From ABANDONED to BADASS! Buick Budget Build (P5)

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welcome back to vice grip garage this is it it's part 5 of 5 on the 1963 buick lesabre aka the slobber also known as the sabre which is spanish for oil lantern she was being used as a parts car and been off the road for about two decades guys snagged her up did get her back on the road i even put about 17 pounds of makeup on her but it's time to get her right before i send her down to auction today i gotta fix on the brakes we want them about hefty 14 15 gooder and then the rear end it's like forrest gump i mean she's just running around all over the place on me got to fix that and then we got to get the mechanical fuel pump back in this thing i got so many digitals under the hood not quite sure what's going on but we gotta hurry i got bingo at four [Applause] i think the first thing a guy's gonna do is just get her up in the air and i'm gonna snap all the brake bleeders off trying to bleed the brakes and then probably just leave them guys probably gonna do another scan on the underneath since i'm selling on it but look at this rocker that thing is solid pretty remarkable actually now that i got my brake juice circulator 2000 bleeding on these brakes is pretty easy i'm gonna start in the rear here this is what you'd expect to find just an old rusty bleeder i got her cracked on her right now but what i was surprised to find is we got some shine up on that one on there do you see that so at some point probably right before it was parked because the wheel cylinder itself is rusty but that one was probably replaced and then we got some bushings down here to take care of look at that one right there she's just shot of course there's one right here you gotta adjust on them a little bit but we'll start by snapping this off and seeing how much juice we can get out guys are just gonna be hunched under here all day i got that motor on the overhead door you know she hangs down there if you got one of the wall mountain spinning units laying around and you want to put her in for me get a hold of a guy you should see some juice coming pretty soon i just i ain't getting any circulation must have a leak in this line dang it figures i've got negative usage if a 719 horsepower air compressor ain't gonna do her i'm gonna back that bleeder all the way out shoot some carb juice down there try to free her up she could be stuck and just not bleeding on the valve right and then we'll throw her back in and try it again so that was definitely it i ran her through the hip mounted jeep poker cleaned her up then your straw and your carburetor cleaner fits right in there and just shoot some juice through these now i can actually breathe through it so we should get plenty of juice back out now guy does have to be careful with this unit because she's got this little resivor in here not a lot of juice to go around i'm gonna try that again there might just be a ton of air in that line because i only bled the master cylinder when i put this on and i wasn't kidding when i said going home this thing had two percent breaks i mean maybe three percent anywho back to bleeding hopefully this side will percolate a little easier i'm gonna stop there go up make sure the resivor is full and cap her off up here on the front we've got some anglization to the bleeder there and just a reminder whenever possible fillers get a socket like one of them 72 point sockets on those bleeders because you usually only get one shot before you just melt them right around and strip them off for life and then you're in there with the vice grip and heat and all sorts of stuff soak them down with some get them out juice this one's coming right out and then we'll do the same over here i got it soaked down and then hopefully that'll ease right back out look at the build up on this look at this gracious but new drum at some point new drum at some point someone kind of actually sort of cared for this rig to be honest and normally if these got stuck big or they were drove in the winter a lot you'd see some of that chain hook scarring and this doesn't have any i don't think she was driven a winner much which probably explains why there's such a lack of rust there's this on each side and that is basically it frame is in excellent condition no issues there whatsoever floor pans look great even up on the front here pretty pretty remarkable actually for 63. especially around these parts you just don't see that this side's going nice and easy of course she's closer to the master cylinder but already got plenty of juice there i'll run a little bit more out though before i drop this on the ground it was kind of cool because you can see all the old junk on the bottom and you can see the new juice just floating on the top but this is all the residual stuff we succulated out of the lines and the proportioning valve and all that got this capped off up top here so i think that's going to do it for the stop laters probably good enough i like how much of the hood insulation this is just eaten and not even cared i did find the air cleaner for this just gotta find the old wing nut and we'll put that back together i might even have an air filtration no i don't i don't think but that's okay we should probably at least cap that off so it stops chewing on insulation gonna move on to the bushings in the rear try to at least get that done before bingo i think i probably can nope well that's new i guess i'm gonna stop working on the car and try to fix that [Music] i got sidetracked at dinner old timer said snow was coming so i swapped the tires on the daily here i'm not sure what these are yama sushis yoko sushis i don't know they got plenty of bite left on them though they should work one of them leaks severely but we'll just keep putting slime in it and if you're not used to snow fillers the best thing that you want to do is run these pizza cutters because you just want to slice through it well the guys got her just jammed up in an incisor here i also take care of this here close hanger take the boat out rig and actually i looked at this for about 15 12 seconds i don't know i don't know no one was running a hitch off this shirley right i'm just i'm confused if you've got an idea or you had an old timer that did this let me know what this is for because i'm curious i never seen such likes but she's just rigged on here into the bumper bolts take them out and then we got a nine forward slash 16. there's two of those up here and i can get both these bars off and clean all this up then i can come back down into here and finish fixing on that which i already started but i'll kind of show you what we got going on in there guy got tired of crouching so i popped out here for a minute if you've never been underneath a buick here let's talk about this rear end setup for a minute but first just take another gander at the frame here that's really unique and pretty mind bottling worked really good this ryan became really popular and common in the 60s and 70s but buick and gm kind of started it it's really basic but works really good for performance and ride quality basically on the bottom here you've got your trailing arms some call them control arms some call them the stick that does the thing with spring on it but they do a couple things they keep the rear end from moving side to side to keep the rear end from twisting or axle wrap when you accelerate on it your axle wants to twist with all that torque you know and then it also keeps it from pivoting this way so you don't dog lager down the highway basically keeps the tire centered in your wheel well so on and then you have up here coming from the frame across to your axle is a panhard bar and some call them a track bar actually a lot call them a track bar mostesses people anyway it's a track bar and these bushings are really common to get shot well i mean there you go these are just absolutely toasted and that's the main issue with the car and the sole duty of this guy here is to keep the axle centered under the car and without those bushings this ran wants to wander puts extra stress on these bushings and subsequently makes them look like this kind of a weird egg shape just trash these other three are fairly bad but this one absolutely has to be replaced so that's what i'm doing right now circle back around this in a minute anywho back up here so keep an eye on this i'm going to push the body so the axle is going to stay stationary and watch the movement that's basically what's going on continuously down the road not very favorable so we're gonna pull that out and we're gonna put in new polyurethane bushings which is superior to what's in it now grease these up that'll be pretty easy and i got this on the way here the bottom control arm bushing you could do this in your driveway just get your floor jack under here you're going to want to run some heat on this here you can see where i did until you get a nice cherry and then i just use a pneumatic caveman and just pound that out this way and then we'll do the same thing putting the other one in and you just jack it press it back into place over here when the car's on the ground this bolt head will be hidden up behind here and it looks impossible to get to what a guy's got to do is jack up the body when the body raises then you can get a sock gap on this side snip your wrench up in here and those are 15 and 16. so i'm going to get that out really quick and then we'll press those new bushings in get this taken care of first and then we'll come back to that this has been quite the project but i think i'm making some ground finally it was not easy getting these out i almost busted out the heat but i used a pneumatic caveman again with a couple different digit removers and i was able to get them out of there i did scar it up just a little bit so i came back with this small rock spoiler i was able to get in here and hone them out a little bit clean them up i got this side to do yet and i might even you know why not guys board got time and then those other bushings push in from both sides these push in from one side flush so they really just get jammed in there but these new pollies should just boop and then you put the centerpiece in and ready to rock i didn't paint on her but i did put the date up here for the next guy so he knows what's going on looks pretty good use the new bolt hardware that came with it as well and even with this unhooked there's no movage that thing is solid that axle's not moving side to side so that part should hopefully get here pretty soon sun's going down get this put back in get this bolted up and then we can move up to the fuel system up there and get that finished up got her finished up got all the tools cleaned up that surely did fix it you can see now there's no side to side whatsoever now we can get up here on this fuel pump get all this digital electric stuff off all the temporary hose and get this mechanical pump hooked back up and i do know for a fact that that one works ask me how i know that so anyway guys gonna put new line in this one is just i don't trust on it it runs through the frame and then it shoots out back here comes down right here and then this will plug in to the inline this is a new one that i put in oh it's a temporary line but we'll get this one out put a new line in follow the same path right on the hot exhaust but i don't like how the fitting was originally on the fuel pump it was like this kind of went off something over like that so this fuel line was up and it had a really sharp bend in it i didn't really like that so i'm going to try to change this to a 90 if i can so it's more of a natural right into that snip it right on with that new line and then i think that's good to go i did notice this must have got hit i don't know if they were pushing it with the forklift or something but this is bent and this is bent and a chunk of the shroud is missing but everything clears but i just now noticed that this isn't bent up at all or anything so i must have just whoops maybe it was a jack hard to say wasn't me at least for once that's nice it's got a block heater in it all be dipped where does that go right up here guys going to use the old fuel line to pull in the new fuel line all the electricians watch right now are going yep yeah of course why yeah why wouldn't you i got my fuel line on roller 330 xl hooked up standard issue finger trap which is a twirly tape two vertical strips so that ain't coming off well that failed not the idea but my 3m duct tape is no longer sticky i'm not sure what's going on there but this is junk so i moved on and grabbed a piece of welding rod and i fished that through the frame up to the front and basically this would be like a fiberglass wool rod and we'll just kind of gently pull this through here easy maybe feed her a little slack there's some clips and stuff that it's got to go through as well it's a pretty tight fit in there easy there we go so now that goes right through the factory position straight through the frame and now we can just snip it right here and we'll have it back the way it was and run that up to that should be good to go if you guys have ever made a bone-headed mistake that never happens right i'll show you mine though if you put yours down in the comments mine was just i knew this i knew this was gonna happen i'd just forgotten so maybe i didn't know i did nude anyway the fuel pump pumps sure enough we saw that but what i had forgotten is when i hit it with fuel it leaks severely the diaphragm gasket up there shot tried tightening it backing it off retorculating it nothing so the fuel pump's got to come out anyway vice grips to the rescue shut the fuel down remodulated on that but i i had 58 gallons of gasoline just everywhere so now i got to drop the car back down snip that pump off and i'm going to do the right thing and just see if i can rebuild on it for 12 bucks because i'm probably not going to find one anywhere around here and if i did it'd probably be 50 60 bucks new not doing that standard issue mechanical fuel pumpage with the lever this one's greased up so i'm going to put her over here in the sonic parts washer it'll clean up she's pretty dirty though that means fast forward i don't know 30 minutes give or take here's something cool if you remember part one of this i tasted the oil i went yup we got heavy gas and usually that means someone tried to start on it for a long time just flooded her down washed the cylinder walls or you've got a fairly tired engine and the rings just aren't doing what they normally do did not suspect the fuel pump yet because i just hadn't gotten that far well i'll be look at this went ahead and rebuilt on this course and she's looking pretty decent but here's the stem that's completely shot and this goes over the diaphragm shaft here and that's what keeps the oil on the oil side and the fuel on the fuel side well when the diaphragm is completely shot like this and worthless in the stem seal shot you're basically pumping gas right into the crankcase and i am 97 positive that's what was going on here this isn't perfectly clean but it's fairly goodish enough again i dated it for the next guy got the hose this goes up to that fuel filter got that put on already so we'll just jam this back in the car and fire this thing back up guys got her in down there test fired it runs great no leaks replaced a couple vacuum lines got the air cleaner back on and i just misted it way up here more like with some gloss black you could still see some rust showing through but looks more real that way than just caking on the paint of course cleaned up that a little bit got the digital fuel pump all out of here and all those temporary lines and the wires running plugged in the high beams again tested those them are working so i think that's it car is done about time we just take this thing out now and just give her a proper testing i almost forgot to mention nice guy named kent reached out to me said he's been doing automotive glass repair for over 30 years that's a lot of windshields said he wanted to help me get this thing straightened out since the front one's broken so he came out and together we did the right thing we took a broken windshield out and we put another broken windshield in but this one's not as bad there's just one big crack right in the driver's view but it doesn't have that hole in it anymore so and he did good work i mean i thought it was going to take a day he had this thing done and i think was only like an hour and a half or something i just kind of walked around and picked on stuff with screwdrivers so appreciate it well i'm going to back this thing outside and let's rip her down the highway man this thing runs great oh yeah she's hugging the road like a newborn diaper that sway is completely gone man this thing moves you know this ain't a house broke cat she's a wild cat [Music] whoa whoa gotta modulate better [Music] sounds just it's combination broken exhaust slash rod and muffler they're just balancing each other they're in harmony yeah this one's gonna be really hard to sell what a rig what a rag this is such a nice car actually it's really solid it's not going to take a lot to finish this thing off or if i were to keep it man i'd probably just leave it just like this honestly kind of got that sleeper thing going on fix the window of course but we'll turn my heater on ah there we go i'm just gonna keep driving to be honest that's 410 and the dynaflo it comes on right now [Music] baby [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] i'm gonna load her up on the car trailer here get her back to minneapolis and send her off to the new owner this was a lot of fun i enjoyed it a lot hope you guys did as well thank you guys for watching and we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Vice Grip Garage
Views: 704,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motortrend, roadkill, vice grip garage, vise grip garage, vgg, barn, farm, garage, find, will, it, start, run, buick, wildcat, 401, 410, 425, budget, build, revival, rescue, lesbre, nailhead, burnout, fuel pump, rear end, track bar, dynaflow
Id: 87BBpD8LlGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 20sec (1580 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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