From Dealer to Dirt | Why I Bought A 2022 KLR 650

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[Music] so eight months ago i made a video explaining why i was not gonna buy a 2022 klr 650. i guess i've got some more explaining to do so the reason that i made that video back eight months ago saying that i was not going to buy this bike was because originally i had been talking about possibly buying this before we really knew what it was going to be and back then i kind of hoped that it was going to be more of a direct competitor for the other bike that i just bought last year which is the tener a 700 and then when the specs for this bike came out and it looked a lot more like the old gen 2 that i had before the 10 array i decided nah it's just not really worth it to buy just to do comparison videos on and i kind of just left it at that made the video and after talking to a bunch of you guys in the comments of that video and doing some live streams and stuff i i started to realize that i i think i was wrong i think while this bike is not a direct competitor of the tener a 700 i think just due to the price and the ability of the bikes they really are kind of a good set of bikes to compare because the type of person that's going to be looking at either one of these is really only kind of set with these two options and that's it of course there's likes like jerry's got up there and there's the africa twin i could buy two of these bikes for the price of one pan america i decided that i'm gonna pass you on the left here the klr 650 uh because it's three grand cheaper than the tener a 700 is much more in in reach uh just in general and kind of opens the door to a lot more consumers so i think uh for me it was a smart move for that reason i think it'll hopefully be good to get the the comparisons out there you know there's a lot of people out there that that are comparing them but uh i think there's very few that actually own the bike most of the time it's they just bought it or they just uh just borrowed it from from a dealership to ride it for uh you know half hour 45 minutes and they're probably not doing stuff like this man these i could tell these tires do not grab nearly as well as the tractionators do but other than that man this this is a fun bike i i actually waited until we got to the trail to fire this up i pushed it into the trailer at the dealership and i i guess i should have been filming it but i just got a big smile on my face i i love my tannerite if you guys watch my other videos if you don't you should hit that subscribe button i put a video every weekend now videos on the the gen 3 kr but i just had the biggest smile on my face and uh that ten array i absolutely love that machine and there's something about that motor and that whole suspension setup that is just a beautiful thing but there's a there's just something about that the beauty and simplicity of the old klr and just that that single cylinder thump i i don't know and it's it's really comfy i think i i'm definitely certain that this is quite a bit more comfortable than the tentari 700 now that the tender is bad uh but this i don't know this just feels good the seat's nice and comfy the handlebars are in the right spot why is my comb beeping hopefully jerry's not sideways in a puddle back there well let's take a commercial break i guess the bars do feel a little bit close to me when i'm standing up the foot pegs are also way too squishy not used to that at all do not like that when i first got my gen 2 they really didn't bother me i was confused why everybody was complaining about them being so squishy and slippery but now i've seen the other side now i know why people switch to big fat metal ones whoa holy water bottle what is going on here i don't think we want to do that whoa yep nope that's over my boots almost i don't know if it's because this thing is just a little bit closer to the ground but supposedly this is the same weight as the the ten array and i don't know i'm gonna have to buy some scales and weigh them both it does not feel heavier boy it starts smooth gotta love that efi or i guess maybe you hate it let me know what you think of that down in the comment box i'm glad it's got it probably going to be looking at doing the a two wheel dyno works reflash on this as well as a number of other things so like i said earlier if you want to see how the ten array or that's nra how they came along i gotta get used to saying that again if you wanna see how the the klr ends up looking here make sure you stay subscribed and keep watching the videos as they come out because we got big plans for it so i remembered absolutely everything else before uh we headed out here and to mount all my camera equipment in the parking lot bought my trail pass while i was still at the dealership after i paid for the bike and got all over the trail got all the cameras on the bikes and realized that of course there's not any gas in it so we're we're hoping that it doesn't run out of gas on the side of the trail that wasn't blinking when we left and we've got what seven miles on now so hopefully we can at least get a little bit more riding in the nearest gas station is probably 20 minutes away all you gotta do is make it back to the truck it though sounds pretty good i think you actually hear the motor more than you do the the exhaust i don't know if i'll fix that or not i think i might have a little bit of a hard time spending 300 bucks on a pipe suspension feels good on it though it's it's soft but i don't think it's too soft the windshield i think could be a little bit taller it's not bad where it is it kind of seems like it could be a bit of a guillotine issue you'd throw your throw yourself onto the bars a little hard but having that stuck up straight i think would look a lot better other than that though i really like how this thing looks the orange is not nearly as bright as i thought it'd be it really is a kind of a burnt orange but i don't mind it whoa leaves make things interesting probably would have been worth filming but we did have it out on the pavement for a little bit and i think i hit almost 70. with no tack it's kind of hard to tell exactly where you're at but uh it didn't feel like it was struggling um i mean even the 10 array i think is around six grand at 70. obviously that red line's at 10 000. but uh it felt good i would say better like i said than the than the gen two the other thing that i've really noticed about it compared to the the tannery that i really like is how much easier it is to get my feet on the ground uh i think the seat height is maybe a hair shorter than the old gen two was uh i believe it's somewhere around the same as the ten array but the tenera has such a wide seat on it and maybe just the the suspension squishing down a little bit easier on this one makes it feel lower but it definitely feels good it gives me a little bit more confidence that's for sure the tires and the slippery lane laid mud like jerry says are not confidence aspiring though i think i am going to burn these off definitely need to get some crash bars on here but uh i think i'm going to make do with them rather than switching them out right away like i did on the 10 array see what they see what they do for me boy this thing does shift nice it i don't think i don't think it it pulls easier than the oh boy a little bit more slop in there than i'd like but i don't think it pulls any easier than the ten array yeah maybe it does though definitely better than the gen 2 that's for sure [Applause] there is a a bit of a squeak going on though i don't know if that's the chain they didn't put any oil on it now i don't think it is the chain because i think it goes with motor speed i don't know what that is that the signal lights bounce around all over the place i guess maybe you guys have noticed that by now they seem like kind of an odd place and they they seem like they're not really attached very well either but i guess they're still there for now anyway ah what a beautiful fall day and yeah this thing i don't know it is comfortable like i said the the bars being whoa yeah man these tires do not grab near as well and i guess maybe that could that be the geometry i don't know the front end feels pretty light on here so i like so much of what the tenor is the kind of relaxed rake on it really makes the front end feel light and feel like a dirt bike but i don't know this this really does too i just in general i i don't know i'm gonna have to get a weight on both of these this feels feels lighter of course when i have six gallons of gas in it it won't but it will be nice to be able to go 300 miles on a tank again or whatever it is two something probably the 10 array i get 140 and then i got to fill up fuel light's not blinking yet yeah i would say i'm definitely happy with my purchase though this this bike makes me smile it will be interesting to to get a little bit more protection on it and push the tires a little bit see what they can do maybe get some different tires on it put this thing through its paces take it over some jumps maybe hit a little bit of single track here and there i saw my wife the other day i think maybe it's just because i haven't owned the tentery all that long but i i think partially it's also just that when i had my my gen 2 it was kind of what i caught my teeth on and as far as uh really awkward bikes and especially kind of more adventure style bikes but i just never really uh i haven't yet anyways developed near the connection with my itinerary that i have with the the old klr and uh like i said don't get me wrong i love that that tenera but i don't know i guess the the klr and i had a lot of good times so hopefully the the new klr and i will have a lot of good times too michael that squeak is annoying oh man what a beautiful day how do you guys like the the camera on the back there did they get just like a lot of rain up here not the line i would have chosen but i guess that works what a beautiful place oh that would be neutral oh that's another thing i suppose i should have mentioned that when i was talking about foot pegs before but i do have a bit of a hard time squeezing my boot down underneath the shifter i guess i really can't even do it when i'm standing hardly i kind of have to scoop myself all the way up against the tank to really even get my foot under it and then then it feels okay it would be nice to be able to shift from a little more relaxed seating position but maybe some different pegs will help that out whoa so for you guys whoa playing pinball in there and i bet that camera's covered so for you guys that follow the channel i'm putting this out as soon as i possibly can you'll see it a week after i filmed it just to try to get this content pushed out and i think that's what i'm going to do with the klr videos is kind of intersperse them with the stuff that i recorded throughout the summer i still got quite a bit on the ten array and the and the tw that i need to get out to you guys but i want to get this stuff out two before it before it turns snowy so you might see some uh some green leaves one day and the beautiful fall colors and maybe even a little bit of snow the next like i said before if you guys are new to the channel and you want to see more videos like this make sure you hit the subscribe button click the bell after you subscribe so lets you know anytime i put a video out of that guys take care stay safe stay swanky get out and enjoy this beautiful world for yourself if you can but hey if you can't check out some more videos you
Views: 5,281
Rating: 4.9475064 out of 5
Keywords: 2022 KLR 650 off road, 2022 KLR 650 off road capability, 2022 KLR 650 crash bars, 2022 KLR 650 tires, 2022 KLR 650 upgrades, 2022 KLR 650 off road protection, 2022 KLR 650 Review, 2022 KLR 650 off road review, 2022 KLR 650 on road, 2022 KLR 650 highway, 2022 KLR 650 road performance, 2022 KLR 650 road review, 2022 KLR 650 trail riding, 2022 KLR 650 trail ride review, 2022 KLR 650 single track, 2022 KLR Off Road, Gen 3 KLR 650, 2022 Kawasaki KLR 650, 2022 KLR650
Id: aoEVDISzblA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 16 2021
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