforcements they need to Rally the entire pack to challenge such a bear Ravens also call each other in they're often the first to spot a carcass but they wait for someone else to break it open the wolf's calls are going unanswered the pack is too far flung and with no chance to dominate the carcass the Wolves just drift away but a Grizzly's toughest competition isn't from Wolves at all his ultimate Challenge comes when he meets an equal and there's only one way to find out who's stronger [Music] w [Music] [Music] what the bear that turns and walks away is the winner showing his back is a sign of supreme confidence perhaps these two will meet again and there will be a rematch maybe it's been settled between them for good for the Grizzlies this year's battle for Yellowstone is coming to a close it's beginning to snow one by one the Bears Retreat to their dens winter settles in snow brings elk down from The High Country to wintering grounds in the valleys and wherever the elk go the Wolves follow winter is the season when wolves are Riding High severe conditions always work in their favor wearing down their prey the deeper the snow the better the [Music] hunting no Bears will contest the carcass but many other scavengers gather at the feast Eagles Ravens magpies and coyotes are uninvited guests at every kill though wolves have the Undisputed upper hand they make The Long Winter easier for all these other [Music] carnivores as long as there are elk the Wolves will provide but all these hungry scavengers steal so much meat that they may be one reason why the Wolves form packs to protect their own share of the [Music] kill come February wolves go visiting pack to pack now is their season for courting and mating if a Stranger Comes calling yearling females and pups come out to greet [Music] him he'll please them all if he can but what he's really after is a willing partner and a private rendevu yet even the most intimate moment often requires the Pack's [Music] approval the alpha pair that leads the pack may share a bond that lasts for life but all this togetherness comes down to just one thing wolves need each other wolves are accustomed to working year round and feeding many moths but come the end of winter it can take the abilities of a bear to get the job done as ice begins to thaw a frozen pond becomes treacherous solid one moment soft the next a wolf has discovered its most recent victim the Wolves weigh about 100 lb and cannot trust the ice to hold them they can see the carcass and would take the hand out but it just isn't worth the risk as the pond continues to freeze and thaw coyotes Venture onto the ice at 30 lb they are light enough to cross it but not strong enough to move the carcass if the ice melts much more they won't be able to reach the carcass at all for once a Grizzly fresh from his den arrives as something of a [Music] hero he's certain to fall through but his massive strength will come to the rescue it's only when his coat is soaking wet that you can see how thin he is and why this carcass is worth so much effort [Music] [Music] as the bear reaches Shore with the prize even the Ravens can appreciate his labors and they'll be bones for the coyotes after all [Music] Dawn sends an eerie smoke through the remains of a forest fire it's moisture vaporizing from the blackened trunks as they warm up in the sun though the fire killed the trees a wild Garden Springs up at their charred feet rich with minerals from the ash Grizzlies seek out this fresh nutritious salad a great gray owl dozes at the edge of the burn he's been up all night hunting but a robin has a nest nearby in Yellowstone conflicts can flare up in any corner until the owl leaves there'll be no rest for either of them a Grizzly has come to the recovering burn to Feast on daisies asers fir weed and cow parsnip teaching her yearling Cub that this is a good place to forage a cub has to learn a great variety of plants and where to find them at what time of year and while one Cub studies this lesson another follows its mother onto the cing ground of the elk Grizzlies aren't full-time Predators like the Wolves but they take their toll of elk calves each spring the bear moves through the grass with a purpose she relies on her nose testing the air and searching the ground for the scent of elk it's all her tiny cub can do to keep up for the calf the brief dance between birth and death will be over in a moment for the Cub it's a first step in honing a skill that will help him succeed in [Music] Yellowstone yet Bears have many ways to make a living wolves must hunt to survive but a Grizzly's life is full of choice old Scarface May no longer be able to chase down elk but he has managed to catch a fish and as he wanders his range there will be mushrooms and dandelion ants and earthwork worms biscuit root and berries to harvest the grizzly needs a kingdom vast and varied and complex he needs all of [Music] Yellowstone [Music] at Sunrise the Otters of Yellowstone Lake are out catching breakfast the coyote is quick to seize his chance everyone has to make the most of their talents in this cauldron of competition and conflict a Grizzly sometimes gets to relax [Music] [Music] he retrieves a mule deer he has stashed in the grass by the lake and for once he has a carcass to himself well almost he takes his time over a delicate morsel it's not often he gets to enjoy the little things in life after lunch a nap until biting flies discover the grass covered carrying he is using for a pillow he retreats to the Cool Waters for some sweet relief [Music] by the end of summer all activity is focused on the coming winter Grizzlies head up high for the most important Harvest of the year the Clark's Nutcracker is up there already collecting the seeds of the white bark Pine squirrels are also Gathering their winter seeds store the bird will disperse the seeds but the squirrels will cash them and that's what the grizzly is looking for the bear digs up their work the seeds are rich in fats and the bear packs on as many calories as she [Music] can these seeds are crucial to Grizzlies but the cones don't fall to the ground Grizzlies often rely on someone else to climb up and harvest them black bears can make it almost to the [Music] top [Music] they will bring the branches and Cones to the ground and in reach of the [Music] grizzly the mighty bear may be dominant among these many creatures but she is also dependent on all their efforts in this Tale of Two Predators each succeeds according to its nature this enormous male is waiting on the [Music] Wolves he staked out in the territory of the Molly pack and here they come right on schedule instead of starting some kind of fight the grizzly tags along with the pack the bear is huge he looks to be well over 600 lb and the Wolves seem resigned to his [Music] presence the Wolves attend to their task they're here to hunt [Music] the bear lets them go he's in no [Music] hurry but as soon as the wolves have accomplished a kill he is suddenly quick on the scene this is the way of things in Yellowstone a Wolfpack working together is the greatest Predator there is but even the mollies 14 wolves strong know to step aside for one big bear [Music] a grizzly in his prime is the master here he makes the most of others skills and takes from them all in turn the Wolves must simply bide their time and wait for him to [Music] leave old Scarface is past challenging a Wolfpack he's up in the white bark Pine Forest where it's already starting to snow winter is closing in the pine seeds are all but gone soon there'll be nothing left to eat slowly limping now with age and effort he makes the climb up the snowy slope his den and a long winter's rest are waiting by the end of November the Grizzlies of yellow Stone have gone to bed once again Yellowstone is Wolf country at least that's how the story is supposed to end but here on Christmas Day 4 weeks late for hibernation a Grizzly sits on a wolf kill is this the start of something [Music] new a Grizzly out in winter Breaking All the [Music] Rules the coyote grabs a bite and runs this is not good news to him will the bear be waiting at every kill all winter [Music] the bear is wide awake and appears to enjoy being out past his [Music] bedtime after all it's Christmas and he's discovered a satisfying secret although it's winter he may not have to hide from Hunger wolves are hunting for for [Music] [Music] him [Music] to learn more about what you've seen on this nature program visit
Channel: TheAnimalArea
Views: 390,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animal life, national geographic, nat geo wild, animal planet, wildlife, nature documentary, nature, wild
Id: Jv4z9HtARO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 56sec (3176 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2015
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