From Default to "Study Level" | Black Square Analog Baron | Full Review | Microsoft Flight Simulator

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] everyone and welcome back to the channel in today's video we are going to be taking an early access look at the soon to be released black Square analog Baron the baron comes hot off the heels of the black Square Bonanza an aircraft of course that we looked at recently and which I very much enjoyed and I have to say I've really been enjoying black Square's output today they've been making some excellent upgrades for the default SIM aircraft of course including the Bonanza King Air next in line we have another member of the beachcraft family an aircraft that I've certainly been looking forward to I know many of you have as well and of course again that is the baron good news as well for any of you who have purchased the Bonanza from just flight and are Keen to pick up the baron as well as a result of your previous purchase you will be entitled to a 25 discount on the b58 anyway as I say the black square and log Baron should be releasing in just a few days time for those of you unfamiliar with the black Square steam gauge overhaul series the product aims to take the default aircraft within the Sim significantly overhaul them particularly with regards to the aircraft systems as well of course the gauges themselves there are also tweaks to the flight modeling as well as the aircraft sounds really the only aspect of the product that remains default is the external model of the aircraft today black squares lineup within the Sim has been very strong and I'm certainly looking forward to taking a look at Baron here in today's video once again this is going to be an early access look so there may be a few tweaks additions fixes before the final product release but as we saw with Bonanza the baron is already in a very fine State and I think you'll really get a good feel of what the product has to offer as we make our flight so in today's video we are going to be carrying out a little bit of Caribbean island hopping in the b-58 it's going to be a very short run we're currently here on the ground at same Barts we're going to be taking the aircraft back home towards Princess Juliana quite a short flight time then but as ever I'll try and demonstrate the aircraft to you as best I can this is very much going to be a preview flight a full flight so as usual we'll run things through from a conduct start right through to the shutdown I suspect most of you watching this will have a pretty good idea by now as to what the black Square products have to offer indeed even what the baron has to offer we'll try and have some fun with the aircraft along the way though hopefully you'll enjoy the flight as always if you do please consider giving the video a like and subscribing to the channel it's a lovely but rather hot and humid day here on the ground in Saint Barts so let's head for the beautiful but rather steamy cockpit off the baron so here we are then in the cockpit of the black Square analog Baron it's an aircraft that I've certainly been looking forward to I know that many of you have as well and as ever black Square have done a really nice job with the baron excellent level of detail in terms of the systems modeling really nice detailing as well here on the custom gauges of course we do have multiple avionics options available and those can be cycled through just using the switches down here on the right of the main instrument panel as I often like to do we're going to be using the Garmin g10xr unit here for the flight today and worth noting just to avoid any confusion here before we start the flight this particular unit is not included with the aircraft it's actually a separate piece of payware available from TDS anyway as we discussed during the introduction we're currently on the ground at St Barts we're going to be departing out of Runway one zero of course today we do have a nice headwind for that so running through the before start checks the seats are positioned and locked seat belts and shoulder harnesses are secure parking brake is set on avonics master is off and a gear handle is selected down Cow flaps are selected open fuel selectors both set on circuit breakers are checked in down on the right and same down on the left and as of a Wither being black square product the circuit breakers can be tripped there are random failures as well associated with the aircraft so it is worth following the checklist accurately and making sure all of your systems are configured here ahead of the flight AS we've just done that in mind then the battery master switch can go on the fuel quantities we've got about 40 US guns there in each main tank plenty of fuel to get us home towards Princess Juliana and once again just checking we do have the landing gear selected down and we now have an indication of three greens so the before start checks there may well be quite familiar to any of you that own the analog Bonanza of course the aircraft do share a lot in common both being beachcraft aircraft of course there with the baron we do have the extra engine a little bit more systems complexity as well but again the checklist will remain very familiar throughout anyway it's getting pretty hot in the cabin once again that is modeled we're up through 41 degrees now so definitely breaking a bit of a sweat we'll try and get the aircraft started up fairly quickly here we'll get the aircon on at least until we carry out the run up so for the start the mixture lever can go through to fully Rich we'll be starting the left-hand engine first props are set fully forward throttle can go through to fully open we'll Prime the engine to do that we'll just come up to low initially on the fuel boost pump checking the operation there through to high wait until we see a peak in fuel flow that can go back to off now we'll just open the throttles about half an inch here for the start as ever making sure the prop area is clear looks to be good we'll open up the DV window clear prop and bringing the left hand selector here through to the start position so we do have a good start there on the left the oil pressure has come up we'll come up on the throttle looking to maintain around 1200 RPM that's with the Bonanza and indeed the rest of the black Square lineup the engine modeling is pretty good it can take a while sometimes for the engine to catch so we got fairly lucky there on the left we'll try and achieve the same result on the right there's 1200 RPM we'll get the left alternator on and same procedure then for the right engine so mixture through two fully Rich throttle through to fully forward we'll find the engine and again setting that back to half an inch okay on the right and engaging the right starter and as you can see we didn't quite catch here on the right as I say the engine modeling is pretty decent so we'll just Prime again [Music] [Music] and this time do you have a good start there on the right once again the oil pressure has come up leaving those throttles idling around 1200 RPM for now we're waiting till we come up through 24 degrees Celsius on the oil temperature already up through 40 down the right coming up to about 60 there on the left getting pretty hot down in the back there 41 degrees so we'll just get the aircon on for now go through to high there on the blower just making sure we turn that off again before the departure so two good starts the right alternator is selected on checking the evolt meter there and the load meter everything looking good [Music] the off-start checks the air Onix Master can go on the exterior lights will get the taxi lights on in preparation for the taxi and just checking our way here through the flight instruments so altimeter q h is currently one zero zero seven here at same Barts not one zero zero seven there on the left and we'll set the same on the right [Music] that's giving us an Aerodrome elevation of around 40 feet which is correct just initialize here the g10xi we'll wait for that to complete the tors test any bug set on 100 degrees that's the runway heading of course Runway one zero System test okay toss test is complete we'll clear our message [Music] and showing three three zero there on the HSI three three zero on the compass [Music] so we'll set up a quick Rough and Ready Flight Plan back towards Princess Juliana it's tango November mic correction Charlie Mike [Music] in terms of the track outbound at 313 we'll set that on HSI [Music] so 313 and we'll just tune up as well the Princess Juliana VOR just as a backup so that's Papa Juliet Mike one three zero transferring that straight across and we do have Papa Julian Mike officially identified back to map for now we'll leave the GPS and the Arnav unit off same for the odf we'll set the transponder through to standby and weather radar as well can go through to standby although it's a very nice day obviously here today so not anticipating really needing the weather radar for the flight anyway one last Quick scan over the systems you can see there the cabin temperature is coming down now through 36 degrees they're becoming a little bit more comfortable just set up the auto part here as well we're going to be cruising over 4 000 feet again it's going to be a very quick hop back towards the airport only around 70 miles [Music] just pre-select here as well a climb rate of 1500 feet per minute [Music] and we are now ready for the taxi okay on the right and all clear on the left back off the power the power brake can come off so we're just going to taxi Straight Ahead here we'll swing ourselves around into wind for the run-up we'll get the run-up done on the taxiway and then we'll make a while towards the holding point you can see there's not going to be much behind us if we swing the aircraft around here [Music] [Music] so we'll just get the aircraft parked up in the area ahead of us as the Sable swing through 180 degrees [Music] both all temperatures now come up quite nicely to around 60 degrees [Music] onto the brakes zero five zero degrees and aircraft stationary pot row can go on again just bring the throttles up to around 1200 RPM we'll leave the air conditioning on for now just to get that cover temperature down we don't need it off until we carry out the takeoff the before takeoff checks the part break is set seat belts and shoulder harnesses are secure your Boost pumps can both stay off if we're above 32 degrees Celsius and we're pretty much bang on that at the moment we'll leave them off for the flight today light instruments once again scanning those [Music] making sure everything is reading correctly pill indications again we have 40 US gallons in each main tank mixtures are set through to fully rich the starter energized warning light is out interestingly that I would assume would ordinarily be in the afterstart checks anyway for the run-up we'll come up to 2200 RPM [Music] and again just having a quick scan of those temperatures and pressures everything looking good ahead of the run up [Music] aircraft is holding on the brakes [Music] and there's 2200 RPM cycling the props [Music] so Props are good back through to 1700 RPM for the mic check [Music] and again temperatures and pressures are good you can see there the cylinder head temperature is just creeping up [Music] so 1700 just to save a little bit of time here we'll run through a pretty brief mode check obviously we've got both of the engines here to check disabled [Music] so imagine two one zero no reported traffic windows zero six zero degrees 199 q and H three zero decimal zero nine information [Music] good and again just confirming they're both set to both Ruffles back to idle [Music] you can see there as we come back on the power of the alternator warning lights kicking in as the alternators drop off so again very nice detailing there in terms of the aircraft electrical system modeling just above 400 RPM and coming back up on the throttles again we'll just leave the engine idling around a thousand for now the takeoff will check the flaps firstly through to the approach position as approach indicated [Music] there's the landing position and again indicated there on the light and it's going to be a flaps up takeoff so bring the flaps back through to the up position and the flaps into getting up the flight controls check those [Music] they are from free elevator trim they go two units up here for the takeoff the base trim is set [Music] Rudder and aileron trim set neutral doors and windows [Music] are closed as always worth mentioning it is a black square product so the door's not modeled in terms of opening closing DV window closed up there as well and as we discussed we'll get the air conditioning system off here for the takeoff Kevin's down to around 31 degrees now so still pretty warm but nevertheless a bit more comfortable so the blur can come off AC can come off as well and we'll tax yourselves out towards the holding point zero one startup is approved it easy flight level 150 squawk one one three seven um [Music] okay so we now have ourselves lined up here on Runway one zero just running through the last of our four takeoff items Peter eats our selected on same there for the still warning heat got the landing lights on as well same for the strobes transponder set throughout the weather radar is set through to the on position heartbreak can come off and we're just going to hold the aircraft on the brakes here we've got a fairly short takeoff runoff Runway one zero no feeding in the throttles let's pull power RPMs are good temperatures and presses checked airspeed's alive there's 80 knots so easing back on the yoke [Music] and straight away here we're going to make a gentle climbing left hand to take ourselves away from the terrain we do have positive climbs on top of the brakes the gear can come up and as we discussed looking for that course of three one three of towards Princess Juliana aircraft just getting a few bumps off the Hills we'll pitch 120 knots we can start trimming for that a big swing there lots of power on the left let's get the wings leveled using a boot full of Rudder here as well to Center up that ball on the turn and slip indicator okay so the aircraft now more or less in balance pitching to make sure we keep above the Blue Line there 100 knots I'm running through our memory items mixtures up Pitch up power up gears up flaps up the dead leg is our dead engine at the moment my left leg here doing no work we've got right Rudder so identifying the left engine and confirming that there with the engine instruments so we'll feather the left engine bringing the properly over there all the way back through to the feather position foreign off the RPM is reducing and now into the feather position speed's still good we'll continue our left turn here debatable here whether or not we'd want to make a landing back at St Bart's perhaps potentially here we might want to continue through to Princess Juliana since it's a much easier approach longer Runway but for the sake of interest and for the sake of a bit of a challenge today we're going to return to Saint Barts back onto Runway 1-0 now in the meantime we've got the engine secure so the fuel selector again confirmed with the left and go through to the off position similar for the mixture and for the mags and the alternator [Music] fairly decent performance here on the single engine so we'll just come back slightly on both the throttle and the prop we'll come back to 25.25 [Music] and now we've got that prop feathered up as well we can start reducing that Rudder input a little definitely quite a lot of Swing there with the failed engine lots of Rudder required to Center up the ball which is really nice to see pretty decent single Legend handling overall from the aircraft probably unfortunately responding to my throttle inputs thereby looks of things probably going to be an issue periodically throughout the flight anyway we'll run through our engine failure checks just make sure we've got all the items there so I think your own flaps are selected up throttle was back at idle again we're going to have issues there with my Hardware bindings keep moving the control levers around prop again is set through to feather maintaining at least 100 knots again we're good on the speed doing about 120 more or less level here at a thousand feet on a bit of a left hand downwind currently we'll keep ourselves fairly close to the islands here to make our return approach so just secure the engine once again the mixture is set to idle cut off fuel boost pump interestingly that looks like it's in the low position must have been a bit of a misclick there earlier that's now off Magneto switches are off Cal flaps are closed [Music] and again we have the left alternator off monitoring that electrical loads a little bit tricky to see there behind the throttles but looks like we've got a high low now of course on the right alternator we are just losing a little bit of altitude here so we'll come fully back up on that live engine for now and again as you can see needing more right Rudder as we do so [Music] again I think we've got a slight uh Hardware issue there but you can see as you saw during the initial stages of the engine failure we can't feather the prop [Music] Anyway full power now on the live engine we're doing about 120 knots just about maintaining strain level [Music] but that is going to give us enough uh energy in hand here to make our way around the hills and back onto Runway 1-0 look at all damage X out of the way so brakes are checked and off undercarriage will hold particularly for now we don't want to give ourselves any more drag than we already have mixtures are rich fuel pumps we'll go to low on the live engine here just as a bit of redundancy and fuel quantity is of course still plenty of fuel on board plus instruments got two two five there on the HSI Sim on the compass ultimators are set bang lights are on harness is secure I'm starting now onto base again probably not an approach you'd be wanting to make single engine here in reality but for the sake of I thought a bit of an interesting challenge here we'll give it a go let's just say so far the aircraft handling pretty nicely the black Square aircraft do tend to have moderately customized flight models versus the default aircraft and that definitely shows here in terms of the single engine handling [Music] so as we've just discussed we'll hold the gear and the flaps until we're confident here that we're going to make the runway already see the runway just off the nose you can actually start reducing that power now and happy here we are going to clear the hill so we'll take the gear down [Music] you can start reducing that speed as well [Music] we'll come through to approach flaps and just holding off again on Landing flap until we're confident we are going to make the runway 500 into the white Arc that's checked 500. again I'm pretty happy here that we are going to make the runway no pictures fall fine undercarriage is down flaps are set coming all the way back on the power now we don't want to come in any higher than we currently are ideally there we want to be hugging the consoles of the Hill a little bit more so speed's good I'm not going to finesse the touchdown here too much we want to get the aircraft down and breaking let's touch down straight onto the brakes and braking pretty aggressively here but we are going to get the aircraft stopped before the end of the runway [Music] [Music] so just backtracking Runway one zero here on the single engine see the aircraft a little bit sluggish as a result we'll make our way past the terminal here we'll head off to the right can get ourselves parked up see if we can't find an engineer we'll just hold off until we've got their car stationary before we run through the offline checks that way we can keep a good look out here as we make the taxi just before we come to the open though we will get the landing lights off so vacating off to the right [Music] I'm going to get ourselves parked up here in front of the hangar building requested [Music] zero that's about zero six reduction then once again stationary pot rate can come on look at the pita Heats off same there for the still warning Heat and same as well for the strobe lights transponder can go off and the flaps can come up running through the offline checks then Landing lights and taxi lights [Music] get the tax lights off there as well are off laps are up trim tabs just set those back to zero so there's the elevator again open on the live engine fuel boost pump is off and for the shutdown checks the parking brake is set prop 3 to high RPM throttles leave the engine idling here around 1200. your Boost pumps are off electrical and avionics equipment so avonics Master off and the rest of the electrical equipment off there as well and lastly just shutting down the live engine so the number two [Music] bringing the mixture through the cut hole position could shut down on the right Max can come off and we'll get the alternator and the battery off so rather short but very eventful and hopefully enjoyable flight for you there in the black Square analog Baron so there you go guys I do hope you enjoyed our outing in the black Square analog Baron once again as with the Bonanza the King Air as well I would have to say that the baron is a real Triumph from the black Square team a really nice addition to the SIM again this video does aim to be an early access preview of the product so we're not going to review the aircraft in its entirety but overall really only good things to say about the b58 so long as you aren't too phased by the use of the default Baron model and a few limitations that does come along as a result of that for example no working doors on the aircraft no external fixtures and fittings then the black Square steam gauge overhaul of the aircraft as per usual offering a very deep system simulation of the b58 as well as a very nice set of custom steam gauges the flight modeling as well certainly significantly improved over the default version of the aircraft and the same goes with the aircraft sounds whilst the baron does make use of the default Soundset within the Sim there are a whole host of extra sounds added that really go to ramp up the immersion of the b58 one factor which is very important and certainly well worth noting given that the product is an overhaul of the default Baron you will need of course the baron available within your simulator so you will need to have purchased either the deluxe or the premium deluxe version of Microsoft flight simulator if you do satisfy that requirement though then certainly I can highly recommend the baron again I think it's an excellent product from black Square as we discussed during the introduction this is an early access look at the product just flight work kind enough to let me take an early access look at the add-on but nevertheless it comes across certainly as being very near to completion I think that's quite obvious from the video the systems depth of the aircraft really the Forte of the steam gauge overhaul series again I think that comes across quite clearly throughout the flight as we saw with the Bonanza the baron also comes in multiple variants so you have both the turbocharged the pressurized as well as the winglet version of the b58 as demonstrated during the video there are also multiple avionics options available for each variant of the aircraft so as with most of the black Square family plenty of variety plenty of customization available there with a little bit of background tweaking and fiddling around you can also make use of any default Baron deliveries that you currently own the aircraft also boasts 100 plus random or scheduled failures and obviously we took a look at one of those in the video here today as with their Bonanza black Square also claiming that the aircraft has the most advanced turbocharger simulation currently available within Microsoft flight simulator engine simulation as we saw during the startup again very nice overall for example the engines do model fouling Vape lock flooding backfires and again as we also saw with the analog Bonanza the baron here also models accurate VOR and ADF signal attenuation and noise degradation every circuit breaker has been modeled it can be pulled it can be tripped and you'll notice as well the correct systems logic behind each circuit breaker even details right down to the cabin environment again we saw we got pretty hot there on the ground in Saint Barts the aircraft's environmental control system is also fully modeled and will have to be managed by the pilot the aircraft does also come with a persistent State although as with the Bonanza there are certain systems that are affected by state-saving others which aren't hopefully as we've seen with other black Square products they'll continue to add to the state saving over time such that we get a more comprehensive persistent State on the aircraft anyway the aircraft systems I think it would be fair to say are right up there with any other add-on that I can think of off the top of my head in terms of GA aircraft within Microsoft flight simulator and really nice I think as well now that we have both the Bonanza the baron and the King Air you can really work your way up through the Beechcraft family in terms of the flying the flight model to me did feel much improved over the default version of the aircraft and black Square do really seem to be getting a handle now on making these changes to the default flight models I don't think you're necessarily going to get a flying experience quite up there with the likes the Blackbird assassin 310 the fly somewhere Cessna 414 but The Baron's flight model felt good overall and as you saw there during the single engine handling certainly plenty of Swing there with the engine failed quite a lot of Rudder required as well to correct I suspect as well they're looking at the airspeed indicator had we not balanced the aircraft out pretty quickly on the rudder we would have lost AirSpeed potentially losing control of the aircraft so overall the baron a nice challenge to fly it's only a very capable very high performance twin and I think it sits very nicely as well as I say between both the king air and the Bonanza graphically as ever black Square have done a very nice job with the aircraft as I think you can see here the gauges are pretty Exquisite and exacting in terms of their detail their smoothness despite the graphical overhaul the b58 is also pretty FPS friendly I was getting about 72 FPS in the aircraft versus around 80 in the default Cessna 152 that's pretty typical for this level of fidelity and certainly I'm happy to give up a few FPS for the level of depth that we have here on the add-on in terms of pricing the product is going to be going on sale for around 33 US dollars for those of you unfamiliar with the black Square steam gauge overhaul series that may well seem very expensive for what is essentially a default aircraft upgrade as I've mentioned in previous videos I was initially skeptical myself in terms of the pricing versus what you're going to be getting for your money but overall the product is very much worth that sort of price and again if you have purchased the Bonanza as well from just flight then you are also entitled to a 25 discount on the baron anyway in summary at the risk of repeating myself I do think the baron is another excellent offering from black Square another really nice addition to the sim a great upgrade to the default Baron again if you do specifically own either the deluxe or the premium deluxe version of Microsoft flight simulator hopefully we'll get the chance again in the not too distant future for another routing in the baron for now though I would just like to thank just flight once again for letting us take an early access look at the product thank you very much as well to my channel members and patrons for all of your support it is Thoroughly appreciated and thank you to all of you as well for watching the video I do hope you enjoyed it once again if you did please consider giving it a like and subscribing to the channel I hope you're all having a great day wherever you are take really good care and I will see you all again soon
Channel: Into the Blue Simulations
Views: 32,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Piper, Microsoft Flight Simulator, MSFS, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, Review, Full Flight, Realism, Realistic, Real Pilot, Flight Simulation, Addon, Add on, Flight Simulator, Just Flight, JustFlight, Study Level, Tutorial, Cold and Dark, Black Square, Steam Gauge, Overhaul, Analogue, Beechcraft, B58, B-58, B 58, Baron
Id: 9gDLvdHuYzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 14sec (1994 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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