REVIEW: Steam Gauge Overhaul: Analog Bonanza | One of THE BEST General Aviation Addons thus far!

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hello everyone and welcome to the channel I'm Emmanuel I'm an airline pilot and in this video let's check out the latest in what is possibly the most sophisticated and most complete study level simulations of any general aviation aircraft in Microsoft flight simulator I am of course talking about the brand new black Square simulations steam gauge overhaul analog Bonanza and the entire steam gauge overhaul series for those of you who are not familiar is basically an overall of some default Microsoft flight simulator aircraft like the Caravan the king air and now the Bonanza but basically redoing the entire aircraft system wise and the only thing that's left from the original is the outside model so key features of the black Square steam gauge analog aircraft includes swappable radius Stacks complete system simulations including circuit breakers they include stuff like for example old school style on of computers while at the same time having the possibility to fit in the gtn 750 or of course the gnf 530 and 430 simulations so very very complex aircraft here and indeed I would say probably among the closest to study level simulations that we have all right let's hop into the cockpits and have a look at our aircraft this is our Bonanza those of you who flown the default A36 Bonanza will probably be aware that this somewhat looks familiar however believe me inside it is something completely different so let's get into it today's plan is to show you the airplane in a couple of traffic patterns then we'll take it and root go flying and we'll see how it navigates along the Route so the first thing we need to decide on is of course which radios do we want in our aircraft because we have a couple different options here currently I fitted the gtn750 but we can also use the gns 530 or we can just carry no GPS at all and use some default avionics over here but for us today let's take the gtn 750 also we can swap the um com 2 unit over here so we can for example install a gnf 430 down here but I'm going to go with this setup as well fitted it into the airplane right now build some features in this one but the one that I'm appreciating the most is the correctly simulated turbocharger simulation and in single engine piston aircraft in Microsoft flight simulator this is probably a first that we got correctly working turbocharger now to be entirely correct this is not a turbocharged but a turbo normalized airplane which means that the turbocharger is basically not capable of providing more than sea level pressure however it does that all the way up to approximately 20 000 feet depending on which source you look up the actual value is of course dependent on outside conditions but we'll have a look into that in the flight so couple of basic data then about our airplane this is the um turbocharged version of the Bonanza which has a maximum choosing speed of 216 knots through AirSpeed a normal cruising speed of 194 and an economy speed of 151 so that's quite some power that we have under the hood maximum range is almost 900 nautical miles and with tip tanks fitted as we have it on this particular airplane the maximum range is even almost a thousand and three hundred nautical miles which is several hours of flying the service ceiling 25 000 feet which means you can climb above most of the weather all right starting this up is actually quite complex because it features several different startup problems that you can encounter when you're starting up an airplane like this so we are going to be using at least as a reference the standard in Sim checklist and the reason I want to show you this is not only because it has all the features that the normal instant checklist has but because there are several different checklists available for example starting a cold engine starting hot engine starting a flooded engine even some emergency checklists like engine fire on the ground and so on if we go all the way down we can see that there is a lot of interesting checklists in here like severe icing encounter and so on or carbon monoxide detected now the the interesting thing here is the plane actually has a working carbon monoxide detector fitted to this airplane so loads of features and we're going to explore most of them in the flight but for now let's take it easy and let's go with the before starting engines checklist to get going so pre-flight inspection is complete the seat belts secured cabin door latched parking brake you can find that one down here is a set emergency gear handle still you can find that one down here and um going on avionic Breakers all in that's the circuit breaker set we have down here and as you can see there all operable and then we can also check our secondary or rather our main circuit breakers which we have over here and they are also let's go down here all fitted an easy way to see if a circuit breaker's popped is they have this color marking down at the bottom so if you go down to your eye level of the circuit breaker then you can easily see it down there so the flaps are up checking the oxygen pressure that should be between 1 550 and 10850 PSI now this is actually a little bit lower because I used my oxygen on an earlier flight and the airplane remembers this you can refill that using the um options on the weather radar display but I'll show you that in a few moments so avionics are off the throttles are closed mixture full rich and props full forward calf labs open I learned from Senate alternate air off firewall valve all in Cabin Heats off and yes the zapline actually does simulate cabin temperatures and you have of course a cabin temperature gauge over here but you also have this little cabin temperature light showing you if your cabin is too cold or too hot so you actually need to manage this life and there are several ways to do so we have the air conditioning system and the blowers up here then we have cabin heaters down here and all of these work in a really well simulated way but we'll talk about that in a few moments so the main panel switches are basically all of magnetos of landing gear down and the trim is in neutral okay so let's go ahead and start the airplane up Beacon Light on battery master switch on so we check bus volts 23 minimum this is at 25 at the moment then annunciators cast it and they're all working okay primary altimeter on standby alternator on main fuel tank quantities and down here we're currently at 50 that shall be good enough for us so now we are going to check the fuel pumps and these damper gyro so listen very carefully that they're operating while checking this Tempo gyro make sure the instrument error is actually Rising which does so with that we've basically completed our before start procedures so let's go ahead and start the engine we currently have a cold engine and we can basically see that by looking at these linear temperatures which are below the 50s they're between 150 you want to use the hot checklist and you will see that they are actually quite different and if you don't start your engine up correctly the engine is not going to start all right so our engine is cold so let's go mixture of full Rich props full forward throttle full open then aux fuel pump high for two to three seconds observe the fuel flow now we've got two to three seconds complete aux pump off throttle open about half an inch and then let's go ahead and start that engine up so clear prop and here we go so adjust the throttle to get approximately between a thousand and a thousand two hundred RPMs which we do right now and then let's go ahead with the next checklist which is going to be the afterstart checklist throttle thousand two thousand two hundred then the oil pressure is checked down here we don't have any warnings showing alternator load is below 25 amps that actually is and bath voltage 28 we can see that down here that's roughly in the region yeah engine instruments checked make sure we are getting oil temperature slowly all pressure is there that's the most important after you started the engine these cylinder temperature is slowly going to rise and the rest of it looks good throttle between the thousand two thousand 200 RPMs looks good as well oh I told you earlier that we should quickly have a look into the um weather radar so let's go ahead and start up the avionics and the reason I'm saying the weather radar is because we're actually mostly want to look into the different options that we have available in here now just before I do that something very important we need to do up here is to lean the engine on the ground otherwise you will get spark plug fouling and if we actually turn this one on to the options and wait for the self test to complete thereafter we are going to see that the engine does actually wear out over time if you mistreated and I flew my plane now for about two and a half hours and I've got it down to 85 percent so well I should probably check that engine however what I want to show you over here is I told you earlier on a previous flight we used up some of the oxygen that we had so it's down to 2500 PSI right now so if we want to refill this we can simply do it down here and I can see I've pressed the refill button now it's back to 1850 PSI so like that we can go above level 100 again and have oxygen available all right so up here we have a lot of different menus like we can set the global failure rate this airplane features over 80 major failures that are simulated so there is a lot that you can play around with over here especially when you are starting to become a general aviation pilot then this airplane offers you a lot of different possibilities for your studies all right nonetheless for this particular video I'll just keep the random failures enabled as I always have and just to show you in here we'd have many different options available however we don't plan to use any of those today so let's flick the weather radar back to standby also quick setup of the gtn 750 as always I'm using the unit that is based on the Garmin trainer over here so the TDS simulation that provides the most complete simulation of the gtn 750 that we can't possibly think of okay consumer license yep that is what I have and we can keep the transponder in on Squad code we are flying in Germany is 7 000 for VFR and that is basically the setup note over here cabin temperature currently 34 Fahrenheit or one degree Centigrade which is pretty much the outside temperature and that's quite cold so you're normally not supposed to do it on the ground but I'll just put the cabinet on to start warming this thing up a little bit all right we have pretty much prepared our airplane for taxi so let's go ahead and um first of all have a look at the wind sock which we can see over here so we've got to turn over to the right this is we're currently at the Regensburg airport and this is a pretty simplistic airport so um not a lot of tax weights or runways or whatever so break us off we need to go uphill here a little bit so let's just bring in a little bit of um extra power normally the plane rolls quite well without the need to go more more than 1 200 RPMs but since we have to go uphill here a little bit we needed a bit more power there also I like to put my viewpoint up a little bit into a Viewpoint that I've always used while I've been flying general aviation aircraft so I always like the rather High seating position in them so let's go ahead and use that for today's flight as well as you can see now that we're no longer going uphill if I put my engine to about 1000 RPM down here the plane is actually accelerating a tiny bit while we're rolling making things quite easy to handle here the ground behavior of the taxi behavior of the plane has changed totally compared to the default Bonanza so especially due to the new engine model the thing just feels realistic while you taxi it all right let's line the plane up on the runway over here come on I've just taken it all the way to the edge over here but here we go alright not the best lineup I've ever done but we're getting there and that's it Okay cool so let's set the parking brake and do the run up doing the run-up is really important here because as a showed you earlier the um engine does wear out over the time so you need to do um inspections and repair it as applicable especially when you mistreat the plane but for now we've got to do those run UPS if we don't want to check the menu all the time in order to find out if everything is working correctly so starting the run-up procedure and I'll actually start it by setting up all my instruments we're located at Regensburg Airport so that Echo dot on November Romeo and the elevation is 1298 so let's turn that ultimate down and the same on the standby set of altimeters the plane is fully IFI equipped so we've got a full set of Stamper instruments in here so initially Rumba heading is going to be two eight zero let's quickly set that up as well all selected 280 as well and um then we can start our run-up procedures now again we've got a very good checklist for that so let's start right here parking brake set enunciators test and considered once more there is non-illuminated at the moment that's good remote Compass saved and aligned that's set over here and we are showing the correct Runway heading of 280. so then let's go ahead and start our run up put the mixture into rich throttles up to 2700 RPMs and you will notice as I increase my thrust which you can directly see on the manifold pressure how the RPM lacks behind a little bit and that is actually quite a nice thing there the entire engine handling feels very close to the turbocharged engine that I have flown in the um Seneca in my IFR and multi-engine training okay we've got 7900 RPM so we're gonna cycle the props now and at 1400 I'm going to um increase the props again so number one and we're gonna do that thing three time on the next one we want to see the manifold pressure here we go and you can see that slight increase in the manifold pressure there and finally we're gonna check for the oil pressure which is going to see a small surge there as well so let's do that once more and watch the oil pressure dropping over there okay cool we wait for the entire thing to run back up to 1700 RPMs and now we can check the magnetos which should have a thousand sorry 150 RPM drop maximum so into the right observe that RPMs they dropped about a hundred back to both they come back up to the left Fallen back down and then back to both so instrument air down here is showing in green so let's now go ahead and check the alternators you can see we've got a bit of an alternator load showing up here so turn the primary off and that one goes to zero now we're going to switch the load meter to secondary and you can see the secondary is actually very highly loaded and therefore you can also see the standby alternator light Illuminating up there so let's go ahead and switch this standby off as well goes down to zero and now we can put the load meter back on primary and turn the two alternators back on going on from there we can see we are roughly at uh just below 25 so let's turn on the propeller the eyes and observe the the current and the um huge load that this poses on the alternators so that's working correctly and then we can turn the property back off throttles back down to a thousand two hundred RPMs now here's something that I just want to show you to show you how sophisticated this engine simulation is and if I open that window now first of all you can hear the sounds of the turbocharger running in the background there and that is not just a pre-recorded sound that just always runs but this is actually a very um sophisticated simulation in that the sound is mixed live on the fly as the engine RPMs change but the reason I opened the window is I wanted to show you a little rookie mistake that will have consequences in this plane and that is if during the Magneto track I don't just put it to right but it's accidentally to off and then right back on again you will hear the engine backfire well at least you're supposed to of course show effect I can't recreate it right now but the developer has shown pretty nicely how that um Works in his video so let's just see if I can do that one more time no okay I can't recreate it right now that is unfortunate but um well even better if I can't uh fail my engine is it [Music] well if I can't fail my engine it sounds wrong but I could okay anyway back to um standard taxi RPMs Link in the mixture once more you don't have to at this point anymore but um since we are about to do a couple more exercises over here to check that our airplane is fit to fly I just want them to be um lean talented or not to damage the engine so electric trim test we can see our trim indicator down here and that is working as you can see then next up we're going to test the autopilot and for that we put the heading back somewhere off to the left here 30 degrees off then put the autopilot on in heading mode engage watch the flight director turn and watch the autopilot turn the control column gonna do the same into the other direction here and you can see how the autopilot once again reacts correctly to this next up the disengages first switch disengages autopilot second one kills the flight director and then we are just going to turn it on once more and this time we'll override it manually with the joystick to check that we can actually disconnect the autopilot as you can see over here by overpowering it that's just a safety test to make sure that we can actually kill the autopilot in any situation where we might want to okay flaps let's get them down get them back up again all right and we are going to do a takeoff with the flaps on the first position here so um finally check the instruments help me to read correctly heading back we can synchronize it once more with the runway heading and um lights are set and finally we can release the brakes and then start our takeoff run Okay so that's pretty much everything sad and um our routing initially will fly out to the south towards the river door now and then we're going to follow that on southbound but I'm going to show you the um flight plan as we are in flight and it's just gotten a little hot there in the cockpit so um I'm actually gonna switch that we're actually gonna switch that heat off again pattern altitude is 2300 will climb straight away to uh five and a half thousand because this airplane got a huge climb performance and you'll see that in a moment so that's everything on then Park and break is off mixture going full rich and now watch as I'm increasing power how it would be quite easy with a Turbocharger to over boost the engine so I'm actually increasing power quite slowly there just about to the red line but not about that 71 knots rotate okay tap the brakes Gear Up and we're flying best way to climb somewhere around 96 knots so I'm just about to hold that and we have 400 feet above the field elevation flaps up and fuel pump off okay we are well clear the pattern altitude at 2 300 so let's turn southbound make sure we don't overfly any of the um and you're the farmlands down here or any other Farmers houses much rather they're typically not that happy about it all right we can see the river door now over there already so I'm just about flying around that Village over here and then we'll make our way southbound along the door now the Bonanza is not certified for flight into known icing conditions however there are a couple of very nice features that I want to show you relating to icing so I'm just about going to keep our course over here and I'll fly us right into that cloud this is of course something that you would definitely not do in real life also something to be aware of this is a turbocharged engine or a turbo normalized one so we are just about going to keep the power set at maximum for the entirety of a climb look at that huge rate of climb there oh transition altitude said standards passing five eight climbing well quite a bit higher for now just about want to demonstrate those icing Effects by taking the plane into the clouds and watch that superb raid of climbing off it sustains 2 000 feet a minute we're currently at 50 loads and we've got two people sitting in the plane so it's a medium-ish payload and the rate of time is just superb so we are getting into the icing conditions now let's turn the propeller the ice on and watch how the Windows over here are slowly freezing up I'm going to stop the climb over here because we don't actually want to pick up some ice but let's go ahead and turn the defroster on and when we put the defroster fully on then um we will see that the windows are soon going to clear up once again Right Flight level seven five and we can see the door now roughly through the iced up windows down there let's go ahead and exit the icing conditions again and once we're out of the icing conditions the ice is going to be melted away by the uh defroster okay in the meantime this video is not going to be too much about the gtn 750 however since it is the primary suit of avionics that we have with this airplane Lots um quickly go ahead here and enter a little shortcut so our flight today is going to lead us towards um the southeast to Degen door and I'm going to show you that little flight plan right here right now provided I can find my navigraft chart window here it is so that's a routing that we're about to fly track 116 37 nautical miles and we can see that we've got a superbly fast airplane so um that's going to be quite a quick flight there I'm going to navigate southbound towards the door now and then we'll follow that along the river all the way to our destination a destination Echo Delta mic whiskey so let's quickly go ahead and insert that one into the GPS direct to Waypoint Echo delt are my whiskey and take control enter activate and the routing is pretty much straight ahead now here's something interesting for those of you who are not so familiar with the um way how these GPS's work basically the um scale on our HSI now shows us the off track situation but the GPS is not actually able to select the calls for us so we still have to do this manually also note the cabin temperature has fallen to nine degrees already so let's put on the cabin heat once again and with a cabin Heat and the defroster on it takes a little while for the windows to clear up but you can see how it's happening just now all right so we're on the way we've pretty much flown the airplane entirely um manually so far let's go ahead and select a cruise power the Bonanza has a fast airplane so select manifold pressure here of 25 inches and then the RPM I've reduced to 25 inches just about now as well so let's take a little moment to discover the features of the autopilot in this airplane matching that route once more okay let's start easy or take nap mode we take altitude hold and we've got the flat director available to guide us so far so easy let's put the autopilot on and now the autopilot takes over however in Germany if we want to um Fly via above 5000 feet we need to follow the semicircular rules so we've got to climb five and a half thousand there are a couple of different ways to do this we can either use vertical speed mode which we find up here if we pull this out we can select our Target vertical speed for example of a thousand feet a minute now that is a very easy way to do this another way we can disengage the autotube mode and then use the up and down buttons up here to select our Target pitch and that way once you make sure that you have actually deselected object mode pressing the up button we can simply set our Target pitch and like that the airplane is going to intercept the um Target altitude by the time we get there pretty much like what we're used to let's go vertical speed once more give me a thousand feet a minute to get me out to that altitude and once we're up at altitude we want to discover another feature of this airplane which is probably the favorite feature of the developer according to his feature preview video and that is the um engine monitor that we have in here so this airplane comes with a neat little gauge that you are going to find down here which is the um engine monitor and I'm going to show you a couple of the um interesting features that this one has available right now so we'll start very easy the um JPI EDM 800 engine monitor can show us a lot of useful information but let's first of all understand the indications we've got the horsepower setting of the engine up here and that is the setting that we currently get then down here we have several different informations that we can step through and up here we can select a couple different modes like EGT then we've got all and then we've got fuel flow so that's the different stuff that you can bring up on this system in the middle we have the um cylinder at temperature of the different six cylinders in our engine so for now let's go ahead and do the following first of all get rid of that defroster and put the cabin air to Something in the middle because it's 27 degrees in the cabin already and now let's go ahead and do the following we're going to um start leaning our airplane and this thing gets us great guidance when leaning the plane just notice the performance parameters right now without any leaning and do note that since it is a turbo normalized airplane you don't actually need to lean until you pass the critical altitude which is somewhere around 20 000 feet below that you can keep the mixture in full Rich at all times but let's start leaning in order to save a bit of money we can see up here we're using almost 18 gallons per hour right now and if we now go ahead and click the lean fine button on um lean R means to lean to the richest point of view I'm going to reduce my um mixture setting right now and we're going to watch the cylinder heads temperatures rise over there eventually when we pass the P we get this which is the leanest information so now we've reached the leanest point in the mixture however we want to find the um richest possible one so now we are going to increase the mixture again and watch the horsepowers here in the um top of the indicator so I'm going to increase this now and you can watch the lower left number the 50 currently decrease now and once that is in the region somewhere around -50 or so that means we're leaning to a colder temperature we will have the maximum horsepower of course you get the most accurate number by just watching the horsepower readout up there and I'm increasing the um mixture right now and we can see now it's dropping again so somewhere around 230 horsepower at the Karens setup so at the current um thrust and prop settings is about the best we're going to get out of this so now let's go ahead and find the most economic true setting so we press that we go to lean find again and then in the real one you'd have to hold both buttons at the same time in the virtual one there's a click spot right there in the middle now we're on the leanest so let's go ahead and start pulling our mixture out again until eventually the computer is going to tell us that we've reached here we go I've got the richest setting up here and now watch our fuel flow we've significantly reduced the fuel flow compared to the previous and if you keep in mind the price of a gallon of fuel at the moment that's a really useful tool there all right apart from that going down to fuel flow we've got a bit of stuff here like currently let's go at um that's the remaining and what we are looking for is this currently we're using 12 currently we can fly 12.8 nautical miles per gallon of fuel also it tells us our remaining endurance which is 3 hours and 27 minutes and um like that we can basically cycle ourselves through here so that's quite a bit of interesting stuff there that makes you able to manage your engine in the most economic way so going up to the EGT setting there's basically one setting that's interesting for us and that is this one over here and once we're about to start our descent you will see the temperatures dropping and you should not let this drop below -70 otherwise you need to um start playing with the Cal Flaps in order to control the engine temperatures and that is in order to avoid damaging your engines okay great nautical miles from our destination airport so we could either start for the center right now or we go ahead and play with the airplane a little bit more so let me just about turn all the de-icing on that we have available up here and looking at the clouds oh there seems to be a little hole in the clouds there so let's go ahead and fly this thing manually a bit more so I'm about to resume The Climb so first of all mixture it props full forward and then increase the manifold pressure right back up to the lid to the Limit let's go ahead and find a little hole in the clouds so that we can actually see the High Altitude performance of the Bonanza and now is where the turbocharger really shines I'm about to um pull the plane back down to 96 knots which is the speed for the best rated climb sorry for the best angle of climb over here and you will see that we don't need to lean anything anymore until we reach about 20 000 feet of altitude now for the purpose of this video let's not go all the way to 20 000 because that will just be a very long climb that I'm sure many of you would not be that interested in but what we are going to do for the purpose after this video is we're just about to climb up to something like 15 000 or so to show you the general principle of how the turbocharger works also as we're approaching 10 000 feet let's flick on our oxygen and if you listen very very carefully you can actually hear the sound of the oxygen flowing in the background it's a very very quiet whistling sound but it is Audible and that is something that I really appreciate about this airplane all right we've climbed 3000 feet and you can see the manifold pressure still totally unchanged the turbocharger is performing really well here and keeping our engine at the Target settings while at the same time we are getting our airplane up to a higher altitude really nice climb performance there as you can see something in the region 2000 feet sustained without losing a lot of AirSpeed there so that's a really good thing something we just about have to do to change our fuel tanks we've used quite a bit from the left tank so let's start changing this to the right tank fuel pump on chained it over down here and then we can switch the fuel pump off again and now we're operating on the right hand tank all right we're above ten thousand our engine power is still working as normal and as designed it is worth mentioning by the way that there are several variants of the Bonanza that come with this at arm so we are flying the turbo normalized version right now but there are also versions without a Turbocharger that operates like the normal piston engine that you are used to all right so as you can see still 2 000 feet a minute sustained rate of climb there which is something that I really appreciate now once we've leveled off add 15 000 feet I'm going to show you a little trick there how to determine the true AirSpeed that you're actually flying keep in mind for navigational purposes what you're interested in is not the indicated airspeed of the plane which as altitude increases is going to get more and more less accurate more and more as accurate that sounds interesting well it's going to get um less accurate because the true AirSpeed increases which is the one that we are really interested in while we are maintaining a constant indicated airspeed so we've got a thousand to go and the interesting thing is that in most of the airspeed indicators we see in general aviation aircraft within the flight simulator one can actually quite easily dial in the true air speeds but a lot of Platformers actually don't really seem to know about this so I'm going to show you how we can do this in a moment so let's level off at 15 000 up here might as well dial that in his Target altitude even though that's just a reminder here we go fifteen thousand all right let's level up over here let's use an economy Cruise power setting up here so something that is really just for you know flying around without covering a lot of distance so I'm just going to use some 20 inches of manifold pressure and 2000 RPMs that works really nice close to the ground I haven't actually tried it up that high yet but I would expect something in the region of around 120 knots of AirSpeed over here and that of course is just to conserve a little bit of fuel as I told you earlier the plane is able to fly a lot faster than that so we are about leveling up something that I might as well do at this point is to trim the ailer on because Elaine does have a little bit of a tendency there to um start rolling I'm sure you've seen me correcting that pretty much all the time in this video so far but that was just because I was too lazy to actually trim the air on okay this looks quite good now we're trimmed out 15 000 feet we've got our nice economy Cruise power set there let's quickly go ahead and lean that airplane once more oh we'll start on the rich side for maximum power a reducing mixture as we speak so we found the leaners so let's increase that again to the maximum horsepower setting which we have just about found okay then we're gonna do that once again this time to find the most economic truth power setting so Lean l I can reduce this and as you can see at some point here it Seth riches and now we're using something in the region of roughly nine gallons per hour of fuel which is quite a bit less than what we've previously been using isn't it so as you can see let's cycle itself through that stuff over here and I actually want to see the fuel values so now we can fly 22.4 miles per gallon of fuel and with that we have an endurance of 5 hours 42 right now with with basically the tanks just below half and halfway filled tip tanks talking about the tip tanks by the way let's go ahead and start transferring fuel from the tip tanks into the main tanks so we're gonna flick this on we observe the green lights now the plane is basically transferring fuel from the tip tanks that we have up here into the main tanks which is from where the engine is able to actually use that fuel okay so I've been talking quite a bit about some other systems again because this is just such a complex airplane and um there is just so much to actually talk about but let's go ahead and figure out how fast are we actually flying in terms of true air speed and in order to figure that out first of all we need the outside air temperature which is currently -20 degrees Centigrade and then if we look at these scales up here on the speed indicator we can up here basically see the temperature below that is the altitude so now let's rotate that until we see 15 000 on the -10 mark on the minus 20 marker which is what we have over here and as you can see 140 knots indicated would now equal 180 not true air speed so if we take that down a bit even with the economy power truth setting that we have right now we are doing roughly 160 knots throughout speed so let's try and accelerate the plane and see how fast we can actually get at a decent Cruise power setting so as always when increasing power mixture prop and we're going to go to um 2500 RPMs here notice how I need to correct the fly path of pleinier as it reacts to the aerodynamic changes of um increasing engine power and here we go so let's see how fast we can actually get this route in the meantime let me do 180 degree turn Target heading 300 so that we slowly can get close towards our destination airport once again plane started climbing a little bit let's correct for that get back down to 15 000. all right and by now we've reached 190 knots true air speed that's quite an incredible speed for a single engine aircraft isn't it and we can even add four more inches and manifold up there so right now the power is 25.25 again let's see what we can achieve with that and in the meantime roll Wings level and retain that altitude here so yeah here we go 195 knots throughout speed that's about what we can get from this plane that's quite nice isn't it in the meantime you see me constantly fiddling with the um cabin heaters down here and um obviously in real life it would be quite a bit easier to control cabin temperature because you can feel everything in the Sim we have the um two little lights up here which constantly remind you of the temperatures either cold or if the temperature is High um but of course you know that's still a tiny bit um more difficult than if we were just about to feel everything like we would have realized okay there is one thing worth mentioning over here as I'm constantly playing with the cabin heaters and that is that in real piston driven aircraft there is quite a good chance that parts of the heating system are going to rupture and the cabin might be filled with carbon monoxide which as everybody of us knows is highly poisonous that's the reason why pretty much any airplane that has a cabin heating installed of this category got a carbon monoxide detector and we've actually got one down here which is fully simulated so first of all the um ruptures in the heating system are simulated and can happen and secondly if that happens we've actually got to work in carbon monoxide detector which is going to alert us of that problem if that happens well we've got the checklist over here so let's have a quick look into what we would actually do then so carbon monoxide detected firewall valve Clues which is the one that we have down here the red one then cabin air and heat close which is fully pushed in CO detector reset and if the alarm Pursuit throttle closed mixture cut off propeller low RPM magnetos off window open cabin air full open and turn off any non-essential equipment so basically what this checklist achieves there the steps that I just read out is shut down the engine shut down any electrical device that drains your battery unnecessarily and then you're going to Glide your airplane back to the ground that's just how dangerous it is all right so we've had a pretty nice time finding our way through the hole in the cloud on the way up but of course as always once you're above the clouds those little holes as we see them down here vanish and uh now we're basically talk about mostly closed cloud cover but the plane is fully IFR equipped so we could easily descend back through the clouds in under IFR flight rules in order to get back down to our destination legally at the moment there is no ATC online in bats and where I'm currently flying so we'll just about have to assume that our traffic control is helping us here however keep in mind the airplane is not certified for a flight into known icing conditions so you can only do this when the um weather is good enough that icing is not to be expected in our case unfortunately we are expecting icing today so let's go ahead and find a little hole in the clouds here where we can pop through in order to get back down and we can see something right down here which is probably a little bit close though I'm just about reducing my power a little bit again in order not to um gain too much AirSpeed on the way down this looks like a big hole over there doesn't it of course it would not be illegal to go through there as we are not able to maintain the distance from the clouds that we need but um you know how general aviation Works do you of course I would never do this in real life Justin sir small disclaimer there something to be aware of as we're descending the plane you can easily get some two or three thousand feet a minute there if you bring the engine back down to idle and maintain your high air speed however keep in mind the cabin is not pressurized so that's the reason why we are using oxygen down here and since the cabin is not pressurized you generally don't want to descend it much more than a thousand feet a minute otherwise it is going to become quite heavy on your ears so we can see the ground down there so let's go ahead and use that little hole to pop through the clouds as we are descending let's keep a good eye on our EDM 800s to monitor the engine temperatures we can see this is currently at -29 which is still fine but if this were to go anywhere in the region of about minus 70 then we would consider closing our cow flaps all right so I hope that nobody flying with us today has got a cold because I'm about to dive This Plane down here in order to demonstrate the um cabin temperature oh sorry the engine temperatures there let's bring that engine to idle we'll get the gear warning sounding which makes perfect sense so let's give a tiny bit more power and here we go all right so we did find the little hole and we're going down right now all right so let's start prepare for our arrival real quick here we're going to apply a couple more traffic patterns so that you guys can see how it is to a flying landfills airplane in fact for me there's still a bit of training as well because um you saw it on the Hops meter there I did about two hours two and a half hours in the plane with some 10 traffic patterns after getting this so um it's not all that much but let's have a little look into our destination there going to deckendorf we have pattern altitude of 2 000 feet so let's dial the altitude Target down towards 2000s then um probably going to be a Runway two seven there is no weather station down there so we don't actually know what the exact winds are going to be like but um what we do know is that first of all I'm about to fly into the clouds let's not do that let's um fly around those we are still VFR at this moment so we've got drama27 right hand pattern just about the um Donal River and then we are going to start our base turn just after passing that Highway up here okay that looks like something we can definitely do we want to slow the plane down and before we reach the pattern and then we are about picking up a bit more ice let's put the defroster on cabin here to full on 20 degrees right now in the cabin so the eyes should clear pretty quickly once we are out of the clouds and as we can see that actually has happened already a little disclaimer here don't do the descents like I just did them this was this you would have felt this on your ears you would really have felt it and it would probably have hurt as well rate of distance like 2 000 feet a minute uh something you definitely want to avoid basically what we say in commercial Aviation if you fly depressurized you don't want to do more than a thousand feet a minute preferably you want to stay in the region of 500 feet a minute in order to keep things nice on your passenger's ears all right so we're below the clouds five and a half thousand let's put some power back on and get our plane towards our [Music] um destination in our fields at the same time ultimators they were in the region of one zero one zero in this region today so let's go ahead and set that and with that we've got a couple Hills to clear the front so I'm staying at uh five and a half thousand at the moment actually I will descend to four and a half thousands because we even bfr we still want to fly the um we still want to fly our Target altitudes so just like in um IFR Aviation when you're going westbound you want to fly even levels when you're going eastbound you want to fly up levels and um flying via valve we simply add 500 feet to those levels normally used for IFR operations in other words we are targeting four and a half thousands feet of altitude at the moment well visual with the terrain so we can do that vfl without any problems 10 miles to run let's do a little bit of mathematics here the pattern altitude is 2 000 feet so we need to lose two thousand and five hundred feet thousand feet is around about one nautical mile so overall we end up sorry 1000 feet is about three nautical miles of course so we end up needing something in the region of eight nautical miles and nine miles from the destination right now so let's keep descending here at about a thousand feet a minute a ground speed should be somewhere in the region of around 200 knobs as we can see we're doing 180 indicate indicator temperature is minus five at the moment and four thousand feet so let's dial that in four thousand minus five we're doing 180 knots true ass beat here Kevin's getting high uh hot again so let's put that back to the middle position we don't need the defroster anymore all right so let's talk about approach and Landing the most important thing over here is to keep the airspeed under control your airplane got a lot of power so um by the time we enter the traffic pattern we basically want to be at pattern altitude of course but we want to speed somewhere in the region of around 120 knots and in order to get it there let's already start reducing our power take 1500 sorry 15 inches and we'll reduce the RPMs to about 2 000 that should provide for a nice noise abatement approach over here as we're about to fly along some inhabited areas so that we don't disturb all the lovely people down there on the ground apart from that we've got two flap settings available we want to use the second one on this and since we are below 10 000 now let's turn the oxygen off as well watch how this has dropped quite a bit since we spent some time come on well good to see that the tors is working the terrain awareness system 3.7 miles to run the runway is a two seven so let's go ahead and um Apple's probably going to be just about here we are about to enter the traffic pattern in the base lag and if we have a very quick look at the chart once more we can see that we've got this little island over there and just prior to the island we are going to start our base turn two thousand feet is good speed is coming down nicely lights are on fuel pump on and we don't need the prop the eyes anymore alright so let's start with base turn I actually don't see our airport yet but um I'm sure we'll find it soon okay then flaps into the first Notch landing gear down now it all comes down to finding that airport and I think it's just about down here that little strip there we might be a little bit high right now plus full start the final turn 500. okay 80 knots seem to work quite well unfortunately there is nothing in the manual that would tell me the exact um power setting I need all the exact approach speed but based on experience 80 knots typically works pretty well in this plane lovely little texture error just in front of the runway there okay idle player come on and we're down okay this is going to be a touch and go be careful not to over boost the engine if I just firewall the throttles you can see how I get them above the red line there okay and we are flying again all that of raid hit the brakes Gear Up 96 knots is a good speed 500 2000 feet altitude once again got the right hand turn the pattern something in the region 2020 Works quite well if you ask me you can even go lower you can go all the way down to something like uh something like now 17 inches that keeps your plane nice and slow as you can see even right now in the pattern we're doing some 110 knots over there so that is quite fast especially if you imagine being in the pattern together with the Cessna 150 or so that's going to fly just 80 knots so that's something to um keep track of as you're flying the Bonanza as it really um means you need to keep your airplane under control okay so right hand downwind over here this one's gonna be to Full Stop Landing boom flaps approach landing gear down keep the pattern altitude and then once we are clear of the island on the ride over here we're going to start our base turn prior to overflying the Village Landing flaps and let's start the base turn beat 80 knots looks good start in The Descent by taking a bit of power off and then we've just about got to find that Airfield again oh I can't see the texture error over there already anyway that makes it easy to spot the plane oh sorry to spot the Airfield oh quite Gusty over here unrealistic so that can definitely uh up to you real life as well especially when you're flying along those um forests over here but it might be a good idea when that happens to just keep the speed a bit higher so let's take some 90 knots over here until we are on the short final and then we're going to start reducing our air speed again okay on Final let me get down flexible running track is complete okay thrust idle not the softest of my Landings but we're on the ground and that is what counts they don't have any tax away over here so you'll just about turn around on the wrong way and here we are welcome to deckendorf after landing Frost goes back to around 1 200 RPMs and we'll lean the um engine a bit already make sure not to get too quick and then we can take the first exit over here and tax it to the apron oh the windsock indicates us some easy 15 knots over there so no surprise that we've been um tossed around a little bit okay we'll just about stopped the plane here we can um toward all the rest so park brake is set let's go ahead and shut it down all the unnecessary lights can go off avionic master off flaps up okay flaps are up the avionics are off so mix drop s full forward firstly with idle and then we can turn the alternators off magnetos of battery off Beacon off and that's it welcome to deckendorf so I hope that you've enjoyed flying with me on this Brand's new Bonanza now I can absolutely recommend this plane it retails as a price of just under 31 Euros on the just flight store and for anybody who's interested in some high performance general aviation aircraft this is absolutely the plane to go to I can absolutely recommend it at this moment I really have nothing to complain about on the plane so I'm really looking forward to see what you guys have to say about this as well thank you very much for watching finally if you want to support the channel you can do so using the buy me cover Link in the video description below or by becoming a channel member which is going to Grant you exclusive Early Access tune new videos before they are released to anyone else for now thanks very much for watching and I'm really looking forward to welcoming you all again very soon
Channel: A330 Driver
Views: 24,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 27sec (4167 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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