A Vibrant Celebration of Spring's Magic and Animal Adventures | Full Documentary

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when the winter World disappears and the sun's Rays begin to gather  strength it's the start of a season that is a   law unto [Music] itself Spring Light and warmth  summon fast growth it's a time that calls for   maximum per performance all around but provides  plentiful sustenance in return there's a lot to do ensuring future generations and  getting the world to bloom again   colors scents and bird song cast a  spell over Europe's spring [Music] worlds [Music] early spring at first it's barely noticeable the beginning of March the knights  are still [Music] Frosty and the trees bare the last of the Winter Chill is still in the air but the early returning flocks  of birds signal a new start in the   fields and meadows still bare from Winter  the pleasurable anticipation is almost tangible after the long dark winter  season without much nourishment and   little physical activity the animals  are preparing for a completely different world a world full of light warmth and joyful movement the months ahead will be tough Gathering energy growing and ensuring  the proper ation of species those are the great   challenges of [Music] spring Fields  Meadows and forests will soon offer   plentiful supplies of food this will attract  migrating birds back from their wintering grounds for people too this is the start of a time   of bustling activity in March they  must prepare the fields for sewing stalks and starlings are the first to return  to Central Europe from their sojourn to the South it's hotter and drier in their  wintering grounds and there's much more   competition for food [Music] resources  here they're lured by plentiful food   and nesting [Music] sites for most of  them it's definitely worth the long journey they generally fly  these long stretches in large flocks during the breeding season they spread   out across the country side  each founding its own [Music] family hairs are early starters by the  time March arrives the battle to create   the next generation is already well [Music]  underway in general hairs live alone it's   only during The Mating Season that rival  bucks and willing Doe's seek each other's company when a violent slugfest Breaks Loose it's   generally all in the name  of winning the favor of a [Music] female after all the winner has the best chance   of becoming a father almost everywhere  the foremost Pastime now is f finding a mate the spotted Woodpecker's  courtship display consists of [Applause] drumming hollow tree  trunks make a wonderful resonating body the Robin on the other  hand prefers a more Musical song the increase in light and warmth makes  the sap begin to rise in all the plants   the hazelnut tree blossoms very early  even before most insects start buzzing around the male blossoms show  off their massive amounts of pollen while the female blossoms  developed quite differently they   don't have to rely on bees and other insects for pollination it's the wind that takes  on the task of transferring the [Music] pollen just a gentle breeze  is enough to release clouds of pollen and carry it to the female  blossoms following which the   development of the next hazelnut  Harvest is well on the way [Music] among the first flowering plants to  appear in March are the pasque flower   and the crocus they've got enough  energy in their roots and Bulbs   stored up from the previous year  and now they're Among The Front Runners almost overnight  huge carpets of them [Music] appear as soon as it's warm enough honeybees  emerge and begin swarming about the fields coordination is still a bit [Music]  tricky but they soon get the hang of it the bee fly has a long probos that it uses   to probe for nectar effortlessly in  even the deepest CX like in the cow slip sunlight and warmth now begin to  coax out flowers everywhere the trees   branches are still bare enough for the  sunshine to reach the forest floor almost unhindered countless spring snowflakes  and wooden emies thrive on its life-giving Rays their Early Blooms are  very important for the [Music] bees because this is when they most need  protein Rich pollen to feed their new brood to ensure the survival of the bee Colony  they toil away tirelessly From Dawn till Dusk streams and rivers are still icy  cold wherever the water runs Clean and   Clear is where the water owle or Dipper  makes its home it's well-oiled plumage   protects it against the cold and wet a  very helpful attribute when searching for   for food [Music] underwater like the Dipper  trout are only happy in natural unadulterated [Music] streams in quieter areas the  occasional musrat can be cited originally   from America it only settled in  Germany during the last century it's clearly identifiable by its bare  laterally flattened [Music] tail many   birds such as the Ren and the cisin  come down to the river bank to [Music] drink streams are the lifelines of of the  forest and it's here that the Dipper sets up its Nursery the parent birds are  collecting padding for their nest their mating season was back in Winter  now they're starting their first [Music] brood a pair of Dippers takes  some 2 weeks to construct their nest and to finish it off a nice Leaf  thoroughly cleaned it serves as the   final touch to the nest as well as a soft  bed for the [Music] eggs but however well   the nest cavity is built it doesn't  always last long enough to raise The Brood a muskrat has chosen  a spot nearby as a hiding   place it seldom leaves its Hideway during the day unlike the Dipper which hunts  for insect L along the River Bank Fresh Water Crest seems to  be irresistible attractive enough   to lure the musk rat to nibble on  it in broad daylight for a change there's still no Greenery in the forest that's not  a problem for the squirrel it's still living off   its Autumn supplies squirrels build their nests  high up in the trees either using twigs and Moss   or inside a hollow in a tree [Music] trunk The  Mating Season for squirrels begins in January by   March at the latest most females are pregnant  and preparing for the imminent birth of their young they need plenty of rest even though they big bellies make it  difficult to find a comfortable [Music] position [Music] in the world of Flora the forest  doesn't seem particularly spring-like yet in the world of fora however plenty has been happening almost all the dough hairs are pregnant most of the trees will  remain leafless until at least   the end of [Music] March and this is exactly  what causes the growth spurt on the ground below Beach seedlings grow fast to ensure their  place in the [Music] sun hundreds of little   saplings strive upwards before the leaves of their  parent tree cast them into the shade in the upper   stories of the forest all the birds are looking  for partners the Robin is one of the first and loudest his repertoire  consists of over 250 different songs bird songs are intended  mainly to impress potential partners here it's not about size and strength but vocal Supremacy the Aven concert  continues until late in the [Music] evening even after  the starlings have settled   down in the fields the calling doesn't stop [Music] what happens in the  dark of night usually goes unobserved which is why do hairs prefer to nurse   their young undercover of [Music] Darkness  the little one spends much of its time all   alone in the world it stays absolutely  still to avoid Discovery by potential   enemies the mother hair returns only two  or three times a day to suckle her [Music] Leverett now nights are not as long as  they were back in Winter the Equinox   on March 20th is the start of the calendar [Music] spring a dangerous time for grass frogs as soon as the weather is right they  start the nocturnal TS to their spawning grounds the males often make their partner selection on  rout and have their mate piggyback them to the water not every ambitious jump into the water is successful a short break  and this time the leap works the grass Frog's reproduction cycle starts in  shallow water each female lays up to 4,000 tiny eggs these swell up in the water  forming a gelatinous transparent   protein casing this protects  the black tadpole embryos inside but not from common Mo hens  frogspawn is a favorite tidbit for them also known as swamp chickens they'll eat  anything from whichever source of food is most convenient whether it be spawn or frogs wherever Coots are found in a pond it turns   into a fight Arena when it comes to  choosing the best brooding [Music] site the Ducks prefer to avoid all the turmoil a   nod of the head a quiet corner and a  general agreement seems to be [Music] reached once the question of brooding  sites has been sorted out the Coots can   now also concentrate on actually propagating their species sometimes it takes a little while for  couples to sort out their differences   but where it comes to nest building it's all about teamwork strong Twigs form the [Music] foundation for days both Partners toil away at  creating a solid base for the floating [Music] Nest at breeding time things get a little  quieter around the pond towards the end   of March the Willows at the water's edge Sprout  their catkins the female flowerheads are on one twig and the male bearing their load of pollen on another unlike the hazelnut the catkins  need a live creature to help in the   pollination process a job for insects  as a reward they get [Music] food the   small tortoise shell has spent the winter  as a butterfly and now it's feeding on   nectar to gather strength bumblebees and  honeybees also collect the protein Rich pollen while sipping the nectar they  fertilize the female blossoms along the [Music] way for syia are the first clearly visible  signs of [Music] spring they're closely   followed by hins crocuses daffodils  and tulips all shooting up out of the ground at the beginning of April it's  colorful spring that holds sway in our Gardens weeks before actual fruit  bearing trees begin to to Blossom   and the leaves begin to sprout on the trees in the   forest within the space of a few days the  ornamental cherry lives up to its [Music] name as fast as its Lush blossoms  appear they vanish again just as quickly early blooming plants and trees have   a vital role to play in our  Gardens they provide fresh [Music] nectar Garden ponds are a playground for sparrows  High Spirits seem to rain now among Birds too blackbirds busily collect nesting materials and settle into the  hedges now it's peak time for nest construction the first step is always the hardest   as the hinch also discovers the Twigs  are cumbersome and its only tool is its beak the main thing is that she likes it the  longtailed tit is the real Craftsman among Nest Builders and a master of camouflage in  the tangle of branches The Nest is almost   invisible spiderwebs lens and Mosses  are the best recipe for a soft padded Nursery starlings on the lookout for a bride  a male uses leaves as a bragging Factor this is to show off his Superior  nest building [Music] abilities this   tit looks like he would quite like to  move into a preconstructed nest but the   house owner doesn't see things the same  way while she's watching him from down below he sings the Praises of his new [Music] home until finally she hears him [Music] the squirrel has also done a good job of padding   its Hollow high up in the tree and  returns to it more and more [Music] often there's a big event in the offing the contractions [Music] begin the birth is in full [Music] progress  no sooner has the first baby being licked   clean then the next one is on its way baby  squirrels arrive tail first into the [Music] world it takes around 2 hours to  give birth to four babies thumb   sized naked blind and deaf utterly vulnerable they instinctively root for their mother's teeths suckling milk will be  their main activity for the next 6 [Music] weeks with the cherry blossoms appearance in  April spring finally unfolds in all its   Glory the Cherry is one of the first  fruit bearing trees to Blossom this   could be earlier or later depending on the  weather after a long winter if the weather   warms up quickly many types of fruit  trees can begin blossoming at [Music] once rape seed Sprouts in the fields its  Vivid color visible from [Music] afar   [Music] between the trees other creatures are  enjoying the warmth of [Music] spring freed of   their winter coat sheep graze in The Meadows  with their lambs while nearby starlings hunt [Music] insects [Music] all year round the  Sheep keep the fruit orchards trimmed and fertilized their wool is not only a great favorite  with human beings the tit finds uses for it too it breeds in a nesting  box as natural Hollows a rare its eggs stay nice and  warm on the Cozy Woolen bed these young foxes were born a few  weeks ago in March now in April they   emerge from their Lair for the first  [Music] time as with the young of most   species frolicking is their main Pastime  while their parents are away foraging as far as they're concerned the world  is one big playground but they still   never stray far from their [Music] Lair for  beekeepers and be now is their busiest [Music] time the female worker bees  tirelessly carry food to the [Music] hive they feed the other workers in the hive and  fill up the Honeycombs [Music] this well-known   waggling dance is used by the returning bees  to pass on to the others where they will find   what kind of food The Marked Queen now lays  egg after egg in the prepared honeycomb cells   during the high season in Spring that's up to  2,000 eggs a day nurse bees take care of The   Brood for 9 days feeding the ly then they  are covered and P [Music] pupate 12 Days   Later the fully formed bee freeze itself from  its wax cell and gets its first sweet energy boost honey is the hive's driving [Music] force and there's plenty of raw  material for it about right now   because apple trees blossom in  late April and their nectar adds   to the [Music] supply now almost all  the fruit bearing trees are in full bloom High season in Spring is a very  strenuous time for [Music] bees there's   an overabundance of nectar and pollen  so so they have to gather supplies constantly all around the lake the deciduous trees  are now starting to Bear pale green choots on the   water not much is happening the breeding  business is keeping the water foul fully occupied a pair of Coots guard their floating  nest vigilantly they keep the eggs warm and   protect them around the clock they change  guard every couple of hours 24 hours a day at the edge of the pond  a corant warm up before its   next dive he's also enjoying the  increasing warmth of the spring [Music] Sun Beach leaves only unfold towards the end of April the leaf canopy is getting denser soon  only a few rays of sunshine will penetrate   down to the forest floor slowing  the growth of the tree saplings below the leaves in the Treetops  now take up most of the [Music] sunlight streams and rivers can overflow in  Spring nests built too close to the edge of   the River Bank are often washed away  the dippers were unlucky they had to   build a new Nest this time it's  hidden and inaccessible behind a waterfall like all bird parents they must  constantly carry food back to the nest for their brood the new Nest may be  more secure but the aerial   approach now requires highly acrobatic skills their staple diet is the  cadis fly whose LA live in the water some species of ctis fly make a hard case  out of stone fragments glued together with saliva   likee silk this protects them in the pupil stage  underwater after pupation they cut their way out   of the case with a strong set of mandibles that  also protect them from danger but unfortunately   not from the Dipper it has worked out how to  extract the nutritious morsel out of its Stony sheath a decent sized snack for its Offspring in April the spring landscape undergoes   a radical change within a few  weeks it turns from Barron to Green by early may all the trees are in full sap [Applause] and one of the last migrating birds  has returned the cucko the forest   floor is now darker and animals once  again find it easier to hide in the shadows a hedgehog foraging the  dung beetle ought to look out dung beetles live off mushrooms  excrement and rotting plant matter   the Hedgehog on the other hand is a  predator it's mainly carnivorous it   diligently rummages about on the forest  floor which turns up quite a few dung beetles the slow worm hides in soft Moss it's diet includes slugs The Hunt is rather an unspectacular  affair once the slug is spotted it's all over the slow worm's teeth are angled backwards  this gives them a good hold on their slippery prey not Everyone likes slug slime in their mouth though the forest floor now offers a  rich source of food for many creatures   including the hair the J finds  what it needs for survival here too it observes the forest floor attentively because the squirrel  can be a fierce competitor when foraging crows also scratch around beneath the   trees because they know they're  bound to find plenty to eat there [Music] Jay's hide their stores  here acorns Beach nuts and other nuts but they don't always benefit from it it's the same as the squirrel it doesn't always  find the stores it hid so carefully the previous year in May the entire lands Escape is Lush and green wild boore females need plenty of sustenance  now leaves Roots tubers worms L and whatever else   they can find on the ground by May their offspring  have mostly grown bigger these are probably late comers Springtime High Spirits are  apparently not an age related issue the wild s cushions a hollow with twigs and  leaves for use as a resting spot and to suckle her young the warmth in the nest protects  the squeakers from getting too chilly if danger threatens or the  S starts in Fright the little ones   react with flight behavior that  has rarely been observed they   freeze motionlessly figing death  until the mother gives the all [Music] clear all the sours in a group  or Sounder take care of all the groups   Offspring together this way they're  well protected as they're growing   up squirrels can sleep soundly in  the most uncomfortable positions however when awake they typically move  in hectic dashes for both red and black   coated squirrels these bursts of speed are quite normal Spruce seeds need a moist environment to germinate thousands of them  struggle up out of the ground   but only a few survive to replace the older trees later during May the tall conifers  begin to Bear the next generation of cones when these ripen they  become part of the staple diet for squirrels squirrels rear pores can  turn outwards so that they can hold   themselves securely while hanging upside down from trees they have to eat very fast it takes the   seeds from around 100 Spruce  cones to fulfill their daily requirement they deftly rip open the  shell to get at the tiny nutritious seeds the squirrel mother needs plenty of food   right now there's a whole nest full  of babies waiting for her [Music] milk meanwhile in puddles  and ponds the tadpoles have [Music] hatched when the weather is warm   this happens within a few days in  cooler years it can take up to 4 weeks their development also  depends very much on the spring [Music] weather after a few  weeks the first rudimentary limbs appear starting with the back legs swellings  indicate where the front legs will [Music] be their gills have receded  and the only reminder of its   tadpole existence is the rudder likee [Music] tail the metamorphosis is nearly over some 2 and 1/2 months after  spawning the transformation is complete the grass frog leaves the water behind  it and begins its Second Life as a princely frog around the pond things are  getting a little hectic again little ducklings coot chicks all of  them are clamoring to have their bellies filled the only solution is teamwork as these  coot parents know whether on the water or in the nest this strenuous parental time takes  between 4 to 6 weeks the chicks can   already swim shortly after they hatch  [Music] they return to their nest for   a [Music] rest in the muen family only one  chick has survived it also gets fed by both parents and it actually  seems to be full at [Music] last [Music] May bugs aren't called that for nothing  the merry month of May is High season for   these [Music] insects every couple of years  they appear in their thousands and strip the   trees bear of [Music] leaves as insects they only  live between 4 and 6 weeks in this short time they   operate as eating machines calmly but inexorably  they Munch their way through every leaf in sight but the most important thing is reproduction [Music] they have quite peculiar mating rituals  that can often end in a [Music] crash   May bugs can't fly very well  and they're not good climbers either and beware the mowing machines the few of them that do survive are easy prey for Birds it's often starlings  who fly in to mop up after the Harvest in May they're busy raising their young  they have to ensure a steady food supply for   about 20 days so a plentiful supply of mayb bugs  helps their offspring grow especially [Music] quickly even the little  nut hatch catches these big creatures as tidy housekeepers they dispose of the waste   outside the [Music] nursery thrushes  are also plagued by their insatiable youngsters and so are the tits in their nesting box spring is an exhausting and highly active time young foxes also need plenty of sustenance at 2 months they still  depend on their parents to take care of them mod Meadows offer the best hunting opportunities an adult row  deer has nothing to worry about but mice do the fox is especially keen on water vs a nice big meal for the hungry youngsters only when the fox has caught several mice  does it take them back to the family in their Lair A Feast for the little ones soon they will be hunting themselves a meal doesn't last long and so the   parents soon have to set out  again on the hunt for more mice the first row deer kids are born  miday their mother seeks shelter in the   long grass a fox could pose a danger to  the little one the mother do is not at   all happy that the Predator is so close  she sounds a warning the fox pays her no attention he should do though  as the road deer is not entirely defenseless and an enraged mother  can certainly turn the [Music] tables once the positions are  clarified they each continue on their way at 4 weeks the kid no longer hides alone   in the long grass from now on it  follows its mother wherever she [Music] goes the mother squirrel is under Nursery stress  she has to carry carry the responsibility for The   Little Rascals All Alone 5 weeks after birth the  youngsters can hardly be kept under control any longer and the nursery is getting crowded the little ones insist on going  outside they're ready for life in the [Music] Treetops all the activity makes them  hungry and tired [Music] every couple of   hours the young squirrels need [Music] food at  last with full bellies they can all rest for a [Music] while as May comes  to an end so does [Music] spring the stressful Offspring  raising time is [Music] over most trees have finished flowering the sun climb times ever higher in the sky and now it's summer that's in the [Music] air [Music]
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Keywords: Free High-Quality Documentaries, HD, Full HD, Quality
Id: XNcUMe5t0eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 11sec (3131 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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